Teaching English to kids. English for kids


Hello to one and all! My dears, I continue to provide useful information and materials in such an important area for many as English for children. And there’s already a lot... So I decided to collect everything in an organized warehouse! (Or maybe a treasure :-)), so that everyone can look there and find what they need for themselves and their children.

This page of my website is the address of the location of this warehouse. It contains (and continues to collect) all the necessary materials on the English language that will be useful to the smallest representatives of the human race)) (2-7 years old, and even older), their parents or teachers. Here are my materials, and there are those that I found on the Internet, chose the best and present to you here. English can be interesting, free and accessible to every child!

By the way, be sure to voice your questions or suggestions for materials in the comments. Let's improve the treasure together!


Remember that the basic principles of teaching “young students” are brightness, interest and only playful form! So here everything is exactly like that - memorable and fascinating video English lessons, bright educational cartoons, game ideas, cards and pictures, songs and rhymes - everything that will allow you to plunge into the world of English with your baby!

By the way, many materials are suitable not only for those who are starting to plunge into the world of language from scratch, but also for those who are older! Such children can even use materials independently, listening, watching and repeating.

Always seek emotional involvement on your part and then the child’s passion for the subject will not take long to occur.

My tips and recommendations

One very serious mother once asked me a question: “Tell me, how can I teach English to my 3-year-old son? What’s the best way to structure a lesson... and in general, where to start?” I answered her: “Start with this - forget the word “teach”, “lesson” and the like! And remember the words "games, fun and bright pictures"!

Books and textbooks

There are some parents who believe that in the age of modern technology, a book can be replaced with various convenient devices. And I say - no! A book is something that will never go out of style and will forever remain every child's best friend! Especially when it comes to learning a new language.

If your child is already 4 years old and you want him to learn English not only with the help of songs and cartoons, it’s time to buy a good book that will help him the best assistant and guide to the world of language . I talk about good options for books and textbooks for children here:

Numbers and numbers (1-10, 11-20)

One spoon... two spoons... three spoons! How familiar this is to our children! After all, they hear numbers almost from birth. This is probably why this topic is especially easy for kids!

Numbers and numbers...What a broad topic! But very young students don’t need to know all the numbers—they only need to learn 10 numbers! It's so easy - after all, there are 10 fingers on your hands! On your feet too! And in general, you can count anything around you - toys, books, adults and even seconds...

But if you want more, you can go up to 20!


Some people believe that a child should be taught English exclusively starting with the alphabet. This is a big misconception when it comes to children 3-4-5 years old! Children learn a foreign language without any problems without even knowing the letters. After all, they understand Russian somehow already at 1-2 years old!))

But nevertheless, one day the moment comes when it’s worth getting acquainted with English letters. For example, before school - to be fully prepared, as they say. Or if the baby himself shows interest in them.

My daughter knew all Russian letters (by appearance and corresponding sound) at 2 years old. We were ready to learn English letters at 4!

And here different ways of approaching this insidious English alphabet come to the rescue)). I talk about these methods in my article:

There with help songs, videos, cards, sounds, games and rhymes You can learn the alphabet very quickly.

Words for children by topic

It is with words that every child’s acquaintance with the English language begins! He must hear and see them! And this - the basis at the initial stages. But seeing does not mean looking at the written word! Each new word heard should form an image and picture in the child’s head. This is how he begins to see him! And only then will the child try to pronounce the learned words himself.

I have prepared for you a selection of the most popular words for children , and small thematic collections . Each word is voiced, translated and has a picture. Besides this, you can download cards with words to print, cut them out and work. It is very convenient and practical.

Words on the topic of family

Words about animals

Words on the topic of fruits and vegetables

Words about home

Words about food

Words on the topic of clothing

Words on the topic of profession

Colors in English

Pink became an even more favorite color for my daughter when she was introduced to it in the context of the English language. After that, “pink” was heard from her lips wherever she encountered pink objects))

Colors in English are kids' favorite theme which comes very easily to them. A child is able to remember even 10 colors within 2-3 days. To do this, you need to present these bright words “on a silver platter”)). And to do this, just go here:


Needless to say, cartoons today are one of the favorite entertainments of all children and teenagers. Some children manage to watch them all day long, and some parents manage to allow it!

I think this type of entertainment is for a child must be strictly limited. And of course, if you watch cartoons, then they should be useful and meaningful. Do you agree? And this is especially true if we are talking about cartoons in English . They can become completely unobtrusive but at the same time extremely effective English lessons that the child will perceive as fun! He may not even realize that he is thereby learning a foreign language!

I have selected the best, in my opinion, cartoons for children. Please note that such cartoons are divided into those with Russian comments and those only in English! I recommend Children under 4 years old should watch exclusively English cartoons without a single Russian word. . They will understand everything. Watch, learn and enjoy!

Educational video lessons

Here you also need to understand that very young children (up to 3-4 years old) do not need to listen to explanations in Russian - just watch English-language videos with bright pictures - they will be able to understand everything! The main thing is that you like the video and arouse interest. Choose:

Songs and Video songs

Beautiful combination of rhyme and melody always gives a wonderful effect in the process of learning and memorizing something!

In addition to the cartoons and educational videos (which also included a lot of songs), I offer you 2 more of my notes with materials for children. In the first there are video songs, in the second there are simply songs with an attached translation into Russian:


Play and learn in fact, two identical words, because nothing gives such results in learning as the game form of any classes and any activity.

I have talked about games in English for kids more than once on the pages of my blog. And this topic is far from closed. IN There is still a large amount of materials in the process of preparation, which parents and teachers will soon be able to use for their very young charges.

And now you can familiarize yourself with these.

The right start is already half the success. Including learning English. But at what age should you start learning English and how to organize classes so that your child loves this language? The head of the Kids Primary department at Skyeng school, Anastasia Ekushevskaya, talks about the features of language learning at different ages.

In contact with


3-5 years

At this age, a child will learn any foreign language in the same way as his native language - naturally and almost unconsciously. But for this it is necessary to create an artificial language environment. Language should surround the child in everyday life: sing songs and lullabies in English, learn counting rhymes and simple rhymes. Classes in groups are also held in a playful way, but with an emphasis on educational activities. The child gets used to playing with lessons. For example, in a lesson on the topic Family, children first get acquainted with new vocabulary using cards with colorful drawings, then play some kind of outdoor game using new words, watch a short, simple cartoon and consolidate what they have learned by answering the teacher’s questions, for example, how they will call their mother or brother in English when they are at home.

Periodicity: 2-3 times a week.

20-30 minutes, but no more than 2 hours a week.

Peculiarities: At this age, a change in activity and dosed supply of material are important.

5-7 years

By this age, the child already has a good vocabulary of his native language, he can compose complex sentences and describe what is happening around him. However, it is still difficult for toddlers to consciously concentrate on one task, so the lesson should include a variety of activities. One of the best methods of teaching English during this period is project activity. For example, a series of classes on topics related to the culture and history of the country whose language is being studied. For example, while studying the geography of the United Kingdom, children work together to draw a map, get acquainted with the symbols of different parts of Great Britain, and at the same time with iconic characters for the British, from Queen Elizabeth to Paddington Bear. The lesson is not perceived as an educational process, but rather as a short journey, and therefore interest and attention are constantly focused on the development of events.

Periodicity: 2-3 times a week.

Optimal lesson duration: 45 minutes.

Peculiarities: When calculating the lesson time, keep in mind that getting ready and traveling to the language school also creates a burden on the child - he gets new impressions and is distracted. Therefore, it is better to choose courses very close to home or even study online, in a comfortable and familiar environment.

7-9 years

Younger schoolchildren begin to study the grammar of their native language, and this allows them to expand their knowledge of English. There is no point in learning the rules earlier: abstract thinking is not yet developed in children, and without it it is impossible to learn grammar. But 7-9 years is the most suitable age to not only get acquainted with the rules, but also to bring their use to automaticity. This is an important stage, which will allow in the future to begin an in-depth study of the features of the language and the development of basic skills: reading, listening and writing. To reinforce the topic and develop speaking skills, children act out dialogues in which they use knowledge of the rules in practice. It is especially important at this age, otherwise the rules will remain theoretical knowledge, but the child will never learn to use them in conversation.

Periodicity: 3-4 times a week

Optimal lesson duration: 45-60 minutes.

Peculiarities: At this age, the process of assimilation of new information is at its peak, so keeping the child interested can produce excellent results.

Like any habit, the ability to speak English needs to be instilled gradually, but regularly and systematically. In this case, classes take place naturally for the child, and the academic load does not cause resistance. It is very important that English classes arouse interest, inspiration and extremely positive emotions in the child. Excessive severity, high demands and punishment for mistakes will only lead to the fact that the child will begin to be afraid of the language. This creates a barrier that is very difficult to overcome even for motivated adult students. Learning should be a game, and we took this into account

Children learn English in primary school, but how many of them can speak it? Alas, most are not able to use knowledge in real communication even after graduating from school. At the YES Center, absolutely everyone speaks English, starting from the first year of study, from the first lessons.

The course does not replace the school curriculum, but compensates for its shortcomings. It opens up new perspectives for the child, gives deeper knowledge and prepares him to communicate with people anywhere in the world.

Disadvantages of the school program

Why are out-of-school English classes necessary for children aged 6-10? The peculiarities of mass education and the practice of assessing results according to formal criteria have led to the fact that at school English as a subject is taught in the same way as native Russian: the structure of vocabulary, laws, and exceptions are clarified. But its peculiarity is that children do not know the language whose rules they teach. The process proceeds “from the opposite direction” and is therefore ineffective.

It’s more natural to teach differently: first get the child talking using standard lexical structures, then systematize what is known and gradually add new words and rules, without separating this process from intensive speech practice.

The same goes for reading and writing. Where does the school curriculum begin? From learning the alphabet. Imagine that you would ask a non-speaking two-year-old child to learn the alphabet of his native language, and then teach him to speak. This is exactly the situation a primary school student finds himself in when he starts his first English lessons.

In primary school, children have to memorize vocabulary without sufficient verbal support. Conversational practice is dominated by ready-made dialogues; there is a shortage of improvised communication and detailed answers.

An attempt to go against the laws of nature yields bitter results - school graduates read and translate well, but are not able to initiate and maintain a simple conversation with a foreigner.

5 secrets of teaching English to junior schoolchildren at the YES Center

There are a number of rules, organizational and methodological, that turn the study of English by primary schoolchildren into an exciting and effective process. An additional effect from our classes is inspiration, openness and self-confidence. Many believe that this is even more valuable than knowledge of the language, and we are ready to agree with this.

Secrets of successful learning according to the YES Language Center:

  1. Analysis of the structure of language follows speech, and not vice versa. Children first learn to speak, communicate, share thoughts and emotions, and then figure out the patterns of grammar, rules of writing and reading.
  2. The immersion technique makes it possible to simplify the perception of foreign languages, as it is as close as possible to how children master their native speech.
  3. Limiting the number of students in a group (no more than eight) makes it possible for the teacher to become closely acquainted with the interests and characteristics of each child, which will certainly be taken into account when choosing current lexical topics.
  4. There is no practice in counting errors and grading. Activity and overcoming are encouraged, and successes make the student rejoice and be proud of himself - this is cooler than an “A” in a magazine.
  5. Any initiatives towards learning and using the language are supported. We always help students in implementing real-life and educational projects.

If a student enrolls in our courses, he will certainly speak English and know more of the language than is provided by the school curriculum.

When should I send my junior high school student to English courses?

The earlier the better. Frankly speaking, it would be good to teach your child to speak English a year or two before entering first grade, so that by the time he goes to school he will already have a feel for the language. Already having such a base, it is logical to begin studying linguistic structures.

If you couldn’t do this, it doesn’t matter. You can contact the Language Center at any time. In teaching younger schoolchildren, we take into account the specifics of the period and in some way coordinate our program with the school program so that they do not conflict, but support each other. If at school a teacher does not have the opportunity to deviate from the program and pay more attention to the child, give him more language practice, then we have both the opportunity and an excellent methodology.

The goal of our training is for children to master the language for full communication and to use it without embarrassment when the need arises.

In what grade will your child begin English courses?

First class: conversational ahead

Considering that the subject “English” is introduced in the second grade, starting its study from the first grade is a very good option. In this case, it is possible to build the correct chain: first listening, speaking, communication, then grammar, reading and writing.

With us, the child plunges headlong into the language environment and perceives a new language as the discovery of new opportunities. First-graders are trained intensively in order to achieve a good level by the time they join the school program.

By the end of the first year at the Center, children speak confidently among themselves. They have studied several lexical topics and feel free within this topic. They do not yet know the rules of grammar, but they feel the logic of statements on an intuitive level, due to extensive and varied practice. The child is ready to perceive the school curriculum and to structure the acquired knowledge.

This does not mean that education at the Center should not be continued into the second grade and beyond. Nowhere else will he receive such voluminous, emotional, fruitful support. In the future, we will lead him to a positive perception of writing and reading, establish clear grammatical patterns, his speech will continuously develop, and his vocabulary will be enriched. A unique technique means a unique result.

The beginnings of grammar, writing and reading are introduced after achieving the minimum required conversational base (ideally, if the child has undergone oral training in preschool age, then he will receive a lot of practice in spoken English, his active (active!) vocabulary contains vocabulary on several current topics. The child is ready for structuring the acquired knowledge.

Second grade: parallel learning

A child who begins studying English in our courses in the second grade manages to gain initial conversational practice in the first two to three months, while the alphabet is being taught at school. By the time he analyzed the grammatical features of English, he had already gained experience in speaking and using language to achieve his goals, to express desires and thoughts. He felt the simplicity and clarity of communication. It’s easier for him than for his non-speaking classmates - at least he understands what language they have started learning.

In the future, active language practice in the courses continues, and this is so lacking in school.

Third-fourth grade: another level

Has your child taken classes for third grade? The stage of advanced learning of oral English has been missed, but there is a great opportunity to take learning to a new level.

At school they study according to a formal program, in which visualization, visualization and playful moments in the lesson more or less correspond to age characteristics, but there is no natural sequence of familiarization with the language and the proportions of grammar and detailed initiated conversation are violated.

If we take each student individually, how many minutes does he speak on his own in class? Simple arithmetic shows that no more than a minute or two. Sometimes he does not manage to say a word during the entire lesson, unless he repeats after the teacher along with everyone else, but this cannot be considered an active use of language. How can you speak without saying anything? How to understand grammar without putting it into practice?

Teaching English to younger schoolchildren, we see how happy they are to find themselves in a communication environment where difficult things turn out to be simple and understandable, where they talk themselves, and not just listen to the teacher and take notes. Where they spend time having fun and with undoubted benefit.

There are no more than 8 people in the group, the teacher knows everyone and organizes classes so that the children speak continuously, on topics that are clearly interesting to them. They quickly reach the level of fluent spontaneous speech.

Everything that the child did not understand from the school curriculum is presented differently, vividly, with examples. Grammatical constructions are immediately put into practice, their patterns become clear and are not just remembered, but become part of the active language.

English for life

For English to truly become a second language for a child, a primary school student needs to learn it in an immersion atmosphere and use it constantly. Such conditions have been created at the YES Center. Give your child a second language of communication that he will speak easily and competently.

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