Will the earth become a desert? The onset of the desert - is the planet turning into Sahara? Project whether the earth will become a desert

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Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 N 1119 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 687 “On approval of the Regulations on the specifics of processing personal data carried out without the use of automation tools”;

Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 18, 2013 N 21 “On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”;

Basic model of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 15, 2008);

Methodology for determining current threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 14, 2008).

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4.4. The Company's management is aware of the need and is interested in ensuring an adequate level of security for personal data processed as part of the Company's core business, both in terms of the requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and justified from the point of view of assessing business risks.

What is a desert? ➲ Desert is a natural zone characterized by flat terrain, water scarcity and an almost complete absence of vegetation. It is wrong to imagine a desert as a completely lifeless space - all sandy deserts are inhabited, representatives of the local fauna have adapted to extremely high temperatures, an extreme lack of water and an almost complete absence of flora.

What is desertification? ➲ Desertification is the gradual transformation of dry lands into deserts. Like rust on the surface of metal, the desert is growing, expanding its borders, capturing more and more new areas. 1/5 of the Earth's total landmass is now on the verge of desertification, in more than 100 countries around the world

The Syrian Desert is a desert in the Middle East, located in Syria, Jordan and Iraq.

Recognition of the problem ➲ For the first time, humanity realized the seriousness of the problem and started talking about what desertification is in the early seventies of the last century. The cause was a severe drought in the African Sahel natural zone, which led to a catastrophic famine in the region. As a result, in 1977, a conference was held in Nairobi (the capital of Kenya), the main theme of which was to identify the main causes and measures to combat land degradation

Main types of human intervention ➲ There are two main causes of desertification - natural factors and human activities. While humanity cannot influence the first of them in any way, the situation can be largely improved due to the second. The most common activities that lead to the progressive formation of deserts are grazing, excessive and unsustainable use of arable land, and massive deforestation in the arid regions of the planet.

Domestic animals ➲ Scientists have come to a consensus that the consumption of vegetation by livestock is the most common type of human intervention in nature, leading to desertification of lands. This leads to the fact that the vegetation cover is constantly thinning and the soil is loosened. The result of this is the deterioration of plant development conditions and desertification of lands.

Irrational use of arable land. This factor consists in reducing the periods of land rest, as well as plowing areas located on slopes, which leads to an increased reduction in vegetation cover. The situation is aggravated by the uncontrolled use of pesticides, which are used to fertilize soils. In addition, heavy agricultural machines working on them compact the soil, resulting in the death of useful species of living creatures (for example, earthworms)

Deforestation ➲ The most common places where desertification occurs for this reason are densely populated African regions, where in our time wood is the most important energy source. They are also considered one of the driest regions of our planet.

Methods of combating Speaking about what desertification is, it should be noted that combating such a problem is very problematic. To effectively counter the emergence of deserts, it is necessary to take a whole range of measures, which includes economic, agricultural, climatic, political and social points of view. One of the most promising and discussed ways to overcome this problem is to plant trees on arable land.

How can we stop desertification? ➲ ➲ ➲ 1) Stop plowing land in areas experiencing desertification. 2) Put things in order in livestock farming (frequently move pastures, keep as many animals as the pastures can feed) 3) Sow grass and plant forests so that a plant cover appears that protects the soil.

Will the Earth become a desert?

The journalist stayed at the hotel. In the morning I noticed a yellow layer of sand on the windowsill.

There is a desert right behind the village,” a local resident explained to him. - When the wind blows, close all the windows. It was so difficult to get used to this... I remember that where the sands are now, there was waist-deep grass.

The car had to be pushed: the road was blocked by a sandy “snowdrift” - a dune - that had accumulated overnight.

The hot wind hurts your face with tiny grains of sand. It doesn’t let you forget for a minute: the desert is coming.

Where is all this happening? In the south of our country, in the so-called Black Lands. Black... Did the people who gave this name to this region a long time ago foresee this misfortune? No, that's not the point. In winter there is usually no snow here, and the area seems black without it. And now the Black Lands have become the victim of a terrible disaster: desertification.

What is desertification? This is the gradual transformation of dry lands into deserts. Like rust on the surface of metal, the desert is growing, expanding its borders, capturing more and more new areas. Over the past 50 years, an area equal to half of South America has become barren deserts around the world. 1/5 of the Earth's total landmass is now on the verge of desertification, in more than 100 countries around the world. The African Sahara Desert, for example, moves southward by up to 10 km every year! Why does desertification occur? To answer this question, let's return to the Black Lands.

The local pastures have fed flocks of sheep for centuries. People knew: the layer of fertile soil here is very thin, underneath there is sand. Therefore, the land cannot be plowed here. And there shouldn’t be too many livestock. In addition, you cannot graze it in the same places all year round, so that the grasses that hold the soil together are not eaten and trampled by domestic animals. Violate these conditions, and the sand will break out of centuries-old captivity. There were rich pastures - there will be a meager desert.

In these parts to this day, no trouble would have happened if people had not decided to ignore the laws of nature. Let's start plowing the land! And they bred so many sheep that, willy-nilly, they had to graze them all year round on the same pastures.

Yes, with the plowing of the land they received a certain amount of watermelons, corn, wheat, and barley. But the thin layer of soil quickly collapsed. The sand became the master here. And people plowed up a new plot.

Yes, they got meat and wool from sheep. But the places where it was still possible to graze them became fewer and fewer. People increased the number of sheep from year to year! The unfortunate animals, thin and emaciated, ate everything that was still growing, and hundreds of thousands died of hunger.

So why does desertification occur? The example of the Black Lands and observations of scientists in other areas of the world show that most often people themselves are to blame for this. Plowing of land and excessive grazing of livestock play a major role in this.

The consequences of desertification in environmental and economic terms are very significant and almost always negative. Agricultural productivity decreases, the diversity of species and the number of animals decreases, which, especially in poor countries, leads to even greater dependence on natural resources. Desertification limits the availability of basic ecosystem services and threatens human safety. It is an important obstacle to development, which is why the United Nations established World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought in 1995, and subsequently proclaimed 2006 as the International Year of Deserts and Desertification.

There are several other causes of desertification:

Water deficiency is a lack of water resources to meet the biological needs of crops and other types of vegetation for their normal growth and development, as well as environmental requirements to stabilize the development of ecological processes.

Drought is a long period of time of year with insufficient precipitation and elevated air temperatures.

Climate aridization is an increase in climate aridity due to an increase in air temperature, evaporation and a decrease in precipitation, i.e. increasing the air humidity deficit according to Torveit and reducing the humidity coefficient.

Deforestation is the denudation of areas for the growth and development of forest plantations, which led to disruption of snow retention and accumulation of moisture reserves from rainwater.

Overgrazing of livestock is the denudation or thinning of vegetation in pasture areas due to an increase in the number of livestock heads compared to the standard. Denudation or thinning of pasture areas leads to a sharp decrease in soil moisture reserves formed under the influence of scanty atmospheric precipitation in the desert.

Biological death is the necrosis of the plant world due to a sharp disruption of their need for water and an increase in harmful toxic substances in the soil and atmosphere.

Loss of fertility. Most often it occurs due to irrational and improper management of agricultural crops due to severe salinization and flooding of land with poor drainage of the territory. Desertification under the influence of loss of fertility of irrigated lands is most characteristic of irrigated lands located in river delta regions.

By understanding the causes of desertification, we can decide how to stop it, or at least slow it down. It is very difficult, but possible.

  • 1. It is necessary to stop plowing land in areas experiencing desertification.
  • 2. It is necessary to restore order in animal husbandry. Keep as many sheep as the remaining pastures can support. Move the animals around so that the pastures rest for part of the year.
  • 3. It is necessary to sow herbs and plant forests so that a vegetation cover appears that protects the soil.

All this needs to be done in many parts of the world. But such work requires a lot of money, and there are many poor countries that cannot afford it. That is why it is necessary to unite the efforts of different states and all of humanity to jointly fight the advance of deserts.

Of course, becoming a true desert does not threaten the entire Earth. This is a problem in areas with arid climates. It seems to me that this environmental disaster can be considered a symbol of that. What is happening to the Earth now. People are devastating their planet. Doesn't air and water pollution bring disease and death to living things? Aren't growing landfills and quarries destroying fertile lands? Doesn't deforestation and extermination of plant and animal species make the planet lifeless? Isn’t any of us, mindlessly knocking over mushrooms or swatting innocent insects, uniting the environment? People cannot live in a ruined, destroyed natural home. There are 8 dead planets orbiting the sun, and only one is still alive. I urge everyone to save this life by doing everything you can for this.

environment desertification fertility aridization

The journalist stayed at the hotel. In the morning I noticed a yellow layer of sand on the windowsill.

There is a desert right behind the village,” explained a local resident. - When the wind blows, close all the windows. It was so difficult to get used to this... I remember that where the sands are now, there was waist-deep grass.

The car had to be pushed: the road was blocked by a sandy “snowdrift” - a dune - that had been swept up overnight.

The hot wind hurts your face with tiny grains of sand. It doesn’t let you forget for a minute: the desert is coming. Where is all this happening? In the south of our country, in the so-called Black Lands.

Black... Did the people who long ago gave such a name to this region foresee misfortune? No, that's not the point. In winter there is usually no snow here, and the area appears black without it. And now the Black Lands have become a victim of a terrible disaster - desertification.

What is desertification? This is the gradual transformation of dry lands into deserts. Like rust on the surface of metal, the desert is growing, expanding its borders, capturing more and more new areas. Over the past 50 years, an area equal to half of South America has become barren deserts around the world. Part of the entire landmass of the Earth in more than 100 countries of the world is now on the verge of desertification. The African Sahara Desert, for example, moves southward by up to 10 km every year!

Why does desertification occur? To answer this question, let's return to the Black Lands.

The local pastures have fed flocks of sheep for centuries. People knew: the layer of fertile soil here is very thin, underneath there is sand. Therefore, the land cannot be plowed here. And there shouldn’t be too many livestock. In addition, you cannot graze it in the same places all year round, so that the grasses that hold the soil together are not eaten and trampled by domestic animals. If you violate these conditions, the sand will break free from centuries-old captivity.

In these parts, to this day, no trouble would have happened if people had not decided to ignore the laws of nature. Let's start plowing the land! And they bred so many sheep that, willy-nilly, they had to graze them all year round on the same pastures.

Yes, watermelons, corn, wheat, and barley were obtained from the plowed lands. But the thin layer of soil quickly collapsed. The sand became the master here. And people plowed up a new plot.

Yes, they got meat and wool from sheep. But there were fewer and fewer places where they could still graze. People increased the number of sheep from year to year! The unfortunate emaciated animals ate everything that was still growing, and hundreds of thousands died of hunger...

So why does desertification occur? The example of the Black Lands and observations of scientists in other areas of the world show that most often people themselves are to blame for this. Plowing of land and excessive grazing of livestock play a major role in this.

By understanding the causes of desertification, we can decide how to stop it, or at least slow it down.

  1. It is necessary to stop plowing land in areas experiencing desertification.
  2. We need to bring order to livestock farming. Keep as many sheep as the remaining pastures can support. Move the animals around so that the pastures rest for part of the year.
  3. It is necessary to sow grass and plant forests to create a vegetation cover that protects the soil.

Of course, becoming a true desert does not threaten the entire Earth. This is a problem in areas with arid climates. But this environmental disaster can be considered a symbol of what is happening to the Earth now. People are devastating their planet. Doesn't air and water pollution bring disease and death to the living? Doesn't deforestation and extermination of plants and animals make the planet lifeless? Doesn’t any of us, by mindlessly knocking over mushrooms or swatting innocent insects, impoverish the environment? People cannot live in a ruined, destroyed natural home. There are 8 dead planets orbiting the Sun, and only one still bears life. We urge you to save this life by doing everything you can for this.

Test your knowledge

  1. What is desertification?
  2. In which area of ​​our country is desertification occurring particularly rapidly?
  3. What human actions open the way to the desert?
  4. How can we stop desertification?


  1. In the early 70s. XX century in one of the regions of the Black Lands there were 850 thousand hectares of pastures. After 15 years, 170 thousand hectares remained. It was no longer possible to farm on the remaining lands. Calculate how many hectares of land have been lost over the years.
  2. According to scientists, the pastures of the Black Lands in the mid-80s. XX century could feed no more than 750 thousand sheep. But in fact, more than 1 million 500 thousand sheep were kept here. Give a rough estimate: how many times were the pastures overloaded?

In many areas of the world, desertification is occurring - the gradual transformation of dry lands into deserts. Among the main causes of desertification are plowing of land and excessive grazing by livestock, which eats up and tramples down vegetation. To stop desertification, it is necessary to stop plowing, bring order to livestock farming, sow grass and plant forests.

The Earth is called the blue planet because most of its surface is occupied by water. Mostly these are oceans. Let us imagine now that one fine day all of them, for one reason or another, would evaporate... What would be the consequences? It seems that they will not please anyone, because without water it is difficult even to simply survive.

Will the Flood start in New York?

Turned to dust...

The primary function is to absorb and distribute solar radiation. If they disappeared, the equator would turn into hell, but the poles would not receive light and heat at all... Currents carry warm tropical waters towards the north and south, and cold water back to the equator. Thanks to the presence of oceans, the temperature on Earth is maintained quite suitable for life.

In addition, the oceans support the water cycle: water from the seas evaporates upward and forms clouds, from which precipitation then falls. Warm air at the equator is replaced by cold air, and heat is evenly distributed throughout the planet. Of course, somewhere it is warmer, somewhere it is cooler, but it is thanks to the presence of oceans that we have gardens.

So let's say that all the oceans suddenly turned to dust. But the dust turned out to be wet enough to give us a chance of survival.

The disappearance of the oceans will not lead to the complete disappearance of water on the planet. What will remain are lakes, rivers, groundwater, as well as glaciers, ice caps and permafrost, concentrated mainly in Antarctica and making up 68.7 percent of all fresh water. This is about 3.5 percent of the water volume that we have now.

They account for a total of 96.5 percent. Do you feel the difference? The remaining amount will not be enough for a full water cycle in nature, even if we manage to melt the ice caps at the poles. It will rain less often...

Shall we move to Antarctica?

For some time, however, humanity will still be able to exist in such conditions. With access to groundwater, we will be able to build hydroponic farms. But on the surface, trees and plants will dry out, and animals will die. Due to constant droughts, the continents will be engulfed in fires and global warming will accelerate.

The equator will become hot, it will be impossible to live there. Greenhouse gases will keep solar energy close to the earth. At night it will, of course, be somewhat colder than during the day, but the average temperature on Earth will reach 67 degrees Celsius. Most living organisms, even those resistant to high temperatures, will not be able to exist in such conditions.

People will most likely begin to migrate en masse to the southern hemisphere of the planet, because there it will be possible to extract water from underground Antarctic ice. However, Antarctica will not be so easy to get to. The continent will be a flooded wasteland, devoid of any resources necessary for life - such as roads, mines or visible food sources. Many simply may not wait to create the infrastructure necessary to exist in Antarctica. Those who still wait for this day will only be able to live underground.

But staying in underground bunkers does not guarantee a long and high-quality life on a planet devoid of oceans. The Earth's atmosphere will gradually lose oxygen, but it is needed underground too. The temperature will also gradually begin to rise. Sooner or later, all life on the planet will die out, with the exception of small colonies of chemosynthetic bacteria that will be hidden underground near hot springs.

Fate of Mars

Has such a scenario ever happened before? Maybe. There is a theory that oceans once existed, which means that life similar to ours could exist.

According to most scientists, water was still present on the Red Planet. True, until recently it was not clear why in the lowlands of the northern hemisphere, compared to the southern, there are so few phyllosilicates - mineral rocks that, as a rule, form at the bottom of reservoirs.

Several years ago we managed to clarify this issue. The construction of climatic and geochemical models of Mars showed that if there was an ocean on the planet, then part of its surface was covered with ice. Additionally, topographic features along the edges of the proposed ocean basin are consistent with the presence of large glaciers in the area. Researchers believe that it was the low temperature and ice cover that prevented the formation of layered silicates, characteristic of marine sediments, at the bottom of the reservoir.

Now Mars is a waterless desert. If water is present there, it will be in very small quantities and, most likely, only in the form of ice. But Mars is older than Earth... Will the same fate await our planet? Probably not anytime soon. But no one can vouch for what will happen in millions of years.

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