The world around us is the topic of what surrounds us. Summary of a group lesson on getting to know the world around us “What surrounds us? Completing tasks in the workbook


Type: lesson of learning new material.

Technology: gaming

Form of conduct : frontal, group, individual.

Lesson Objectives

Educational : begin to form a holistic understanding of the world of the Earth, form concepts about living and inanimate nature, about the man-made world (human products), continue to develop the skill of relating a real object and its symbol.

Developmental : develop cognitive skills: observe, compare, classify objects of the surrounding world, highlighting the essential features of a group of homogeneous objects, the ability to analyze, draw simple conclusions.

Educating : to cultivate trusting relationships, accuracy when working with a textbook-notebook, the ability to communicate, work in groups, interest in studying the world around us.

Didactic goal: familiarization with the concept of “the world around us” and its components.

We remember the rules of work in the lesson

I. Report the topic of the lesson.

Look, my dear friend,

What's around?

The sky is light blue,

The golden sun is shining,

The wind plays with the leaves,

A cloud floats in the sky.

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, animals and forests.

Thunder, fog and dew.

Man and season -

It's all around... (nature).


Today we will learn what “nature” is and what surrounds us.

II. Learning new material.

What sounds did you hear on the way to school?

What smells did you smell on the way to school?

What interesting things did you see?

What sense organs helped you perceive and sense objects in the world around you?


View from a helicopter the private plot of the Ivanov family and the surrounding area. What did you see?

Look at the clue pictures on the left. What do these items have in common?

Look at the clue pictures on the right. What do these items have in common?

Compare both groups of items with each other. What is the difference?(The sun, air, water, birds, plants, stones are not made by human hands, unlike a fence, brick, bicycle, dress, wooden frame.)

BEGINNING OF THE SCHEME " WHAT surrounds us" nature ---- human products

We are surrounded by the natural world, which is not created by human hands, NAME IT (sun, water, soil, plants, animals),

and products that are made by manNAME (houses, clothes, cars)


Nature - COTTON, human products - quiet

(sun, snow, cat, house, car, man, bridge, mushroom, table, tree, refrigerator, rainbow, sparrow, telephone)

What do you think nature is like?

(Living and non-living)


How do you think living nature differs from nonliving nature?
- Let's check your assumption.

What will happen to a piece of ice if we hold it in our hands?

Yes, the piece of ice will cease to exist. But can we turn water into ice again?

Imagine that I broke off a twig from a plant. Will it be possible to attach this branch back to a living plant?

Guys, birth and death are the first signs of living things.

What happens if you plant a broken twig in the ground? (will increase)

Can water multiply itself if we take away some of it?

The ability to reproduce is the second sign of life.

In order for your pets to live with you for a long time, what do they need?

Nutrition is the third sign of life

A puppy will definitely turn into a dog, a kitten into a cat, a duckling into a duck.

What does this mean?

Growth is the fourth sign of life .

Let's remember what signs of living nature we “derived.” (SLIDE)

SLIDE rules for working in pairs

2. Work in pairs (divide the pictures into living and inanimate nature)

Checking against the SLIDE standard


4. Work on a printed notebook (task 8).

First, children mark with a “dot” the drawings where the products are depicted and list them: a lollipop “cockerel on a stick”, a drawing of a frog princess, a Hare toy, a Snail toy, a Cheburashka. Then they select a pair for each product from the remaining drawings (the remaining drawings also depict a rooster, snail, frog, hare, but these are already objects of living nature).

What do paired drawings have in common?(The bodies of living nature and human products are similar in external features, by which we recognize that there is a cockerel on a stick, a soft toy represents a hare, and a toy on wheels represents a snail.)

What makes paired drawings different?(Some depict “live” hare, frog and rooster, while others depict human products.)

Why was Cheburashka left without a mate?

( Cheburashka is fictional animal , which does not exist in nature, so it has no mate in living nature.)

Find among the pictures those that relate to living nature. Think about how they can be called in one word.(A living hare, frog, rooster are animals.)

Give examples of other animals you know.

III. Consolidation of the studied material.

Solve the crossword puzzle “Living and inanimate nature” and read the keyword.

1. Touch, just touch -

You withdraw your palm:

The grass burns

Like fire.

2. In the summer he runs,

And in winter it’s worth it.

3. The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens from the village.

4. Motley fidget,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one.

5. Well, which of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker?

6. In this white chest

We store food on the shelves.

It's hot outside,

There are refrigerators in the chest.

7. What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round.

ANSWERS: 1. Nettle. 2. River. 3. Fox. 4. Magpie. 5. Sun. 6. Refrigerator. 7. Christmas tree.

Keyword: nature.

IV. Lesson summary.

What is nature?

What kind of nature is there?(Living and non-living.)

Name the signs of living nature; signs of inanimate nature.

What was the goal at the beginning of the lesson?

Who reached the goal (on target )

Type: developing lesson on a problem basis.

Type: lesson on learning new material.

Technology: gaming.

Form of conducting: group, individual.

Time: 1st lesson on the topic “The world around us”.

Lesson Objectives

  1. Educational
  2. : begin to form a holistic understanding of the world of the Earth, form concepts about living and inanimate nature, about the man-made world (human products), continue to develop the skill of relating a real object and its symbol.
  3. Developmental
  4. : develop cognitive skills: observe, compare, classify objects of the surrounding world, highlighting the essential features of a group of homogeneous objects, the ability to analyze, draw simple conclusions.
  5. Educating
  6. : to cultivate trusting relationships, accuracy when working with a textbook-notebook, the ability to communicate, work in groups, interest in studying the world around us.

Equipment: textbook-notebook “The world around us” 1 class, 1 hour. (O.T. Poglazova, ed. “Association XXI Century”, 2001); “Atlas for kids”; subject pictures depicting objects of living and inanimate nature, the man-made world; cards with key words, drawings with symbols, a drawing with the image of an “artist”.

Basic concepts: living, inanimate nature, man-made world (human products).

Board design. (The board is designed during the lesson ).


I. Organizational moment

Greetings. Relaxation game.

Good afternoon, guys, sit down comfortably. Listen to me:

The tension has flown away...
And the whole body is relaxed,
And the whole body is relaxed...
It's like we're lying on the grass...
The sun is shining now...
Our hands are warm...
Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...
Everything is wonderfully relaxing...
We understand what it is
State of rest

We are calm, we feel good, it’s easy.

II. Motivational start of the lesson

Teacher's story about a fantastic dream.

Imagine that you fell asleep one day, as usual, and suddenly you have a fantastic dream... It’s as if you were sent on a rocket into space to a distant planet that no one has ever flown to from Earth. The flight was successful, and you found yourself among aliens unknown to you, who know nothing at all about Earth. Somehow, gradually you learned to understand each other and a conversation began between you.

Where are you from? - the aliens asked.

We are from… what planet? (Earth) - you answered

Where is she? (You told how you flew to their planet).

What is it like, your planet Earth? What is there?

And you began to tell: it is round, very big and beautiful. There is …

III. Updating basic knowledge

(Conversation based on personal experience).

What is there on our planet Earth? (A map appears on the board with an image of the Earth and its objects.)

Imagine and tell us what surrounds us? (Children name objects of nature and the man-made world).

IV. Statement of the problem situation

(Exit on the topic of the lesson).

I suggest opening the textbook, page 22.

The artist (I place a drawing with the image of the “artist” on the board), who heard about such a fantastic story, drew 2 pictures: the first he brought to Earth from that planet, and the second he left as a souvenir of our Earth to the aliens. Pay attention to the second picture. What is it that the artist depicted? (Objects of the world around us).

So, the topic of our lesson “What surrounds us”(I place cards with words on the board).

The artist transferred the picture about the Earth to drawings. Page 23, task 2.

  • How many drawings did he make? (3)
  • Why did he distribute these objects in this way? Let's reveal the artist's secret.

V. Learning new material

1. Work in groups.

In order for the work to proceed successfully, we divided into groups. Let's remember the rules of collaboration. (Work together: be attentive to each other, polite, do not get distracted, do not interfere with each other).

You are kind, calm, you are confident. You will succeed.

Group 1 works with the 1st drawing.

Group 2 - with the 2nd picture.

Group 3 - with the 3rd picture.

Your task is to carefully examine these objects. Think about the characteristics by which they are combined into one group. Try to name this group and supplement it with other objects (subject pictures depicting objects of living and inanimate nature, the man-made world in each group).

The teacher monitors the progress of work in groups.

So what have we got? 2nd group, tell me what is shown in the picture? (Hedgehog, butterfly, elephant, mushrooms, dog, apple, pear).

What are the common signs, why are they combined into one group? (They breathe, eat, grow, reproduce, die).

What did you supplement them with? (Children name the selected objects and attach them to the board.)

What would you call this group of objects? (Alive). The “WILDLIFE” card appears on the board.

1st group. Objects of inanimate nature: sun, cloud, stones, mountains, rain. Children draw a conclusion. The “NON-LIVING NATURE” card appears on the board. Complement with other objects.

3rd group. The artist depicted a book, a key, a lock, a chest, a candle, a dagger, and a chain. These objects were created by man. Human products or man-made world. (I attach the “MAN-MADE WORLD” card to the board). Students complete them with other objects.

2. Circuit modeling.

What do the objects of living and inanimate nature have in common? (They were created by nature itself).

What can you say about a person’s products? (They were created by man himself; they do not belong to nature).

Is man a nature? (Yes, it is a living creature).

Let's try to draw a diagram and draw a conclusion. Let's rearrange these cards. (On the board, the children, with the help of the teacher, make a diagram.)

CONCLUSION: nature is everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands. It can be living or non-living. Man is a living being.

3. Physical education minute.

A game of attention. The teacher shows objects, the children perform movements: an object of living nature - they show how it moves; object of inanimate nature - standing still without moving; product of a person - hands show. (Rain, snow, crow, sunflower, squirrel, mountain, boy, pencil, book, grasshopper, wind, house...)

VI. Creative work

Look carefully at how the artist conventionally depicted objects of living and inanimate nature, the man-made world (the teacher attaches conventional signs to the board).

What symbols can you suggest? Draw them in your notebook in rectangles. (Children draw and justify their choice).

Task 3, pp. 24-25.

The artist offers the following task. He drew the alphabet in pictures, but forgot to draw letters and symbols of objects. Let's help him. (The teacher provides individual assistance. This assignment can be completed in an after-school group).

VII. The result of the work

Tell me, guys, what secret of the artist did we discover today?

What new things have you learned?

Everyone was friendly and active. We learned a lot of new and interesting things.

Look, my dear friend,
What's around?
The sky is light blue,
The golden sun is shining,
The wind plays with the leaves,
A cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass,
Mountains, air and foliage,
Birds, animals and forests,
Thunder, fog and dew.
Man and season -
It's all around... (nature).

VIII. Game “Smile”

(Relieve tension).

Both nature and human creations delight us. Let's smile at each other and say thank you to everyone.

The lesson has a pronounced developmental character. Children, in an interesting playful way, get acquainted with the concepts of living and inanimate nature, the man-made world in the form of group work, which is especially relevant and productive in the process of learning new material. The lesson uses modern techniques: motivation, relaxation, reflection, modeling elements.

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Slide captions:

around What surrounds us

Z E M L I, where you and I live! Just look around: There’s a river here, there’s a green meadow. There is a huge house on Earth Under a blue roof The sun, rain and thunder live in it Forest and sea surf We can’t count all the miracles They have one name Forests and mountains and seas - Everything is called EARTH! And if you fly into space, from the window of the rocket you will see our blue ball, your beloved planet!

Thank you, forest, for everything: For the silence of solitude, For the scattering of bird voices, And the warmth of touch.

Not all the earth is called soil, only the top fertile layer, only in it, when the sun warms up, do seeds germinate in the spring. But the moist humus of fallen leaves will not soon become good arable land, The grass fades every year, It only takes a long time for the soil layer to grow.

I let a warm ray of light come through your window glass, I float out from behind the clouds - And it becomes light! I am the Sun, I warm the Birds, the tree, the stream... And I don’t at all regret my golden rays!

Long-legged Rain stomped along the country road. He drummed and rustled: “I have so much to do.” I will water everything in order, the forest, fields, gardens and garden beds. I will make bigger puddles, Deeper than the sea, wider rivers! I'll wash the windows and roofs... And then I went quieter, Drip, Drip, Drip... and stopped, Because the rain got tired.

2 Lesson No. 1 “What surrounds us? Living and inanimate nature.”

Lesson No. 1 "What surrounds us? Living and inanimate nature."

1.Organizational moment:

A) Greeting

Teacher: Good morning, guys.

We came here to study

Don't be lazy, but work hard,

We listen carefully,

We work diligently.

B) Motivational start of the lesson
Teacher: Today in class we will take a fascinating journey into the natural world! And you will need attention, observation and intelligence. If we close our eyes, we won't see anything. There was nothing but darkness until a large, sparkling blue ball appeared. (slide) This is our planet Earth. Life begins…. The world shimmers dazzlingly. Our lesson begins. (slide)

Teacher's story about a fantastic dream.

Imagine that one day you fell asleep as usual and suddenly you have a fantastic dream... It’s as if they sent you on a rocket into space to a distant planet that no one has ever flown to from Earth. The flight was successful, and you found yourself among aliens unknown to you, who know nothing at all about Earth. Somehow, gradually you learned to understand each other, and a conversation began between you:

- Where are you from? - the aliens asked.

- We are from… what planet? (Earth) - you answered.

- What is it like, your planet Earth? What is there? And you began to tell: it is round, very big and beautiful. There is...

2.Updating basic knowledge

Teacher: - What is there on our planet Earth?

Children: - trees, flowers, animals, people, houses, rivers, seas...

3. Statement of a problem situation (exit to the topic of the lesson)

Let's think:

What surrounds us?

What two groups can the objects of the surrounding world be divided into?

Children: -Nature and everything that is made by human hands. Teacher: - So, the topic of our lesson is to read “What surrounds us” (slide)

Teacher: What educational task do you think needs to be solved in class and why do we need it?

Children: - Learn more about the world around us, expand our horizons.

4.Learning new material:

1. Group work

Teacher: In order for the work to proceed successfully, we will open a research laboratory with you and divide ourselves into rows. Let's remember the rules of collaboration.

Children: - work together, be attentive to each other, polite, do not get distracted, do not interfere with each other. Teacher: You are kind, calm, you are confident. You will succeed.

1st group works with 1st drawing

Group 2 works with the 2nd drawing

Group 3 works with the 3rd drawing

Your task is to look carefully at these objects and think: (slide)

1. On what basis are items combined?

2.What can you call this group of objects?

3.Add other items (paint on)

Teacher: - what did you do? Group 2, tell us what is shown in the picture?

Students: - hedgehog, butterfly, elephant, mushrooms, dog, apple, pear.

Teacher: What are the common signs, why are they combined into one group Students: They breathe, eat, grow, reproduce.

Teacher: How did you supplement them? (children name the selected objects). What would you call this group of objects?

Students: living (slide “Wildlife”)

Students of group 1: Objects of inanimate nature: sun, cloud, stones, mountains, rain. (Supplement with other objects) Students draw a conclusion. “Inanimate nature” (slide) Students of group 3: The artist depicted a book, key, lock, chest, candle, dagger, chain. These objects were created by man, i.e. human products or man-made world. (supplemented with other objects)

Physical moment

2. Circuit modeling.

Teacher: - What do the objects of living and inanimate nature have in common?

Students: - Nature itself created them.

Teacher: - What can you say about human products?

Students: - They were created by man himself, they do not belong to nature. Teacher: Is man a nature?

Students: - Yes, this is a living creature.

Let's try to draw a diagram and draw a conclusion. (Students, with the help of the teacher, make a diagram (slide)

Teacher: Can plants, animals, mushrooms exist without the Sun, air, water?

Students: No, they grow, eat, breathe, reproduce. They need air and water, warmth and light for life. Living and nonliving things in nature are interconnected.)

Conclusion: nature is everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands. It can be living or non-living. Man is a living being. (slide)

5. Consolidation of knowledge

Teacher: Let's check what we have learned. I present to your attention a small task. It's called "Remove the Unnecessary." When completing this task, remember that nature is what is not made by human hands! Do not confuse the concepts of “inanimate” nature and “objects” made by human hands. If yes, clap your hands. (slides). And now I invite you to answer the riddles and find out what is hidden on the next slide.

1.The house goes down the street,

everyone is lucky to get to work,

not on thin chicken legs,

and in rubber boots (bus)

2. I know everyone, I teach everyone, but I myself am always silent (book)

3. Even though we have four legs,

We are neither mice nor cats,

Although we all have backs,

We are not sheep or pigs,

We are not horses, even on us

You sit down many times (chairs)

Teacher: Which group of objects do chairs belong to?

Students: To the furniture.

Wide and thin

Inflates the sides

He rides me all day.

Sitting without getting down,

And the night will come -

Curls up and sleeps. (shirt)

Teacher: What group of objects does the shirt belong to?

Students: Clothes.

6. Result of the work

Teacher: Tell me, guys, what secret of the artist did we discover today?

Students: We are surrounded by what is on planet Earth - living and inanimate nature and everything that is made by human hands. Teacher: What learning task was set for the lesson?

Students: Learn more about the world around us, expand our horizons.

Teacher: Did you cope with this task?

Students: We did it.

Teacher: What new things have you learned? Students: Distinguish between signs of living and inanimate nature, find what is made by human hands.

Teacher: Everyone was friendly and active. Well done! Look, my dear friend, what is around?

The sky is light blue,

The sun is shining golden

The wind plays with the leaves,

A cloud floats in the sky

Field, river and grass.

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, animals and forests,

Man and season -

It's all around... (nature)

Game "Smile".

Both nature and human creations delight us. Let's smile at each other and say thank you to everyone.

Look at the photographs and think about what groups you can divide what is depicted in them:

Rice. 1. Objects of living and inanimate nature and objects created by man

On the top line are wildlife objects- mushrooms, plants, animals, humans.
In the middle line are located inanimate objects- Sun, Moon, stones.
On the bottom line are objects created by man and not related to nature - cars, houses, various things.

Man has created a huge variety of things during his existence on the planet, but let’s first take a closer look at the man himself, that is, at each of us.

Match the descriptions with the pictures:

Rice. 2. Compliance task

Check, did this work for you?

A squirrel jumps from tree to tree.

The thief was severely bitten by the dog.

A girl bakes pies with nuts.

A boy writes songs.

A cat sees in the dark.

In winter there is a hare in white, and in summer in gray.

A man comes up with a game for the computer.

How does a person differ from an animal? Man can read, count and write, he composes poetry and songs, he invents airplanes and ships to fly and sail on them, he breeds new varieties of plants and species of animals, he creates machines that help him make his work easier. Thus, man creates something that does not exist in nature, and thereby changes it.

Look at the pictures. What do you think the boy is thinking about during each of them?

Rice. 3. Human emotions

When is a person beautiful?

A person is beautiful when he smiles at other people, when he looks kindly at the world around him.

Rice. 6. Gloomy boy

If you are gloomy and unkind, then it is unpleasant for other people to look at you.

The great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: “Everything in a person should be beautiful - soul, body, thoughts, and actions.”

Which of the following must be present in a person for us to call him beautiful?

  1. Slenderness
  2. Kindness
  3. Responsiveness
  4. Agility Loyalty
  5. Eye color
  6. Generosity
  7. Nose shape
  8. Truthfulness
  9. Cloth

Of course we choose:

  1. Kindness
  2. Responsiveness
  3. Loyalty
  4. Truthfulness

Because it is these traits that help a person to be beautiful not only for himself, but also for the people around him.

Everyone wants to be beautiful. But does everyone understand what a truly beautiful person is? Many people buy beautiful clothes, shoes, and jewelry. But can a beautifully dressed person always be called truly beautiful? Can a person who is rude, impolite, disrespectful of elders, and not respectful of the nature around him be considered beautiful? Of course not.

Select character traits that you don't like in people:

  1. Talkativeness
  2. Kindness
  3. Cowardice
  4. Greed
  5. Courage
  6. Boastfulness
  7. Honesty

Of course, we all dislike talkative, cowardly, greedy, boastful, and lazy people.

Do you think a person can change and start treating others better? Of course it can. You just need to want it.

Let's match the phrases with the pictures:

Rice. 7. Polite phrases

You let the teacher go ahead and say “please.”

Help grandma carry her bag and she will thank you with the word “thank you.”

If you did something wrong, apologize. Say “sorry” or “excuse me.”

Are you in a hurry? Say “let me pass.”

When you see someone off, wish them a “bon voyage.”

People should treat not only each other kindly, but also the world around them, nature.

Choose what attitude each of us should have towards nature:

  1. Kind
  2. Indifferent
  3. Respectful
  4. Caring
  5. Neat
  6. Cruel
  7. Berezhnoe
  8. Careless
  9. Arrogant

Of course we will choose:

  1. Kind
  2. Respectful
  3. Caring
  4. Neat
  5. Berezhnoe

The science of ecology teaches respect for nature.

Ecology is the science of how to live in peace with nature without violating its laws.

Look at the rules of behavior in nature. Do you know them?

Rice. 8. Rules of behavior in nature

Let's try to live in such a way as not to harm nature, so that the land around us remains fertile, so that streams of clean water gurgle around, flowers bloom and birds sing.

  1. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: textbook. and slave tetr. for 2 grades beginning school - M.: Education, 2006.
  2. Bursky O.V., Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S. The world around us. - Balass.
  3. Vinogradova N.F. The world around us. - VENTANA-COUNT.
  1. Festival of Pedagogical Ideas ().
  2. There is no troika ().
  1. With. 8-11, textbook Pleshakov A.A. The world around us
  2. With. 5-6 work. notebook textbook Pleshakov A.A. The world around us
  3. Think about whether you treat people and the nature that surrounds you correctly.

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