Convergent education. Convergent approach in action The idea of ​​a convergent approach in the main educational program

Convergence project in elementary school.

The main direction of the new educational standards is not just to give the student new knowledge and skills, but to teach them how to apply them and develop the child both during and after school hours. Convergent education is the basis of a new system of organization of modern education and science. With its help, students form a holistic understanding of nature, society, themselves, the sociocultural world and the world of activity, the role and place of each science in the system of sciences.

The basis of convergent education is educational and research activity, which is understood as the process of search creative activity of students, aimed at obtaining new knowledge and at realizing didactic learning goals, presupposing independence of students in carrying out research tasks. The goal of the project is to create an innovative educational environment that promotes the formation and development of modern science literacy among students.

The conditions for the formation of natural science competence of younger schoolchildren can be expressed in the words: “For the development of the childdecisive is not the formation of the product in the form of concepts and ideas, but thethe path taken to get there " This idea underlies the research focus of the educational process in primary school.

The principles of convergent education in primary school are:

    The relationship between theory and practice.

    Humanization of learning.

    Collaboration between teacher and student.

    Teaching a child to use and independently acquire knowledge.

    Intersubject and meta-subject in teaching.

    Research principle.

Focusing on the research principle of convergent education and the relationship between theory and practice, we implemented a school-wide convergent project:

"Space distances."

The Space Distances project was timed to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. Our students, together with teachers and parents, have done a great job of studying space topics, the history of Soviet cosmonautics, its successes and grandiose plans for the future.

On September 1, all classes had a lesson about the flight of the first artificial Earth satellite “PS” - 1

and the guys enthusiastically set about collecting material on the selected topics of the project.

Schoolchildren visited Moscow Planetariums and studied the secrets of space in the Museum of Cosmonautics:

Met with an engineer scientific research space center "Orion" - Alexander Kulakov, who revealed to us the secrets of creating new aircraft.

And for the guys’ problemsquestions about space exploration answered Alexander Ivanovich Laveikin, Hero of the Soviet Union, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR. We got an interesting film with questions from the guys and the cosmonaut’s answers to them.

Based on the research materials, the children performed interestingprojects about astronauts, comets, asteroids and meteorites, about stars and constellations. First-graders decorated stands with their works on the 2nd floor of the school, and students of grades 2-4 organized poster presentations of projects:

Team 1 "A" class - "First cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin."

Chicherin Vasily 2 “B” class - “The first man in outer space.”

Chervonkina Ekaterina 3 “B” class - “Use of robots in space exploration.”

Lexin Alexander 4 “B” class - “Mysteries of the solar system.”

Throughout the year, the children, under the guidance of teachers and parents, developed drawings, models, and designs of future devices for the final stage of the “Space Distances” convergent education project -Engineering and Design Festival "Let's Build the Rocket of the Future."

It was a real cosmic holiday. For 2 hours, the children, together with their parents and class teachers, made spaceships.

The first-graders' spacecraft "Vostok Salyut - 7" rises into the sky with the help of balloons.

The Vostok-2 class 2 “A” rocket will carry information about the history of Russia’s space victories.

Interstellar apparatus 2 “B” of the “Sparkling” class will tell other worlds about the beauty of our Earth.

Rockets 4 “A” of the “Upward Movement” class and 4 “B” of the “Strela” class are about the originality and creativity of our younger generation.

And the 3rd grade rocket “Firebird” will tell about the wonderful school “Firebird” and its kind, sympathetic students.

We still have a long way to go. We will grow, learn, improve and develop our abilities. But we will never forget our first steps into the “space distances”.

Primary school teacher, GBOU School No. 324 “Firebird”, Moscow Galina Viktorovna Korovyakova.

Concept and definition of convergent education


1) this is the interpenetration and mutual influence of various subject areas;

2) this is a new scientific and technological structure, which is based on NBICS technologies, where N is nano, B is bio, I is information technology, K is cognitive technology, S is social technology.

Convergent technologies "Big Four" technologies, a new type of integration system, which includes information and communication technologies, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies and cognitive technologies.

Convergent education-this is a purposeful process of developing competencies necessary for life and work in the era of convergent sciences and technologies

Methodology of convergent education:

Interaction of scientific disciplines (subjects), primarily natural ones;

Implementation of interdisciplinary design and research practices;

Interpenetration of sciences and technologies.

Key principles of convergent education:

Interdisciplinary synthesis of natural science (and humanities) knowledge;

Reorientation of educational activities from cognitive to projective-constructive;

Model of cognition - construction;

Network communication;

Teaching not subjects, but various types of activities;

Subject knowledge through NBIC technologies

The leading role of self-organization in learning processes.

Convergent learningThis is a process of interaction between subjects of a convergent educational environment, forming knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of convergent technologies.Convergent-oriented educational programthe main educational program of general education, the development of which takes into account the principles of convergent education.

Megaproject “Ready for study, life and work”project for the integration of general, additional, vocational and higher education on an interdisciplinary and integrative basis. As part of the project, by the time of graduation, each student has the opportunity to obtain a sought-after qualification (profession) of a mid-level specialist or in-depth specialized professional knowledge in a future specialty of higher education.

The mega-project “Ready for Study, Life and Work” includes:

Medical class at a Moscow school

Engineering class at a Moscow school

Cadet class at a Moscow school

Kurchatov project – science and technology classes

World Skills – classes, Junior Skills – classes

Themed Saturdays

Additional education (technological and natural science orientation)

Subject "Technology" - new approaches

"School knowledge for real life"

Meta-subject Olympiads


Project “Engineering class in a Moscow school”brings together the efforts of Moscow school teachers who have opened engineering classes, the resources of all network institutions of the Moscow Department of Education, educational technology support centers and the best university specialists. The goal of the project is to provide conditions for the development of natural science specialized training in engineering, creating motivation among students to choose engineering specialties. Kurchatov project

Project "Kurchatov Center for Continuing Interdisciplinary Education"brings together the efforts of more than 500 teachers from 37 educational organizations in Moscow, representing all administrative districts of Moscow, the resources of all network institutions of the Moscow Department of Education, and specialists from the Kurchatov Institute Research Center. The project is implemented in accordance with the principles: * Education based on fundamental concepts. * Convergent education in laboratory complexes. * Cooperation with the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". * Development of inter-district resource centers for convergent education. * Assessing the effectiveness of project implementation based on the high achievements of students.

Medical class in a Moscow school Project “Medical class in a Moscow school”unites the efforts of teachers of Moscow schools who have opened medical classes, the resources of all network institutions of the Moscow Department of Education and the best specialists of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. The goal of the project is to provide conditions for the development of natural science specialized training in medical fields, and the formation of students’ motivation to choose medical specialties.

An example of convergent educational technology STEAM technology

(S – science, T – technology, E – engineering, A – arts, M – mathematics)

Combines an interdisciplinary and applied approach,

Is a tool for developing critical thinking,

Research competencies

Group work skills. This technology is aimed at future professions based on high-tech production at the intersection of natural sciences (bio- and nanotechnology), humanities, and art.

Kapranova M.N.,
Deputy Director of the School of Engineering and Technology

Convergent learning is aimed at creating an educational environment in which schoolchildren will perceive the world as a single whole, and not as a list of individual disciplines studied at school...

The methodology for overcoming interdisciplinary boundaries of scientific and technological knowledge is the start for an active life and work in a society of convergent technologies of the future, which today include information and communication, nano-, bio- and cognitive technologies.
The world around the school is changing much faster than the school itself. The mission of education is no longer limited only to the reproduction of knowledge accumulated by previous generations. It is obvious that today's students in adulthood will have to face challenges that go beyond narrow subject areas, which means that the modern education system faces serious challenges in defining new priorities and new approaches in organizing school education.

A modern teacher understands and accepts all this, but in practice, the more he immerses himself in the topic, the more questions he has:

  • How can teachers and heads of educational organizations themselves “enter” the space of convergent ideas?
  • How to determine the components of school disciplines that need to be filled with convergent content?
  • How to build an individual development trajectory for a student based on a convergent-oriented educational program?

The reality is such that only a few can clearly and confidently say how this should be implemented in school.
We started working on these issues, discussing, arguing at the Moscow Center for the Development of Human Resources in Education as part of a new training course for advanced training “Modern deputy head of an educational organization”. The course is aimed at developing in students a new perception of the content and restructuring the interaction of all participants in the educational process in the course of implementing the demands of society and, obviously, convergence is one of its most important requests.
The organization of a convergently oriented educational space at school begins with individual approach to the student. This approach is not something new for the education system. Moreover, in the Federal State Educational Standard, the personal result of the student is in first place, which means that an individual approach in organizing educational activities also comes to the fore. But in the conditions of convergent education, this approach should be based on such principles of learning, where the main model of cognition is construction. That is, project and research activities are becoming one of the mandatory components of modern education. To implement it in school, it is necessary to create conditions under which each student, during the implementation of an individual project, learns what competitiveness and interdisciplinarity are, acquires the ability to think, and apply school knowledge in real life and in real situations.
There is another important aspect - this is the section of the Federal State Educational Standard “Portrait of a Graduate”, which lists those qualities of a graduate, the development of which a modern school should ensure; it does not contain a single quality that relates to knowledge of theory, specific facts or the ability to solve narrowly focused problems in one or another subject area.
The state and society need a creative and critically thinking person who knows the basics of scientific methods of cognition, is motivated to create, and is ready to cooperate and carry out educational, research, project, information, educational and innovative activities. And most importantly, prepared for a conscious choice of your future profession.
The standard requires the organization of an educational process based on the intersection of sciences and the introduction of convergent learning technologies. That is why a convergent approach is so necessary for a modern school today. Consequently, changes are needed in the construction of the educational space, teaching methods and technologies, and in the control and assessment system of educational results.
Training in the course “Modern Deputy Head of an Educational Organization” helps to find answers to the questions posed. Immerses students in topics such as “School in a digital environment”, “Information management”, “Personnel management and team building in order to create a unified school team to implement a convergent approach to learning and obtain quality results”, “Organization of the educational process and content of training” , “How to avoid a mono-subject view of schoolchildren’s learning outcomes.”
The course involves an analysis of the main educational programs of schools in order to identify “points of convergence” - positions along which it is possible to merge the content of academic subjects, levels of general and additional education, and areas of activity. The issues of interaction between the administration and the class leader, cooperation between teachers, the development of networking, and the use of educational resources of the city are considered.
Finding and attracting like-minded people to create a convergent educational process is another goal of the course. Ahead of the students are internships in Moscow schools and, as a result of training, the development Roadmap for implementing a convergent approach in school.

Convergent approach in education.

We're bringing experimentation back to schools

The main result of studying at school is the mastery of basic theoretical concepts (time, matter, volume, amount) and the ability to apply them in solving practical problems and obtaining new knowledge. Representatives of the natural sciences believe that the future lies in interdisciplinary research in the fields of chemistry, physics and biology. Convergent learning, for the implementation of which the Kurchatov project was created, is aimed at creating just such an interdisciplinary educational environment in the classroom and in students’ extracurricular activities.

Project background

One of the problems of modern education is the traditional teaching of natural science subjects in isolation from each other, as a result of which students have an incomplete formation of a holistic picture of the world.
Project objective

To form systematic ideas about the world around us at the stage of primary education, which determines the student’s motivation for the entire subsequent educational cycle.

Project goals

To create motivation among schoolchildren to receive natural science education.
- Lay the foundations for perceiving the world around us as a whole on the basis of interdisciplinary educational programs.
- Provide the opportunity to participate in the implementation of educational and research projects.
- To guide graduating students to enter the best universities that provide interdisciplinary training.
Convergent learning

One of the founders of the Kurchatov project, Mikhail Valentinovich Kovalchuk, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, notes that information and nanotechnologies should become the basis for the rapprochement (convergence) of sciences and technologies, and highlights the following features of the development of natural sciences:
- transition to nanoscale;
- changing the development paradigm from analysis to synthesis;
- rapprochement and interpenetration of inorganic and organic worlds of living nature;
- interdisciplinary approach instead of narrow specializations.
These provisions determine the content of educational resources of the Kurchatov project.

Meta-subject approach in education.

The metasubject approach assumes that the child not only masters a system of knowledge, but masters universal methods of action and with their help will be able to obtain information about the world himself.

The metasubject approach in education and, accordingly, metasubject educational technologies were developed in order to solve the problem of disunity, fragmentation, and isolation of different scientific disciplines and, as a consequence, educational subjects.

Metasubjectivity implies that there are generalized systems of concepts that are used everywhere, and the teacher, with the help of his subject, reveals some of their facets.

Physics is the science of nature.

In nature, physical, chemical and biological phenomena are interconnected. In the educational process, all these phenomena are studied separately, thereby breaking their connections, therefore the school must necessarily provide for the implementation of interdisciplinary and meta-subject connections.

At school, very often the same scientific concepts are interpreted differently when studying different disciplines, which creates confusion in the minds of students. When moving from one subject area to another, they do not have a common understanding of the organization of the areas and where the border between the areas themselves lies. It is especially difficult to connect the humanitarian and natural science types of knowledge.

One of the tasks of the meta-subject approach is awareness of oneself in this world and development unified system


Interdisciplinary approach in education.

What is an interdisciplinary approach to learning

An interdisciplinary approach involves blurring the boundaries between traditional academic subjects and teaching within broader themes or areas rather than academic disciplines. For example, teaching a foreign language can be combined with teaching geography, history and literature of a given country; different subjects can be combined in topics such as “my city”, “my country”, etc.

The concept of interdisciplinary learning has been known since ancient times; it was touched upon by famous philosophers and teachers in more recent times. The words of the greatest teacher and thinker of the 17th century, Ya.A., sound relevant and modern. Comenius on the reorganization of education, who in the book “Great Didactics” emphasized that “everything is in mutual connection, must be taught in the same connection.” Ya.A. Comenius defined that learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills to solve various problems. And accordingly, such training requires an interdisciplinary approach designed to create a holistic picture of the world in which man is a perfect creation of nature and has the right to develop all his abilities and capabilities.

The Finnish education system is fundamentally different from those adopted in many countries (especially in Asia), in that it is not aimed at cramming and passing exams, but at developing the abilities of each child and preparing him for adult life. In Finland, schools are not graded or have centralized examinations. The student is at the center of the educational process; the teacher only helps him in acquiring knowledge. Students do not just sit in rows and listen to the teacher, but are encouraged to work together to solve various learning problems.

Integrated approach in education.

Integration in a modern school goes “in several directions and at different levels. These levels are: intra-subject and inter-subject.

Intra-subject integration includes fragmented integration, which includes a separate fragment of a lesson that requires knowledge from other subjects; and nodal integration, when throughout the lesson the teacher relies on knowledge from other subjects, which is a necessary condition for mastering new material.

The next level is interdisciplinary or synthesized integration, which combines the knowledge of different sciences to solve a particular issue.

At the crossroads of these approaches, there may be different results:

1. the birth of completely new subjects (courses);

2. the birth of new special courses that update the content within one or more related subjects;

3. the birth of cycles (blocks) of lessons that combine the material of one or a number of subjects while maintaining their independent existence;

4. one-time integrated lessons of different levels and nature as a test of the teacher’s strength in a new direction.

Among the many requirements for a modern lesson, there is a need to increase the effectiveness of schoolchildren’s educational activities. It is important to think through ways of organizing it that would ensure high cognitive activity of students. The reproductive activity of students is aimed at learning and reproducing knowledge and skills. The basis of creative cognitive activity is the process of transforming acquired knowledge, operating skills in a new situation, and searching for an answer to the problem posed. The highest level of student creativity is achieved when they independently pose a problem and find ways to solve it. The teacher’s task is to teach students learning activities, first according to a model, and then to apply the skills in a new situation. At the same time, one should achieve a gradual increase in the level of creativity, a transition from reproductive to creative activity, and find their optimal balance.

At the first stages of teaching subjects of the natural cycle, the reproductive nature of students’ cognitive activity predominates. As they master concepts, create the necessary knowledge base for their further use, and equip schoolchildren with educational skills, the opportunities for including them in creative activities increase.

One of the ways to develop creativity in the learning process at school is integrated lessons. This is an effective form of implementing interdisciplinary connections when studying a complex problem that requires a synthesis of knowledge from different sciences.

The specificity of such lessons is that most often they are taught by teachers of two or more subjects. The preparation of the lesson is carried out jointly, the volume and depth of the material being covered, and the sequence of its study are determined in advance. Often such lessons are preceded by homework using knowledge of two or three subjects.

We're bringing experimentation back to schools

The main result of studying at school is the mastery of basic theoretical concepts (time, matter, volume, amount) and the ability to apply them in solving practical problems and obtaining new knowledge. Representatives of the natural sciences believe that the future lies in interdisciplinary research in the fields of chemistry, physics and biology. Convergent learning, for the implementation of which the Kurchatov project was created, is aimed at creating just such an interdisciplinary educational environment in the classroom and in students’ extracurricular activities.

Project background

One of the problems of modern education is the traditional teaching of natural science subjects in isolation from each other, as a result of which students have an incomplete formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Project objective

To form systematic ideas about the world around us at the stage of primary education, which determines the student’s motivation for the entire subsequent educational cycle.

Project goals

To create motivation among schoolchildren to receive natural science education.
- Lay the foundations for perceiving the world around us as a whole on the basis of interdisciplinary educational programs.
- Provide the opportunity to participate in the implementation of educational and research projects.
- To guide graduating students to enter the best universities that provide interdisciplinary training.

about the project

The project participants included 37 Moscow schools, which share an interest in new technologies and active development of new educational methods. As part of the project, these schools are equipped with the most modern educational and laboratory equipment designed to conduct lessons, experimental workshops and field work in 4 subjects: physics, chemistry, geography and biology. Also, computer equipment, necessary software, consumables for laboratory equipment and even furniture were supplied to each school.

To ensure full use of the supplied high-tech equipment, commissioning work was carried out, teachers were trained, educational materials were supplied to schools, and service support was provided.
Participating schools not only use the equipment themselves, but also work as a network of innovative educational institutions “within walking distance.” Teachers and students of other schools use these resource centers to learn from experience and conduct on-site classes.

The concept of the project was formed by Moscow educational institutions together with the Kurchatov Institute. As part of the project, Softline, in addition to supplying computer and educational equipment and software, carried out commissioning, trained teachers and provides technical support. The competition in which Softline won this contract was organized by the District Department of Education of Moscow CJSC on the initiative of the Moscow Department of Education.

Convergent learning

One of the founders of the Kurchatov project, Mikhail Valentinovich Kovalchuk, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, notes that information and nanotechnologies should become the basis for the rapprochement (convergence) of sciences and technologies, and highlights the following features of the development of natural sciences:
- transition to nanoscale;
- changing the development paradigm from analysis to synthesis;
- rapprochement and interpenetration of inorganic and organic worlds of living nature;
- interdisciplinary approach instead of narrow specializations.

These provisions determine the content of educational resources of the Kurchatov project.

Equipment supplied

The foundation for all sets of laboratory equipment is the use of modern technology, as close as possible to what adult scientists use in real laboratories. It is complemented by computer technology (after all, modern laboratory equipment is connected to a computer) and new solutions in the field of ergonomics of the educational environment.

Each cabinet includes:
- interactive whiteboard,
- digital laboratory equipment, sensors,
- necessary consumables,
- educational furniture.

For full use of the equipment, electronic educational resources and specialized software are provided.

Laboratory equipment

The chemistry room is equipped with a spectrophotometer that allows for quantitative and kinetic measurements and determination of the absorption spectrum of substances.
Digital ion meter allows you to carry out high-precision measurements and study the concentration of ions in any solution.
Electronic scales allow you to measure mass with an accuracy of thousandths and solve problems in quantitative chemistry.
Sets of reagents allow you to carry out not only basic experiments from the school chemistry course, but also to study the physical and chemical characteristics of substances and prepare for specialized Olympiads.

The physics room is equipped with an atomic force microscope, with which you can study the physical properties and structure of matter at the nanoscale level.
The “Laser Radiation” set allows you to obtain holographic images of various three-dimensional objects.
The kit for determining the specific charge of an electron makes it possible to observe and study the movement of electrons in a magnetic field.
The telescope allows you to study various astronomical objects and phenomena (lunar and solar eclipses) in more detail, as well as draw up a map of the starry sky.


Thanks to a modern digital remote weather station, it is possible to create a school meteorological service, and, in combination with other equipment (in biology, chemistry and physics), to carry out environmental monitoring of abiotic environmental factors.
The Scanex hardware and software complex for receiving Earth remote sensing data allows the use of space technologies that help obtain the most up-to-date information about the processes and phenomena occurring on the planet.
Interactive tables allow you to work with interactive maps, 3D models of natural objects and phenomena, and satellite images.


A set of biology equipment allows you to conduct research and experiments in school grounds, park areas, and water bodies.
The set of equipment includes a mobile laboratory necessary for conducting biological-ecological and biological-chemical research, soil, water and air analysis.
The “Molecular Biology” set allows you to isolate DNA from biological objects and carry out biochemical diagnostics.

Innovative furniture

The furniture concept has been completely revised, eliminating a large number of wires and the impossibility of mobile movement in the classroom.

A modern system of overhead communication lines is used, which simplifies the installation of power circuits, water supply, gas supply, ventilation systems, etc.

The transformable classroom can be used as a lecture room or as a classroom for workshops.

Visualization system

Modern whiteboard systems with short throw projectors and integrated interactive whiteboards.
Computer control system for classroom equipment.

The use of video walls as elements of accessible visualization.

3D technologies

Possibility of conducting virtual laboratory work in 3D mode.

Application of Augmented Reality technology.

Multitasking and cross-platform.

Displaying videos in 3D mode allows you to increase efficiency and interest in the educational process.
An interactive globe with a set of interactive maps with the ability to display current information received from satellites online.

The 3D content system integrated into the overall complex allows you to study processes from the inside.

Distance learning

Using modern software products to create distance learning based on innovative classes.
Organization of online broadcasts on the Internet with the ability to connect other institutions to the educational process.

From delivery to full use


In order for several dozen large and small boxes that were brought to each of the 37 schools, unloaded on the ground floor and accepted for balance, to turn into laboratory classrooms, a huge amount of commissioning work had to be done.

According to the terms of delivery, each school had to prepare the premises in accordance with technical requirements regulating the number and location of sockets, placement of water supply and sewerage, preparation of ventilation shafts for connecting hoods, etc. A team of installers arrived at the prepared site to install columns for interactive whiteboards, island tables with hoods, assemble furniture, and connect communications.

At the next stage, servers and PCs, network equipment were installed and configured. Then it was the turn of assembling laboratory equipment, connecting to computers, and installing special software.

At the final stage, the finished laboratory classes were tested and transferred to schools.


To master the new technology, all teachers were trained on the basis of methodological recommendations on the use of educational equipment in all subjects. System administrators were also trained in the use of software and equipment, including specialized ones - projectors, interactive tables, etc.


The project provides 3-year support for all supplied equipment. Since the warranty of most manufacturers is 1 year, further support was undertaken by the contract supplier, Softline. At the same time, the guarantee provided for the replacement of non-working equipment within a period of no more than 2 working days.

Currently, applications are accepted both by phone and through special functionality on the school portal Applications are processed by dedicated engineers. In the future, it is planned to transfer the application processing process to Softline’s own service desk, which has ample capabilities for tracking applications, connecting any necessary specialists and managers to solve problems.

Currently, the volume of requests is about 30 per month - ranging from trivial power supply problems to full-fledged equipment repairs.

The scale of the Kurchatov project is large, and a special warehouse for replacement equipment was organized to provide warranty service.

City Methodological Center

On the website of the methodological center you can find:
- Lists of equipment of the Kurchatov project;
- Methodological recommendations for the arrangement and use of educational equipment in all subjects (biology, chemistry, physics, geography).
- Collection of instructions on labor protection and safety.

These materials made it possible to timely connect and configure the equipment, and correctly place it in educational laboratories, taking into account the requirements of SanPiN.


Ability to learn. In modern federal state educational standards, for the first time in the history of national education, the ability to learn is highlighted as an independent and important result of education. Active mastery of the subject, individual projects that students can carry out in convergent laboratories, form the ability for independent thinking and cognition.

Interdisciplinary education. Training in convergent laboratories is aimed at mastering universal educational actions and concepts that are at the intersection of subject disciplines, which in the future allow achieving high subject results.

Effective education. The project equipment allows you to conduct individual and group research work, successfully prepare for the Unified State Examination, and admission to the natural sciences and engineering faculties of universities.

New requirements for the execution of government contracts

Compared to traditional ones, we applied higher requirements for the following parameters:

Type of requirements Nature of execution
Extended warranty period. 3 years warranty on all supplied goods.
Technical and information support service center. Call center, website, monthly reporting, quarterly preventative visits of specialists.
Swapping fund. Replacement of equipment within no more than 2 working days
Improving the qualifications of specialists working with equipment. Advanced training of specialists with the issuance of a state certificate.
Additional financial guarantees. For the entire warranty period.
Full readiness for work. Full commissioning and on-site installation
Functional and technical compatibility. The product must be technically and functionally compatible with each other and together must form a single hardware and laboratory complex for convergent training.

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