A spontaneous woman. Seven main virtues of TV stars

Direct people are, in the most widespread and generally accepted interpretation, sincere, following their inner impulses, devoid, first of all, of even a hint of hypocrisy and prudence, representatives of humanity. But, of course, a lot depends on the interpreter of the word. For example, F. M. Dostoevsky argued that a spontaneous person is active due to his stupidity and limitations.

Ambiguous term

The adjective “direct” has been modified under the influence of various factors and time, and in modern literature, as in colloquial speech, it has two interpretations. One of them is explained as “following immediately after something, without intermediate links.” For example, direct, that is, immediate superiors.

The second concept most often exists in the conjunction “direct person”, and refers to a rational being. And here its meaning has a very wide scope for interpretation, to the point that the term can mean “holy simplicity” or stupidity. And this option does exist. But you can’t call Natasha Rostova, one of the symbols of spontaneity, a fool.

The Positivity of Spontaneity

The Russian language is rich, including due to the large number of synonyms and possibilities for interpretation of the same word. In relation to a person, spontaneity can be deciphered as artlessness and simplicity, naivety and ease, freshness and relaxedness. Innocent trustfulness, naturalness, directness, naturalness and frankness - all these traits fit this concept. Based on the above, we can state that direct people are very nice representatives of humanity. But not so common. Firstly, because society shapes a human individual for itself, who grows up and becomes a full member of it, following the norms and rules of behavior. Secondly, even living far from society, it is difficult to maintain the freshness of emotional experiences, joys and, especially, turmoil. Roughly speaking, a person gets used to everything.

Spontaneity can be annoying

Or the nature must really be very rich and strong in order to allow oneself to behave without stereotypical frameworks, and at the same time not look funny and pitiful, in the best sense - a “cute silly thing”; in the worst sense, the aphorism “simplicity is worse” is applicable to such a person theft."

The following sayings are also possible: “simple as laundry soap”, “this one will blurt out”. You can recall L. Filatov’s phrase “... I am generally a child of nature, albeit a bad one, but a child...”. That is, such individuals, who are appropriately characterized in this way, are embarrassed in society. Of course, tact and a sense of proportion are necessary indicators of a person’s upbringing. But one is not a hindrance to the other. You can be educated and sincere in expressing your feelings. The main indicator is a lack of prudence. We can say that spontaneous people are the antipodes of rational, reflective (thinking, weighing) individuals who live according to the principle “measure twice, cut once.”

Natural period of natural spontaneity

There is, and always has been, a category of humanity that lives according to the principles of direct perception of the world and behavior in it. These are, of course, children. They are allowed a lot. Children's spontaneity is usually sweet. Glorified by K. Chukovsky in the book “From 2 to 5,” she remained for many times an example of children’s permissiveness. But the reaction of adults, as a rule, is always the same. They pull the kids back and explain that they can’t “cut the truth.” If you don’t do this, but are constantly touched by the child’s audacity, he will grow up to be a boor. Although he can be called egocentric. In any case, the concept of “direct people” does not apply to the latter. These are moral monsters who can poison the lives of those around them.

Charming spontaneity

I would like to note that the described character trait is most appropriate for a woman’s appearance. Spontaneity (if it is not feigned, which is incredibly annoying) makes a representative of the fairer sex captivating, irresistible and desirable. It is especially appreciated by smart, decent, accomplished men who are able to appreciate the sincerity of behavior.

An example is the behavior of Tatyana Larina at the “bride fair”. She was spontaneous in her indifference to what was happening, and “...while some important general kept his eyes on her...”. And to the question “what does a direct person mean?”, first of all, I would like to answer that without a “second bottom,” sir or madam, with whom it is very easy, pleasant and always joyful to communicate. Whether there are many such people or few in the environment depends, first of all, on the spiritual qualities and preferences of the person himself.



DIRECT, immediate, immediate; immediate, immediate, immediate.

1. Following immediately after someone or something, without the intermediate participation of someone or something, without intermediate links. Immediate boss. Immediate cause. Immediate consequence. Deliver a letter directly (adv.) to the addressee. In the immediate vicinity.

2. trans. Following without hesitation and doubt the inner attraction, instinct, alien to introspection. He is a spontaneous person. Children are spontaneous.

|| Directly, unhinderedly flowing from internal motivation, instinct. Direct feeling.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.

D.N. Ushakov.:




    See what “DIRECT” is in other dictionaries: In the process of the formation and development of Russian scientific and philosophical terminology and abstract literary vocabulary, in addition to the Old Slavonic and folk “original Russian”, the common Slavic and East Slavic principles played a very significant role... ... History of words

    See directly... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. immediate personal, direct, closest; blood, relaxed, natural, child of nature, simple, close,... ... Synonym dictionary

    DIRECT, oh, oh; vein, vein. 1. full Directly next after someone, without any intermediate links or participants. N. result. N. the culprit. N. chief. 2. Frank and casual. Direct nature. Behave… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... Spelling dictionary-reference book direct

    - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ...- direct, brief. f. immediate and less often immediate, immediate, immediate, immediate... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    Adj., used. compare often Morphology: direct and immediate, immediate, immediate, immediate; more directly; adv. directly 1. You use the word direct when you want to talk about someone’s personal... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ...- oh, oh; en, enna 1) Devoid of intermediate links, without intermediaries; straight. Provide direct supervision. The direct culprit of the accident. Direct result of the study. Immediate impression. Veneration of the saints... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ...- ▲ connected (as) directly directly connected directly. straight. neighborhood. coexist. neighboring. adjacent (adjacent faces of the polyhedron). close (# connection). face-to-face (confrontation) ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    I adj. Following immediately after someone or something, without the intermediate participation of anyone or anything. II adj. Without hesitation or doubt, following your inner attraction; alien to introspection. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


  • All the Adventures of Dunno in one book, Nikolai Nosov. “All the adventures of Dunno in one book” is a collection of wonderful fairy-tale stories about the adventures of short kids from the Flower City, created by Nikolai Nosov and his grandson... eBook
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Immediacy– this is sincerity, the ability to act without hesitation or doubt, according to inner attraction; also a manifestation of this property.
Wiktionary / ru.wiktionary.org

  • Spontaneity is following your inner impulses.
  • Spontaneity is the sincere expression of your feelings and emotions.
  • Spontaneity is behavior devoid of hypocrisy and stereotypical frameworks.
  • Spontaneity is a reflection of emotional experiences, joys and turmoil.
  • Spontaneity is the ability to be surprised and empathize without hiding behind a mask of indifference.

Where, if not in art, are we given the freedom to express our aspirations, to serenely express our thoughts. Creativity is unique in that it gives us freedom of expression, allows us to capture our mood, express our feelings, and show the spontaneity of the human spirit.

The benefits of immediacy

  • Reasonable spontaneity and ease in the works simplify the author’s communication with the viewer/listener.
  • There is a certain charm in spontaneity, which is very rare in the modern rhythm.
  • The spontaneity of behavior captivates with sincerity.
  • Spontaneity allows the author to express the genuineness, naturalness of feelings and emotions in his work.
  • It is the immediacy of expression in art that allows one to see the true essence of the author.

Expressions of spontaneity in everyday life

  • Spontaneity in fine arts reflected as clearly as possible in impressionism. Unbiasedness in reflecting the variability of the real world, the immediacy of perception of life is a distinctive feature of such great artists as Paul Gauguin, Edgar Degas, Auguste Renoir and many other representatives of this movement.
  • Poetry is often a form of expression of feelings where we can speak freely and openly about the emotions that control us. This is direct wisdom, put into the lines by the author and filled with freshness and frankness of feelings. Poetry expresses the poet’s desire to show the world in its diversity of colors and shades, its ideality and steadfastness, its originality and complexity.
  • Music- one of the types of art that most strongly affects our emotions, builds the strongest associative connections and, having touched our emotional strings, remains in our memory for a long time. Humanity has created a huge number of beautiful musical works. But only those who are imbued with sincerity, sincerity and spontaneity become universally loved and recognized.
  • Children constantly delight us and decorate our lives with their spontaneity, reminding us that we were once just as pure, naive and sincere.

How to develop spontaneity

The norms of etiquette in public life place us within rather strict limits. We cannot always cry or laugh when we want, say what we think, or start being capricious. Children's spontaneity often shocks us, causing at the same time some envy. Let's try again to learn spontaneity from children.

  • Feel free to be at ease with people you trust, with whom you can be sincere and relaxed. And be sure to rejoice that they met on your way.
  • Express your feelings through various forms of art. Draw, create unusual installations, write poems and sing songs. In art, all means are good for expressing emotions - go for it!
  • Observe, think critically and independently, offer your solutions. Don't be mediocre!

Golden mean



Familiarity, unceremoniousness

Catchphrases about spontaneity

Naturalness and spontaneity have become super-elite. Only a few can afford it. - Elena Ermolova - That spontaneity and lightness that makes male friendship so pleasant also destroys it in the future.- R.L. Stevenson - A poet comprehends nature better than the mind of a scientist. DIRECT- Novalis - Poetry is immediate wisdom. 1. - I.I. Garin - Be simpler - and people will be drawn to you. 2. - Folk Wisdom - Jonathan Safran Foer /

Extremely loud & extremely close

The novel talks about a child's perception of life. What is it like - childlike spontaneity in conditions that are difficult even for adults. This work by a young author is already quite popular because of its imagery and subtle psychological approach to its hero. DIRECT DIRECT

, immediate, immediate; immediate, immediate, immediate.

Following immediately after someone or something, without the intermediate participation of someone or something, without intermediate links. Immediate boss. Immediate cause. Immediate consequence. Deliver a letter directly (adv.) to the addressee. In the immediate vicinity.

trans. Following without hesitation and doubt the inner attraction, instinct, alien to introspection. He is a spontaneous person. Children are spontaneous. || Directly, unhinderedly flowing from internal motivation, instinct. Direct feeling.

And these self-confident machos are unaware that most of the actions that they perform “on their own” are entirely directed and accumulated by the female class present next to them.

Direct - what kind of girl is this?

As a rule, we do not make much difference between such concepts as stupidity and spontaneity, but female nature is contradictory and infinitely diverse in its manifestations, no matter what the fair sex does - work, housekeeping, children, communication with friends. One of the facets of a woman’s character is this sweetest spontaneity. This behavior is often compared to that of a child. And, as you know, it captivates with its ingenuity and straightforwardness.

Direct is, first of all, a woman who knows how to sincerely express her feelings. Taking the position of a little unintelligent girl, an adult girl gives the man who is next to her a chance to show himself as an extraordinary, independent person, capable of taking initiative and making independent decisions. A young lady who owns this weapon can easily achieve many goals and correctly play on male pride, while relieving herself of any responsibility for what is happening. Direct is a person who commits actions that are completely devoid of hypocrisy, deceit and falsehood. By “including” behavior a la a little girl, it is much easier for a woman to achieve any absolution and receive forgiveness for her misdeeds.

A special representative of the fair sex

A spontaneous girl is a person who owns some kind of absolute weapon. She has some psychological techniques unknown to men, which give her the opportunity to hide from problems and always keep the emergency exit slightly open, so that if something happens, she can calmly escape into it.

A woman’s reaction to the events happening around her is absolutely ambiguous and unpredictable. A flower blooming in a flowerbed can cause a storm of joyful and bright emotions, and five minutes later she is already crying over a homeless kitten, her whole being at this moment is filled with sadness because of the injustice of this world. Spontaneous is a girl capable of sincere surprise and expressing sympathy, not hiding behind a mask of indifference and insensitivity. All this helps her free herself from negativity and cope with stressful situations. Of course, such a release has a very positive effect on the psyche and improves the general condition of a woman, and has a beneficial effect on her character. Direct is a person who follows his inner impulses without looking back.

Is it good or bad?

But with all the seemingly undeniable advantages of such ingenuity, there is one single dangerous disadvantage. Spontaneity, when used irrepressibly and ineptly, can develop into infantilism. And this is already an indicator of a certain immaturity and even psychological ill-health. It is important not to cross this line, and then a woman will always be a little girl to those around her, in need of protection and help. After all, a spontaneous person is not stupid, but rather a person who speaks and acts impulsively, without much thought, and is capable of sincere sympathy and kind deeds. Her entire world is in the power of only one inner drive and instinct known to her.

Now you know the meaning of the word "direct". We hope you find this information useful.




In the process of the formation and development of Russian scientific and philosophical terminology and abstract literary vocabulary, in addition to the Old Slavonic and folk “original Russian”, common Slavic and East Slavic origins, the semantic influence of ancient languages ​​- Greek and Latin - played a very significant role. This influence could be immediate, direct, but it could be carried out and deepened through Western European languages. Thus, Latin as the international language of European medieval science had a tremendous influence on scientific, philosophical and technical, socio-political international terminology.

The history of Russian scientific and abstract vocabulary, with all its national originality, also reflects the general processes of semantic development of the languages ​​of the European system. Word - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... arose in the Russian book language of the early 18th century. under the influence of the Latin immediatus and was supported by the influence of the German unmittelbar (cf. French immédiat). In the 18th century it was used in a meaning close to German. unmittelbar. Thus, in the “Complete Lexicon” of Adelung quoted above (part 2, p. 740) we read: “Unmittelbar, adj. And adv., -er, -ste, immediate... Der unmittelbare Verstand einer Rede - the immediate meaning of speech. Unmittelbare Reichsstände Rede are independent, independent, direct imperial members, subject to one emperor of the empire. Die Unmittelbarkeit (plural does not have) - spontaneity, independence, independence.”

Genetic and semantic connection of the word - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... with unmittelbar the lack of semantic parallelism in Russian between words is explained - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... And mediocre(cf. in the word AR: “ Mediocre... The average between good and bad, between great and small. Mediocre opinion. Mediocre growth, mediocre success» - 1822, part 5, p. 45); but cf. meanings of the German mittelbar (Adelung, Complete Lex., 2, p. 68).

There is reason to believe that the adverb appeared first directly. Directly originally opposed not to the word mediocre, and the word means. Thus, in the “Register of Memorable Sayings”, attached to the Russian translation (Gavr. Buzhinsky) of the book Sam. Puffendorf “On the position of man and citizen” (De officiis hominis et civis), the words are placed: means or directly - mediate vel immediate. Adjective - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... formed somewhat later in the 30-40s of the 18th century. In Weisman's lexicon: Unmittelbar, immediate - directly (p. 711); Wed Polish bezpośredni, bezpośrednio, bezpośredniość. Unlike mediocre adjective - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... comes into close connection with those new meanings and new words that are formed from the noun through in the Russian literary language of the early 19th century. with words mediocre, mediate, intermediary and so on.

In the lexicon of 1731, as already indicated, the adjective has not yet been noted - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) .... Here the German unmittelbar (Latin immediate) is translated through “immediately” (p. 711). Meanwhile, the word mediocre already included in this dictionary. It is considered as one of the synonyms of the word average. Here is all the relevant material:

“Mittel, medium - middle, average. Sich ins Mittel legen, ins Mittel Kommen intercedere - to be a mediocre, to be mediocre, what business to enter into, to reconcile those quarreling, quarreling. Das Mittel treffen, servare modum - a means of holding, a means of storing, getting into the middle. Mittelbar, mediate - directly, mediately. Мässig, mediocris, mediocriter - average, measured, mediocre. Mässigkeit, mediocritas - mediocrity, measuredness. Mittel, intercessor, conciliator - mediator, conciliator, conciliator, intercessor, intercessor” (p. 419-420). But cf. in “Knowledge concerning philosophy in general” (collected and explained by Gr. Teplov. Book 1, 1751, p. 4): “Sciences must first produce benefit, and from that glory comes by itself directly has to follow." Wed. also in Radishchev’s “Travel”: “But if we direct We find no trace of Lomonosov’s floridity; the effect of his benevolence and sonorous punctuation of stopless speech was, however, universal.”

In the 1847 dictionary the word - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... is also defined according to its use in the language of the 18th - early 19th centuries: “ Direct... Independent of mediation, direct. Direct power"(vol. 2, p. 445). Thus, this meaning: “direct, without intermediate links, without the intermediate participation of someone.” is the most original, oldest meaning of the word - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) .... In the 19th century Only the circle of its use has changed, especially since this meaning has gone far beyond the boundaries of business language (cf. expressions: direct superiors; transmit a letter directly to the addressee; direct reason direct a consequence of something. was..; in the immediate vicinity and so on.).

But already in the 20-30s of the XIX century. in a word - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... a new meaning is developing: “directly resulting from the internal nature of things, not mediated by abstract rational knowledge.” For example, direct knowledge, direct feeling. This meaning is formed in the philosophical language of Russian Schellingians.

I. Panov, in his study “Slavophilism as a philosophical doctrine,” wrote, citing Khomyakov’s reasoning about living knowledge (op., 1, p. 279): “It does not embrace the entire area of ​​our understanding - it is not the whole mind, because the mind, in all its integrity, embraces or contains within itself the area of ​​reason; this is only one of the aspects of our mind, one of the gradations of knowledge, behind which German philosophy adopts the not entirely accurate name of knowledge direct(das unmittelbare Wissen)..." (ZhMNP, 1880, No. 11, p. 53).

V. G. Belinsky in the article “Russian literature in 1840” mentions the word - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ..., immediacy among the neologisms of the philosophical and journalistic language of the 30s. “Beyond the words mentioned ( infinite, final, absolute, subjective, objective, individual, individual. - IN. IN.), “Domestic Notes” also use the following, previously unused by anyone (in the meaning in which they take them) and unheard of words: - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ..., immediacy, immanent, special, separation, self-contained, isolation, contemplation, moment, definition, negation, abstract, abstractness, reflection, specific, specificity etc. In Germany, for example, these words are used even in conversations between educated people, and a new word expressing a new thought is considered an acquisition, success, a step forward” (cf. also Belinsky, 1900-1910, vol. 8, p. 353, etc. 9, p. 479).

So, Belinsky connects this new meaning of the word - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ..., like other expressions he cited, with the influence of German philosophy. Even more interesting is Belinsky’s statement in the footnote to this discussion: “... these “incomprehensible” words from day to day become clear to everyone from use” (see the article by L. A. Bulakhovsky “Abstract vocabulary in the Russian literary language of the first half of the 19th century” in." // Sat. Dnepropetr. University, pp. 7-8; same in the book: Russian lit., 1, p. Wed. from N. I. Pirogov in “The Diary of an Old Doctor”: “And those pure empiricists who, dwelling on the facts, do not go further than their immediate(direct or immediate) conclusions from these facts are absolutely right in my eyes...” (2, p. 41).

Based on the expansion and modification of the same philosophical meaning in the 30-40s, the word - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... a new shade of meaning. Direct - when applied to a person, it is thought of as the antithesis of the concept of “rational, subject to reflection.” Direct nature. Thus, the meaning “alien to reflection, introspection, following without thought or doubt the inner drive or instinct” is formed (cf. Ushakov, 2, p. 533).

In I. S. Turgenev’s review of “Goethe’s Faust in trans. M. Vronchenko" (1845): "... direct, undoubted, universally understandable beauty is a necessary accessory of any artistic creation.” In A. I. Herzen’s “Past and Thoughts” - when characterizing the Hegelians of the 30-40s: “Everything really direct“, every simple feeling was elevated to abstract categories and returned from there without a drop of living blood, a pale algebraic shadow.”

From F. M. Dostoevsky in a letter to N. N. Strakhov (1863): “I take nature direct, a person, however, multi-developed, but unfinished in everything, having lost faith and not daring not to believe, rebelling against authorities and fearing them” (Dostoevsky, Letters, p. 333). In “Notes from the Underground”: “...Everything immediate people and leaders are active because they are stupid and limited.”

In the article by Ap. Grigoriev’s “The Great Tragedian”: “Memory painted before me all this disgrace - both Hamlet... and Ophelia, who was taken out on purpose - they were looking, you see, for purest simplicity and” spontaneity- and which meowed some English folk tunes...” (Grigoriev A., p. 250). In his “My Literary and Moral Wanderings”: “... but it’s unlikely that her [Radcliffe’s] relationship was more immediate; her taste and contemplation almost more organically developed in her... Walter Scott in some way became, Anna Radcliffe was born” (ibid., p. 138). Wed. in a letter from A. A. Grigoriev to N. N. Strakhov (dated January 19, 1862): “Oh, my old “Moskvityanin” of green color, - “Moscow-tyanin”, in which we were then firmly, communally united, so boldly displayed the banner of identity and spontaneity"(ibid., p. 492). In K. S. Stanislavsky’s book “My Life in Art” (1933): “Naked immediacy and intuition, without the help of technology, will break the artist’s soul and body when conveying to them the enormous passions and experiences of the modern soul” (p. 696).

In modern Russian literary language the word - (but only in the meaning of relaxed) ... expresses in a more in-depth and logically refined form all the meanings that have developed in this word since the middle of the 18th century: 1. Following immediately after someone, without the intermediate participation of someone, without intermediate links. N. boss. Immediate cause. Immediate consequence. Send the letter directly(adv.) to the addressee. In the immediate neighborhood. 2. transfer. Following without hesitation and doubt the inner attraction, instinct, alien to introspection. He is a spontaneous nature. Children are spontaneous. // Directly, unhinderedly flowing from internal motivation, instinct. Immediate feeling(Ushakov, 2, p. 533).

The article was published in the journal Cercetari de Lingvistica, an. III (1958) and is part of a series of articles united under the general title “From the history of Russian literary vocabulary”, No. 4: 1. Straightforward, straightforwardness. 2. One-sided. 3. Well-being. 4. Direct. In the manuscript the title is slightly different - “On the history of the meanings of the word.”

It is printed from a copy, verified and supplemented according to the author's manuscript, with a number of necessary amendments and additions. - E. X.

V. V. Vinogradov. History of words, 2010

What does the word directly mean?


immediate -aya, -oe; -en, -enna 1) Devoid of intermediate links, without intermediaries; straight. Provide direct supervision. The direct culprit of the accident. Direct result of the study. Immediate impression. The veneration of saints overshadowed direct communion with God (Berdyaev). Antonyms: mediated, mediated 2) Located, located very close, near someone. or something Direct contact. Imminent threat. The first salvo of our artillery landed in close proximity to the dugout (Berezko). Synonyms: close 3) Following without reflection an internal urge, attraction. Direct child. Direct nature. Is it not a coincidence that she was so spontaneous at the first performance? (Yuryev). Synonyms: natural 4) Freely expressed, without tension, awkwardness; free from constraint. Direct behavior. Direct manner of communication. A spontaneous smile. The mother was smart and therefore managed to overcome the immediate impulse in herself that forced her to rush headlong at every plaintive cry of the child (Korolenko). Synonyms: natural, natural, unconstrained, simple, uninhibited, free Related words: direct, directly, spontaneity Etymology: Historically derived from means (means).

Smart people, tell me, that is, explain!

I want to understand the meaning of the words: mediocre and directly, please, in my own words, so that I remember it once and for all!

The man with the ax explained correctly about spontaneity, but about mediocrity - completely crookedly. How can it be that a word with the same root means completely different things that have nothing to do with each other? If "mediocre" is bad, then "direct" must mean "good." But “directly” does not mean “good”, which means that “mediocre” does not mean “bad”, but something completely different.
Mediocre means “through mediation”. That is, to see things not as they really are, to meet the world not as it comes to you, but to perceive everything through some beliefs, views, complexes. “Media” is an obstacle that you put between yourself and the phenomenon, it is the glass through which you look at things, it is the barrier through which you communicate with life. Accordingly, a “mediocre person” is a person who communicates with life through some kind of prejudice. This is much simpler (it is more convenient to eat cabbage soup with a spoon than to slurp it directly with your mouth), but simpler does not mean more correct. When you live a mediocre life, the darkness doesn’t hit you so hard (it’s hampered by your shields and barriers), but you’ll never see real light either - only reflections and refractions.

Looking at no

Mediocre. "His English was pretty mediocre." That's a C grade. Somewhere in the middle. neither good nor bad. Average, overall. But closer to bad.
Directly. “The wind flies directly into this same window” (Yu. Vizbor.). This means - without an intermediary, directly. Immediate boss, brought directly to the kitchen, distribution directly to system administrators... etc.
Like this. Similar words, but completely different meanings

, immediate, immediate; immediate, immediate, immediate.

Following immediately after someone or something, without the intermediate participation of someone or something, without intermediate links. Immediate boss. Immediate cause. Immediate consequence. Deliver a letter directly (adv.) to the addressee. In the immediate vicinity.

trans. Following without hesitation and doubt the inner attraction, instinct, alien to introspection. He is a spontaneous person. Children are spontaneous. || Directly, unhinderedly flowing from internal motivation, instinct. Direct feeling.

And these self-confident machos are unaware that most of the actions that they perform “on their own” are entirely directed and accumulated by the female class present next to them.

Direct - what kind of girl is this?

As a rule, we do not make much difference between such concepts as stupidity and spontaneity, but female nature is contradictory and infinitely diverse in its manifestations, no matter what the fair sex does - work, housekeeping, children, communication with friends. One of the facets of a woman’s character is this sweetest spontaneity. This behavior is often compared to that of a child. And, as you know, it captivates with its ingenuity and straightforwardness.

Direct is, first of all, a woman who knows how to sincerely express her feelings. Taking the position of a little unintelligent girl, an adult girl gives the man who is next to her a chance to show himself as an extraordinary, independent person, capable of taking initiative and making independent decisions. A young lady who owns this weapon can easily achieve many goals and correctly play on male pride, while relieving herself of any responsibility for what is happening. Direct is a person who commits actions that are completely devoid of hypocrisy, deceit and falsehood. By “including” behavior a la a little girl, it is much easier for a woman to achieve any absolution and receive forgiveness for her misdeeds.

A special representative of the fair sex

A spontaneous girl is a person who owns some kind of absolute weapon. She has some psychological techniques unknown to men, which give her the opportunity to hide from problems and always keep the emergency exit slightly open, so that if something happens, she can calmly escape into it.

A woman’s reaction to the events happening around her is absolutely ambiguous and unpredictable. A flower blooming in a flowerbed can cause a storm of joyful and bright emotions, and five minutes later she is already crying over a homeless kitten, her whole being at this moment is filled with sadness because of the injustice of this world. Spontaneous is a girl capable of sincere surprise and expressing sympathy, not hiding behind a mask of indifference and insensitivity. All this helps her free herself from negativity and cope with stressful situations. Of course, such a release has a very positive effect on the psyche and improves the general condition of a woman, and has a beneficial effect on her character. Direct is a person who follows his inner impulses without looking back.

Is it good or bad?

But with all the seemingly undeniable advantages of such ingenuity, there is one single dangerous disadvantage. Spontaneity, when used irrepressibly and ineptly, can develop into infantilism. And this is already an indicator of a certain immaturity and even psychological ill-health. It is important not to cross this line, and then a woman will always be a little girl to those around her, in need of protection and help. After all, a spontaneous person is not stupid, but rather a person who speaks and acts impulsively, without much thought, and is capable of sincere sympathy and kind deeds. Her entire world is in the power of only one inner drive and instinct known to her.

Now you know the meaning of the word "direct". We hope you find this information useful.

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