Teaching children English from scratch. English for children: secrets of learning “from scratch” on your own

This is not the first online school I have attended, so I have something to compare with in practice. IEnglish classes are a godsend for me! Thanks to the school for introducing me to my teacher Julia! I managed to learn so many different subtleties and nuances of the English language used in live conversation. I thank the site administrators for their attentive attitude towards clients, efficiency and professionalism!

I recommend your school to all my colleagues as a very convenient, high-quality study of the English language. My husband will be studying at your school from September, he has already taken a trial lesson, and after his vacation he will take a Business English course. I would also like to note the work of the school administrators, with whom I communicate via Skype. Always prompt and answer any questions. Reminders about course extensions. And, most importantly, they collect feedback from clients, whatever it may be.

I got into the school on the recommendation of a friend when I was looking for how and where I could learn English remotely. A big plus when getting to know the school was the free lesson on Skype, in which I was able to get acquainted with the format of the classes and the presentation of the material. I liked everything, and the final thing for me was a good discount for the first month of training. That's how I started. My teacher, Vadim, explains the material perfectly and clearly, and also explains conversational points that occur in live communication, which also made it possible to communicate more comfortably in English. At the moment I have been studying for 3 months. The results make me happy, I am gradually getting closer to my goal - the UpperIntermediate level

Now I am studying individually with Tatyana Sh. I like the teacher and her teaching style. Each lesson follows an attached lesson in your personal account, homework is posted separately, all completed lessons are saved and can be viewed later. The site’s interface is also pleasing; everything is clear and easy to open. I like the training, I plan to continue studying at this school and improve my level of English, and then prepare for the IELTS exam.

I would like to say a few words about my teacher, Irina S. I really like her! I have no fear of the teacher and I calmly perceive and remember the information received in class. I'm sure that it won't be long before I can speak English fluently! Thank you, Irina, thank you, IENGLISH!

At your school I feel easy and at ease, although I have not studied English before. The material is presented in an interesting form and I learn to speak, listen, read, and write at the same time! My family and friends study here now. Good luck to you all in all your good deeds!

I have a wonderful teacher, Maria M. I would like to thank her for her patience and interesting lessons. I enjoy studying, although the language is very difficult. I need English to move freely in other countries and not depend on tour operators. My husband and I’s trips over the past year have become much cheaper and much more interesting due to my knowledge of English. I also gained a sense of confidence in any country, because English is spoken everywhere. So thank you to the school and to you, Maria, for my knowledge. I am very pleased.

At the Ienglish school, everything is structured very logically, and within a month you can feel the results. Special and biggest thanks to my teacher Anastasia. He explains the material very clearly and patiently; I feel very comfortable during the class.

This school was recommended by a friend who graduated from it and was very pleased. I enjoy attending classes, and most importantly, my teacher Anna explains things very clearly and clearly. Having completed the course, I can recommend it to those who still doubt it.

I would like to express my gratitude to Irina K. for individual lessons. The teacher selects interesting topics for discussion, knows how to motivate, and is always attentive and friendly! She selected all the materials personally for me, took an interest in me and adjusted to me. The classes were lively and active. I also thank the staff of the English school for their good work!

It’s difficult for me to judge how things are going for other students with other teachers, since I’ve been studying with Maria for the entire period, namely, for half a year, but I see the teacher’s real interest and desire to teach me the language, and not just work out his time. And it's very nice!

I've been learning English at school since 2nd grade and nothing is good. But thanks to 12 lessons with teacher Elena Karyakina, I learned to communicate at a basic level. I really like my individual program. All rules are clear and understandable. It is very difficult for me to perceive English speech by ear, but now this is gradually going away. The teacher encourages communication, I began to overcome the language barrier, which I am very happy about :)

Many thanks to the administration of iEnglish school for their patient attitude and help in solving emerging difficulties. I am very pleased with my teacher, Victoria S., classes with her motivate me to learn English. IEnglish school is a great way to learn a foreign language without leaving home, especially for young mothers on maternity leave.

I appreciated the advantage that you don’t have to go anywhere, but just go online, from the first lesson! This mobility saves a huge amount of time! Plus, I no longer have missed classes to burn through! I study individually: all 60 minutes of live communication are exclusively mine, so I felt progress quickly. I am sincerely glad that I found such a high-quality resource for learning English.

Many thanks to all the school staff and personally to my teacher Natalya for her competence, incredible patience, and interesting lessons. I have been studying at school for more than 8 months and I don’t plan to stop there! Successfully completed the Pre-Intermediate course and passed the final test.

I want to say a huge thank you to the site!!! I've been working with you for 3 years now. I took the Elementary and Pre-intermediate courses, and am now studying the Intermediate course. I really like the collections of tasks, they are informative and varied. After a hard day at work, it’s nice to take a break from your problems and talk with the teacher, discussing the topic of the lesson. I am very grateful to my teachers - Anastasia and Yulia. They are true professionals and put their soul into every lesson!

The Skype training format saves a lot of time. The teachers on the site are very qualified, and the price is a little nicer than in other Skype schools that I have considered. The best way to learn a language is to speak more, listen more, regularly repeat all the material you have covered, and constantly learn new phrases. I am doing a special program. The training program is well thought out, there are a lot of materials: both videos and audio materials... We all really like the classes.

I didn’t think that I would ever have the desire to learn a foreign language. My profession does not require this. A trip to Cyprus made me face the truth - a modern person must speak at least one foreign language! And, of course, best of all - English! And so, at the age of 55, I started learning English from scratch. I've been doing this for over a year now with great pleasure. Learning English has become not just a goal for me, but also a passion. I’m still only at the very beginning of an interesting path, but my enthusiasm continues. Many thanks to the English Language School for the high level of teaching!

I took an English language course at Ienglish school. I will say that this is a wonderful school. My teacher Yulia P. is an excellent teacher and a great professional. Thanks to you, my knowledge and proficiency in English, which was always so difficult for me at school, has significantly improved. Thank you very much to your school!

I started learning language in Online IEnglish School 3 years ago. Although my level was Pre-intermediate I managed to improve my English and moved up to next levels thanks to my teacher. Now I’m finishing the “Upper Intermediate”. I like how our lessons are conducted, particularly we read and discuss a lot, do interesting exercises, study grammar and listen to video in English with native speakers. Studying online is very convenient, you don’t need to go somewhere, and it helps to save the time. Join IEnglish!

I started going to school in February 2016. And the school chose a teacher for me, which I am glad about, because mutual understanding and a working spirit appeared from the very first lesson with teacher Maria M. You can feel the individual approach. If the teacher sees gaps in any topic, he will reinforce this with an exercise or clarify it by discussing incomprehensible or difficult points. I really like that we work with different materials, it doesn’t get boring and the lesson doesn’t seem routine. Thanks to the school and Maria for organizing an interesting and productive educational process.

I have been studying at the IEnglish school for just over two years. And I can definitely say that this time was not wasted. One of my main goals that I set before starting training was to improve my speaking skills. And I am sincerely glad that I was able to achieve significant progress in this, including thanks to the school’s teachers. I especially want to thank teachers Anastasia E. and Maria M. In you, I found not only professionals in their field, but also wonderful, kind people! Thank you very much for everything! Friends, it is very important to find your school and your teacher! Good luck to everyone in this difficult task of learning foreign languages!

IEnglish School is an excellent opportunity to learn a foreign language for both children and adults. All teachers are professionals. This school differs from its competitors in many ways: high quality of education, interesting learning process. I really enjoy studying at IEnglish School. I am glad that Tatyana I was recommended to me. She is very patient, friendly, and ready to help her student in every possible way. Lessons with her are very pleasant. I recommend it to anyone who wants to have fun learning English!

I have been at the English school for more than 2 years. This is my first experience of learning via Skype. Previously, there was a tutor whom I went to in the evenings after work, which caused inconvenience. Saving time and money is the fundamental factor that made me find an alternative to homeschooling! Now I have a schedule that suits me completely, and I can also change the time or cancel classes depending on the circumstances. I cannot help but praise my permanent teacher Yulia Shch. She is a very tactful, talented, flexible, and most importantly, patient person. In my case, she was able to turn the concept of “study,” so hated by many from school, into the mainstream of friendly business communication in English, which helps maintain a conversational level, not forget the material covered, and learn new things without routine.

I am very glad that I chose your language school. Convenient, interesting and effective learning system. All information is presented in simple and understandable language. I was especially pleased with the individual approach. The teacher notices weaknesses and pays more attention to topics that cause difficulties. The intuitive interface of the site allows you to easily navigate the studied material. The training program is structured very competently. At each lesson you will learn a lot of new things, and when training new topics you will always encounter tasks from the material that you have already covered. This approach does not allow you to forget previously acquired knowledge. Interesting homework assignments that you just want to do more and more. I would especially like to say thank you to teacher Elena S. for the high level of organization of the educational process and a very pleasant atmosphere in the classroom.

Hello, dear readers!

My reader Marina from Orenburg, mother of five-year-old Igor, is slowly preparing her son for school: teaching simple letters and words, counting, drawing and design.

Recently, to teach the boy and decorate his room, she bought him Russian - we know that children begin to learn it at school from an early age.

The boy turned out to be smart and inquisitive, he already reads Russian well and showed interest in foreign languages. Marina herself does not know English, but is ready to learn it together with her son.

Since she is ignorant in this topic, she asked me to tell me how you can start teaching your child English easily and interestingly, and at the same time get involved yourself.

Better, of course, in a playful way!

Children love to play and have fun, so in the game you can quickly learn the basics of many sciences, including English.

For Marina, Igor and everyone who is interested in this topic, I wrote material on how to teach children English in a playful way. Read and learn with pleasure! I will be grateful for likes, reposts and comments.

Which is best for children?

Every parent wants their child to grow up to be an independent, well-rounded personality. In a world where information and social networks play the main role, it is possible and necessary to obtain new knowledge from different sources.

To do this, it is useful to master the main international language - English. There are many advantages of learning this language, and we will not focus on them. Instead, let's figure out how to help your child learn English.

It is worth introducing your child to study the language of Shakespeare from an early age. After all, a person acquires half of the skills necessary for communication by the age of four, and the full amount by eight. Therefore, the question arises, what are the best methods of learning English for children? Let's find out.

About children's English

Let us immediately note that the methods that will be discussed have proven themselves on the positive side. Therefore, on the one hand, it does not matter which method is used to teach a child a foreign language. But on the other hand, you need to select a technique based on the age and characteristics of the child.

The easiest way to learn a language is if a child is taught it from the age of 3-4. Don’t be upset if this moment is missed - some methods provide for working with children up to preschool age.

Training methods are divided into two broad categories: group and individual. To understand what type of activity is right for your child, look at his level of sociability. Group lessons are suitable for open-minded, active children, and individual lessons for calm ones.

Methods of learning English for children are based on 5 principles:

Most children's methods of learning English are based on children's play activities. As mentioned above, play is a tool for a child’s development; with its help, he learns about the world. Therefore, it is logical to use the game to learn English. The best methods for learning English for children include game situations of different types. With their help, your child will develop the necessary skills quickly and in a fun way.

There are four types of educational games:

  1. Situational- These are games that reproduce situations from real life. Children try on various social roles and act according to a specific task. At the same time, at certain moments, the child needs to improvise, use imagination and creativity.
  2. Competitive Games create situations that test how children have learned the material covered. At the same time, elements of rivalry are included in the game. There are many options here: team board games, crosswords, linguistic puzzles. The one who knows grammar and vocabulary better wins.
  3. Music games- these are all kinds of songs, dances, round dances. If, according to the terms of the game, you need to act with a partner, then the child, in addition, develops communication skills.
  4. The conditions for creative games are limited only by the imagination of the teacher and the children themselves. They include elements of other types of games and are held in the form of drawing, appliqué, and poetry writing competitions in English.

Remember that no matter how you learn, practice is key. Without it, neither a future poet nor a born linguist will speak Shakespeare's language. Therefore, talk to your child in English more often if your language proficiency level allows it. The result will not be long in coming.

Study methods and their features

There are 5 main teaching methods. We will dwell on each of them in more detail.

Zaitsev's technique

This is a technique for children over 3 years of age. Children play with cubes on which are written not letters, but words and syllables. At the same time, the cubes differ from each other in weight, color, and sounds made. This helps children learn to follow the correct word order in a sentence.

Having developed this skill at an early age, the child will master the first lessons of the school curriculum with ease. In addition, the difference between sounds is learned at a subconscious level, and speech skills are developed at the same time.

Game method

Classes are held as follows: the teacher places figurines of animals or household objects in front of the children. After that, he names them in English, and the children repeat after him. Then the children draw one animal or object lying on the table and try to remember its name. When the child remembers about half the names of the objects, the teacher tries to build a simple dialogue with him.

This is how children gradually master pronunciation and oral speech. This program can be used with children from one year old.

Doman's technique

The method is based on the use of children's visual memory. The child is shown cards that depict an object and its name. This makes it easier for children to remember new words. The technique is suitable for children under 6 years of age.

Project methodology

The method is reminiscent of school lessons, with the difference that the teacher chooses a topic based on its interest to children. This is how several lessons go, after which students write a test assignment on the topic. The technique is designed for children from 4 years old.

Combined techniques

As the name implies, such classes combine the advantages of previous methods. Children work on grammar, play, draw. With this approach, the lessons become more varied, and the children like it.

How to choose a technique?

Choosing the best English learning method for children is easier than it seems. When choosing, you need to start from the age and level of development of the child. In addition, take into account his preferences and characteristics. It is very important for a child that learning is interesting and fun. It is easier to interest a child in learning English if he is placed in a comfortable environment.

Therefore, choose a method taking into account the child’s character: a sociable child will like group classes, and a shy child will like one-on-one lessons with a teacher, an active child will like playful forms, and a calm child will like something more meditative. The choice of methods allows you to take these points into account and choose a form of education that is suitable specifically for your child.

In order for a child to learn English faster, you need to create a comfortable environment for him at home. The following recommendations will help:

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There are several methods for learning English for children. You need to choose a teaching method based on the age and inclinations of the child. This approach is needed so that your child is interested in learning English, and he does not perceive such lessons as another “obligation” like semolina.

If the child’s interest has been aroused, then all that remains for parents is to watch how their child masters the language of Shakespeare and rejoice. But they can still help the child.

You should create a comfortable environment for him at home. The recommendations mentioned above will help with this. In addition, if parents themselves have at least basic knowledge of the language, they can make whatever contribution they can to their child’s learning of English.

[Source: https://entouch.ru/]

English for children

Studying foreign languages ​​broadens a person’s horizons, gives him more opportunities for further education, career advancement, and opens previously inaccessible doors for him.

Many parents, caring for the child’s prosperous future, insist on learning a foreign language from an early age; priority is given to learning English, since it is recognized as international. English for children, namely, the training program varies depending on the age at which the child began classes.

As you know, children are easy to learn, it is easier for them to remember the pronunciation or meaning of words, since the brain assimilates the information received much better than that of older people. You can introduce your baby to learning foreign languages ​​from birth; there are many special programs and methods for this, but as practice shows, children growing up in a bilingual environment begin to speak later than their peers.

The optimal period when you can conduct your first English lessons for children is 3–4 years. It is at this age that children already know their native language thoroughly, and being in the why stage, they are ready to absorb any information and happily take on learning, as long as it is fun.

From 3 years

At the age of three, children can speak, but most of all they succeed in asking questions, so if you decide to study foreign languages, English in particular, structure your English lessons for children in the form of a game, where the child asks questions in Russian, and the answer hears with translation. You can’t overload 3 year old fidgets with letters, transcriptions and verbs; they will learn all this after they go to school, and first you need to replenish your active and passive vocabulary.

Every day you need to replenish your stock with at least one new word, you can do this thematically, for example, one week you learn colors in English; it will be more accessible for children if you devote the whole day to this color. For example, when learning about the color yellow, put a yellow scarf on your baby when going for a walk, then look for yellow objects on the street, exclaiming “yellow” when you see a yellow car, sign or flower.

In such games you need to give in a little to the baby, pushing him and provoking him. Well, the prize for the winner could be a yellow treat - a banana, lemon ice cream or marmalade. And so on all week, then you can study animals, plants, vegetables, fruits, food. When learning a language using cards and pictures, you don’t need to translate words by simply pointing to the picture, call it in English, so the baby will learn to think and will not be distracted by translating the word in his mind.

English for children 3 - 4 years old will be much more fun if you arrange quizzes and games, for example, if the names of toys and animals have already appeared in the baby’s vocabulary, you can collect numerous items in a bag and, taking out one at a time, ask the baby what it is. You can also place toys and objects throughout the house and ask them to bring something, naming this object in English.

Also read:

English for 3-year-old children will be easier to remember if the entire learning process is structured in a playful way, and is also based on the child’s natural curiosity.

5 – 6 years

At this age, children are more diligent and can already move on to the next stage of learning, having learned the English alphabet. It will still be more interesting for children to learn letters based on pictures, provided that they know all the words in these pictures in translation.

One of the common mistakes parents make when learning the alphabet is the incorrect selection of cards with letters, where the images are misleading, or the wrong approach when the child, without having a vocabulary, starts with learning the alphabet. It doesn’t matter at what age you start learning a foreign language, at 3, 7 years old or at 13, the methodology is the same: first, children learn to listen, then speak, read, and then write.

Children aged 5-6 years also grasp everything on the fly, so when learning foreign languages ​​it is necessary to initially remember the pronunciation correctly. If the parents are not native speakers, it will be better if the kids attend special English courses for children, where, with the help of games and communication, they very quickly remember the pronunciation and meaning of words, and also learn to construct sentences from several words.

Good results are obtained by watching special educational cartoons, programs and programs for audiences of this age. You can also find computer games whose task is to develop logic and consolidate knowledge of foreign languages. For better pronunciation or songs in which words and actions can be spoken and accompanied by gestures.

At this age, kids love praise, so for additional incentive you can come up with various prizes, chips and certificates.

7 – 8 years

The study of foreign languages ​​by children of primary school age can be carried out according to the school curriculum, but as practice shows, children need a special approach, and the school cannot provide greater knowledge in foreign languages, since such lessons become boring. If the child falls behind the program, English lessons generally lose meaning for him.

Before teaching a child to read in English, you need a basic vocabulary so that the child not only pronounces sounds and letters, but also understands the meaning of what is said. Cards will also help, as in the case of the alphabet, where on one side there is a picture, and on the second its name, written in a foreign language.

Books in English for children should also have a transcription in order to be able to initially correctly read a word and remember not only its spelling, but also its sound. In order for children to learn to think in a foreign language, it is necessary to ask them riddles and puzzles.

So, for example, you can describe an object in English, describe the size, color, what it refers to, and the student must guess; here comes the motivation for learning, because if children do not understand leading questions or descriptions, they cannot guess the hidden word.

[Source: https://onethree.ru/]

It's fun!

English for preschool children - is it possible? Undoubtedly, yes. After all, a child, like no one else, is capable of remembering significant amounts of new information. The most important thing in learning is to be able to involve your child in the world of foreign languages, to interest him, and to make classes as exciting as possible.

To prevent young students from getting bored while learning a new language, there are special textbooks that will surely bring a lot of pleasure to both teachers and students. They are supplemented with colorful pictures, vivid images of famous characters from famous cartoons, which, of course, help to better perceive the English language and help teach English to children more effectively.

Also, when teaching, we must not forget about the personal approach to each child. Only when there is close contact between the teacher and the student does a full understanding of the process of learning English arise.

The combination of audio-visual channels of information perception leads to the highest results in teaching. Therefore, in lessons it is important to use audio recordings for children in English and learn funny and simple songs.

But the favorite pastime of all children is, without a doubt, games! That is why most English lessons for children are held in a playful way, where each child has the opportunity to use all the knowledge they have acquired, get into character, and are not afraid to pronounce words in a foreign language.

Program and methodology for teaching English to children

English language teaching programs for children should be built taking into account different age groups. Being with peers, the child feels confident that he is among equals, which means he has every chance to be successful. Equally important is carefully selected educational materials, which equally and simultaneously develop all the language skills of the children: the ability to speak, read, write, and listen to English.

So, we list all the methods by which English is most often taught to children:

In fact, the methodology and approach to teaching English to children is completely different for all schools and teachers, but they all have one thing in common - a boundless desire and desire to pass on their knowledge and do it in an interesting way!

[Source: http://skillset.ru/]

Games for English lessons

Teaching foreign languages ​​is a very exciting and very responsible activity. New times require teachers to take a new approach to this problem. A significant role in teaching foreign languages, in particular English, belongs to the use of educational games or game exercises.

The game sharpens the mental activity of students; It is through play that children learn social functions and norms of behavior; develop comprehensively. The developmental significance of play is inherent in its very nature, because play is always about emotions. Where there is emotion, there is activity, there is attention and imagination, there is thinking.

According to the purpose of use, games can be entertaining, which are played to relieve fatigue; training conducted with the aim of forming, deepening and improving practical skills in the language, and testing them.

You can use various visual aids, for example: diagrams, pictures, tables, slides, lotto. Games can be organized individually, in pairs, or in groups. The power of the game is in its universality, versatility, in the ability to easily and fruitfully, freely achieve significant results in the formation of a child’s personal qualities.

Younger schoolchildren enjoy learning tongue twisters, coming up with various situations using dialogic and monologue speech, playing games such as: “Are you paying attention?”, “Ball game”, “Find an object”, “Guess the name”, “Story based on a picture” ”, “Who is bigger?”, “Cubes”, “Picture”, etc.

Students in fifth and sixth grades prefer games and competitions. During the lessons, interest in new material increases, and there is an incentive to do homework, because only deep knowledge gives students the opportunity to prove themselves and defeat their opponents. The spirit of competition and the desire to assert oneself are excellent motives for learning languages. Quizzes, competitions, travel - these are the game forms that can be used for this.

High school students enjoy participating in discussions on proposed topics, expressing their opinions on films and plays they have watched, and composing and solving crossword puzzles.

At this age, students have a need to communicate, to have close contact with each other, and game moments break down barriers between them and create conditions for equality in speech partnerships.

It is also important that the teacher knows how to captivate and infect students with the game. The teacher's speech should be emotional and expressive.

As for mistakes during the game, it is advisable to analyze them after the game so as not to distract students. Encouraging students and encouraging their activities are necessary to create correct interpersonal relationships in the team.

The role of games in English lessons is enormous. It is a good way to activate vocabulary, grammar, practice pronunciation, and develop speaking skills. You can play not only during lessons, but also during breaks, evenings, matinees, and English language clubs.

Thus, an educational game is a type of student activity in a lesson during which educational tasks are solved in a playful way. The game arouses the interest and activity of children and gives them the opportunity to express themselves in activities that are exciting for them, promotes faster and more durable memorization of foreign words and sentences.

Play is the way for children to understand the world in which they live and which they are called upon to change.

I will describe the educational language games that I use in my work with students.

Game 1

The game is used when working on any topic. Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the students and says a word on the topic in English or Russian. The player, having caught the ball, pronounces the equivalent of this word accordingly and returns the ball to the teacher. The teacher throws the ball to another student and says a new word.

T.: Car.

P2.: A car. Etc.

Game 2

Equipment: cards with numbers.

Two teams take part in the game. Cards with numbers are laid out on the table. One representative from each team approaches the table at a time. The teacher calls the number in English. The players' task is to quickly take the right card.

The team with the most cards wins.

Game 3

Equipment: watch. (This could be a toy clock made from cardboard with arrows.)

The teacher, moving the hands on the clock, each time turns to the students with the question: “What time is it?” The team that answers the most questions correctly wins.

Game 4

Equipment: a toy clock on each student’s desk.

The teacher says, for example:“It’s one o’clock.” Students place arrows at the indicated time and show it to the teacher. Anyone who completes the task correctly receives a token. The one with the most tokens at the end of the game wins.

Game 5

Equipment: pictures showing various objects, flowers, animals, etc.

The teacher, addressing the students one by one, shows one or another picture. The student names in English what is depicted on it and selects a word for this word that rhymes with it, for example: knife - life, cat - hat, ball - wall, lamp - camp, rose - nose, etc. The one who names the most words wins.

Game 6

Equipment: two dolls and two sets of clothes for them (can be made of paper).

The game involves two teams. They are given the task: to dress their doll, naming the items of clothing in English. For example: She has a blouse on. She has a dress on. She has a skirt on. etc. The team that correctly composed the most sentences wins.

Game 7

The game involves two teams. The teacher calls one player from each team in turn.

Students give various orders to each other. Each of them carries out the order of his opponent. For example:.

P1 –> P2.: Write the date on the blackboard.

P2 –> P1.: Clean the board.

The one who failed to complete the task, that is, did not follow the opponent’s order or was unable to give his own order, is eliminated from the game. The team with the most students left at the end of the game wins.

Game 8

Teacher(or one of the children) says: “Let’s fly, fly, fly.” Nose.” The guys pretend to be flying birds. When they hear the word “nose,” they touch their nose. The one who made a mistake, did not understand the word by ear, is eliminated from the game.

T.: Let's fly, fly. Eyes.

Let's fly, fly, fly. Face. And so on.

Game 9

First version of the game

The group is divided into two teams. Team representatives take turns performing an action. Opponents call this action and comment on what the participant in the game is doing in Present Continuous Tense. For example, a student from one of the teams goes to the board. The opponent comments on what the participant in the game is doing: “He is going to the board.”

If he fails to formulate a sentence correctly, he is eliminated from the game. The team with the most participants left at the end of the game wins.

Second version of the game

The teacher, throwing the ball to one of the players standing in a semicircle, gives him an order. The student performs it and comments on what he is doing in Present Continuous Tense. Then he returns the ball to the teacher.

R1.: I’m coming.

T.: Look at your friend.

R2.: I’m looking at my friend.

Players who do not follow the teacher’s instructions or make a mistake in a sentence are eliminated from the game. The one who remains in the game until the end wins.

Game 10

Students form a semicircle. The teacher, throwing the ball to one of the players, gives him an order and asks a question. After following the instructions and answering the question, the student returns the ball to the teacher. The teacher throws the ball to another student.

T.: Turn to the right. Are you turning to the right?

The one who remains in the game until the end wins.

Game 11

Equipment: on a wildcard table or on a magnetic board - pictures and signal cards.

Two teams play. The teacher alternately shows the team representatives a picture and a signal card at the same time. Students ask a question and answer it. For example, a picture from the fairy tale “The Three Bears” is shown - they are sitting at a table.

The teacher shows a signal card with a plus sign. Representatives of one of the teams ask a question and answer it.

P1.: Are they eating?

P2.: Yes, they are.

The teacher shows a card with a minus sign. Representatives of the other team ask a question and answer it.

P3.: Are they playing chess?

P4.: No, they are not.

The teacher shows the signal cards one by one. Team representatives ask and answer questions.

P5.: Are they eating or playing chess?

P6.: Yes, they are eating.

P7.: Who is eating?

P8.: The bears’ family is.

P9.: What are they doing?

P10.: They are eating.

P11.: Where are they sitting?

P12.: They are sitting in the room.

For each correctly composed question and answer, teams receive one point (or a token). The winning team is determined by the number of points.

Game 12

Collect a fruit basket. The teacher whispers in each student’s ear or writes the name of the fruit on a piece of paper. Two “gardeners” are called. They take turns calling the names of the fruits, the students whose fruit was named go to their “gardener”. The “gardener” who collects the most fruit wins.

Game 13

Duty letter. Students are given cards and asked to write as many words as possible in which the indicated letter is in a certain place.

For example, the teacher says:“Today we have a duty letter “O”, it comes first. Who will write the most words in which the letter “O” comes first?” October, office, orange, oral, etc.

Game 14

A couple of words. Players are informed that this game was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of the book “Alice in Wonderland.” Any word is written on a piece of paper. Below on the same sheet another word is written with exactly the same number of letters. The players must gradually turn the top word into the bottom one.

To do this, you first need to come up with another word that is spelled the same way as the first, with the exception of one or two letters, and write it under the first word. Then, in the same way, this word turns into another. You can only change one or two letters each time. You need to continue until you get a word that can be turned into a lower word by changing one letter.

For example:

Game 15

Insert letter. Two teams are formed. The board is divided into two parts. For each command, words are written, each of which has a missing letter. Team representatives take turns going to the board, inserting the missing letter and reading the word.

For example: c..t, a..d, a..m, p..n, r..d, c..r, s..t, r..n, t..n, o..d, l..g, t..a, h..n, h..r, h..s, f..x, e..g, e..t, b..d (cat, and, arm , pen, red, car, sit, ran, ten, old, tea, leg, hen, her, his, fox, egg, eat, bed).

Game 16

Who is bigger? Two teams are formed. Each team must write down as many words as possible on the following topics: a) names of sports games; b) animals; c) colors, etc.

Game 17

Who is faster? Students are given 3-5 cards with letters and asked to look at them carefully. Then the teacher names the letter, and those who have a card with the named letter quickly pick it up and show it to the others. A late participant in the game does not have the right to pick up a card.

The teacher walks between the rows and collects cards. The winner is the one who remains without cards faster than others.

Game 18

One letter. The teacher offers to find and remember all the objects in the room whose names begin with the letter ..., while he counts to 30. The one who names the most words starting with this letter, or the one who names the last word with this letter, wins.

For example: letters “b” Book, blackboard, bin, bookcase, bag, ball, etc.

Game 19

Words with a specific letter. Students are asked to quickly scan a list of words and then name words that contain a given letter. The one who can name the most words wins.

Game 20

Alphabet-dictionary. For the game, you should prepare approximately 100 cards with letters (for example, 10 each with the letters a, e, i; 1 each with the letters j, z, q, x; 5 each with the letters n, t and 4 cards each with capital letters A, B , P, K, N, L).

The teacher distributes several cards to the students. The student who has the capital letter A on the card starts the game. He goes to the board and, holding the card so that everyone can see, names the letter. His desk neighbor comes out behind him with a letter, which may be a continuation of the word. If he does not have a suitable letter, then the word must be continued by the student sitting at the next desk, etc.

The one who finishes the word reads it and gets the right to start another word. Used cards are returned to the teacher. The one who took part in composing the largest number of words wins.

Game 21

The last letter. Two teams are formed. A representative of the first team names a word, students from the second team must come up with a word starting with the letter that ends the word named by the first team, etc. The last team to say the word wins.

For example: arm, map, pen, nose, eye, ear, etc.

Game 22

A story based on a drawing. The players form pairs. Each couple receives a drawing depicting a room in which there are various things and objects that characterize its owner. You need to make up a story about what the owner of the room does. The pair with the most interesting story wins.

Game 23

Modal verbs. Two teams are formed. One team comes up with a sentence with a given modal verb. The other team must guess this sentence. To this end, questions like: Can you...? Should you...? Then the second team completes the same task, and the game continues.

Game 24

Ball game. Two teams are formed. The representative of the first team comes up with a sentence with the studied verb. He throws the ball to his partner from the second team and says the sentence, omitting the verb. The person who catches the ball repeats the sentence, inserting the correct form of the verb, throws the ball to a partner from the first team and says his sentence, omitting the verb, etc.


It is known that primary school age is the most favorable for learning a foreign language. The child’s imitation abilities, natural curiosity and need to learn new things, the absence of a “frozen” system of values ​​and attitudes, as well as a language barrier, contribute to the effective solution of problems facing the “foreign language” subject.

Introducing a primary school student to another culture with the help of a foreign language allows, on the one hand, to recognize himself as an individual belonging to a certain sociocultural community of people, and on the other hand, instills in him respect and tolerance for a different way of life.

Experts from different countries put forward uniform requirements for teaching a foreign language: the language must be mastered by the child consciously, learning should in no case turn into an imitative process, children must master the language as a means of communication. The need for developmental education is also recognized, including the development and formation of new mental qualities of the child.

The implementation of these tasks requires the teacher to know the psychological characteristics of children of primary school age in order to methodically competently organize the educational process at this stage of education.

More than fifteen years ago, I began to engage in early teaching of foreign languages ​​to students. Having familiarized myself with various methodological works and manuals on this issue, I chose the teaching and learning instruction in English “Enjoy English” by Biboletova, designed for three years of study.

Taking into account the psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren when teaching a foreign language, I use “active learning methods” (AMT), which in foreign psychology are referred to as “social-psychological training” or “group psychotherapy”.

The basis of AMO is active group interaction, the center of which is free self-expression and self-disclosure. The effectiveness of such training is higher than individual training.

The use of AMO in the classroom increases, firstly, students’ willingness to cooperate and open up, consolidate with the group; secondly, it promotes the development of creative activity, as well as the desire to regulate their behavior and influence others. Moreover, the noted phenomena are quite typical for the majority of participants in such training and occur quite intensively in a relatively short period of time.

Therefore, the main form of teaching a foreign language to young children is play. Communication in a foreign language is always a convention, always “as if,” and the more accurately the conditions of the game and its laws are observed, the more effective foreign language communication will be.

For a child, a game is an interesting, exciting interaction with a teacher and peers, in which statements of a certain type are dictated by the internal needs of the game. Of course, not every game is suitable for this purpose. We can formulate the following requirements for the game as a teaching method.

Requirements for play as a special type of children's activity:

– obligatory awareness by children of the game result. This result can be the creation, using words, of unusual comic or fantastic images: flying objects, talking animals, etc.;

– children’s awareness of the rules, compliance with which will help achieve this result;

– the ability for each child to choose a specific action in the game, which ensures individual activity in a collective form of play. (For example, when performing the task of feeding someone, each child offers his own “product”, his own “food”: “Do you like milk?”, “Do you like sweets?” and so on).

We must not forget that playing in foreign language classes is not just collective entertainment, but the main way to achieve certain learning objectives at this stage - from the smallest speech skills to the ability to conduct an independent conversation.

Requirements for the game as a way to achieve learning objectives:

– you need to know exactly what skill or ability is being trained in this game, what the child did not know how to do before the game and what he learned during the game. If in a game a child repeats songs and poems, reproduces memorized dialogues, then he does not acquire new skills in the game. If he has learned to change words, select the right word according to its meaning, construct a phrase or text or just a phrase on his own, then the child acquires new skills;

– the game should confront the child with the need for mental effort, even a tiny one. It is not necessary to give children the rules of the game in strict terms; you can use any diagram or drawing.

When teaching younger students, I don’t always use the grading system. I think through the rules of the game so that a mistake in a speech action would lead to a loss in the game.

I will dwell on certain types of games that I used at various stages of the lesson.

The lesson always begins with phonetic exercises, since it is very important to make the speech apparatus function within the framework of the language being studied, because each language has its own articulation, its own system of sounds. I try to conduct it in an entertaining way, for this I use counting rhymes, imitation songs, often fairy-tale characters come to visit the children and conduct their phonetic exercises, for example: She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. The shells that she sells are sea-shells, I’m sure.

The whole class with the teacher repeats this tongue twister at different tempos: quickly, slowly, emphasizing the sounds [s] and [S].

At the stage of presenting new material, we also try to play. So, when studying the topic “Family”, a very funny “Cat Family” comes to visit the children. Looking at this “family”, we compose a fairy tale about cats, give names to all family members, and new vocabulary on the topic is learned easily and with pleasure.

To consolidate and control knowledge, I again use the game. These are the games: “Bingo-Spell”, “Wordsalad”, etc. (these and other games are presented at the end of the article).

We very often voice pictures from textbooks, children's magazines, newspapers, and books.

For example:

1. Voice the picture presented. Try to guess who is there? Ask a question in English.

2. Voice over the scene, act out the dating situation.

3. Help these young people get a job in the circus. Say on their behalf what they can do.

4. If a gas stove could talk and wanted to feed you, what could it offer you?

5. Arrange the furniture in the room.

6. Winnie the Pooh and his friends come to visit us. Explain to them how they can get there.

I carefully prepare for the game, taking into account the temperament and character of each child. At the beginning of the game, I give student leaders the roles of proactive and active characters, while shy children receive the roles of followers. I gradually select roles that are opposite to the child’s individual characteristics, i.e. I am engaged in psychocorrection of their behavior.

In order to introduce children to the traditions of the country of the language they are learning, develop interest in a foreign language, and develop cultural skills, we hold holidays in English.

The teacher's encouragement is of great importance for children, but one must remember that his praise stimulates the child only when he considers the task he has completed to be quite difficult. It is very important that the teacher compares the student’s successes not with the successes of his friends, but with his previous results.

I would like to note that younger children understand much faster what is said with good humor, and not in the form of boring moral teachings. Laughter helps to create a relaxed, friendly, “humorous” atmosphere in the classroom, which relieves tension and fatigue in children.

The article was published with the support of the Association of University Teachers, which will open the door to the world of English, German, French or Italian. And it's never too late to open this door. You can start learning a foreign language at any age, and it is best if you learn the basics or improve your existing level of language proficiency by experienced teachers. English in Chelyabinsk from the "Association of University Teachers" is a variety of programs and courses designed for people of all ages - from children and teenagers, to high school students and students preparing to take exams, from young professionals seeking to successfully advance their careers, to already established entrepreneurs who need confident knowledge of the language to expand their business opportunities. You can find detailed information about the programs and courses implemented by the Association on the website utastudy.ru.

1. Game “Wordsalad”

Target: Practice writing letters, repeating vocabulary.

Props: Paper and pencil for each student, blackboard and chalk.

Progress of the game: The teacher names the letters of a word mixed together.

Students write down the letters. Whoever makes up the word first writes it on the board. When this form of the task is mastered, the winning student can think of his own word and play the game instead of the teacher.

2. Game “Bingo-Spell”

Target: Training numbers from 0 to 20, from 0 to 50, etc., training letters of the alphabet.

Props: Paper and pencil for each student, a sheet of paper with numbers or letters for the teacher.

How to play: Each student draws a square with 9 cells (show on the board) and writes numbers or letters in all nine cells:

The teacher names the numbers in English in any order. At the same time, he crosses out the named number on his piece of paper. If this number is in the student's cell, he crosses it out. The first player to cross out all 9 numbers loudly proclaims it and is the winner. He reads all his 9 numbers out loud. In the same way, a game is played to recognize the letters of the alphabet.

3. Game “Who is this?”

Target: Practicing the interrogative sentence “Is this...?”, answering the question.

Progress of the game: One student is selected according to a counting rhyme, which the students recite in chorus. He turns his back to the class, and the students, at a sign from the teacher, greet him or pronounce a conventional phrase in a foreign language, changing their voice. The student must find out who is asking him the question “Is this Vova?”, the class answers: “Yes./No.”

4. Game “Color, color, come out!”

Purpose of the game: Practicing vocabulary on the topic “Colors”.

Progress of the game: Students stand in a circle. The driver names the color, for example “red”. Participants in the game must quickly find clothes or any object in the class of this color and show it. Whoever does this first becomes the driver. The game resumes.

5. Game “Sunday next Monday”

Target: Practicing the names of the days of the week.

Progress of the game: Students form a circle. The game director stands in the center. He has a ball in his hands. He throws the ball to the student and says: “Sunday next Monday.” A student catches the ball, then throws it to another student, calling the next day of the week: “Monday next Tuesday.” Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The game continues until the days of the week are over. It can be modified by substituting other vocabulary for practice, for example, the names of months, seasons.

Who Knows the Parts of the Body Best?

Option 1: The class is divided into two teams. Students - representatives from each team take turns following the teacher’s orders: “Touch your head / Show your shoulders. Count on your fingers,” etc. If the student completed the task correctly, the team receives a point; if he made a mistake, the team loses a point. The team with the most points wins. In conclusion, the teacher says: “Team 1 knows the parts of the body best.”

Option 2: The teacher shows and names some part of the body, for example: “This is my head.” This is my hand. This is my leg,” etc. Sometimes he “makes a mistake,” for example, pointing to his hand and saying: “This is my leg.” The team representative he is addressing must quickly point to his chin or not only point, but also say: “This is your hand.”

6. Game “The Chain of Words”

The teacher throws the ball to one of the students and says: “One.” The student catches the ball and, throwing it to another student, says: “Two.” Etc. When students reach the last number they know, counting starts over. Anyone who makes a mistake “pays forfeit.”

Instead of numerals, you can use the names of seasons, months, days of the week.

7. Game “One Fox, Two Foxes...”

There are many different types of toys on the teacher's desk. Each species is represented by several specimens. Children take turns coming to the table and quickly counting them: “One fox, two foxes”, etc. You cannot count toys that have already been counted.

8. Game “The Dog Is on the Desk”

The teacher takes the toy, puts it on the table (under the table, in a box, behind a box, etc.) and says “The dog is on the desk.” The student he is addressing must agree with him: “Yes, the dog is on the desk.” Sometimes the teacher “makes a mistake” and incorrectly names the location of the object. For example, placing a toy dog ​​on the table, he says: “The dog is near the door.” Having agreed with him, the student leaves the game.

You can learn English in different ways: take courses, study with a tutor, watch videos on YouTube, or you can... choose one of many sites that will help instill in your child a love of a foreign language in a fun, relaxed and easy way.


The site has collected free websites for children and teenagers to learn English on their own. Here students will find a variety of educational audio and video materials, games, books, grammar exercises and much more.

Learn English Kids

The British Council website, created for children learning English as a foreign language, is one of the most popular on the Internet. People's love is explained by a large selection of games, songs, educational cartoons, color cards with pictures on topics in English. The site is partially Russified, which also helps parents who do not speak English learn the language with their child.

Cambridge English Online

Cambridge University Press is committed to serving those who want to learn English. The world expert does not forget about children - a separate service with rich content was invented for them: games, educational tasks, thematic flash cards, songs, stories. However, all this wealth will become available to you and your child if you figure out the confusing navigation, which is also only in English.


This site will be useful primarily to parents, since there is a lot of auxiliary material for learning English - printouts for teaching the alphabet and reading rules, pronunciation, blanks for crafts, cards on topics, online books and rhymes. Most information can be found in pdf format.

The site has a simple interface and clear navigation.

Lingua Leo

Before starting to directly study the English language, the lion cub Leo invites everyone to register on the site and take a short test to determine their level of knowledge and vocabulary. After the test, the site will select a personal training program for the student. In the company of a lion cub, the child will expand his vocabulary, watch a fascinating educational video, and improve his grammar. By the way, Leo has an application for a smartphone - convenient if you often travel or move around the city.

There is paid content.


A site with two training programs: paid and free (it’s quite enough for beginners). A kid in the form of a funny flamingo travels around the city of Mingoville, where the character learns the wisdom of the English language. In the city he will encounter various tasks - games, songs, pronunciation and grammar exercises.

The site also has a nice bonus - the ability to chat with little foreigners. The content will be of interest to children over 5 years old.


Online English course for children, where the main goal is the development of vocabulary. Boys and girls are helped in this by songs, colorful picture cards, interactive games and videos. In addition to English, there are Spanish, Chinese, German and French.

National Geographic Kids

Younger students will be happy to learn English not only with flashcards, but also by participating in competitions, quizzes, and games on history, geography and biology offered by the National Geographic Kids website. In addition, the resource has many useful articles about all types of animals: facts, videos and photographs.

Nasa Kids Club

Lovers of space and all things unknown will be delighted by the opportunity to learn English in the National Aerospace Agency's playroom. Here kids will learn everything about space in an educational way, and schoolchildren will find a lot of useful information in the Nasa for Students resource. In any case, listening to the course, playing, participating in competitions and tests about space will be exciting and useful, and the English language will be studied more deeply and seriously.

Useful site with free English video lessons vse-kursy.com

*Reprinting of site materials is possible only with the written permission of the editor.

Any parent wants their child to develop comprehensively, so many send their children to English courses from an early age. Knowing a language is always a plus and will come in handy in life. If this is not possible, you can use videos in which the child will begin to take his first steps in knowledge.

Getting to know the alphabet

Learning a language begins with mastering the alphabet. It is better for children to present information in an entertaining way: games, cartoons, songs, bright images, otherwise the process of comprehending a foreign language will be painful and will not bring pleasure. The more interesting and varied the presentation, the more exciting the classes will be.

A simple ABC song with a catchy tune will help you learn all the letters of the alphabet. After watching the video several times, listening, repeating and humming the melody, the baby will quickly learn their correct pronunciation.

Learning numbers

They are of paramount importance for the formation of a language base. Having mastered counting, kids try to count everything around them. A funny cartoon starring a train carrying numbers will help you learn counting from 1 to 10 (pronounced after the characters). Adults should be given the opportunity to put new knowledge into practice: count the objects on the table, name the numbers in order.

Learning colors

Educational video with the main character Roma in pencil, who draws balls and colors them, naming the colors in English: red, yellow, green, blue, white, black, gray, brown, pink, silver, gold, purple, orange. Accompanied by Russian translation for easy understanding. While watching, you can additionally use multi-colored pencils: draw a couple of balls and let your child color them, or offer to indicate the color of surrounding objects. Drawings will be able to engage visual memory.

Fruit Dating

The program from the “Magic English” series will introduce children to expressions on the topic “Fruits”. Together with the elf Alfi, the parrot Flint, Potap and Alice, they will learn the names of the most common fruits: apple, peach, orange, banana, pineapple, pear. They will hear many new phrases that the characters use in conversation, and can immediately repeat them. The program uses games and poetry. The passed expressions must be used many times, including them in different life situations. You can draw fruits.

Learning vegetables

Here they will tell you about vegetables in English: eggplant, broccoli, peas, zucchini, cabbage, potatoes, corn, onions, carrots, cucumber, peppers, parsley, tomatoes, radishes, beets, garlic, spinach. The lesson is conducted as follows: look at the image, listen to the pronunciation, then repeat, trying to remember. It is important for adults to often verbalize the material covered together with the child. Provide learning while playing, ask him to name his favorite vegetables.


Each word is accompanied by a thematic picture. All of them are well-known and will not cause difficulties in understanding. Names of pets and birds: cat, dog, cow, sheep, horse, pig, goat, donkey, goose, chicken, rooster, rabbit, turkey. The lesson consists of four parts. In the first part, new words and their pronunciation are presented, in the second, you need to name the corresponding animal based on the image. The third part - the announcer pronounces the pet in English, which needs to be translated into Russian. The fourth part is dictation.

Zoo inhabitants

An educational cartoon-trip will introduce little travelers to the life and behavior of wild animals that live in the zoo. Affordable and easy form of material delivery.


Well-mannered people always make a good impression, are pleasant to talk to and endearing to themselves. The song “Greeting” will help you learn the formulas for greeting and farewell. When meeting, people usually greet each other: good morning, afternoon, evening, glad to meet you, good night. When parting or ending a conversation, it is customary to say goodbye: goodbye, see you. Having mastered polite expressions, the guys will be able to greet and say goodbye to their interlocutor, while learning the rules of etiquette.

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