The Qur'an is all about sacred scripture. Surahs from the Koran: listen online mp3, read in Russian and Arabic, download the Koran suras in order in Arabic

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The Koran is the Holy creation of the Muslim religion, the main monument of society, the basis of which is ideological and religious thoughts. Having learned to read the Koran correctly, you will simultaneously master the Arabic language.

There are several rules for reading it:

  1. Master the Arabic alphabet "Alif wa ba";
  2. Practice writing;
  3. Learn Tajweed - grammar;
  4. Try to read and practice regularly.

The key to success will be the ability to write correctly. Once you have mastered writing, you can safely move on to practicing reading and grammar.

You will need:

Overcome the alphabet

The Arabic alphabet is the first thing you will learn. It consists of 28 letters, 2 of which are vowels: “alif” and “ey”. The spelling of many letters depends on their placement: the beginning, middle or end of the word.

The main difference from the Russian language is that words in Arabic are read from right to left. When writing, you need to adhere to the same principle.

It is necessary to learn and remember how to read letters and pronounce them correctly. It will be easiest to use a translator, since you can visually study the letter and hear its pronunciation. Video lessons can also help you master the language on your own. At the same time, you can find a large number of them on the Internet and choose at your discretion.

A self-instruction manual can be purchased at a bookstore, and in this case it will be an appendix to the book, which will give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the language. If you like books, choose the right one.

It is advisable to purchase with additional audio files that will help you hear the correct pronunciation.

When learning a language, use the same type of Quran, this will help develop visual and auditory memory.

Stress and pauses in words

When learning Arabic, don't forget to look at where the accents are.

A slight difficulty is that the language has not one stress, but several: primary and secondary.

The primary stress helps to increase the intonation of the voice, the secondary stress takes on the power function. Pay attention to the reading rhythm, which is built on a series of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Use the rules for combining words, study the rules of pauses in detail. Since an incorrectly read text can lead to a loss of meaning or its change. After studying the types of pauses, read the text in the presence of a person who knows the Quran. He will explain what mistakes you are making and how to avoid them.

Text volume

Set yourself specific tasks for each day that you will complete. Decide how much information you can process daily. Then carefully re-read the given volume several times, try to remember and try to repeat it yourself during the day.

Until you memorize a passage of text, do not start studying the next one.

Start with the first surah Al-Fatihah. Read each verse of the sura 20 times. For example, Surah Al-Fatihah consists of seven verses, each one must be repeated 20 times, after which all verses must also be read 20 times.

In order to begin studying the next sura, you need to repeat the previous one the same number of times.

Writing and Grammar

The main task is to write as much and often as possible. The letter must be brought to automaticity. The difficulty may be that you also need to write from right to left, you need to get used to this. Distribute the tasks over the course of a month and you will master correct writing.

Ramadan is called the month of the Koran, because it was in this month that the Holy Book of Allah Almighty was revealed. During fasting days, believers devote more time to serving their Creator and read His Word more often. There is also the practice of reciting the entire Quran during the month of fasting in taraweeh prayers.

One day the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) got up at night and began to read Surah al-Baqarah. Reading the verses that talk about the mercy of Allah, he asked the Almighty to have mercy. Reading the verses that talk about Allah’s punishment and His greatness, he asked for protection. When he read verses with praise, he praised Allah.

The Companions heard the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) say: “ Subhana rabi'al a'la ", praising the Almighty, because He commanded it to be done:

سَبِّحِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ الأَعْلَى

« Glorify the name of your Lord Almighty » Koran, 87:1.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever reads Sura 95 “At-Tin”, having read the last verse:

أَلَيْسَ اللهُ بِأَحْكَمِ الحَاكِمِينَ

« Isn't Allah the Most Just Judge? »

It is advisable to answer:

" بَلَى وَأَنَاعَلَى ذَلِكَ مِنَ الشَّاهِدِينَ "

« Yes it is, and I testify to it " This is how the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught and commented on the speech of the Almighty to the Companions.

Is it preferable to read the Qur'an out loud or silently? At times the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) read the Koran loudly, and it could be heard in the neighboring rooms, at times - quietly. Abu Bakr was asked how he reads the Koran. He replied that he was reading quietly because Allah was “close” to us. Umar was asked the same thing, he replied that he likes to read aloud in order to wake up the sleeping person and drive away the shaitan. A person can read the Qur'an out loud or silently, depending on the time and place.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) read some part of the Quran every day. He devoted a certain part of his time to the Qur'an, like a wird. For three days, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) reread the Koran in its entirety. The Companions did the same. Some of them completed the reading within seven days, like many learned and righteous people of our ummah. By reciting the juz of the Qur'an every day, one can read the Qur'an within a month.

في حديث أنس أنه سئل أي الأعمال أفضل؟فقال: الحال المرتحل. قيل: وماذاك؟قال: الخاتم المفتتح

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked: “ Which action is preferable? " He replied: " This is the state of a traveler " Asked him: " What does it mean? » Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “Having finished reading the Qur'an, start reading again " That is, having finished reading the 114th surah “al-Nas”, it is advisable to proceed to the first surah “al-Fatiha”, and so on constantly, without stopping - having completed it, proceed to the beginning. Thus, a person is constantly accompanied by the speech of Allah.

For some people, it may be difficult to read a lot of the Quran every day. Start small: read one page at a time, gradually adding more pages. The most important thing in reading the Quran is consistency, so that there is a daily connection between the Lord and the slave. How a person spent his life is how he will be resurrected. If you read the Qur'an, you will be resurrected with the Qur'an, because the Qur'an is the light that guides man.

The greatest heavenly pleasure in Paradise will be the opportunity to read the Quran and listen to it from the mouth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). According to the hadith, he will recite Surah Taha before the inhabitants of Paradise. It is a great joy to hear Surah “Taha” from Taha (one of the names of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him).

Sermon transcript Sheikh Muhammad Al-Saqaf

Mamoon Yusaf

In this article, you will learn about the fastest and most effective ways to improve your technique of reading the Quran in Arabic. Following our advice, over time you will forget that you stumbled and stuttered on simple words, and you will be able to read any page of the Koran as easily as you read Surah al-Fatihah.

But first, let me tell you how I realized that I needed to seriously work on my reading technique. This happened at an event in which one fairly famous scientist took part...

When I realized my technique was weak

When I was a student, I often participated in preparing various events and activities for Muslim students. I have always been considered an activist because I did a lot for the Islamic societies of our university.

So, I was busy organizing a meeting with the famous scientist, running among everyone with an important air, until I noticed that the hafiz whom we had invited to read the Koran at the beginning of the evening did not appear.

Immediately I began to mentally go through everyone who could replace him. But, looking around, I realized that none of these people were there. I began to feverishly look for at least someone, even if not from our society. I even stopped people at random, but everyone refused: “No, my reading is bad - why can’t you do it yourself?”

They asked why I couldn’t read myself! I was completely knocked down and realized that I had no way out. At first I decided to read what I knew by heart, but it turned out that I only remembered a few short suras at the end of the Koran, and reading them was somehow “dishonest”.

Fortunately, I was practicing Surah Yasin and recently listened to it several times, so I decided to focus on it...

You can believe me, never in my life have I felt such relief after reading the Koran as I did that time. Usually I feel calm on stage, but then I just started sweating with excitement. I stuttered and stumbled on almost every word. Imagine, I almost tripped over the words “ya sin.”

When it was all over, the scientist nodded at me and said, “You know, you should read the Koran more.” Can you imagine how embarrassing?!

I understood everything myself: I needed to take up recitation properly. It was a long journey of trial and error, but I got through it, and here's how:

5 Ways to Improve Your Quran Recitation Technique

1. An old Thai saying

The Thais, known to us for inventing the Muay Thai style of kickboxing, said: “If you want to be a good fighter... fight!” This is also true if your goal is to learn to recite the Koran correctly and fluently.

Do what the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was told to do in the first place: read. Read as much as you can, as often as you can. This moment cannot be replaced by anything. The more you read, the better you get. Before you know it, you'll be reading an unfamiliar page as quickly as you were reading a few lines before.

2. Link an old and a new habit.

Without a doubt, this is the only truly effective way to create a new habit. You should link the habit of reading the Quran in Arabic to something you do daily and never miss. For example, brushing your teeth or getting dressed in the morning.

A great way is to time the reading to coincide with one (or several) prayers that you perform every day. This way you will be in a state of voodoo, and one of the main psychological barriers will be overcome.

And when you decide which prayer to choose, promise yourself to read a short passage from the Koran every day after it, and so on for thirty days.

3. Repetition is the mother of learning

And now I will teach you a technique that will allow you to double or triple the quality and speed of your reading. Let's say you decide to read two pages of the Quran after Isha prayer and 2 pages in the morning before leaving for work.

“But that means I only read one page?” you say. Yes, but you did it four times, and what’s even more important is that the fourth time you read three to four times faster than the first. What if you read one page five times a day?

The next day, move on to the next page, and so on. At the end of the week, you may want to go back over all seven pages you completed during the week.

You might even want to do it with a Tajweed teacher who can correct your mistakes. You will find that you still read the very first page 2-3 times faster and more confidently than on your first try.

And in 600 days you will read the Quran 6 times! And let them envy you!

If you decide to read one page five times a day and once at the end of the week, then it turns out that by the number of pages in a hundred days, that is, in three months, you will read the entire Quran! This means that you will do this four times in a year.

4. Remember your keywords

The key to understanding the Quran is to know the basic words of the Quran by heart. If you learn 300 of these words, it will account for about 70% of all the words of the Qur'an. But you need to memorize the “right” words.

They will help you when reading, linking the text together, therefore, having learned these common words by heart, you will recognize them when you meet, and then something amazing will happen...

Just like in your native language, you will unconsciously mark the first and last letters of a familiar word, and immediately recognize the entire word, that is, you will not have to read it letter by letter. I want to say that when you begin to immediately recognize the most common words, your reading technique will improve many, many times.

However, this advice does not replace the previous three. Don't wait until you've learned all the words you need to start reading. This is a common mistake and a waste of time. You can know all three hundred words, but if you have never read the Qur'an out loud, you will still be very slow.

If for a month you can memorize 5-10 words every day and still read, in a month or two you will know 70% of all the words of the Quran. You will see for yourself that this will make you want to teach and read again and again, and will give you confidence in your abilities.

5. Use digital devices

Digital technology can also help you move forward quickly. Record the reading of a famous hafiz whose voice you like. Listen to him read one page at a time and read along with him, running your finger along the lines. If you are too behind, just follow the text. Then return to the top of the page and start all over again, and so on several times. Since the hafiz reads much faster than you, you will go through one page several times in one sitting. First, you will learn to follow the text with your eyes, and then pronounce it out loud.

So, in short, here are five rules to improve your Quran recitation technique:

1. Practice reading constantly, like a boxer practicing his punches over and over again.
2. Read one page of the Quran immediately after prayer.
3. Read it several times before moving on.
5. Learn five words from the Koran a day, and so on for two months.
6. Read along with the recording of the hafiz reading.

The Koran is the holy book of Muslims. From Arabic it is translated as “reading aloud”, “edification”. Reading the Koran is subject to certain rules - tajweed.

World of the Quran

The task of Tajweed is to correctly read the letters of the Arabic alphabet - this is the basis for the correct interpretation of divine revelation. The word “tajweed” is translated as “bringing to perfection”, “improvement”.

Tajweed was originally created for people who wanted to learn how to read the Quran correctly. To do this, you need to clearly know the places of articulation of letters, their characteristics and other rules. Thanks to Tajweed (orthoepic reading rules), it is possible to achieve correct pronunciation and eliminate distortion of the semantic meaning.

Muslims treat reading the Koran with trepidation; it is like a meeting with Allah for believers. It is important to prepare properly for reading. It's better to be alone and study early in the morning or before bed.

History of the Quran

The Quran was revealed in parts. The first revelation to Muhammad was given at the age of 40. For 23 years, verses continued to be revealed to the Prophet ﷺ. The collected Revelations appeared in 651, when the canonical text was compiled. The suras are not arranged in chronological order, but have been preserved unchanged.

The language of the Koran is Arabic: it has many verb forms, it is based on a harmonious system of word formation. Muslims believe that verses have miraculous powers only if they are read in Arabic.

If a Muslim does not know Arabic, he can read a translation of the Koran or tafsir: this is the name given to the interpretation of the holy book. This will allow you to better understand the meaning of the Book. The interpretation of the Holy Quran can also be read in Russian, but it is still recommended to do this only for familiarization purposes. For deeper knowledge, it is important to know Arabic.

Surahs from the Koran

The Koran contains 114 suras. Each one (except the ninth) begins with the words: “In the Name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful.” In Arabic, basmala sounds like this: The verses from which the suras are composed, otherwise called revelations: (from 3 to 286). Reading surahs brings many benefits to believers.

Surah Al-Fatihah, consisting of seven verses, opens the Book. It praises Allah and also asks for His mercy and help. Al-Bakyara is the longest sura: it has 286 verses. It contains the parable of Musa and Ibrohim. Here we can find information about the unity of Allah and the Day of Judgment.

The Koran ends with a short surah Al Nas, consisting of 6 verses. This chapter talks about various tempters, the main struggle against which is the pronunciation of the Name of the Most High.

Sura 112 is small in size, but according to the Prophet ﷺ himself, it occupies the third part of the Koran based on its significance. This is explained by the fact that it contains a lot of meaning: it speaks of the greatness of the Creator.

Transcription of the Koran

Non-native Arabic speakers can find translations in their native language using transcription. It is found in different languages. This is a good opportunity to study the Quran in Arabic, but this method distorts some letters and words. It is recommended to listen to the verse in Arabic first: you will learn to pronounce it more accurately. However, this is often considered unacceptable, since the meaning of the verses can change greatly when transcribed into any language. To read the book in the original, you can use a free online service and get a translation in Arabic.

Great book

The miracles of the Koran, about which much has already been said, are truly amazing. Modern knowledge has made it possible not only to strengthen faith, but now it has become obvious: it was sent down by Allah himself. The words and letters of the Koran are based on a certain mathematical code that goes beyond human capabilities. It encrypts future events and natural phenomena.

Much in this sacred book is explained with such precision that you involuntarily come to the idea of ​​its divine appearance. Then people did not yet have the knowledge that they have now. For example, the French scientist Jacques Yves Cousteau made the following discovery: the waters of the Mediterranean and Red Seas do not mix. This fact was also described in the Koran, what was the surprise of Jean Yves Cousteau when he learned about it.

For Muslims, names are chosen from the Koran. The names of 25 prophets of Allah and the name of the companion of Muhammad ﷺ - Zeid were mentioned here. The only female name is Maryam; there is even a sura named after her.

Muslims use suras and verses from the Koran as prayers. It is the only shrine of Islam and all the rituals of Islam are built on the basis of this great book. The Prophet ﷺ said that reading surahs will help in various life situations. Reciting Surah ad-Duha can get rid of the fear of the Day of Judgment, and Surah al-Fatiha will help in difficulties.

The Quran is filled with divine meaning, it contains the highest revelation of Allah. In the Holy Book you can find answers to many questions, you just have to think about the words and letters. Every Muslim must read the Koran; without knowledge of it, it is impossible to perform namaz - an obligatory form of worship for a believer.

Learning to read the Quran consists of 4 basic rules:

  1. Learning the alphabet (the alphabet in Arabic is called Alif wa ba).
  2. Teaching writing.
  3. Grammar (Tajweed).
  4. Reading.

Right away it may seem simple to you. However, all these stages are divided into several sub-items. The main point is that you need to learn how to write correctly. Exactly right, but not correctly! If you do not learn to write, then you cannot move on to learning grammar and reading.

Two more very important points: first, using this method you will only learn to read and write in Arabic, but not to translate. To fully delve into this language, you can go to an Arab country and gnaw on the granite of science there. Secondly, you need to immediately decide which Quran you will study from, since there are differences in them. Most of the old teachers teach from the Koran, which is called “Ghazan”.

But I do not recommend doing this, because then it will be difficult to switch to the modern Koran. The font is very different everywhere, but the meaning of the text is the same. Naturally, “Gazan” is easier to learn to read, but it is better to start learning with a modern font. If you don’t quite understand the difference, then look at the picture below, this is exactly what the font in the Koran should look like:

I think that if you want to learn how to read the Quran, you have already bought it. Now you can move on to the alphabet. At this stage, I advise you to start a notebook and remember school. All letters individually must be written out in a notebook 100 times. The Arabic alphabet is no more complicated than the Russian one. Firstly, it has only 28 letters, and secondly, there are only 2 vowels: “ey” and “alif”.

But this can also make the language difficult to understand. Because in addition to letters, there are also sounds: “un”, “u”, “i”, “a”. Moreover, almost all letters (except for “uau”, “zey”, “ray”, “zal”, “dal”, “alif”) at the end, in the middle and at the beginning of words are written differently. Most people also have problems with reading from right to left. After all, they read from left to right. But in Arabic it's the other way around.

It can also make writing difficult. The main thing in it is that the handwriting has a bias from right to left, and not vice versa. It may take you a long time to get used to it, but after a while you will bring everything to automaticity. Now UchiEto will show you the Arabic alphabet (the yellow frames highlight the spelling options for letters depending on their location in the word):

First, it is important that you write as much as possible. You need to get better at this, because now you are building the foundation of your training. In a month it is quite possible to learn the alphabet, know the spelling variants and learn to write. If you are interested, you can do it in half a month.

Once you have learned the alphabet and learned to write, you can move on to grammar. In Arabic it is called "tajweed". You can learn grammar directly while reading. Just a small nuance - in the Koran the beginning is not where everyone is used to. The beginning is at the end of the book, but it is better to start with the first surah of the Quran called Al-Fatiha.

There is no other language in which, with only three letters, a sentence with great meaning can be composed, and this is present in Arabic, where with the help of only three letters, the greatest sentence of Islam is composed, this is: “There is no god but Allah.” After all, it sounds in Arabic “La ilahya illa-Llah”, and three Arabic letters are repeated in it: Lam, Alif and Ha."

The language of the Koran is Arabic and there is no doubt about it. This is emphasized in many verses of the Quran: (193). A faithful spirit descended upon him

(194). on your heart, so that you may be among those who admonish you,

(195). in Arabic, clear. (26:193-195)

And in another surah:

(37). Thus We have revealed the Qur'an as law in Arabic. If you indulge their desires after knowledge has come to you, then no one will become your patron and protector instead of Allah. (13:37)

It is not for nothing that Allah Subhanahu wa Tagala emphasizes that the language of the Koran is Arabic. This could be a call for preserving the Qur'an in its original language. The Koran must be preserved regardless of the nationality of those who read it (Arab in his native language, or a non-Arab).

Why is the Qur'an in Arabic? In what language do you want the Qur'an to be revealed? In English?

The very formulation of the question is incorrect, because there is not one international language on the globe. If there was one such universal language, and the Quran was revealed in another language, which not every person knows, then this question would be appropriate.

Allah Subhanahu wa Tagala reserved the right to choose to which area and to which people (with which language) to send a messenger. This is not a decision of nations, but a decision of Allah alone. This is stated in the following verse:

(124). And when a sign comes to them, they say: “We will not believe until we are given the same as was given to the messengers of Allah.” Allah knows best where to place His message. Those who have sinned will suffer humiliation before the Lord and severe punishment because of their cunning! (6:124)

Someone says that Allah Subhanahu wa Tagala sent the Koran as “We have revealed the Koran by law in Arabic,” and you want them to live according to it in England, in America?!

But here the language of the judge is emphasized, and not his direction. If I use a Japanese microphone in Russia, you won’t tell me: “How can you live in Kazan and use a Japanese microphone?!” Its origin does not matter. The Koran is Arabic in language, in its origin, but not Arabic in its direction.

Allah Subhanahu wa Tagala does not say that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was sent only to the Arabs:

(107). We sent you only as a mercy for the worlds.

The Qur'an is in Arabic, but the language of the message does not indicate that the Qur'an is intended only for Arabs.

This is the most suitable answer to the question why the Quran is in Arabic.

But some scientists tried to explain what was different about the Arabs of that time, what were the possible reasons for choosing the language of the Koran in favor of Arabic.

The answer to this question can be divided into three groups:

1. Features of the residence of the Arabs (Arabian Peninsula);

Features of the Arabic language;

Features of the Arab people.

What is the geographical feature of the Arabs' place of residence?

1. The Arabian Peninsula was located in the middle of the large continents of the world active at that time. Three parts of the world were recognized: Africa, India (in modern Asia), Europe. The Arabian Peninsula had a very advantageous location; unlike those mentioned above, it occupied a central position between these parts of the world.

2. The Prophet was sent down to the city of Mecca, where people from different countries were making a pilgrimage. And at a time when there was no telephone or Internet, communication between peoples took place either through trade or in such mass movements of people as the Hajj. Every year, people from the countries of the Arab world came to Mecca to make a pilgrimage, and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) took advantage of this, expecting visitors and calling them to Islam. Thus, some people from Medina converted to Islam and, returning to their homes, began to call for Islam in Medina.

3. It was the inhabitants of Mecca who were surrounded by desert. What did this lead to? There was no strong influence of other civilizations on these people, for example, the Persians or the Greeks. Even until today, when colonization began and the Arab world was divided between European countries. Let's say France took Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Algeria, Morocco, Great Britain took other countries, but there was no direct occupation of the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, which was in Libya, Lebanon, etc. And this is because of such harsh living conditions.

Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was not the author of the Koran. One of the proofs is that the Koran describes some scientific data obtained only recently. If Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had the opportunity to communicate with civilizations that were interested in issues of medicine, geography, etc., some doubts might have arisen whether Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would have taken ), someone has this information.

What are the characteristics of the Arab people of that time?

A strong memory that allowed him to memorize poems consisting of hundreds of lines the first time. And this was necessary for memorizing the Koran at a time when printing was not common.

Patience. The Arab people are a people who live in harsh desert conditions and are accustomed to any difficulties. If these people lived in the orchards of apple and apricot trees, in comfort, and a prophet came to them, because of whom they were tormented and driven out, they would say: “Why do I need this? I will sit under the apple tree and eat apples...” Therefore, the Arabs were very patient. Bilyala, may Allah be pleased with him, was dragged through the desert (whoever was on the Hajj knows that when it’s 50 degrees, you can’t even step on the sand barefoot), they put a stone on his chest and told him to renounce Islam. Bilyal, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

Allah is One, Allah is One.

When the Muslims freed him, they asked why he always insisted that Allah is One, to which Bilyal, may Allah be pleased with him, replied:

Believe me, I knew nothing about Islam except that Allah

If this people were not accustomed to this harsh life, they would not be able to bear the burden of Islam.

The Arabs were far from different philosophies, their heads were not filled with questions that would prevent them from acting. They didn’t think about whether a person is a rational being or an animal, the soul of a person is in the legs or in the head, what death is, what life is, if I think, then I exist, etc.

Loyalty in promises is also a characteristic of the Arabs of that time. If they promised to take you under their protection, it means that no one can touch you as long as at least one of the family of the person who took you under protection is alive.

Sometimes Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was forced to accept protection from someone. And the Arabs did not break their words. If someone has a guest, no one has the right to touch this person, otherwise there will be revenge on the part of the owners of the house (to the offenders of their guest), etc.

What is special about the Arabic language?

Each language has its own characteristics. There is even a proverb that one speaks to an enemy in German, to a lover in French, etc.

One scientist expressed himself very beautifully when speaking about the peculiarities of the Arabic language. He said that there is no other language in which with the help of only three letters one can compose a sentence with great meaning, and this is present in Arabic, where with the help of only three letters one can compose the greatest sentence of Islam, which is: “There is no god but Allah.” . After all, it sounds in Arabic “La ilahya illa-Llah”, and three Arabic letters are repeated in it: Lam, Alif and Ha."

Arabic is the only language that has a clear division between feminine and masculine gender in all verb forms. Let's take the Russian language. Past tense plural: “walked.” Who went: women or men? In Arabic, from the verb you can understand that it was women (or men) who walked, and this is in all numbers and times. The same in the English language: I was once shown several lyrics of English songs in which it is impossible to know from the forms of the words whether a woman is singing this song for a man or a man for a woman.

And when we talk about the Book, which reflects the laws, you can’t joke here: “Masculine or feminine, what’s the difference! They are all people! There's no such thing.

3. Arabic has a dual form. Moreover, it can be understood whether the two referred to in the sentence were men or women.

When we talked about the properties of Allah, we had an example where the meaning of the verse was clarified through Allah's use of the dual form.

Because of the Arabic language, the Qur'an has seven types of readings, which we have already discussed.

And this could not happen with Russian or any other language. This will never be possible (reading the same handwritten text written in Russian is so different from each other). Arabic has three letters "x" and two "g". If you remove the dots from “ha”, “hya” and “ja”, they will look the same. And these dots are an innovation in the history of the Arabic language; during the time of Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, there were no such dots, and “alif” did not always stand.

I hope that in Russia there will be guys who will be experts in reading the Koran in all these seven ways.

Who the prophet will be is Allah's decision, but we can try to find some reasons for this choice.

Koran in Arabic. Why, when we want to get rewards from every letter, should we read the Qur'an only in Arabic? Why can’t you read namaz in your native language? Why are we forced to read namaz in Arabic?

If we take the translations of the meanings of the Koran by Krachkovsky, Kuliev, Porokhova, al-Muntahab, how many Korans will we get? I am not against translations, but one cannot abandon the Quran in its original form in favor of translations, because as a result of any attempt at translation, some thoughts are lost, because it is impossible to replace the Arabic text of the Quran with a full translation of it into another language. If the original language of a book is lost, it will one day be impossible to understand the unclear issues. When we read different translations of the meanings of the Qur'an, we see large discrepancies that we cannot resolve without the Qur'an in its original language. We see that other Books of the Prophets have been changed into translations and therefore there is no mass reading of the Bible in its original language.

Therefore, when we are obliged to read the Qur'an in Arabic, it is not to make life difficult for us. Someone does not want to read taraweeh and does not come to the mosque, saying: “Why am I standing if I don’t understand anything?” If we allow the reading of the Koran in any languages, then in a hundred years I cannot guarantee that there will be at least someone who will read the Koran at all.

Sometimes you read a translation and think: “Where did he translate it from?” And this applies not only to Arabic. Translate any text from one language to another, some idea gets lost. And the mood of the work and shades of meaning are lost, which the author of the work chose special words to express.

And Allah Subhanahu wa Tagala does not miss any moment in the difficulty of studying the Quran, and, depending on the difficulty, increases the reward. If a person who is struggling overcomes difficulties on the path to learning the Qur'an, Allah Subhanahu wa Tagalah will give him a great reward. Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A person who reads the Qur’an and finds it difficult, receives twice the reward.” Therefore, I congratulate you that you are Tatars and not Arabs.

Although, if a person feels the importance of the Arabic language for understanding the Quran, he will strive to study it for the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wa Tagala.

There was a Persian writer who said: “If you scold me in Arabic, it will be better than praising me in Persian.” This is not because he forgot his nation and language, Islam does not require this, but Arabic is the language of the Koran.

Today everyone strives to know English because they feel the benefits of this language. And if we felt the benefit of the Quran, it would not be so difficult for us to learn the language of this Book. The famous scholars of Arabic were non-Arabs. Among them we can highlight the scientist Sibawai. When Sibawai spoke about the grammar of the Arabic language, all the Arabs listened to him silently. He was not an Arab, but he is a famous scholar of the Arabic language.

When Sibavai was lying on his deathbed, his son came to him and asked his father: “Bimaya tu son, am I abyatah?”, i.e., “What will (parting words) will you give me, father?”

And he used the word “bimya”, and this is a mistake.

The dying Sibawai replied:

I bequeath to you: fear Allah and don’t drag your feet anymore. Saying "bimya" is illiterate and shows disrespect for the Arabic language.

I emphasize once again that the decision to which nation to send a prophet belongs only to Allah. But there is meaning and benefit in this.

The Quran is sent in Arabic, but this Book is for the entire globe and the religion of Islam is for all people.

One hazrat, either jokingly or seriously, asked me:

Do you know the Tatar language?

“I don’t know,” I answered.

How will you get to Heaven, because you need to know the Tatar language. Some people ask: “Can I be a true Muslim without knowing Arabic?”

And the answer is: definitely yes! A person can become familiar with Islam and observe everything it obliges without knowing Arabic.

(286). Allah does not lay upon a soul anything except what is possible for it... (2:286)

And Allah Subhanahu wa Tagala does not want any difficulties for her. Allah says in the Quran:

(185) ...Allah wants ease for you, and does not want difficulty for you... (2:185)

But one cannot become a scholar in Islam without knowing Arabic. Even an Arab who does not know Arabic grammar perfectly cannot become a scientist. Therefore, the four great scholars of Islam, Imam al-Shafiqiy, Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, and Imam Ahmad, spoke Arabic very competently. Al-Shafiqiy is even considered a scholar in the field of Arabic, and among his students there are also great scholars of the Arabic language.

And a non-Arab, especially, cannot become a great scholar in the Islamic religion without having an excellent knowledge of the Arabic language, because he will be forced to resort to translations of the Koran and books with translations of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and this will make him hostage to the translators of these Books, who in their translations have incorporated their own understanding, and this is unacceptable for a scientist.

The significance of this Great Book for Muslims cannot be overestimated. The Koran is a kind of guide for a person to fulfill his destiny, establish and maintain harmonious relationships with the Almighty, society and himself.

The Koran consists of 114 chapters (surahs) and more than 6 thousand verses (ayat). The Holy Scripture is divided into 7 equal parts for easy reading during the week and 30 parts (juz) for even reading over the month. The content of the Koranic suras is classified by researchers as the Meccan part - the period of the beginning of the path of the Prophet ﷺ and the Madinian part - the time of his wide recognition.

The most important suras

  • "Opening the Book"(“Al-fatiha”) Read in all obligatory daily prayers (1st sura).
  • "Sincerity"(“Al-Ikhlas”) - which is called the “creed” (112th sura)
  • "Ayat Trona"(“Al-Kursi”). According to the Prophet ﷺ, this verse comes first in the Quran. It talks about the power and absolute authority of Allah ﷻ (Sura 2, verse 255).
  • "Ayat about Light"(Sura An-Nur) describes the glory of Allah ﷻ (Sura 24, verse 35).
  • "Ya-Sin", a Meccan sura, which is called the “heart of the Quran” (Sura 36).

On this page you can download the Quran in Arabic for free. The original text of the Koran has survived unchanged to this day thanks to the isnad system, which insures the original text from distortion and allows us to trace the chain of transmitters of the sacred text all the way back to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Also on our website you can download the Russian translation of the Koran, i.e. translations of the meanings of the most famous translators. Ukrainian and English translations of meanings are also available.

In what languages ​​did you personally read the Koran?

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