Event. Extracurricular activities in a foreign language Extracurricular activities in English

Extracurricular event "Country calendar"" will introduce you to the holidays of English-speaking countries, suitable for both foreign students and secondary school students.

Extracurricular event "We are the Champions" in a fun way will allow you to test your linguistic and regional knowledge and consolidate the material covered on the topic “Great Britain”.

Stimulating cognitive interest in issues of interpersonal communication, social self-identification of the student’s personality, which is an important component of the communication process in the educational process.





- Good afternoon! We are glad to see you. Today we would like to tell you about the most popular British holidays such as St. Valentine's Day, Easter, Christmas and Halloween. Let’s start from the most romantic holiday St. Valentine's Day.

A waltz is being performed.

– ST. VALENTINE'S DAY is celebrated on February 14. Every St. Valentine's Day thousands of people travel to a small village on Scotland's border with England to get married. The village is called Gretna Green. It was the first stop across the border. Many young couples came to Gretna Green to get married there.

– Nowadays, in this place, at least one couple gets married every day of the year. On this day boys and girls, sweethearts, husbands and wives, friends and neighbors exchange greetings of affection and love. People send each other greeting cards, chocolates and flowers. Valentine's cards are very colorful, with a couple of human hearts on them.

One of the best presents on St. Valentine's Day are flowers. Let’s listen to the poem “Flowers”.


I like flowers that are bright,

I like flowers that are white,

I like flowers with a nice smell,

That blossom in gardens so well

On this day women get not only flowers but compliments, too. We want you to take part in the competition of compliments. Tell your partner some nice words. As soon as you do it take a step to your partner. Don't repeat the same words. The winners are the partners who meet first.

Summing up the results of the competition and presenting sweet prizes.

The holiday which all people love very much is EASTER.

– Easter is one of the famous and favorite holidays. In England everyone presents each other with Easter eggs which are the most popular emblem of Easter painting egg-shells is an old custom and painted eggs always decorate breakfast tables on Easter days. Easter eggs are usually made of chocolate. Nowadays they are often artificial.

– There are some Easter games. For example: sometimes Easter eggs are hidden about the house for the children and they must find them.

Every year London greets the spring with Easter Parade which took place for the first time in 1958 and since that time it has become a traditional religious festival.

– The parade passes the royal palace through the streets of the city. I wonder what the royals eat for breakfast? Are they really chocolate eggs?

No. The famous English writer, author of fairy tales about Winnie the Pooh, Alexander Milne, tells us about this in his poem. And to the question “What do royalty eat for breakfast?” you can answer by watching the skit.


The King asked

The Queen: "Could we have some butter for

The Royal slice of bread?" and

The Queen asked

The Dairymaid:

"Could we have some butter for

"The Royal slice of bread?"

The Dairymaid

Said: "Certainly,

I"ll go and tell

The Cow

Before she goes to bed"

The Dairymaid

She curtsied

And went and told

The Aldermen

"Don't forget the butter for

The Royal slice of bread"

The Aldermen

Said sleepily:

You'd better tell

Miss Majesty

That many people nowadays

Like marmalade


So what do the king and queen like for breakfast?


It seems to me that the life of a king and queena complete fairy tale. What a holidaythe most magical?

Well, of course it's Christmas! Just imagine a quiet winter night. The stars and moon appear in the dark sky, Christmas trees are lit in the houses, the trees are covered with sparkling snow, Christmas is approaching. Night. Everything around froze in anticipation of a miracle.

Christmas day is the most popular holiday. It is celebrated on December 25. People try to be with their families on that day. They make or buy Christmas cards and send them to their friends, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. They decorate the Christmas tree with colored lights and toys. On this day many people go to churches, eat a Christmas dinner of roast turkey and Christmas pudding. Many people watch the Queen's Christmas broadcast on TV. One of the most important Christmas traditions is giving presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. People say that at night Father Christmas puts presents into the stockings, which children usually hang on their beds. This day is a traditional day for meeting relatives and a special day for children.

Let's listen to the rhyme about winter.


It's winter now, so bundle up light!

Warm mittens and caps will be just right.

Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,

Time to ski and skate all round.

Winter, spring, summer, fall-

I like winter best of all.

There are many symbols of X-mas. They create beautiful atmosphere in our houses. You are to choose those things (dishes, decorations, symbols). We shall have 2 teams, each containing 5 boys and girls.

Now let’s sing a popular English song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.


– On the 31st of October in GB there is a nice holiday for children Halloween. It isn't an official holiday. but it is a very special day. People put pumpkins on the window-sills. They draw eyes. noses and mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into them. So the pumpkins look like a face.

Children dress in fancy costumes as witches, ghosts, or characters from TV programs, and so on. The windows of many houses are brightly decorated on Halloween. In the evening groups of children go from house to house, knock at the doors and say "Trick or treat"(Which means "if you don"t treat us to something tasty, we shall play a trick on you"). People give them sweets, fruits, cakes or money.

This is a nice, funny and "tasty" holiday, isn't it?

– And now let's play the game.

Dynamic game

Pass the witch's broomstick

Round and round the room,

While the music's playing

Quickly pass the broom.

Everyone is out

Who the broomstick drops,

And the one who has it

When the music stops.

We hope it was interesting for you and you have learned something new and had a good time.




Hello, girls and boys! We are glad to see you! Today you have a chance to check your knowledge about Great Britain. So we offer you to do some exercises, which can help us to find out the real champions.

But first of all, let's divide into 2 teams. We have cards: red and green.

Well now, we have two teams: red and green. Let's start.

A popular song is playing in English. language

Now let's listen to a beautiful song which Moyseenko Helen will sing for you.

Task 1.

Do you like to guess riddles? Would you like to guess some? Here they are! Let's work one by one. The first riddle is for the red team and the second riddle is for the green team.

For the Red team:

It is sweet and cold, loved by young and old. (an ice-cream)

What goes up when the rain comes down? (an umbrella)

When I eat, I live; but when I drink, I die. What am I? (fire)

What clock shows the right time only twice a day? (broken clock)

For the Green team:

In what tree does a bird seat when it is rainy? (wet)

These two brothers live not far away; one on the left, one on the right; but they never see each other. (eyes)

What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday? (today)

What is it that looks like a cat, eats like a cat, walks like a cat, but still it is not a cat? (a kitten)

Wonderful! You guess riddles very well. (10 minutes)

Task 2.

Test. What do you know about Great Britain? You have some questions and some options of answers. Choose the correct variant. (10 minutes)

1. The Union Jack is...

a) the flag of the UK

b) the flag of Scotland

c) the flag of Wales

d) the flag of England

2. What is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

a) the House of Parliament

b) Albert Hall

c) Buckingham Palace

d) St. Paul's Cathedral

3. Which park is now the home of London ZOO?

a) Hyde Park

b) Regent's Park

c) Green Park

d) Trafalgar Square

4. Westminster is a ... center of London.

a) cultural

b) political

c) business

d) industrial

5. Great Britain is separated from the continent by ...

a) the Pacific Ocean

b) the Irish Sea

c) the Bristol Channel

d) the English Channel

6. The Great Fire of London broke out in...





7. In Britain people more often speak about...


b) animals


d) culture

8. The British are not very much interested in ...

a) football

b) cricket

c) tennis

d) skiing

9. The head of State in Britain is...

a) the Prime Minister

b) the President

c) the Queen

d) the Speaker

10. There are... pence in a pound.

a) 10

b) 50

c) 100

d) 1000

11. What is the capital of Wales?

a) Cardiff

b) Swansea

c) Newport

d) Snowdon

12. What is the symbol of Scotland?

a) daffodil

b) a thistle

c) leek

d) a rose

13. When do British people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day?

a) on the 5th of November

b) on the 10th of November

c) on the 20th of December

d) on the 14th of February

14. Notting Hill Carnival is a street carnival in Notting Hill district of...

a) New York

b) London

c) Dublin


15. Britain's population is more than ... million people.

a) 56

b) 5.6

c) 560

d) 7

And now a competition for the audience. While the participants are completing the task, we will hold a competition for spectators. You must complete the puzzle.

Find the beginning and the ending of the proverbs. Give its Russian equivalent.

1. All is well / that ends well. (All's well that ends well.)

2. A friend in need / is a friend indeed. (Friends are known in trouble.)

3. It" never too late / to 1earn. (It's never too late to learn.)

4. Walls have / ears. (And the walls have ears.)

Task 3.

Real champions should know much and besides should be able to get necessary information. Now we give you the text. What do you know about Walt Disney? You are to read the text about Walt Disney (10 minutes) and answer the questions.


Walt Disney was born Chicago, his father being Irish Canadian, his mother of German-American origin. He revealed a talent for drawing and an interest in photography early on and after service with the American Roy Cross in the First World War. In 1923 he left with his brother Roy for Hollywood and for some years struggling against poverty while producing a series of cartoon films. In 1927 he had some success with the series called "Oswald the Lucky Rabbit", but it was not until September 1928, when "Steamboat Willie" appeared, the first "Mickey Mouse" with sound, that he achieved lasting success. Mickey Mouse became a household word together with such companions as Minnie, Pluto, and – perhaps the favorite of them all – Donald Duck.

"The Three Little Pigs" and "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", with their still familiar songs by Frank Churchill, immediately spring to mind. After the Second World War Disney turned his attention to real-life nature studies and non-cartoon films with living actors. After a rather unsuccessful feature cartoon "The Sleeping Beauty", he made a triumphant come-back with the very successful "Mary Poppins".

In 1955 he branched out into a different enterprise – “Disneyland”, a huge amusement park in southern California. Disneyland is located 27 miles south of Los Angeles, at Anaheim. Of all the show-places none is as famous as Disneyland. This superb kingdom of fantasy linked to technology was created by Walt Disney.

The park is divided into six themes and there is so much to see and do in each that no one would attempt to see all of them in one visit. For extended visits, there are hotels nearby.

Walt Disney died in California at the age of 65. His works have given so much pleasure for many years to many people, young and old, in many countries.


1. Where was Walt Disney born?

2. What were his first hobbies?

3. When did he leave for Hollywood?

4. When did Walt Disney have his first success?

5. What are the most popular Disney heroes?

6. What are his most famous cartoons?

7. What is "Disneyland"?

8. Where is it located?

Task 4.

You are to make up a story. I have the first and the last sentences – the beginning and the end of it. You have 6 minutes.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.




“A Teacher + A Student =?”

Prepared and conducted by teachers: Varlamova I.E.


Extracurricular activity “Role play A Teacher + A Student =?”

Goal: to stimulate cognitive interest in issues of interpersonal communication, social self-identification of the student’s personality, which is an important component of the communication process in the educational process.

Progress of the game:

The game involves 2 subgroups: 3rd year students (team of “students”) and 4th year students (team of “teachers”) of the “Foreign Languages” department.

Compere: You know how important it is to concentrate on relations between students and teachers and create a suitable atmosphere in class. Looking at students as colleagues is of principal importance for every teacher. Respect for them is a must. We hope that being taught in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation will help them in the future to communicate with everyone easily and feel responsibility for their actions and words. Love for children and warm relationships with them are important to themselves. This is something we should discuss with the students all the time. So, the title of the role play is “A Teacher + a Student =?”. At the end of the game we are to give an answer to this question. Two teams participate in the game – the team of the teachers and the team of the students. As the 4 th year students have already had some experience at school they are to take the role of teachers, so the 3d year students are to be themselves, students. To warm up I suggest that you answer the following questions:

  • If you were allowed to choose the subjects you want to study, what subjects would you prefer?
  • If education required payment, for whose lessons would you pay the most?
  • Who has the most pleasant voice among the teachers?
  • Do you want your child to become a teacher?
  • What is your favorite classroom in our college?
  • With whom of the teachers would you like to spend 10 years on a desert island and why?
  • Do you believe in superstitions before the exam?

Contest 1

Compere: Having listened to all your answers we have got an impression of each of you. So, it’s high time to begin the game. Each team should give an answer to the following questions:

A question to the teachers:

What student do you consider to be ideal?

A question to the students:

What teacher do you consider to be ideal?

You have some minutes at your disposal. The time is up. Teachers, please. (team of teachers gives answer with comments)

Now let’s listen to the opinions of the students.

These were the portraits of an ideal teacher and student.

Contest 2

Compere: The next task will be the following. You are to complete these phrases:

  • I like to go to class when… (don’t forget your roles)
  • I don’t like to go to class when…

(Both teams give four answers to each question)

Compere: I suppose teachers and students should take each other’s feelings into consideration.

Contest 3

Compere: Here you should show your creativity and make a dictionary from the teachers and the students giving the five most popular questions and answers in their vocabulary.

Teacher's Questions

Student's Answers

Now let’s compare teachers’ vocabulary and students’ one. You should take turns asking questions and your opponents should give answers if they have got such questions. Be attentive and don’t repeat the questions that were mentioned. Now we see what questions and answers are the most popular among the teachers and students. As for the questions that were not answered you are to ask the audience and give your own variant.

Contest 4

Compere: Here is a list of positive characteristics of teachers and students. Look through them and make a portrait of a typical teacher and student. Name the five most important character traits (of a teacher and a student).

And here is a list of negative features. Choose five features which teachers and students should get rid of.

Positive features:

Industrious, kind, strict, alert, brave, responsible, punctual, polite, patient, a sense of humour, social, communicative, highly educated

Negative features:

Lazy, rude, angry, envious, untruthful, bossy, violent, inpatient, selfish, careless, arrogant, a lack of personal discipline, a lack of will

Contest 5

Compere: During this contest we’ll see how imaginative you are. Give new names to the following subjects:


Physical Education

Information Technology






You have 5 minutes at your disposal. Then you should take turns giving new names to the subjects and the other team should guess what subject it is.

Contest 6

Compere: As you know conflict is a part of everyday life. And we should confess that there are educational conflicts concerning relationships between teachers and students. There are various ways of solving conflicts; according to scientific research the most popular of them are dialogue, making a compromise, having a conversation, and reconciliation. Today you are to find a way out of the given conflicts which may take place during any lesson at any time. Listen to them carefully.

Situation 1.

Situation 2.

Situation 3.

You are a teacher. Marks not given by you happen to appear in the class register. What would you do in that situation?

Compere: The last contest is a question. What word can we use instead of a question mark in the phrase “A teacher + a student is ...? (cooperation, friendship, understanding...).

You are right. A truly experienced and highly qualified teacher is able to transform lessons into fruitful, creative cooperation with students.

Now our game came to the end and we hope that you’ve understood how it’s important to treat people around you as you want to be treated.










A sense of humor



Highly educated










A sense of humor



Highly educated













A lack of will












A lack of personal discipline

A lack of will


To my mind … / I think … / I strongly believe … / I’m convinced … / As I see …/ A typical teacher (student) is the sort of person who …/ …


Physical Education

Information Technology







Physical Education

Information Technology






Situation 1.

Having opened the door and seen funny expressions on the children’s faces, the teacher stopped in the door of the classroom. The class was eagerly awaiting his next action. “What will happen?” the teacher shifted his gaze to the blackboard – the diagram was up-side down. What should the teacher do in this situation. (Variants: to explain the new material using the diagram turned up-side down and then start to question the children. Let the children try to repeat the material by the diagram.)

Situation 2.

A new teacher entered the classroom. At first she thought that there was nobody in the room, but it turned out that the pupils had hidden themselves under their desks. Paying no attention to this, the teacher introduced herself and began the lesson. In several minutes when the teacher turned aside she saw that some pupils were sitting at their desks. “Who allowed you to sit at the desks?” the teacher asked irritably. After the teacher’s question the children got back under their desks. Was the teacher right?



This resource contains an outline of an extracurricular activity and a presentation with illustrative regional studies material about the peculiarities of the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries. This methodological development can be used outside of school hours - at the New Year holiday in grades 5-6 in order to develop the cognitive interests and creative potential of students studying a foreign language.

The presentation is devoted to the study of one of the aspects of British culture - the peculiarities of preparing and celebrating Christmas. When learning a foreign language, students should become familiar with the peculiarities of the culture and way of life of the peoples of other countries. The presentation “Traditions of celebrating Christmas in Great Britain” will be interesting and useful to anyone who is starting to learn a foreign language.

This paper offers questions about England, Russia and America on geography, music, art, politics, literature, interesting facts, royal families and famous people. The questions are divided into 3 parts in the main presentation "Your own game".

Interactive quiz game "What is missed?" - a team or individual game in English based on the popular game “Where is the logic?” The development is intended for students in grades 6-9.
The quiz develops students' communicative competence in English, attentiveness and observation. Learn to give explanations of words in English. In addition, students consolidate the material covered on the topic “Sights of London” (6 pictures) in an interesting and exciting way.

Target audience: for 7th grade

The interactive team quiz game "Polyglot" is intended for students in grades 5-11 of schools with in-depth study of the English language. For students learning a second foreign language (French, German, Spanish) from the 5th grade. Can be used in extracurricular activities and at extracurricular events in foreign languages. If second foreign languages ​​are not studied at school, then all questions can be asked only in English (Table for the presenter is attached).
In a fun way, students develop communicative competence, learn to work in a team, and hear each other. With the help of this development, children repeat the material they have covered in regional studies, history, geography in a foreign language and learn a lot of new things in an interesting and exciting way.
Students always take an active part in the quiz and answer questions with great interest. This game provides an opportunity to express themselves to all participants with different levels of foreign language proficiency.

Target audience: for 9th grade

Uv. Colleagues! This resource is an extracurricular activity that can be carried out during the final lesson in 6th grade or during extracurricular hours.

The purpose of the event is to generalize, systematize and expand sociocultural knowledge on the topic “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”, increase the level of motivation in learning the language, and the desire to learn new things.

Students are invited to visit the following stations: History, Museums, Monuments, Sports, Parks, Traditions. At each station, the children are offered different tasks. The presentation contains a lot of illustrative material and additional information. This event can be held both for teams and for individual participation of students

The resource contains a summary of the event with navigation through the presentation slides. The presentation contains slides containing the correct answers. An audio file is also included; it is not included in the presentation, but can be played separately in the background while students complete assignments. The texts of the assignments are attached separately. The correct answers to the tasks can be found not only in the presentation, but also at the end of the event summary.

Target audience: for 4th grade

The resource contains:

Lesson summary with navigation through presentation slides;

A presentation that presents short material in English about holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries. Sound files are attached to slides 3 and 12, which are activated by a mouse click on the trigger. The presentation also presents test tasks to test the acquired knowledge.

Children become familiar with the concept of syncwine and learn to write it at the end of the event (reflection). The resource also contains an application (text about holidays in Russian), 2 audio files, a knowledge map and an assessment form.

Goals: · familiarization with the traditions and customs of English-speaking countries, use speech that is adequate to the communication situation; awareness of the realities of foreign language culture, development of group work skills; development of creative potential; development of dexterity, dexterity

Suitable for any training center.

Target audience: for 6th grade

The quiz is addressed primarily to students studying German as a second foreign language according to the teaching and learning complex "Horizons, 5th grade", author Averin M.M., as it allows you to repeat the material for the 1st half of the year in a playful and creative way. This script is also suitable for other teachers, since it contains basic vocabulary, typical grammar and will be useful for use in lessons and in preparing extra-curricular activities.

Target audience: for 5th grade

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Lyceum No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin


Methodological development of a game lesson and extracurricular activities in English for students in grades 8-11


English teacher

Akhunzyanova Alfiya Vagyzovna




Increasing students' motivation and interest in learning English.


Educational – training lexical and grammatical skills, improving listening skills, updating regional studies material, broadening one’s horizons.

Developmental - development of cognitive activity, creative abilities, logical thinking, linguistic guesswork.

Educational – fostering respect for the culture of the language being studied, developing a friendly attitude towards each other.

Equipment : PC, multimedia projector, screen, presentations Power Point , cards with tasks, prizes for winners, musical accompaniment.

Preliminary preparation

The game consists of seven competitions, between which there is a musical break (song performance in English). To participate in the game, students are divided in advance into three teams of 5 people. For each team, students choose captains, come up with team names, mottos and emblems. A jury is selected from the students in the class. At the end of each competition, team captains hand over cards with completed tasks for verification by members of the jury. The jury sums up the interim results, and at the end of the game the winning team is announced and an award ceremony is held

Progress of the event

    Organizing time

Good morning, my dear boys and girls!

I am glad to see you.

Welcome to our competition “Learning English is Fun”. We have three teams. You will have different tasks. Jury will give you scores. At the end of the competition we shall find out who the winner is. So, let " s begin . I wish you good luck ! The teacher welcomes the students and introduces them to the rules of the game.

II . Team Presentation Competition

Teams take turns going on stage and presenting their name, motto and emblem. The jury evaluates this competition using a five-point system.

III .Competition “Grammar Brain Ring”

You will get the cards with tests. Your task is to choose the correct variant and circle it. You have 3-4 minutes . The task for participants is to circle the correct answer. 3-4 minutes are allotted to complete the task. For the first task, teams receive a maximum of 10 points.

    What ( are/is) the news?

    What ( a /-) wonderful weather !

    (A/The) woman standing over there is my aunt.

    Have you translated the text (already/yet) ?

    You like love stories (do/don't) you?

    He is tired because he (has/had) been working hard recently?

    She told us she (would/will) come.

    (Have / had) did you cook the dinner by the time the guests came?

    My mother makes me (to do/do) the homework every day.

    That sounds (great/great) .

Keys : 1.is; 2.- ; 3. the; 4. yet; 5. don't; 6.has; 7.would; 8. had; 9.do; 10.great

IV . Competition "Quiz" ( see presentation No. 1)

It's time to take a quiz. It is interesting to find out if you know about Great Britain and London. You must choose the correct variant. You have ten minutes.Teams are invited to take part in a regional studies quiz “ What do you know about Great Britain and London . The teacher shows the slides. Team captains take turns reading out the questions and three answer options. The task for participants is to choose one answer option. You have 10 minutes to complete the task. The maximum score for this competition is 25 points.

Keys : 2.c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b; 6.c; 7.b; 8. a; 9.c; 10. c;11. a; 12. b; 13. a; 14.b; 15.c; 16.c; 17. a; 18.b; 19. c; 20. c; 21. c; 22. a; 23.a; 24. a; 25.c; 26.c;

V . London Attractions (see presentation No. 2)

You will get the special task. The task for you is to choose the 10 pictures that show the sights of London and name them. You have 5 minutes . The teacher shows slides depicting world attractions.

The task for the teams is to select 10 pictures depicting London landmarks and name them. Teams write down the slide number and the name of the attraction on cards. You have 5 minutes to complete the task. Maximumpoint -10.

Keys : 3 –The Houses of Parliament; 6 - The Tower of London; 9 – The British Museum; 11 – Big Ben; 12 – Buckingham Palace; 14 – The London Eye; 16 – Tower Bridge; 17 –St Paul’s Cathedral; 19 – Trafalgar Square; 20 – Westminster Abbey;

VI. Contest « Song »

Now you will listen to the song and write down the missing words on the cards. You will listen to the song twice. Be careful, please.

Teams receive cards with the words of a song with some words missing. The task for students is to listen to the audio recording and write down the missing words. The song is listened to twice.

Maximum score -10. 10 minutes are allotted for this competition.

No new year's day to1) ……….
No chocolate covered candy hearts to 2) ……..
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here"s just another 3) ……… day
No April rain
No flowers 4) ………
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is
Is something true
Made up of these 3 words
That I must say to you

I just called to say
I love you
I just called to say
How much I5)……
I just called to say
I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high
No warm July
No6)……. moon to light one tender August night
No autumn 7) ………
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern 8)……
No libra sand
No Halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas 9) …….
You Bring
But what it is
Thought old so new
To fill your 10)…….
Like no 3 words Could ever do.

I just called to say
I love you
I just called to say
How much I…..
I just called to say
I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

Keys : 1. celebrate 2. give away 3. ordinary 4. bloom 5. care 6. harvest 7. breeze 8. skies 9. joy 10. heart

Now we have a rest. Let's’ ssingthissong.

Musical break - students perform this song.

VII. Contest « Proverbs »

I want you to make up the 10 proverbs and translate them. You have 10 minutes .

The teacher invites the teams to compose 10 proverbs and translate them. Each team receives a set of 20 cards. You have 10 minutes to complete this task. Maximum score - 20.

    Live and learn

    Tastes differ

    East or West home is best

    Tomorrow is a new day

    All is not gold that glitters

    Better late than never

    No pains, no gains

    Time is money

    There is no smoke without fire

    A friend in need is a friend indeed

    Live and learn

    There are no comrades for taste and light (there is no arguing about tastes)

    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better

    Tomorrow is a new day

    All that glitters is not gold

    Better late than never

    You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty (if you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled; water does not flow under a lying stone)

    Time is money

    There is no smoke without fire

    A friend in need is a friend indeed

VIII . Contest « Who more »

It’s time to do the last task of our competition. You will get a long word. The task for you is to make up as many short words of the given one as you can. They may be different parts of speech. You have 5 minutes.

The teacher draws students' attention to the key word -sweetheart .

The task for the teams is to make as many short words as possible from a given word. You have 10 minutes to complete this task. Teams receive points based on the number of correctly composed words.

IX. Summing up results .

Ok, we have come to the end of our competition. It is interesting to find out what team is the winner today. Congratulations! You've done well! Thank you very much for the lesson! Good- bye ! The teacher thanks the children for their work, the jury sums up the results of the competition and congratulates the winners.

List of used literature:

1. Dzyuina E. V. Game lessons and extracurricular activities in English: grades 10-11, 2007.

2. Song“I just called to say I love you” (Stevie Wonder)

Extracurricular activity in English in grades 7-8

“A story of one tradition, or 5 o’clock tea”

Yulia Nikolaevna Trofimova, English teacher, MKOU "Medvezhyegorsk Secondary School No. 1", Republic of Karelia
Form: educational game
Form of organization: group (teams of 5-6 people)
Equipment: computer and multimedia projector, handouts, audio and video recordings; tea set, napkins and food models.
Target: generalization of linguistic and cultural knowledge of students acquired in English lessons and updating of new knowledge.
1. Educational:
1. improvement of skills and practical knowledge of the English language in the following types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading;
2. improvement of lexical and grammatical skills
2. Developmental:
1.Development and training of attention, memory, thinking.
2. Expanding your general horizons
3.Develop the ability to work in a team and make joint decisions.
4.Develop positive personal qualities (responsibility, goodwill, sense of mutual assistance).
3. Educational:
1. Cultivate interest in studying the subject.
2. Fostering respect for the culture of your country and the countries of the language being studied.

Game stages:
1. Introductory stage (history of the tradition)
2. How to prepare real English tea?
3. Proverbs and phraseological units about tea
4. Tea etiquette in England
5. Song about tea
6. Quiz
7. Conclusion (reflection, summing up)

Progress of the event

Stage 1 - Introductory

(1-2 slide) - Hello, boys and girls! Do you like drinking tea? The English really do. Today you will learn some new interesting facts about one of the distinctive English traditions, called afternoon tea, or 5 o"clock tea. Let's watch a video. (Students watch a fragment of the video "Five o"clock tea at Brown"s Hotel London" )
(3 slide) - Do you have any idea why Englishmen drink tea at exactly this time of the day?

(4-6 slide) -This tradition dates back to 1840 and appeared thanks to Anna Maria Stanhope, Duchess of Bedford, who was the maid of honor of Queen Victoria. The fact is that during the 18th century a supper was put off for a later time until the beginning of the 19th century, and it ended up to be served at 7 and 8.30 pm. The additional meal between breakfast and dinner was lunch. But there was no other meal for a long period of time before supper that people felt very hungry.

Duchess of Bedford began to suffer from “bad feeling” in the stomach about 4:00 pm, that’s why she used to order her servants to bring her a tray with tea, bread and butter. Anna appreciated the feeling of comfort, so she began to experience such a “refreshment” every day and it became her habit. She began to invite friends to join her at about 5 o"clock in the afternoon in her chambers in Bivver Castle to share tea with her. Back in London, the Duchess continued the tradition, and soon the other ladies had such tea-drinking as a regular practice.
Thus afternoon tea party was a social event. Ladies of high society had guests in the living room between 4 and 5 o"clock. They exchanged gossip, planned the evening and met new people. Sometimes a lady came just for 10-15 minutes, as she wanted to visit some of these “ teas". Different tea cakes, cookies, sandwiches and fruit were served for tea-time. Besides tea, guests could enjoy coffee, wine, sherry or champagne. (On slides 4-6 there are images of social tea parties)

(7-8 slide) - Modern pace of life has changed the traditions and lifestyles of many Englishmen, but no matter how busy they are, the British are trying to find time for something to drink tea with a slice of pie. The traditional afternoon tea offers a variety of sandwiches (mandatory are thinly sliced ​​cucumber sandwiches (finger sandwiches), and various cakes and buns (scones).

Stage 2 - Drawing up instructions for preparing tea

(9-10 slide) - Do you know how to make traditional English cream tea? Your task is to put the actions in the right order to make a recipe. (Which team is the fastest to create instructions for making tea using the suggested actions)

Stage 3 - Finding correspondences between English phraseological units about tea and their Russian equivalents

(11 slide) - Match the idioms to their meanings in Russian (Who will find the matches faster among the teams)

be not somebody’s cup of tea - not to your liking;
take tea with somebody - do business, have a business relationship with someone
not... for all the tea in China - not for anything in the world (not for any price)
a storm in a teacup - storm in a glass
be as good as a chocolate teapot - be of little use (like a goat's milk)
read the tea leaves - predict at random (guess on coffee grounds)

Stage 4 - Watching a film about tea etiquette in England

Watch a video about tea etiquette in England. Make notes. After that you will have to show us how to behave at the table while drinking tea using the equipment given. (Students watch the video "English Cream Tea Etiquette". After watching the film, one of the team members is called to demonstrate the rules of etiquette. The correctness of the task is assessed)

Stage 5 - Song about tea

(12-13 slide) - Now you will listen to the song called "English Tea" of a well-known English singer Paul MacCartney. Your task it to complete the lyrics of the song with the missing words given above. (Teams are given the texts of the first verse and chorus of the song with gaps. After listening to the song, it is judged who filled in all the gaps in the text faster and correctly)
Would you care to sit with me
For a cup of English tea?
Very twee, very me
Any sunny morning
What a pleasure it would be
Chatting so delightfully
Nanny bakes fairy cakes
Every Sunday morning
Miles of miles of English garden
Stretching past the willow tree
Lines of hollyhocks and roses
Listen most attentive

Let's sing along! (Everyone sings a song together)

Stage 6 - Quiz

Answer the questions choosing one of the options
(Teams receive sheets with multiple choice questions. The first team to answer receives an extra point for speed. Then each team's correct answers are counted)
1. What time does the tradition date back to?
2 Anna Maria Stanhope was a
A. Duchess of Setford
B. Duchess of Redford
C. Duchess of Bedford
3. During afternoon tea parties in the Victorian times ladies..
A.changed gossip, planned the evening and met people
B.talked with each other, watched TV and had fun
C.drank tea, shared gossips and danced
4. How are thinly sliced ​​sandwiches called?
A.thin sandwiches
B.fine sandwiches
C.finger sandwiches
5. What is a scone?
A.a piece of bread
B.a bun

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