Class hour. Game - quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

Quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

Objectives: to find out what fairy tales and what fairy-tale characters children know, to introduce new concepts of “folk” and “literary” fairy tales, to identify the best experts on fairy tales; promote the development of children's speech, imagination, thinking, memory; cultivate a love of reading fiction.

The quiz can be conducted in grades 1, 2, 3, 4. The teacher determines the duration of the event and the number of competitions held.


Today, guys, we will visit a fairy tale.

From early childhood we hear fairy tales. Mom reads them to us when she puts us to bed, grandmother tells us on quiet winter evenings. We listen to fairy tales in kindergarten and encounter them at school. Fairy tales accompany us all our lives. Not only children, but also adults love them.

Listening and reading a fairy tale, we find ourselves in a magical world where miracles happen, where good always defeats evil.

Today we will try to remember fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, play games, learn a lot of new and interesting things, relax with a fairy tale, draw, listen to a fairy tale, visit an exhibition of books and drawings.

Let's sit comfortably and fly to the magical land of fairy tales.

We sat down on the carpet and flew into a fairy tale.

Game “Say the Word.”

I'll tell you, guys,

Very difficult riddles.

You'll guess, don't yawn,

Answer in unison!

Long unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend.

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple, although long,

He's called... (Cipollino).

He always loves everyone,

Whoever came to him.

Did you guess it? This is Gena

This is Gena... (Crocodile).

Calm down, calm down, evil witch,

Don't get your hopes up,

I met seven dwarves in the forest -

Ours will be saved... (Snow White).

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals,

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled him out of the swamp.

He's famous, famous

This is the doctor... (Aibolit).

The enemy of people and the enemy of animals.

Evil robber... (Barmaley).

Loves honey, meets friends

And he composes grumbling stories.

And also puffs, chants, sniffles... Wow!

Funny bear... (Winnie the Pooh).

My father had a strange boy,

Cute, wooden,

And the father loved his son -

Playful... (Pinocchio).

She's as easy as walking on a tightrope

It will walk along a thin rope.

She once lived in a flower.

Well, her name is... ( Thumbelina).

And I washed it for my stepmother,

And sorted out the peas

At night by candlelight.

And she slept by the stove.

As beautiful as the sun.

Who is this? (Cinderella)

The horse gallops is not easy,

Miracle golden mane.

He carries the boy through the mountains,

But it won’t reset him.

The horse has a son

Amazing horse

Amazing horse

By nickname... (Little Humpbacked Man).

Competition "Magic Chest".

(The teacher takes objects out of the chest. The guys name the fairy-tale hero and the name of the fairy tale.)

    Pot of honey

    Jar of jam

    Pot of oil


    Golden Key

    Ball of thread

    glass slipper


Competition "Find out a fairy tale."

(On the children’s tables there are 5 illustrations for fairy tales. Students guess the fairy tales and raise fans with the answers “yes” and “no”. If someone does not guess the fairy tale, then the whole class helps.)

Competition "Find a Hero".

(Several fairy-tale characters have a number on the board. Children guess the riddle and show the number (working with fans)).

The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

Walking along the path

Sings a song loudly.

Suddenly a gray wolf approaches,

He knows a lot about paths. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Mischievous merry fellow

It just flies through the window.

He came to the Kid's house

And he started a pogrom there. (Carlson)

Hto fly above the ground,

She needs a mortar and a broom. (Baba Yaga)

The passenger is a little strange,

Wooden man.

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.

His long nose sticks everywhere -

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

There is no more beautiful girl than that

That girl is no smarter.

And Pierrot, her admirer,

He sings about her all day. (Malvina)

Granny baked for grandpa_

Grandfather was left without lunch:

The boy ran into the forest.

Got the fox on his toe . (Kolobok)

Lives in Prostokvashino

All the farming is done there.

I don't know the exact address

But the surname is naval. (Cat Matroskin)

Yes, guys, in this book

The babies live, the babies.

And there lives one eccentric

He does everything wrong.

He is reputed to be incompetent.

Who will call him for us? (Dunno)

Physical education lesson “Turnip”.

A yellow side appeared

Only I’m not Kolobok,

I am not made of soft dough,

Drive away - I won’t move.

I am firmly rooted to the ground,

Call me. I… (Turnip)

(The guys guess the riddle and, together with the teacher, tell a fairy tale, accompanying it with movements)

Telegram competition.

(The teacher reads the telegrams that the postman Pechkin brought. The children guess the author of the telegram.)

Dear guests, help!

Kill the villain spider! (Fly Tsokotukha)

Everything ended well

only the tail remained in the hole . (Wolf)

Very upset.

I accidentally broke a golden egg. (Mouse)

Save! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf ! (Kids)

Help me find the glass slipper . (Cinderella)

I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I’ll be with you soon! (Kolobok)

Calm, just calm. I ate another jar of jam. (Carlson)

Don't sit on the tree stump, don't eat the pie. (Mashenka)

Competition "Find a fairy tale."

A new game has arrived -

Not an easy task.

It's time for you to get down to business

And show diligence.

(Students choose one of 3 cards, select cards with illustrations for a given fairy tale, put them in order, name the fairy tale.)

Competition "Help the Mouse".

(The Mouse comes to the class. She is crying. The Mouse asks the guys to help her. We need to remember the fairy tales with the participation of the Mouse.)

    Turnip. Puss in Boots.

    Teremok. Spikelet.

    Swan geese. How the Chicken baked bread.

    Thumbelina. A wonderful bell.

    You can show a scene from a fairy tale.

Competition “Name the fairy tale and the hero of the fairy tale.”

Here's another game

You'll like her.

I want to ask a question.

Your job is to answer.

Who didn't want to work

Did you play and sing songs?

To the third brother later

We ran to a new house.

We escaped from the cunning wolf,

But the tails shook for a long time.

The fairy tale is known to every child

And it's called... (“The Three Little Pigs”, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif)

A woman and her grandfather on a winter morning

The granddaughter was made from snow.

But this little one didn’t know

That trouble threatens her in the summer.

(Snow Maiden from the fairy tale “Snow Maiden”)

A girl walked through the forest

And I came across a house.

He sees that there are no owners.

There is lunch on the table.

I sipped from three cups,

She lay in three beds.

(Masha from the fairy tale “Three Bears”).

Pinocchio sheltered

And she treated and taught,

When did he start getting mischievous?

She had to punish him.

(Malvina from the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”)

The capricious princess strictly ordered

Bring flowers from the forest in winter.

Who was able to collect those flowers in winter?

I remember that girl! Do you remember?

(Stepdaughter from the fairy tale “Twelve Months”)

Came from a flower

She was just an inch tall.

Mole wanted to marry her,

But the Swallow took flight.

And she saved the girl

From the old gloomy Mole.

(Thumbelina from the fairy tale “Thumbelina”)

I persuaded my brother

Older sister:

“Don’t drink from a puddle

Muddy water."

The boy didn’t listen -

He turned into a kid.

(Alyonushka from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”)

Blitz tournament. (Quick question, quick answer.)

Baba Yaga's home.

Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of Ivan Tsarevich?

The device on which Baba Yaga flies.

What did Cinderella lose?

What flowers did the Stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”?

Cheerful onion man.

A fairy tale hero traveling on a stove.

Who made Pinocchio?

Who did the ugly duckling become?

Postman from the village of Prostokvashino.

Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka.

The turtle who gave Pinocchio the Golden Key.

What did the Wolf fish from the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”?

In which fairy tale does the Ogre turn into a mouse and the cat eats it?

Who did the old man and the old woman sculpt out of snow?

Teacher's message (folk tales, literary tales, examples of such tales)

Book exhibition (review, teacher recommendations)

For 1st grade students – books “Reading by syllables”.

Exhibition of drawings.

Examination. The title of the fairy tale. Heroes. “Folk” tale or “literary” tale?

A drawing from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” comes to life. The teacher reads a passage about Squirrel by heart. The squirrel distributes golden nuts to the children.

Listening to a fairy tale "The Man and the Bear."

Competition "Let's draw a fairy tale."

He trembled before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught... (Kolobok)

(Students color the illustration for the fairy tale “Kolobok”).

Summing up the quiz.

Presentation "Fairy tales walk around the world."

Visiting a fairy tale

(fairytale quiz)

Goals: develop a sense of humor, attention, imagination, cultivate a sense of teamwork, and the ability to communicate.

arouse students' interest in reading and remember the books they have read.

Time: vacation, holiday.

The holiday can be held by the class teacher, counselor, librarian.

Form: scenario-game.

Participants: four teams of six to seven people.

Equipment: poster on the board: “...Russian fairy tales are the memory of our past, the repository of Russian wisdom” (N.A. Nekrasov).

Hello, dear friends! We are glad to welcome everyone who comes to us, who truly loves books. A good book is just a holiday. A book is the best thing that a person has ever created, because it teaches us, educates us, and guides us through life. And most importantly, it broadens our horizons and develops memory. So today we invited you to a book festival. Quiz progress:

So, friends, let's start the program

We have a large supply of ideas!

And who are they for? For you!

We know you love games,

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting

Than our fairy tales.

Competition: “Guess the hero.”

Your first task in the literary maze is to be able to remember the title of the work from a small passage.

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut

There are three chairs, three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

(Russian folk tale. Three bears)

Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy

Gets to school instead

In a linen booth.

Evening would soon come,

And the long-awaited hour has come,

May I be in a gilded carriage

Go to a fairytale ball .

(C. Perrault. Cinderella)

Carpenter Giuseppe - Blue Nose

I once brought a log into the house

He started making something,

The log began to speak

(A. Tolstoy. The Adventures of Pinocchio)

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

Gave her a red cap

(C. Perrault. Little Red Riding Hood)

The wolf stuck his tail into the hole

And what's the point of this?

(Russian folk tale. “The Fox and the Wolf”)

Suddenly it flies from somewhere

Little mosquito

And it burns in his hand

Small flashlight.

Flies up to the spider

Takes out the saber

And he's at full gallop

Cuts off the head"

(K. Chukovsky. “The Cluttering Fly”).

Dashingly measured their steps

Two huge legs:

size 45

He bought boots.

And the one who is small in stature,

At the parade he raised

Because everyone should

See the country's army"

(S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”).

The cook is angry in the kitchen,

The weaver is crying at the loom,

And they envy

To the Sovereign's Wife."

(A. Pushkin. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”).

“I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud,

And not a bear at all,

Oh, how nice the cloud is

Fly across the sky!

(A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything”).

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;

He twirls his tail and doesn’t take his eyes off Crow.

And he says so sweetly, barely breathing:

My dear, how beautiful!

What a neck, what eyes.”

(I. Krylov. “The Crow and the Fox”).

I will read to you a description of a fairy-tale hero, and you will have to guess who I mean.

    This heroine is a bit talkative, which almost led to the death of both herself and her grandmother.
(Little Red Riding Hood. From the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault)
    This bloodthirsty castle owner suffered from his own ability to transform. (Cannibal. Ch. Perrault “Puss in Boots”)
    This hero looks nothing like a hero. Instead of chain mail, he has a doctor's robe, instead of a helmet, a white cap, glasses on his nose, and a traveling bag in his hands. But, like heroes, he accomplishes real feats. Only he doesn’t kill anyone, but on the contrary, he heals.
(Doctor Aibolit. From the fairy tale of the same name by K. Chukovsky).
    This giant is unusual. Unlike other giants, he mastered many professions: he was a policeman, a sailor, a pilot... and always came to the aid of small children .(Uncle Styopa. From the poem of the same name by S. Mikhalkov.)
    This hero was going to become an artist, but his career was almost ruined by five gold coins. He has a double in the fairy tale by the writer Carlo Collodi.
(Pinocchio. A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”)
    This boy is very independent, economical, and loves animals. He left the city for the village and organized his own farm there. His friend does photo hunting in his free time.
(Uncle Fyodor. E. Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”).
    A sweet, hard-working girl who turns from a scruffy girl into a real princess.
(Cinderella. From the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault)
    A jar of jam helped this hero, according to his own statement, get rid of a high fever.
(Carlson. A. Lindgren. “Kid and Carlson”)
    This little boy grew up among wolves. He had many friends: the bear Balu, the panther Bagheera, the boa constrictor Kaa and others.
(Mowgli. From the work of the same name by R. Kipling).
    A fabulous beauty with an unusual appearance who loved to educate everyone.
(Malvina. A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”).
    This boy is very naughty and very curious, the most stubborn and the most cocky. He did not go to school, but he taught himself to write poetry, play the trumpet and draw portraits.
(Dunno. N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”)
    This “beast unknown to science” came to our country in a box of oranges and first settled in a telephone booth. Then he found many friends, and all his housing problems were resolved.
(Cheburashka. E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends.”)

Competition: “Fairytale Box”.

Answer the questions provided.

    This fairy tale tells how the stepmother sent her stepdaughter on New Year's Eve to buy snowdrops (12 months).
What magical objects are there in Russian fairy tales? (stick, comb, axe, self-assembled tablecloth, airplane carpet).
    What do fairy-tale heroes ride on? (geese-swans, mortar, boots-walkers, carpet-plane, etc.)
    This tale tells about seven heroes. One could build an iron pillar from the ground to the sky. Another is to climb on it and look in all directions, the third is to make a ship, the fourth is to kill a fly on the fly, the fifth is to count the stars. What is the name of this fairy tale? (Seven Simeons).
What fairy tale are these words from?
    “Quack, quack, my little children, quack, little swans. The evil sister, the underwater snake, destroyed us” (White Duck).

Competition: “Find out a fairy tale”

The fish is not simple, its scales sparkle,

Swims, dives, fulfills wishes.

(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

A zealous, long-maned horse,

Jumps through the fields, gallops through the fields.

Small horse

But he is daring.

("The Little Humpbacked Horse")

The fox has found a home for itself:

The mouse was kind

In that house after all

There are many residents


Looked a little like a ball

And rode along the paths.


Competition: “The fairy tale has become reality.”

A long time ago, people dreamed of rising into the air like birds, sinking to the bottom of the sea and feeling like fish... They also dreamed of magical objects - remember the fairy tale about the pot that cooked porridge itself? As time passed, some dreams became reality. Name the wonderful human inventions that replaced fairy-tale objects.
Gusli-samoguda- ( record player) Mortar- (rocket, plane) Miracle mirror -(TV, computer) Feather firebird (lamp, chandelier). Sleighs that are pulled by themselves (automobile)A ball of thread indicating the way (compass).Leading: Well done guys, very attentive! Now let's remember proverbs and sayings about the book. I will start the proverb, and you finish it.

    A good book is the best... (Friend). He who reads a lot reads a lot...( knows). It’s impossible to live with a book...( grieve). The book is your friend - without it it’s the same...( hands). The book will help in work, help out in...( trouble). A book is like water - it will pave the way ..(everywhere).

And now we will sing a song about fairy tales to the melody of the song “Smile”.
1 Know, from a fairy tale, a gloomy day becomes brighter, Know, from a fairy tale, a miracle happens in life. Share your fairy tale, Let it find you friends around. Chorus: And then for sure You will see a bun Well, Grandma Yaga Will be good forever Know that from one little fairy tale, the gloomiest boy will stop crying, And when you meet with trouble, the heroes of a good fairy tale will help you out. Chorus: And then for sure You will see a bun And you will dream about the Snow Maiden in your dreams Well, Grandma Yaga Will be good forever Trust me - this will definitely happen.

We've finished the game

But the holiday continues

The jury will announce the results to us,
When to consult

(awarding the winners and active spectators)

Our little holiday has come to an end,

We wish you a fascinating reading with all our hearts.

To you, girls, to you, boys,

Get along and be friends with a book!
Let the love of a good book

He will live with you!

MBOU Staro-Mataka comprehensive secondary school

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Old tales
Kind, serious
Lunar and stellar.
We love them
We love reading them.
It's even possible with them
Just play.

What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter,
Mouse, also Bug's dog
They helped grandma and grandpa
Did you collect root vegetables?

Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
"Three Bears"

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house.
The little goats opened the door
And everyone disappeared somewhere.
The wolf and the seven Young goats"

And on the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't leave her.
What kind of fairy tale?...

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket
Who sat on the tree stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the fairy tale, right?
Who was it?...
"Masha and the Bear"

We settled in that hut
Very different animals.
The bear also asked to join them,
But a bear is not a mouse,
I tried this and that to get in,
He sat down on top and the house broke down.

Sister asked:
-Don't drink from the hoof.
But my brother didn’t listen,
I drank some water.
What a fairy tale about my sister,
About the kid, about the water?
"Sister Alyonushka and
brother Ivanushka"

A boy with geese flew in
What was the boy's name? Tell
What is the name of the fairy tale?
"Swan geese"

Oh Fox, Fox, Fox
A cunning cheat.
She sang the song very much,
very loud:
- Cockerel, Cockerel!
Golden comb.
Look out the window
I'll give you some peas.
"Cat, Fox and Rooster"

"Zayushkina's hut"
The house has melted
icy Asked to come in
She took her in
I was left without
little house.
Cockerel for the hare
Lisa kicked out for

This clever cheat
She put a wolf in the hole.
And then I rode on it,
She grinned very slyly:
“The beaten one carries the unbeaten.”
"Wolf and Fox"

Grandfather and grandmother lived together
They made a daughter out of a snowball,
But the fire is hot
Turned my daughter into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
What was their daughter's name?
"Snow Maiden"

Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess.
"At the behest of the pike"

The prince lived in that fairy tale.
The gray wolf served him.
Remember this fairy tale,
Answer together!
"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"

The girl's grandmother is very
A red riding hood for her
gave The girl forgot her name:
Well, tell me her name.
"Little Red Riding Hood"

Oh! Fox, Fox, Fox,
I deceived the Crane,
But I didn’t know that the Crane
He is also a very cunning fellow.
"The Fox and the Crane"

This fairy tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
I'm all striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots.
"Puss in Boots"

So quickly from the prince maiden
What shoe even she

At Ivan the Fool's
There is a faithful friend
All solve problems in
Maybe nice
Little Hunchback.
"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

The nose is round, with a heel,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
"Three piglets"

She was
girlfriend of the gnomes.
And you, of course,
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Mom's daughter was born
From a beautiful flower.
Simply a good little thing!
There was a baby with an inch
If a fairy tale was read to you;
Do you know what my daughter's name was?

Bad weather broke out
And it's dark outside.
In this bad weather
The girl knocks on the window.
Don't doubt it, Prince, she
on a pea.
"Princess on the Pea"

An evil blizzard has arrived,
Gerda lost her friend.
To the kingdom of ice
Kai rushed off!
Gerda! Gerda! Help out!
The blizzard is circling to the right,
In a fairy tale...
"The Snow Queen"

Young man's arrow
fell into a swamp
Well, where is the bride?
I'm eager to get married!
And here comes the bride
Eyes on top of head.
The bride's name is...
"Princess Frog"

For children of the preparatory group

Goals: Strengthen children's knowledge about the works they read. Continue to learn how to work as a team. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books. Teach children to listen and answer questions about literary works, teach them to guess riddles, determine and motivate their attitude towards characters, form moral evaluation criteria, develop speech, and cultivate a love for oral folk art.

- Summarize children’s knowledge about fairy tales, cultivate goodwill, the ability to work in a team, improve the communicative functions of speech, and activate the creative potential of children and adults.
- Show children’s skills, forms and methods of working with a fairy tale.
- Create a positive emotional mood for all participants.
- To form a stock of literary artistic impressions, a personal position both in the perception of fairy tales and in the creative process.
- Develop forms of imagination that are based on the interpretation of a literary image; develop individual literary preferences, instill an informal perception of fairy tales, and develop a sense of humor.
Preliminary work: reading fiction, dramatizing fairy tales, drawing on fairy tale themes.

Required material and equipment: text material from fairy tales; audio or CDs with songs from films based on fairy tales; selection of items; video, audio, illustrative material; multimedia projector; magnetic board with magnets, prizes for teams.

Leading. Good afternoon We are pleased to welcome you to this hall. Today we have gathered for a celebration of resourcefulness and ingenuity, competition and mutual assistance. Together we will go on an exciting journey to the land of creativity, fantasy and fairy tales.

Guys, let's divide into two teams: 1st girls team, 2nd boys team. And to give them names, you need to solve riddles:

1. Little girl
As tall as a fingernail.
Born from a seed
Home is her flower.

2. Long-nosed, wooden

Our hero is very funny

He loved Papa Carlo

He gave children joy.

So, the girls’ team is called “Thumbelina”, and the boys’ team is called “Pinocchio”.

Whichever team gets the most points wins! (After each question, one magnet is placed on a magnetic board divided into two parts for each correct answer.)

Competition No. 1."Guess what kind of fairy tale"

Sayings from fairy tales are read out in turn to 4 for each team:

1. “I sit high, I look far, I see everything.” ("Masha and the Bear".)

2. “Don’t drink from the hoof, you’ll become a little goat.” (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)

3. “And now the brushes, the brushes began to crackle like rattles...”. (“Moidodyr.”)

4. “Pull the string, baby, and the door will open!” ("Little Red Riding Hood".)

5. “Nurses, get ready, get ready, bake me bread in the morning, the kind I ate from my dear father.” ("Princess Frog".)

6. “The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of its nostrils, and flames are burning from its ears.” (“Sivka-burka”).

7. “Catch fish, small and large...” (“Fox-sister and gray wolf.”)

8. “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go through the back streets.” (“Zayushkina’s hut.”)

Competition No. 2

Leading. Guys, look what I brought you (brings in “magic samogud harp”). Now they will sing different songs, and you will guess which fairy tales they are from (three songs for each team). (Audio or CD recordings.)

1. “We are not afraid of the gray wolf...” ("Three piglets".)

2. “Song of the Troubadour.” ("The Bremen Town Musicians".)

3. “We are going to the city of Emerald along a difficult road...” ("The Wizard of Oz".)

4. “There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass.” (“The Adventures of Dunno.”)

5. “What a blue sky...”. ("The Adventures of Pinocchio".)

6. “What unfortunate princesses we are...” ("Flying ship".)

Competition No. 3."Guess a riddle".

Each team in turn is given a riddle, the answer is displayed on the screen in the form of a picture, after the children answer correctly.

1. “The fat guy lives on the roof, but he flies higher than everyone else.” (Carlson)

2. “Near the forest on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds and pillows.” (Three Bears.)

3. “It’s mixed with sour cream, it’s cold on the window, it’s round, it’s ruddy, who is it?” (Kolobok.)

4. “They ran away from the dirty pans and pots, she calls for them, she sheds tears along the way.” (Fedora.)

5. “He goes, rides on the stove, eats big rolls.” (Emelya.)

6. “He is kinder than all doctors, he treats birds and animals, he looks through his glasses, who is it?” (Aibolit.)

7. “I went to visit my grandmother, brought her some pies, the gray wolf followed her, deceived her and swallowed her.” (Little Red Riding Hood.)

8. “He goes to visit with Piglet, he loves honey, he asks for jam, who is this, say it out loud, a bear cub...” (Winnie the Pooh.)

Physical education minute.

Once upon a time there lived King Pea

And I did exercises in the morning:

He turned his head around

And he danced in a crouch.

I reached my ears with my shoulders

And he bent over backwards,

He raised his hands to the sky,

I grabbed the sun.

(Movements are performed according to the text.)

Competition No. 4."Add a word"

The presenter names the heroes of fairy tales or fairy-tale things, and the children must name their nicknames, titles or names.

1. Tiny (Khavroshechka).

2. Chanterelle (Sister).

3. Old woman (Shopoklyak).

4. Brownie (Kuzya).

5. Fly (Tsokotukha).

6. Chicken (Ryaba).

7. Grandfather (Frost).

8. Koschey (Immortal).

9. Boots (Fast walkers).

10. Tablecloth (Self-assembled).

11. Carpet (Airplane).

12. Hat (Invisible).

13. Postman (Pechkin).

14. Old man (Hottabych).

16. Sister (Alyonushka).

17. Baba (Yaga).

18. Ivanushka (Fool).

19. Dad (Carlo).

20. Boy (about the size of a finger).

Quiz result:

Summing up and distribution of prizes.

Quiz game “A fairy tale has come to visit us”

Teacher: T.M. Chernysheva

Goals classes:

1. Summarize knowledge of fairy tales read in 1st grade and during family reading.

2. Identify the degree of assimilation of the studied material, students’ erudition, and speech culture skills.

3.Develop creative activity, aesthetic taste, initiative, mutual assistance.

4. Cultivate a love of fairy tales, literature, and literary reading; develop your horizons.

Lesson plan:

Today, guys, we will visit a fairy tale.

I know you love games
Songs, riddles and dances.
But there's nothing more interesting
What are our favorite fairy tales?

From early childhood you listened to fairy tales. Your mother read them to you when she put you to bed, your grandmother told you on quiet winter evenings.

We listen to fairy tales in kindergarten and encounter them at school. Fairy tales accompany us all our lives. Not only children, but also adults love them.

Listening and reading a fairy tale, we find ourselves in a magical world where miracles happen, where good always defeats evil.

Today we will try to remember fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, play games, learn a lot of new and interesting things, relax with a fairy tale.

(The quiz is based on the principle of eliminating the “weak link”. During the quiz, students collect chips for correct answers. At the end of the game, the winner is determined by the number of chips)

Exercise 1

Help fairy-tale heroes get their names back.

1.Cat (Matroskin)
2. Nightingale (Robber)

3.Snake (Gorynych)
4..Baba (Yaga)
5.Uncle (Fedor)

6. Brownie (Kuzya)
7. Old Man (Hottabych)

8.Postman (Pechkin)

9.Doctor (Aibolit)

10.Signor (Tomato)

This is just the beginning. Let's move on!

Task 2

Name the second part of the fairy tale title:
1.Sivka – (Burka);

2. Little Humpbacked Horse - (Humpbacked Horse);

3.Moroz – (Ivanovich);

4. Geese - (swans);

5.Red – (Cap);

6. Scarlet – (flower);

7. Zayushkina – (hut);

8. Princess – (Frog);

9. Tiny – (Khavroshechka);

11. Boy – (Thumb);

12. Bremen - (musicians).
- Well done! Did a good job. You are real experts in fairy tales, and you are not afraid of any difficulties.

Task 3

Answer the questions:

1.What name did the dog have in the family, which included: grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter? (Bug)

2.Who loved to brag and paid with his life? (Kolobok)

3.What was the name of the girl who went for a walk, got lost, and went into someone else’s house where bears lived? (Mashenka)

4. Who had an ice hut, and in which fairy tale? (Fox)

5. In which fairy tale were they able to say: stove, apple tree and river? (Swan geese)

6.What animal discovered the little house in the forest? (Little Mouse)

Task 4

And again the questions are very easy.

1.What does Winnie the Pooh fly on? (On the ball).
2. How many petals does Tsvetik - Semitsvetik have? (Seven).
3. In what fairy tale did things take offense at a slob boy? (“Moidodyr”).
4. Who lives in a house on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga).
5. Favorite expression of Leopold the cat. ("Guys let's be friends!").
6. Author of the fairy tale “Turnip”? (People).
7. The postman’s name in Prostokvashino is... (Pechkin).

1. It makes it brighter on a gloomy day. (Smile).
2. Carlson's medicine. (Jam).
3. Unfortunately, it comes once a year. (Birthday).
4. Brother Kokoshi from the fairy tale “Moidodyr” (Totosha).
5. Fabulous tablecloth. (The tablecloth is self-assembled).
6. Bear's house. (Den).
7. Fairytale boots. (Boots are fast walkers).
8. Round of text. (Kolobok).

For the winners:
1. Who loves to ride on the stove. (Emelya).
2. Fairytale hat. (Invisible hat).
3. He has a very long nose. (Pinocchio).
4. A cat who knows how to embroider on a machine. (Matroskin).
5. What did the fox treat the crane with? (Semolina porridge).
6. What did the wolf catch fish with? (Tail).
- Well done, you completed the task. But they were light.

Task 5

Name a fairy-tale character or object:

1. A girl with blue hair. (Malvina)

2.What was the name of Buratino’s dad? (Papa Carlo)

3.Who was Gena the crocodile friends with? (with Cheburashka)

4.Who was treated for all diseases with sweets? (Carlson)

5.What is the Snow Maiden made of? (from snow)

6. How tall was the boy? (with a finger)

7.What was the name of Winnie the Pooh’s friend? (Piglet)

8.What did Cinderella lose? (slipper)

9. The cat who wanted to be friends with mice (Leopold)

10.Baba Yaga's transport (broom)

11.Who gave Pinocchio the golden key? (turtle)

12.What did Mukha-Tsokotukha buy at the market? (samovar)

Task 6

Rebus for everyone:

You have to write the answers into the crossword puzzle. All the guys participate. Everyone works independently.

1. Winnie's friend is Pooh. (Piglet).
2. Fish that fulfills wishes. (Pike).
3. The seven dwarves got... (Snow White).
4. Who runs away from the wolf? (Hare).
5. What did Tanya drop into the river? (Ball).
6. A bear cub swimming to his mother on an ice floe... (Umka).
7. Wooden man. (Pinocchio).
8. The hen that laid the golden eggs was called... (Ryaba).
9. Who stole Thumbelina? (Toad).
10. A man who writes fairy tales. (Storyteller.)
11. There are 38 parrots in it. (Boa).
12. The house where a mosquito, a mouse, a frog, a bear settled... (Teremok).
13. Koschey turned Vasilisa the Beautiful into... (Frog).
14. Crocodile Gena's best friend. (Cheburashka).

Well done! They showed their knowledge and ingenuity. And now that the leaders have been identified, tasks for them.

Task 7

Tasks for leaders:

1. "Fairy-tale friends."

Which literary characters were friends:

a) Baby (Carlson)

b) Crocodile Genes? (Cheburashka)

c) Winnie the Pooh (donkey and rabbit)

2. “Transport in fairy tales”

Who or what made this extraordinary journey:

a) Winnie the Pooh for honey? (on the ball)

b) On the roof, Baby? (n and Carlson)

c) To Africa, Doctor Aibolit and his friends? (on a ship)

3. "Magic words"

Who said such words?

a) At the behest of the pike, at my will (Emelya)

b) Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! (Ivan the Fool)

c) Don’t cry, grandpa, don’t cry, grandma.. (Chicken Ryaba)

Task 8

Everyone has one last chance to get ahead:

1. Name sequentially all the fairy-tale characters that Kolobok met. (Hare, wolf, bear, fox)

2. How many times did the old man throw a net into the sea? (3)

3. What was the name of the prince from A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “About the Dead Princess?” (King Elisha)

4. Which of the inhabitants of the swamp became the prince’s wife? (Frog)

5. Name the girl who melted while jumping over the fire. (Snow Maiden)

6. Who owns the words: “Your mother came and brought milk.” (Kose)

7. Finish the phrase: “The squirrel sings songs and keeps eating nuts...” (gnaws)

1. In which fairy tale does this phrase appear: “Who sat on my chair and broke it?” ("Three Bears")

2. Name successively all the fairy-tale characters who pulled the turnip. (Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse)

3. Who turned into a kid after drinking water from a puddle? (Ivanushka)

4. Who owns the words: “Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat the pie. (Mashenka)

5. Finish the phrase: “The wind makes a cheerful noise,

The ship is running merrily

Past the island...” (Buyana)

6. What was the fox’s hut made of in the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”? (Made from ice)

7. Where did the little goat hide from the wolf in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”? (Into the oven)

8. What egg did the chicken lay for grandma and grandpa for the first time? (Golden)

For the winners:

1. What kind of grain did the cockerel choke on in one of the Russian folk tales? (Bobov)

2. What fish did the old man catch when he threw the net into the sea? (Golden)

3. Who were the brothers very afraid of in the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”? (Wolf)

4. Name the smallest resident in the fairy tale “Teremok” (Mouse)

5. What was the name of the girl who accidentally ended up in a hut with three bears? (Mashenka)

6. Where did grandma collect flour in order to bake buns? (In barns, along the bottom of the barrel)

Summing up the quiz

(The guys count the chips they have earned and determine their place in the general list by the number of points scored).

So our quiz game has ended, which we would like to call a journey in the world of Miracles and Magic. Only thanks to your knowledge of fairy tales and your friendship we were able to travel this path. In the summer, guys, you can continue it yourself, because the fabulous path is endless. Once you open the collection of fairy tales, you're off! I wish you to read many new interesting fairy tales during the summer holidays!

Did you enjoy the journey through fairy tales? (Children's response)

What did you like best? (Children's response)

Why do you think we need fairy tales? What do they teach? (Children's response)

Fairy tales teach us to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and brave. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love your homeland and protect the weak.

Read fairy tales! Share your impressions with your friends!

Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
Read fairy tales, children!
Learn to love them.
Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live.

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