Together we can find the code. Getting rid of debts and codes for good luck and success

Subconscious codes. 54 code phrases for happiness and good luck Fad Roman Alekseevich

Application. Subconscious Code Table

Continuation of the table.

Continuation of the table.

Continuation of the table.

Continuation of the table.

Continuation of the table.

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I wish you good luck on your path to a new reality!

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Numbers can not only give certain information about a person, but also help change life! If you repeat the code daily, preferably at the same time, you can program yourself in the desired way.

Sun Light in his book “Numerology of Lucky Numbers” offers readers special, one might even say magical, numerical codes of abundance.
The fact is that the numerical codes of abundance are composed in such a way that they allow you to work with cosmic energies. If we try to explain it more simply, we can call the abundance code a kind of numerical mantra. But let's move from words to action!
Try to develop the habit of reciting an abundance code every day and see what changes in your life.

Abundance Codes

All codes given in this article are universal. This means that they are suitable for absolutely every person, regardless of date of birth and other numerological characteristics.

Success code

Repeat every morning 21 times for one month
1 – 3 – 2 – –5 – 4 – 9 – 9

Luck code

Repeat 77 times
8 – – 9 – 3 –1 – – 5 – 4 – 2

Life force code

Repeat 18 times at noon
3 – 3 – 4 – 2 – – 8 – – – 8 – 7

Code for attracting abundance energy

Repeat 21 times in the morning 3 – 3 – 3 – – – 5 – 7 – 9 – 9

Code of Harmony and Peace

Repeat 33 times in the evening
4 –2 – – 4 – 2 – – 7 – 3 – 1

Ritual for getting rid of debts

“In debt, like silk” - uttering these words, we don’t even think about the fact that they are a kind of spell that only strengthens an already poor financial situation.
If it so happens that you just can’t get out of debt, try performing a special ritual. All you need is a key that has never been used in your home.
In the evening, go to the intersection of two roads. If possible, choose small roads rather than large highways. Place the key at the intersection, and go around it three times counterclockwise with the words:
“Let everything return to its place. What’s mine will stay with me, what’s not mine will go away" After this, turn in the opposite direction and go around the key three times clockwise with the words:
“Conscience is not a ransom, money is not a binding. Let it be so!" Carry the key with you until you pay off your debts. Then throw it into the water.

Conclusion: What is the purpose of the work?

For exchange. Now this is simply called trading. And this, in fact, is an exchange, and a loving exchange. You must do your work with love so that others will benefit from your love. This is how you build relationships.
Have you noticed one thing? If someone does his work with love, he becomes a master of the highest class. People are just looking for him: “Do this for me, I will pay you any money.” If you are a sage, then: “Give me some advice!”
And people themselves bring you something, and you don’t even ask anything. The exchange just begins. If you do something unselfishly, with love and with quality, you automatically receive in exchange everything you need. This is how the Universe works, the laws of the Universe, nature.
Look, all living beings use this principle unconsciously. Everyone gives what others need and takes what they lack from others. Everything, plants, birds, insects, is a connection. A person must learn this connection and use it with the help of his mind.
We wish you prosperity and wealth!

Subconscious codes Subconscious codes are a fairly simple technique to use: you just need to say code phrases in certain situations and... that’s it. Not difficult? Human consciousness, under certain conditions, influences reality and is capable of changing it. Everything in our world consists of energy, including thoughts, intentions, and desires. Using these scientific discoveries to your advantage is easier than it seems at first glance. Play this game, wanting to achieve the goal, but don’t go too far, don’t become a slave to your desires, and then everything will work out. CODES TO GET RID OF DISEASES “Abide.” The code is aimed at preserving what you have, be it health, love, work. When you feel good, try to record the state in your memory. In a moment of despair, pain, depression, call it out with an effort of will, envelop yourself in the memory of that moment and say the code “Abide.” "Change". Change the current state of affairs, set the body up for healing. Diseases don't just happen. If you understand that your illness is a sign for a change in the situation as a whole, the illness will go away. "Take it." This code means removing what interferes: illnesses, fears, complexes. They must be “carried” beyond the threshold of the house. You can speak the code in relation to everything that gets in the way. Mentally sweep the existing negativity and illness out the door and say “Take it away.” Every time you remember the disease, when relatives, friends, acquaintances, doctors remind you of it, say the code, do not let negativity come to you. “Abolish.” The code will help you get rid of negative character traits and eliminate what bothers you. It can be attributed to different areas of life, be it charisma or financial well-being. Negative character traits may well affect your well-being. By getting rid of internal poison, you will heal and make your life brighter and more beautiful. "True". You can get rid of bad thoughts and insults using this code. Say it if you suddenly realize that you are angry and life seems to you like a horror film or a bad comedy. You will immediately feel better. CODES FOR TROUBLES AND PROBLEMS “Cancel”. You can cancel any situation that doesn’t suit you, and thus ward off negative signals. The “Cancel” code is one of the most universal. "Beware." The code is specifically designed to protect against accidents and injuries. "Barrier". This is targeted protection against various everyday troubles, as well as energy vampires. By saying the code “Barrier” and mentally building a barrier between yourself and the person or event. "Thank you". The best defense against insults and offenders is to thank them for their timely warning. Thank Vasya, Petya or Lyuba for trying to offend you, pierce your aura, for discovering your weak point. "Let go." Any wound sometimes begins to bleed, and in order to get rid of it completely, it must be released. Erase from memory. "Praise". The ability to evaluate the achievement of another will help you understand how a person achieved their goal and form your own path to realizing your dream. FINDING A LOVED ONE To find love and get rid of loneliness, there is a code system “Together – Stay.” The first code, as everywhere else, is “Together”. This is a standard code used in all cases and situations. The second code is “Abide.” Your task is to imagine yourself happy, harmonious, having a wonderful partner, the best possible, and to be in a state of happiness. “Funnel” is a specific code for attracting attention to your person. “Praise” yourself, imagine that you are what you want to look like in your dreams. Speak the words of your own glory, express the glory in words, because the word is material. YOUTH AND ATTRACTIVENESS “Doxology.” It is designed for beauty and attractiveness. Give yourself glory through your words, your thoughts and your actions. Imagine the desired picture. Visualize it every day. "Abide." This code has also already been tested by you. "Construction". His task is to preserve youth. It is possible to build the reality you want. "Knowledge". With knowledge, you have a tool for preserving youth and attractiveness. “Finish.” This code helps you become stronger and improve your figure. Do you want to complete the formation of willpower? What about your figure? “Imitate.” You need to imitate those people you like and respect. It is their manners and gestures that people adopt. PROSPERITY CODES The first code is “Together”. This is the main code. It stands ahead of the entire system of our subconscious codes. This is a command from the consciousness to the subconscious so that they unite into a single whole. The second code of the subconscious is “It turns out.” This means what is currently being achieved; Everything I take on is starting to work out. The third code is “Acquire”. To acquire, that is, to materialize what is obtained. There it turns out, and here it materializes, and we have the result. And the fourth code, directly for money – “Count”. If you can find it, count it.

Current page: 1 (book has 9 pages in total)

Roman Fad
Subconscious Codes: 54 Code Phrases for Happiness and Good Luck


It's not who you think you are, but who you really are that matters.


Start with yourself and examine yourself first.

Marcus Aurelius

Today, quantum physicists have reliably confirmed that human consciousness, under certain conditions, influences reality and is capable of changing it! These are not inventions of illiterate shamans, not attempts by charlatan psychics to lasso your attention, but objective reality. Everything in our world consists of energy, including thoughts, intentions, and desires. Using these scientific discoveries to your advantage is easier than it seems at first glance. Play this game, wanting to achieve the goal, but don’t go too far, don’t become a slave to your desires, and then everything will work out.

Your reality is interactive and can change at your will, especially if you follow simple rules. They will be discussed in this book. There is one nuance here: YOU NEED TO BELIEVE in yourself and that everything will work out, and know firmly what you want. If you consider receiving any benefits impossible and do not believe in yourself, the result will be appropriate, and if you believe in your strength, success is guaranteed. The success of placebos is based on faith, which leads to positive results. Of course, it is impossible to deny the role of higher powers in your destiny, but if you don’t even try to buy a lottery ticket, don’t complain about not winning. Having concentrated the energy into a ball and launched it into the universe, feel its response, the weaving of your intention into the fabric of the Universe. If in the most incomprehensible and miraculous way nature helps us perform the miracle of the birth of a new person, with its complex structure of physical and astral bodies, then you are its co-creators! Without you, this miracle would have been impossible! What is not a reason to believe in your uniqueness and ability to create?

Know yourself, feel like the creator of your reality and act.

I wish you good luck on the path to your achievements!

Before you start reading this book, let me give you a couple of tips.

Advice one. The good thing about this book is that you can start reading it from any chapter. Choose the area of ​​your life that you want to improve first and start working. But it’s better to just read the entire book first and then work on specific chapters. The table of subconscious codes can be cut out and carried with you for the first time. This will make it easier to apply the codes in practice.

Tip two. The book carries a certain positive charge aimed at you. This energy works with you, helps you. It is better not to give the book to other people (especially if they are not relatives), otherwise its power will be scattered into several parts and will stop working. If you liked the book and it helped you, it’s better to just recommend it to your friends. This way the impact will be stronger and more favorable.

Chapter 1
Subconscious codes - your luck in all areas of life

Subconscious codes are a fairly simple technique and easy to use in practice: you just need to say code phrases in certain situations and... that’s it.

This technique is in some ways similar to neuro-linguistic programming. 1
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a set of models, techniques and operating principles (context-sensitive beliefs) used primarily as an approach to personal development by modeling effective strategies (thought and behavior).

The point is that knowledge should not belong only to one person or a select few, it should work for everyone who can use it, and there are not many of them. Why? Due to laziness and inertia of human thinking.

As a rule, those people who work on themselves every day, and do not expect favors from a higher mind, achieve power, prosperity, and harmony in love.

Even the technique that I offer you requires your energy expenditure and tireless programming of reality! If you think that by saying the code once, in five minutes you will find a suitcase with a million dollars in front of you, this book is not for you. You will have to work hard, but your efforts will be rewarded - I promise you that too.

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is based on the fact that the mind, body and language of an individual determine the picture of his worldview. This perception (and, accordingly, behavior) changes over the course of life as a person gains new experience, self-confidence and strength. It can also be changed intentionally by restructuring personal experience through various techniques. The cost of NLP courses today is so high that not every person can attend them.

The code installation connects and “collapses” a person’s consciousness and subconsciousness, increasing his energy resource and increasing his capabilities tenfold! Accept as a fact that our subconscious attracts everything we want to receive and, accordingly, carries out any of our commands. If we somehow program the subconscious to connect to the world of money through certain rituals that strengthen all these actions, the subconscious also begins to work to attract money. This applies not only to the financial sphere, but also to the implementation of any other requests.

What is the difference between consciousness and subconscious?

Consciousness is that part of the brain that we are constantly aware of, with which we relate ourselves most of the time. It is how we present ourselves and the world around us. Our consciousness collects and processes information around us, and then plans our actions. We make decisions under the influence of consciousness. When we process information received from the outside calmly and slowly, the result of our actions is the work of consciousness.

Another thing is the subconscious. It turns on abruptly, suddenly, either when our brain is busy processing other information, i.e., distracted, or at a moment of unexpected danger. The subconscious mind stores information received throughout life, as well as emotions from this information. Sometimes the subconscious gives us images that we seemed to have forgotten a long time ago. You may ask: why do we need all the information about the events of the past? Some things could easily be erased forever.

This is wrong.

Your experience is unique, and the subconscious is its treasure trove. When the conscious mind needs information to analyze what it sees, the subconscious will turn on and help avoid a possible mistake. By the way, automatic reactions are the action of the subconscious. Every day you automatically perform many operations: breathe, blink, move your legs, digest food - your consciousness does not control this process, because at this time it is busy reading information from the world around you. In principle, this is precisely why the division of the brain into conscious and subconscious parts is necessary. But there are situations when the “collapse” of consciousness and subconscious helps in various areas of life. This is why I offer you codes. After all, consciousness acts slowly, while the subconscious is capable of making decisions, processing signals instantly. If your life is in danger, it is the subconscious that saves you. You can automatically jump over an open underground hatch, jump away if a brick flies at your head, etc. All this is the action of the subconscious.

Among other things, the subconscious stores information about our past lives. This is verified empirically using regression hypnosis. Such experience can be very useful: it helps to understand what mistakes a person made in past lives, what needs to be changed in order to improve life here and now. But in this case, you need to contact a professional, since a charlatan can harm your health, and quite significantly.

By the way, the upbringing that we are given from early childhood also plays a very serious role. Children record the information and beliefs that parents lay down on the “hard drive” of their subconscious. This determines their life and their actions. If a person can understand the reason for his failures, so to speak, “format the disk,” then he can replace negative attitudes with favorable ones. By becoming aware of annoying attitudes and identifying them, you nullify their impact on your life. We will talk about this in more detail in the chapter on children.

To make it easier for you to work with codes, I will give a specific example.

The first code is “Together”. This is the main code. It stands ahead of the entire system of our subconscious codes. The point is that once upon a time, during the time of Atlantis, consciousness and subconscious were united and people practically did not make mistakes. Why did the highly developed civilization of Atlantis perish? People became proud and put themselves above the Creator, so civilization disappeared; but in order not to repeat the same lesson every time, higher powers divided consciousness and subconsciousness into two levels, placing a certain border between them.

A person most often makes a decision at the level of consciousness, and in most cases this decision is wrong, according to the well-known proverb: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” The subconscious says, let’s do it this way, but the brain thinks: it won’t work this way, we need to do it differently... and it’s wrong. There are a very small number of people who know how to listen to their own subconscious, which never makes mistakes.

To make ordinary people less likely to make mistakes, there is a subconscious code - “Together”. This is a command from the consciousness to the subconscious so that they unite into a single whole.

This means what is currently being achieved; Everything I take on is starting to work out. It turns out. The subconscious says: everything we undertake works out. The subconscious has received its code. This is a code system.

The third code is “Acquire”. To acquire, that is, to materialize what is obtained. There it turns out, and here it materializes, and we have the result.

AND fourth code "Count"

I repeat once again: we ourselves are the creators of our reality and can change it at our discretion. Whether to start creating your own world is up to you. I'm just giving you tools that you can use to "build."

You, people living in the 21st century, are probably inclined to doubt such a simple and easy path: just think, say a couple of phrases, and it’s done! But it is not so. Firstly, you will still have to work, building a new reality brick by brick; secondly, the easiest way to hide something is to leave it in plain sight. The sages of antiquity knew this when they passed this truth from mouth to mouth, they knew when they wrote sacred books or encrypted knowledge in parables. “Everything new is well forgotten old”; You've probably heard this more than once. How did it happen that this knowledge was forgotten? Everything is very simple. The social system changes, priorities change, and each government comes up with its own “ideals” with which it diligently captivates the people. These are social agreements woven at the will of the rulers in order to continue to keep the “fly in the web,” that is, the people within the framework that is convenient for the given system. The illusion of freedom is just an illusion, and nothing more. False interpretations of various events and facts distort the picture of the world so much that it becomes impossible to see the true essence of the phenomenon. Our beliefs and ideas... are they really ours? Or did someone once impose them on us at school, in the media? Try to sort out what you think is yours and what is contrived, brought in from outside. To your surprise, you will find a very bleak picture. Once you start changing it, you will quickly see results. Free yourself from imposed attitudes, from fears that are not yours, from complexes instilled in you since childhood...

Let's go back to the proverbial "placebo" for a moment. This Latin word translated means “consolation” or, more precisely, “I will console.” In early Christian traditions it was present in the Psalter in Latin. Who needs consolation? The sick and suffering. It is by being consoled and calmed down that they can begin the path to recovery of soul or body. By gaining faith (in oneself or in a higher power, it doesn’t matter), a person stops unbalancing his body and energy.

Recently, doctors have been sounding the alarm about the mental health of citizens and the sharply increased number of depressions. No wonder. Most of the media is negative; from them we constantly learn about natural disasters, crashed planes, crises, murders. I want to tell you one simple truth:

if you let negativity in, it begins to destroy you. If you are full of positivity, it will help you live happily ever after.

Sweep away from yourself the bad things that come to you from the outside, tell yourself: “These are not my thoughts, not my feelings and sensations. The sun is shining - I am happy. A new day has come - it will bring me happiness.” A simple wish “Good morning!” can be a positive spell for your loved ones. Smile, say “Hello!” to your neighbor. and, wishing her hello, you will receive the same positive charge in response. Avoid conflicts, forgive people for their inability to enjoy life, because they are weaker than you. No one says that you have to turn the other cheek to get hit, but don’t be the force that boomerangs at the third, fourth, fifth and so on and spreads hatred, envy, uncontrollable anger further into the world.

Negativity is akin to the nocebo effect, where prejudice against a drug, treatment, or help causes a negative effect. Since many scientists have proven the “placebo” and “nocebo” effects, there is no doubt about their existence, which means we again come to the conclusion that thought is material and consciousness influences reality.

Many people often ask: “Why do I need this? I am not guilty of anything." But starting to analyze the situation, they understand that there is a reason. Of course, finding the truth can be difficult - not everyone can face the truth. Existing according to the principle “survival of the fittest,” we either go over our heads or succumb to the “victim psychology,” trying to make others feel sorry for ourselves. Both are destructive. Pity and compassion are completely different concepts; they should not be confused. A weak, inert person should not cause pity, because he exists as he is comfortable, and it is convenient for him to be the way he is. No matter how much you try to pull it out, no matter how much energy you spend on it, the result will be zero. So if you want to pull someone out of their swamp, first think about whether the person himself wants this. If not, then don't even try. Achieving a goal requires desire. A person must want to achieve a goal!

So, if you really want to achieve your goals, you need to imagine the desired event has already happened. Think that here and now you are living the way you want. Using codes will help you reinforce the idea.

It takes time for any desire to come true; nothing happens overnight. Be patient, repeat the codes, mentally draw the picture you are looking for, and you will get everything.

I want to tell you one Sufi parable. When you finish reading the book to the end, you will understand why I told it to you.

One merchant sent his son to learn the Secret of Happiness from the wisest of all people. The young man walked through the desert for forty days and finally came to a beautiful castle that stood on the top of a mountain. There lived the sage whom he was looking for. However, instead of the expected meeting with a wise man, the hero found himself in a hall where everything was seething: merchants were coming and going, people were talking in the corner, a small orchestra was playing sweet melodies, the table was laden with the most exquisite dishes of the area. The sage talked with people, and the young man had to wait about two hours for his turn.

The sage listened carefully to the young man's explanations about the purpose of his visit, but said in response that he did not have time to reveal to him the Secret of Happiness, and invited him to walk around the palace and come again in two hours.

“However, I want to ask for one favor,” the sage added, handing the young man a small spoon into which he dropped two drops of oil. While walking, hold this spoon in your hand so that the oil does not spill out.

The young man went up and down the numerous palace stairs, without taking his eyes off the spoon. Two hours later he returned to the sage.

“Well,” he asked, “have you seen the Persian carpets that are in my dining room?” Have you seen the park that the head gardener took ten years to create? Have you noticed the beautiful parchments in my library?

The young man, embarrassed, had to admit that he did not see anything. His only concern was not to spill the drops of oil that the sage entrusted to him.

“Well, come back and get acquainted with the wonders of my Universe,” the sage told him. You cannot trust a person if you are not familiar with the house in which he lives.

Reassured, the young man took the spoon and again went for a walk around the palace, paying attention to all the works of art hanging on the walls of the palace. He saw gardens surrounded by mountains, the most delicate flowers, and appreciated the sophistication with which each of the works of art was placed exactly where it was needed. Returning to the sage, he described in detail everything he saw.

– Where are the two drops of oil that I entrusted to you? - asked the sage. And the young man, looking at the spoon, discovered that all the oil had poured out. – This is the only advice I can give: The Secret of Happiness is to look at all the wonders of the world, but not to forget about two drops of oil in your spoon.

Chapter 2
Money question. The price of the issue and freedom

Money either dominates its owner or serves him.


Money must be managed, not served.


◘ Together

◘ It turns out

◘ Find

◘ Count

The famous Bulgakov character Woland said that the Muscovites were spoiled by the housing issue, but I am sure that not only the Muscovites, and not only the housing issue, but also the financial one. Gain freedom and independence from the state of stock markets, the notorious GDP, an evil boss, mother-in-law, husband, etc. is possible only when a person is financially independent. What to do if you don’t have the talent of a stockbroker, the head of a country, or at worst the talent of a pop performer? Vegetate all your life counting pennies? In fact, every person has many hidden possibilities that, for one reason or another, are not realized. It is possible to help them realize themselves by connecting consciousness and subconscious with the help of codes. There are plans for money and well-being that work quickly and effectively.

But if, instead of pulling yourself together and programming what you want, you begin to feel sorry for yourself, don’t expect the situation to change for the better. Feeling sorry for yourself, you think that you are the most wonderful, but you are so catastrophically unlucky. Drowning in self-pity, you live either in the past or in the future (when everything will change), and since you are not in the present, good things do not come to you. They can only come to the person who lives here and now! So draw your own conclusions.

So let's continue. I will not be too lazy to repeat to you the four most important codes and add a decryption to them.

The first code is “Together”. This is the main code. It stands ahead of the entire system of our subconscious codes. To make a person less likely to make mistakes, there is a subconscious code - “Together”. This is a command from the consciousness to the subconscious so that they unite into a single whole. When they connect, your capabilities increase immeasurably, you begin to see paths that were previously invisible. Accordingly, you become free, learn to move forward and not be afraid of the future. Say the code “Together” in any situation that requires effort in solving any issue, and you will win. If you have an important meeting, an exam, a date, a job interview, say this code, and success is guaranteed in 95% of cases.

Example. My client’s son, Vladimir, was poorly prepared for the exam at the institute, but it was necessary to enroll, otherwise the guy would be threatened with the army. His mother advised him to say the code “Together” from time to time, and most importantly, say it when choosing a ticket and when answering the examiner. In front of the table with white squares of tickets, Volodya said the code, and what was his surprise when he realized which ticket he needed to take! Turning over the piece of paper, he was relieved to see that he knew this particular ticket thoroughly. Having prepared himself, he went out and in one breath gave such a speech that the stunned examiner could only throw up his hands and give the highest score without additional questions. Vladimir himself was shocked by such luck, and even more so by the fact that all the necessary knowledge suddenly surfaced in his memory. He passed the remaining subjects with the same success, which he certainly did not expect.

The second code of the subconscious is “It turns out.” This means what is currently being achieved; Everything I take on is starting to work out. It turns out. The subconscious says: everything we undertake works out. When you start a new business, conceive a project, want to meet a girl, etc., say the code “It turns out”, set your brain up to the fact that everything you take on will work out. Remember I told you that thought is material? Weave a thread of confidence and luck into the Universe, program goals for their implementation, and you will succeed.

The third code is “Acquire”. To acquire, that is, to materialize what is obtained. There it turns out, and here it materializes, and we have the result. You can find everything you need: an apartment, a car, a life partner, a prestigious and highly paid job. You can also gain freedom and independence from bad habits: alcohol, smoking, drugs. Find freedom from fears and complexes. All in your hands.

Example. My dentist, whom I have been going to for many years, once complained to me that he could not quit smoking. Whatever he tried: coding, various books, psychological trainings - nothing helped. Replacement therapy in the form of lollipops and rosary beads in the hands also did not give any effect. He wanted to smoke incredibly, and his anger and aggressiveness increased so much that he had to grab a cigarette so as not to completely ruin his relationship with his wife and mother-in-law. I advised him to say the code “Get”, and since this code also relates to money, then at the same time think about how much money he will save on cigarettes. I can’t say that everything worked out right away; we had to fight his addiction for quite a long time, using codes and spells, but it was worth it.

AND fourth code, directly for money, – "Count". If you can find it, count it.

A person coming home and throwing a handful of change into his money plate says three times: “Together we can gain count”. And you don’t have to think about anything, you don’t have to imagine that money is cascading down on you, just repeat the phrase. Coming to his office, a person throws coins into his plate and says: “Together you can gain count.” He goes into the bank, the repository of this very money, and begins to earn money, saying: “Together you can gain count.” That is, he connects to the egregor of money, his subconscious begins to work. He enters a jewelry store, and the situation repeats itself. Where there is a large mass of gold, the effect of obtaining material benefits is also triggered. I repeat that in this way you can receive not only money, but also any material assets. The main thing is not to focus on the intermediate option. After all, the receiving scenario can be anything; you should not narrow the range of possibilities. A person can be given a car as a gift, he can win it in the lottery, receive it as an inheritance, or earn money for it. Do you see how many options there are?!

A money plate is a very simple thing. Take a deep green plate (green is the color of money) and place it in your living room or at work. When you come home, with your right hand (although the giving hand is usually your left hand) you throw the small coins that you have into the plate. In this way, it is as if you are making an offering to the spirits. You don’t have to do this every day, if you wish, you can do it from time to time: you have some change in your pocket, scoop it out and throw it in a plate. The first time this must be done on the waxing moon, then it doesn’t matter.

When the bowl is overflowing, some of the money is taken and distributed to those in need. By spending part of the money, you ensure its circulation - that’s the point of these actions.

With the help of numbers, we can speed up or slow down the actions taking place around us, increase fortune and love, and reduce problems.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself! And the money code will work for you!

Success, prosperity, happiness!

The money code will make your life different...

Money Code - Ford's Magic Square

Let's fast forward to the richest country, America, in other words, the United States. Henry Ford, in whose factories the conveyor belt was first invented and used, was himself an engineer-inventor. He was also interested in arithmetic.

Pythagorean money code

Few people know that one day Ford read about the magic square of Pythagoras. It goes without saying that the ancient Greek mathematician believed that the world is ruled by numbers, and everything can be calculated and expressed mathematically. Everyone knows that he created a whole science of numbers - numerology, proving that there are nine main numbers: from 1 to 9, and all the rest are composite: for example, 12 = 3 (1 + 2); 29 = 2 (2+9=11, but 1+1=2). The mathematician composed a special magic square from 9 numbers (from 1 to 9), in which he expressed the harmony of the world. The square is simple and written from top to bottom:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

But it is amazing: the sum of the numbers in the left row (1+2+3=6) is equal to the sum of the numbers in the middle row (4+5+6=15, in other words 1+5=6) and the sum of the numbers in the right row (7+8+9 =24, in other words 2+4=6).

Pythagoras considered this square as a description of the past (left row), the real (center) and the future (right row). The past (1, 2, 3) consists of small numbers, but all mathematics begins with them.

The middle row is the most stable and purposeful, because 4 is a square, 5 is a star, 6 is a hexagon tending to a circle. But the right row, consisting of the largest numbers (7, 8, 9) is the future of a person.

Ford was interested in Pythagorean numerology and made sure that the magic square worked on a purely material level (the Greeks had great respect for the real world and its real benefits) and therefore could help in acquiring wealth.

The ancient Greeks wrote the Pythagorean square on special tablets and placed those tablets in amphorae, where gold and silver ingots, measures of grain or combed wool were stored - the main wealth of the era of Antiquity, believing that the magic numbers of Pythagoras would help increase all this.

And so the cunning Ford took and drew a square on a dollar bill, hid it in a secret compartment of his own wallet and did not show it to anyone.

So what would you think? His funds really began to multiply. And indeed, very soon, the first assembly line was launched at Ford enterprises...

The money code works!

Please note that the remaining entrepreneurs, who knew about the essence of the invention, did not even want to look at the money code. The assembly line increased production at Ford plants exponentially.

There are many magic squares in arithmetic, and all of this is the code for money.

Paracelsus money code

There is, for example, the Paracelsian square or the Paracelsian money code:

2 9 4
7 5 3
6 1 8

The highlight of this square is that it is calculated from top to bottom (like the Pythagorean square) and from right to left according to the number 15, in other words 1+5=6 (just like Pythagoras).

But since Paracelsus was a doctor, he built his own square to help correct and evolve the physical body. It is useful to keep this square written on a piece of leather or natural fabric (silk, linen) at the head of the bed or under the pillow during illness.

Jupiter money code

There is another powerful square called the Jupiter square (Jupiter money code). I would really like to emphasize that it no longer consists of 3 sides, but of 4 and takes into account not only ordinary numbers (1-9), but also components - from 1 to 16. Please note that this is a square (money code) of fame and domination. And there is no need to even say that if you need it, write it on reddish silk and place it in the southern corner of your room or apartment.

4 14 15 1
9 7 6 12
5 11 10 8
16 2 3 13

The sum of any side of the square of Jupiter is 34 – one of the magic numbers. And there is no need to even say that this square is “higher” than the square of Pythagoras or Paracelsus, because the total, in general, is not 6, but 7 (3+4). No matter how strange it may be, in other words, he finally appeals not to material energies (6), but to, as we constantly say, spiritual, which is usually expressed, so to speak, by the number 7.

But when working with squares, in the end, you should keep one rule in mind - you don’t need to get too carried away with anything. In other words, if you are generally healthy, you should not sleep with a Paracelsus square under your pillow. It is also possible that you will need to put it in a hidden place later. It goes without saying that the same is true with the square of Jupiter.

You can eventually use the Pythagorean square (Pythagorean money code) to attract luck in the material world. It goes without saying that to multiply funds, a square is drawn, so to speak, directly on the bill, which is later stored in the wallet.

For health, you should finally use the Paracelsus square. It must be emphasized that it is written on a piece of leather or, as many say, natural fabric (silk, linen) and is placed at the head of the bed or under the pillow during illness.

For strength and power, use the square of Jupiter (Jupiter money code). It must be emphasized that it is drawn on reddish silk and placed in the southern corner of your room or apartment.

Speeding up - Slowing down...

If you need, to put it mildly, to speed up this or that process (for example, you are late for work, but, as luck would have it, there is no transport, or there are absolutely no funds left in your wallet, and your long-awaited salary is delayed), repeat to yourself as often as possible: "twenty". 2 will increase your efforts, and 0 will nullify the force of opposition.

If, on the contrary, you need to slow down one or another process (for example, a child who wants to get married urgently, but this is not part of your plans), repeat to yourself: “four.” 4 is a square, the most stable figure. It is she who will delay and slow down the action. It's no secret that a square has all sides equal, everything is the same - stability and deceleration.

Add - Subtract

To add something (for example, the number of bills in your wallet or the number of fans), imagine it and repeat: “seven plus one.” 7 is the number of a seemingly mysterious act, 1 is the number of purpose and energy, and 8 (7+1) is the number of infinity.

If you need to lose something (for example, your weight), imagine yourself slim and repeat: “10 minus one.” Undoubtedly, it is worth mentioning that in this case, be prepared for changes: 10-1 = 9, 9 is the number of changes.

Line up - Return

If you need to build or return something (a new home, business with your boss or with a loved one), imagine it and repeat: “40 forty“. Do you remember how an unprecedented number of churches were also celebrated in old Moscow? Magically: 40 forties. So say “40 forties,” and what you think about will multiply to infinity.

Damage - Harm

If you need to damage something, you must imagine this something for yourself and say to yourself: “40 four.” First of all, these numbers look like two lightning bolts on the outside. Secondly, the imposition of the 1st square (4) on the second square (4) splits any stability into parts, because there are eight angles, and 8 is the number of infinity. This will result in crushing to infinity - into dust.

Happiness - Luck

If you lack happiness, luck, ease, repeat: “20 one.” Calculating the numerological meaning of the word “happiness” (as if adding up the letters in their digital calculation), you will also get 21!


If you are short on time, repeat to yourself: “ninety-one.” 9 – change, 1 – the most rapid number. Also 1 is the beginning, 9 is the end, in other words, full coverage of the time cycle. It should be noted that the number 911 is not at all accidental; it is used not only as a rescue number. Magicians know that 911 is also the number of the universal office - the one where everything has its own time.

Money Code - Raising Money

On the first lunar day, you can perform an effective ritual to attract money into your life. To do this, you need to choose a code word. For example, the word “abundance” or the word “money”.

1. Say the word “abundance” 3 times.

2. Slowly count from 9 to 1.

3. Say the money code 9 times (“Cosmic abundance is manifested by the flow of money in my life”), being in the most serene state, the reference one, where you feel amazing, are in your most favorite place, where waves of Divine and human love envelop you.

4. Visualize how the flow of cosmic abundance fills your aura, like the gentle rays of the sun. It is ideal to do all this on a sunny day, when you are overwhelmed with positive emotions. Enjoying the perfection of nature, the vastness of the blue sky. Everything blooms and bears fruit. You are part of this whole.

5. Remember that the world was created for you, as for any creature. Feel this fullness of abundance, this oneness of abundance, finally pouring into you and becoming a flow of excitement, happiness, prosperity and harmony, and you repeat again: “Cosmic abundance is manifesting as a flow of money in my life.” Record this state.

6. Say the word - the money code is “abundance”.

7. Count from 1 to 9.

8. Say the word “abundance” again. When pronouncing the word “abundance”, connect the index finger and thumb of your right hand 2 times. This gesture, called mudra in acupuncture, plays an important role in many esoteric and mystical techniques.

9. Perform this technique every day for a week until this condition becomes stable for you.

10. When you pronounce the word “abundance” and join your fingers in mudra twice, a program of financial well-being and prosperity will be laid down in your subconscious, and later unwound.

Money Code - Success

1 — 3 — 2 — — 5 — 4 — 9 — 9

To ensure yourself success in a particular business, repeat this code in the morning 21 times within a month and imagine that success has already come.

Money Code - Luck

8 – – 9 – 3 –1 – – 5 – 4 – 2

Repeat 77 times.

Money Code - Strength and Health

3 — 3 — 4 — 2 — — 8 — — — 8 — 7

To increase vitality and healing, repeat this code at noon 18 times.

Money Code - Energy of Abundance

3 — 3 — 3 — — — 5 — 7 — 9 — 9

To attract the Energy of Abundance into your life, this code must be repeated in the morning at least 21 times.

Code of Harmony and Peace

4 – 2 – – 4 – 2 – – 7 – 3 – 1

Repeat 33 times in the evening.

Money Code - Developing Intuition

7 — 7 — 7 — — — 5 — 9 — 3 — 9

To develop intuition, this code must be repeated 33 times.

Confidence code

5 – 1 – 1 – – 2 – 4 – 6 – 1

Repeat 77 times.

Code for quickly making the right decision

3 – 6 – 9 – – 7 – – 2 – 4 – 9

Repeat 77 times before making an important decision

Money Code - Overcoming unexpected obstacles and obstacles

1 — 8 — 5 — 1 — 5 — 1 — 8

To overcome unexpected obstacles, this code must be repeated 33 times. The code must be repeated as many days as it takes to achieve the desired result. For some people it is enough to do it once.


1. The dash sign in the numeric code (–) indicates a second pause. That is…

  • – pause lasting one second
  • – – pause lasting two seconds
  • – – – pause of three seconds

2. Repeating a certain code at the same time every day strengthens its magical properties.

As you noticed, each code consists of 7 digits. This is not at all accidental. The fact is that seven is a creative number, a number of mysterious action. Just let the mystery of numbers into your life, and you won’t regret it!

Tibetan mantra

7-7-5-3-1-9-1 is a special mantra that came to us from Tibetan monks. The mantra helps to attract money and other material benefits into life. It must be read 7 times within 7 days. It is pronounced like this: “Seven, seven, five, three, one, nine, one.”

Also, to attract prosperity into life, there is such a ritual. On a small piece of paper, write 7753191. Then bury this note in a pot of earth, saying 3 times: “The earth is full of riches, now my dream is in you.”

After 3 days, plant the seeds of some plant (sprouted, which will probably take root) in the same pot. Every time you water them, say 3 times: “Water and earth revive the seeds.”

Every 3 days, bring the pot to the open window and say 3 times: “I need you, Air, like light, and give my dream the dawn.”

When a sprout appears in the pot, light a small candle and say 3 times:

“Burn, Fire, candle, burn and destroy poverty, let the sprout that hides the money sheet increase. And I will prosper with him, attract wealth in money.”

Wait until the candle burns completely, then throw the stub away from the house.

Now you have your own personal well-being plant.

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