The best way to go crazy. Effective ways to go crazy in the first month of motherhood

Everyone wants to achieve happiness, success, and wealth. Various psychotechnics will help you make your dream come true with a minimum of effort. Of course, if you believe their authors. But you need to believe them with great caution.

Creative Visualization

Founder: Wallace Wattles

Main books: Wallace Wattles “The Science of Getting Rich”, Shakti Gawain “Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life”, Neville Drury “Creative Visualization”, etc.

Number of followers: ???

Creative visualization is a method that allows you to achieve what you want through the power of thought. If you think that everything is fine with you, everything will be fine with you; if you subconsciously expect troubles, they will certainly find you. At the same time, creative visualization is aimed exclusively at yourself - you cannot force another person to do anything using this technique. The task of creative visualization is to eliminate psychological obstacles on the path to your goal.

Creative visualization is practiced by many famous people, including Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Drew Barrymore and Bill Gates.

Silva method

Founder: Jose Silva

Main books: Jose Silva “Mind Control with the Silva Method” Jose Silva, Robert B. Stone “You Are a Healer”, “Getting Help from the “Other Side” with the Silva Method”, Ed Bernd Jr. “Developing Psychic Abilities with the Silva Method” etc.

Number of followers: 6,000,000 people from 110 countries.

The Silva Method was developed by Jose Silva in 1966. His initial goal was to improve his children's performance in school, but he eventually began developing the concept for anyone.

The essence of the method is to reduce the resistance of the human brain. Through meditation, a person can enter a certain state in which he can reprogram his brain.

Essentially, the Silva method invites you to go into your own subconscious and remove bad habits, rewrite your thoughts, even cure diseases.

The Silva method has gained great popularity in the USA and English-speaking countries. Even after the death of the founder of the method, the Silva International organization continues to develop this psychotechnics.


Founder: Vadim Zeland

Basic books: Vadim Zeland “Transurfing of reality. Stages 1-5”, “Reality Maker”, “Dream Forum”, etc.

Number of followers: Zeeland’s books have been translated into more than 20 languages; a transurfing school was opened in Holland in 2008.

According to Zealand, our world consists of many branches of reality, and which one a person will follow depends only on him. There are no coincidences, because we ourselves subconsciously choose one path or another. The essence of transurfing is the ability to consciously move from one branch to another with the power of thought.

Let's say you're waiting for a bus that's been gone for a long time. If you think that you are late, but the transport still hasn’t arrived, it will happen. But if you start thinking that your bus is about to appear around the corner, then it will certainly arrive.

The more detailed your thought is, the more accurate the description of the “branch” of reality you need, the more likely you are to move to it. If not, you didn’t believe and wait enough.

The teaching is extremely popular, both in Russia and abroad. Another thing is that the hobby of transurfing can be dangerous for a person. It’s one thing to convince yourself that the bus is about to arrive; it’s another thing to try to heal without the help of drugs or doctor’s intervention.


Founder: Petra and Peter Burlan

Basic books: Vadim Gurangov, Vladimir Dolokhov “Textbook of Luck”

Number of followers: the VKontakte group of followers alone numbers more than 100,000 people.

The word "simoron" means... nothing. It was entirely invented by Peter and Petra Burlan in 1989, when they created a school of psychotraining, which was aimed at revealing the innate genius of each person, liberating them from an endless circle of problematic situations and conditions. The main tool of the followers of the Simoron school is their imagination.

The founders of the teaching believe that they teach people everyday magic. The main thing for the simoron school is to learn to fantasize and fill your consciousness with elaborate, often absurd images. The school's followers strive to become children again, constantly wondering and learning about the world. In their opinion, a child’s imagination is broader than an adult’s and allows dreams to come true. Like magic.

Today there is only one official simoron school left - Simoron Burlan-do. The rest were closed due to inconsistency with the authors of the teaching, who zealously monitor the copyrights for the “household magic” of simoron.

Book and film "The Secret"

Founder: Rhonda Byrne

Main books: Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret"

Followership: The book has been translated into 40 languages ​​and sold over 19 million copies.

Released in 2006, the film “The Secret” became quite famous not only in the United States, but also abroad. In the wake of the film's popularity, the film's producer, Rhonda Byrne, released a book of the same name with quotes. It's a fairly standard success story, if you close your eyes to the fact that both the film and the book are based on revealing a method that, according to Byrne, can influence the reality around you.

“The Secret” invites the viewer and reader to join, as the authors say, one of the most guarded secrets in history. With the help of the power of thought, you can materialize fears and desires, change your life and even heal. The law of attraction is constantly at work in our lives (not the one that caused Newton to get a bump). According to Bern, because of him, everything similar is attracted. Accordingly, bad thoughts attract bad events. When you think good things, you get good things.

Many people liked this psychotechnics; Bern’s book sold 19 million copies. But many still did not agree with the opinion of the authors of the film and book. Journalists from The Guardian considered the content of the film unethical, since it “... promotes disgusting ideas that disaster victims themselves are to blame for everything.”


Founder: Supreme Intelligence

Main books: Walsh Neale Donald “Conversations with God (an unusual dialogue)”, Miller Denis “10 practical steps for finding solutions through the Inner Source”, Hicks Esther, Hicks Jerry “The Law of Attraction”, etc.

Number of followers: Surveys have shown that every tenth American surveyed believes in this psychotechnic.

Channeling is a tricky thing. It is aimed at establishing a “communication channel” between a person, a medium, and certain Higher powers, the Great Mind, who knows everything and is ready to share this knowledge free of charge. All the contactee needs to do is quickly transfer everything he heard onto paper or another storage medium. If a person follows the teachings of voices from above, then his life will become happy and easy, since he will be guided through all obstacles.

Adherents of channeling claim that it has existed for many centuries. The practice of summoning the spirit of the dead and divination are mentioned in the legends and myths of many peoples. In the 18th century, mediumship and “talking with the dead” became fashionable. In the 21st century, channeling has again become a popular trend, with the difference, perhaps, that now people prefer to talk not with long-deceased relatives, but with Higher Powers.

According to channeling practitioners, all prophets and saints were contactees, that the Bible and the Vedas were written precisely through the connection of people with a certain Great Mind, which put the sacred texts in their heads.

Neurolinguistic programming

Founder: Richard Bandler, John Grinder

Basic books: Joseph O'Connor, John Seymore "Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming", Manly Palmer Hall "NLP Training. Increasing the Power of Your Abilities."

Number of followers: ???

NLP is called success modeling technology. Many people want to achieve heights in business or, say, in sports. NLP teaches people to copy the verbal and non-verbal behavior of people who have achieved success in a particular field. Thus, NLP adherents believe, a person takes on part of the success that is inherent in the role model.

As proponents of the method say, NLP will teach you to communicate with people more easily, allow you to achieve success in your business, solve your problems and, ultimately, make you happy. With all this, the authors consider NLP to be a scientific practice.

Here the opinions of Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the authors of the method, differ from the opinions of many other specialists. Scientists consider neuro-linguistic programming to be quackery, the Christian church has condemned it for using people as “stepping stones” on the path to success, and ethical advocates consider the method dangerous because it can be used to manipulate people. For example, luring them into various religious sects.

You Can Heal Your Life

Founder: Louise Hay

Main books: Louise Hay “Heal Your Life”, “The Path to a Healthy Life”, “Heal Yourself”, “The Power Within Us”, etc.

Number of followers: Louise Hay's books have been translated into 30 languages. The book “Heal Your Life” was reprinted 110 times, with a total of 50,000,000 copies sold.

According to Louise Hay, the cause of all our ailments lies within ourselves. We are not able to let go of grievances, forgive ourselves for some mistakes, and over time this turns into psychological and sometimes physiological diseases. The essence of Louise Hay's method is to forgive and dissolve your grievances. By healing mentally, you will destroy the source of the disease. According to the author of the books, she was the first to experience the effectiveness of this method when she fought cancer in 1978 without chemotherapy or medical intervention. However, Louise was never able to confirm that she was indeed diagnosed with cancer.

Nevertheless, Louise Hay's books are extremely popular both in the United States and in other countries. The Hay Foundation is engaged in charitable activities in many areas, while simultaneously promoting the ideas of its founder. In 2014, a film was made based on the book “Heal Your Life,” which brought Louise Hay several million dollars in profit.

Don Juan's Teachings

Founder: Carlos Castaneda

Main books: Carlos Castaneda “The Teachings of Don Juan: The Way of Knowledge of the Yaqui Indians”, “A Separate Reality”, “Journey to Ixtlan”, “Tales of Power”, etc.

Number of followers: ??? Perhaps about 10,000,000 people.

Carlos Castaneda became one of the most mysterious personalities of the 20th century. Castaneda tried to appear less in public, not communicate with the press, and forbade photographing himself. His biography has become the subject of hoaxes.

The teachings of Carlos Castaneda, in fact, are not his teachings. The writer wrote it down from the words of a certain “Don Juan,” a magician whom he met in 1960. Castaneda wrote in his books that we do not see the world itself, but only a model of the world created by our perception. The “assemblage point”, the place of the human energy body through which the channels of the external world pass, takes part in creating a picture of the world. Since the location of this point can be changed, there are three types of attention. To achieve the highest, a person needs to achieve impeccability, that is, to abandon the belief in his own immortality, a sense of self-importance and self-pity. The warrior's path requires renunciation, even to the point of erasing one's personal history.

Castaneda's followers practice tensegrity, magical passes that, in their opinion, allow them to influence reality. For a long time they were kept strictly secret and passed on only to those who took the path of the shaman.

Castaneda's teachings became very popular in the United States and the world, giving rise to a large number of critics and imitators.

Holotropic Breathwork

Founder: Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof

Main books: Stanislav Grof “Areas of the Human Unconscious”, “Man in the Face of Death”, “Beyond the Brain”, “Frantic Search for Self”, “Holotropic Consciousness”, etc.

Number of followers: ???

Since the 50s of the 20th century, Stanislav Grof has been researching the psychotherapeutic effect of taking LSD. When experimentation with psychoactive substances began to be banned in the 70s, he developed a technique that gave an effect similar to that of taking LSD. Grof called it holotropic breathing.

Proponents of the method claim that holotropic breathing has an extremely healing effect on people. Music and deep breathing plunge a person into a meditative state for one and a half to two hours. After awakening, the “holonaut” experiences relief, since holotropic breathing frees the subconscious from accumulated emotions and other psychological “trash.”

Moreover, practitioners claim that in the visions that a holonaut sees during a session, one can plunge into the depths of one’s own consciousness, communicate with higher powers, see past lives and relive the moment of birth.

Despite the fact that holotropic breathing is used experimentally in some countries to alleviate the suffering of incurable patients, most of the scientific community does not hesitate to criticize the technique. In their opinion, holotropic breathing leads to a deterioration in brain function, since due to hyperventilation, the level of oxygen in the blood drops and brain cells begin to die. On top of everything else, it’s easy to get hooked on technology, just like LSD.


Founder: Frederick Perls, Laura Perls and Paul Goodman

Main books: Frederick Perls "Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality"

Number of followers: ???

Translated into Russian, “gestalt” means a figure or image. Psychologists understand “gestalt” as some kind of holistic structure. All life consists of such gestalts - from the origin of desire to its satisfaction. And until the gestalt is completed, it seems to slow down a person, preventing him from moving on. Gestalt therapy helps resolve this internal conflict.

The main goal of Gestalt therapy is to restore a person’s contact with himself and others, and gain vital energy. Visualization of feelings and bodily manifestations is achieved through the human imagination. Gestalt followers work with a person's feelings and thoughts in the present, but can use memories for additional effect. The purpose of such sessions is to allow the person to complete the gestalt.

All Gestalt therapy is based on experiments. A person can communicate with an imaginary interlocutor or talk about some real or potential situation. The therapist can intervene in the experiment and guide it. The main thing is that the patient can recognize his own problem and accept it.

Ericksonian hypnosis

Founder: Milton Erickson

Number of followers: ???

It is believed that Ericksonian hypnosis is one of the most effective psychotechniques. With its help, a person concentrates on his internal experiences and gradually falls into a trance, during which breathing and heartbeat slow down. In this state, a person can easily endure a hypnosis session, but most importantly, the person has a choice: accept the suggestion or ignore it.

Ericksonian hypnosis also differs from other techniques in that it perceives the human subconscious as the source of the body's potential - health, well-being, achievements, success, victories, joyful and happy moments. All that is required of a person is to release them.

We like people who are a little crazy, eccentric and ready to do crazy things. At the same time, we ourselves are terribly afraid of going crazy. True madmen seem to us to be necessarily unbalanced psychos, placed in special institutions, isolated from “normality.” At the same time, we know very well that many brilliant people, artists, scientists and musicians have always been a little crazy. We all have our quirks and we all have a little bit of crazy in us. Let's recognize a time bomb together!

1. I'm afraid of going crazy

Daily stresses do not go unnoticed by the body. We are afraid of everything: a kettle forgotten on the stove, an iron not turned off, an urgent report at work, a trip to the dentist, terrorist threats, natural disasters, etc. We get upset over little things and it seems that just a little more and our nerves will not be able to stand it, and something will happen. something irreversible. Everyday portions of stress, like layers in a pie, fit into our heads, and the state of panic becomes almost chronic. From people who have been in such a stressful state for a long time, you can often hear “I’m afraid of going crazy.”

This is exactly how neurosis manifests itself, it hides in fears, sometimes deep and understandable only to our subconscious, and manifests itself after a series of stresses. The phenomenon is often temporary and certainly familiar to each of us firsthand. Constant hysterics give way to panic attacks, and sometimes psychosomatics comes into play and then it becomes no laughing matter. Endless searches for diseases and trips from doctor to doctor can really drive you crazy.

Fear of visiting a doctor is also no less common - iatrophobia. Watch the video!

2. Love to the point of madness

Love is blind, so madness has to lead it by the hand. And even regardless of age, madness sometimes becomes a guide for a loving heart. Attacks of jealousy, the inability to withstand separation and tearful streams of joy just from looking at a loved one - some will say that this is a manifestation of real feelings, while others will see a painful obsession with the object of love. From such a love disorder all sorts of sad stories happen in the style of “Romeo and Juliet” or “don’t let anyone get you.” Such painful relationships are definitely not doomed to last a long life. But their creators and perpetrators - the lovers themselves - risk either being cured or completely going off the rails.

3. Unrecognized genius

All brilliant people are partly crazy, but not all crazy people are brilliant people! It happens that a person considers himself not just exceptionally creative, but a real genius. I wrote one banal and frankly mediocre book or picked up paints for the first time, smearing them on the canvas, imagining myself to be the new Cezanne. When the crown has already been put on, but there has not yet been a reason for the coronation, this is an alarming sign! “Star stories” of some unrecognized geniuses force us not to pay attention to their creative activities, but to attract attention to themselves in other ways. They make shocking attacks, put on uncomfortable masquerade costumes and firmly believe in their special destiny. It’s good if an understanding of reality still returns to them, and the whisper of madness only adds ideas for creative implementation. But this does not always happen, and some are forced to remain misunderstood. Although, perhaps their time simply has not come. After all, the notorious Giordano Bruno was understood only 300 years after... he was burned.

4. I am bad

Failures at work, personal life is not working out. What's the matter? Psychologists teach us to look for problems within ourselves, so people find them, but not always from the right side. This is how legends with curses and damage are born, and the sufferers themselves label themselves “losers” and “wreaths of celibacy.” Suggestion is a powerful thing. But a dull look and endless conversations about problems (which, by the way, absolutely everyone has!) do not attract good people and do not make life brighter. If at the initial stage the “I am bad” syndrome can still be cured independently by actively working on oneself, then in a protracted form it can be very contagious, provoking a lazy, dull existence and real psychosis.

5. Workaholism and other addictions

We all know very well that drunkenness and drug addiction begin mainly due to internal problems and the inability to cope with them on our own. All this is dangerous and requires serious medical and psychological treatment. “I don’t drink or use drugs, so everything is fine with my head, there’s no addiction,” you think and go to work again on Saturday. You love your job, which means you don’t do anything bad. Meanwhile, psychologists have long equated workaholism to a neuropsychiatric disease. And this dangerous epidemic is now reigning all over the world. Working with your head is also a unique way to escape from problems. Behind such a frantic work rhythm, a workaholic often faces emotional burnout, decreased sexual activity, insomnia and health problems due to fertile nervous soil.

6. Wanderlust

What do children do when they want to protest, when they have problems with their parents or classmates, when it seems to them that they are not understood and the whole world is against them. They literally run away from problems. They run away from home. A child’s way out of any situation, if suddenly reality begins to press, also works in adults and, if you do not pay attention to it, results in real deviation. . Many often change jobs, some change girlfriends or lovers, and some change entire cities. Once having escaped from psychological trauma, a person can continue to run away from any situation simply impulsively, while losing what is dear to him and parting with what is important to him.

7. Distracted man from Basseynaya street

Not only do all madmen have their own eccentricities and strange habits, they are also extremely forgetful and absent-minded. At a minimum, forgetting the birthdays of loved ones and friends is in their spirit. Psychologists, as a result of long and painful experiments, have found that poor memory and inability to learn are very alarming signs. Such disturbances are directly related to improper functioning of the brain and thus send SOS signals.

And yet, each of us sometimes lacks a little bit of madness... But it’s still better when your madness brings pleasure and pleasant surprises to your loved ones, and for this, always remain in a sober mind and good memory!

For many, the worse thing than death is the loss of reason. In the modern world, especially in large cities, people are susceptible to neuroses and obsessive states. For compatriots whose childhood was in the 1990s, things are even sadder. Their parents, due to the political and economic situation in the country, were under constant stress. This was reflected in the attitude towards children. The result was problems with setting personal boundaries and low self-esteem.

Errors in brain activity threaten complete personality degradation. How do you know if you're going crazy? What are the first signs of a personality disorder? What does an abnormal person look like in modern reality?


How does a person go crazy? The first sign for a healthy person is loss of sleep. People suffering from mental disorders note the disappearance of sleep as the very first and strangest thing. It does not decrease, become alarming or intermittent. It just disappears completely. At the same time, the person feels cheerful, as if everything is in order.

During sleep hours, the brain rests, erases unnecessary information, processes and remembers important information. Without rest, all processes in the brain slow down. A person loses the boundaries between dreams and reality. Deprivation begins. Please note: if you don’t feel like sleeping at all, but good health and vigor have not left you, there is something to think about.


Most real patients with schizophrenia have encountered this phenomenon. Fear comes in tides. This phenomenon is also called panic attacks. It is uncontrollable and all-consuming. Cover and keep for several hours. Often a person cannot even explain what exactly he is afraid of, because he is afraid of everything.

How do you know if you're going crazy? It's scary to be alone or go into the dark. There may be a fear of leaving the apartment or getting out from under the blanket. Any sound causes panic and horror. This is a sign that “the roof has leaked,” and there is a good reason to consult a psychiatrist.


Sudden aggression is also a sign of possible insanity. Psychosis out of nowhere, outbursts at relatives over trifles or for no reason at all. At the same time, a person may not be aware of the inadequacy of his own behavior. How do you know if you're going crazy? It seems that these are ordinary domestic squabbles, “like everyone else.” Only aggressive attacks become more and more frequent and the reasons become more and more ridiculous. And the person begins to swear more and more sophisticatedly, using profanity. He is unable to control himself at these moments.


Beginners are characterized by an uncontrollable flow of thoughts. There are several development options:

1. The brain clings to some thought and actively “thinks” it. A person is constantly focused on the same thing. For example, on a carpet on the wall. He thinks about what patterns are on it, what color it is, and so on. The brain can cling to a specific person and think about him constantly. With a mental disorder, a person forgets at this moment about what he was doing before the sudden thoughtfulness appeared. Being fixated on the same subject for a long time and the inability to switch attention is another bell and a reason to think about your own adequacy.

2. Absence of any thoughts. Absolute emptiness. I don’t want to remember anything, do anything, dream about anything. Time seems to stop and flow very slowly. A person is in a vacuum of his own consciousness.

3. No focus. The thought does not linger in the head. Consciousness jumps from one object to another, which makes a person very tired. It is impossible to control the process and concentrate too.

Physical state

When a person is immersed in one of the states described above, sweating is observed. My hands are getting cold, my temples are pounding. Symptoms are also observed in those who have a tendency towards manic attachment to something. So, when performing some action, for example, while playing a computer game, you begin to shake or your hands shake and cold sweat appears. Everything inside freezes, and the surrounding reality disappears - this is a symptom of an obvious psychological crisis. The help of a psychiatrist is needed.


The main thing that distinguishes, for example, a psychic and a madman is the ability to influence their state. How do you know if you're going crazy? If a person with psychic abilities deliberately puts himself into a state of hypnosis or trance, then the madman has no power over his behavior.

A person with superpowers is able to both enter and exit a trance. At the same time, he retains the ability to think during the process and not give in to panic after leaving hypnosis. A person with an early stage of mental disorder does not control his own behavior. Often attacks take him by surprise, and he can cause damage to those around him. It comes out of a crisis as suddenly as it fell into it. In this case, emotional consequences of attacks are likely. A person panics over what happened to him and does not understand what to do next.


This symptom is the surest way to determine that it is time to see a doctor. Hallucinations come in different types of perception:

1. Auditory. Almost all patients in a psychiatric clinic hear extraneous voices in their heads. It can be absolutely anyone. In a normal person, only the inner self sounds in his head. This is a common phenomenon; while thinking, we talk to ourselves. There is no pathology in this.

How do you know if you're going crazy? It's sad when an outside voice starts giving advice or conducting dialogue. It happens that animals or objects begin to talk. Here you should be wary and urgently undergo an examination.

2. Visual. People with mental disorders are more likely to experience creepy hallucinations. The appearance of devils and living creatures from walls and windows is a standard phenomenon for this type of disease. Naturally, this is terrifying, but there are also beautiful hallucinations. Colorful trees, flying animals. You should also not get carried away with the spectacular spectacle; the doctor will help you get rid of them.

3. Tactile. The sick person feels as if someone is touching him. Pulling hair or limbs. It is common for a person with a mental disorder to feel dirty or dirty. How can you tell if a person is going crazy? Endless hand washing, rubbing the skin until it bleeds, or scratching the skin are clear signs of an incipient nervous system disease.

Attitude towards yourself

If there are signs that you are watching yourself from the outside. Everything that happens is not done to you. A person observes his own life from the outside. Feels like controlling a doll. This condition is difficult to explain; depersonalization of the individual occurs. This is how the brain tries to protect itself from destruction. A person seems to know everything in advance about himself and others. Life becomes uninteresting.


Everyone feels sad sometimes; a crisis may occur due to life circumstances. How do you know when you're starting to go crazy? If you become self-absorbed and don’t leave the house, eat or drink water, this is a symptom of a personality disorder. The condition is provoked by global changes in life: the death of a loved one, divorce, collapse of hopes. As a rule, apathy is followed by loss of sleep. If this is exactly what happened, there is a reason to visit a specialist.

Sometimes depression comes out of nowhere. Everything is fine in the family, and life is smooth, but the state of sadness and melancholy does not go away. A person cannot cope with it on his own; loved ones can help.


The state of manic disorder is fraught with danger to others. Delusions of grandeur: safe, there are inflated demands on others in relation to oneself. The demand for worship or the indisputability of one's own genius. Considering modern realities, this feeling is common to many. The costs of post-Soviet upbringing, when children's permissiveness and impunity grew into a sense of their own exclusivity and excessive importance. The border between adequate and manic states is very weak. How do you know if you're crazy? It is important to control self-esteem and not transfer it to an inadequate state.

The phenomenon of persecution mania is widespread. A person with the initial stage of the disease feels like he is being watched. He tries to hide from prying eyes, hides and avoids society. At home, he feels like someone is watching him.

It also appears in relation to other people. The person himself becomes a persecutor. “Catches” another on the street, watches from the side and interferes in private life. Pursues people with certain common traits. This is how classic maniacs behave, there is an urgent reason to consult a psychiatrist.

To avoid the manifestation of inadequate brain reactions to what is happening around you, you need to train it. Periodic changes in activity, rest and new experiences are a lifeline for a workaholic.

If a person, due to circumstances, does not work or is lonely, he needs to find a hobby. Get a pet or do charity work. Helping others will distract you from focusing on your own personality and relieve brain activity. If there is a sudden manifestation of “extrasensory” abilities or uncontrollable conditions, you must immediately consult a doctor.


Before diagnosing yourself with mental personality disorder syndromes, think about whether it might just be fatigue. The fast pace of life and workload, a sad event or banal boredom, affect brain activity, which is why people go crazy. Gray matter gets tired from continuous work and from lack of load too. To prevent mental disorders, change your environment and travel. Doing what you love will help, if it is not stalking another person, and it does not lead to tachycardia and cold sweat.

Some of the listed symptoms are a clear reason to immediately consult a doctor. But often the future patient himself is not aware of the abnormalities or believes that everything is fine with him. The reasons are different, but there is only one solution for loved ones. Pay attention to the state of your loved ones, especially in moments of crisis or lack of activity. The help of a loved one often saves you from ending up in a room with soft walls.

When a person says that he is going crazy, he actually means something of his own by this. For example, someone loses their head from jealousy, and someone calls their fear madness. Neither medications nor attempts to force yourself to think about good things help solve this problem. A person’s internal states are controlled by the unconscious, the psyche. If you are driven by the fear of madness, there is only one way to get rid of it...

It's hard when life isn't happy. But it’s really scary when the cause of problems is not circumstances or other people, but “what’s sitting in your head,” when it seems like you’re going crazy.

Thoughts become confused, the world is perceived as an illusion, voices are heard, obsessive delusional or suicidal thoughts arise. Or you explode with fear and panic when you can’t even go outside or talk to someone. Why does this happen and what to do about it? ?

All causes of internal and external troubles are located in the human psyche. You can reveal its structure and solve any problem forever with the help of the “System-vector psychology” training.

Fear of madness as it is

When a person says that he is going crazy, he actually means something of his own by this. For example, someone loses their head from jealousy, and someone calls their fear madness. We will talk about such manifestations a little later. First, about the real, natural fear of madness. This is the fear of losing control over your own consciousness. People describe it like this:

“What should I do if the mind itself stops obeying me? At first I was afraid that I would jump out of the window. Now I’m afraid that if my mind stops obeying me, I’ll do something terrible to my loved ones... I know that I’m not crazy! But what if I do?! It’s like there’s another person in me, poisoning my life, preventing me from doing my creative work and work. I started losing weight, my family is worried. All strength goes into overcoming fear, trying to cope with it...”

Such experiences are familiar only to owners. The sound artist feels, although he does not realize, that consciousness is his most important tool, the loss of which is like death.

Consciousness as the main tool of life

The fact is that carriers of the sound vector have a special role in the life of society. They were born to reveal the structure of the universe, the causes of all things. For this, nature gives them a special gift - a unique abstract intelligence. Since childhood, the sound artist has had an inexplicable craving for science, philosophy, theology, and psychiatry. He has the potential to make major breakthroughs in various areas of understanding the world.

Consciousness is the main instrument of a sound artist, whose natural role is to work not with his hands, but with his thoughts. Reveal the physical laws and spiritual reasons for how the universe works. In a word or formula, convey to others the essence of the laws that govern us.

If, having a sound vector, you have sufficiently realized your talents in society, then you will not be bothered by the fear of losing control over consciousness. It can only arise when a person cannot find his place in the world. Then the sound engineer tries to figure out how people go crazy, looking for alarming symptoms and signs in themselves.

The cause of fear of madness and how to get rid of it

It happens that the environment in which a person lives greatly traumatizes him. A sound engineer suffers greatly if he has to live in an atmosphere of shouting or scandals, screaming at the full volume of music. Or listen to swearing and insulting words. From such an impact on his particularly sensitive area - the ear - he withdraws into himself, fences himself off from the unbearable world outside.

Relationships with others are repulsive. The speech, thoughts and intentions of most people seem absurd and mundane to the sound engineer. This means that social implementation does not work out. Hidden question “Who am I and why do I live on Earth?”- is not even always realized. There is just a feeling that the most important thing in life is missing. The meaning of what is happening.

The sound guy loses interest in everything and doesn’t want anything. Depression increases, the person becomes lethargic and powerless. He tries to escape into sleep (options include the Internet, games) from a dull and gray reality. Later, on the contrary, insomnia occurs. It happens that your own thoughts are scattered, it is difficult to organize them and somehow express them.

Against the background of severe conditions, involuntary suicidal thoughts and a feeling that a person is going crazy may occur. Loses the ability to manage oneself, control one’s thoughts and actions. In particularly difficult conditions, he may imagine voices: in his own head or outside.

Neither medications nor attempts to force yourself to think about good things help solve this problem. A person’s internal states are controlled by the unconscious, the psyche. If you are driven by the fear of madness, there is only one way to get rid of it. Understand the mental processes that influence thoughts and feelings. Understand the nature of your desires and finally realize your talent. This removes the natural sound fear of madness.

The “System-vector psychology” training also helps with some psychiatric diagnoses, such as endogenous depression, schizotypal disorder, etc. This is confirmed by the results:

When you go crazy... from fear

If you consider your fears or panic attacks to be signs of mental problems, it means that nature has endowed you. Owners of such properties have no risk of truly losing control over consciousness - that is, going crazy. But emotional disorders can arise, and very serious ones. The enormous emotional range of a visual person is capable of swinging his anxious states to enormous amplitude.

This may be an unreasonable fear of the most ordinary actions:

“I feel afraid when I go to my page. Because someone might send a message and then I get scared to read what it says. Not to mention asking the time from a passerby. I am often overwhelmed by emotions, as if something is trying with all its might to tear me apart from the inside. There were times when something came at me, and I just ran down the street at such a speed that I had never run before... Running across the road when the red light was on and pushing passers-by.”

And sometimes, out of fear, real panic attacks are formed, which do not allow a person to live a normal life:

“For a month now I have not been living, but existing, I started taking medications to stop attacks and anxiety. I can't go outside. Nightmare. I get dressed, stand at the door and cry hysterically. I can’t even get to a psychologist to ask for advice. I just cry and cry and think that it’s time to go to the hospital.”

What to do if you become a hostage to your own fears? Is there a way to get rid of them?

Why does fear arise?

The problem of fear arises when a huge range of emotions of a visual person does not find realization in society, in activities that are useful for everyone. In ancient times, it was the fear of death - the strongest innate emotion in the visual vector - that helped the entire flock survive. Being the first to notice the danger, the visual person experienced extreme fear and an instant “Oh!!!” warned the whole flock about the danger.

Today we are not threatened by predators, but the innate mechanism of fear remains the same. Your pulse and breathing quicken, your muscle tone increases - you are ready to flee or, conversely, you cannot even lift a finger despite the fact that there are no visible, objective reasons for fear. It is obvious that today such fear not only brings nothing useful to anyone, but also seriously spoils life.

How not to become crazy from fear and panic

Focusing on the feelings and emotions of other people eliminates the natural fear of death. Through empathy. It is the visual person who subtly feels someone’s sadness, grief and joy. He can perfectly realize himself in a profession related to communication or helping people. The main thing is to be attentive to the feelings of others, then fear is converted into strong love for people, into deep emotional connections with them. And the psychological state is completely improved.

But it happens that a vicious circle of fears comes from childhood. Or it arose as a result of psychological trauma. Then the visual person wants, but cannot, open up with his soul. Afraid of pain, afraid of being laughed at and just... afraid. When you are in the grip of fear and panic, any admonitions that you need to meet people halfway are meaningless. You just can’t take a single step.

You can get rid of fears and panic forever through understanding your psyche. When every detail of the psyche that rules you is realized, fear goes away. There is an ability to establish emotional connections with people and maximize your natural talent of sensuality in your personal life and in society. This will ensure that fears no longer control you. This is from people who have completed Yuri Burlan’s training:

How not to go crazy with problems

Modern city dwellers often have a set of 3-4 vectors. Each of them can leave its mark on how a person perceives himself and the world around him. What problems and conditions is he experiencing?

For example, those who have a sound-visual connection of vectors may simultaneously experience both an audible fear of going crazy and a strong visual fear of death. Then, simultaneously with depression and suicidal thoughts, fear of the dark, visions, and visual hallucinations may occur.

“Something was often pounding in my head, it was difficult to sleep. Insomnia began when I was 10 years old. From that moment on, I was afraid that I would commit suicide. One day I went to the cinema. When the film ended, I went outside, it was already dark, and the lights were not on. Then something happened to me. I stopped understanding where I was, some strange images appeared from the darkness. There was a feeling of unreality of what was happening"

Each vector has its own unbearable situations that provoke severe stress. And, as a result, negative states appear.

Whatever problem you come to, you will receive a guaranteed solution. You will be able to understand the causes of any of your serious conditions and get relief from them.

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

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