The best mods, maps and objects for Cities: Skylines. The best mods for Cities: Skylines Download new maps for city skyline

Cities: Skylines turned three years old a couple of months ago, which means it's time to dust off our mod list and take a look at what great things the game's community has created over time. Already on launch day, Skylines boasted entire pages of buildings and infrastructure; now their number has exceeded a thousand, and an exorbitant number of mods have been produced - 145,948 pieces.

Long list. You should have a look in the Workshop, who knows what you might find there? If you don't want to rummage through this pile, I've prepared an armful of the best of the best, including some of my favorites that I can't live without. Most of these mods will work with the base version of the game, but there are some that require additions, so be sure to test them against what you personally have.

Ghost in the Shell Buildings

The first question I ask when founding a new city is: how futuristic and vibrant will it be? The answer is always the same: as much as possible. Undoubtedly, you have already grasped the theme of my selection. This makes the Ghost in the Shell Buildings pack a very important part of my city, although perhaps less important than other mods.

Blade Runner Police Tower and Tyrell Corporation Pyramid


Let's stay in the future a little longer to gaze at the imposing monolithic bulk of the FOGBAE-TOWR4 power plant. Isn't this architectural style called brutality? Damn, she looks really cool. The building also brings practical benefits - it provides electricity to all these ants swarming in its shadow. Build it, and every citizen of yours will know that he is a worm against the colossus of the state.

Gula's Architectural Designs

Okay, okay, not all of you want futuristic buildings. “Architectural Projects” is a collection of 24 objects authored by the titular modder, and let me tell you, this is a thing. It has everything from a giant hamster statue to a building containing KFC and Taco Bell. There are also plenty of other things, like skyscrapers. Diverse, high quality selection.

Quad Collection

Quad Rioters' collection contains an astonishing 166 objects, and I absolutely love it because the selection is full of sparkling sci-fi or similar buildings like Xenophilia and all sorts of modern skyscrapers and business centers that fit perfectly into any city these days. If you're too lazy to wade through hundreds and hundreds of building mods, this collection will help you out a lot.

Sunken Train Station

I love it when cities try to hide large buildings and infrastructure, trying to appear more spacious than they really are. Apparently, this is why I like iron stations sunk into the ground (whether they are made of brick or concrete). If you prefer stealth, this mod is made for you.

Amsterdam Central Station

Well, if you need a station that, despite all its functionality, will also be a work of architecture, then you will need something like Amsterdam Central Station. The amazing six-row structure, based on Amsterdam Central, is replete with detail. Take a look at what it looks like from the inside!

Timboh's Marvelous Interchange Emporium

This collection of infranodes has been with me since the launch of Cities: Skylines, although it has expanded considerably over the years. I absolutely love laying out road networks, as I suspect does anyone who came to Skylines from Colossal Order's Cities in Motion. This is a troublesome and time-consuming task, but TMIE makes the task easier and demonstrates to everyone what a gifted person can achieve with only a highway at his disposal.

Sharp Junction Angles

Actually, this mod does exactly what its name says - it makes it possible to lay roads with sharp turning angles, creating thoughtful and beautiful transport networks. Comes bundled with Road Anarchy, a crazy mod that lets your streets give a damn and go meet Trackmania.

Advanced Road Anarchy

Speaking of Road Anarchy, here's its big brother, the Improved Road Anarchy. The same, by and large, mod that defies the winds and allows you to construct the most dangerous and craziest highways. There are also buttons, a settings panel and information tips.

CTCN Transport – Blimp

With the release of the Mass Transit add-on, we finally got plump airships that so beautifully soar over the city and give rides to joyful citizens and tourists. They look quite old-fashioned, but you already understand what I like, right? That's right, we will make helicarriers out of these zeppelins. CTCN Transport are the same functional airships, but they look cooler. Let's fill the skies with them!

Better Planes Pack


I just really like MINI.

Newport City (Niihama) Map

Belmont County Transport

With the advent of Mass Transit, we now have special "transport" scenarios, but what if this addition did not exist? Belmont County Transportation is a scenario map that sets the player the goal of connecting several small towns with a transportation network and transporting 1 million in 750 weeks, excluding subways. Avoid other transport mods if you want to experience the full complexity of the task.

New Orleans Disasters

If you have the Natural Disasters expansion and are looking for an opportunity to test your sanity and ability to remain composed and confident in a crisis, look no further than New Orleans Disasters. The map uses real terrain and sea level, which makes it unnecessarily prone to flooding.

New York City


If you previously wandered around this map for a good hundred hours, now you can build a modern city on it. The mod features unusual, challenging terrain, and is one of the best maps I've seen for Cities: Skylines. It was created with such love for detail that I was terribly ashamed to deface nature with huge, ugly buildings of the industrial era. An excellent map for building an eco-friendly city.

Los Santos

One of the first major landscape mods, Los Santos from GTA V is still one of my favorites. As in the case of Skyrim, natural limitations force serious planning for development.

First Person Camera: Updated

What do your residents see as they walk through their city? This first person camera mod lets you see the world through their eyes. This is a real innovation for Skylines, but personally, since the days of Dungeon Keeper, I have been averse to various construction and management simulators that allow you to “descend” from heaven to earth.

81 Tiles

This mod removes the limiter from the map, expanding it from 25 squares to 81. Not a small city. You can unlock them one at a time as usual, or all at once, expanding in all directions. Of course, this affects productivity, the more the larger the city becomes.

Automatic Bulldoze

Burnt out and abandoned buildings have a catastrophic effect on property values ​​and do not add any appeal to your city. Demolition of them one by one, especially in a huge metropolis, can become an extremely unpleasant task, which makes the auto-demolition mod simply irreplaceable - with one touch of a button, it saves you from ruins.

Reddit For Chirpy: Updated

Chirpy, the hate-free, troll-free version of Twitter in Cities: Skylines, will now be able to alert you to any new posts in your chosen subreddits. You see, Chirpi can be useful.

Chirpy Exterminator

If Chirpi is a demonic creature for you that needs to be expelled from the game, then the Chirpi Destroyer will help you with this. The annoying bird will disappear forever, ceasing to bother you with the absurd thoughts of your feeble-minded residents.

More Beautification

The mod improves the capabilities of the control panel by changing the Decorations tab. It does not add new objects, but gives access to all 65,531 existing objects in the game. Don't forget to grab Prop Snapping from Prop Anarchy, they will further expand the mod's capabilities.

Well, we've reached the end of our selection, but not the list of Cities: Skylines mods. The further you go, the more of them there are, and there is already a whole host of wild statues, twisted into spaghetti of infra-nodes and piercing skyscrapers. Well, as usual, write your favorite mods in the comments if they are not on our list.

Decorate your city with the best creations from players.


Seattle's iconic observation tower has been a tourist attraction since it was built in 1962 for the World's Fair. Now the Space Niddle tower can also tower over your city, looking straight into space as if to say, “Space, hello.”


Another real attraction, Turning Torso is Sweden's tallest skyscraper. This building amazes with its grace and elegance. While it's not tall enough to match the size of Skylines' own buildings, it would still make a great landmark for your city.


Welcome to City 17. It's safe here, because nothing makes you feel safer than a towering alien monolith, right? Place a Combine Citadel in your city to remind worried citizens that you have everything under control. Just keep an eye on the scientists who are always creating problems.


While ghosts, ghouls, and marshmallow men pose no threat to your city (at least not yet), fire remains a dangerous element. So to feel good, add this replica of the fire station from Ghostbusters.


Tired of landfills and incinerators stinking up your beautiful city? Replace them with Recycling Center. It processes waste more slowly than traditional options, but is more environmentally friendly.

Bluth's Banana Stand


Why not add Bluth's Banana Stand to your neighborhood? I heard there is money in it. This is also a great attraction for your villagers, as they can now meet at the big yellow stand. But it may accidentally burn out.


If you didn't destroy Chirper using the mod that was there at the beginning, you probably minimized it and turned down the volume. That said, why not locate Chirper's headquarters in your city? This is a unique building, so it will promote employment and tourism and give this adorable but annoying bird a chance to show its face (just quietly).


So, you've built a beautiful city, but you've probably noticed some problems with your citizens living in piles of garbage and corpses? If you haven't cut your budget to the minimum, it's most likely due to traffic issues. Here are some traffic features you can place in your city to reduce traffic jam problems.


With so much attention paid to cars, it's easy to forget to make good paths for pedestrians. Located in the "Parks" menu, this beautiful pedestrian suspension bridge will delight the eyes and feet of your citizens.

Timbo's Marvelous Interchange Emporium


While I'm trying to draw some exit that doesn't look like it just suffered an earthquake, Timbo has created a ton of beautiful and useful interchanges. When you subscribe to Timboh's Emporium, you'll always have the best roads.


Yes, I'm guilty of figuring out public transport at the very end by simply placing train stations, subway stations and bus depots wherever I could find space. But this pre-built collection of roads and paths makes it super easy to navigate your public transport and gives commuters the ability to quickly find their way between buses, trains and subway tunnels thanks to raised paths. All you have to do is place the buildings in the right places.


This ending is so big that it doesn't fit into the game's "object manager", but it's worth it. With these realistic tilts and turns, this interchange will allow your townspeople to navigate their way in a very clever and realistic way.


I want to build a completely different city around this beauty. Built to handle traffic in eight directions, this roundabout also has plenty of open space in the center where it could accommodate bus stops, subway stations, several platforms and even a couple of buildings.


The thing is, all the roundabouts are very large, and it's difficult to fit them into the city you've already built without destroying most of it. Small Green Roundabout is a great option for a neighborhood or area with little traffic, and it also includes walkways and nice decor.


Cars aren't the only things that can be passed around. This elegant elevated pedestrian ring road will be very convenient for residents, as it has paths leading up and down to the streets and a small park in the center.


I'm sure your city is already beautiful, but you're probably tired of adding the same old parks and playgrounds. Here are a few more for you to choose from.


Let your tiny citizens bravely go where no man has gone before, like this beautiful park dedicated to the USS Enterprise.


Are games art? What about the cubes? Encourage your residents to visit the Modern Art Plaza, where they can look at a huge black cube and pretend they understand what it means.


Great for inner city areas, this beautiful sunken plaza will give your city dwellers the chance to relax amidst the skyscrapers of a bustling city.


Skylines has a stadium for professional athletes, but what about local talent? This community soccer field is sure to please sports fans in your area. Although, I didn't see anyone playing on my field, people were just walking along it.


Cities: Skyrim? Of course, why not. There are probably some followers of the Daedric Prince in your city, so now they have a place to worship or just relax. This Shrine of Azura statue has the same properties as the Statue of Wealth. By the way, the Talos statue is also available.

Jesper's Fields


It is very easy to neglect industrial areas and it is also strange to locate urban areas and playgrounds next to them. That's why this collection of fields from Jasper is great for agricultural areas. These fields are written out beautifully without attracting much attention.


You'll sometimes see teenagers with skateboards in your city, so why not give them their own space? This concrete skatepark has ramps, railings and even graffiti.

1×1 Swing Park


Sometimes you want to improve a crowded city by building something small without destroying anything. If you only have one square square of space available, this 1x1 Swing Park is perfect for bringing joy to the neighborhood without destroying anything.


Now that you have a huge amount of new things you can build, where do you actually want to put them? Keep a collection of cards on which you can leave your mark.


Finally, a map that requires the multiplayer version of Skylines. This map gives you the opportunity to build on hexagonal islands, each of which has its own resources.


From rivers to mountains to beaches to valleys to waterfalls, the Sea Turtle Falls map has something for just about everyone. An interesting and beautiful challenge for urban developers.


This massive and impressive circular city, divided by a river, has almost 300,000 inhabitants. However, there is plenty of room for growth. Maybe you want to add some more circles?


This map is great for budding supervillains, as it features an extinct volcano that now houses a lake. The map has rivers flowing into the sea and several nearby islands, allowing you to turn this already beautiful map into a thriving city.


With its beaches, mountains, and hills, Boulder Rapids is a great map to build a city on, especially if you're planning on building a dam; there are some great places to do this.


Not only is this map very beautiful, but it's also a pretty tricky place, with very little room for buildings. Can you build a city here without disturbing the natural beauty of the place?


Inspired by the Nile Delta, this map features ore-rich mountains, vast sandy plains, and fertile river valleys. This is a great place to create your own desert oasis.


While we wait for GTA V to arrive on PC, this map is a great way to visit the sprawling city of Los Santos. There are already built areas here that accurately reflect the locations of the game. However, if you want to build your own city, then .


Mars is already waiting for cargo equipment! Populate the red planet using ore deposits to build a working city in this map based on Daedalia Planum, the famous plain of Mars. This map works great with the Martian color correction tool.


This highly detailed map of Cologne, Germany features the Rhine River, highways, lakes and natural resources. Will you build an exact replica of the city or something completely new?


The problem with national parks is that the government gets upset when you start building skyscrapers all over the park. The problem is now solved. This replica of Zion National Park in Utah is not only beautiful, but also very difficult to build a working city on it.

Gabe Newell's Face


If you've ever dreamed of building a city based on Gabe Newell, then we have good news for you. But don’t rejoice, there is worse news, because this is a very strange dream.

Finally, let's improve the look of Skylines with some of the tools below.


Skylines is quite beautiful, but the same can be said for many other games, so players never stop trying to make the game even better. Here are some mods and tools that add some visual effects to make the game look as cute as possible.


Dynamic Resolution mod will allow you to tinker with the internal resolution of your game and scale it depending on your needs. When you press F10, a slider appears that allows you to make changes, but be prepared for serious FPS drops if your processor can't keep up. A nice addition is that the mod shows your FPS values ​​while you make adjustments, and even has a slider to enable another graphics setting (Ambient Occlusion mod) that can be used to make the game even more beautiful.


If you don't like the static sunlight in Skylines, what about having the sun move across the sky throughout the day? Although night will not fall (as soon as the sun sets, it will immediately rise again), it is still interesting to watch the shadows grow and stretch as the day comes to an end, and to see the sun rise over the city every morning.


Turn back time with this isometric camera. It will give the new game a retro style.


Do you like cel shading and want your city to have that look? Then this customizable tool will allow you to apply Borderlands as your Skylines visual style. Once you activate this tool, you can later turn it on and off by pressing the keys of your choice.



Take yourself back to the 70s with this tool, inspired by the 1977 Instagram filter. I can already hear the bell-bottoms rustling on the pavement and the cops straightening their thick mustaches, can you?


If you don't mind a little performance issues, you might want some sunshine to brighten up your city. This amazing effect can be turned on or off.


I don't use the tilt effect when I play Skylines, but it's very good for screenshots, and when combined with the Toy Film Camera, you can give your city a bright, fun, and updated look.

Mirror's Edge Menu LUT


The government in Mirror's Edge may have been a little heavy-handed, but one of the good things that came out of it was a very neat and clean city. So now, thanks to Mirror's Edge Menu LUT, you can fill your city with white, bright red and pale blue colors.

Without a doubt, several thousand more user creations have appeared in the Steam Workshop while we were compiling this list. Don't forget to check the Workshop regularly to find mods you like.

Name: Cities: Skylines
Year of release: March 10, 2015
Genre: Simulation, Strategy, 3D
Developer: Colossal Order
Publisher: Paradox Interactive
Platform: PC
Edition type: RePack
Interface language: Russian, English, Multi7
Voice language: English
Tablet: Sewn in (CODEX)

Description: The sky has no limits! This is a world where you make the rules. Cities: Skylines invites you to build dream cities across sprawling lands with sky-high homes and mind-blowing architectural wonders. The game is being developed by Colossal Order and is endowed with limitless sandbox possibilities in vast spaces with new ways to develop your settlements. Cities: Skylines includes political influences on city life, such as different areas being taxed differently. All this, including the ability to modify the game, represents the most complete simulation of urban planning. You are limited only by your imagination, so take the reins into your own hands and go ahead to conquer the sky!

System requirements:
✔ Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-bit)
✔ Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ | 3.0GHz
✔ Video card: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 5670 | 512 MB
✔ RAM: 4 GB
✔ Audio device: DirectX 11 compatible audio device
✔ Free hard disk space: 11.5 GB

Game Features:
- Urban policy: A set of management levers over the city and division of the development vector by district.
- Urban areas: You can name individual parts of the city at your discretion for diversity and originality.
- Road construction and urban zoning.
- Unlocking buildings and services.
- Taxation: Fine-tuning the city budget and services, setting contribution prices for residential, commercial and industrial zones to distribute territories between the most and least in demand buildings.
- Public transport: Build a transport network in your city with buses and railways (metro).
- External relations: Create conditions for the prosperity of industry and commerce together with new clients in neighboring cities.
- Miracles: top content that players strive for.
- Giant maps: Unlock new areas of the map for the further growth of your cities.
- Water Flow Simulation: Experience a new experience in building water infrastructure.
- Polished graphics and completely redesigned gameplay.
- Mod Toolkit: Built-in ability to encourage user creativity.

Features of the repack:
» Based on content from CODEX
» Nothing cut / Not re-encoded
» Game version: 1.12.2-f3
» DLC present and unlocked:
Cities: Skylines - Natural Disasters
Cities: Skylines - Snowfall
Cities: Skylines - After Dark
Cities: Skylines - Deluxe Pack
Cities: Skylines - Preorder Pack
Cities: Skylines - Post Cards
Cities: Skylines - Match Day
Cities: Skylines - Stadiums
Cities: Skylines - Art Deco
Cities: Skylines - High Tech
Cities: Skylines - Rock City Radio;br />
Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit;br />
Cities: Skylines - Relaxation Station
Cities: Skylines - Concerts
Cities: Skylines - Green Cities
Cities: Skylines - All That Jazz Music Pack
Cities: Skylines - Parklife
Cities: Skylines - Synthetic Dawn Radio
Cities: Skylines - Industries
Cities: Skylines - Campus
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern City Center
» Installation time 3 minutes
» Repack by xatab
» Changing the language in the game menu
» Repack by xatab

The torrent will be re-uploaded. Patched to version 1.12.2-f3. Added add-on: Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern City Center. Updated 11/08/2019

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