Lucy was gently persistent (1) and (2) although it was difficult to remember everything (3) gradually the old woman told (4) how it was. Russian language test to prepare for the Unified State Exam Most modern lighting devices have a special

A 27. Communication skills. Text compression Prepared by Zh. V. Korzunova, Russian language teacher, Solnechny Closed Administrative Okrug, 2011 Based on materials from the collection Unified State Exam Russian Language. Universal materials for preparing students / FIPI. – M.: Intellect-Center. 2011

A 27. Text compression. 1 Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) For modern lighting devices, a special electronic control system is provided, which saves up to 30% of electricity and makes the light even and flicker-free. 2) The electronic control system for lighting devices allows not only to save energy, but also to eliminate flickering light, which is harmful to vision. 3) Flickering light injures the organs of vision, therefore modern lighting devices provide a special electronic control system. 4) An electronic control system for lighting devices, which allows saving up to 30% of electricity, makes the light even and flicker-free, which damages the organs of vision. Most modern lighting devices have a special electronic control system. It allows you to save up to 30% of electricity and make the light even and flicker-free. The latter is especially important from the point of view of maintaining human health. Recent studies have shown that flickering light damages the organs of vision.

A 27. Text compression. 2 Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Siberia, which occupies two-fifths of Asia, receives great attention in Russia’s economic development plans. 2) Siberia surprises us not only with its size, but also with the fact that it is the largest treasury in the world in terms of mineral reserves. 3) In Russian economic development plans, much attention is paid to Siberia because enormous natural resources are concentrated here. 4) In the development of the world economy, much attention is paid to Siberia, since this region occupies two-fifths of Asia and enormous natural resources are concentrated here. If you look at the map, you will see that Siberia is two-fifths of Asia. But Siberia surprises us not only with its size, but also with the fact that it is the largest treasury in the world in terms of oil, gas, coal reserves, energy resources, and huge forests. That is why much attention is paid to Siberia in Russia’s economic development plans.

A 27. Text compression. 3 Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Logic establishes the rules for defining a concept in educational and reference literature. 2) The presentation of information in educational and reference literature differs from the presentation of information and definition of a concept in popular scientific literature. This concerns the form of information presentation, in which the nature of the text changes. 3) The text of educational and reference literature differs from popular science text. The rules of logic are used in educational and reference literature, and artistic techniques are used in popular scientific literature. 4) In educational and reference literature, information, in particular the explanation of concepts, is presented strictly according to the rules of logic. In popular science literature, the form of presenting information is different, using artistic techniques. Logic establishes a number of important rules for defining a concept. It is for these reasons that laws are presented in educational and reference literature. In popular science literature, everything is presented differently. This change concerns only the form of presentation of information, in this case the form of explanation of concepts. The popularizer includes means of expression and constructive artistic techniques in the presentation, and the character of the text immediately changes.

Option No. 6145371

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) For modern lighting devices, a special electronic control system is provided, which saves up to 30% of electricity and makes the light even and flicker-free.

2) In order not only to save energy, but also to eliminate flicker of light, which is harmful to vision, modern lighting devices use an electronic control system.

3) Flickering light damages the organs of vision, which is why modern lighting devices are used today.

4) The electronic control system for lighting devices allows not only to save energy, but also to eliminate flickering light, which is harmful to vision.

5) An electronic control system for lighting devices, which allows saving up to 30% of electricity, makes the light even and flicker-free, which damages the organs of vision.


Choose your own demonstrative pronoun, which should be in the gap in the second sentence of the text.


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word EVEN. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

SMOOTH, -th, -oe; -ven, -vna, -vno, -vny and -vny.

1. Smooth, straight, without elevations, thickenings, or bends. Flat terrain. The road goes smoothly(adv.). R. row of teeth. Straight yarn.

2. Uniform, calm. R. pulse. Smooth(adv.) breathe. R. tone, voice.

3. Constantly the same and calm, balanced. Smooth life. R. character.

4. Exactly the same in size. Equal shares. Divide exactly(adv.; equally).


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.




One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write this word correctly.

The Council began to discuss measures that could alleviate the POVERTY situation of the country, exhausted as a result of wars and transformations.

The grandeur of the picture unfolding before our eyes was given by CENTURY-AGED spruce and fir trees growing in a cascade along the long climb.

Lyoshka handed me a scrap of newspaper and said: “Read.”

The new film made a DOUBLE impression on us.

The system of ideological DICTAT led to creative stagnation, especially among the scientific and scientific-technical intelligentsia.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

the tree has withered

five PAN


can of canned food

clean TOWELS


Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first list, select the corresponding position from the second list.


A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

C) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

D) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

D) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

1) At first the rain came sparsely and lightly, but then it intensified, got stronger and turned into a real downpour.

2) The sister told her brother that “put saucers and cups on the table.”

3) Seeing the light in Alexandra’s window late at night, I felt uneasy.

4) Three girls walked along a forest path and sang something quietly.

5) According to weather forecasters, spring will be early this year.

6) Looking at the green valley below, I was almost suffocating from the delight that overwhelmed me.

7) Olesya stood in the garden and admired the flowers: phlox, daisies, irises.

8) I decided to pay for my training at the confectionery course right away, in one payment, and not in installments.

9) Everyone who knew Fyodor Ivanovich noted his extraordinary intelligence and ability to smooth out any conflicts.



Identify the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


be mischievous




Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

ra..draw, and..walking;

post..impressionism, without..inventory;, pr..overcome;

pre..writing, about..guessing;

computer, computer, food.


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.






Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in the blank.






Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The ancient garden in the morning looks like a fairy forest with (un)traveled paths.

He walked widely along the streets that had not yet been cleared of snow.

The fertilizer was (not) transported to the fields.

There hasn't been much rain yet.

I'm (not) ready for class.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

Dante mentions the church of San Miniato and the stairs leading to it (FOR) TO show how high and difficult the stairs carved into the slopes of the sacred mountain were for people.

(B) DIFFERENT from most communities of artists, the circle of interests of the “World of Art” was unusually wide: “Mir Iskusstva” members worked a lot in the theater, designed books, were engaged in interior projects, and ALSO spoke in print on various issues of art.

ON THE SAME day, when Bazarov was explaining to Arkady in the garden WHY the young oak trees had not taken root, he met Fenechka.

For I. A. Bunin, and SO (SAME) for many others (DURING) his entire life, L. N. Tolstoy remained the creator of absolute values ​​in the field of artistic creativity.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place one letter N is written?

The owner was wearing a (1) fabric shirt, a (2) leather belt (3) belt, and (4) pants that had not been ironed for a long time.


Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Panache and grace in clothing and home decoration were both a habit and a necessity of their life.

2) Energy can neither arise from nothing nor disappear without a trace.

3) The sun shone kindly and gently and warmed the earth with its warmth.

4) In his slander I saw the annoyance of offended pride and rejected love and generously excused my unfortunate rival.

5) The fairy tale gave full rein to the human imagination and thereby served a great service to literature.


The garden (1) thinned out more and more and turned into a real meadow (2) descended to (3) a river overgrown with green reeds and willows (4).


Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The Bear Stone on the Tagil River is (1) without a doubt (2) one of the highest rocks in the Middle Urals. Here (3) according to legend (4) Ermak spent the winter with his army.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Last night (1) I said goodbye to my companion (2) whose kindness (3) (4) I will never forget.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

And although the tone and nature of the magazine's attacks were permeated with sincere indignation (1), it always seemed to me (2) that the authors of these articles were not saying what (3) they wanted to say (4) and that this is what caused their rage.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Parents should always make sure that their children do not overhear anything from their conversations.

2) Life’s trials are better tolerated by those whose childhood was carefree and serene.

3) Parents sometimes say phrases in the presence of their children that can be misinterpreted by the kids.

4) Adults should not try to penetrate into the lives of children: this leads to mutual misunderstanding.

5) You should not think that children are more impressionable than adults: children simply have less developed logic.

will remain in his imagination.

(According to A. Maurois) *


Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 6−9 present the reasoning.

2) Sentences 4−5 contain a description.

3) Proposition 12 confirms proposal 11.

4) Sentences 13−14 present a narrative.

5) Propositions 21−22 contain reasoning.

(1) Adults too often live next to the world of children without even trying to understand it. (2) Meanwhile, the child closely observes the world of his parents, he tries to comprehend and appreciate it. (3) Phrases carelessly uttered in the presence of a baby are picked up by him, interpreted in his own way and create a certain picture of the world that will last for a long time.

will remain in his imagination.

(4) One woman says in front of her eight-year-old son: “I am more of a wife than a mother.” (5) By this, without wanting it herself, she, perhaps, inflicts a wound on him that will bleed almost his entire life.

(6) Exaggeration? (7) I don’t think so. (8) The pessimistic view of the world that a child developed in childhood may change for the better in the future. (9) But this process will proceed painfully and slowly. (10) On the contrary, if parents managed to instill in him faith in people at a time when the child’s consciousness was just awakening, they thereby helped

your sons or daughters to grow up happy. (11) Of course, various events may then disappoint those who had a happy childhood, and sooner or later they will be faced with the difficulties of existence and the cruelty of human nature. (12) But, contrary to expectation, the one whose childhood was serene, passed in

The atmosphere of love and trust in others was filled with pleasant emotions and carefree calm.

(13) We pronounce phrases in front of children that we do not attach meaning to, but to them they seem full of hidden meaning. (14) And it’s even difficult for an adult to imagine how many unspoken fears, how many unimaginable concepts begin to swarm in children’s heads from these seemingly insignificant phrases! (15) I remember that when I was five or six years old, a theater troupe came to our town on tour and there were posters posted everywhere with the name of the play “Surprises of Divorce.” (16) I didn’t know the meaning of the word “divorce” then, but a vague premonition told me that

This is one of those forbidden, attractive and dangerous words that lift the veil over the secrets of adults. (17) And on the day of the arrival of this troupe, the city hairdresser, in a fit of jealousy, shot his wife several times from a revolver, and this crime, which shocked the entire city, was told in front of me. (18) How then did the connection arise in my childhood consciousness between these two facts, so far from each other? (19) To be honest, I don’t remember exactly. (20) But for a very long time, despite the lack of connection between these events, I thought that divorce is a crime when a husband kills his guilty wife right on the theater stage.

(21) Of course, even the most sensitive parents are unable to prevent the emergence of supernatural ideas and naive guesses in the heads of their children. (22) After all, it has long been known that life experience is not so easily transferred and everyone independently learns the lessons of life, no matter how simple or complex they may be. (23) But beware, at least, of giving

dangerous food for a child's imagination. (24) We will save our children from difficult experiences if we always remember that they have heightened curiosity and are much more impressionable than us.

(According to A. Maurois) *

* Andre Maurois is a French writer of the 20th century.


From sentences 18–20, write down synonyms (synonymous pair).

(1) Adults too often live next to the world of children without even trying to understand it. (2) Meanwhile, the child closely observes the world of his parents, he tries to comprehend and appreciate it. (3) Phrases carelessly uttered in the presence of a baby are picked up by him, interpreted in his own way and create a certain picture of the world that will last for a long time.

will remain in his imagination.

(4) One woman says in front of her eight-year-old son: “I am more of a wife than a mother.” (5) By this, without wanting it herself, she, perhaps, inflicts a wound on him that will bleed almost his entire life.

(6) Exaggeration? (7) I don’t think so. (8) The pessimistic view of the world that a child developed in childhood may change for the better in the future. (9) But this process will proceed painfully and slowly. (10) On the contrary, if parents managed to instill in him faith in people at a time when the child’s consciousness was just awakening, they thereby helped

your sons or daughters to grow up happy. (11) Of course, various events may then disappoint those who had a happy childhood, and sooner or later they will be faced with the difficulties of existence and the cruelty of human nature. (12) But, contrary to expectation, the one whose childhood was serene, passed in

The atmosphere of love and trust in others was filled with pleasant emotions and carefree calm.

(13) We pronounce phrases in front of children that we do not attach meaning to, but to them they seem full of hidden meaning. (14) And it’s even difficult for an adult to imagine how many unspoken fears, how many unimaginable concepts begin to swarm in children’s heads from these seemingly insignificant phrases! (15) I remember that when I was five or six years old, a theater troupe came to our town on tour and there were posters posted everywhere with the name of the play “Surprises of Divorce.” (16) I didn’t know the meaning of the word “divorce” then, but a vague premonition told me that

This is one of those forbidden, attractive and dangerous words that lift the veil over the secrets of adults. (17) And on the day of the arrival of this troupe, the city hairdresser, in a fit of jealousy, shot his wife several times from a revolver, and this crime, which shocked the entire city, was told in front of me. (18) How then did the connection arise in my childhood consciousness between these two facts, so far from each other? (19) To be honest, I don’t remember exactly. (20) But for a very long time, despite the lack of connection between these events, I thought that divorce is a crime when a husband kills his guilty wife right on the theater stage.

(21) Of course, even the most sensitive parents are unable to prevent the emergence of supernatural ideas and naive guesses in the heads of their children. (22) After all, it has long been known that life experience is not so easily transferred and everyone independently learns the lessons of life, no matter how simple or complex they may be. (23) But beware, at least, of giving

dangerous food for a child's imagination. (24) We will save our children from difficult experiences if we always remember that they have heightened curiosity and are much more impressionable than us.

(According to A. Maurois) *

* Andre Maurois is a French writer of the 20th century.

(18) How then did the connection arise in my childhood consciousness between these two facts, so far from each other? (19) To be honest, I don’t remember exactly. (20) But for a very long time, despite the lack of connection between these events, I thought that divorce is a crime when a husband kills his guilty wife right on the theater stage.


Among sentences 13−19, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative adverb and word forms. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

(1) Adults too often live next to the world of children without even trying to understand it. (2) Meanwhile, the child closely observes the world of his parents, he tries to comprehend and appreciate it. (3) Phrases carelessly uttered in the presence of a baby are picked up by him, interpreted in his own way and create a certain picture of the world that will last for a long time.

will remain in his imagination.

(4) One woman says in front of her eight-year-old son: “I am more of a wife than a mother.” (5) By this, without wanting it herself, she, perhaps, inflicts a wound on him that will bleed almost his entire life.

(6) Exaggeration? (7) I don’t think so. (8) The pessimistic view of the world that a child developed in childhood may change for the better in the future. (9) But this process will proceed painfully and slowly. (10) On the contrary, if parents managed to instill in him faith in people at a time when the child’s consciousness was just awakening, they thereby helped

your sons or daughters to grow up happy. (11) Of course, various events may then disappoint those who had a happy childhood, and sooner or later they will be faced with the difficulties of existence and the cruelty of human nature. (12) But, contrary to expectation, the one whose childhood was serene, passed in

The atmosphere of love and trust in others was filled with pleasant emotions and carefree calm.

(13) We pronounce phrases in front of children that we do not attach meaning to, but to them they seem full of hidden meaning. (14) And it’s even difficult for an adult to imagine how many unspoken fears, how many unimaginable concepts begin to swarm in children’s heads from these seemingly insignificant phrases! (15) I remember that when I was five or six years old, a theater troupe came to our town on tour and there were posters posted everywhere with the name of the play “Surprises of Divorce.” (16) I didn’t know the meaning of the word “divorce” then, but a vague premonition told me that

This is one of those forbidden, attractive and dangerous words that lift the veil over the secrets of adults. (17) And on the day of the arrival of this troupe, the city hairdresser, in a fit of jealousy, shot his wife several times from a revolver, and this crime, which shocked the entire city, was told in front of me. (18) How then did the connection arise in my childhood consciousness between these two facts, so far from each other? (19) To be honest, I don’t remember exactly. (20) But for a very long time, despite the lack of connection between these events, I thought that divorce is a crime when a husband kills his guilty wife right on the theater stage.

(21) Of course, even the most sensitive parents are unable to prevent the emergence of supernatural ideas and naive guesses in the heads of their children. (22) After all, it has long been known that life experience is not so easily transferred and everyone independently learns the lessons of life, no matter how simple or complex they may be. (23) But beware, at least, of giving

dangerous food for a child's imagination. (24) We will save our children from difficult experiences if we always remember that they have heightened curiosity and are much more impressionable than us.

(According to A. Maurois) *

* Andre Maurois is a French writer of the 20th century.

(1) Adults too often live next to the world of children without even trying to understand it.


Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“In the above fragment, A. Maurois talks about the difficulty of understanding children by their parents. The use of a trope such as (A)_______ (in sentence 5) enhances the expression of speech and gives it a deep generalizing meaning. The seriousness of the author's attitude to the problem helps convey the use of such lexical means as

(B)______ (“being”, “so”, “food for imagination”). A significant feature of this text is that the author, without using a single appeal to his readers, conducts an ongoing, emotionally rich dialogue with them. This effect is ensured by various syntactic means, including (B)_______ (sentence 14) and (D)_______ (sentences 8, 10, 11, 14, 21, 23).”

List of terms:

2) book vocabulary

3) introductory words

4) exclamatory sentences

5) hyperbole

6) phraseological units

7) rows of homogeneous members

8) epithets

9) extended metaphor

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) Adults too often live next to the world of children without even trying to understand it. (2) Meanwhile, the child closely observes the world of his parents, he tries to comprehend and appreciate it. (3) Phrases carelessly uttered in the presence of a baby are picked up by him, interpreted in his own way and create a certain picture of the world that will last for a long time.

will remain in his imagination.

(4) One woman says in front of her eight-year-old son: “I am more of a wife than a mother.” (5) By this, without wanting it herself, she, perhaps, inflicts a wound on him that will bleed almost his entire life.

(6) Exaggeration? (7) I don’t think so. (8) The pessimistic view of the world that a child developed in childhood may change for the better in the future. (9) But this process will proceed painfully and slowly. (10) On the contrary, if parents managed to instill in him faith in people at a time when the child’s consciousness was just awakening, they thereby helped

your sons or daughters to grow up happy. (11) Of course, various events may then disappoint those who had a happy childhood, and sooner or later they will be faced with the difficulties of existence and the cruelty of human nature. (12) But, contrary to expectation, the one whose childhood was serene, passed in

The atmosphere of love and trust in others was filled with pleasant emotions and carefree calm.

(13) We pronounce phrases in front of children that we do not attach meaning to, but to them they seem full of hidden meaning. (14) And it’s even difficult for an adult to imagine how many unspoken fears, how many unimaginable concepts begin to swarm in children’s heads from these seemingly insignificant phrases! (15) I remember that when I was five or six years old, a theater troupe came to our town on tour and there were posters posted everywhere with the name of the play “Surprises of Divorce.” (16) I didn’t know the meaning of the word “divorce” then, but a vague premonition told me that

This is one of those forbidden, attractive and dangerous words that lift the veil over the secrets of adults. (17) And on the day of the arrival of this troupe, the city hairdresser, in a fit of jealousy, shot his wife several times from a revolver, and this crime, which shocked the entire city, was told in front of me. (18) How then did the connection arise in my childhood consciousness between these two facts, so far from each other? (19) To be honest, I don’t remember exactly. (20) But for a very long time, despite the lack of connection between these events, I thought that divorce is a crime when a husband kills his guilty wife right on the theater stage.

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Adults too often live next to the world of children without even trying to understand it. (2) Meanwhile, the child closely observes the world of his parents, he tries to comprehend and appreciate it. (3) Phrases carelessly uttered in the presence of a baby are picked up by him, interpreted in his own way and create a certain picture of the world that will last for a long time.

will remain in his imagination.

(4) One woman says in front of her eight-year-old son: “I am more of a wife than a mother.” (5) By this, without wanting it herself, she, perhaps, inflicts a wound on him that will bleed almost his entire life.

(6) Exaggeration? (7) I don’t think so. (8) The pessimistic view of the world that a child developed in childhood may change for the better in the future. (9) But this process will proceed painfully and slowly. (10) On the contrary, if parents managed to instill in him faith in people at a time when the child’s consciousness was just awakening, they thereby helped

your sons or daughters to grow up happy. (11) Of course, various events may then disappoint those who had a happy childhood, and sooner or later they will be faced with the difficulties of existence and the cruelty of human nature. (12) But, contrary to expectation, the one whose childhood was serene, passed in

The atmosphere of love and trust in others was filled with pleasant emotions and carefree calm.

(13) We pronounce phrases in front of children that we do not attach meaning to, but to them they seem full of hidden meaning. (14) And it’s even difficult for an adult to imagine how many unspoken fears, how many unimaginable concepts begin to swarm in children’s heads from these seemingly insignificant phrases! (15) I remember that when I was five or six years old, a theater troupe came to our town on tour and there were posters posted everywhere with the name of the play “Surprises of Divorce.” (16) I didn’t know the meaning of the word “divorce” then, but a vague premonition told me that

This is one of those forbidden, attractive and dangerous words that lift the veil over the secrets of adults. (17) And on the day of the arrival of this troupe, the city hairdresser, in a fit of jealousy, shot his wife several times from a revolver, and this crime, which shocked the entire city, was told in front of me. (18) How then did the connection arise in my childhood consciousness between these two facts, so far from each other? (19) To be honest, I don’t remember exactly. (20) But for a very long time, despite the lack of connection between these events, I thought that divorce is a crime when a husband kills his guilty wife right on the theater stage.

(21) Of course, even the most sensitive parents are unable to prevent the emergence of supernatural ideas and naive guesses in the heads of their children. (22) After all, it has long been known that life experience is not so easily transferred and everyone independently learns the lessons of life, no matter how simple or complex they may be. (23) But beware, at least, of giving

A19. Please provide correct explanation
placement of a comma or its absence in
Vasnetsov carefully studied ancient Russian
icon painting technique () and subsequently
some of her techniques were used by him
while working on historical paintings.
1) Compound sentence, before
conjunction And no comma is needed.
2) Compound sentence, before
conjunction And a comma is needed.
3) Simple sentence. with homogeneous
members, before the conjunction And there is no comma
4) Simple sentence with homogeneous
members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.
A20. Which answer option is correct?

The Koishauri Valley lay before us
(1) crossed as by two silver
threads, Aragva and another river (2) and (3)
escaping into neighboring gorges from the warm rays
the sun (4) slid across her bluish
1) 1
2) 2, 3
3) 3, 4
4) 1, 2, 3, 4
A21. Which answer option is correct?
All numbers are indicated in their place in
Should sentences have commas?
The heroine of this novel (1) of course (2)
there was Masha. News from mom (3) should
be (4) by Thursday.
1) 3, 4
2) 1,2
3) 1
4) 3
A22. Please provide a proposal that
you need to put one comma. (Signs
punctuation is not included.)
1) Climatic conditions of the region
influence both the architecture of buildings and
apartment layout.
2) To develop new samples
technicians need both equipment and
highly skilled workers like
engineering and technical personnel and
experimental plants.
3) Products of many
machine-building plants are difficult
transport due to heavy weight!
or large sizes.
4) During botanical excursions and
surveys in many areas and
areas were observed and collected
information on the use of plants in
folk medicine.
A23. How to explain the placement of a colon
in the sentence below?
Lamellar-flaky protective
the equipment of Russian soldiers was massive
widespread in the 14th century: its
production was simpler than
making a ring covering, and it
was more reliable.
1) The first part of a complex sentence
indicates the time when something is being done
is stated in the second part.
2) The generalizing word comes before
homogeneous members of the sentence.
3) Second part of a complex sentence
opposed in content to the first
4) Second part of a complex sentence
indicates the reason for what
it says in the first part.
A24. Which answer option is correct?
All numbers are indicated in their place in
Should sentences have commas?
Bank loan - issued for
any term loan (1) within (2)
which (3) is possible to spend (4) on
a certain need.
1) 1
2) 2
3) 1, 3
4) 2, 4
A25. Which answer option is correct?
All numbers are indicated in their place in
Should sentences have commas?
At sunset it began to rain (1) which immediately
dispelled the stuffiness that had accumulated in the air
(2) and (3) while he booms and
made a monotonous noise in the garden around the house
(4) there was a draft through the open windows in the hall
sweet freshness of wet greenery.
1) 2, 4
1) 1, 4
2) 1, 2, 3, 4
3) 1, 2
A26. In which sentence is the subordinate clause
part of a complex sentence
cannot be replaced by a separate one
definition expressed by the participant
1) From the Turgenevs’ trip abroad
returned to their mother's estate Spasskoye-
Lutovinovo, which was located nearby
from Mtsensk.
2) An important point that is necessary
take into account when choosing material for
terrace coverings are easy to maintain
3) The main source of energy for
all living creatures that inhabit
Our planet is powered by the energy of the Sun.
4) Roof covered with flexible
tiles, will protect for decades
house from water penetration.
A27. Read the text.
In most modern lighting
electronic ~ control" it allows
save up to 50% energy and make
the light is even and non-flickering. Last thing
especially important from a conservation point of view
people's health. Recent Research
showed that flickering light causes injury
organs of vision.
Which of the following sentences
the main information was conveyed correctly,
contained in the text?
1) For modern lighting
devices have a special system
electronic control, which saves
up to 30% electricity and makes light
smooth, non-flickering.
2) Electronic control system
lighting devices, allowing
save up to 30% energy, makes
the light is even, non-flickering, that
damages the organs of vision.
3) Flickering light is traumatizing
organs of vision, therefore in modern
lighting devices are provided
special electronic control system.
4) Electronic control system
lighting devices allows not
not only save energy, but also
eliminate light flicker that is harmful to

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) Most modern lighting devices have a special electronic control system, which allows you to save up to 50% of electricity and make the light even and flicker-free. (2) The latter is especially important from the point of view of maintaining human health. (3) ______ recent studies have shown that flickering light damages the organs of vision.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Modern lighting devices have a special electronic control system that saves up to 50% of electricity.

2. Flickering light is harmful to the eyes, so modern lighting devices are equipped with an electronic control system that eliminates flicker, which also saves energy.

3. Flickering light damages the organs of vision, which is why modern lighting devices are used today.

4. The electronic control system of modern lighting devices allows not only to save energy, but also to eliminate flickering light, which is harmful to vision.

5. An electronic control system for lighting devices, which allows saving up to 50% of electricity, makes the light even and flicker-free, which damages the organs of vision.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

2. Despite this

3. Against all odds


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word LIGHT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

LIGHT, -a (-u), m.

1. Radiant energy, making the world around us visible; electromagnetic waves in the frequency range perceived by the eye. Solnechny village Electric s. S. from the lantern. S. truth (translated). The face was illuminated with inner light (translated: became spiritualized).

2. Illumination, the state when it is light. In the light (in the light, in the light). In the windows of

3. In certain expressions: dawn, sunrise (colloquial). Before dawn and around the world (before dawn). Neither s. not dawn (very early in the morning; early morning). A little later (it had barely begun to dawn).

4. Usage as an affectionate address (outdated and in folk literature). S. you are my clear one! * In two lights - about a room: with two rows of windows located one above the other. The hall has two lights. In light of which, a pretext with kind. n. - from the point of view of something, meaning something. Reconsider the decision in the light of recent events. In what light (see, imagine) - in one form or another. Imagine something. in a rainbow light. Shed or throw light on something (book - explaining, make it understandable, clear. See the light (colloquial) - feel relief. Under the new boss, they saw the light. Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness - ate, about the benefits of knowledge, exercises. Into the white light like a pretty penny (colloquial joke) - about actions at random, without any purpose, usually unsuccessful. Than the light (simple) - very early in the morning. ... (colloquial) - this is the only thing that makes me happy. Only the light in the window is like a granddaughter. The light of (my) eyes (obsolete and in folk literature) - about the one who is dear, loved (usually in circulation).


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

2. repeat

3. deepen

4. overtookA



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The DICTIONARY portrait must be compiled in such a way that anyone can easily recognize by it the person to whom it belongs.

2. Fluffy snow dressed the centuries-old pines in silvery outfits, pointing their evergreen tops into the clear sky.

3. After finishing collecting medicinal herbs, do not forget to thoroughly shake off your clothes and wash your hands with soap.

4. A CONFIDENT conversation took place between labor veterans and the management of the enterprise, during which a variety of topics were touched upon.

5. An important point that must be taken into account when SELECTING a material for covering a terrace is how easy it is to maintain.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. a little LONG


3. RINSE the laundry

4. RIDE faster

5. on BOTH banks


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Everyone who loves poetry knows A.A. Fet as a subtle lyricist, singer of art, love and nature. 1)incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) About the play “The Cherry Orchard” by A.P. Chekhov wrote that what he produced was not a drama, but a comedy. 2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) Between the conquerors, the Romans and the British, having conquered the British Isles, football matches were organized. 3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) Thanks to the efforts of the builders, the object was completed on time. 4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) The main source of energy for every living creature inhabiting our planet is the energy of the sun. 5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

1. water..sli

2. preserve

3. k..rierist

4. lie down

5. horizontal..zontal


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

1. worthless,

2. pr..shored, pr..graded

3. h..spend the night, out..bent

4. pr..attracted, pr..wise

5. by..said, o..sent


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1. honor

2. arrogant

3. overcome

4. jump..jump

5. flexible


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.




4. reinterpreted

5. dance.. sew


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1. I feel that it is absolutely (NOT) NECESSARY to change the topic of conversation.

2. The guys wondered why they were (NOT) ALLOWED to go on a hike.

3. Unfortunately, the problem is (NOT) SOLVED.

4. Mongolia is the largest landlocked state in the world by territory.

5. A skeptic is a person who (DOES NOT) BELIEVE in enthusiasm.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. (BY) the way they listened to him, Vasiliev realized: WHATEVER he told now, they would not believe him.

2. Some fellings do not overgrow for a long time, (THUS) FOR several years, early small berries can be collected from them.

3. (B)AFTER one absurd misunderstanding, another followed - (B)ON THIS occasion another endless correspondence with the road management began.

4. Forest raspberries (IN) COMPARISON with garden chalk, but much sweeter and more fragrant, (THEREFORE) even having beautiful large garden raspberries, villagers love to go for forest raspberries.

5. The room in which Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was lying, (C) INITIALLY seemed beautifully decorated, but (S) SOON this impression was replaced by another.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

Valaam truly became a school of painting for I.I. Shishkin: the first (2) Valaam paintings brought him a silver (3) medal from the Academy of Arts, and after two landscapes were awarded (4) a gold medal, the artist was immediately (5) sent on a creative trip to Italy.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The climatic conditions of the region affect both the architecture of buildings and the layout of apartments.

2. To develop new types of equipment, we need both equipment and highly qualified workers, both engineering and technical personnel and experimental plants.

3. The products of many machine-building plants are difficult to transport due to their heavy weight or large size.

4. During botanical excursions and surveys in many regions and regions, observations were made and information was collected on the use of plants in folk medicine.

5. V.M. Vasnetsov carefully studied the ancient Russian icon painting technique and subsequently some of its techniques were used by him in his work on historical paintings.


In front of us lay the Koishauri Valley (1) crossed, as if by two silver threads, by the Aragva and another river (2) and (3) escaping into the neighboring gorges from the warm rays of the sun (4) a bluish fog slid across it.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

1. The heroine of this novel (1) of course (2) was Masha.

2. News from mom (3) should be (4) by Thursday.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

A loan (1) issued for any period within the limits (2) of which (3) it is possible to spend (4) on a specific need (5) is called a bank loan.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

At sunset it began to rain (1) which immediately dispelled the stuffiness that had accumulated in the air (2) and (3) while it made a loud and monotonous noise in the garden around the house (4) the sweet freshness of wet greenery came through the open windows in the hall.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write this word down.

Other cities and countries will open their arms to you, and maybe somewhere there you will find your refuge.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) On the Western Front, I had to live for some time in the dugout of technician-quartermaster Tarasnikov. (2) He worked in the operational part of the headquarters of the guards brigade. (3) Right there, in the dugout, his office was located.

(4) All day long he wrote and sealed packages, sealed them with sealing wax heated over a lamp, sent out some reports, accepted papers, redrew maps, tapped with one finger on a rusty typewriter, carefully knocking out each letter.

(5) One evening, when I returned to our hut, thoroughly wet in the rain, and squatted in front of the stove to light it, Tarasnikov got up from the table and came up to me.

“(6) I, you see,” he said somewhat guiltily, “decided not to light the stoves for the time being.” (7) Otherwise, you know, the stove produces fumes, and this, apparently, is reflected in its growth. (8) She stopped growing completely.

- (9) Who stopped growing?

- (10) Why haven’t you paid attention yet? - Tarasnikov shouted, staring at me with indignation. - (11) What is this? (12) Don't you see?

(12) And he looked with sudden tenderness at the low log ceiling of our dugout.

(14) I stood up, raised the lamp and saw that a thick round elm tree in the ceiling had sprouted a green sprout. (15) Pale and tender, with unsteady leaves, it stretched up to the ceiling. (16) In two places it was supported by white ribbons pinned to the ceiling with buttons.

- (17) Do you understand? - Tarasnikov spoke. - (18) Growing all the time. (19) Such a glorious branch sprang up. (20) And then you and I began to drown often, but she apparently didn’t like it. (21) Here I made notches on the log, and I have the dates stamped on it.

(22) You see how quickly it grew at first. (23) Some days I pulled out two centimeters. (24) I give you my honest, noble word! (25) And since you and I began to smoke here, I haven’t seen any growth for three days now. (26) So she won’t fade away for long. (27) Let's abstain. (28) And, you know, I’m interested: will he get to the exit? (29) After all, it is drawn closer to the air, where the sun is, smelled from underground.

(30) And we went to bed in an unheated, damp dugout. (31) The next day I myself started talking to him about his twig.

- (32) Imagine, she stretched out almost one and a half centimeters. (33) I told you, there is no need to drown. (34) This is simply an amazing natural phenomenon!...

(35) At night, the Germans rained down massive artillery fire on our location. (36) I woke up from the roar of nearby explosions, spitting out earth, which, due to the shaking, fell abundantly on us through the log ceiling. (37) Tarasnikov also woke up and turned on the light bulb. (38) Everything was hooting, trembling and shaking around us. (Z9) Tarasnikov put the light bulb in the middle of the table, leaned back on the bed, putting his hands behind his head.

Option 1.
Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.
(1) Most modern lighting devices have a special electronic control system, which allows you to save up to 50% of electricity and make the light even and flicker-free. (2) The latter... is important from the point of view of preserving people's health. (3) Recent studies have shown that flickering light damages the organs of vision.
1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?
1) For modern lighting devices, a special electronic control system is provided, which saves up to 30% of electricity and makes the light even and flicker-free.
2) An electronic control system for lighting devices, which allows saving up to 30% of electricity, makes the light even and flicker-free, which damages the organs of vision.
3) The electronic control system for lighting devices allows not only to save energy, but also to eliminate flickering light, which is harmful to health.
4) Flickering light damages the organs of vision, which is why modern lighting devices are used today.
5) Flickering light injures the organs of vision, so modern lighting devices today use a special electronic control system, which allows not only to save energy, but also to make the light even.
2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write this word down.
That's why
3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word SYSTEM. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.
SYSTEM, -s, w.
1) A certain order in the arrangement and connection of actions. Bring your observations into the system. Work according to a strict system.
2) The form of organization of something. Electoral village S. agriculture.
3) Something whole, representing a unity of regularly located and interconnected parts. Grammar p. language. Periodic s. elements (D.I. Mendeleev). S. views. Philosophical village (teaching). Pedagogical village Ushinsky. S. channels.
4) Social system, form of social structure. Social s. Capitalist village
5) A set of organizations that are homogeneous in their tasks, or institutions that are organizationally united into one whole. Work in the system of the Academy of Sciences.
6) Technical device, design. Aircraft of a new system.
7) What has become normal, ordinary, regular (colloquial). Charging in the morning turned into a system (entered the system, became a system).
4. There was an error in one of the words below
stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.
STRENGTHENING THE SEALING Orit overtook A5. One of the sentences below uses INCORRECTLY
highlighted word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
The DICTIONARY portrait must be compiled in such a way that anyone can easily recognize from it the person to whom it belongs.
Fluffy snow dressed the centuries-old pines in silvery outfits, pointing their evergreen tops into the clear sky.
When you have finished collecting medicinal herbs, do not forget to thoroughly shake off your clothes and wash your hands with soap.
A CONFIDENT conversation took place between labor veterans and the management of the enterprise, during which a variety of topics were touched upon.
6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
on BOTH banks
honorary TITLES
DRIVE faster
7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
2504694304801) misuse
case form
noun with preposition

3) violation in construction
uncoordinated proposals
4) error in construction

5) incorrect construction

6) violation in construction

7) incorrect construction
sentences with indirect speech
001) misuse
case form
noun with preposition
2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
3) violation in construction
uncoordinated proposals
4) error in construction
sentences with homogeneous members
5) incorrect construction
sentences with adverbial verbs
6) violation in construction
participial sentences
7) incorrect construction
sentences with indirect speech
A) Preparing for the exam,
It wasn't easy for the graduates.
B) Those who persistently strive to achieve their goal are worthy
B) V.M. Vasnetsov grew up in
northern village, fenced off by centuries-old forests from large
cities and preserved ancient
new customs and rituals, beliefs and
D) None of those who listened to the surprise
personal music by P.I. Tchaikovsky
for the ballet “The Nutcracker”, I couldn’t
remain indifferent.
D) Contrary to the forecast, it was established
clear weather.
8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.
water...slitherk...lock...rieristosm...tretsk...nservy9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter., pr...graduate...the...em, spend the night, expand, not...restraint on...sunflower, o...throw
10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.
11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.
shirt... cherry...
honor…overcome…reinterpret…new12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.
Unfortunately, our task is (not) solved.
Timofey the cat is (not) less than ten years old.
The air, which has not yet become sultry, is pleasantly refreshing.
Nastya had (in)regular, but pleasant facial features.
(Don’t) promise a pie in the sky, but give a bird in your hands.
13. Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are written
FULL. Open the brackets and write down these two words.
(And) SO, all my brilliant hopes collapsed, and (IN) PLACE of a cheerful Moscow life, boredom awaited me in a deaf and distant side.
(C) FOR many days, a strong volcanic eruption continued, clouds of fire above which swirled (Like a whirlwind), increasing in size.
(NOT) DESPITE our love for city landscapes, we STILL (STILL) did not remain indifferent to the beauty of nature in Valdai.
It’s hard to even imagine WHAT WOULD happen to me IF the ship was late.
The sky was gloomy just like yesterday, the sea was stormy, (THUS) the boat trip had to be postponed.
14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.
The owner was wearing a (1) fabric shirt, a (2) leather belt (3) belt, and (4) pants that had not been ironed for a long time.
15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.
1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.
2) Participles are capable of both figuratively describing an object or phenomenon and presenting its characteristic in dynamics.
3) In a portrait, artists strive not only to accurately capture the external appearance of a person, but also to convey his inner world.
4) Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with the neighbors.
5) Light-winged dragonflies can be admired near lakes or ponds.
16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

Multi-colored thickets (1) formed by single (2) and colonial coral polyps (3) are clearly visible through the clear waters of warm tropical seas (4) on a quiet sunny day.
17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place
Sentences must contain commas.
Sometimes Ivan Petrovich Argunov (1) still (2) managed to completely surrender to inspiration. At such a joyful hour (3) probably (4) he created a portrait of an unknown young woman in a festive peasant dress.
18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place
There must be commas in the sentence.
Arkady Kirsanov's father (1) retained his youthful love for Pushkin (2) whose poems (3) (4) he admires.
19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in whose place
There must be commas in the sentence.
On the stone terrace of one of the most beautiful buildings in the city (1) there were two (2) and (3) while the shadows steadily lengthened (4) they watched (5) as the dazzling sun lit up in the windows of the upper floors.
Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.
(1) Children see the world differently than adults. (2) With us, even if we admire the sunset, birds or cats, it’s more like that, washed-out delights. (3) And the children merge with all this beauty. (4) They are not outside, but inside it.
(5) One day, on a piece of paper, my son Seryozha drew two cats picking mushrooms in the forest. (6) The big cat and the kitten walked holding hands. (7) Yes, yes, not by the paws, but by the hands. (8) They walked like human beings on two legs and with baskets. (9) Living reality was visible through the childish naivety. (10) The cat and the cat clearly depicted Seryozha and me. (11) Sharpness and clarity in a child’s gaze are not everything. (12) It also has “microscopic” properties that allow you to notice mosquito whiskers, fish soup wings, grains of sand, sugar... (13) I showed spider bugs, blades of grass, flowers to my son when he was still a baby. (14) Instead of bright and tasteless plastic rattles, I hung autumn maple leaves, seasonal flowers, spruce and pine cones in front of him on a string. (15) And I saw his obvious pleasure from them. (16) From the age of five or six, I began to draw with him. (17) I drew what he couldn’t, and then let him finish drawing what he wanted. (18) And then he left us alone with our common work.
(19) Cats and kittens were not transferred to our house. (20) Flowers, parrots. (21) And he lived in the village for a long time. (22) Real forest, Smorodinka river, old houses. (23) Huge birches and willows. (24) Well, spring. (25) In a word, nature in all its elemental diversity. (26) There were terrible thunderstorms, dewy sunsets and sunrises, hail. (27) There was even a real tornado that broke a tall birch tree before his eyes. (28) And what fogs we saw during the full moon!
(29) I remember I showed Seryozha snowflakes on the street through a strong magnifying glass. (30) I found photographs in books. (31) And he said that among millions of snowflakes there will never be identical ones. (32) Seryozha understood this and began to look at this white miracle differently. (33) And draw. (34) This is where the subjects of his pictures appeared. (35) They may ask why he draws so many cats and... forty? (36) We just have a lot of them, and he loves them with us. (37) But he never drew ninja turtles or dinosaurs, not to mention Teletubbies.
(38) Florensky wrote to his daughter in 1937 from the Solovetsky camp: (39) “The secret of creativity is in preserving youth. (40) The secret of genius is in preserving childhood, the child’s constitution for life... (41) This constitution gives the genius an objective perception of the world... and therefore it is whole and real. (42) What is illusory, no matter how brilliant it may be, can never be called genius. (43) For the essence of a brilliant worldview is penetration into the essence of things, and the essence of an illusory one is to close reality from oneself.”
(According to D. Utenkov)*
* Dmitry Maksimovich Utenkov (born in 1948) – contemporary graphic artist, member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.
1) Children see little things in the world around them that are inaccessible to adults.
2) All outstanding artistic discoveries were based on first childhood impressions.
3) You can’t force a child to do something he doesn’t like.
4) Seryozha loved to draw Teletubbies and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
5) An adult mentor can nurture a creative personality in a child.
21. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.
1) Propositions 29-33 contain the answer to the question formulated in sentence 35.
2) Sentences 22-24 contain a description of the place.
3) Sentences 39-43 present the narrative.
4) Sentences 2-4 explain the content of what is said in sentence 1.
5) Sentences 5-8 contain reasoning.
22. From sentences 2–10, write down antonyms (antonymous pair).
23. Among sentences 5–13, find one that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this
Read a fragment of a review based on the text,
which you analyzed while completing tasks 20–23.
This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text.
Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert in the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.
24. Journalist D. Utenkov draws conclusions by watching his son Sergei. The persuasiveness, depth and artistry of the author’s thoughts help to strengthen a variety of techniques, the leading ones among which are (A)____ (sentences 2-3), (B)_____ (sentences 39-43). A (B)_____ (sentences 14-15; sentences 32-33) – a technique that clearly expresses the special author’s intonation in the text. Paths add poetry to speech, including (D) _____ (sentences 3-4).
List of terms:
1) epithet 2) question-and-answer form of presentation
3) metaphor 4) gradation
5) parcellation 6) irony
7) opposition 8) quotation 9) anaphora
25. Write an essay based on the text you read.
Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed
by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).
Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write if you agree
or you do not agree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain
Why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations
(the first two arguments are taken into account).
The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.
Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any

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