Literary quiz on winter tales for senior preschool age lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. Game-trip through winter tales for the older group Literary quiz on winter tales for children

Extracurricular activity in elementary school on the topic: magical winter tales
Author: Lidiya Vasilievna Isakova, teacher of the State Educational Institution MBOU "Vyezdnovskaya Secondary School", Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas district Purpose: various tasks and questions will help children remember and consolidate their knowledge about winter fairy tales and their heroes, and will also bring them positive emotions from the lesson. Goal: to consolidate children’s previously acquired knowledge about their favorite fairy tales. Tasks:1. Organize leisure time for students. 2. To attract children's attention to literary creativity, cultivating an interest in reading.3. To remember and consolidate children's knowledge about the names, authors and heroes of children's fairy tales about winter. All children love fairy tales. There are many fairy tales in which winter reigns. Magical, enchanting, perky. In this literary game based on winter tales, you will again meet the heroes of popular winter tales.
1. What did the Needlewoman see in Moroz Ivanovich’s well when she was fluffing his feather bed (V.F. Odoevsky’s fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”)? (Green grass-winter bread)

Winter crops are annual plants (winter wheat, rye, barley, rapeseed, camelina, vetch, etc.), sown in fields in the fall; They give a harvest for the next year. More productive than crops sown in spring. 2. In what fairy tale only the brave Cockerel managed to drive the Fox out of the Bunny’s house? (Zayushkina's hut)

3. How did the wolf from the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Wolf” catch fish in the ice hole? (Tail)
4. What vehicle in the Russian folk tale “At the Pike’s Command” went home on its own at Emelya’s request? (Sleigh: “Go, sleigh, go home yourself...”)

5. What is the name of the fairy tale by E. Uspensky, in which a boy, a dog and a cat decorated a Christmas tree with toys made of silver foil, sweets and shiny cans? (Winter in Prostokvashino)

6. The professor teaches a wayward girl - the Queen. When it comes to the New Year, she wishes that tomorrow there would be snowdrops on the festive table so that she could see what kind of flowers they are. The professor assures her that this is impossible, but the Queen issues a decree - whoever brings a basket of these flowers to the palace will receive the same basket of gold. Who is the author and what is the name of this fairy tale, in which snowdrops miraculously appeared in winter? (S.Ya.Marshak “Twelve Months”)

7. What magical object shattered in H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (Mirror)

8. What word did Kai need to collect from ice shards in the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Snow Queen" to become "your own master" and to receive from the queen "the whole world and a pair of new skates"? (Eternity)

9. What was the name of the main character of the Austrian fairy tale “Mistress Blizzard”? (Maria)

10. What question did Morozko from the fairy tale “Morozko” ask the old daughter when she was sitting in the forest under a spruce tree? (“Are you warm, girl?”)

Now listen to a fairy tale about the children of Santa Claus” (r.n.s) Santa Claus had three sons and one daughter. Their names were Wind, Ice, Frost and Snowflake. Santa Claus called his children and said: - Winter is coming. Which one of you will help people better? The children went to the people. Santa Claus waited for them for a long time. So they came home and told the story. The Wind began to tell the story: “I caught up with the cold.” Let people know that winter is coming. Let them heat the stoves. Ice said: - I built bridges on the rivers. Frost said: - I decorated the forest. He's white now. How beautiful it is! Snowflake said: “I felt sorry for the earth.” I covered it with white snow. “Okay, children,” said Santa Claus. - You all helped people. And you, Snowflake, helped the most.
12. What color were the noses of the two Frosts from the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”? (Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose)

13. What miracle did the girl Darenka see in P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”? (She saw how the Silver Hoof tapped his foot, and how precious chrysolite stones fell around).

14. In what fairy tale and why was the duck unable to fly south in the fall? (D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck”, the duck’s wing was broken)
15. The most famous New Year's ballet was written by P.I. Tchaikovsky based on the fairy tale by T.A. Hoffmann. What ballet are we talking about? (Nutcracker)

16. Remember the fairy tale by V.I. Dalia "Girl Snow Maiden". What was the Snow Maiden made of, what was it warmed with? (“I am the girl Snow Maiden, rolled up from the spring snow, warmed and rouged by the spring sun.”) “So evening has come. The girls played around, put wreaths on their heads, lit a fire from brushwood, began to jump over the fire... The Snow Maiden ran and jumped...” What happened to the Snow Maiden in this fairy tale? (The Snow Maiden has melted)

Attached files

Literary quiz "Winter Tales Round Dance"


Aparenkova Irina Anatolyevna

primary school teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 6, Kstovo

Dear friends ! I invite you to look into the wonderful world of magical winter fairy tales!

What kind of fish could fulfill wishes and in which fairy tale?


What was the name of the lazy man in this fairy tale?


What is the first wish that came true? at the behest of the pike?

So that the buckets go home on their own.

How did Emelya come to the Tsar?

On the stove


In one fairy tale, Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost argued about which of them could freeze a person faster. What fairy tale was this in?

Two Frosts

There are two fairy tales about the girl made of snow: one is folk, and the other was written by the Russian writer V.I. Dahl. What are their names?

How are these tales different?

Girl Snow Maiden

came from snow

lump in a pot on the window.

The Snow Maiden was sculpted from the snow on the street.

The Snow Maiden did not return from the forest - she melted when she jumped over the fire, and the dog Zhuchka brought the girl Snegurochka from the forest.

Who is Gray Neck?


Why didn’t Gray Neck fly away to warmer climes along with the whole flock?

The fox broke her wing.

Which animal is considered the most cunning in Russian fairy tales? At the same time, remember the winter fairy tale about him.

Foxy - sister and

Gray wolf

How did the fox manage to deceive the man?

I pretended


Who else in the same fairy tale was deceived by the red-haired cheat? How many times has she managed to do this?


What did the fox say while riding the wolf?

“The beaten one brings the unbeaten one”

In what fairy tale and why did the father take his own daughter into the forest in the cold and leave her there?


The stepmother ordered her stepdaughter to be taken out of sight .

What did Morozko ask the girls sitting in the forest in the bitter cold?

“Are you warm, girl?

Are you warm red?

The old woman's daughter was rude

and lazy. Frost her

frozen .

How did Moroz pay the girls for their work? Why?

WITH Tarik's daughter was talking

politely, didn’t contradict

Frost, she did everything around the house.

He rewarded her for this.

In another fairy-tale kingdom, a girl was sent into the winter forest to pick flowers. What flowers was she told to pick? What is the name of the fairy tale?


Who did the stepdaughter meet in the forest and who helped her find snowdrops in winter?

Happy twelve months of the year.

Brother April

In another fairy tale, a girl found herself in a snowy kingdom. There she looked for her named brother. What was the name of the mistress of this kingdom?

The Snow Queen.

How and why did they get there?

The stepdaughter dropped a spindle into the well, and the stepmother ordered it to be retrieved.

Why did Mrs. Snowstorm order her feather bed to be fluffed up so that the feathers flew in all directions?

When the feather bed is fluffed, snow falls on the ground.

How did Mrs. Metelitsa reward the girls for their work?

Stepmother's own daughter

doused with black resin

Made my stepdaughter rich

There is a Russian fairy tale very similar to the German “Mistress Snowstorm”, only the feather bed needs to be fluffed not by Mrs. Snowstorm, but by... who?

Moroz Ivanovich

What was hidden under Moroz Ivanovich's feather bed? For what?

Green grass.

So as not to freeze.

What was the name of the girl who was able to see the wonderful deer - the silver hoof?


  • Hare hut. Mitten. Morozko. Snow Maiden. Winter quarters of animals. At the pike's command... Two frosts. Boasting hare.
  • Hare hut.
  • Fox-sister and gray wolf.
  • Mitten.
  • Morozko.
  • Snow Maiden.
  • Winter quarters of animals.
  • At the pike's command...
  • Two frosts.
  • Boasting hare.

  • Two brothers. E. Schwartz. Moroz Ivanovich. V. Odoevsky. Mrs. Metelitsa. Br. Grimm. Christmas tree. S. Mikhalkov. Christmas tree. G.H. Andersen. Silver hoof. P. Bazhov. Nutcracker. T.A. Goffman.
  • Twelve months. S. Marshak.
  • Gray Neck. D.N. Mamin - Siberian.
  • The Snow Queen. G.H. Andersen.
  • Steel ring. K. Paustovsky.
  • Two brothers. E. Schwartz.
  • Moroz Ivanovich. V. Odoevsky.
  • Mrs. Metelitsa. Br. Grimm.
  • Christmas tree. S. Mikhalkov.
  • Christmas tree. G.H. Andersen.
  • Silver hoof. P. Bazhov.
  • Nutcracker. T.A. Goffman.


1. Andersen G.H. The Snow Queen. - M: Arcadia LLC, 1997.

2. Bazhov P.P. Silver hoof. – M.: Children's literature, 1995.

3. Br. Grimm. Mrs. Blizzard. – M.: Children's literature, 2010.

4. Dal V.I. Girl Snow Maiden. - Murmansk: MKI, 1991.

5. Two Frosts: poems, stories, fairy tales. – M.: Children's literature, 2004.

6. Fox - sister and gray wolf. - M.: Prof-Press, 2005.

7. Mamin - Sibiryak D.M. Gray Neck. – M.: Children's literature, 2011.

8. Marshak S.Ya. Twelve months. – M.: Soviet Russia, 1987.

9. Frosty. - M.: Flamengo, 2003.

10. Odoevsky V.F. Moroz Ivanovich. – M.: Children's literature, 1998.

11. At the command of the pike: Russian folk tales in arr. A.N. Tolstoy. – M.: Strekoza-Press, 2006.

12. Snow Maiden: Russian folk tale, retold by I. Karnaukhova. – M.: Malysh, 1984.

Elena Kakinskaya
Literary quiz “On the roads of winter fairy tales”

Integration of educational areas:“Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Types of children's activities: communicative, perception of fiction, musical and artistic, gaming.


1. Summarize children’s knowledge about folk tales and fairy tales by children’s writers on a winter theme.

2. Develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their characters, develop creative imagination, speech, associative memory, thinking and auditory attention.

3. Foster friendliness, honesty, justice. To cultivate a love for oral folk art and original fairy tales. Arouse a positive emotional response and a desire to take part in competitive games of a developmental nature.

Material: illustrations for fairy tales, books, objects (bucket, basket, hat, wolf tail, rose, pot, oven, mitten, video materials, animal masks, decorations, chips.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading and listening to audio recordings of folk tales “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”, “Snow Maiden”, “Girl - Snow Maiden”, “At the command of the pike”, “Winter quarters of animals”, “Mitten”, “Morozko” ", "Two Frosts" and author's fairy tales by V. Odoevsky "Ivanovich Frost", S. Marshak "Twelve Months", G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen".

2. Conversations according to their content.

3. Joint and independent games with a table theater.

4. Watching the cartoon “Moroz Ivanovich”, “The Snow Queen”.

Progress of the quiz.

Guys, we read a lot of fairy tales. But how well do you remember them? Today we will find out. I invite you to take part in a literary quiz called “On the roads of winter fairy tales.”

In this case, you must follow certain rules of the quiz:

1. The facilitator asks a question to each team in turn.

2. If the players of this team do not give an answer, then the right to answer is transferred to the opposing team.

3. A chip is given for the correct answer.

4. At the end of the quiz, the winning team with the most chips is revealed.

All participants are divided into 2 teams:

girls' team - "Maryushki" and boys' team "Ivanushki".

So here's the way.

Task No. 1 "Name a fairy tale".

Attention to the screen. I show illustrations for fairy tales about winter, and you need to name the fairy tale correctly (teams are offered illustrations for fairy tales: “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”, “Snow Maiden”, “Snow Maiden Girl”, “At the Pike’s Command” , “Winter Hut of Animals”, “Mitten”, “Morozko”, “Two Frosts”, “Moroz Ivanovich”, “Twelve Months”, “The Snow Queen”).

Task No. 2 "Puzzles".

You must listen to the riddle to the end and give the answer.

1. In what fairy tale did the main character turn into a cloud? ("Snow Maiden")

2. In what fairy tale did pets live in the forest? (“Winter quarters of animals”)

3. Who in the fairy tale used their tail instead of a fishing rod? (wolf)

4. Who is called father in fairy tales? (bear)

5. What gift did the old man want to give the old woman from fox skin? (collar)

6. Which of the Frosts is younger: Frost - Blue Nose or Frost - Crimson Nose? (Frost - Blue nose).

7. What did the Needlewoman see under Moroz Ivanovich’s feather bed? (green grass)

8. What word should Kai have written in the Snow Queen's castle? (eternity)

Task No. 3 “Whose subject?”.

Guys, in fairy tales some miracles happen all the time. Today I found a chest in our kindergarten. Whose is he, I don’t know? Let's open it and see what's in it. (opens) Look, some kind of envelope. (is reading)

"Hello guys. I found some objects in the forest, but I don’t know who they belong to. Help return things to their owners. Morozko"

Shall we help? (Yes)

(Children take turns pulling out an object from the chest and name whose object it is or from which fairy tale).

Task No. 4 "Collect a fairy tale".

I give each team an envelope containing a cut-out picture for the plot of a fairy tale. You need to collect it and determine the name of the fairy tale.

Task No. 5 "Find the error" .

Remember and give the correct name of the fairy tale.

1. “Winter quarters of friends.”

2. "Glove".

3. The girl is a snowflake.”

4. “Zayushkin Teremok.”

5. “Fox-tit and gray side.”

6. “Sand Queen”.

7. "Twelve days."

8. “Moroz Petrovich.”

9. “Icicle”.

10. “At the pike’s will.”

Task No. 6 "Third wheel?".

Guess what or who is the odd one out here? And why?

1. Moons, snowdrops, turnips.

2. Snow Maiden, crane, fire.

3. Fox, bucket, well.

4. Wolf, Ivanushka, fish.

5. Grass, man, master.

6. Hut, titmouse, hare.

7. Featherbed, needlewoman, ice hole.

8. Pike, ice hole, raspberries.

Task No. 7 "Guess who said"

The hero of which fairy tale said the following phrases:

1. “Catch, big and great fish.” (“Sister Fox and Gray Wolf”)

2. “I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill.” ("By magic").

3. “How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut.” (“Zayushkina’s hut”).

4. “I am not afraid of evil spells! Just let her fly in, I’ll put her right on the stove and she’ll melt.” ("The Snow Queen").

5. “Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one?” ("Morozko")

6. “Run after the peasant, and I’ll run after the master.” When we get together in the evening, we’ll find out for whom the work was easy and for whom it was hard.” (“Two Frosts”)

Task No. 8 "Find a Pair".

You need to pair correctly.

* Snow Queen – ice palace.

* Emelya – pike.

* Hare - bast hut.

* The girl is a snowdrop.

* Animals - house.

* Snow Maiden is a cloud.

* Morozko - chest.

* Fox is a fish.

Russian folk game “Grandma Malanya” (see appendix).

Task No. 9 "Show me a fairy tale".

A dramatization of the Ukrainian folk tale “The Mitten.”

Task No. 10 "Crossword".

I have a letter in my hands, and you will find out who it is from when you solve the crossword puzzle. You need to write the answer letter by letter in the cells.

Riddles for the crossword:

1. The most cunning animal in Russian folk tales. (fox)

2. She was lying in bed, stretching, rolling from side to side. (Sloth)

3. I want to ride on the stove,

I want to hug a pike. (Emelya)

4. The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly. (frog)

5. An alarm clock walks around the yard

He rakes away the rubbish with his paw,

Spreads its wings noisily

And sits on the fence. (rooster)

6. Who rewarded the old man’s daughter and punished the old woman’s daughter? (Morozko)

7. She is the queen of all flowers,

But he dies from frost

And now the answer is ready.

Have you guessed it? This… (rose)

8. A fabulous form of transport with a pipe. (bake)

9. Four hooves,

All sides are colorful,

Looks like a cow

But there is no milk. (bull)

10. The name of the boy that Gerda was looking for. (Kai)

Now read the word (from left to right, which is “hidden” in the shaded cells. (Snow Maiden) Well done, you completed the task.

And now the exciting moment, we will find out the winner of this quiz.

Awarding (in the “letter from the Snow Maiden” there are medals for participating in the quiz).

Our quiz has come to an end, thank you for your active participation. You made us very happy that you know fairy tales so well. And at the end there is one more surprise - the cartoon “The Snow Maiden”.


Russian folk game "Grandma Malanya".

At Malanya's, at the old lady's, (children move in a circle holding hands)

We lived in a small hut.

Seven sons. (they stop and, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, depict what is said in the text: cover their eyebrows with their hands, make “round” eyes, a “big” nose and ears, show a mustache, etc.).

All without eyebrows

With ears like these,

With noses like these,

With such a mustache,

With such a head.

With such a beard

Didn't eat anything

We sat all day (squat down)

They looked at her

Did it like this (repeat after the leader of the movement)

The movements can be very diverse: you can jump and dance, make a long nose with your hands, wag your finger or cry as a joke. They may be accompanied by sounds and exclamations that convey the mood. The movement must be repeated several times so that the children can get into character and enjoy the game.

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Goals: developing an interest in reading, the need for reading; developing the ability to work in a group, express one’s point of view, and respect the opinion of the interlocutor; formation of moral values ​​and aesthetic taste.

Equipment: books with fairy tales, drawings depicting winter, cut into pieces, snowballs (6 pieces), 3 targets, 3 fishing rods, 3 jars with a narrow neck, an image of the Snow Maiden on a base divided into sectors, 3 sheets, divided into sectors without a picture, artificial flowers violets or cut out of colored paper, illustrations of read fairy tales, tokens of different colors.

The children received the task in advance.

A literary game will be held in January. We will remember winter fairy tales and their heroes. Only an attentive reader can become a winner. Read the fairy tales: “Frost”, “Twelve Months”, “Snow Maiden”, “Winter Hut of Animals”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”, “Two Frosts”, “At the Pike’s Command...”, “Fox - Lapotnitsa”, “Mitten”, V. Dahl “Old Man - Year Old”.

Illustrate your favorite fairy tale.

Rules of the game.

Each team, completing the task correctly, receives a token. The player who answered the question correctly keeps the token. At the end of the game, we will summarize: we will determine the attentive reader who scored the most points; the winning team.

Exhibition of books and drawings

1. Presentation of commands (Slide 2)

  • “Rosy cheeks”
  • “Snowflakes”
  • "Funny boys"

2. Contest of tongue-twisters “First-hand” (Yellow token) (Slide 3)

In the winter cold everyone is young. (Slide 4)

Each team must take turns saying a tongue twister. The team that speaks quickly and clearly wins.

3. Riddles of an old man - a year old (red token) (Slides 5-10)

4. Competition “Winter Mosaic” (yellow token) (Slide 11)

Each team must assemble a drawing from parts

5. Competition “Riddles of Zimushka - winter” (red token) (Slide 12)

The white tablecloth covered the whole world. (Snow) Slide13

A bridge is laid without planks, without an ax, without a wedge. (Ice)

Slide 13
The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted Slide13

On my palm. (Snowflake)
Name it guys
Months in my riddle:
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass, We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water anymore, but ice
Not even a bird can fly
The bird is freezing from the frost.
The sun turned towards summer.
What, tell me, is this a month? (January) Slide 15

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts around the house.
Those are storms and blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, what month is this? (February) Slide 16

So as not to freeze
Five guys
They are sitting in a knitted stove. (Mittens) Slide 17

Running along the path
Legged boards. (Skis) Slide 17

Not shoes, not boots,
But they are also worn by legs.
We run in them in winter:
In the morning - to school, in the afternoon - home. (Felt boots) Slide17

6. Competition “Hit the target accurately” (6 people per team) (yellow tokens) Slide 18

There are targets on the board that you need to hit. For each hit - a token

7. Literary quiz “Winter Tales” (Blue tokens) Slide 19

Guess the fairy tale from the illustration (“Fox - sister and gray wolf”) Slide 20

  • How did the fox manage to get to the old man's fish? (Pretended to be dead, the old man himself put her on the cart, he wanted to bring the old woman a collar for her fur coat)
  • Slide 21 How many fish did the fox give to the wolf? (None)
  • Slide 22 Name a place for winter fishing. (Ice hole)
  • Slide 23 How long did the wolf fish? (All night long)
  • Slide 24 What made the wolf run away from the fishing spot?
  • (In the morning the women went to fetch water and began to beat the wolf with a yoke. The wolf barely escaped) Slide 25
  • How did the fox manage to deceive the wolf a second time?) She said that her people beat her so much that her brains came out. In fact, she had dough on her head) Slide 26

What did the fox say when the wolf was carrying her?

(“The beaten one brings the unbeaten one”)

  • Slide 27
  • 8. Competition “Unusual Fishing” (1 person per team) (yellow tokens) Slide 28 To play you need 3 fishing rods, attach a large nail to the line of each fishing rod, and 3 jars with a narrow neck. It is necessary to lower the nail into the neck of the bottle. The speed and accuracy of completing a task is assessed
  • Which fairy-tale hero jumped from tree to tree, jumped and crackled? (Morozko) Slide 29 About whom they said this: “We must tell the truth, the girl was golden: in good hands she would roll like cheese in butter, and at her stepmother she washed herself with tears every day” (About her stepdaughter)
  • Slide 30 Who said this: “Take her, take her, old man, wherever you want, so that my eyes don’t see her, so that my ears don’t hear about her.” Don’t take them to your relatives in a warm house, but to an open field in the bitter cold”? (Stepmother)
  • Slide 31 Who took his daughter to an open field in winter to certain death? (Father)
  • Why did Morozko give the gift to his stepdaughter? (Morozka fell in love with her affectionate speeches, he took pity on her) Slide 34
  • Who predicted the stepdaughter's wealth? (Dog) Slide 35
  • Why did the old woman send her own daughter into an open field in the bitter cold? (I was jealous of my stepdaughter, I wanted her daughter to be gifted) Slide 36
  • What did the old woman’s daughter answer to Morozko’s question? (“Get out! Or are you blind, can’t you see that my arms and legs are numb!”)
  • Slide 37
  • Guess from the description: And she is as white as snow, her eyes are like forget-me-nots; light brown braid to the waist, just no blush at all...” (Snegurochka”) Who did the Snow Maiden live with? (At the old man and the old woman)
  • Slide 39 How did the Snow Maiden appear to the old man and the old woman? 40
  • (Made from snow) Slide
  • At what time of year was the Snow Maiden sad? (Spring) Slide 41
  • To what holiday did the girls invite the Snow Maiden with them? (The day of Ivan) Slide 42

Where did the Snow Maiden go? (She jumped into the fire and stretched upward with a light steam, curled into a thin cloud and flew into the heights of heaven)

Slide 43

  • 9. Artist competition. Draw the Snow Maiden (for the whole team; yellow token) Slide 44 The sheet is divided into 6 sectors, the sectors are numbered. The sheet depicts the Snow Maiden. 6 people must take turns depicting the Snow Maiden on their sheet of paper, divided into sectors. Each participant depicts and transfers the image of only his sector. The speed and accuracy of image transfer is assessed.
  • Guess the fairy tale from the illustration (“Winter hut of animals”) Slide 45
  • What animal was not in this fairy tale: bull, ram, goose, goat, rooster, pig? (Goat) Slide 46
  • Which of the animals suggested building a hut? (Bull) Slide47
  • Which of the animals was the first to come to the bull's house to beg? (Ram) Slide 48
  • Which of the heroes said: “But for me, even if it’s frosty, I’m not afraid: I’ll bury myself in the ground and winter without a hut”? (Pig) Slide 49
  • Who threatened the owner of the house to pluck moss from the walls of the hut if he did not let him in? (Goose) Slide 50
  • Which of the wild animals decided to eat domestic animals wintering in the forest? (Wolf, fox and bear) Slide 51
  • How did the fairy tale end? (Bull and his comrades still live in the hut and do not know grief) Slide 52
  • In what fairy tale did the girl manage to pick violets, strawberries and apples in winter? ("Twelve months") Slide 53
  • What was the name of the stepdaughter, and what was the name of the woman’s own daughter, answer after listening to the excerpt. “...And while Elena dressed up and walked all day long, Maria had to do all the housework: clean the rooms, cook, wash, sew, spin, work in the field, follow the cow.” (stepdaughter - Maria, native - Elena)
  • Slide 55 Name the characters according to the description: “Twelve brothers sat around a fire on twelve stones.
  • Three of them were completely gray, three were younger, the next three were even younger, and the three youngest were more beautiful than all the rest” (Twelve months) Slide 56
  • Which month was the most important among the brothers - months? (January) Slide 57
  • Which month helped Mary bring violets? (March) Slide 58
  • Thanks to what month was Maria able to pick strawberries? (Helped by June) Slide 59
  • Which month took the rod and helped Mary pick apples? (September) Slide 60
  • Why did Elena go into the forest on her own? (Maria brought only two apples, but Elena wanted more apples. She decided to find the apple tree herself and shake it all.) Slide 61
  • What made the stepmother go into the forest? (She went to look for her daughter Elena.) Slide 62

Did Elena manage to find apples in winter? (No. She was unfriendly, rude to her brothers - for months. She froze in the forest)

Slide 63

  • 10. Competition “Collect a bouquet of violets” (yellow token) Slide 64 As you know, Mary in the fairy tale managed to pick a bouquet of violets in winter. Violets also appeared in our imaginary clearing. I invite one person from each team. Let's determine which of you can pick up the most flowers.
  • In what fairy tale did a forest dweller manage to build a crystal palace? (“The Fox and the Hare”) Slide 65
  • Why did the fox who built the crystal palace begin to live in the bunny's hut? (The fox's ice palace melted in the spring)
  • Slide 66 Who felt sorry for the bunny and tried to drive out the fox? (Wolf, bear, bull, rooster)
  • Slide 67 Who's not on the slide?
  • Did anyone manage to help the bunny? (Cockerel helped) Slide 68
  • How did the cockerel scare the fox? (The cockerel threatened the fox and wanted to slash it with his scythe)
  • Slide 69 Blitz tournament Slide 70 (Blue tokens)
  • What miracle - a fish could fulfill any wish of its savior? (Pike) Slide 71
  • Who is called Mikhailo Potapych in fairy tales? (Bear)
  • Slide 72 In what fairy tale did domestic animals deal with forest predators? (“Winter hut of animals”)
  • Slide 73 Who is called Patrikeevna in fairy tales? (to the fox)
  • Slide 74 In what fairy tale did a bast shoe help a hungry godmother eat her fill? (“The fox is a shoemaker”)

11. Competition “Guess the fairy tale from the illustration” (for the whole team) (Blue tokens) Slides 77-80

Additionally, teams can exchange illustrations they made at home.

12. “Trading. Let’s start with ten” (Blue tokens) Slide 81

For completing this task you can get from 1 to 10 points. If a participant guesses a fairy tale from the first word, he will receive 10 points, from two words - 9 points, and so on. Team captains take part in the competition.

  • “Suddenly he hears: not far away Morozko is crackling, jumping from tree to tree.” (“Morozko”) Slide 82
  • “There was a huge fire burning here, and twelve brothers were sitting around it” (“Twelve Months”) Slide 83
  • They sculpted a nose, a chin, made two dimples on the face, and a mouth. ("Snow Maiden") Slide 84

13. Competition “Magic words” (Blue tokens) Slide 85

  • Name the “magic” words to make your fishing successful. (Catch fish both small and large) Slide 86
  • What words did Emelya say? (At the behest of the pike, at my will...) Slide 87
  • What “magic” words helped the fox scare the hare’s defenders? (“As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will go down the back streets!”) Slide 88

Summing up Slide 89



  • “Attentive reader” (1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place) (determined by the number of blue tokens)
  • “The most savvy” (Determined by the number of tokens)
  • “The most dexterous” (Determined by the number of yellow tokens)
  • “Artist – Illustrator” (Awarded to the children who illustrated the fairy tale they read)

The team is the winner of the game “Visiting Winter Tales” (Tokens of all team members are summed up)


  1. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree! A gift from Santa Claus.
  2. New Year's poems and fairy tales / art. Yu. Ustinova. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – 144 p.: ill. – (Golden Tales)

Literary quiz "Journey to a winter wonderland." Objectives: 1. To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales and fairy tales by children’s writers on a winter theme. 2. Strengthen the ability to expressively answer questions in full sentences. 3. Develop speech, imagination, thinking, auditory attention. 4. Cultivate friendliness, honesty and fairness in the game, respect for books. 5. Arouse a positive emotional response and a desire to take part in competitive games of a developmental nature. Material: illustrations for fairy tales, books, objects (bucket, fish, sleigh, spindle, flower, ring), chips. Preliminary work: 1) Reading and listening to audio recordings of Russian folk tales “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Little Fox-Sister and the Gray Wolf”, “At the Command of the Pike”, “Snow Maiden”, “Winter Lodge of Animals”. 2) Conversations according to their content. 3) Design of an exhibition of illustrations and books about winter. 4) Joint and independent games with a table theater. 5) Watching the video "Morozko", "The Snow Queen", the cartoon "Moroz Ivanovich". Work with parents: parents are recommended to talk with their children about the content of G.Kh.’s fairy tales. Andersen's "The Snow Queen". V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich", "Two Frosts" arranged by M. Mikhailov. Progress of the game Introductory part. - Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you know many fairy tales? Now we’ll find out. I invite you to take a trip. But our journey will not be ordinary, but fabulous. I invite you to take part in a literary quiz called "Journey to a Winter Wonderland." In this case, you must follow certain rules of the quiz: 1) The question is asked by the host to each team in turn. 2) If the players of this team do not give an answer, then the right to answer is transferred to the opposing team. 3) A chip is given for the correct answer. 4) At the end of the quiz, the winning team with the most chips is revealed. All participants are divided into 2 teams: the girls team - “Maryushki”, the boys team - “Ivanushki”. So, let's go! Quiz competitions. 1 . “Name the fairy tale” Presenter: -I’m showing illustrations for fairy tales about winter. You need to give the name of the fairy tale and its author, if there is one. (Teams are offered illustrations for the fairy tales “The Fox-Sister and the Gray Wolf”, “Winter Hut of Animals”, “Snow Maiden”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “At the Pike’s Command”, Queen”, “Snowy”, “Two Frosts”, “Moroz Ivanovich”. ) 2. "Where does a fairy tale begin?" Presenter: -Tell with what words the fairy tale begins. The "Maryushki" team is offered the fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Winter hut of animals", "Snow Maiden". To the "Ivanushki" team - "At the behest of the pike", "Two Frosts", "Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf". Answers. "Zayushkina's hut." Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. "Winter hut of animals." A bull, a ram, a pig, a cat and a rooster decided to live in the forest. It’s good in the forest in the summer, at ease! " Snow Maiden". Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They had plenty of everything: a cow, a sheep, and a cat on the stove, but there were no children. "At the behest of the pike." Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons: two were smart, the third was the fool Emelya. "Two Frosts" Two Frosts, two brothers, were walking through the open field, jumping from foot to foot, beating hand in hand. "Sister fox and gray wolf." There lived a grandfather and a woman. The grandfather says to the woman: “You, woman, bake pies, and I will harness the sleigh and go after the fish.” 3. “Guess the riddle” Host: -You must listen to the riddle to the end and give the answer: who is this fairy-tale hero? Puzzles. 1) While eating rolls, a guy rode on a stove. I rode around the village and married the princess. 2) The red maiden is sad: She doesn’t like spring. It's hard for her in the sun! The poor thing is shedding tears! 3) She controls ice and cold and swirls around like a snow blizzard. She flew across the sky on a snow sleigh, touched the boy and kissed him. 4) The Queen flew on a snow sleigh across the winter sky. She touched the boy by accident. He became cold and unkind... (Kai). Dynamic pause "The fairy tale will give us a rest." A fairy tale will give us a rest. Let's rest and hit the road again. Malvina advises us: “The waist will become like an aspen, If we bend left and right 10 times.” Here are Thumbelina’s words: “So that your back is straight, rise on your toes, as if reaching for flowers. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.” Little Red Riding Hood's advice: "If you run and jump, you will live for many years. Repeat again, 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -5." -The fairy tale gave us a rest, And we will go on our way. 4. Captains' competition Presenter: -I will speak in the words of the heroes of fairy tales, the captains must name who said it and in which fairy tale. Tasks: 1) “Catch, fish, both small and large!” 2) “I will carry logs from the forest and cut poles, and you will tear up wood chips.” 3) “I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill.” 4) “I’m not afraid of evil spells! Just let her fly, I’ll put her right on the stove, and she’ll melt.” 5) “Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one?” 6) Run after the peasant, and I’ll run after the master. When we get together in the evening, we will find out for whom the work was easy and for whom it was hard." 5. "Question - answer" Presenter: -Each team in turn is asked a question. 1. Which month from the fairy tale "The Twelve Months" originally had a staff? (at December) 2. What gift did the old man want to give the old woman from fox skin? (collar) 3. Name the pets from the fairy tale “Winter Lodge of Animals.” (bull, ram, pig, cat) 4. Which of the Frosts is younger: Frost-Blue Nose or Frost-Crimson Nose? Frost - Blue Nose) 5. What happened to Nastenka when she touched Santa Claus’s staff? 6. What did Emelya drive? 7. What word should Kai have written in the Snow Queen's castle? ((eternity) 8. What did the Needlewoman see under Moroz Ivanovich’s feather bed? (green grass, flowers) 6. Competition “Magic Bag” Presenter: -In the magic bag there is an object related to a fairy tale. Name this fairy tale. ( The leader takes turns taking out a sleigh), a ring, a fish, a flower, a bucket, a spindle, 7. “Book rules” Children are reminded of the rules for handling books: 1. Books must be taken with clean hands 2. Books must not be torn or crushed 3. You cannot draw. on books, bend the corners. 4. Books love silence. 8. Summing up the quiz. Counting the number of chips collected by each team during the quiz game. Awarding prizes to the participants.

Shmakov S.A. Games of jokes - games of a minute. - M.: New School, 1996. - 112 p.

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