Who is the most dangerous criminal in the world? The elusive gangster of the 21st century.

After the elimination of Osama Bin Laden, Interpol updated the lists of the most dangerous and wanted criminals in the world. This list includes not only terrorists, but also drug lords, scammers, and rapists.

The TOP 10 most dangerous criminals include:

1. Eduardo Ravelo, 42 years old

He escaped investigation in Texas in 2008. He was accused of extortion, money laundering, and creating a drug network for the distribution of heroin, marijuana and cocaine.

Ravelo heads the Barrio Azteca criminal gang. He personally gave orders to eliminate people who opposed the activities of the criminal group. He has business connections with drug dealers in Latin America and Mexico.

2. Glen Stewart Godwin, 52 years old

This daring American criminal escaped from a California prison. Where he served time for murder. A few months later, he was arrested and convicted by Mexican authorities of drug trafficking. In 1991, Godwin escaped from prison. To do this, he killed his cellmates with a sharpened spoon. There were 5 of them.

3. Ayman Az-Zawahiri, 59 years old

This is the second person in al-Qaeda. He took an active part in many terrorist attacks in Europe and the USA. American intelligence agencies have set a reward for providing any information about the whereabouts of the criminal - $25 million.

4. Luis Albeiro Pena-Pena, 45 years old

He heads the Colombian drug dealers. Additionally, he organized cocaine trafficking into the United States. In 2005, intelligence services detained Luchis and seized 2 tons of cocaine from him. The drug lord later kidnapped an undercover ICE agent and demanded a ransom of $2 million.

5. Semyon Mogilevich, 64 years old

This is the first Russian-speaking criminal on their proposed list. He was accused of creating a fraudulent investment fund headquartered in Pennsylvania. Thousands of depositors became its victims, and the total amount of deposits was $150 million.

6. Joel Cardenes-Maneses, 42 years old

This Mexican criminal was driving a truck with immigrants in the back. When he lost control, the car fell into a ditch. Joel did not help the immigrants, but went into hiding. People died.

7. James Bulger, 81

This is the oldest criminal from the proposed rating. He ran a crime ring in Boston. He often killed, kidnapped people, and engaged in extortion. At the same time, James loves to read. It travels easily throughout Mexico, Europe and the USA.

8. Eric Antoine Bell, 37 years old

Recently they tried to detain him in Florida. But he successfully escaped. The hot pursuit continued for several hours. His record includes child pornography, organizing brothels, and child trafficking.

9. Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, 47 years old

He was convicted of organizing the bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. He managed to escape from prison in Pakistan. Intelligence agencies are offering $5 million for information about his whereabouts. There is a version that the terrorist often visited Bin Laden in Abbottabad. Abdula is well versed in explosives and weapons.

10. Alexis Flores, 35 years old

He kidnapped and killed a 5-year-old girl who lived in Pennsylvania. There is an assumption that he did this for ransom. When Flores realized that the police had found him, he decided to cover his tracks by strangling the child. Flores was born in Honduras, so there is a version that he fled in this direction.

According to other sources, Daniel Andreas San Diego, 33 years old, was included in the list of dangerous criminals. He is accused of preparing 2 explosions in San Francisco offices. The bombs were filled with metal balls and nails. But no one was hurt.
San Diego is home to several radical animal welfare organizations. He often stated that he was ready to kill a person to save them.

Another dangerous criminal is Zeev Levi, 52 years old. He is the head of a controversial kosher meat production plant in Iowa. Levi easily falsifies documents, hides illegal immigrants, and hides income from the US Tax Service.

David Garzon-Anguano, 38, is accused of supplying cocaine from Mexico to the United States. Garzon-Anguano was first formally charged in 1997. Then he, along with another criminal, tried to transfer 923 pounds of cocaine across the border. During the arrest, they abandoned the vehicle with drugs and fled in an unknown direction.

Jason Derek Brown, 41, is wanted for murder and armed robbery in Phoenix. The criminal not only killed the collector, but also ran away with the money.

Adam Yahi Gadan, 32 years old, holds a high position in the terrorist world. He is a native of the USA. He is accused of treason and sponsoring terrorist organizations. Intelligence agencies assume that this criminal has important information about chemical weapons.

Bajram Asslani, 30 years old of Albanian origin, is suspected of creating a “death squad” with the aim of carrying out terrorist attacks in the world. There is accurate information about the whereabouts of the criminal. But the European Union refuses to extradite the criminal.

Victor Manuel Gerena, 52 years old, has been hiding from the police for more than 28 years. He committed an armed robbery, stealing $7 million. Robert William Fisher, 50, is a native of Brooklyn, New York. He brutally killed his wife and his children and then burned them in the house. Fischer is an avid fishing, hunting and hiking enthusiast. He is proficient with firearms and bladed weapons.

Daspir Singh Grewal, 39, is a former Canada Border Services Officer. He was recruited by the drug mafia, so for years he turned a blind eye to vehicles that passed through the port. Thanks to this “commonwealth”, it was possible to transfer up to 2.5 tons of pure cocaine.

Omar Shaffik Hammami, 27 years old, is a US citizen. He is suspected of creating global terrorism. Now the criminal is in Somalia.
Napoleon Eduardo Castro, 35 years old, tortured and then killed his wife. It is believed that the crime was committed out of jealousy. The list of dangerous criminals included Ji Dong, 47 years old.

He is an Internet scammer who has scammed more than 5 thousand US residents. Dong created a virtual auction in which the price of ordinary goods was raised by 30%. In this way he was able to raise 800 thousand dollars.
Stephen Eugene Clifford, 57 years old, is a good general practitioner who is suspected of seducing 11 girls. He avoided prison several times.

Cornell Russell Bull, 56, is part of a Colombian gang that supplied cocaine to Manhattan. Gagik Kurkchan, 38 years old, is a native of Armenia. Gagik is a fraudster with fake bank accounts and health insurance.

Not all people live correctly, trying to follow an honest path. Sometimes they go into completely different jungles, the wilds of the criminal world.

This, unfortunately, happens more often than we would like. And therefore, rampant crime reigns all over the world, it’s just that in some places it is more pronounced, in others less pronounced, but there is no escape from it.

Everyone's reasons for breaking the law are fundamentally different. But none of them can justify what people can sometimes do.

And we are not talking about small, relatively harmless thieves and swindlers. We are talking about international criminals whose crimes sometimes cause awe, and sometimes simply disgust and nothing more. This is a negative example of how one should live, but, alas, there are surprisingly many such examples lately.

But a few stand out in particular. So let's take a look at what the most dangerous and wanted criminals in the world are, although, frankly speaking, it is too great an honor to pay so much attention to such people. We shouldn't make bad people too famous, and then perhaps the world will become a little better and relatively safer.

10. Doku Umarov

Location: Chechnya

He has been an international terrorist since 2010, the leader of the terrorist movement of Islamic separatists. He stated that a number of the largest terrorist attacks in Russia, such as explosions in the Moscow metro and so on, were carried out on his direct order.

Since 2000, there have been regular reports of his death, but more or less reliable information that he was eliminated was received only in 2014 - although many doubt it.

9. Joseph Kony

Location: Uganda

The leader of the so-called Lord's Resistance Army, who actively sought to establish a theocratic state in Uganda, which would be based entirely on the Bible and its commandments. He rebelled against the government back in 1987. Had 88 wives. He is currently actively hiding from justice, although he has long been recognized as a war criminal and there is a valid warrant for his arrest - so far it has not been possible to find him.

8. Felicien Kabuga

Location: Rwanda

This man did not kill anyone directly, but indirectly he became the culprit of the most terrible genocide. After the death of the country's president in 1994, he announced that it was necessary to deal with the Tutsis, who were the true culprits of the president's death. A real wave of murders, rapes and robberies swept across the country. In total, more than one hundred thousand people died. But the country's government has nevertheless refused to arrest him, although other countries are looking for clues that would allow this to be done.

7. Alimzhan Tursunovich Tokhtakhunov

Location: Russia

One of the largest authorities in all of Russia. He was the owner of the largest Russian casinos, which, however, were then closed. In 2002, he first became scandalous due to the situation with gold medals at the Olympics, after which he was accused of fraud. But this is far from the end of the matter. His other activities, however, were not given too much publicity, but he is still listed on the Interpol detective lists to this day.

6. Matteo Messina Denaro

Location: Italy

The Sicilian mafia is not only an image that is glorified in numerous feature films, it really exists, which is once again confirmed by this person. He became one of the new leaders of Cosa Nostra, and committed his first murder at the age of 18. It is believed that he personally killed at least fifty people alone. But since 1993, he has been quite successfully hiding from the police and has not yet been caught.

5. Nasir al-Wuhaishi

Location: Yemen

The leader of one of the al-Qaeda affiliates is a big enough title to be on such a list. Especially if the branch is Yemeni. It was believed that he used to be the secretary of Osama bin Laden, and after his death he initially headed the African division of the terrorist group. There is not much information about this person, but his influence is enough that he is actively sought by intelligence agencies around the world.

4. Semyon Yudkovich Mogilevich

Location: Russia, Hungary, Israel

A true citizen of the world - he has three citizenships, but still he was born in Kyiv. Wanted since 1995. He is one of the largest leaders of the Jewish mafia in the world, as well as the leader of the Solntsevsky group. At the moment, he is not officially wanted because there is nothing to catch him, but for information leading to his capture, an impressive reward of one hundred thousand dollars from the FBI is promised - he is so dangerous.

3. Daoud Ibrahim

Location: India

Leader of the D-Company crime syndicate in Mumbai. It is generally accepted that he had very close ties to Osama bin Laden. After the Mumbai bombing in 1993, he officially became the most wanted man in the entire country, and then this “fame” became international. According to the intelligence services, he currently lives in the United Arab Emirates, but this has yet to be proven or disproved.

2. Ayman al-Zawahiri

Location: Egypt

Second on our list is the leader of al-Qaeda, this time even larger and more influential. He runs its Egyptian division; he took this position immediately after the killing of Osama bin Laden. But in general, he has been wanted since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, after which he was called the second man in all of Al-Qaeda - and this is only confirmed with the passage of time. But it is believed that his influence is still less than that of bin Laden.

1. Joaquin Guzman Loera

Location: Mexico

Perhaps the best way to be on the first line of such a rating is to become a world-famous drug lord. A major figure in the world of drug mafia, he is wanted for a reward of five million dollars, which is one of the largest rewards that have ever existed for the capture of criminals. However, now this information is a little irrelevant - he was nevertheless detained in February 2014. But does this mean that his influence has fallen and that he will definitely be condemned? Not yet known.

The list of people the FBI is actively searching for has been published since the 30s of the last century. Today it is: ten names, ten photographs, ten biographies and a list of charges posted on the FBI website. Today there are ten such lawbreakers, but since the 50s, more than five hundred names have been on this list. Approximately 90% of individuals were arrested.

Until today, the list was headed by a certain Eric Justin Toth, who replaced Osama bin Laden last year. But the latest news suggests that Toth was detained, which means that another dangerous criminal will take his place on the list.

However, now we will look at the list as it was before Toth’s arrest, since the arrest was made, and the information on the FBI website was not updated.

So, 10 criminals wanted by the FBI. Look carefully, maybe they live next to you...

Eric Justin Toth

Charged with possession and production of child pornographic videos. The FBI promised $100,000 for any useful information.

Eric is an ex-teacher at the school. He became an ex when pornographic images were discovered on a school camera in his possession. Moreover, the investigation insists on Toth’s involvement in the release of child pornographic videos.

As is known from the news, Toth was safely detained and is currently under arrest in the city of Esteli. In the near future, media access to the criminal will be opened, and the judicial consideration of the extradition issue will soon begin. The FBI will finally get its criminal.

Urbina faces a host of charges, including murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, escaping prosecution, and more. Again, the FBI promises to give $100,000 to anyone who will contribute to Fidel’s arrest.

Back in March 1998, Urbina committed his first terrible crime - the criminal brutally beat and then raped an unfortunate woman. Literally six months later, Urbina repeats the crime - he beats, rapes, and later strangles his victim. The woman's body was found in the luggage compartment of a burned car. Fidel committed all his cruel acts in Illinois.

Authorities believe Urbina may be hiding in Illinois or Mexico. If you see a similar face, inform the FBI, you will receive one hundred thousand dollars.

Fisher is accused of killing three people, arson and eluding authorities. The FBI will give the traditional $100,000 for useful information about a criminal.

Robert William Fisher lived in his home in Arizona with his wife and two children. And in 2001, a man killed all his household members (yes, children too) and blew up the house.

The FBI believes that the criminal may appear in New Mexico or Florida, as he has acquaintances there. But there is no point in catching him with bare hands; the investigation suggests that Fischer has several types of weapons, possibly a powerful rifle.

Charged with murder, armed robbery and eluding authorities. Information that will help detain the attacker is estimated by the FBI at $200,000.

In November 2004, Jason shot and killed an armored car guard and fled the scene, not forgetting to take all the money. To date, Jason's whereabouts are unknown, although investigations suggest he may live in California, Arizona, Utah, or even France or Mexico.

Brown's personality is built on a leadership position; he loves to be the center of everyone's attention. The investigation suggests that you can meet the criminal in a crowded nightclub, where they go snowboarding or skiing. None of you have planned a trip to a ski resort in France?

Accused of brutal murder and escaping from authorities. Anyone who helps arrest the attacker will receive $100,000.

In August 2011, Edwin brutally killed an old acquaintance of his girlfriend. The body of the 69-year-old victim was found with multiple injuries and stab wounds in the mountains of Jefferson County, Colorado.

The FBI thinks the man could be hiding in El Salvador, the US, Mexico or Guatemala

Charged with murder, escaping from prison and drug trafficking. The FBI is giving $100,000 for help in catching the attacker.

Initially, Glen was in prison for murder, then escaped from there. He was later caught for drug trafficking and again put behind bars. But the criminal caught his cellmate and fled again. He is now at large, believed to be in Mexico, Central and South America. Godwin speaks excellent Spanish, so he can also live in Spanish-speaking countries

Charged with theft, armed bank robbery and eluding authorities. Believe it or not, the FBI is ready to give $1 million to anyone who will help arrest a criminal.

In 1983, Gerena committed an armed robbery, in the process of which he stole approximately $7,000,000. Victor took two security officers hostage, tied them up and injected both of them with an unknown drug, after which the guards passed out.

To date, the FBI does not even supposedly know where this dangerous criminal may be.

The list of charges against Ravelo is long, including racketeering, conspiracy, money laundering, and more. The FBI will give $100,000 for the requested information.

In 2008, Eduardo was involved in a Texas racketeering conspiracy, a money laundering conspiracy, and a conspiracy to possess a large quantity of heroin, cocaine, and marijuana that Eduardo planned to distribute. The investigation suggests that Ravelo has been conducting his criminal activities since 2003.

The FBI believes that Eduardo Ravelo may be in Mexico or Texas, however, there is a version that the criminal had plastic surgery, which transformed not only his appearance, but also his fingerprints.

Charged with murder, kidnapping and evading prosecution. Anyone who helps arrest a criminal will receive $100,000.

Alexis is wanted for his role in the kidnapping and murder of a five-year-old Philadelphia girl. In July 2000, the girl went missing, less than a month later, her body was found in a nearby apartment. The cause of death was strangulation. It is believed that Flores may head to Honduras. However, in 13 years he can travel around, perhaps, the whole world.

Mogilevich is accused of many counts, including money laundering, fraud, incitement to fraud, securities fraud, etc. The FBI is ready to give $100,000 to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest of Mogilevich.

In 1993, Semyon Mogilevich launched a multi-million dollar scheme to defraud investors. In 1998, the scheme collapsed, investors said goodbye to fabulous sums, and Mogilevich, as an authorized person, was convicted.

Now he is wanted. His permanent place of residence is in Moscow, but he also has passports from other countries - Israel, Ukraine and Greece. According to some reports, Mogilevich lives quietly with his family in the Moscow region, having changed his last name, first name and date of birth, but keeping a fortune of $12 billion.

The vast majority of people are fond of secrets, intrigue, riddles, including detective stories. Reading a detective story or intensely watching the development of the action on the screen, we involuntarily catch ourselves thinking that we know for sure that the criminal will be captured and justice will prevail. Maybe detective stories are a kind of fairy tales for adults. It’s so nice to know that good always triumphs over evil. All good people will be rewarded and bad people will be punished. We all completely agree with Gleb Zheglov from the cult series “The meeting place cannot be changed”: “A thief should be in prison.” And also a robber, murderer, rapist and, of course, a terrorist.

Unfortunately, in life everything is not so smooth. Very often, criminals walk free or are wanted for many years. For example, we all know the sad example of Osama Bin Laden. The highest reward in the world was awarded for his capture - $25 million. He was known throughout the world as the number one terrorist. The leader of an Islamic terrorist organization, who initiated terrible terrorist attacks that claimed many hundreds of lives, fortunately, is no longer afraid of us. On May 2, 2011, he was killed in Pakistan by American special forces soldiers. But other haters of humanity took his place. The list of wanted criminals is constantly growing: in it you can find international terrorists, rapists and pedophiles, drug dealers and fraudsters... They are wanted by Interpol, the FBI, the CIA, the FSB and all so that people can live in peace. The most famous criminals in the world:

An ordinary school teacher took Bin Laden's place. He loved his students, but he loved them too much. The FBI accuses him of producing, storing and distributing child pornography. Eric knew computer literacy quite well, skillfully covered his tracks, but one day he made a mistake: he did not erase a film of his own making from an ordinary school video camera.

For a long time he tried to hide, but last year he was arrested in Nicaragua. By the way, during his first arrest he managed to escape from custody. We hope that law enforcement officers, taught by bitter experience, will be more attentive and the criminal will suffer a well-deserved punishment. Throughout the world, calling for war and inciting ethnic hatred is considered a terrible crime, for which serious punishment is provided. It happens that a criminal will not personally kill anyone, but because of his illegal actions, the blood of thousands of innocent people will be shed.

This oligarch from Rwanda incited a real genocide in his country. In 1994, a terrible tragedy occurred in Rwanda: their president died in a plane crash. After which Kabuga addressed the population of the country with an appeal: the Hutu tribe must completely destroy the Tutsi tribe, who are their original enemies. Kabuga unfoundedly accused representatives of the Tutsi tribe of conspiracy and physical destruction of the country's leader. After which a bloody civil war swept across the country. More than 100,000 people found their death there; many were maimed, raped, robbed, and left homeless. Orphans roamed the country, subjected to violence and humiliation...

The UN and the international tribunal demanded that the instigators of this war be brought to trial; Kabuga was one of the first to appear before the court. The FSB still promises 5 million dollars just for information about the whereabouts of this criminal. But the Rwandan government believes that a person with such a condition cannot be convicted, which is why the criminal is at large.

The doctor and Muslim theologian was second only to Bin Laden in the world-famous al-Qaeda organization. After the death of the leader, he took his place. Even in his youth, in his native Egypt, Ayman founded the extremist organization Islamic Jihad. He was suspected for a long time, but could not prove his involvement in the assassination of the country's President Anwar Sadat. After which Ayman left the country, first joined the Afghan Mujahideen, and then joined Al-Qaeda and gradually became one of its leaders. In Egypt, he was sentenced to death in absentia, and the FSB promised $25 million for his head. but so far no success.

This man is the most famous drug trafficker in the world. According to Forbes magazine, he is one of the richest people in the world. Also, according to this magazine, he is the most wanted criminal in the world.

Loera, known in Mexico as “Shorty,” has long since become a billionaire. He heads the world's largest drug cartel, Sinaloa. Supplies Colombian cocaine to the United States, produces methamphetamine, marijuana and pure heroin. The FBI is ready to pay for the capture of Loera 5 million dollars, and the Mexican government 30 million pesos. But, probably, the criminal pays even more to his guards and for now one can only dream of his capture.

He is India's most wanted criminal, but his activities have long since crossed the borders of this country. He chose drug trafficking and the preparation of contract killings of major political figures from around the world as the main directions of his activity. According to the UN Security Committee, it was Kaskar who provided constant support to al-Qaeda, financed terrorist attacks in the United States, smuggled weapons and provided all kinds of assistance and support to Bin Laden.

According to some reports, it is believed that this criminal is hiding in Pakistan, although the Pakistani authorities strongly deny this. Interpol has been looking for Cascar for a good dozen years, but so far to no avail.

His other name is Sergei Schneider, a Russian citizen, known to the widest public in connection with the high-profile Arbat Prestige case. In 2008, Mogilevich and Vladimir Nekrasov, co-owners of the Arbat Prestige chain of expensive perfume stores and factories, were detained in the Russian capital and accused of tax evasion in the amount of almost 50 million rubles. Subsequently, both defendants were released on a large cash bail, and then a year later the case against them was dropped. In 2013, the FBI charged Mogilevich in absentia with fraud and money laundering, but so far the criminal is at large and where exactly he is hiding, the authorities do not know.

Tokhtakhunov, a native of sultry Uzbekistan, known under the nickname Taiwanchik, is accused of drug trafficking and weapons smuggling in the United States. In addition, he organized a gang to steal and sell expensive cars.

In 2003, in Italy, the police were able to arrest the criminal. The US tried to extradite him. But the FBI request was rejected, and Tokhtakhunov was released, where he remains to this day.

The leader of the militants of the North Caucasus, the third Russian to receive the dubious honor of being included in the list of the world's most wanted criminals... He is suspected of committing the largest terrorist attacks on Russian territory, namely the explosion of the Nevsky Express train, explosions in the Moscow metro and at the airport Domodedovo. The US authorities offered a reward for his capture - 5 million dollars Not long ago information appeared about his death, but many doubt it.

It is surprising that with such large rewards awarded by the governments of different countries, criminals are still free and doing their dirty work. Maybe it’s worth thinking about the fact that catching a criminal is not only a matter for the authorities and law enforcement agencies, but absolutely all people should be vitally interested in this

Adhering to the laws of the country in which you live is the first duty of any conscientious citizen. Without this, any society will sooner or later slide into the state of not even a primitive tribe, but a wild pack, where only the rule of the strong prevails.

Unfortunately, for those described in our article, there was no other law except their own desires. These bloodthirsty killers considered other people only two-legged prey and nothing else. This is what those who are deservedly called did did the most dangerous criminals in the world!

John Wayne Gacy known as "killer clown". Performing at children's parties as a cheerful, painted comedian, the smiling, mustachioed fat man looked closely at the victims, whom he then lured into his house.

There the unfortunate people were raped for a long time and then killed. Gacy also did not disdain homosexual prostitutes, dealing with them in the same way. In total, at least 33 people became John's victims.

Later, at the trial, it turned out that the criminal was irreparably crippled as a child. An alcoholic father, his pedophile friend, peers who never missed a chance to mock a weak and sick child - all this led to the fact that John grew into a terrible maniac. The verdict, however, remained unchanged. Gacy faced the death penalty.

Grady Franklin Stiles always called a monster. From the first days of his life, he was diagnosed with ectrodactyly, a developmental defect in which the hands and feet turn into creepy-looking claws.

In those days, for someone unable to walk, but very strong "lobster man" there was only one way. Grady turned his disability into a virtue and became a circus star.

At home, however, the funny public favorite turned into a terrible tyrant. The alcoholic mercilessly beat his relatives, and later, convinced of his own impunity, he even shot his daughter’s husband, whom he had long disliked.

The most interesting thing is that the authorities did not dare to put Grady in prison. Desperate households put an end to the raging villain on their own - they killed him until he killed them.

30-year-old Jason Barnum has been called "The Terminator" and "Eyeball." He was put on trial because he shot a policeman in cold blood. However, the 22-year sentence did not upset the killer. " I still have no place in the free world“,” Jason commented on the verdict.

A robber, drug addict and murderer, Barnum refused to repent of his crimes. Considering that with such tattoos he would still be lost, Jason believes that even notoriety is better than complete obscurity.

Now at least the criminal is famous. However, he will not see freedom for a very long time.

The press called Jack Unterweger“The Vienna Strangler”, and some journalists even gave him the nickname “Jack the Poet” by analogy with the world famous Jack the Ripper. Imagine how horrified the public was when it turned out that the famous writer, for whose release thousands of people had once advocated, turned out to be a ruthless hunter of prostitutes!

Unterweger strangled his first victim, a waitress whom he met in a bar, with her own bra. He was arrested very quickly and imprisoned for 15 years. In prison, Jack wrote an autobiographical book, thanks to which he became rich and famous. Later, the man was even called a model reformed prisoner.

But immediately after his release he started killing again! When the scoundrel's new crimes were revealed, Jack was arrested. But he decided not to bring the matter to trial and hanged himself in his own cell.

Mary Mallon, also nicknamed "Typhoid Mary", was the first documented healthy carrier of the typhoid virus in the United States. Everything would be fine, but the woman worked as a cook, and she categorically refused to give up her profession. All her life, Mary firmly believed: she was absolutely healthy, and doctors were chasing her solely out of envy and anger.

In the end, it was established that thanks to Mallon’s “services,” at least 47 people became infected with typhus, three of whom subsequently died. Even in the hospital, where she was eventually sent for lifelong quarantine, “Typhoid Mary” flatly refused to be treated for her illness. Today her nickname has become a household name.

Dennis Rader For a long time he was referred to in police documents as the “BTK killer.” He killed at least 10 people between 1974 and 1991. And the first victims of the maniac were an entire family.

Having cut the telephone wires in advance, the killer entered the house, strangled the couple with a curtain rope, their 9-year-old son with a plastic bag, and simply hanged their 11-year-old daughter.

With each murder, the maniac sent letters in verse to the newspaper. He even sent a refutation to journalists when some teenagers decided to grab the glory by taking the blame on themselves. The police were unable to solve Rader's crimes, and he was arrested only in 2005, when the man himself confessed to everything through another letter.

People were horrified that the exemplary father of the family, a believing Lutheran, suddenly turned out to be a ruthless killer. Let me note right away that Dennis did not feel any remorse; he was always only concerned about fame.

Experts call the photographer a maniac Rodney Alcalu almost the most terrible killer in US history. The cold-blooded scoundrel's charm and wit allowed him to escape punishment for decades. Thanks to his well-spoken tongue and professional skills, Rodney easily gained the trust of thousands of girls.

Over 8 years, Alcala killed more than a hundred people. Fortunately, in the end the court exposed the machinations of the attacker. Now a killer with a camera will never be released from behind bars!

The video below talks about several more terrible criminals, not inferior in cruelty and bloodthirstiness to the maniacs described above. It’s hard to even call such creatures human! Learning about their atrocities, it seems that these killers are just animals who are excellent at masquerading as law-abiding citizens.

It’s good that justice eventually prevailed, and each of the above-mentioned scoundrels was punished fairly. Some, however, argue that even the atrocities of the “heroes” of our selection pale in comparison to the cruelty of the most terrible juvenile criminals in the world...

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