Mnemonics - what is it? The essence, exercises for memory development. Mnemonics - well-known methods of developing and training memory Mnemonics memorizing telephone numbers

Mnemonics is a set of techniques that expand memory and teach you to remember the necessary information. Mnemonics methods are designed to create associations.

The mnemonic rule for remembering information is interesting even for children in preschool educational institutions, which is why children's institutions usually have a card index of mnemonic exercises.

Mnemonic techniques work by transforming information into images. Images can be auditory, visual and graphic. Exercises promote the development of memory, intelligence, attentiveness and speech in preschoolers.

Children gradually master mnemonic techniques in kindergartens. First, simple mnemonic techniques are learned, then they move on to complex exercises. It works like this:

  • The children are shown mnemonic squares, which are a simple image. Each image represents a word, phrase, or a simple short sentence.
  • Next, children master mnemonic tracks, this is a collage consisting of four simple images. The kids learn to write stories based on it.
  • Mnemonic tables are complex exercises for the development of children. Mnemonic tables are compiled in such a way that stories are reproduced from them.

Mnemonic tables are important components of figurative visualization of information, so we will dwell on them in more detail.

Using mnemonic tables in kindergarten, teachers teach children to memorize poems and select rhymes for words. Exercises for memorizing poetry are mnemonic if the information is presented to kids as a game. The tables are compiled by educators, psychologists or parents, but when the baby has already learned to do the exercises, he needs to try to compile the tables on his own. When children are motivated to make tables, in addition to speech and memory, they develop imagination, which is important for school.

Mnemonic tables in kindergarten are:

  • Tables with algorithms that show the sequence of hand washing, washing, dressing, eating.
  • Tables that tell stories.
  • Tables customized for learning poetry or other materials.

Mnemonic techniques in kindergarten:

  • To develop imagination, show your child mnemonic tables, based on which he will compose his own story or fairy tale.
  • Practice memorizing poems using mnemonic tables.
  • A game for developing children's logical thinking: give children cards with pictures of objects and ask them to distribute each object into a group (subjects related to construction, cooking, sports).

After these exercises, invite the children to draw pictures based on your story.

Mnemonic rule

Mnemonics is a complex development of psychology, so it works according to rules. So, the mnemonic rules:

  • Mnemonic tables for children without preparation are complex. Start with mnemonic squares.
  • Offer colored tables. Black and white drawings do not attract children's interest.
  • Tables should not contain more than 9 pictures, because this is difficult for children.
  • Do not offer children more than 2 mnemonic tables per day.
  • Memory does not develop if the tables relate to the same topic.

The use of mnemonics is important not only in kindergarten. Parents should also pay attention to children's development at home.

Vladimir Kozarenko “Mnemonics step by step”

“Mnemonics step by step” by Kozarenko consists of five separate courses that are interconnected. All methods for developing memory begin with simple ones, gradually becoming more complex and requiring greater concentration.

Kozarenko's mnemonic textbook is useful for people who are learning English because it contains a guide to help you remember foreign words. Kozarenko's book is designed for people who learn English on their own or take lessons in groups.

The book covers a volume of information that other books are unable to cover. You will learn to concentrate, develop memory, reproduce information in your own words, improve your English, and tune your memory to remember numbers.

Types of mnemonics

We figured out what mnemonics are and why they are needed. But there are these types of mnemonics:

  • Classical - memory development occurs with the use of visual images.
  • Pedagogical - an easier way to memorize. There are few visual images in it, but it involves the use of constant repetition of material, copying information into notebooks, and memorizing notes. This is how memory is developed in most educational institutions, but this method is not practiced in preschool educational institutions.
  • Circus is a game for developing memory using gestures, facial expressions, and intonations. This is a gaming technique, it involves the presence of tricks known only to the teacher and student.
  • Sports - memory develops by memorizing numbers.
  • Modern – involves studying large amounts of information. The technique is designed to develop memory in people who need to remember accurate information.

Mnemonics for pronouncing sounds

Speech development needs to be given special attention, because correct pronunciation of sounds is important for the socialization of children. In addition, the development of coherent speech is no less important, because the child is able to think intelligently, but it is important to be able to express thoughts. The use of mnemonics is possible for the development of speech and correct pronunciation of sounds.

To form coherent speech and correctly pronounce sounds, you need to show children a schematic representation of the sounds. Work with children takes place in the following sequence:

  • Coordination of signs with children. The guys must agree with the images on paper.
  • Teaching children the correct pronunciation of sounds using pictures.
  • Creating coherent speech by memorizing poetry from pictures.

So that the development of coherent speech is not a difficult task, at the same time it is necessary to conduct classes in which the children will expand their vocabulary. If this is not done, then the story based on the pictures will not show coherent speech; the children will simply practice pronouncing sounds.

Correct pronunciation of sounds and the development of coherent speech are closely interrelated. They shape the child's personality. If a child develops mental abilities in a preschool educational institution, then school will not be difficult for him.

To automate sounds in children’s coherent speech, it is, of course, best to contact a speech therapist. But doctors also use mnemonic techniques, so practice with your child at home to consolidate the results.

The most difficult thing in automating sounds in coherent speech is to interest the child. He doesn't understand that he has to work, so don't force him. Otherwise, the baby will lose interest and learning will not be effective. Engage with him according to his wishes, then the learning process will bear fruit.

We figured out what mnemonics are for automating sounds, developing coherent speech, memory, thinking and attentiveness. The main rule when performing exercises is regularity. Work with your child systematically so that the exercises really affect the child’s memory and thinking.

Hello, dear readers!

Do you have memory problems? Do you find it difficult to remember numbers and events? Then mnemonics will help you. You don't know what this is? Then I will introduce you to this concept, and you will remember everything always.

Want to? Meet: mnemonics - techniques for memorizing number combinations, events, words based on associations.

How does the method work?

Mnemonics as a means of memorization arose in ancient times. The Greeks were the first to notice that a person’s memory is directly related to his senses. The more impressions a person receives, the brighter the memories. Therefore, in order to remember something, you need to connect various associations.

In order for memory to retain some words or numbers for a long time, it is necessary to replace facts and objects with concepts and ideas that have kinesthetic, visual and auditory representation. In other words, we replace dry facts in our minds with more vivid and impressive images.

Mnemonics gives amazing results. You will be able to remember hundreds of phone numbers, grammar rules, jokes, outlines, etc. Want to try? Then let's begin.

Remember numbers using mnemonics

If you need to learn a large number of numbers (car license plates, telephone numbers, mathematical operations), you can choose one of your favorite memorization methods using mnemonics.

  • Alphanumeric code. The technique is based on the fact that each of the numbers from 0 to 9 is assigned a letter corresponding to the name of the number, for example: 1 - p (times), zero - n, etc. To remember a large number, you need to break it down into pairs of numbers and assign a letter to each. Then words are formed with these letters: 58-53 (PV-PT - Peacock Got Lost). It’s best to come up with a few sentences or a coherent text, then memorization will go much better.
  • "Hanger". This is an unusual technique, which consists in coming up with a consonant or associative series for each word. Then a story or fairy tale is composed with these words. To make it easier to memorize, you can use rhymes, for example: one is master, two is head, etc. Sometimes numbers are represented as one curve of buttons on a phone.

  • Combining images and numbers. This technique refers to the form of writing the number. For example, one looks like a pole or pencil, zero looks like the sun, etc. Then the found images are combined into some interesting, memorable story.
  • O'Brien Method. It is similar to the previous ones and consists in assigning to each number the image of a famous person.

Use only one method! Don't try to use everything at once! This is very difficult and not productive. The techniques are designed for short-term memorization.

They are good if you need to quickly prepare for an exam or other important event. You will not be able to learn all physics or mathematics using this method. Although, who knows?

Learning foreign languages ​​using mnemonics

One of the biggest challenges in learning foreign languages ​​is remembering words. Unfortunately, traditional cramming does not always bear fruit. In order not only to remember the sound and meaning of a word, but also to be able to recall it at the right moment in a conversation and apply it in practice, use the following memorization algorithm:

  1. Create an image based on the word.
  2. Connect the image with the meaning of the word by association.
  3. Retrieve the image from memory at the right moment and restore the sound of the word.

Let us turn to the example of learning English words using the mnemonics technique, since this language is most in demand today in international communication.

Let's give an example: owl in English means "owl". It is similar to the Russian word “aul”, which means “eastern settlements”. Imagine that an owl is flying around a village. Restore this image at the right moment, and the sound will come to you by itself.

It is better to create such “memories” yourself. This way they will be stored in memory because they were invented by you.

However, if you don’t have enough imagination and time to think about each word, you can use ready-made techniques. The images have already been invented for you: you just put them into practice.

Many modern mnemonics teachers claim that if you master the technique perfectly, you can memorize 100 words per hour. Is this real?

Reviews on various forums from people who attended mnemonics seminars say that the technique really works. However, you need to adapt to it and tune your brain. Not every one of us is ready to look in a dictionary and invent some ridiculous stories and then remember them!

Techniques for remembering historical facts using mnemonics

Who among us has not suffered from the fact that he needs to prepare history papers for an exam, but it is not possible to remember all the dates and events? This is because you did not use mnemonics techniques to prepare for your history exam. Here you can combine several methods at once.

First you need to understand that history is not just dates, but their specific sequence. To remember them in order, you need to make a series of associations.

Let's look at an example. Let's assume that we are faced with the task of mastering the date of the death of Byzantium - 1453.

  1. We compose a number-letter code. To do this, we assign a letter to each number. The path will be 4-chsch, 5-pb, 3-kh. Together we come up with a word, say, Sliver. You can take other notations and create them yourself.
  2. Next we encode according to consonance. Byzantium is in tune with the plastic visa card.
  3. As a reference to the empire, we present the imperial crown.

We connect all the elements in our imagination. Let this be the card number in the corner and its type - crown.

At the right moment, imagine a map and decipher this image. Believe me, it will be easy to do.

Does mnemonics work?

Many, looking at the chain of associations that they have to carry out, will say that it is too difficult. To remember a single date or a series of numbers, you have to invent entire stories.

At first, this process seems labor-intensive, since it requires straining the imagination, and we do this not so often in everyday life. But after a few practices, memorization will come naturally.

Mnemonic chains really work. The fact is that our memory prefers to store not dry facts and meaningless words and numbers, but images. Today this scientific fact is available to everyone, but we do not use it for our own benefit.

In ancient times, the Egyptian priests had a so-called “science of imagery.” It was a secret teaching, carefully kept from ordinary people. Why is image so important to us?

If you carefully follow your train of thought, you will understand that you think not in words or numbers, but in images. If a word is associated with a concept, you will remember it easily, and it may even make you feel a certain way.

It's the same with numbers. We even perceive the people around us as certain images they created.

Why not create an image yourself to remember? Gradually you will get used to this line of thinking and will not be able to exist without it. Mnemonics will be your best assistant.

Today this science is even taught in some schools. Not intentionally. Maybe we can raise a generation with unusual abilities. But for quick counting they use a different technique - .

Mnemonic- means "associated with or pertaining to memory" but science mnemonics- it is also a tool that helps you remember better. Mnemonics has been around for a long time - so long ago that it was named after a Greek goddess Mnemosynes, who was the goddess of memory, daughter of heaven and earth (Uranus and Gaia), and mother of the muses.

    Find bright, unusual images, pictures, which are connected using the “linking method” with information that needs to be remembered. For example, we need to remember a set of words: pencil, glasses, chandelier, chair, star, beetle - it will be easy to remember this if you imagine them as “characters” of a bright, fantastic cartoon. To increase the efficiency of memorization using the “connective method”, it is useful to greatly distort the proportions (a huge “bug”); imagine objects in active action (“pencil” is suitable); increase the number of items (hundreds of “stars”); swap the functions of objects ("chair" to "chandelier").

    Free association method is a sequence of support images formed according to the following principle. Remember an arbitrary image, fix your attention on it and wait until the next image appears in your mind by association with it. After forming a chain of free associations, reinforce it with mental repetition. The memorized information is linked by associative links to the sequence of selected reference images. The method is based on the fact that a huge number of naturally formed associations already exist in memory (spoon, cup, saucer, table...). Used to extend other methods. For example, to form additional images to a distinctive feature when memorizing information about a person, formulas and constant quantities. Using the same technique, you can obtain additional images for figurative codes of numbers and letters of the alphabet.

    Suggestive association method allows you to transform almost any word into a visual image or association. It is used as part of other methods for memorizing geographical names, terms, concepts, foreign words, surnames, as well as meaningless letter combinations. It is a combination of the technique of symbolization, the technique of linking to well-known information, the technique of encoding by consonance and the technique of forming a word by syllable. Which combination of the listed memorization techniques will be used depends on the word being memorized. There are often names that require several techniques to be used to transform them into images. Those. in one association denoting a name, images will be obtained by different coding techniques.

For example: the state of North Dakota “Northern” is transformed by the method of symbolization (polar bear), Dakota - by the method of coding by consonance (Two KOTA). The name of this state can be captured by the association “Two cats are sitting on the head of a polar bear.” The visual images obtained during the encoding process can easily be remembered sequentially and, upon recall, prompt (guide) the word we need. As a result of mental repetitions, the words remembered in the images are fixed in memory and are subsequently reproduced directly (immediately in the form of an audio message). Information memorized by this method is unmistakably recognized in the text.

    Cicero's method (placement method) is based on associations formed naturally and represents a sequence of supporting images. They are formed by recalling well-known premises. You can remember a well-known road (for example, from home to the metro). Imagine walking around your room, where everything is familiar to you. Place the information you need to remember in your mind as you walk around the room. Memorized images and associations are “attached” to the objects you have selected using the technique of forming an associative connection. You will be able to remember the information again by imagining the apartment - everything will be in the places where you placed them during the previous “walk-through”. This method is used primarily for memorizing the sequence of the first images of different associative chains and blocks of information. We recommend consolidating reference images in your memory by repeatedly memorizing random numbers on them. The fixed system of reference images can be used in the future for long-term memorization of blocks of information.

    Chain method. This technique remembers horizontal relationships, for example, the sequence of precise information in a passage of text. Images are associated in pairs. The sizes of the images are approximately the same in each pair. When you have formed a connection between the first and second image, the first image is removed from consciousness by transferring attention to the second. After this, a relationship is formed between the second and third image, etc. When a chain of images is recalled, three to five images appear in the mind at once. A chain of images leaves memory, appears in consciousness and disappears again in memory. Always form connections according to a certain system. If the association is horizontal, place the first image on the left. If the association is vertical, place the first image at the bottom. If the images penetrate each other when connected, place the second image in the first. When recalling, read the images in the same order.

Visualize the first two words and create a connection between them using visual images or events. Let's say you want to remember a list: milk, cabbage, oranges and cottage cheese. For example, to remember milk and cabbage, you could imagine a bathtub full of milk. Suddenly a huge head of cabbage breaks through the ceiling and falls into the bathtub with a terrible splash, and then the door opens and four huge oranges enter the room in formation, cheerfully singing at the top of their lungs. The oranges suddenly stop, looking in horror at the cabbage floating in a bath of milk, and these oranges reach into their backpacks, pull out packets of cottage cheese and begin to throw them at the poor shabby cabbage. Repeat this story in your mind several times and you will remember the entire list! This mnemonic method is only bad because you cannot immediately remember, for example, the 10th item from the list.

    words hanger- these are mnemonic systems in which you first need to learn a set of words, and then “hang” on them the words and phrases that you need to remember. These systems are good for remembering lists, especially when you have to remember the seventh item on a list (for example), rather than the entire list in a row.

In one of the simplest mnemonic systems of hanger words, each number is linked to a word that rhymes with it. Here's an example: number one is an orange, number two is tops, number three is lanterns, number four is in kefir, number five is a bed, number six is ​​wool, etc. Suppose you need to remember a lamp, a toothbrush, a horse, a mirror and a kangaroo.” A silly picture or one that evokes an emotional reaction is remembered better. Number one, orange - a brightly glowing LAMP in the shape of an ORANGE. Number two, the tops, this will become a “hanger” for the toothbrush: TOPS = TOOTHBRUSH. You have arrived at the dacha and the first thing you do is go to look at your favorite bed with carrots - the bed is in order, only instead of TOPS, multi-colored TOOTHBRUSHS are sticking out of the ground. Number three, lanterns, must be associated with a horse: LANTERNS = HORSE, etc.

    Reception "Matryoshka". The images are connected in pairs. The first image of the association is always larger than the second and contains the second. After connecting the first and second images, turn your attention to the second image (the first should disappear from consciousness). Mentally enlarge the second image and create an association between the second and third images. And so on. Images are constantly nested within each other. In this case, only two images should always be clearly visible in the association. Recall is carried out in a similar way. Imagine the first image and wait for the second one to emerge from your memory. Switch your attention to the second, increasing it, and wait for the third to appear, etc. Please note: this method of connecting images is used very intensively. It should be worked out carefully. The first image of the connected pair of images must be much larger than the second. When mentally enlarging the first image, try to identify a sub-image in it, to which you then link the second (small) image of the pair. Example. Connect two images with “Matryoshka”: “Thermometer” and “Bucket”. Imagine a thermometer very large. Select the “Column of Mercury” sub-image in it. Mentally tie a small bucket to this sub-image. As a result of this connection, the “Bucket” image is almost invisible if you imagine a thermometer of normal sizes. The bucket appears in our imagination only after consciously performing the mental operation “Increasing the image.” This technique is used to remember: the sequence of paragraphs, the sequence of dates in a chronological table, the sequence of names when memorizing telephone numbers and mixed tables. The “Matryoshka” technique allows you to save support images. Using this technique, the memorized information is linked into a block. Different blocks of information are additionally recorded on a sequence of reference images that is well fixed in memory (for example, using the Cicero method).

    Hook method- replacing numbers with images. The digital alphabet will allow you to remember any number. Alphanumeric code is used to encode digits and numbers into words. Each number from 0 to 9 corresponds to two consonant letters of the alphabet. To use the alphanumeric code in practice, learn it by heart and bring it to an automatic (reflexive) level of recall. Numbers and numbers must be converted into letters without delay and vice versa.

1 – GZh; 2 – DT; 3 – KH; 4 – ChShch; 5 – PB; 6 – ShL; 7 – NW; 8 – VF; 9 – RC; 0 – NM

You can replace numbers with letters and words. For example, 0 - circle, 1 - pencil, 2 - glasses, 3 - chandelier, 4 - chair, 5 - star, 6 - beetle, 7 - week, 8 - spider, etc.

Reflex level of recall - a direct relationship is established between different analyzing systems; in this case - between visual and speech. Provides instant recall (eliminates encoding step).

    Associated list method. Fixed figurative codes of two-digit numbers. In order for numerical information to be remembered quickly enough, you need to memorize one hundred images. Each image is strictly assigned to its own number (from 00 to 99). As soon as you remember this list, you will immediately be able to remember large volumes of any digital information, for example, dozens of telephone numbers, without errors.

Encoding of two-digit numbers is carried out using an alphanumeric code.

12 GZh DT Gzh dT Guitar image of a guitar

35 KX PB Kx pB CuB cube image

The numbers 01. 02. 03. ... 09 in the number series are encoded into images as 1. 2. 3. ... 9. When recalled, a zero is added to them on the left.

05 - PB PB Wallpaper image

06 - SHL shL yuLa image

07 - NW NW oSa image

Please remember separately: 0 - number; 00 - barrels.

    When memorizing numbers, numbers reveal arithmetic dependence between groups of digits in a number, for example, in the phone number 358954 dependency 89= 35+ 54;

    Reception of symbolization used to memorize abstract concepts that do not have a clear figurative meaning. The same word can be encoded into images differently by different people. But, as a rule, it is possible to use a variety of symbols, well established in the minds of most people. Symbols surround us on all sides. Translating road signs into meaning, We are doing mnemonics. When a first grader memorizes relationship between the symbol “A” and the sound “A”, he also deals with mnemonics. When encoding a word with this technique, you should ask yourself the question: “How can I visually indicate this?” Examples of encoding words into images using symbolization: cold “Ice”, warmth “Water bottle”, eternity “Pyramids”, infinity “Mathematical infinity sign”, winter “Snowflake”, spring “Bouquet of Mimosa”, summer “Sun”, autumn “Yellow Maple Leaf”. We can't imagine summer at all. But we can imagine grass. This image is easy to remember.

    Reception of binding to well-known information, located in memory. New memorized information may consist of elements of well-known information. Examples of familiar information include: 1917, 1941, 1812 and 1861, your own name and the name of the street you live on, your telephone number, and SONY on your television. New information, consisting of elements of familiar information, is easily remembered. So, it’s easy to remember the phone number 917-41-45. It immediately brings to mind famous historical events. For example, in the number 859314, select 85 - the year of birth of your brother, 314 - the first digits of pi, etc.

The technique of linking to well-known information is best used for encoding geographical names, terms, first and last names into images. This technique is not universal. He encodes into images only what is encoded. It depends on the content of your memory.

Examples of encoding words into images using the technique of linking to well-known information. Washington state “Dollar”, planet Mars chocolate bar “Mars”, 1380 380 volts (image of wires), number 220 - “Electric outlet”, surname Black image “Black Square”, 1912 (publication of the first issue of the newspaper “Pravda”) familiar 1812

    Method of forming a word using consonants. This technique is used in conjunction with an alphanumeric code. When the numbers are translated into letters, a word is selected from the letters, which can be represented as an image. In this technique, the only ones of interest are consonants letters (since there are no vowels in the alphanumeric code). Examples . TLF TeleFon; PLT PLiTa; SBC SoBaCa; KLN CLOWN.

If the word cannot be found by letter, you can use the following “trick” - choose an image denoted by two words (adjective and noun). In this case, the significant ones are: the first consonant of the adjective and the first two consonants of the noun. When recalling, you will clearly be able to distinguish which image is denoted by one word and which by two. Examples. ZTR Green Grass; GLN Huge LuNa; HRP Striped Bee. Any word can be easily translated into numbers. Once you remember the sequence of words, you also remember the sequence of numbers.

This technique is actively used when memorizing historical dates, telephone numbers, addresses, car license plates, various codes and ciphers. Based on this technique, figurative codes of three-digit numbers are compiled.

    Method of forming a word from syllables It is used independently or in combination with the techniques of encoding by consonance, symbolization and linking to well-known information, mainly for memorizing names, terms, surnames and other similar information. Examples. MASH MACHINE, STEERING RULER, BACKGROUND LANTERN, KAM STONE, KNI BOOK. This technique allows you to accurately remember completely meaningless letter combinations. Examples. MASHFONRUL association "car lantern steering wheel". State of Wisconsin WIS CON SIN association "WHISKEY CANDIES SINKA". In this technique, you can improvise by removing or adding one significant letter at a time. Example. Sugar Association "SUGAR RAK". You can make the last letters significant. Examples . ZOR TV, AKA DOG, NICK RECEIVER, KNO WINDOW, JULIA PAN.

    Education semantic phrases from initial letters memorized information (“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits” - about the sequence of colors in the spectrum: red, orange, etc.)

    Rhythmization- translation of information into poems, songs, lines connected by a certain rhythm or rhyme.

    Remembering long terms using consonant (key) words(for example, for foreign terms they look for similar-sounding Russian words; to remember the medical terms “supination” and “pronation”, they use the consonant and humorous phrase “carried and spilled soup”).

Many foreign words, names, terms, surnames sound similar to words that are well known to us. These words are easy to imagine in the form of visual images, for example: the state of Alaska, the image “Stroller”; brother-in-law (relative) image “Door”. As long as you don't have to remember meaning unfamiliar words, it is enough to record their exact pronunciation and sequence in memory.

    Method of memorizing different parts of one image. Imagine a guitar in your mind. Place it vertically in your imagination. By enlarging and moving this image, you can highlight different details (sub-images) in it. Let's highlight the following sub-images in the “Guitar” image: “Pegs”, “Neck”, “Hole in the body”, “String holder”, “Belt”. Always try to highlight sub-images in a certain sequence, for example, from top to bottom or from right to left. It doesn’t matter what kind of system it will be, the main thing is that it should always be the same.

The technique of isolating sub-images on an image allows one to record the sequence of memorized images with extreme precision. The most important advantage of this method of memorization is that the memorized numbers can be repeated as many times as you like and you will never confuse them. Recall is carried out with mathematical precision. Used to remember figurative codes. Any figurative codes should only be remembered in isolation from each other, through another image. (Memorizing the first and patronymic on the image of the surname, remembering the phone numbers on the image of the “owner” of the telephone number.)

    Return Acceptance. When memorizing using this technique, different parts of the previous image of the memorized sequence are used as reference images. This technique combines the “Chain” technique and the “Memorization technique for different parts of the image.” It is used to isolate figurative codes when remembering precise information in a passage of text. The retrieval technique combines the reliability of memorization using reference images and the speed of chain memorization.

    Memorization under serial numbers(based on fixed figurative number codes). It is used for quickly storing information and then rewriting it using other methods. You can record precise information in your memory under serial numbers throughout the day; then slowly systematize this information, collecting it into blocks or thematic sequences.

    Memorization in alphabetical order. Used to remember information in alphabetical order. You can remember addresses, phone numbers, last names and other information in the order of letters in the alphabet without prior systematization.

    Remembering names. For example, you met a person whose name is, for example, Harry King and you want to remember him. 1. At first, you can simply repeat his name often (for example: “how are you doing, Harry,” or “can I give you a treat, Harry,” etc.) 2. For example, you got to know him better, and he told you his story. Then you just need to redo it a little so that it contains some passages from the name. For example: This person really likes to eat RICE as a side dish and really likes the movie KING KONG." Next, your brain will do everything itself! 3. Well, as a last resort, his name and appearance can be associated with Harry Potter.

    Information compression method used for memorizing anecdotes, encyclopedic information and small texts (within a textbook paragraph). From a logically completed passage of text, the meaning (the main idea of ​​this passage) is extracted, which is indicated by an image and remembered in sequence with other images that indicate the meaning of other passages.

When memorizing textual information, there are two main problems: how to remember the sequence of presentation of textual material, not to confuse the order of paragraphs in the text, and how to remember the exact information contained in the textual material.

This method does not provide a deep understanding of textual information, but allows you to formally remember the order of semantic passages in the text. Using mnemonics, remembering a sequence of logically unrelated passages is easier than remembering plain text. In isolated passages it is easier to highlight the meaning and fix it in memory.

    The technique of “focusing” information on one image used to remember a fairly large amount of similar information. A typical example of such information would be a small chronological table. The memorized information is divided into several parts, and each part is fixed on an image separated from the main image. It is used to create a reliable system of reference images and to “assemble” a block of information on one image (collecting several chains on one image, a method of “focusing” information).

The central image is disassembled into parts by highlighting the invisible parts of the image. The beginning of a chain of support images on which specific information is recorded is attached to each selected subimage. It is better to choose a collecting image from frequently encountered objects (fountain pen, telephone, etc.). As such an image, it is convenient to use an image isolated by the Cicero method. In this case, the sequence of information blocks is automatically recorded.

    Method for identifying a distinctive feature of a person. The nickname highlights distinctive features. It is individual, and you can immediately understand who we are talking about. A nickname reflects the most important thing in a person or is abbreviated to resemble his last name. It is also very important that nicknames, as a rule, are words that are quite easy to imagine in the form of a visual image; any additional information about a person can be associated with this image.

A distinctive feature allows you to remember a specific person. Any precise information (full name, address, telephone, pager, car number, place of work, profession, etc.) can be associated with a distinctive feature. Distinctive features can be remembered sequentially, allowing out-of-order recall of information about a group of people.

Identifying a distinctive feature in a photograph. As soon as you remember the distinctive feature, a generalized image of the corresponding person will appear in your imagination. A distinctive feature in a photograph can be: elements of clothing and hairstyle, defects in appearance and resemblance to someone, even a background element. (For example, a window in the background, an unusual-looking chair, or even a scratch in the photo.) But there are often photographs in which it is very difficult to find clear distinctive features. Then look carefully at the face in the photo and try to determine its resemblance to someone or something.

In a similar way, you can remember the sequence of any pictures, for example, illustrations in a textbook or paintings at an exhibition. The illustrations themselves can be used as blocks of reference images for memorizing other information. To do this, you should mentally isolate the constituent images from each illustration.

Identifying a distinctive feature of a person you know well. In this case, a distinctive feature is distinguished by the type of activity of a person, his hobbies, good or bad habits, oddities in his behavior, the manner of walking, speaking, dressing, and his character. If your friend is an athlete, you can assign him the image of “Barbell”. It makes sense to assign distinctive features even to your close relatives.

Identifying a distinctive feature in a stranger standing in front of you (the “Acquaintance” situation). In order not to forget the name and patronymic of the person you just met, it is useful to call your interlocutor by name during the conversation, specifically addressing him. If you are about to meet someone, identify a distinctive feature of the person before he introduces himself to you. Immediately link his last name to the selected attribute, and record the first and patronymic on the image of the last name; During the conversation, repeat the memorized information, calling the person by his name several times. Good distinguishing features can be: a person’s figure (height, plumpness, thinness), his resemblance to people you know or know, unusual behavior, gaze, peculiarities of speech, gait, and gestures. Clothing or hairstyle may vary. If someone looks like Kobzon, tie him a holster with an umbrella. If a person has a jumping gait, you can mentally imagine him as a “Frog”, etc.

Identifying a distinctive feature in a person whose image is unknown to you. In this case, you only have the person's last name. A distinctive feature needs to be extracted from it. If a person is Svetlov, he can be designated by the image “Lamp”. If his last name is Tikhonov - “Turtle” or “Snail”. Our domestic surnames are quite easily translated into images. Foreign surnames are divided into several parts, each of which is translated into an image. These images are combined into an association. The name and patronymic should be recorded on one of the images of the association denoting the surname. Martenson mar-ten-son. “Brand” “Tent” “Bed”.

Isolating a distinctive feature from the interior of the room. Often it is enough to pay attention to an element of the interior of the room in which the person you need is located. So, in a dentist’s office it could be a chair, in a clinic it could be a registration window, in a car service it could be a car lift. The required information is linked to the items you selected.

    Organizational schemes (filling the structure). All mnemonic systems are based on structuring information so that it is easier to remember and reproduce. The basis for structuring information can be place, time, spelling, sounds, images, etc. A very effective mnemonic device is the organization of information into semantic categories, which can then be used as signs for reproduction. Material that is organized in some way—visually, semantically, or by classification—is remembered better than unorganized material.

When memorizing a textbook, the main (key) points are recorded in memory. You can dilute the bundle of accurate information with “water” using a small additional answer plan. It is very easy to remember, since such a plan consists of only a few points. You determine the content of this plan yourself.

The presence in memory of accurate information and detailed plans for different sections and for different subjects allows for comparison, analysis and synthesis of information. After all, these mental operations are possible if the information is in your memory. Otherwise, there will simply be nothing to compare and analyze.

From the point of view of mnemonics, information is the connections between phenomena, facts, and events. Therefore, any new connections between already known facts are new information. The new information you learn may also be included in your answer in class or on an exam.

    Mental drawing technique. The technique of mental drawing refers to the stage of connecting images. In this technique, one (reference) image is mentally connected directly to the sign that you draw in your imagination. As a result of this operation, the new icon is “glued” to the reference image and becomes available for recall. It is necessary to clearly distinguish the usual mental representation of images from the process of mental drawing.

When drawing characters, it is advisable to draw them quite large, with bold lines. Imagine that you are writing with a thick felt-tip pen on a piece of paper or with your finger on a dusty surface. The sign is being written out gradually. It’s good if you try to imagine the movement of your hand (you don’t need to move your hand).

Mental drawing carried out against the background of a reference image(or on a reference image), because the main task of this technique is to associate the icon with the reference image.

First way- mentally imagine a reference image, separate it from yourself with an imaginary glass and draw an icon on this imaginary glass (while also holding the reference image in your imagination). Second way- mentally enlarge the reference image and draw the icon directly on it. AND third way- is to try embed icon in the reference image. To do this, it is better to imagine it not as drawn, but as made of thick wire or any other suitable material. Imagine the memorized sign as an independent image (or several images). Then the process of memorization will be no different from the formation of an ordinary artificial association between several images.

    Active repetition method. Repetition is a process where information is recalled mentally, verbally, or written down solely from your memory. If you repeatedly read information from a textbook, this is not repetition, this is repeated perception and there is no guarantee that the formed associations will be activated. To consolidate information in memory, it must be recalled. Repeated recall of imprinted information is called active repetition. The word “active” in this definition emphasizes the guaranteed activation of all formed associations. Consequently, even before the repetition begins, all information must be remembered in full and without errors. Why then repeat it? To save. Usually a person repeats to remember. Mnemonists repeat what they have already memorized in order to retain it.

    Mental speaking technique. This technique is the basis of the cramming method. When you hear the phone number you need on the radio, you start looking for a pencil and paper and at this time mentally (and even out loud) repeat the number. It is possible to keep him conscious thanks to the great inertia of the speech analyzer (about 4 seconds). If you repeat a phone number long enough, it will “settle” in your memory. The disadvantage of cramming is that short-term speech memory only holds one phone number. Therefore, memorizing phone numbers (and other information) by cramming takes a lot of time. In addition, memorized information tends to be erased from memory very quickly. Historical dates stored in the visual analyzer can be stored in memory almost permanently. The chronological tablet memorized before the test “evaporates” from the head within a few days.

Mnemonics uses the technique of mental pronunciation not for memorization, but to secure in the memory of already memorized information, to form a direct connection between the image of the icon and its pronunciation. This technique refers to the stage of connecting images. The relationship between the visual image of the sign and its speech representation is recorded. When you imagine a new sign, mentally pronounce its sound repeatedly.

The ability to learn a new alphabet in 2-4 days is a very good result (you can read and write slowly immediately after imprinting, after 1.5-2 hours).

What is mnemonics, mnemonics, the art of mnemonics: definition, explanation of the method.

  • The authors of many accessible textbooks on mnemonics, when publishing their works, were guided by thoughts that are quite mundane for a person - to write a text that will be bought. That’s why the books contain a lot of information about the science of mnemonics, explanations that supposedly allow one to apply information gleaned from various calculations and scientific encyclopedias in real life.
  • However, while pursuing the goal of collecting several significant “layers” of knowledge about science, in reality they end up doing everything differently: there is little useful and accessible information, but there are a lot of terms and “water”.
  • The human brain has incredible capabilities, and mnemonics helps to reveal them. However, not everyone who becomes interested in this science manages to “unearth the essence” of most techniques in order to automatically apply them in everyday life.

Our article contains the most accessible explanations and ways to teach memorization skills.

What is mnemonics, mnemonics, the art of mnemonics: definition, explanation of the method

  • The mnemonics method is based on the creation of images in the subconscious. The information necessary for memorization is taken and subconsciously transformed into an image through association.
  • We have excellent associative memory, which mnemonics use to the fullest. To develop the ability to remember, you need to be able to draw mentally imaginary objects.
The mnemonics method is based on the creation of images in the subconscious

Here is an example of memorizing information. Below is a list of what we usually buy at the store. Try to remember the sequence of words:

  • wet wipes
  • toothpaste
  • shampoo
  • Dutch cheese
  • tangerines
  • tomato paste
  • vegetable oil
  • ketchup
  • green pea
  • walnuts

Most often, people remember 7 names. The lucky ones who memorized the entire list, like the rest, as a rule, after 5 minutes, forget all the words from the list.
And now we reveal the secret of memorizing such lists in such a way that it remains in memory for at least several days.

Extraordinary situations are more “embedded” in the memory

To remember, you need an image, not just a set of words. Therefore, the ability to create the desired picture in your head is the first step to success.

To remember our list, we perform the following imaginary actions:

  • Introducing a pack of wet wipes
  • Introducing the toothpaste tube
  • We combine two objects by mentally placing them side by side or piercing a tube of toothpaste through a pack of napkins
  • The combination of two unusual images sticks in the brain for a long time, especially if you add some details: for example, some kind of liquid may leak out of a pack of napkins or, being next to a tube of toothpaste, wet wipes become covered with foam. The main task is to combine two different images.
  • Next on the list are shampoo, Dutch cheese, tangerines and tomato paste. We do the same thing: a piece of cheese falls on the spilled shampoo, and tangerines are boiled in tomato paste.
  • If it’s difficult to come up with associations, then just imagine how one image “pierces” another.

The combination of two unusual images stays in the brain for a long time, especially if you add some details
  • “Punching” one image with another is not easy to forget, because the method almost always works.
    Opponents of the method may argue that it takes a lot of time to connect images. However, if you need to constantly remember information in large quantities, then the method is worth it. Mnemonics exercises are designed specifically for memorizing such lists, information, and logical chains.

Books on mnemonics contain enough information to understand how the exercises work and how to create your own memory palace or mind palace, if you prefer. All exercises are useful if used regularly in life.

How to create a memory palace

  • The images stored in memory are your warehouse of images that you build in your head. From such a storage, images are retrieved at the right time, for example, a list of products. Within a few days the list will be forgotten, even with super memory.
  • Mnemonics exercises will help you save the list for many years in the so-called memory palace.
    Creating a memory palace can be compared to Cicero's method. Its essence lies in the fact that the mnemonic draws a dwelling in his imagination and mentally arranges objects in it, assigning certain images to them.
  • Now about the features of our “structure”: since the memory palace is created mentally, the memorization process will be more convenient, because in this case it is permissible to use a wide variety of objects.

Here's what it looks like practically:

  • You need to remember the physical formula q = CU. We convert the resulting Latin letters into an image. Everything here is completely individual: imagine what is easier for you to remember.
    For example, q is a head of cabbage, CU is a string bag. Now we draw the completed image: there is a head of cabbage in the string bag.
  • We move on and send the resulting image to the palace. But we don’t just leave it there, we put it on a shelf called “Physics”. To make it easier to navigate our palace, we will install a small bust of Einstein or a physics textbook on the same shelf. Now we put the string bag with the head of cabbage on the shelf.

As you can see, nothing complicated!

To learn the skill of memorization, it is not necessary to immerse yourself in learning details about how the brain works and what is the rate of charge between neurons. The main thing is to master the memorization technique.

Having mastered the memorization technique, you can easily fill your memory palace with images

How to develop memory for beginning adults - mnemonics: methods, techniques and exercises

What techniques and practical exercises does mnemonics have? By training your memory, you will be able to remember both figurative information and information presented in texts or tables.

For whom mnemonic techniques will be useful:

  • We all need to remember a certain amount of precise information at some point. And it is absolutely not necessary to be a schoolchild, student or teacher for this. Think about how many names, phone numbers and lists you write down in electronic or notebooks.
  • But it would be easier to enter all the information into your brain. Then you will definitely save all the “sheets” of your “notebook” and you will not need to look for a charger for your phone or tablet if the battery suddenly runs out in order to see your notes.
  • You will simply remember all the information you may need. In some cases, “making a note” mentally is much easier than searching for the right notepad, pen or pencil.

In some cases, “making a note” mentally is much easier than searching for the right notebook, pen or pencil
  • Mnemonic techniques will also help out the speaker, whose speech, after some exercises performed and tested during the speech, will flow smoothly and naturally.
  • Schoolchildren and students will also be able to evaluate mnemonic techniques, especially during tests and exams. After all, exercises will help you better remember a large amount of information. If during an exam students try to copy from a cheat sheet or from a phone, then those who use the memorization techniques described above will be able to copy from their memory without much effort.
  • This method is safer, and it will take less time to prepare for difficult exams.
    For teachers, the use of mnemonic techniques will not only be useful, but will also add respect. Lecture materials will be remembered faster and you won’t have to look at the notes.
  • To remember information about people from your wide circle of business acquaintances, it will also be useful to know the techniques of mnemonics.
  • If you often resort to methods of memorizing information developed by mnemonics, even as a preventive measure against your constant forgetfulness, then your memory will not begin to “die off” as unnecessary until you get older.

Figurative thinking, imagination, and attention help to arrange data and connect them mentally.

Basics of mnemonics: description

How do techniques and methods for memorizing large blocks of information work? By mentally arranging (arranging) the information necessary for memorization, using various associations, you can connect the information received with each other. Figurative thinking, imagination, and attention help to arrange data and connect them mentally.

  • To apply mnemonics methods, it is not necessary to start acquaintance with this area of ​​​​knowledge from scratch. All techniques become accessible and understandable almost immediately after becoming familiar with the mnemonics. The basics of mnemonics allow you to memorize simple sequences of numbers, signs, and words at the early stages of self-learning.
  • Quickly mastering the basics of mnemonics can play a cruel joke on a beginner: he perceives his new capabilities as a fully mastered skill and stops developing further in this direction. What's going on? At certain moments, mnemonics fail due to the lack of practical memorization skills and experience in storing information in memory for a long period.

The basics of mnemonics allow you to memorize simple sequences of numbers, signs, words already at the early stages of self-learning

Correctly composed associations will help you process a large amount of information in your mind. Therefore, it is important to practice mnemonic techniques at the skill level. Regular practice will help you master the art of memorization. But it is impossible to achieve the effectiveness of techniques with a quick attack.

Video: Palaces of the Mind. Palace of Memory

Mnemonics - memory training: tables of numbers, letters, symbols

There are special tables for memory training. They can be found freely available on the World Wide Web. Schulge tables, for example, are designed for different levels of difficulty. The idea is that you need to find numerical values ​​and signs that will need to be added in a couple of moves. Shulge tables develop memory and improve concentration.

Principles of remembering information




There are training exercises designed in the form of games for attention and intelligence. Here are some of them:

  • In the game “Numerical Coverage Revolution” you need to remember the numbers that appear on the screen and accurately enter them into the empty window. Correctly entering numbers allows you to go further and increase the number of points scored. The game may take a long time or will end after the third incorrect entry of a sequence of numbers.
  • The essence of the game "Fast addition reload" is that a given three-digit number is revealed, and the player needs to select the correct sums of this number. The correct answer increases the number of points.
  • Among the difficult tasks, one can highlight the Red-Black Tables of Gorbov-Shulge. They require you to remember two digital sequences at the same time. Black cells are for choosing the smallest number, and red cells are for choosing the largest. The main thing in the game is to quickly select the right numbers.
  • Not all tables and tasks are based on calculations and selection of numbers. For example, the game “Letter Span” develops memory and attention by memorizing letters and reproducing them. Letters appear on the screen that you need to remember. The next step involves writing down a series of letters from memory.

On the World Wide Web you can find training exercises designed in the form of games for attention and intelligence.

Mnemonics - remembering names based on visual thinking: description of the method, associations

  • To remember names, you need to listen carefully to the people who are introduced to you, and not be distracted by thoughts about upcoming conversations with them.
  • A name heard from a new acquaintance can be repeated several times during the first meeting or conversation (if appropriate). The final phrase could be: “nice to meet you,” and be sure to repeat the name of the new acquaintance.

But there are other ways to remember the names of new acquaintances. Mentally imagine an image that is associated in your imagination with a specific name:

  • Svetlana – light bulb
  • Valery – school teacher
  • Sonya is a rodent
  • Sofia – sofa
  • Pavel - peacock feather
  • Lily - flower of the same name
  • Nikolay - count
  • Mikhail - bear

Having imagined the picture that your imagination draws when you mention a certain name, associate the resulting image with the appearance of a new acquaintance. For example, if Sofia is red-haired, then imagine a shock of red hair on the sofa. Just don’t reveal your secret to the person whose name you remembered in such an unusual way. After all, the association image drawn by your imagination may offend him.

Video: How to remember people's names?

Mnemonics for memory development in adults - program: description

Mnemonics techniques


  • Linking associations in pairs. Pairs of invented images are approximately equal in size. After the formation of a connection between the first image and the second, the connection with the first image is “broken”, and attention switches to the second image. This creates a relationship between images. If the need arises to recall one of the images of the “chain,” then the consciousness will simultaneously reproduce up to five images.
  • A certain system must be present in the formation of connections: a horizontal association involves placing the first image on the left side, a vertical association involves placing the first image at the bottom. Recalling images should occur in the same order.

Reception "Matryoshka"

  • The memorization mechanism involves connecting images in pairs, but in a certain sequence: the first image is the largest, the second image is smaller than the first, the third is smaller than the second, and so on.
  • When switching attention to the next images, the previous ones add up to each other. Only two images are clearly visible in the subconscious.

Video: Mnemonics and mnemonics

I remember the times when there were no mobile phones, and landline numbers had to be learned by heart. Or write it down in a notebook. And grief awaited those who accidentally lost their notes, and with them a huge number of important connections. (I remember my father once washed his notebook)

Suddenly, you urgently need to remember the car number, or you don’t have a pen or phone to write down your mobile number. Or maybe you just want to surprise a girl or win an argument.

And mnemonics will help us with this!

Mnemonics(the art of memorization), mnemonics- a set of special techniques and methods that facilitate the memorization of necessary information and increase memory capacity through the formation of associations (connections). (Wikipedia)

In simple terms, mnemonics will allow you to remember difficult-to-remember information. For example, a sequence of one hundred numbers, a list of several telephone numbers, new foreign words, etc.

Mnemonics is based on the fact that the brain automatically translates all words and numbers into images. So, for example, reading the word "cup" - we will present an image (picture), not a word. If, when reading a word, the image does not arise, then we do not understand the meaning of this word. Try, for example, to understand what it is Lucullov Flute Shuflyadka.

There are entire schools and areas dedicated to techniques for memorizing information using mnemonics. I just want to show you one of the many methods that once really impressed me. It is simple and effective.

So. First you need to come up with an image for each number. It is highly desirable that this image be shaped like writing a number. It will be best if the number itself is, as it were, inscribed in the object you are representing.

For example, imagine a swan. In shape, it is very similar to the number 2. Or remember what a braid looks like. Very similar to the number 7. Thus, you need to come up with ten objects that are shaped like numbers.

For clarity, I found a couple of pictures on the Internet. But you can (and it will be even better) to come up with images yourself.

Now that the numbers are associated with pictures, you can easily remember long numbers. Moreover, play them in any order. From end to beginning or from the middle to any direction.

How it's done. Having heard or seen a number, you need to come up with a story that will involve those images that correspond to the desired numbers. And the most important thing is that the more absurd the story, the faster and easier you will remember it. It is also advisable that you use your sensations and sound.

For example, you need to remember your passport number. We look at the numbers and come up with a story. 4107 386290 (I’ll take the images from the bottom picture as an example).

I'm balancing on one leg overturned chair in my ass burning candle , and in the audience sitting and staring at my show- Sun, while hooting and waving flag . Suddenly something falls on me heart . I look up and see what it is matryoshka , which falls apart and falls out of it lock . Then it flies out swan With by air ball in the teeth, on which is drawn Sun .

That's all. Repeat this story to yourself several times and you will remember your passport number. Now you can easily read this number backwards or from the middle, simply by remembering the chain of events from your story. Try it now. Take any phone number from your mobile memory and remember it using mnemonics.

And now a little life hack. If you want to remember something important for many years, then you will have to come up with a secret room. In this secret room, create a chest or safe with a file cabinet. Now, place the story that you absolutely must remember in your chest in the section you need. (for example, "important documents"). Then the subconscious will do everything for you.

Now at the right time, just open the chest, select a section and the story you need will pop up in your memory.

I hope it was interesting and useful.

May the force of the Jedi be with you!

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