The image of Alexander Nevsky in painting is for exhibition. The image of Alexander Nevsky in art, presentation for a music lesson (grade 7) on the topic “Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky”

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Alexander Nevskiy

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Alexander means “protector of people” in Greek.

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Alexander was born in 1220 in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky.

At the age of 3, he was separated from his mother and given to be raised by princely soldiers. They taught writing, arithmetic, book wisdom and military science.

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Alexander could:

Control the horse; Fight on horseback and on foot; Wield weapons (spear, sword, saber, mace, hatchet, bow) Wear protective equipment (chain mail, helmet, shield, mittens)

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Princely sciences

Alexander Yaroslavovich knew: How to build regiments for battle; When is it more advantageous to strike with heavy cavalry? How to dig trenches; How to build siege engines, etc.

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Personal qualities of Alexander Nevsky


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Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

Already in 1228, Alexander began to reign in Novgorod under the supervision of the boyars.

And since 1236 - independently. And he was 16 years old!

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In the 13th century, Rus' was going through very difficult times. It was fragmented, the Russian princes continuously fought among themselves. The Mongol conquerors took advantage of this weakness and fragmentation. They ravaged Russian cities and took hundreds of thousands of people into slavery.

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Considering Rus' an easy prey, the Pope declared a crusade against Russian Orthodoxy, and hordes of Danish, Swedish and German knights moved to Rus'.
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Battle of Neva 1240

In 1240, many Swedish ships approached the Neva under the command of Birger. Alexander, who was not yet 20 years old at the time, prayed for a long time in the Novgorod Church of Hagia Sophia. Coming out of the temple, he strengthened his squad with words filled with faith: “God is not in power, but in truth. Some with weapons, others on horses, but we will call on the Name of the Lord our God!”

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With a small retinue, the prince hurried towards the enemies. On the eve of the battle there was a vision: a warrior standing on sea patrol saw a boat sailing on the sea, and on it were the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb, in scarlet robes. Alexander, encouraged by the omen, courageously and prayerfully led his army against the Swedes.
1240 (July) The Swedes sailed from the Baltic Sea to the Neva River. Alexander gathered a squad. The Novgorodians defeated the Swedes.

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With a small retinue, the prince hurried towards the enemies. On the eve of the battle there was a vision: a warrior standing on sea patrol saw a boat sailing on the sea, and on it were the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb, in scarlet robes. Alexander, encouraged by the omen, courageously and prayerfully led his army against the Swedes.
The Swedes fled.

With victory, the Russian army returned to Novgorod.

And Prince Alexander received an honorary nickname for his name - Nevsky.
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Battle on the Ice

April 5, 1242, the beginning of the Battle of the Ice on the shores of Lake Peipus. The defeat of the German knights.

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In this battle, the young Prince Alexander Nevsky (he was only 22 years old at the time) proved himself to be a wise and experienced commander. Having learned that the knights were moving to Pskov through Lake Peipus, bound by ice, Nevsky positioned his army near the steep shore of the lake. His position was convenient because the enemy could not see the entire Russian army and could not determine its number. And the enemy army was in full view for the Russians, as it was moving on open ice. The forces were approximately equal - 15 thousand soldiers on both sides.
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Alexander warned the crusaders:

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“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. This is where the Russian land stands and will stand.”

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The military leadership of Alexander Nevsky was recognized in the Golden Horde. Khan Batu was amazed by the appearance of the prince-hero, his intelligence, and his loud voice. The Tatars entrusted Alexander with the management of Russian lands.

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In 1262, Alexander again went with gifts to the Horde. The Khan kept the prince close to him all winter and summer. Only in the fall did Alexander get the opportunity to return to Vladimir.

But on the way he fell ill and died in Gorodets.

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Prince Alexander Nevsky was born on May 13, 1220 in the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. His father, Grand Duke of Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, came from the Rurik family. He spent his childhood and youth in Novgorod, where his father first reigned, and then he, in a very young age, accepted the burden of rule. At that time, Russian princes gave their children a good education. They were taught literacy, reading spiritual books, martial arts, and diplomacy. The prince's mentors were clergy, and the training itself was mainly in the nature of familiarization with the truths of the Christian faith and breathed Christian piety. Young Prince

Ancient Novgorod chronicles left us a verbal portrait of the prince: “He was tall, strong, slender and handsome. The voice was sonorous. Meek and gentle in his manner, he involuntarily inspired respect for himself with his outstanding spiritual qualities, and humbled some with the threat of his anger and exemplary punishment.”

The character of Prince Alexander was formed as a result of his relationship with Veliky Novgorod. The Novgorodians did not get along with Prince Yaroslav because of his harsh temper, but Alexander was quite wise and careful. The Novgorodians accepted him and considered him their prince (1236 -1251). Prince of Novgorod

In the middle of the 13th century, Alexander Nevsky appeared as the Guardian Angel for Rus'. The circumstances in which he had to reign required extraordinary abilities and qualities. A great feat fell to the lot of Saint Alexander: to save Russia, he had to simultaneously show the valor of a warrior and the humility of a monk. The Tatar thunderstorm, which destroyed cities and villages, watered the fields with Russian blood; on the other hand, the Swedes, Livonians and Lithuanians rebelled against Russia. Alexander - “protector of people” Prontenko O. Prince Alexander Nevsky

The victory of Prince Alexander on the Neva in 1240 was the first success of Russian weapons; it was in honor of this remarkable victory over the Swedes that the young prince was called Nevsky. He was only 20 years old. With the sign of the cross before the Threefold Battle, - Sword in hand, lips with prayer - The Grand Duke won! The clouds covered the sun... Blood flowed through the grass... He beat the Teutonic knights, He beat the Swedes on the Neva. Hundreds of years have passed since then, Many have left like smoke... But the prince has not been forgotten - He became a great saint! Battle of the Neva by V. Vasnetsov "Battle of Prince Alexander Nevsky with the Swedes on the Neva"

The Battle of Lake Peipsi, which went down in history as the Battle of the Ice, began on the morning of April 5, 1242. The movement of Western invaders into Rus' was stopped. Battle on the ice... People, horses, swords, axes, axes were already mixed up, and the prince, as before, calmly watched the battle from the mountain. ...And only after waiting for the Livonians, having mixed ranks, to be drawn into battle, He blazed his sword in the sun and led the squad behind him. They flew across the ice with clanging and thunder, bending towards their shaggy manes; And the prince was the first to ride into the German formation on a huge horse. There was a harsh disorder of Iron, blood and water. In place of the knightly detachments Bloody traces were laid. Shcherbakov A, Dzys I. “Battle on the Ice”

“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword” Yu. Pantyukhin. Alexander Nevskiy

For 20 years, the prince, trying to revive the former glory of Rus', went to bow to the khans of the Golden Horde and paid them an annual tribute. Alexander managed to negotiate with Batu about collecting tribute and received a label for the Great Reign of Vladimir (1252 - 1263). For the sake of love for his native land and for the sake of the peace of his people, the prince traveled to the Horde and twice to the distant Mongolian steppes. The prince spent his treasury on the ransom of prisoners whom the Tatars took to captivity. In 1263, after another trip to the Horde, the prince fell seriously ill and soon died. Golden Horde The noble prince Alexander Nevsky begs Khan Batu to spare the Russian land. Chromolithograph. End of the 19th century.

The prince was buried in Vladimir. Contemporaries say that during the funeral service, the deceased prince himself, as if alive, extended his hand and accepted the letter with a prayer of permission from the hands of the metropolitan. Since then, Alexander Nevsky has lived in people's memory: in 1547 he was glorified at the Moscow Cathedral and canonized. Saint Alexander Icon of the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky.

In 1723, by decree of Peter I, the incorrupt relics of Alexander Nevsky were transported to St. Petersburg and installed in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The emperor chose the hero of the Battle of the Neva as a heavenly patron for his beloved city. Alexandro – Nevsky Lavra

In 1725, Catherine I established the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, which was awarded for special services to the Fatherland. During the Great Patriotic War, this order again became a military award. Order of Alexander Nevsky

There is a beautiful legend associated with the name of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky: “They say that if a city has a functioning temple in the name of the noble prince, then the enemy will never enter this city.” The day of veneration of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky is December 6.

Streets, alleys, squares, etc. are named after Alexander Nevsky. Orthodox churches are dedicated to him. Alexander Nevsky became the winner of the “Name of Russia” project (2008). Memory of Alexander Nevsky Monument to Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Russian squad. I. Kozlov and P. Butenko Chapel of Alexander Nevsky. Velikiye Luki Cathedral of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. Nizhny Novgorod

N. Roerich "Alexander Nevsky" Korin P. Alexander Nevsky The image of Alexander Nevsky in painting Kostylev D.. Alexander Nevsky Nesterov M. Alexander Nevsky

The image of Alexander Nevsky in cinema Alexander Nevsky - Nikolai Cherkasov, director - Sergei Eisenstein, 1938. Life of Alexander Nevsky - Anatoly Gorgul, Director - Georgy Kuznetsov, 1991. Alexander. Battle of the Neva. – Anton Pampushny, Director – Igor Kalenov, 2008.

The image of Alexander Nevsky in literature Rurikovich: Dynasty in the novels of Krutogorov, Yu. A. Alexander Nevsky: The Tale Kashirin S.I. Prince of All Rus'. "The Life of Alexander Nevsky" Vasiliev, B. L. Alexander Nevsky

The image of Alexander Nevsky in the music of S. Prokofiev’s Cantata “And that was the case”, “Rise up, Russian people”, “In native Rus'”, “Dead Field”, “I will walk across the white field” Rise, Russian people, For a glorious battle, for mortal combat, Rise up, free people, for our honest land. Enemies should not go to Rus', Do not trample down regiments in Rus', Do not trample down the fields of Rus', Rise up, Russian people.

Src="" alt="> The image of Alexander Nevsky in painting Exhibition Hall Creative work">!}

Src="" alt="> The first painters, of course, were church painters. And therefore the image of Alexander Nevsky"> Первыми художниками -живописцами, конечно, были изобразители церковной живописи. И поэтому образ Александра Невского появился на иконах в XIV веке. Только с XVIII века появляются живописные полотна с изображением великого князя.!}

Src="" alt="> Image of the Holy Prince"> Образ святого князя А. Невского нашел свое место в творчестве русского ученого М. В. Ломоносова. Ломоносов-художник создал мозаичный портрет князя в 1757 - 1758 г. Создавая портрет, он учитывал иконописные изображения великого князя, которые «А. Невский» появились в России в М. В. Ломоносов (1757 – 1758 г) XVII веке.!}

Src="" alt="> In 1240, German knights took Pskov, but A. Nevsky liberated city."> В 1240 году немецкие рыцари взяли Псков, но А. Невский освободил город. Этому событию посвятили свои картины Г. Угрюмов и В. Серов. Торжественный въезд Александра Невского в город Псков после одержанной им победы над немцами» Г. Угрюмов 1793 г.!}

Src="" alt="> “Entry of A. Nevsky into Pskov” V. Serov">!}

Src="" alt="> Soldiers on horseback are visible behind Alexander"> За спиной Александра видны воины на конях с развернутым стягом. Они готовы к битве. Невский изображен в момент обращения к богу перед сражением. . «Александр Невский» В. Шебуев 1819 г.!}

Src="" alt=">In 1870 Henryk Semiradsky received an order for paintings in the Church of the Savior in Moscow,"> Генрих Семирадский в 1870 году получил заказ живописных работ в храме Спасителя в Москве, где и написал четыре картины из жития Александра Невского. «Александр Невский принимает папских «Невский в Орде» легатов»!}

Src="" alt="> "The Death of Alexander "Burial of Alexander Nevsky" Henryk Semiradsky 1870">!}

Src="" alt="> “Alexander Nevsky” P. Shamshin 1855">!}

Src="" alt="> “Battle of the Neva Saint Alexander Nevsky inflicts a wound in the face of Birger""> «Невская битва Святой Александр Невский наносит рану в лицо Биргеру» А. Д. Кившенко!}

Src="" alt="> “Alexander Nevsky defeats Jarl Birger” N.K. Roerich">!}

Src="" alt=">Battle on the Ice "Battle on the Ice" mosaic panel at the Ploshchad metro station"> Ледовое побоище «Ледовое побоище» мозаичное панно на станции метро «Площадь Александра Невского» в Санкт-Петербурге»!}

Src="" alt="> “Battle on the Ice” by Yu. N. Truze">!}

Src="" alt="> “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword! »"> «Кто к нам с мечем придет, от меча и погибнет!» С. П. Присекин 1983 г.!}

Src="" alt="> “Battle on the Ice” D. Kostylev">!}

Src="" alt="> “Battle on the Ice” by V. Serov">!}

Src="" alt="> “Battle on the Ice” V. Nazaruk">!}

Src="" alt="> “A. Nevsky” N. K. Roerich 1942">!}

Src="" alt=">Nevsky in the works of contemporary artists">!}

Src="" alt="> “A. Nevsky” P. Korin 1942 V. Siberian">!}

Src="" alt="> “A. Nevsky and Sartak in the Horde” F. Moskvitin">!}

Src="" alt="> "A. Nevsky" Yu. Pantyukhin">!}

Src="" alt="> “God is not in power, but in Truth” O. Maslov">!}

Src="" alt="> “A. Nevsky” V. I. Agevin">!}

Src="" alt="> Alexander Nevsky died almost seven and a half centuries ago, in the city. Gorodets,"> Александр Невский скончался почти семь с половиной веков назад, в г. Городце, но его благородный образ и поныне живет в памяти городчан. «А. Невский на смертном одре» М. В. Нестеров!}

Src="" alt=">Figures such as Alexander Nevsky become favorite folk heroes and constitute its national"> Такие деятели как Александр Невский становятся излюбленными народными героями, составляют его национальную славу, их подвиги прославляются в позднейших сказаниях, песнях. Это как бы звезды на историческом горизонте, освещающие весь дальнейший исторический путь народа.!}

Src="" alt=">The language of painting is understandable and accessible to every Russian person, the broad masses of the people. Now that the feats"> Язык живописи понятен и доступен каждому русскому человеку, широким массам народа. Сейчас, когда подвиги святого благоверного князя Александра Невского так известны, почитаемы и актуальны в современном мире, тема живописи важна и актуальна. Каждый художник видит образ А. Невского по-своему, живо, сильно и выразительно. Каждая картина, каждая работа становится памятником, посвященным истории нашей Родины, жизни и подвигам А. Невского.!}

Security speech for the presentation “Alexander Nevsky - an image through the centuries”

Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky(1220 – 1263)

One of those names that is known to every person in our Fatherland. A prince covered in military glory, honored with a literary story about his deeds soon after his death, canonized by the church. A man whose name continued to inspire generations many centuries later. In 2008, Alexander Nevsky became, in all fairness, a symbol of Russia.

Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich was an Orthodox man and invincible in open battle. The commander had to win the highest victory over himself, to show the rarest and most difficult virtue: to humble himself, to drown out the voice of pride. At the cost of humiliation, he managed to protect and preserve his homeland (he had to bow to Batu Khan). This is the feat of Alexander Nevsky.

Historian G.V. Vernadsky wrote: “... The two feats of Alexander Nevsky - the feat of warfare in the West and the feat of humility in the East - had a single goal - the preservation of Orthodoxy as a source of moral and political strength of the Russian people.”

The idealization of the commander reached its highest point in connection with the rise of the national self-awareness of the Russian people before the Great Patriotic War, just as every time with an external threat through the centuries of history, we return to him.

On May 18, 1937, Mosfilm director Sofya Sokolovskaya made an offer to director Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein to film a historical film.

On August 12, 1937, Eisenstein decided to make a film about Alexander Nevsky, although he knew that the surviving sources about the prince’s life were very few.

In the role of Alexander Nevsky - actor Nikolai Konstantinovich Cherkasov.The music for the film was written by composer Sergei Prokofiev, who composed the cantata “Alexander Nevsky” for the occasion. The power of Prokofiev's music was such that some episodes of the film were edited using a soundtrack.

The film was shot in a short time, the picture was released in 1938 and became a hit. The image of Nevsky was literally in the air. The prince's fame was reaching its zenith. A few months after the film's release, in August 1939, a non-aggression pact was signed between Germany and the Soviet Union. The film was withdrawn from distribution because the film portrayed Germans negatively.

With the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, the film was returned to screens in 1941 - the success was deafening. There were no films about the ongoing war yet, but heroes were already needed. Alexander Nevsky, together with his friends and associates defending Rus' from foreign invasion, was the best fit.

In 1942, one of the relevant memorial dates was the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Lake Peipsi. Especially for the day of celebration, April 18, a poster was released with the words of J.V. Stalin: “Let the courageous image of our great ancestors inspire you in this war.”

At this time, Konstantin Simonov’s poem “Battle on the Ice,” which tells about the battle of Alexander Nevsky on Lake Peipus, became relevant. The poem was written in 1937, but for the same reason as the film, it was not published until 1941.

The image of Alexander Nevsky, a warrior - a defender of not just his native land, but also a spiritual ideal in Russia - attracts the artist Pavel Dmitrievich Korin

In 1942 - 1943 working on the triptych "Alexander Nevsky".The master of painting turns to the glorious past of our Motherland, inspiring Soviet soldiers to fight the enemy, recalling the inevitability of death, the inglorious end of the conquerors.

In 1942 - 1943, a battle unprecedented in history raged near Stalingrad.

“Nevsky came out as a prophet to the soldiers of our army, with what inescapable faith his face breathed. His face is stern, in his eyes there is hatred, a thirst for battle...” writes critic I. Yu. Belov. The power of the image created by Pavel Korin was such that reproductions of Alexander Nevsky decorated front-line dugouts and front-line newspapers. Soldiers were walking to the west, and the legendary Russian commander called them to fight for freedom.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 29, 1942, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was established. The Order was awarded to commanders of the Red Army who showed personal courage, courage and bravery in the battles for their Motherland in the Patriotic War and who, through skillful command, ensured the successful actions of their units. The Order of Alexander Nevsky No. 1 was awarded to the commander of the marine battalion of the 154th Marine Rifle Brigade, senior lieutenant (later lieutenant colonel) Ruban Ivan Nazarovich for repelling the attack of an entire fascist regiment in August 1942.

Alexander Nevsky played an exceptional role in Russian history during that dramatic period when Rus' was attacked in the 13th century, and in the 20th century, during the Great Patriotic War, he showed the Russian people that they still had the strength to defend their Motherland. He is one of those national heroes of the Russian people, whose names remain forever in the popular consciousness as a symbol of the perseverance and independence of their native country.

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ALEXANDER NEVSKY Every nation has its own treasured names, which over time become the most revered among the people. One of these revered heroes in Rus' was Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. The 13th century was a time of terrible upheavals for Rus'. The Tatars who poured in from the east depopulated and enslaved most of the country. The German Order of the Swordsmen conquered all the Chud and Liv lands (in the territory of modern Latvia and Estonia) and came close to the Novgorod possessions. Another enemy of Novgorod in the Ladoga region was Sweden. The political leaders of that time had a difficult task - to put Rus', if possible, in such relations with various enemies that it could continue to exist. The man who took on this task and laid a solid foundation for its implementation in the future was Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky.

Biography Prince Alexander Nevsky was born in 1220 (according to another version - 1221). At different years of his life, the prince had several titles: Novgorod (years), Tver (years) and Vladimir (from 1252). Alexander Yaroslavich's adolescence and youth spent most of his life in Novgorod, where his father Yaroslav Vsevolodovich reigned. In 1236, Yaroslav installed 16-year-old Alexander in Novgorod as prince in his place. So the young prince had to solve difficult problems and fight many enemies who were pressing on Rus' from all sides.

As a commander, Alexander can rightfully be revered as the Great: in his entire life he did not lose a single battle. Victory during the Battle of the Neva (1240), over the Germans on Lake Peipus in 1242, over Lithuania (1245). Prince Alexander died in Gorodets on the Volga on November 14, 1263, “having worked a lot for the Russian land, for Novgorod and for Pskov, for the entire great reign, giving his life for the Orthodox faith.” In the same city, he took monastic vows with the name Alexy.

"Burial of Alexander Nevsky." Henryk Semiradsky, 1876 Fate gave the prince only forty-three years of earthly life. Alexander's body was buried in Vladimir in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the 18th century, on the orders of Peter I, the prince’s relics were solemnly transported from Vladimir to St. Petersburg (1724) to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Victory on the Neva. Battle on the Ice The victory that he won on the banks of the Neva, at the mouth of the Izhora River on July 15, 1240 over the Swedish detachment, which, according to legend, was commanded by the future ruler of Sweden, Earl Birger Alexander, personally participated in the battle, brought universal glory to the young prince. It is believed that it was for this victory that the prince began to be called Nevsky, but for the first time this nickname is found in sources only from the 14th century, since it is known that some descendants of the prince also bore the nickname Nevsky, it is possible that in this way possessions in this area were assigned to them. It is traditionally believed that the battle of 1240 prevented Russia from losing the shores of the Gulf of Finland and stopped Swedish aggression on the Novgorod-Pskov lands.

Upon returning from the banks of the Neva, due to another conflict, Alexander Nevsky was forced to leave Novgorod and go to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Meanwhile, a threat from the west loomed over Novgorod. The Livonian Order, having gathered the German crusaders of the Baltic states, the Danish knights from Revel, enlisting the support of the papal curia and the long-time rivals of the Novgorodians, the Pskovs, invaded the Novgorod lands.

An embassy was sent from Novgorod to Yaroslav Vsevolodovich asking for help. He sent an armed detachment to Novgorod led by his son Andrei Yaroslavich, who was soon replaced by Alexander. The decisive battle took place on the ice of Lake Peipsi, near the Crow Stone on April 5, 1242 and went down in history as the Battle of the Ice. The German knights were defeated. The Livonian Order was faced with the need to conclude a peace, according to which the crusaders renounced their claims to Russian lands, and also transferred part of Latgale.

Triptych by Pavel Dmitrievich Korin “Alexander Nevsky” () The central painting of the triptych depicts Alexander Nevsky, a Russian prince canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1549 for his contribution to the defense of Russian lands from enemies. During the years of his reign, Alexander Nevsky won a number of striking victories over the Swedish and German armies. Northern ballad Ancient tale Alexander Nevsky

Korin “Alexander Nevsky” In the painting, Alexander Nevsky is presented as a purposeful warrior preparing for battle. He stands at the border of Russian lands and vigilantly watches where the enemy will appear from. Alexander leans on a large sword, and behind him flutters a banner with the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The color scheme used by the artist is in black, red and light colors. This enhances the impression of rigor, restraint, purposefulness and heroism produced by the image of the prince. The general appearance of the prince is formidable. This is a real Russian hero - a defender who will not let his land be insulted.

Behind Alexander Nevsky, Korin depicted the vast Russian lands. The broad-shouldered warrior in armor personifies the full power of Russian weapons, the courage and courage of the Russian people, who are ready to fight to the last drop of blood for their freedom and independence, for their ideals. Largely thanks to the artist’s skill, the prince remained in the memory of the Russians as an unbending warrior and national hero.

Victor Vasnetsov. Alexander Nevskiy. Sketch for the icon of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv.

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich () Dedicating the painting “Alexander Nevsky” (1942) to the military feat of the Soviet people and believing in the indestructible power of the people’s spirit, the artist depicted one of the key moments of Russian history, which occurred exactly seven centuries ago. In April 1242, Alexander learned that a German army had been sent against him, led by the master of the Livonian Order of Crusaders. Alexander Nevsky with the militia came forward and approached the enemy at the Voroniy Kamen rock on the shore of Lake Peipsi. In a bloody battle, called the “Battle of the Ice,” the Livonian knights were defeated and fled. Many of them drowned in the lake, falling through the cracked ice.

Artist Yuri Pantyukhin. 2003/ The painting Alexander Nevsky was made in the genre of historical painting. It made another attempt to portray the image of the legendary Russian commander and statesman. In the painting, Alexander Nevsky is shown as a young and romantic warrior, as he will forever remain in the Russian historical chronicle. The Grand Duke is depicted against the background of a banner with the image of the Savior and the icon of St. George the Victorious. The image of the dome of Hagia Sophia and the harsh landscape of the Volkhov River are complemented. The painting is part of the historical cycle of paintings For the Russian Land.

The formation of cultural memory of the prince can be divided into several periods. Alexander was initially venerated as a local saint in the Nativity Monastery of Vladimir. His appearance was dominated by the image of a monk. The first hagiographic work dedicated to the prince appeared in the 1280s - this is “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Blessed and Grand Duke Alexander.” Until the beginning of the 18th century, Prince Alexander was revered as a local saint in Vladimir and Suzdal, and since 1547, as an all-Russian saint. A day of remembrance was established in his honor (November 23); new lives, liturgies, and icons with his face appear. The oldest surviving icon dates back to the end of the 16th century.

Bogatyrev Ivan Vasilievich. Alexander Nevsky with scenes from his life. Icon of the Nevyansk letter of the early 19th century. Alexander Nevsky is depicted in the clothes of a schema monk. In the background is the Battle of the Neva. Schemamonk (Schemonk) a monk initiated into the schema; schema - the highest degree of monasticism, prescribing seclusion and adherence to strict rules. Schemamonk

In the prince's homeland - in Pereslavl-Zalessky, in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the city Kremlin - the first Alexander Nevsky Museum was opened in 1945. Several historical novels about Alexander appeared. Later, several monuments to the prince were opened: the first - in Novgorod in 1959 on the occasion of the 1100th anniversary of the city, then - in Vladimir, Yuryev-Polsky, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Gorodets, near Pskov, not far from Lake Peipus, for twenty-five years ( gg.) the most grandiose monument to the prince was created.

Monument to Alexander Nevsky in St. Petersburg The monument was erected on Alexander Nevsky Square in 2002. Alexander Nevsky is considered the patron saint of St. Petersburg. The great Russian commander Alexander Yaroslavovich was named “Nevsky” much later than his famous victory over the Swedes in the Battle of Neva in 1240. Peter the Great himself understood his struggle for the Neva banks as a continuation of the work of Alexander Nevsky. And the First All-Russian Emperor ended his reign by transferring the relics of the Grand Duke from the city of Vladimir to the city on the Neva, to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra founded by him.

Sculptor Valentin Grigorievich Kozenyuk Without exaggeration, we can say that this monument became the idea and work of his whole life. “The image of Alexander Nevsky never left me,” said Valentin Grigorievich. The sculptor deeply believed in the Holy Prince, in Great Russia. “If I erect a monument to Alexander Nevsky in front of the Lavra, then the next day I may die...” Unfortunately, this is almost exactly what happened.

Work on the image began back in 1967. In 1975, V. Kozenyuk received the approval of the art commission, but things did not go further. Further, the sculptor won two competitions held in the city in 1990 and 1997 and began to implement the plan. But, in the same year, 1997, the unexpected illness and death of Valentin Grigorievich interrupted the work begun. In his will, Kozenyuk indicated those to whom he entrusted to complete his life's work: sculptors Alexander Palmin and Albert Chartin. They lobbied for the construction of the monument. And for the celebration of the tercentenary of St. Petersburg, the Monumentsculpture plant was allocated the necessary funds for the monument. On April 15, 2000, on Alexander Nevsky Square opposite the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, a stone was solemnly laid at the site of the future monument.

The monument to Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Russian squad was opened on Mount Sokolikha in 1993 in the city of Pskov. The authors of the monument, sculptor I.I. Kozlovsky and architect P.S. Butenko, depicted the holy and blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky surrounded by Russian warriors from Pskov, Novgorod, Vladimir and Suzdal. A huge sculptural composition made of bronze and granite, weighing 163 tons, personifies the unity and indivisibility of the Russian land, its conciliarity, in which our ancestors found spiritual power and support.

Internet resources Alexander Nevsky | Sculpture: Monuments in cities Theme of the year Alexander Nevsky Icon Alexander Nevsky, St. icon-1099 N.K. Roerich - Alexander Nevsky win/pics/pic0130/p0130. htm Painting Alexander Nevsky. Historical painting. photographs... Alexander Nevsky

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