Methodological recommendations for teachers of English in preschool organizations “Project activities in English classes with preschool children. Pedagogical project for the senior group in English “I draw this world... Projects in

Innovation activity

22.05.2018 kindergarten teachers Sidorova A.I., Sukhova Yu.L. took part inII Regional Forum of Teachers Teaching English to Preschool Children " EnglishKaleidoscope " Educator Sidorova A.I. gave a master class "Yes, I CAN . Both teachers received diplomas from the Ministry of Education of the Perm Territory.

March 20, 2018teacher Sidorova A.I. As part of the city creative group of teachers of preschool educational institutions, she made a presentation of the report “Cultivating tolerance in older preschoolers through learning English”

In December, teacher Sidorova A.I. conducted entertainment "Traditions of New Year's celebrations in England"

In October 2017, teacher Sidorova A.I. Together with her students, she took part in the city presentation platform “From Idea to Result.” The teacher presented the lesson

In October 2017, Teacher Sidorova A.I. took 1st place in the IX International Competition RUSOLIMP, nomination "Methodological development" (summaries of English classes“Welcome to letter-sounds’ Kingdom!”)

In October 2017, the kindergarten relaunched the additional educational service “English for preschoolers.”

English language teacher A.I. Sidorova and deputy. head according to VMR Sukhova Yu.L. An organizational meeting and first consultations with parents of students receiving this additional service were held, and didactic aids for classes with preschoolers were also produced.

06/06/2017 kindergarten teachers Sukhova Yu.L., Sidorova A.I. spoke at the regional meeting "Organization and support of the program for early teaching of English to children" with a presentation of a report on the topic "Psychological and pedagogical support of the program "Early teaching of English"

Final lesson of the "English for preschoolers" club

Participation of kindergarten teachers /Sidorova A.I., Sukhova Yu.L./

in the All-Russian competition "Teacher in Education"

Analytical report on the results of the project implementation for the period from November 2015 to January 2017

November 16, 2016 The final meeting on the implementation of the project “Early teaching children English” was held.

The kindergarten will broadcast its experience to preschool institutions in the Berezniki urban district. Thanks to teacher Anastasia Ivanovna Sidorova and Yulia Leonidovna Sukhova, deputy head of VMR, for their competent and professional work within the framework of the project. All project participants were presented with letters of gratitude signed by the Minister of Education of the Perm Territory R.A. Kassina. Two clubs have been opened at the institution as part of an additional service for preschoolers learning English!

Letter of thanks also awarded to the head of the institution Tamakova N.A.

Round table "Specifics of teaching English using the Jjlly Phonics method"

June 17, 2016 A round table meeting was held on the basis of the kindergarten, in which representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory, as well as representatives of the territories of the Perm Territory, took part. Participants in the "Early English Language Teaching" project shared their experience of working within the framework of this project. The kindergarten presented the Program of psychological and pedagogical support for the project “Early learning of the English language”. Teacher A.I. Sidorova showed an open lesson in English “Journey to a forest clearing”.

In February 2016, as part of the regional project "Early Learning of the English Language", an open lesson of the "English for Kids" club was held.

In November 2015, our Institution took part in the regional project for early learning of the English language. As part of participation in this project, the kindergarten was equipped with a full set of necessary methodological support. Kindergarten teacher Anastasia Ivanovna Sidorova, who implements an early English language learning program with children, took part in a regional training seminar

Participation in the round table "Model for organizing English language teaching using the Jolli Phonics method"

March 22, 2016 kindergarten teachers Sidorova A.I., Sukhova Yu.L. and KVO specialist Baklanova S.E. took an active part in the round table meeting in Solikamsk, where they presented a presentation of the work program "English for preschoolers", which is being implemented in kindergarten as part of the project "Early teaching of English"

  1. Use of information and communication technologies in training vocabulary and grammar

    Abstract >> Foreign language

    ... English language; 4) justification of the theoretical principles of creating a computer programs aimed at education schoolchildren vocabulary and grammar English language ...

  2. Play and playful moments in the classroom English language

    Abstract >> Foreign language

    ... preschooler ... projects in teaching English language/ O.Yu. Boltneva // Foreign languages ... language/ E.L. Stepanova // Foreign languages At school. – 2004. - No. 2. – P. 66-68; Stepnova, I.S. Games in training English language/ I.S. Stepnova // Foreign languages ...

  3. Theory and technology training. Collection of texts

    Book >> Pedagogy

    At subsequent levels project process training (programs, general teaching aids... Specific objectives of the curriculum (indicated in English language the word “Objectives”) is... ?”. Curiosity is especially evident preschoolers– “why”, and also...

  4. Basic educational program primary general education GBOU Central Educational Institution

    Abstract >> Banking

    As for preschooler, such significant people... Programs extracurricular activities: “Lightweight construction”, “Project activities and ICT”, “Rhythmics”, “ English language... , effective training through role play, practice, projects, observations...

  5. Spiritual and moral education preschoolers

    Abstract >> Pedagogy

    ... preschoolers, which has developed in recent years in different regions of Russia. Feature of existing programs... 142). National projects, specialized education, ... with content and forms training, with the interest of teachers and... even him English tongue. Important...

Guseva Victoria Evgenievna


MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2",

With. Lovozero, Murmansk region.

Design and research activities in the development of communication skills in teaching English, as part of pedagogical support for the personal development of preschoolers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Currently, the goal of preschool education according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is the diversified development of the personality of pupils. Targets, which are social and psychological characteristics of a child’s possible achievements, involve the use of initiative in various types of activities, the ability to make one’s own decisions, and the formation of self-confidence. Within the framework of humanistic pedagogy, the theory and practice of pedagogical support for children is currently being developed, which is designed to ensure the implementation of development processes - self-development, learning - self-education, education - self-education. To realize the self-development and self-actualization of a child’s personality, not only special methods and forms of work to support the child’s development are required, but also a relationship between the teacher and the child that is different in structure and style. It seems obvious that the implementation of such relationships is possible only in the humanistic paradigm of education.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2" is a municipal pilot site for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in the preschool education system in the Lovozersky district. The creative team of the institution has developed a section of the variable part of the educational program of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2" "The child learns English."

Learning English in preschool helps a child learn not to experience the language barrier that invariably arises when communicating with native speakers. And the game form is the most accessible way to learn a foreign language.

This topic is very relevant at the present stage, since the leading methodological approaches to the early learning of the English language have changed, the search for the formation of a mechanism and stages in its study is underway, and its place in the emotional, intellectual and moral structure of the individual is being determined.

Recognition of the child’s right to freedom of choice and self-expression is an active incentive in the ability to present results in any type of activity (including in the form of a musical performance).

This contributed to the work on studying communication skills in teaching English to pupils and providing freedom of choice to children of senior preschool age.

Research in this area by domestic authors: Gazman O.S. “Non-classical education”, and foreign authors: K. Rogers (one of the creators and leaders of humanistic psychology along with Abraham Maslow), V. Meshcheryakova “I love English”, I.A. Ryzhkova “My first textbook on the English language”, Biboletova M.Z. (<<Английский язык для маленьких»), Бонк Н.А. (<<Английский для самых маленьких», «Английский для малышей»), Черепова Н.Ю («Английский язык для дошкольников»), Футерман З.Я. («Иностранный язык в детском саду») позволили использовать принципы вышеуказанных авторов в процессе обучения воспитанников старшего дошкольного возраста английскому языку:

1.Providing pedagogical support (O.S. Gazman);

2.Assisting the child in self-knowledge;

3. The importance of teaching a foreign language to children in preschool institutions;

4.Use of the game method; 5. The need for dosage of foreign language material;

6.The importance of using a variety of methods and techniques when teaching.

To organize our activities, we have chosen a long-term /1 year/ research and creative project for children aged 5 - 6 years, as it has great advantages, namely:

The method is developmental, since children gain knowledge and skills in the process of completing a system of pre-planned specific tasks to achieve a set practical goal;

The reserves of developmental education are revealed most fully if this is facilitated by a favorable psychological climate in the classroom and adequate behavior of the teacher as a speech partner and senior assistant;

The wishes of the children are taken into account (children can accept the project proposed by us, or they can offer their own);

The development of immediate motivation occurs (the child understands why he is learning words and speech patterns);

The child has a completed practical result.

Theoretical significance design and research activities consist of summarizing and clarifying theoretical and practical material within the framework of the project topic, as well as justifying the fact that learning new material through children’s own initiative is important for the development of children’s communication skills in learning English.

Practical significance- methodological development can be useful for English language teachers working with children of senior preschool and primary school age. It contains practical recommendations for organizing a musical in English, which will help increase motivation when learning a foreign language.

As a result of the work carried out, the students:

Interest in learning English has increased noticeably;

The acquired knowledge is used in role-playing games.

This musical was presented in English by:

At a parent meeting for parents and teachers of the institution,

At the regional workshop “Ways to develop professional competence and pedagogical skills of young teachers in the light of the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”,

At the regional information and methodological event “Design and research activities in preschool education” in Murmansk.

Project development:

Project:"Musical in English."

Project type: research.

Project type:

long-term (September 2012 - March 2013), group.

Project participants:

pupils, the creative part of the group (teacher-psychologist who speaks English, senior teacher, music worker, senior group teachers), parents.


1) it is difficult for preschool children to learn material in English presented in a traditional form;

2) recognition of the child’s right to freedom of choice when learning new material.

Hypothesis – If gaming, musical and theatrical activities are included in the educational process on the basis of children’s own initiative, then the content of teaching children English will be more effective.

Main idea of ​​the study:

Formation of self-confidence in preschool children, development of communication skills in English, interest in English-speaking countries based on the project-based teaching method.

The following were used in the project technologies:

1. Health-saving technology, namely psychological and pedagogical technology associated with the direct work of the teacher with children, psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process.

2. Technology of developmental education (motivation for a specific action, for cognition, for something new).

3. Design technology.

4. ICT technology.

5. Gaming technology.

6. Integrated lesson technology.

Objective of the project:

Forming children's ability to make their own decisions;

Strengthening communication skills.


Formation of interest in cognitive and research activities;

Fostering children's interest and respect for the language and culture of the English people;

Introducing new lexical topics in the form of games and songs;

Active use of your vocabulary in dialogues, songs and skits;

Forming the ability to answer questions posed and perform this skill in game productions;

Activation of speech and enrichment of children's vocabulary;

Awakening curiosity in the soul of every child.

Stages of work.

First stage- Goal setting.

Together with the children, an interesting and feasible task was chosen for a certain period of time.

Second phase- project development, i.e. drawing up an action plan to achieve the goal (who to turn to for help, what sources to find information from, what items to use).

Third stage- implementation of the project, i.e. practical activities.

The final stage is summing up.

Before starting work, the children were offered play motivation in the form of reading a fairy tale:

Princess Nesmeyana arrived from London (she speaks only English). The princess cries constantly. And no one in Russia can cheer her up.

Guys, you already know how to play and speak English. You have learned a lot of English songs. This is cool! How can we cheer up our princess?

Children's answers:

Sing a song!

Tell a story!

Show a funny face! etc.

Let's try to stage a real musical performance in English and cheer up our foreign princess!

Then it was carried out cycle of classes:

1. Introduction to the musical script:

Listening to an audio story;

Distribution of roles.

2. Staging game situations related to the use of new lexical units found in the musical:

Coloring clothes of family members;

Cutting out wardrobe items;

Games (whose clothes, how do you do it, where does the mouse live, day-night, clock, touch..., left - right, pictures).

3. Learning songs:

Learning group songs;

Learning songs separately with each child.

4. Learning words:

Learning dialogues;

Learning words separately with each child.

Forms and methods of work in project implementation.

At each stage of the project, children performed certain activities:

At the problem identification stage, children were introduced to a game situation, a problem /goal/ was formulated, and tasks were defined.

The children understood and perceived the problem personally and accepted the task of the project.

At the stage of organizing work on the project, joint activities were planned, children were united in working groups, and work was carried out with each child individually.

At the stage of practical activities to solve the problem and stage the musical, work on the project was organized: the necessary visual material was prepared together with the teachers (costumes of the characters, clothing and household items, drawing of a clock on whatman paper, stencils for children, preparation of scenery);

Together with the music director, we learned the songs “Where is father”, “How do you...”, “Goodnight” with the children.

The children enthusiastically colored the proposed visual material (clothes of family members), glued the visual material, learned new songs with interest, enthusiastically participated in new games, chose costumes with pleasure, agreed to defend the project, and presented the results of their activities.

The result of the project was a musical theater performance in English – the musical “Polly and the broken vase”.

Final part.

A child learns everything firmly and for a long time when he hears, sees and does everything himself. Therefore, design and research activities occupy an important place in the work of our kindergarten. It has become an interesting and exciting process for both children and adults. The use of the project method in learning English is a preparatory stage for its further implementation in the work of a primary and secondary school teacher.

Work on the project helped develop imagination, imagination, creative thinking, independence and other personality traits of children.

Children acquired knowledge and skills in the process of completing a system of jointly planned specific tasks to achieve the set practical goal. This was facilitated by a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

The classes were held with great enthusiasm and had a strong emotional impact on the children:

Children were happy to make their own decisions and show initiative in various activities;

The children solved the problems easily,

Learned to think logically

To reason coherently



The qualitative level of development of pupils’ communication skills was:


1. Biboletova M.Z. “English for little ones”, M. 1994

2. Bonk N.A. “English for kids”, M. 1996

3. Bonk N.A. “English for the little ones”, M. 2006

4. Vereshchagina I.N. "Book for the teacher", M "Enlightenment" 19955. Gazman O.S. Non-classical education. From authoritarian pedagogy to pedagogy of freedom. - M.: 2002. 6. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

7. Krylova N.V. “How is this in English? ", M. 2005.

8. Meshcheryakova V. “IloveEnglish”. Kazan 20099. Pavlenko E. A. “Conditions for organizing pedagogical support in the process of self-development of elementary school students.” Tobolsk, 2002 10. Sample basic general education program for preschool education “Childhood” (O.V. Akulova, T.I. Babaeva, etc.)

11. Rogers K.R. A look at psychotherapy. The Becoming of Man. - M.: Publishing group "Progress", "Univers", 1994. - 480 p.12. Federal state educational standard for preschool education13. Futerman E.Ya. “Foreign language in kindergarten”, Kyiv 1984

14. Cherepova N.Yu. “English for preschoolers”, GIPPV 2002

From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything happens to him for the first time. Every moment of a child’s life is valuable in itself: it brings many discoveries that will subsequently create the basis for the child’s further development. He is interested in everything that surrounds him. Everyone knows that five-year-old children are called “why kids”. A child of this age is tuned in to communication and is looking for ways to establish it.

In this regard, the activity of a specialist in the field of early learning of a foreign language is structured, on the one hand, as satisfying the natural, playful, momentary desires and needs of the child, on the other hand, as a conscious, purposeful, organized process for the mental and personal development of the child by means of a foreign language .

A. Mayer defines the goal and means of early learning a foreign language as creating a communicative orientation of the learning process, stimulating cognitive (conscious) motivation and forming a positive attitude towards the language being studied and the foreign culture.

The cognitive activity of children at this age is very high: each teacher’s answer to a child’s question gives rise to new questions. A preschooler cannot yet find answers to all his questions on his own; teachers help him. In all preschool institutions, along with the explanatory and illustrative teaching method, educators and additional education teachers use problem-based learning methods: questions that develop logical thinking, modeling problem situations, experimentation, experimental research activities, solving crosswords, charades, puzzles, etc. However, this approach is fragmented, episodic in nature: logical tasks are practiced in separate classes in mathematics, familiarization with the environment, speech development or design.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, you can use complex thematic classes. However, the relationship between sections of the program does not provide such results in the development of children’s cognitive creative abilities and their communication skills as the interpenetration of these sections into each other, or, in other words, their integration. The design method most fully meets these conditions.

A project in educational activities is a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and carried out by students, culminating in the creation of a creative product.

The project method reflected the approach of the American philosopher and educator J. Dewey, who believed that education is designed to provide not only the knowledge that an adult will need in the future, but also knowledge, abilities and skills that can help a child today in solving his pressing problems. The project method allows for actual research of the surrounding life, active application of knowledge and skills.

The project method is based on the following values:

  • purposeful activities of students,
  • focus on the child’s personal interests,
  • practical relevance of the acquired knowledge.

Work on the implementation of a project combines various forms of activity (collective, group, individual), various technologies and techniques (conversation, game, survey, debate, discussion).

The project method has found wide application in many countries of the world, mainly because it allows students to integrate knowledge from different fields when solving one problem, and makes it possible to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, while generating new ideas.

A project is an activity whose motive is to resolve a problem situation, requiring a creative, research approach, child initiative, and collective interaction. For example: “The alien’s flying saucer broke down. He is forced to spend some time in our city. It is very difficult for him to navigate our space, because he speaks only English. What help can you offer him?” A possible continuation of this situation is the compilation and presentation of a city map in English. The following topics will be involved here: “Professions”, “The city where I live”, “Colors”, “Animals”.

We highlight the following stages of the project:

1. Presentation of the problem.

Target: creating motivation for activity

2. Discussion of options for solving the problem and choosing the direction of the solution.

Target: determining the form of project implementation

3. Project implementation.

Target: plot-related introduction and activation of language material

4. Presentation of results. Project protection.

Target: application of skills in practice

5. Analysis of results.

Target: evaluation of work, possible formation of a new project field

The fundamental difference between the project method among preschoolers and schoolchildren is that in the first case the teacher takes the position of project manager, while in the second case he is only a guide.

However, it should be noted that in any case, a teacher working with children in a project-based manner should leave the authoritarian position and develop the following qualities (according to K. Rogers) necessary for person-oriented communication and partnership interaction:

1. Congruence.

In the understanding of K. Rogers, congruence is a term used to denote the exact correspondence between a person’s experience and his awareness. This means that a person should know his own feelings as well as possible, and not show any attitude towards his partner by feeling something completely different on a deeper or subconscious level. Openness also includes a willingness to express one's different feelings and attitudes through words and behavior.

2. Accepting yourself as you are.

K. Rogers argues that to be who you are is to become completely a process. Only when a person can become more of who he is, be what he denies in himself, is there any hope for change.

3. Acceptance of another person.

Accepting another person, the ability to listen and hear him seem to be a necessary condition for establishing equal partnerships: the more I accept another person, the more I like him, the more I am able to create the relationships that he can use. By acceptance I mean warm regard for him as a person of unconditional value, independent of his condition, behavior or feelings. This means that you like him, you respect him as an individual and you want him to feel your way. This means that you accept and respect the full range of his relationships at the moment, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, whether they contradict his previous relationships or not. This acceptance of every changing part of another person's inner world creates warmth and security for him in a relationship with you, and the security that comes from love and respect, it seems to me, is a very important part of a helping relationship.

4. Empathic understanding.

Empathic understanding means: understanding another's fear, anger, or embarrassment as if it were your own, yet without your own fear, anger, or embarrassment associated with it.

As for preschool children, it seems appropriate to link it with play activity, since at this age it is play activity that dominates. Learning occurs during the game. Consequently, in a group of preschoolers, some kind of game situation can be proposed as a “problem”, which requires some kind of creative research and some kind of interaction to solve it. It is important to note that it is possible to plan the course of a project only tentatively, recognizing that any moment may open up other areas of activity and this will require abandoning the previously planned plan.

A necessary element of project activity is the child’s interest, his needs that are not currently imposed on adults. The possibility of implementing a project arises only when a field of interest for children has been identified, when children have allowed an adult into their circle, and not when adults involve children in their teaching activities.

Project activities include not only the activities to implement the project, but also the design of these activities. In such an organization of classes as project work, children not only acquire subject and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, but also the ability to plan and organize their work and their free time.

In addition, the project method allows us to solve the problem of “non-speaking” children that often occurs in foreign language classes. By getting involved in project activities, having an interest and desire to achieve the result, children more easily overcome the foreign language barrier.

The project method is especially interesting in classes with children of senior preschool age. This age stage is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. The project can combine educational content from various fields of knowledge; in addition, it opens up great opportunities for organizing joint cognitive-search activities of preschoolers, teachers and parents.

Thus, project activities not only create an active environment for communication and learning a foreign language, but also form a child’s zone of proximal development as a result of joint activities.

In Progymnasium 159, the project method, since 2004, has been actively used in English classes with preschoolers. During this period of time the following projects were implemented:

  • project “City Map”
  • project “Opening a store”
  • joint project with junior schoolchildren “Meeting with a foreign guest”
  • project “Our funny alphabet”.

As a result of the analysis of project work in English classes with preschool children, the following types of projects were identified:

  • game,
  • plot-role-playing,
  • creative
  • practice-oriented.

The following main characteristics of project activities were identified:

  • the presence of interest as a motive for activity,
  • phasing of implementation,
  • problematic,
  • creativity,
  • possibility of choice,
  • partnership (both between children and between children and the leader)
  • integrativeness,
  • availability of a product of activity.

A special feature of the project implemented in foreign language classes is communication as a necessary basis for collective creative activity. As part of the project, in an atmosphere of partnership, friendly communication, children master lexical units, grammatical structures, regional realities and their activation. In addition, children gain valuable experience in motivated “non-artificial” foreign language communication.

English language project for the senior group of kindergarten

Project "London"

Project type: informative
Project participants: children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old)
Project implementation timeframe: short-term (4 weeks)
Problem: children have little information about the homeland of the English language.
Objective of the project: introduce children to the sights of London.
1. Give an idea of ​​the capital of England - London, and its attractions.
2. Expand children's understanding of the traditions and culture of England.
3. Introduce people to England.
Estimated results of the project:
Knowledge about the country of England, the capital London, the ability to talk about the sights of London: Big Ben, the River Thames, the Tower Bridge and Castle, a double-decker red bus, the London Zoo. Have an idea about the people of England and culture. Arouse interest in learning English.
1. Conversation “England. London"
2. Coloring pages on the theme “Sights of London”
3. Watch the video “Trip around London”
4. Game “Rain, rain, go away”
5. View slides on the topic “Holidays of England”
6. Entertainment “Trip around London”
Preliminary work:
1. Selection of literature, illustrations, videos, music.
2. Work with parents: learning the song “Rain, rain, go away” by children together with their parents.
3. Making visuals for events (bus, Big Ben, ship, poster with details), searching for animal toys, umbrellas.
Children's interest in the topic, manifestation through cognitive activity.
They have an idea of ​​the homeland of the English language, the people of England, and their culture.
They can identify and show the sights of London.
1. Paul O. Zelinsky “The Wheels on the Bus Hardcover.” October 30, 1990
2. Elizabeth Cothen Low “Big book of seasons, holidays and weather. Rhymes, fingerplays, and songs for children.” Copyright 2011.
3. Matteo Pericoli “London for Children”. Hardcover. April 1, 2014
4. Peter Spier “London Bridge Is Falling Down.” Paperback – September 20, 1972. (Zephyr Books)
1. Conversation “England. London"
-Guys, today I will tell you about a country where they speak English. It's called England. This is the flag of England. The people who live there are called English. This is an Englishman, this is an Englishwoman (showing illustrations). The capital of England is London. Let's repeat together - London (I'm showing London sights. Look how beautiful the city is. It has a lot of attractions: the Big Ben clock tower, red double-decker buses pass through the streets, there is the Thames River, the Tower Bridge is right there. This is the Ferris wheel - London Ay. This is Trafalgar Square, the famous London Zoo. In England there is a real queen who rules the country - Elizabeth. She lives in her Buckingham Palace, which is guarded by a real Court Division. England has a very peculiar weather. The weather changes every half hour. The sun is shining. , then clouds appear and it rains. That's why the British always carry an umbrella with them. The British love to talk about the weather over a cup of tea and ask when they meet How are you? How are you doing? Do you already know how to answer this question? (children: I'm fine, thank you!) That's right. And when they say goodbye, they say - Good-bye!
2.Coloring pages on the theme “Sights of London”
-hello, children! Nice to meet you! Glad to see you. Today we will remember the sights of London.
- Look at my pictures of attractions. Only they are black and white. Let's color them. What color is a London bus? (red). What color is Big Ben? (yellow). Now let's start coloring.
Children color and name their landmarks.
3.Watch the video “Trip around London”
-hi, my dear friends! Today we shall watch video of London. Today we will watch a video about London.
-What is the name of the river in London? (Thames)
-What is the name of the large tower clock? (Big Ben)
-What is the name of the bridge in London? (tower)
-What buses run on the streets of London?

4. Game “Rain, rain, go away”
While the music is playing, the children sing a song and run, when the music stops playing, the children run under the umbrella.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
DADDY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
MOMMY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BROTHER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
SISTER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BABY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
Rain, rain, go away.

5. View slides on the topic “Holidays of England”
New Year and Christmas are the main holidays in England. Santa Claus congratulates children on this holiday.
Valentine's Day. On this day, millions of people confess their love to their significant other and do it beautifully, with the help of valentine cards or heart-shaped souvenirs.
St.Patrick 's Day. The symbol of this holiday is the trefoil, as well as the color green. On this day, national festivals featuring Irish folk music are held throughout Britain.
Fool's Day. It's a day of harmless pranks.
Queen Elizabeth's birthday. On this day there is a ceremonial parade, a ceremonial carrying of the banner, a review of troops and a magnificent social ball at the end of the day.
Easter holidays usually fall in March or April and are celebrated in many countries, but what distinguishes the holiday in England are its symbols: the Easter bunny or rabbit, which signifies abundance, and Easter chocolate eggs.

The first Monday in May is considered an official holiday and is called Spring Day. The British associate it with Robin Hood, and is held in the form of costumed processions and folk festivals.
August Rest Day, which takes place every last Monday in August. This day is considered an official holiday, and the local population tries to spend it with family in nature. The second holiday is the Notting Hill Carnival, which takes place every last Sunday in August. This is a two-day street festival during which everyone tries to wear fancy or extravagant clothes, music plays non-stop until late, fairs with a variety of food are held and many other interesting events.
One of the favorite holidays of the British, and now many other nationalities in the world, is Halloween, held annually on October 31. The holiday appeared thanks to the ancient Celts, and marks the eve of All Hallows' Day. Despite the fact that Halloween is not officially a day off, this day is celebrated especially actively in the country. People wear colorful costumes, decorate their homes, trick-or-treat and beg for sweets. The symbol of the holiday is traditionally a pumpkin with a face carved on it and a candle inside, popularly known as the Jack-o'-lantern. This Halloween attribute is found among all Englishmen. He is called upon to protect the house from evil spirits and from all evil spirits.
Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night. On this night, fireworks roar throughout England, bonfires are lit and an effigy of Guy Fawkes is burned, the man who tried to commit the Gunpowder Plot in the 17th century and blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. Many people also burn the garbage that has accumulated in the yard, arranging a kind of farewell to autumn. Boys on the streets beg for coins with words supposedly for Guy, and with the money collected they buy firecrackers.

6. Entertainment "London"
Form of activity: entertainment.
Type of lesson: consolidation of new material in the form of a journey.
Strengthen your knowledge of the sights and culture of Great Britain.
Educational: strengthening children's skills in using vocabulary on the topic "London".
Developmental: promote the development of reproductive and productive speech activity, working memory, curiosity, imagination, memory capacity through a gradual increase in speech units on an auditory and visual basis.
Educational: fostering a respectful attitude towards the culture of the country of the language being studied, the formation of a sustainable interest in the subject.
Progress of the lesson
1. Start of class
1)organic moment
-hello, my dear friends! i"m glad to see you!
2) initial motivation
-today we go on trip to London. Today we will go on a trip to London. Are you ready? You are ready?
3) speech exercise
- we get on the red bus. He will take us to London. Let's say the magic word "Bus" and the bus will start (the children say "Bus" in chorus). Guys, let's sing the song "Wheels on the Bus"!
Song "Wheels on the Bus".
The wheels on the bus go
Round and round
Round and round
Round and round
The wheels on the bus go
Round and round
All day long.
The horn on the bus goes
"Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep.”
The horn on the bus goes
"Beep, beep, beep."
All day long.
The wipers on the bus go
“Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish.”
The wipers on the bus go
“Swish, swish, swish”
All day long.
2. Main part of the lesson
1) - so we arrived in London! Guys, look how beautiful it is here! Let's go sightseeing in London.
A short story about London, viewing illustrations, videos.
-London is the capital city of England. English is spoken in London. There are a lot of attractions here: Buckingham Palace, The Queen, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Tower of London, Prison (illustrations). Red double-decker buses drive through the streets of London. And in London the weather changes quickly. each hour. Sometimes it rains, sometimes the sun shines. And now a cloud is approaching us. Let's hide from her under the Umbrella umbrella.
2) Game "Rain, rain, go away"
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
DADDY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away (when the words end, the children run under the umbrella, running away from the cloud).

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
MOMMY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BROTHER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
SISTER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BABY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
ALL THE FAMILY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
3) guys, look, this is the queen’s castle. Let's meet Queen Queen (showing toys-castle and queen).
-hello! I"m a queen! My name is Elizabeth II. I live in this castle. Have a nice day!
-Guys, the queen wished us a good day. Have a nice day!
4) -and now let's go to the London Zoo - London Zoo (go to the table with toys). Look, there are no animals here! Where did they disappear to? It says here that this zoo is new. We need to help transport all the animals from the old zoo here by ship.
Game "Ship".
Children name the animal toys in English and put them in a toy ship.
-this is a crocodile/elephant/lion/zebra/kangaroo/tiger/monkey/etc.
After all the animals are placed on the ship, it sets off on a journey down the River Thames to a new zoo.
-Guys, this is the River Thames (choral repetition - The Thames).
-look! This is London Zoo. We unload the animals. Now let's see what other animals live in the London Zoo (slides).
5) - guys, look who wants to meet us (girl).
Girl: -hello, children! How are you? My name is Anny. Where are you from? Children: I"m from Kazakhstan. Where are you from? Girl: I"m from London. I like to play. Let's play with me! Let's play!
Game "Hokey Pokey" (melody from the song "Boogie Woogie").
Hey, everybody. It's time to do the Hokey Pokey!
Make a BIIIIG circle. Here we go.
You put one hand in.
You put one hand out.
You put one hand in.
You do the Hokey Pokey and turn around.
Everybody turns around.
You put two hands in.
You put two hands out.
You put two hands in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and clap your hands.
Everybody clap your hands.
You put one foot in.
You put one foot out.
You put one foot in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sit down.
Everybody please sit down.
You put two feet in.
You put two feet out.
You put two feet in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and stand up.
Everybody please stand up.
You put your head in.
You put your head out.
You put your head in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sing a song.
La, la, la, la, la, la!
You put your backside in.
You put your backside out.
You put your backside in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and be quiet.
Everybody please be quiet. Shh!
You put your whole self in.
Your whole self out.
Your whole self in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and take a bow.
Everybody take a bow (bow).
Saying goodbye to Annie - Good bye, Anny!
6) - guys, did you like it in London? Have you remembered all the sights? Let's do it again! We will draw a map of London with you. Look, these are the silhouettes of the drawings. You need to choose a suitable figure and name it (children complete the task).
7) - it's time to go back to our kindergarten. We get on the bus. And while we're driving, let's listen to a song about London Bridge.
"London Bridge is falling down"

Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady!

Build it up with iron bars,
Iron bars, iron bars.
Build it up with iron bars,
My fair lady!

Bend and break, bend and break.
Iron bars will bend and break,
My fair lady!

Needles and pins, needles and pins.
Build it up with needles and pins,
My fair lady!

Rust and bend, rust and bend.
Pins and needles rust and bend,
My fair lady!
3. Final part.
1) summing up
- here we are! Did you enjoy traveling around London? What did you see in London? Who did you meet? What they were doing? Let's say goodbye Good-bye!

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