Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nekrasov biography briefly the most important. Nekrasov, Nikolai Alekseevich - short biography

(1821 77/78), Russian poet.

In 1847 66 editor and publisher of the Sovremennik magazine, from 1868 editor (together with M.-E. Saltykov) of the magazine Otechestvennye zapiski.

In depicting the everyday life of the urban lower classes, peasant everyday life, women’s lot, the world of childhood, the poet’s “muse of revenge and sadness” is especially sensitive to injustice, to human pain. The poems: “Peddlers” (1861), “Frost, Red Nose” (1864), “Russian Women” (1871 72), “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (1866 76) paint a diverse picture of modern Russian life, first of all the peasantry, with its dreams of universal national happiness. Satire (poem "Contemporaries", 1875 76). Tragic motives in the cycle of poems “Last Songs” (1877). Prose. Criticism.


Born on November 28 (October 10 n.s.) in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province, in the family of a small nobleman. His childhood years were spent in the village of Greshnev, on the family estate of his father, a man of a despotic character who oppressed not only the serfs, but also his family, which the future poet witnessed. F. Dostoevsky later wrote about Nekrasov: “It was a heart that was wounded at the very beginning of his life; and this wound, which never healed, was the beginning and source of all his passionate, suffering poetry for the rest of his life.” The poet's mother, an educated woman, was his first teacher; she instilled in him a love of literature, the Russian language,

In 1832 1837 Nekrasov studied at the Yaroslavl gymnasium. Then he began to write poetry.

In 1838, against the will of his father, the future poet went to St. Petersburg to enter the university. Having failed the entrance exams, he became a volunteer student and attended lectures at the Faculty of Philology for two years. Upon learning of this, his father deprived him of all financial support. The disasters that befell Nekrasov were subsequently reflected in his poems and the unfinished novel “The Life and Adventures of Tikhon Trostnikov.”

In 1841 he began collaborating with Otechestvennye zapiski.

In 1843 Nekrasov met with Belinsky, whose ideas resonated in his soul. Realistic poems appear, the first of which, “On the Road” (1845), was highly praised by critics. Thanks to his keen critical mind, poetic talent, deep knowledge of life and entrepreneurial spirit, Nekrasov became a skillful organizer of the literary business. He collected and published two almanacs: “Physiology of St. Petersburg” (1845), “Petersburg Collection” (1846), where essays, stories, stories by Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Belinsky, Herzen, Dahl and others were published.

In 1847 1866 he was the publisher and actual editor of the Sovremennik magazine, which united the best literary forces of his time. The magazine became the organ of revolutionary democratic forces.

During these years, Nekrasov created lyrical poems dedicated to his common-law wife Panaeva, poems and cycles of poems about the urban poor (“On the Street”, “About the Weather”), about the fate of the people (“Uncompressed Strip”, “Railway”, etc.) , about peasant life (“Peasant Children”, “Forgotten Village”, “Orina, Soldier’s Mother”, “Frost, Red Nose”, etc.).

During the period of social upsurge of the 1850s and 1860s and the peasant reform, he published “The Poet and the Citizen,” (“Song to Eremushka,” “Reflections at the Front Entrance,” the poem “Peddlers.”

In 1862, after the events of 1861, when the leaders of revolutionary democracy were arrested, Nekrasov visited his native places - Greshnev and Abakumtsevo, the result of which was the lyrical poem “A Knight for an Hour” (1862), which the poet himself singled out and loved. This year Nekrasov acquired the Karabikha estate, not far from Yaroslavl, where he came every summer, spending time hunting and communicating with friends from the people.

After the closure of the Sovremennik magazine, Nekrasov acquired the right to publish Otechestvennye Zapiski, with which the last ten years of his life were associated. During these years, he worked on the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (1866 76), wrote poems about the Decembrists and their wives (“Grandfather”, 1870; “Russian Women”, 1871 72). In addition, he created a series of satirical works, the pinnacle of which was the poem “Contemporaries” (1875).

Nekrasov’s late lyrics are characterized by elegiac motifs: “Three Elegies” (1873), “Morning”, “Despondency”, “Elegy” (1874), associated with the loss of many friends, the consciousness of loneliness, and a serious illness (cancer). But others like “The Prophet” (1874) and “To the Sowers” ​​(1876) also appear. In 1877 cycle of poems "Last Songs".

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich, (1821-1877) Russian poet

Born in the town of Nemirovo (Podolsk province) in the family of a small nobleman. My childhood years were spent in the village of Greshnev on the family estate of my father, an extremely despotic man. At the age of 10 he was sent to the Yaroslavl gymnasium.

At the age of 17 he moved to St. Petersburg, but, refusing to devote himself to a military career, as his father insisted, he was deprived of material support. In order not to die of hunger, he began to write poetry commissioned by booksellers. At this time he met V. Belinsky.

In 1847, Nekrasov and Panaev acquired the Sovremennik magazine, founded by A.S. Pushkin. The influence of the magazine grew every year, until in 1862 the government suspended its publication and then completely banned the magazine.

While working on Sovremennik, Nekrasov published several collections of poems, including “Peddlers” (1856) and “Peasant Children” (1856), which brought him fame as a poet.

In 1869, Nekrasov acquired the right to publish the journal Otechestvennye zapiski and published it. During his work at Otechestvennye Zapiski, he created the poems “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (1866-1876), “Grandfather” (1870), “Russian Women” (1871-1872), wrote a series of satirical works, the pinnacle of which was the poem “ Contemporaries" (1875).

At the beginning of 1875, Nekrasov became seriously ill; neither the famous surgeon nor the operation could stop the rapidly developing rectal cancer. At this time, he began work on the cycle “Last Songs” (1877), a kind of poetic testament dedicated to Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova (in Nekrasov’s work Zinaida), the poet’s last love. Nekrasov died at the age of 56.


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Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821 - 1877(78)) - classic of Russian poetry, writer and publicist. He was a revolutionary democrat, editor and publisher of the Sovremennik magazine (1847-1866) and editor of the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine (1868). One of the most important and famous works of the writer is the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”

early years

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 28 (December 10), 1821 in the city of Nemirov, Podolsk province, into a wealthy landowner family. The writer spent his childhood years in the Yaroslavl province, the village of Greshnevo, on a family estate. The family was large - the future poet had 13 sisters and brothers.

At the age of 11, he entered the gymnasium, where he studied until the 5th grade. Young Nekrasov’s studies were not going well. It was during this period that Nekrasov began to write his first satirical poems and write them down in a notebook.

Education and the beginning of a creative path

The poet's father was cruel and despotic. He deprived Nekrasov of financial assistance when he did not want to enlist in military service. In 1838, Nekrasov’s biography included a move to St. Petersburg, where he entered the university’s Faculty of Philology as a volunteer student. In order not to die of hunger, experiencing a great need for money, he finds part-time work, gives lessons and writes poetry to order.

During this period, he met the critic Belinsky, who would later have a strong ideological influence on the writer. At the age of 26, Nekrasov, together with the writer Panaev, bought the Sovremennik magazine. The magazine quickly became popular and had significant influence in society. In 1862, the government banned its publication.

Literary activity

Having accumulated enough funds, Nekrasov published his debut collection of poems, “Dreams and Sounds” (1840), which failed. Vasily Zhukovsky advised that most of the poems in this collection should be published without the name of the author. After this, Nikolai Nekrasov decides to move away from poetry and take up prose, writing novellas and short stories. The writer is also engaged in publishing some almanacs, in one of which Fyodor Dostoevsky made his debut. The most successful almanac was the “Petersburg Collection” (1846).

In 1847 - 1866 he was the publisher and editor of the Sovremennik magazine, which employed the best writers of that time. The magazine was a hotbed of revolutionary democracy. While working at Sovremennik, Nekrasov published several collections of his poems. His works “Peasant Children” and “Peddlers” brought him wide fame.

On the pages of the Sovremennik magazine, such talents as Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Herzen, Dmitry Grigorovich and others were discovered. The already famous Alexander Ostrovsky, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Gleb Uspensky were published in it. Thanks to Nikolai Nekrasov and his magazine, Russian literature learned the names of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy.

In the 1840s, Nekrasov collaborated with the magazine Otechestvennye zapiski, and in 1868, after the closure of the Sovremennik magazine, he leased it from the publisher Kraevsky. The last ten years of the writer’s life were associated with this magazine. At this time, Nekrasov wrote the epic poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (1866-1876), as well as “Russian Women” (1871-1872), “Grandfather” (1870) - poems about the Decembrists and their wives, some more satirical works, the pinnacle of which was the poem “Contemporaries” (1875).

Nekrasov wrote about the suffering and grief of the Russian people, about the difficult life of the peasantry. He also introduced a lot of new things into Russian literature, in particular, he used simple Russian colloquial speech in his works. This undoubtedly showed the richness of the Russian language, which came from the people. In his poems, he first began to combine satire, lyricism and elegiac motifs. Briefly speaking, the poet’s work made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian classical poetry and literature in general.

Personal life

The poet had several love affairs in his life: with the owner of the literary salon Avdotya Panaeva, the Frenchwoman Selina Lefren, and the village girl Fyokla Viktorova.

One of the most beautiful women in St. Petersburg and the wife of the writer Ivan Panaev, Avdotya Panaeva, was liked by many men, and the young Nekrasov had to make a lot of efforts to win her attention. Finally, they confess their love to each other and begin to live together. After the early death of their common son, Avdotya leaves Nekrasov. And he leaves for Paris with the French theater actress Selina Lefren, whom he had known since 1863. She remains in Paris, and Nekrasov returns to Russia. However, their romance continues at a distance. Later he meets a simple and uneducated girl from the village - Fyokla (Nekrasov gives her the name Zina), with whom they later got married. biography writer Russian poetry

Nekrasov had many affairs, but the main woman in Nikolai Nekrasov’s biography was not his legal wife, but Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva, whom he loved all his life.

last years of life

In 1875, the poet was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. In the painful years before his death, he wrote “Last Songs” - a cycle of poems, which the poet dedicated to his wife and last love, Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova. The writer died on December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878) and was buried in St. Petersburg at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Interesting Facts

· The writer did not like some of his own works, and he asked not to include them in collections. But friends and publishers urged Nekrasov not to exclude any of them. Perhaps this is why the attitude towards his work among critics is very contradictory - not everyone considered his works to be brilliant.

· Nekrasov was fond of playing cards, and quite often he was lucky in this matter. Once, while playing for money with A. Chuzhbinsky, Nikolai Alekseevich lost a large sum of money to him. As it turned out later, the cards were marked with the enemy's long fingernail. After this incident, Nekrasov decided to no longer play with people who have long nails.

· Another passionate hobby of the writer was hunting. Nekrasov loved to go bear hunting and hunt game. This hobby found a response in some of his works (“Peddlers”, “Dog Hunt”, etc.) One day, Nekrasov’s wife, Zina, accidentally shot his beloved dog during a hunt. At the same time, Nikolai Alekseevich’s passion for hunting came to an end.

· A huge number of people gathered at Nekrasov’s funeral. In his speech, Dostoevsky awarded Nekrasov third place in Russian poetry after Pushkin and Lermontov. The crowd interrupted him with shouts of “Yes, higher, higher than Pushkin!”

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Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov- Russian poet, occupying a special place among realist writers of the 19th century, publicist. Sympathetic to his people, sensitive to all injustice and the pain of others. A writer who portrayed a diverse and truthful picture of the daily life of ordinary people. All this perfectly characterizes Nekrasov, a talented literary figure known to us. He used folklore, prose and song intonations in his poetry, showing all the richness of the simple peasant language.
The future poet was born in the small beautiful Ukrainian town of Nemirov (not far from Vinnitsa) on November 28, 1821. Even in early childhood, the family moved to their father’s family estate, to the village of Greshnevo, in the Yaroslavl province. Nekrasov's father, a former officer and a wealthy landowner, was a tough and even despotic man by nature. Both the serfs and the whole family suffered from it. Mother, on the contrary, was an educated and sensitive woman. She instilled in her son a love of literature. In 1832, Nekrasov was sent to study at a gymnasium. At this time he began to write his first essays. But science was not very good for the boy, and he also clashed with teachers.
After five years of study, his father decided to send Nikolai to a military school. And in 1838 the young man went to St. Petersburg to enlist in military service. But instead, violating the will of his father, the young man tries to enter the university. But the attempt was unsuccessful; Nekrasov could not pass the entrance exams. Therefore, he began attending classes as a volunteer at the Faculty of Philology. Having learned about such willfulness of his son, Nekrasov the father deprived him of his financial support. And the future poet was forced to look for income by working in various publications in low-paying jobs.

In 1840 The first collection of poetry, “Dreams and Sounds,” was published, and was not very favorably received by critics. From that time on, a period of persistent, hard work began in the poet’s life. Nekrasov writes stories, theater reviews, plays, feuilletons. At this time, he begins to understand that he needs to write about the real life of the people. In 1841 The writer works for Otechestvennye zapiski. And 1845-1846. were marked by the publication of two almanacs - “Physiology of St. Petersburg” and “Petersburg Collection”.
Since 1847 and until 1866 Nekrasov was the editor of Sovremennik, the magazine of the democratic forces of that time. As a talented organizer and an outstanding writer, Nekrasov attracted Turgenev, Belinsky, Herzen, Chernyshevsky and others to work in the magazine. At the same time, a new direction of the poet’s work was being formed. It touches on pressing social problems of ordinary people and realistically depicts pictures of everyday hard life. A special place in his work is given to the role of women in society and her difficult fate. All these themes are revealed in the poems “On the Street”, “Railroad”, “Peasant Children”, “Frost, Red Nose”, etc. The democratic influence of the magazine on the minds of people was so great that in 1862. the government suspended its activities. And in 1866 The magazine was closed completely.
In 1868 Nekrasov acquired the right to publish Otechestvennye Zapiski. His work in the last years of his life was also connected with this magazine. At this time, the works “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, “Russian Women”, “Grandfather” were published. Satirical works were also created, including the poem “Contemporary,” which exposed bourgeois bureaucrats and hypocrites. Nekrasov is also overcome by elegiac moods, which is largely due to his illness, loss of friends, and encroaching loneliness. This period of the poet’s work was marked by the appearance of the poems “Morning”, “Elegy”, “Prophet”. The last composition was the cycle of poems “Last Songs”.
On December 27, 1877, the poet died in St. Petersburg. The loss of the talented writer was so great that his funeral turned into a kind of public manifesto.

The name of one of the brightest writers of the 19th century is familiar to everyone. Works such as “Who Lives Well in Rus'” and “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” are part of the school curriculum of every modern student. Nekrasov’s biography includes information known to all admirers of his work.

For example, he is considered not only a poet, but also a publicist. He is a revolutionary democrat, director and editor of the magazines Otechestvennye zapiski and Sovremennik. Lover of card games and hunting. Nekrasov's biography contains many other interesting facts. Our article is dedicated to them.

Who is he?

The hometown of the future poet was the Ukrainian Nemirov, where he was born in 1821. Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich was born into the family of a military man and the well-bred daughter of a wealthy tenant. According to the poet’s recollections, the parents’ marriage was not happy. The mother always presented herself as a sufferer, experiencing her share as a woman. The writer dedicated many works to her. Perhaps her image is the only positive hero of Nekrasov’s world, which he will carry through all his work. The father will also become a prototype of individual heroes, but more despotic ones.

Growing up and becoming

After his father retired, Alexey Sergeevich became a police officer - that’s what the head of the police used to be called. Little Nikolai often went with him on business. During this time he saw a lot of death and poverty. Subsequently, the writer Nekrasov reflected the complexities of the peasant people in his poems.

He will study at the Yaroslavl gymnasium until the 5th grade. The first poems will be written in a specially prepared notebook. Most of the poet's early works are full of sad images and impressions. When he turns 17, his father, who dreamed of a military career, will send his son to a noble regiment.

Nekrasov’s first independent decision was the desire to enter St. Petersburg University. This was facilitated by meeting students who became good friends. He failed the exam, enrolling in the Faculty of Philology as a volunteer student. For two years, Nekrasov attended lectures and did not give up looking for work - the angry Nekrasov Sr. refused to help him financially. During this period, the poet experiences terrible suffering, left homeless, and even hungry. In a shelter for 15 kopecks, he wrote a petition for someone. This was the first episode of his life when his future profession brought money.

Finding your direction

The hardships were not in vain for the writer. He realized for himself what the hardships of life are. Nekrasov's life soon improved. “Literary Gazette” published his works, and he himself worked diligently in all directions: he wrote vaudeville, alphabet books, poetry and prose.

Nekrasov published his first collection of poems, “Dreams and Sounds,” with his own savings. Criticism about the book was divided equally - some considered it commendable, others were unflattering. Like Gogol, the disgruntled Nekrasov bought and then destroyed almost all of its copies. Nowadays, “Dreams and Sounds” has acquired the status of a literary rarity, which is extremely difficult to find.

Failure Follows Recognition

The fact that the poems were not sold out made the writer think and study the reason for his defeat. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov discovered a new genre for himself - prose. It came easier. In it, the author reflects life experience, impressions of the city, where he strives to show all its classes. These are peddlers, officials, deceived women, money lenders and the poor. Not stopping there, Nekrasov introduces a humorous subtext, which became the basis of several subsequent works.

The writer's creative upsurge comes with the release of his own almanacs. Nekrasov’s life cannot be imagined without publishing, which he associates with the rental of Sovremennik in 1847. Many talented poets joined the magazine, including Belinsky, who was always the first to become acquainted with Nekrasov’s new works and give his reviews. Those for whom Sovremennik became a launching pad included: Turgenev, Ogarev, Ostrovsky, Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Saltykov-Shchedrin and others. Everyone contributed something of their own, making Sovremennik the best literary publication. Nekrasov himself publishes in it, remaining its director.

Satire is a way to laugh at society

The creative path of a writer is invariably connected not only with the search for oneself, but also for other directions in which one can work. Nekrasov’s biography cannot ignore his love for satire, which he discovered in his later years of creativity. A number of satirical works were published. In this genre, the writer exposes social foundations, delicately describes topical issues, and uses methods of sincere intonations and vaudeville components. In short, he deftly uses the richness of the Russian language, using grotesque, sarcasm, farce and irony.

At this time, “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is born. The peasant-themed poem touches on the main idea - feeling freedom, do the Russian people experience happiness? In 1875, the poet fell ill. He receives telegrams and letters from readers, which provides new inspiration for his latest works. A huge number of people came to the funeral at the Novodevichy cemetery. Among them was Dostoevsky, who called Nekrasov the third writer after Pushkin and Lermontov. Dates of Nekrasov's life: November 28, 1821 (born) - December 27, 1877 (died).

Personal happiness

What can you say about a person who felt and saw with his own eyes all the misfortunes of the peasants and working class, to whom he devoted so much work? Was he himself happy?

Of course, Nekrasov’s biography provides information that the poet loved Avdotya Panaeva, the wife of the writer Ivan Panaev. Their relationship remained in history as one of the strangest. And although Ivan Panaev was known as a reveler, his wife remained a decent woman. At first she rejected both Nekrasov and Dostoevsky, who was also in love with her. And soon she admitted reciprocal feelings for the first one. Nekrasov moved into her house, forming a love triangle of Nekrasov-Panaev-Panaev. They lived like this for 16 years. The death of Panaev is associated with the birth of Nekrasov’s son and his imminent death. The poet falls into depression, which caused a break in relations on Avdotya’s initiative.

The writer's new chosen one was the village girl Fekla Viktorova. The age difference was 25 years. He gave the uneducated woman the name Zinaida. He takes her to theaters and tries to educate her in every possible way.

Place in literature

Every writer leaves his mark. Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich was one of the brightest authors of the 19th century, who left a legacy of many works endowed with depth and philosophy. Libraries, museums and other cultural institutions bear his name. The central streets of many Russian cities are named after the writer. Monuments and postage stamps are dedicated to him. According to many writers, his work was not fully appreciated during his lifetime. However, this loss is being made up in our time.

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