Methodological recommendations for elective courses for teachers in technology. Guidelines for developing elective courses

Elective courses are divided into the following types:





General cultural

Formal structure of the elective course program

1. Title page

2. Explanatory note

3. Educational and thematic plan

6. Literature (for teachers, for students)

1. Title page

a) Name of educational institution

b) Top right: where, when, by whom the program was approved (school, ulus, republican examinations)

c) In the center is the name of the elective course

d) The class for which the program is designed (under the name)

f) Place, year of program development (below)

2. Explanatory note

In an explanatory note, justify the need to introduce this course. Indicate the place and role of this course in specialized training. Interdisciplinary connections, learning skills, etc.

Purpose: why it is being studied, what needs of the subjects of the educational process (students, teachers, parents, society) it satisfies. Focus on individualization of learning and socialization of students, preparation for a conscious and responsible choice of the field of future professional activity.

Objectives: what is needed to achieve the goal, what the teacher and students have to work on when studying the course.

Functions: studying the key problems of our time, focusing on the features of future professional activity, improving cognitive skills, supplementing and deepening the basic subject of education, compensating for insufficient training in specialized subjects.

Duration of the program: duration of training, if for 2 years (72 hours), then stages of training; if they alternate (first half of the year, then something else), then 15-17 hours.

Basic principles of selection and structuring of material. Methods of teaching (active: projects, research), forms of training (CSR, individual training, group), training mode.

Estimated results, what students will receive. Tools for assessing learning outcomes.

3. Educational and thematic plan

List of topics and their abstract description. List subtopics (help for teachers).

Didactic materials. Main content components for each section or topic. Description of techniques and means of organizing the educational process. Description of forms of conducting classes.

The main focus is on the content of the courses.

Basic questions for creating programs

1. On what content of the material, and through what forms will I be able to most fully implement the tasks of pre-profile preparation.

3. What textbooks and supporting materials are provided for this course.

4. What types of activities are possible in working with this content.

5. What types of work can students complete to confirm success.

6. What is the share of student independence in the work of this course. Where can he take the initiative?

7. What criteria are clear to the teacher and student to evaluate success in studying this course.

8. How will the dynamics of interest in the course and future profile be recorded during the work process?

9. How the course can end for the student, what is the reporting form.


1. The degree of novelty for students.

2. The motivating potential of the program (the program contains knowledge that arouses the cognitive interest of students).

3. Developmental potential of the program (promotes the intellectual, creative, emotional development of the student).

4. Health-saving characteristics.

5. Completeness of the content of the program (contains everything necessary to achieve the educational goals planned in it).

6. Coherence and systematic presentation of the material.

7. Teaching methods.

8. Degree of control (the program specifically defines the expected learning outcomes and methods for verifying their achievement).

9. Realism in terms of resources, staffing capabilities of the school.

10. Formal structure of the program.

11. Creating positive motivation, arousing the cognitive interest of students,

12. Not duplicating the content of subjects required to be studied according to the State Standard,

13. Familiarization with the specifics of types of activities, including a sample of the leading types of activities for a given profile (practical orientation),

Pedagogical technologies for elective courses

As a rule, it is extremely undesirable to organize pre-profile and core elective courses (excluding rehearsal courses) based on verbal techniques and reproductive teaching methods.

Practice shows that the most effective for elective courses are modern pedagogical technologies focused on the active activity of the student and subject-subject interaction (games, training, etc.), as well as:

- technology of educational projects. An educational project is a teaching method based on setting a socially significant goal and its practical achievement; independent productive or research activity of the student, which has not only educational, but also scientific and practical significance. The main type of educational project is practice-oriented. Criteria for evaluating an educational project: relevance and social significance of the problem the project is aimed at solving; depth of study of the problem; the presence and quality of a practical result aimed at solving the problem;

- educational research technology. The main feature of research activity is the created intellectual product, which establishes a specific (scientific) truth during the implementation of certain studies and is presented in a standard, pre-agreed form. The main criteria for assessing educational research: the scientific significance of the topic; the validity of the choice of research methods and the literacy of their use; depth and competence of the analysis of the results obtained.

3.4. Selection of textbooks

The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 18, clause 1) in organizations engaged in educational activities, in order to ensure the implementation of educational programs, obliges the creation of libraries, including digital (electronic) libraries that provide access to professional databases, information reference and search systems, as well as other information resources.

The library fund must be equipped with printed and (or) electronic educational publications (including textbooks and teaching aids), methodological and periodicals on all academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) included in the implemented basic educational programs.

According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 18, clause 4.), organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education that have state accreditation, choose for use in the implementation of educational programs:

1) textbooks from those included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education that have state accreditation;

2) teaching aids issued by organizations included in the list of organizations that produce teaching aids that are allowed for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education that have state accreditation.

The competence of an educational organization in the established field of activity includes (Article 28. Clause 3, clause 9): determining the list of textbooks in accordance with the approved federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general , secondary general education by organizations engaged in educational activities, as well as teaching aids approved for use in the implementation of these educational programs by such organizations.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education” (Article 47. “Legal status of teaching staff. Rights and freedoms of teaching staff, guarantees of their implementation”, clause 3., clause 4) Teaching staff enjoy the following academic rights and freedoms: the right to choose textbooks, teaching aids, materials and other means of teaching and education in accordance with the educational program and in the manner established by the legislation on education.

The federal list of textbooks for the 2013-2014 academic year distributes textbooks for schools working according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the Federal State Educational Standard.

It must be remembered that the lists of textbooks approved for the 2013-2014 academic year guide general education institutions towards textbooks that will be used in classes that have not previously studied the subject “Computer Science and ICT” in accordance with the hours of the basic curriculum. So, in the 2013-2014 academic year these are grades 2 or 3, 5, 8 and 10. All other classes continue to study the subject along the already chosen lines of teaching.

IV. Organization of the educational process in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

The federal state educational standard of basic general education is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education by educational institutions that have state accreditation.

The standard includes requirements: to results mastering the basic educational program of basic general education; to structure the main educational program of basic general education, including requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by participants in the educational process; to the conditions implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education, including personnel, financial, material, technical and other conditions.

The standard is the basis for the development of a system for objective assessment of the level of education of students at the level of basic general education. The Standard is based on system-activity approach, which provides: the formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education; designing and constructing a social environment for the development of students in the education system; active educational and cognitive activity of students; construction of the educational process taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

The educational process in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard should have the following features:

    organization at each lesson of students’ activities to master new knowledge and apply it in practice;

    the use of a variety of innovative techniques and teaching methods to form for each student a system of universal learning actions (personal, cognitive, regulatory and communicative);

    formation in the educational process of each student’s personal, subject and meta-subject learning outcomes.

The standard is focused on developing the personal characteristics of a graduate (“portrait of a basic school graduate”).

The Federal State Educational Standard defines the compulsory subject area “Mathematics and Computer Science,” which includes 4 subjects: mathematics, algebra, geometry, and computer science.

ATTENTION!!! The name of the subject from “Computer Science and ICT” is changed to the name “Computer Science”.

In the basic school, the study of the subject “Informatics” is provided in the 7th grade - 1 hour per week, in the 8th grade - 1 hour per week, in the 9th grade - 1 hour per week. For the purpose of in-depth study of the subject “Informatics” or building a continuous course, the study of computer science (if textbooks and programs are available) can be carried out from 5th to 9th grades(five years, 1 hour per week). The hours for grades 5 and 6 are taken from the hours of the part formed by the participants in the educational process.

The approximate computer science program for a basic school takes into account that today, in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education, by the end of primary school, students acquire ICT competence sufficient for further education. Further, in basic school, starting from the 5th grade, they consolidate the acquired technical (practical) skills and develop them as part of their application in the study of all subjects. The computer science course that completes basic school is based on the experience of constant use of ICT that students already have, and provides theoretical understanding, interpretation and generalization of this experience.

Goals of studying computer science in basic school:

    formation of information and algorithmic culture; developing an idea of ​​a computer as a universal information processing device; development of basic skills and abilities to use computer devices;

    formation of an idea about the main concepts being studied: information, algorithm, model - and their properties;

    development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activities in modern society; development of skills to compose and record an algorithm for a specific performer; formation of knowledge about algorithmic structures, logical values ​​and operations; familiarity with one of the programming languages ​​and basic algorithmic structures - linear, conditional and cyclic;

    formation of skills in formalizing and structuring information, the ability to choose a method of presenting data in accordance with the task - tables, charts, graphs, charts, using appropriate data processing software.

    formation of skills and abilities of safe and appropriate behavior when working with computer programs and on the Internet, the ability to comply with the norms of information ethics and law.

The formulated goals are realized through the achievement of educational results. These results are structured according to the key objectives of general education, reflecting individual, social and state needs, and include subject, meta-subject and personal results. The peculiarity of computer science is that many subject knowledge and methods of activity (including the use of ICT tools) are significant for other subject areas and are formed during their study.

Educational results are formulated in an activity-based form; this serves as the basis for the development of control measurement materials for basic general education in computer science.

Personal results:

    the formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, the readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge;

    the formation of a holistic worldview that corresponds to the modern level of development of science and social practice;

    development of a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions;

    formation of communicative competence in the process of educational, training, research, creative and other types of activities.

Meta-subject results:

    the ability to independently determine the goals of one’s learning, set and formulate new tasks for oneself in learning and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one’s cognitive activity;

    mastery of the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and making informed choices in educational and cognitive activities;

    the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently select grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

    The ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and diagrams to solve educational and cognitive problems;

    Meaningful reading;

    The ability to consciously use verbal means in accordance with the communication task; mastery of oral and written language;

    Formation and development of competence in the field of use of information and communication technologies.

Subject results:

    ability to use the terms “information”, “message”, “data”, “coding”, “algorithm”, “program”; understanding the differences between the use of these terms in everyday speech and in computer science;

    the ability to describe the size of binary texts using the terms “bit”, “byte” and their derivatives; use terms that describe data transfer speed; write integers from 0 to 256 in binary;

    ability to encode and decode texts using a known code table;

    the ability to compose non-branching (linear) algorithms for managing performers and write them in the selected algorithmic language (programming language);

    ability to use logical values, operations and expressions with them;

    ability to formally execute algorithms described using branching (conditional statements) and repetition (cycles) constructs, auxiliary algorithms of simple and tabular values;

    ability to create and execute programs to solve simple algorithmic problems in the chosen programming environment;

    ability to use ready-made application computer programs and services in the chosen specialization, ability to work with descriptions of programs and services;

    skills in choosing a method for presenting data depending on the task at hand.

All Federal State Educational Standards documents can be found in more detail on the Federal State Educational Standards website at the link .

In accordance with the federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation” “... teaching staff are obliged to carry out their activities at a high professional level, to ensure the full implementation of the taught educational subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with approved work program..." (Article 48 “Duties and responsibilities of teaching staff”, clause 1., clause 1)

Structure of the work program for the subject determined by the Federal State Educational Standard and approved by a local act of the educational organization .

For teachers working under the Federal State Educational Standard, the educational organization, by local act, approves the structure of the work program, the timing and procedure for reviewing work programs. An educational organization can focus on the structure of programs of individual academic subjects, courses (clause 18.2.2. Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 “On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of basic general education").

From the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2011 No. 03-255 “On the introduction of the federal state educational standard of general education” “... programs of individual academic subjects, courses in the structure of the main educational program of the school are nothing more than work programs for individual academic subjects. They are developed on the basis of approximate programs of academic subjects, which are included in the structure of the approximate basic educational program. Since the development of the main educational program of a school falls within the competence of the educational institution, the distribution of powers for the development of individual structural components of the program is also within the competence of the school. Author's programs of educational subjects, developed on the basis of sample programs, can be considered as working programs. The question of the possibility of using them in the structure of the main educational program of a school is decided at the level of the educational institution.”

For teachers working under FKGOS, the educational organization, by local act, approves the structure of the work program, the timing and procedure for reviewing work programs. This work program includes the following sections:

1. title page;

2. explanatory note;

3. requirements for the level of training of students;

4. calendar and thematic planning (educational and thematic plan);

6. forms and means of control;

7. list of educational and methodological teaching aids.

When developing a work program, the teacher can make changes to the work program being compiled by no more than 20% of the above programs. For example, determine a new procedure for studying the material, change the number of hours, make changes to the content of the topic being studied, and add requirements for the level of students’ preparation.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 28, paragraph 3, paragraph 11) “... the competence of an educational organization in the established field of activity includes individual recording of the results of students’ mastery of educational programs, as well as storage in archives of information about these results on paper and (or) electronic media,” computer science teacher:

1. At the first lesson in September and at the first lesson in January, it is necessary to make an entry in the journal in the column “What was covered in the lesson” about the safety briefing.

2. Safety briefing is also carried out before each laboratory and practical work, about which a corresponding entry is made in the journal in the column “What was covered in the lesson”. For example: Safety training. Practical work No. 1 “Getting to know the keyboard.”

3. If laboratory work constitutes only part of the lesson, then students are graded selectively; if laboratory work takes up the entire lesson , then grades are assigned to each student.

Based on the results of State Examination 2013 In the Bryansk region, a number of proposals can be made to improve certain aspects of teaching computer science and ICT in primary schools:

    Organization is important purposeful work on systematization and generalization of educational material.

    When learning new material, it is necessary to include in the lesson a stage at which complex material is processed taking into account differentiated approaches in training.

    When drawing up calendar-thematic planning, the teacher should rationally plan preparation for the GIA in the lesson (compare the topic of the lesson with the codes of the controlled elements and select typical tasks from CIMs).

    When drawing up calendar-thematic planning, the teacher needs to plan for homework additionally solving problems from the GIA.

    When drawing up a work program for a subject, it is necessary to plan to develop the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren on the most complex topics of the school computer science course.

    Use electronic educational resources in preparation for the final certification.

Analysis of the 2013 Unified State Examination results. in the Bryansk region allows us to make a number of general recommendations for improving the teaching of computer science in educational institutions:

    when preparing graduates for the Unified State Exam, teachers should explain to students in more detail the purpose of this test and the structure of the CIM;

    the tasks of the CMM demo version should be considered only as guidelines showing exemplary samples of tasks;

    use modern pedagogical technologies in teaching activities that will help teachers arouse interest in learning: project method, problem-based learning, differentiated learning, personal- focused learning;

    when developing a work program, take into account the absence in the author’s programs of topics that are tested in the Unified State Examination, but are in the sample programs for the subject; these topics must be included in the study of the subject with mandatory problem solving;

    teachers plan to solve tasks from demo versions of the Unified State Exam on the topic being studied without fail when repeating previously studied material, prepare didactic materials in the form of test tasks (computer tests and paper tests with forms);

    if there is a lack of lesson time, use various additional homework assignments with distributed training assignments; organize and conduct elective courses, professional guidance at technical universities; organize, whenever possible, distance learning workshops for students during the holidays, etc.;

    During a computer science lesson, it is necessary to ensure the development of various skills and types of educational activities provided for by the requirements of the standard, so that graduates are able to apply their knowledge not only at the reproducing level, but also in a new situation, and are also able to solve creative tasks;

    Teachers need to take into account when planning a lesson that the texts of the tasks used in KIM are not offered in textbooks, therefore it is recommended to pay attention to the wording of the tasks and their level of complexity so that students can navigate solving USE tasks. To successfully solve this problem, you can use additional material (demo versions, collections of tasks from FIPI, TsOR, Internet resources);

    tasks with a detailed answer to programming, as well as to a formalized recording of the studied algorithms at a level corresponding to the requests of universities, are performed only by a small group of exam participants, so training events for students, to which it is possible to invite teachers from leading universities in the region, may be useful;

    the results of the examination work are significantly influenced by the level of general mathematical training of graduates: therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to mental calculation in computer science lessons when solving problems, since you cannot use a calculator during the exam, and many graduates make mistakes in calculations;

    special attention should be paid to the identified weaknesses in the training of graduates: the ability to use spreadsheets to process statistical data, including the results of scientific research; independently develop programs in programming languages ​​to solve practical problems of processing data sets; use Internet resources to search and organize information. Therefore, special attention should be paid to such sections of the content codifier as: 1.3.2. (Mathematical models), 1.5.2. (Chains (finite sequences), trees, lists, graphs, matrices (arrays), pseudo-random sequences), 1.5.6. (Sorting), 3.4.1. (Mathematical processing of statistical data), 3.5.2. (Using search engine tools, forming queries). It must be borne in mind that institutions of higher professional education are interested in applicants whose training meets the following requirements of the requirements codifier: 1.1.1 (Carry out calculations in spreadsheets), 1.1.5 (Create programs in a programming language), 2.9 (Carry out statistical data processing using a computer).

    general education institutions for 2012- 2013 training year, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Educational items... advice. The pedagogical council gives instructively-methodological instructions, serves as an advisory...

  • Bibliographic index of books received by the School of Russia library

    Bibliographic index

    Folder instructively-methodological ... Methodical recommendations: manual for teachers general education institutions ... Computer science And ICT. 3rd grade: methodical ... institutions : letter... With.. -( Training year) Instances... teaching social studies as training item ...

The concept of specialized education is aimed at the implementation of a personally oriented educational process and involves the widespread use of elective subjects, educational practices, and student research projects.

The federal basic curriculum for organizing specialized education for students in grades 10–11 provides, along with teaching basic and specialized courses, mandatory elective courses of students' choice. The explanatory note to the Federal Basic Curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation states: “Elective subjects are compulsory subjects chosen by students from a component of an educational institution.

Elective subjects perform three main functions:

1) development of the content of one of the basic academic subjects, which allows you to support the study of related academic subjects at the profile level or receive additional training to pass the Unified State Exam;

2) “superstructure” of a specialized educational subject, when such an additional specialized educational subject becomes fully in-depth;

3) satisfying the cognitive interests of students in various spheres of human activity.”

The minimum number of hours allocated by the basic curriculum for the study of elective subjects is 4 hours per week for two years, i.e. total 280 hours. The volume ratio base: profile: elective is determined by the proportion 50: 30: 20. For example, in the curriculum of a biological-geographical or chemical-biological profile, elective courses should take 4-6 hours of teaching load per week.

Basic requirements for elective courses

1. Characteristic features of the elective course:

– redundancy – the presence in the training course of such information, the mastery of which does not serve the achievement of learning goals, but increases the reliability of knowledge, simplifies understanding and assimilation;

– variability – the ability of the educational system to provide students with a fairly large variety of complete, high-quality and attractive options for educational trajectories;

– short-term – a form of training that has become widespread due to the short duration of training: from 4 weeks (8-hour course) to several months (16-34-hour course);

– originality – determined by the personal contribution of the author;

– non-standard – deviation from standards.

2. In terms of structure and content, elective courses should:

– have social and personal significance for both the teacher and the student;

– focus on acquiring educational results for successful advancement in the labor market, conscious professional self-determination;

– serve for intra-profile specialization of training and for building individual educational trajectories for high school students;

– supplement the content of the profile course, in this case such supplemented profile course becomes fully in-depth;

– be aimed at satisfying cognitive interests that go beyond the student’s chosen profile;

– to form universal educational actions;

– have significant development potential, contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

3. Organization of elective courses:

– elective course programs are developed, accepted and implemented by educational institutions independently;

– the number of elective courses offered as part of the profile should be such that there is plenty to choose from;

– the duration of the course can be arbitrary, but not more than 70 hours: a quarter – 8–10 hours, a half-year – 16–18 hours, one year – about 34 hours;

– there is no requirement to pass an exam, but there must be some form of reporting.

4. It is possible to use different structures for presenting content: linear, concentric, spiral, mixed, modular.

Main types of elective courses

1. Subject-oriented:

– provide an increased level of study of a particular subject, develop the content of one of the basic courses, including deepening certain topics of basic general education programs;

– give the student the opportunity to realize personal cognitive interests in his chosen educational field;

– create conditions for high-quality preparation for the final certification.

2. Profile oriented:

– focused on obtaining educational results for successful advancement in the labor market, i.e. these courses are in addition to the content of the profile course;

– clarify the student’s readiness and ability to master the chosen subject at the profile level.

3. Interdisciplinary:

– provide interdisciplinary connections and provide the opportunity to study related subjects at the profile level;

– support student motivation, promoting intra-profile specialization.

4. Subject:

– ensure the realization of the cognitive interests of schoolchildren that go beyond traditional subjects and extend to areas of human activity outside their chosen profile;

– introduce schoolchildren to complex problems that require a synthesis of knowledge in a number of subjects and ways of developing them in various professional fields, and promote career guidance.

5.Deepening: solve the problems of mastering in-depth educational material that significantly exceeds the requirements of the state standard, basic and specialized level.

6. Career guidance: are aimed at students acquiring ideas about possible professions and practical skills for successful advancement in the labor market.

7.Pragmatic: contribute to the social adaptation of students to the objective requirements of modern life, form relevant knowledge and skills necessary in a person’s everyday life.

8. Epistemological:“actually student” orientation, contribute to the development of gnostic skills, the ability to cognize, learn, acquire, organize and apply knowledge in practice.

Elements of the curriculum

Elements of the curriculum

Explanatory note

1. To whom the program is addressed: type (general education, special, etc.), type (lyceum, gymnasium, etc.) of educational institution and definition of the class of study.
2. Concept (main idea) of the program.
3. Validity (relevance, novelty, significance).
4. Features.
5. Goals, objectives, basic principles.
6. Planned results.
7. Brief explanation of the logic of the program structure and the features of the organization of the educational process in the subject.
8. System for assessing student achievements.

Educational and thematic plan

1. List of topics or sections, the sequence of their study.
2. Time to study.
3. Division into types of activities and forms, including an activity that will allow students to present their educational products based on the results of an elective subject.

Requirements for skills and abilities

1. Educational product (materials that will be developed by students in the classroom during educational and research activities: project, theses, experiment, layout, diagram, poetry, etc.).
2. Control points, types of control.
3. System for assessing educational achievements.

Information Support

1. Literature used in preparing the program.
2. Literature recommended for teachers and students.
3. Presentations for classes.
4. Educational CDs.

Educational materials

1. Basic concepts of the course.
2. Lists of references for the preparation of projects, abstracts, research and creative works, etc.

Methodological recommendations for developing elective course programs.

1.How to develop an elective course program.

When developing an elective course program, you must:

    Analyze the content of the training course within the selected profile.

    Decide how the content of the elective course will differ from the basic or specialized course.

    Determine the topic, content, main goals of the course, its function within the framework of this profile.

    Divide the content of the course program into modules, sections, topics, and allocate the required number of hours to each of them.

    Find out the possibility of providing this course with educational and auxiliary materials: textbooks, didactic materials, manuals, etc. Make a list of literature for teachers and students.

    Identify the main activities of students, determine the amount of independence and creativity when studying the course. If the course program involves performing practical work, conducting excursions, and completing projects, then their description should be presented in the program.

    Consider what educational products will be created by students in the process of mastering the course program.

    Determine criteria to evaluate the success of mastering the course program.

    Consider a form for students to report on the results of mastering the course program: project, essay, speech, completion of a test or test.

2. Algorithm for developing an elective course program.

    Explanatory note

It justifies the relevance, importance and significance of the course. Goals are formed as the expected end result of its development, tasks that determine the ways to achieve goals, requirements for the knowledge and skills of students. A description of the structure of the course program, its features, forms of control, and the ratio of hours of theoretical and practical parts is given.

2. Educational and thematic plan:

Number of hours

Form of conduct

Educational product




Educational product – these are materials that will be developed by students in class during educational and research activities. The student’s educational product is: a summary, theses, an experiment, a series of experiments, historical analysis, his own solution to a scientific problem, proof of a theorem, poetry, fairy tales, essays, painting, graphics, music, song, dance, embroidery, photography, composition, computer program and etc.

3. Content of education

A complete, detailed description of each topic of the program is given. It should be taken into account that the content of education is not only the knowledge that students should receive, but also the experience of cognitive activity, its known methods, creative activity, and the experience of emotional and value relations. Mastering these types of optics allows students to develop the ability to engage in culturally appropriate activities.

4. List of literature for teachers and students .

5. Applications.

Topics of creative work, projects, plans for practical and laboratory work, excursions, etc.

3. Scheme – outline of the elective course program.

Explanatory note

The course program "_____" is intended for

    deepening knowledge on ______ (subject);

Role of this course in the professional development of the student, in the development of his personality.

Purpose of this course:

  • introduce __________________;

    develop _________________________ skills;

To achieve the goals it is necessary (tasks):

  • deepen theoretical knowledge about ___________________;

    improve students’ skills and abilities ________________;

    develop _________________________ skills;

    prepare students __________________________.

The program is aimed for the further development of students’ __________ competencies.

The course is based on _______________ (theories, concepts, ideas). The course is related to sections of _______________ (one school discipline or several).

The course is calculated for _____ hours, but his program can be adjusted (in some way). For example, taking into account the characteristics of the school, class, and level of students’ training. The teacher can independently distribute hours and choose specific forms of classes. In addition, studying the course will help the teacher prepare students to complete Unified State Examination tasks related to ________________ (name the type of tasks).

Educational and thematic plan


Topic of the lesson.

Number of hours

Form of conduct

Educational product

Introductory task

A game

Draft training program

Section 1

Lesson topic



Lesson topic

Group workshop

Completing the task (what)

Section 2

Lesson topic


Table "____"

Lesson topic

Laboratory work

Drawing up a background summary on the topic ____

Lesson topic


Developing original ideas for _______

Section 3

Lesson topic

Seminar "___"

Drawing up a research design

Lesson topic


Scientific text on the topic _____

Meeting with representatives of professions…..

Round table or excursion

Professional communication experience

Compilation and presentation of a collection of creative works. Exhibition of works.

Practical work. Presentation.

Collection of the best works.

Exhibition of the best works.


    theme and methodology of the game (introductory lesson);

    assignments for the workshop (lesson No. 3);

    laboratory work plan (lesson No. 5);

    questions for discussion (lesson No. 6);

    seminar lesson plan (lesson No. 15);

    topics and methods of research (lesson No. 16);

Thus, the preparatory (propaedeutic) stage will make it possible to differentiate the array of students, in accordance with their need for various options for pre-profile training.

Elective courses are essentially the most important means of building individual educational and professional trajectories, since they are largely related to the choice of educational content by each high school student depending on his interests, abilities, and post-school life plans.

The effectiveness of elective courses will be achieved only if students have the opportunity to consciously choose an elective course. To justify choosing an elective course, students need certain conditions. Firstly, they must be clearly aware of their interests and plans. Secondly, students should have the opportunity to become familiar with the content of the proposed elective courses in advance by studying their brief annotations in the form of educational and methodological kits. Thirdly, the teacher who will implement the elective course must make a presentation of the elective course so that high school students have a complete understanding of the content of the proposed elective course. The main feature of elective courses is variability, which provides the student with the opportunity to freely choose an individual educational path that contributes to the professional self-determination of a high school student. Elective courses are implemented through the school component of the curriculum and are proprietary in nature.

Let us briefly recall the basic information about elective courses.

The Concept of specialized education at the senior level of general education, approved by Order No. 2783 of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated July 18, 2002, outlines the goals of the transition to specialized education, one of which is the goal of creating conditions for significant differentiation of the content of education for high school students with wide and flexible opportunities for students to build individual educational programs. For this purpose, in addition to specialized general education subjects, elective courses are introduced in high school - mandatory courses of students' choice.

Elective courses– compulsory courses chosen by students from the educational institution component, included in the training profile. Elective courses perform three main functions:

    are “superstructure” of the profile course, when such an additional specialized course becomes fully in-depth (and the school (class) in which it is studied turns into a traditional school with in-depth study of individual subjects);

    develop the content of one of the basic courses, the study of which is carried out at a minimum general educational level, which allows you to support the study of related academic subjects at the profile level or receive additional training to pass the unified state exam in the chosen subject at the profile level;

    contribute to the satisfaction of cognitive interests in various areas of human activity.

The Concept of specialized training clearly states:

1. Elective courses– compulsory elective courses for students that are part of the profile of study at the senior level of school.

2. Elective courses are implemented through the school component of the curriculum, are intended to provide meaningful support for the study of basic core subjects or serve for intra-profile specialization of education and for building individual educational trajectories.

3. Number of elective courses must be in excess of the number of courses the student is required to take.

Elective courses should be aimed at addressing the following tasks:

    contribute to the student’s self-determination and or choice of further professional activity;

    create positive motivation for learning in the planned profile;

    introduce students to the leading activities for this profile;

    to intensify the cognitive activity of schoolchildren;

    increase the information and communicative competence of students.

The fact that the set of elective courses is determined by schoolchildren themselves puts students in a situation of independent choice of individual educational trajectory and professional self-determination.

The main reasons for choice that should be taken into account when developing and implementing elective courses:

    preparation for the Unified State Exam in specialized subjects;

    acquiring knowledge and skills, mastering methods of activity to solve practical, life problems, moving away from traditional school “academicism”;

    opportunities for a successful career, advancement in the labor market;


    support for studying basic courses;

    vocational guidance;

    integration of existing ideas into a holistic picture of the world.

The percentage ratio of the volumes of basic, specialized and elective courses can be approximately the following: 50-30-20.

Types of elective courses. In pedagogical practice, the following types of elective courses are conventionally distinguished.

I. Subject courses, the task of which is to deepen and expand knowledge in subjects included in the basic educational school.

In turn, subject elective courses can be divided into several groups.

1) Advanced elective courses aimed at deepening a particular academic subject, having both thematic and temporal coordination with this academic subject. Choosing such an elective course will allow you to study the chosen subject not at a specialized level, but at an in-depth level. In this case, all sections of the course are deepened more or less evenly.

2) Elective courses in which individual sections of the main course are studied in depth included in the compulsory curriculum of this subject.

3) Elective courses in which individual sections of the main course are studied in depth, not included in the compulsory program of this subject.

4) Applied elective courses, the purpose of which is to introduce students to the most important ways and methods of applying knowledge in practice, to develop students’ interest in modern technology and production.

5) Elective courses dedicated to studying methods of cognition of nature.

6) Elective courses, dedicated to the history of the subject, both included in the school curriculum (history of physics, biology, chemistry, geographical discoveries), and not included in it (history of astronomy, technology, religion, etc.).

7) Elective courses, dedicated to the study of problem solving methods(mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, etc.), composing and solving problems based on physical, chemical, biological experiments.

II. Interdisciplinary elective courses, the purpose of which is to integrate students’ knowledge about nature and society.

III. Elective courses in subjects not included in the basic curriculum.

Elective courses, although they differ in goals and content, in all cases they must meet the needs of the students who choose them.

Design of elective courses. Before embarking on the process of designing elective courses for pre-professional and specialized training of schoolchildren, teachers need to ask themselves a number of questions, the solution of which will greatly facilitate their work. These include the following:

    What teaching and support materials are provided for this course (in the library, from the teacher...)?

    What types of activities are possible when working with this content?

    What types of work can students complete to demonstrate their success in future studies?

    What is the student’s share of independence, in what ways can he show initiative?

    What criteria allow you to evaluate your success in studying this course (a grade is given for the course, but you can put a review of the result in your portfolio).

    How can the student complete the course? What is the reporting form?

The answers to these questions will make it possible to optimally build a program of elective courses. At the same time, when developing an elective course program it is necessary:

    Analyze the content of the academic subject within the selected profile.

    Determine how the content of the elective course will differ from the basic or specialized course.

    Determine the topic, content, main goals of the course, its function within the framework of this profile.

    Divide the content of the course program into modules, sections, topics, determine the required number of hours for each of them.

    Find out the possibility of providing this course with educational and auxiliary materials: textbooks, anthologies, didactic materials, laboratory equipment, reagents, etc. Make a list of literature for teachers and students.

    Identify the main types of activities of students, determine the degree of independence of students when studying the course. If the program involves the implementation of practical work, laboratory experiments, excursions, and projects, then their description should be presented in the program.

    Determine the educational products that will be created by students in the process (result) of mastering the course program (An educational product is materials that will be developed by students in the course of cognitive, research activities - notes, theses, an experiment, a series of experiments, historical analysis, evidence, poetry, essays, song, photograph, model, layout, diagram, computer program, etc.).

    Determine criteria to evaluate the success of mastering the program.

    Consider a reporting form based on the results of mastering the course program.

In pedagogical practice, the stages of designing elective courses have been determined. The goals, content and expected result of the totality of these stages represent the general technology of course design.

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