What kind of person can be considered dangerous to society? What kind of person is dangerous to society? Crime and punishment.

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FINAL ESSAY 2017/2018. THEMATIC DIRECTION “Man and Society.” “Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him” (V.G. Belinsky).

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For topics in this direction, the view of a person as a representative of society is relevant. Society largely shapes the individual, but the individual can also influence society. Topics will allow you to consider the problem of the individual and society from different sides: from the point of view of their harmonious interaction, complex confrontation or irreconcilable conflict. It is equally important to think about the conditions under which a person must obey social laws, and society must take into account the interests of each person. Literature has always shown interest in the problem of the relationship between man and society, the creative or destructive consequences of this interaction for the individual and for human civilization.

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Definitions: MAN is a term used in two main senses: biological and social. In a biological sense, man is a representative of the species Homo sapiens, the family of hominids, the order of primates, the class of mammals - the highest stage of development of organic life on Earth. In the social sense, a person is a being that arose in a collective, reproduces and develops in a collective. Historically established norms of law, morality, everyday life, rules of thinking and language, aesthetic tastes, etc. shape human behavior and mind, make an individual a representative of a certain way of life, culture and psychology. A person is an elementary unit of various groups and communities, including ethnic groups, states, etc., where he acts as an individual. “Human rights” recognized in international organizations and in the legislation of states are, first of all, individual rights. Synonyms: person, personality, person, person, individual, individuality, soul, unit, biped, human being, individual, king of nature, someone, working unit.

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SOCIETY - in a broad sense - a large group of people united by a common goal with stable social boundaries. The term society can be applied to all of humanity (human society), to the historical stage of development of all of humanity or its individual parts (slave society, feudal society, etc. (see Socio-economic formation), to the inhabitants of the state (American society, Russian society, etc.) and to individual organizations of people (sports society, geographical society, etc.). Sociological concepts of society differed primarily in the interpretation of the nature of the compatibility of human existence, the explanation of the principle of the formation of social connections. O. Comte saw such a principle in the division of functions (labor) and in solidarity, E. Durkheim - in cultural artifacts, which he called “collective representations." M. Weber called mutually oriented, i.e. social, actions of people the unifying principle. Structural functionalism considered social norms and values ​​K. Marx and F. Engels considered the development of society as a natural historical process of changing socio-economic formations, which are based on a certain way of people’s production activities. Its specificity is determined by production relations independent of people’s consciousness, corresponding to the achieved level of productive forces. On the basis of these objective, material relations, systems of corresponding social and political institutions, ideological relations, and forms of consciousness are built. Thanks to this understanding, each socio-economic formation appears as an integral concrete historical social organism, characterized by its economic and social structure, value-normative system of social regulation, characteristics and spiritual life.

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The current stage of development of society is characterized by an increase in integration processes against the background of an increasing diversity of economic, political and ideological forms. Scientific, technical and social progress, having resolved some contradictions, gave rise to others, even more acute ones, and confronted human civilization with global problems, on the solution of which the very existence of society and the paths of its further development depend. Synonyms: society, people, community, herd; crowd; public, environment, environment, public, humanity, light, human race, human race, brotherhood, brethren, gang, group.

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“It is impossible to live in society and be free from society,” the words of V.I. Lenin reflect the essence of the relationship between man and society... Each of us can interact harmoniously with others, or be in a difficult confrontation with them, or even enter into an irreconcilable conflict. We must understand that we must obey social laws, and society, in turn, must take into account the interests of each person.

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Aspects of direction. Personality and society (in agreement or in opposition). Within this subsection, you can talk about the following topics: Man as part of society. The impossibility of human existence outside of society. Independence of judgment of an individual. The influence of society on a person’s decisions, the influence of public opinion on a person’s tastes, his life position. Confrontation or conflict between society and an individual. A person’s desire to become special, original. Contrasting human interests with the interests of society. The ability to devote one’s life to the interests of society, philanthropy and misanthropy. The influence of the individual on society. The place of a person in society. The attitude of a person to society, to his own kind. 2. Social norms and laws, morality. The responsibility of a person to society and society to a person for everything that happens and the future. A person's decision to accept or reject the laws of the society in which he lives, to follow the norms or to break the laws. 3. Man and society in historical, state terms. The role of personality in history. The connection between time and society. Evolution of society. 4. Man and society in a totalitarian state. Erasing individuality in society. The indifference of society to its future and a bright personality capable of fighting the system. The contrast between the “crowd” and the “individual” in a totalitarian regime. Diseases of society. Alcoholism, drug addiction, lack of tolerance, cruelty and crime

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Sample list of topics How does the conflict between a person and society manifest itself? Do you agree with Plautus’ statement: “man is a wolf to man”? What do you think the thought of A. De Saint-Exupery means: “All roads lead to people”? Can a person exist outside of society? Can a person change society? How does society influence a person? Is society responsible for every person? How does society influence an individual's opinion? Do you agree with the statement of G. K. Lichtenberg: “In every person there is something from all people. Is it possible to live in society and be free from it? What is tolerance? Why is it important to maintain individuality? Confirm or refute the statement of A. de Staël: “You cannot be confident either in your behavior or in your well-being when we make it dependent on human opinion.”

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Do you agree with the statement: “Inequality humiliates people and creates disagreement and hatred among them”? Does it seem fair to you that strong people are often lonely? Is Tyutchev’s opinion true that “any weakening of mental life in society inevitably entails an increase in material inclinations and vile egoistic instincts”? Are social norms of behavior necessary? What kind of person can be called dangerous to society? Do you agree with V. Rozanov’s statement: “Society and those around us diminish the soul, not add it. “Adds” only the closest and rarest sympathy, “soul to soul” and “one mind”? Can any person be called a person? What happens to a person cut off from society? Why should society help the disadvantaged? How do you understand I. Becher’s statement: “A person becomes a person only among people”? Do you agree with the statement of H. Keller: “The most beautiful life is a life lived for other people” In what situations does a person feel lonely in society? What is the role of personality in history?

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How does society influence a person's decisions? Confirm or refute I. Goethe’s statement: “A person can know himself only in people.” How do you understand F. Bacon’s statement: “Whoever loves solitude is either a wild beast or the Lord God”? Is a person responsible to society for his actions? Is it difficult to defend your interests before society? How do you understand the words of S.E. Letsa: “Zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something”? Is it necessary to express your opinion if it differs from the majority opinion? There is safety in numbers? What is more important: personal interests or the interests of society? What does society's indifference to people lead to? Do you agree with the opinion of A. Maurois: “You should not rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps"? How do you understand the expression “little man”? Why does a person strive to be original? Does society need leaders?

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Do you agree with the words of K. Marx: “If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who really stimulates and moves other people forward”? Can a person devote his life to the interests of society? Who is a misanthrope? How do you understand the statement of A.S. Pushkin: “The frivolous world mercilessly persecutes in reality what it allows in theory”? What does inequality in society lead to? Are social norms changing? Do you agree with the words of K. L. Berne: “A person can do without many things, but not without a person”? Is a person responsible to society? Can an individual win a fight against society? How can a person change history? Do you think it is important to have your own opinion? Can a person become an individual in isolation from society? How do you understand G. Freytag’s statement: “In the soul of every person there is a miniature portrait of his people”? Is it possible to violate social norms? What is the place of a person in a totalitarian state?

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How do you understand the phrase: “one head is good, but two are better”? Are there people whose work is invisible to society? Is it difficult to maintain individuality in a team? Do you agree with W. Blackstone’s statement: “Man is created for society. He is not capable and does not have the courage to live alone”? Confirm or refute the statement of D. M. Cage: “We need communication more than anything else.” What is equality in society? Why are public organizations needed? Is it possible to say that a person’s happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life? Do you agree that society shapes a person? How does society treat people who are very different from it? How do you understand the statement of W. James: “Society degrades if it does not receive impulses from individuals”? How do you understand the phrase “social consciousness”? What is missing in modern society? Do you agree with I. Goethe’s statement: “Man cannot live in solitude, he needs society”? How do you understand T. Dreiser’s statement: “People think about us what we want to inspire them with”? Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character”?

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Quotes for direction Society is a capricious creature, disposed towards those who indulge its whims, and not at all towards those who contribute to its development. (V.G. Krotov) Society degrades if it does not receive impulses from individuals; the impulse degrades if it does not receive sympathy from the whole society. (W. James) Society consists of two classes of people: those who have lunch, but no appetite; and those who have an excellent appetite, but no lunch. (N. Chamfort) A truly honest person should prefer family to himself, fatherland to family, humanity to fatherland. (J. D'Alembert) You don't need to be the greatest genius to do great things; You don’t need to be above people, you need to be with them. (C. Montesquieu) Breaking away from the people is the same as losing your mind. (Karak) A man without people is like a body without a soul. You will never die with the people. ...The most beautiful life is a life lived for other people. (H. Keller) There are people who, like a bridge, exist so that others can cross it. And they run and run; no one will look back, no one will look at their feet. And the bridge serves this, and the next, and the third generation. (V.V. Rozanov) Destroy society, and you will destroy the unity of the human race - the unity that supports life... (Seneca)

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A person cannot live in solitude; he needs society. (I. Goethe) Only in people can a person recognize himself. (I. Goethe) Anyone who loves solitude is either a wild animal or the Lord God. (F. Bacon) Alone, a person is either a saint or a devil. (R. Burton) If people bother you, then you have no reason to live. (L.N. Tolstoy) A person can do without many things, but not without a person. (K.L. Burne) Man exists only in society, and society shapes him only for itself. (L. Bonald) In the soul of every person there is a miniature portrait of his people. (G. Freytag) Human society... is like a turbulent sea, in which individual people, like waves, surrounded by their own kind, constantly collide with each other, arise, grow and disappear, and the sea - society - is forever seething, agitated and not falls silent... (P.A. Sorokin) A living person carries the life of society in his spirit, in his heart, in his blood: he suffers from its ailments, suffers from its suffering, blooms with its health, blissfully enjoys its happiness... (V. G. Belinsky) It can be said without exaggeration that a person’s happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life. (D.I. Pisarev) Every person has something from all people. (K. Lichtenberg)

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People think about us what we want them to think. (T. Dreiser) The frivolous world mercilessly drives away in reality what it allows in theory. (A.S. Pushkin) Man was created for society. He is unable and does not have the courage to live alone. (W. Blackstone) We were born to unite with our brothers - people and with the entire human race (Cicero) We need communication more than anything else. (D.M. Cage) A person becomes a person only among people. (I. Becher) Individual people unite into one whole - into society; and therefore the highest sphere of beauty is human society. (N.G. Chernyshevsky) If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who truly stimulates and moves other people forward. (K. Marx) A person does not begin to live until he rises above the narrow framework of his personal opinions and beliefs and joins the beliefs of all humanity. (M. L. King) People's characters are determined and shaped by their relationships. (A. Maurois)

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Unite, people! Look: zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something. (S.E. Lec) Search together and find everything. Those sailing in a boat have the same fate. Man is a creature so flexible and in social life so susceptible to the opinions of other people... (C. Montesquieu) He who fled from the people remains without burial. Among people, even a fox will not die of hunger. Man is man's support. He who does not love his own people does not love strangers either. Working for the people is the most urgent task. (V. Hugo) A person in society must grow according to his nature, be himself and unique, just as each leaf on a tree is different from the other. But each leaf has something in common with the others, and this commonality runs through the branches and vessels and forms the strength of the trunk and the unity of the entire tree. (M. M. Prishvin) No matter how rich and luxurious the inner life of a person is, no matter how hot the spring it flows outside and no matter how waves it pours over the edge, it is not complete if it does not assimilate into its content the interests of those external to it world, society and humanity. (V. G. Belinsky):

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A person loves company, even if it is the company of a lonely burning candle. (G. Lichtenberg) No society can be worse than the people of whom it consists. (V. Shwebel) Society is like air: it is necessary for breathing, but not enough for life. (D. Santayana) All societies are similar to each other, like cows in a herd, only some have gilded horns. (V. Shwebel) Society is a set of stones that would collapse if one did not support the other. (L.A. Seneca) Terror did not come up with any other means to equalize society other than cutting off heads that rise above the level of mediocrity. (P. Buast) Society is always in a conspiracy against a person. Conformity is considered a virtue; self-confidence is a sin. Society loves not a person and life, but names and customs. (R. Emerson) It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. (V.I. Lenin) It is common for every generation to consider itself called upon to remake the world. (A. Camus) Society cannot free itself without freeing each individual person. (F. Engels) Society is to blame for everything that happens within its boundaries; every crappy personality, by the very fact of his existence, points to some shortcoming in social organization. (D.I. Pisarev)

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Fiction has always shown interest in the problem of the relationship between man and society, the creative or destructive consequences of this interaction for the individual and for human civilization. .

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List of references for preparing for the final essay. “Man and Society.” A.P. Chekhov “The Jumper”, “Man in a Case”, “Ionych”, “Fat and Thin”, “Death of an Official”, “The Cherry Orchard” J. Verne “The Mysterious Island” W. Thackeray “Vanity Fair” F. M. Dostoevsky “Idiot”, “Crime and Punishment”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Poor People” M. Gorky “At the Depths”, Old Woman Izergil” Ch. T. Aitmatov: “And lasts longer than a century day" D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" E.I. Zamyatin "We" A. Platonov "The Pit" B. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago" J. Orwell "1984", "Animal Farm" R. Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451" O. Huxley “Brave New World” M. Y. Lermontov “Heroes of Our Time” A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” D. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye” M. Mitchell “Gone with the Wind” by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, “After the Ball”, “Anna Karenina” by N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”, “The Overcoat” by A.I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”, “Olesya” W. Golding “Lord of the Flies” G. Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude” O. Wilde “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” M.A. Bulgakov “Heart of a Dog”, “The Master and Margarita” A.S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit” M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

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Comedy A.S. Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit" played an outstanding role in the moral education of several generations of Russian people. She armed them to fight meanness and ignorance in the name of freedom and reason, in the name of the triumph of advanced ideas and true culture. In the image of the main character of Chatsky's comedy, Griboyedov, for the first time in Russian literature, showed a new man of society in defense of freedom, humanity, intelligence and culture, cultivating a new morality, developing a new view of the world and human relations. The image of Chatsky - a new, smart, developed person - is contrasted with Famus society. All of Famusov’s guests are dumbfounded with delight at the sight of any visiting Frenchman from Bordeaux, copying the customs and outfits of foreign milliners and rootless visiting crooks who made a living on Russian bread. Through the lips of Chatsky, Griboyedov with the greatest passion exposed this unworthy servility to others and contempt for one’s own. The distinctive feature of Chatsky as a strong person in comparison with the prim Famus society is the fullness of feelings. In everything he shows true passion, he is always ardent in soul. He is hot, witty, eloquent, full of life, impatient. At the same time, Chatsky is the only openly positive hero in Griboyedov’s comedy.

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In the novel “Hero of Our Time” M.Yu. Lermontov considers personality in the context of society and era and reveals their powerful influence on the formation of a person. The writer's interest in the “history of the human soul” reflects the tasks and problems of the novel. The soul and character of a person are formed in a constant struggle: on the one hand, according to the aspirations of his will, on the other, by society and the era. Exploring the psychology of the hero, the author presents Pechorin as a hero of his time. He strives by any means to remove the masks from those around him, to see their true faces, to understand what each of them is capable of. The history of the emotional movements experienced by the characters sequentially passes through several stages: from indifference or simple goodwill to complete rupture. The heroes reach the climax of the conflict, and everyone suffers a shipwreck. The fates of the characters are distorted. Inner spiritual freedom of the individual leads to victory or defeat of a person. “A Hero of Our Time” is a novel about the self-realization of an individual, his responsibility to people and his own self. Pechorin is filled with rebellious rejection of the foundations of the existing society, therefore his attempts to get closer to people, to find some kind of harmonious balance in relations with them are fruitless.

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L.N. In his novel War and Peace, Tolstoy created a truthful and holistic picture of Russian life in the first quarter of the 19th century. A considerable place in the novel is given to the description of secular society. The St. Petersburg high society is a special world with its own laws, customs, morals, the intellectual center of the country, oriented towards Europe. But the first thing that catches your eye when describing relationships in this society is unnaturalness. All representatives of high society are accustomed to playing roles, and there is no person behind the actor’s mask, there is only emptiness and indifference. One of the main types of pastime for members of high society were social receptions at which news, the situation in Europe and much more were discussed. It seemed to the new person that everything being discussed was important, and all those present were very smart and thoughtful people, seriously interested in the subject of the conversation. In fact, there is something mechanical in these techniques, and Tolstoy compares the Sherers present in the salon to a talking machine. An intelligent, serious, inquisitive person cannot be satisfied with such communication, and he quickly becomes disillusioned with the world. However, the basis of a secular society is made up of those who like such communication and for whom it is necessary. Such people develop a certain stereotype of behavior, which they transfer into their personal and family life. Tolstoy's attitude towards high society is ambivalent. He perfectly sees the vices of the world: insincerity, stiffness, arrogance, deceit, self-interest. But Tolstoy’s high society is also intelligent, noble people with a fine spiritual organization. This is Pierre Bezukhov, and Natasha Rostova, and Andrei Bolkonsky, and Marya Bolkonskaya, and Nikolai Rostov. These are people who know how to love, know how to forgive and truly value their country. The author contrasts these living people with the dead high society. The image of society serves not only as a force that shapes views, opinions, principles of thinking and ideals of behavior, but also as a background for the expression of outstanding personalities, thanks to whose high moral qualities and heroism the Patriotic War of 1812 was won, which largely affected their future fate states.

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The main theme of M. Gorky's entire work is the study of man, his nature and place in life. In “Old Woman Izergil” the image of the young man Larra is contrasted with the image of Danko. With the help of such a contrast, the writer condemned many human vices: selfishness, narcissism, pride. Larra is the son of a woman and an eagle, unfamiliar with the concepts of love and self-sacrifice, a selfish insolent person who does not recognize respect for others, ready only to receive without giving anything in return. And that is why the greatest good, life, becomes hard labor for Larra. Gorky emphasizes: freedom alone is not freedom. Freedom has value only when it is connected with society, with people. Man is a social being. A person must do everything to live in peace and harmony with others. The young man Danko is the absolute opposite of Larra. For the sake of the freedom of his people, he makes a great sacrifice - he gives his life for the good of his native tribe. Danko did not expect gratitude for his sacrifice. He existed for the sake of people, for their benefit. Danko did not remember about himself and was constantly worried about others. This hero is Gorky’s romantic ideal. L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” A person’s character is formed throughout his life. Sometimes some goals and values ​​are replaced by others. Much depends on the environment, on changes both in the life of the person himself and the entire country and people. The hero of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky is constantly in search of his place in life. The author shows how his goals changed and the means he used to achieve them. At the beginning of the novel, the hero dreams of glory, goes to war with Napoleon in order to find his “Toulon,” that is, the starting point that will mark the beginning of his fame (“I want fame, I want to be known to people, I want to be loved by them”). However, the war showed the insignificance of his dreams. Seeing the huge sky and the clouds floating across it, he realized that he had to live according to the laws of nature, that all his goals were so base and worthless. Meeting with Natasha in Otradnoye, overhearing her words about the beauty of the night, in which there is so much desire to live to the fullest - all this influenced Andrei. He wanted to be useful to people, to bring benefit to them (“... it is necessary for everyone to know me, so that my life does not go on for me alone... so that it is reflected on everyone and so that they all live with me”). He is also thinking through the means for this, being a member of the legislative commission of A. Speransky. At the end of the novel, this is a completely different person, who has realized that a person is happy, living a single life with the people, the Fatherland, making his contribution to great things. And he also realized that he must be able to forgive, because it was precisely the fact that he was not able to once understand and forgive Natasha that deprived him of the love of such a woman! Before his death, Andrei realized this, “...that patient love for people that his sister taught him was revealed to him!” The author makes his readers think about a lot, and above all about how to live on this earth, what kind of person to be. L. Tolstoy’s favorite heroes seem to suggest answers to these questions.

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Roman M.A. Sholokhov's "Quiet Don" shows readers that man makes history, but history, in turn, changes man. The main character of the novel, Grigory Melekhov, is painfully trying to find his place in life. He strives to find the truth in the turbulent and troubled times of the beginning of the revolutionary upheavals of the twentieth century. He wants to take a side, join a certain camp, resist the cruelty of a fratricidal war, find answers to the numerous questions that the “mad world” poses to Gregory. These moral quests are further complicated by personal drama. Love for Aksinya, at first thoughtless and passionate, having passed all imaginable tests, grows into love-compassion. Despite the condemnation of his relatives and village residents, he leaves his family, goes against generally accepted norms, because he feels the need to understand the confusion, the whirlwind of events of these years, to determine his attitude towards them. All this is inextricably linked with the psychological changes occurring within Melekhov. And Gregory’s tired soul, amid this general discord, wants peace and silence. That is why, upon returning home, he throws his gun into the water.

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One of the significant themes of the novel “The Master and Margarita” by M.A. Bulgakov is the question of interaction, the relationship between man and power, man and society. Bulgakov shows us how this issue is resolved in ancient Yershalaim and in contemporary Moscow. The writer, following his predecessors of the “golden age” of Russian literature, Russian philosophers of the early twentieth century, was convinced that the basis of any society should be not material, class, political, but moral foundations. And the fact that Bulgakov places his contemporary capital within the framework of the biblical city and the other world of Good and Evil proves that human life and human nature are eternal and unchanging. This means that the answers to important philosophical questions are universal and correct for any time. The master is a genius, so he was not accepted. After the publication of his amazing novel, real persecution began against the hero in the press. When the Master finished his work, he went out into the world with it: “I first came into the world of literature, but now, when it’s all over and my death is obvious, I remember it with horror!..” Who met the Master in this society? All kinds of Brass, Lavrovichs, Ahrimans... Petty graphomaniacs engaged in pseudo-creativity. After an excerpt from the novel was published, these MASSOLIT plebeians begin to persecute the genius. Bulgakov describes this world of “people of art” in very unsightly terms. At times, the author’s bitter irony is clearly visible: “I...was received by some girl with her eyes slanted towards her nose from constant lies.” Apparently, Bulgakov was describing an environment that was familiar to him. Through the mouth of the Master, the author notes: “It seemed to me - and I could not get rid of it - that the authors of these articles were not saying what they wanted to say, and that their rage was caused by precisely this.” Apparently, some of the hero’s persecutors felt the full value of his novel, but fear and the desire to please the authorities took their toll. They poison the writer, driving him to a madhouse and complete abandonment of his brainchild. The master kills the novel and, overwhelmed by the society of pseudo-literati surrounding him, heads to the “house of sorrow”, where the reader meets him. Only Margarita’s love and the acquisition of eternal peace save the Master from the persecution of this society. In Russian literature, the theme of man and society is found in almost every work of great writers. Often on the pages of books we read about the tragedies of a strong personality or a small person, we see the contrast of a bright living nature with an indifferent dead society.

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Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel “Fahrenheit 451” is a skillful critique of consumer society, fear of its degradation, and a warning to the average person. The novel's protagonist, Guy Montag, works as a "fireman" (which in the novel involves burning books), confident that he is doing his job "for the benefit of mankind." But soon he becomes disillusioned with the ideals of society and joins a small underground group, whose supporters memorize the texts of books for posterity. The consumer society described by Bradbury does not burn books at the stake, it burns itself - its history, its culture. The value of the novel lies in that terrible picture of the future, which may well become true. The American ideal of a carefree life, dreams of universal equality, the absence of unnecessary anxious thoughts - this limit of society's dreams can turn into a nightmare if the author's warnings are not heeded. Technological progress has made human life much easier, while at the same time greatly suppressing his instinct of self-preservation. Herd feelings help people survive in a new society that is becoming not only technocratic, but also totalitarian, and above all this affects the spiritual aspects of human life. A consumer existence becomes the norm of behavior, in which the only food for the mind is provided by entertainment, reality is replaced by primitive television illusions. A person does not need science: after work, he should have fun to the fullest, enjoy life, laugh at the endless clowning in the theater or cinema, catch thrills, play games, and not at all read serious books, think about them, comprehend the essence of things, reflect about politics or the meaning of life. This crazy society, the unreal world, is contrasted with a calmly majestic nature, where you can think about eternity, about time, about your own life, as well as people who fled from the world to deserted places where there is no civilization, but there is freedom of thought and the priority of the mind over the inner emptiness. Montag thinks that “somewhere the process of saving values ​​​​must begin again, someone must again collect and preserve what is created by man, save it in books, in gramophone records, in the heads of people, protect it at all costs from moths, mold, rust and people with matches.” And here, among nature, Montag finds such people - guardians - who cherish various books in their memory and hope to save at least a particle of human knowledge and experience of many generations from decay and oblivion. Now Montag is with them forever! And only here he comprehends the main meaning of human life: “Everyone must leave something behind. A son, or a book, or a painting, a house you built, or at least a wall built from brick, or a pair of shoes you sewed, or a garden planted by your hands. Something that your fingers touched during life, in which your soul will find refuge after death. People will look at the tree or flower you have grown, and at that moment you will be alive.” That is why Montag and his new friends are not afraid of the “end of the world”, the war that has befallen the old world, because a renewed and beautiful world awaits them ahead - with meaning, knowledge, spirituality and love. www.ctege.info The writer’s moral position can be illustrated by R. Emerson’s statement: “The true indicator of civilization is not the level of wealth and education, not the size of cities, not the abundance of harvests, but the appearance of a person raised by a country.”

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E.I. Zamyatin “We” Man in a totalitarian state. This topic began to appear in literature already in the 1920-1930s, when it became clear that the policies of V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin led to the establishment of a far from democratic regime. Of course, these works could not be published at that time. Readers saw them only in the 1980s, during the period of perestroika and glasnost. Many of these works were a real discovery. One of them was E. Zamyatin’s novel “We,” written in 1921. The dystopia depicted by the writer showed what totalitarianism, the silence of people, and blind submission to the regime could lead to. The novel is like a warning that everything depicted in it can happen if society does not resist the terrible system of repression and persecution, when any person’s desire to achieve the truth is literally stifled. The inaction of society in a totalitarian state can lead to the fact that everyone becomes part of a huge state machine, turning into a “faceless WE”, losing individuality and even their name, receiving only a number among a huge crowd of people (D-503, 90, I-330) . “...the natural path from insignificance to greatness: forget that you are a gram and feel like a millionth part of a ton...”. The value of a specific individual in such a society is lost. It would seem that people built it to be happy. But did this happen? Can life by the hour in this United State be called happiness, feeling like just a cog in the huge mechanism of the state machine (“The ideal is where nothing happens anymore...”)? No, not everyone agrees with such a regulated life when others think for them. They want to feel complete joy, happiness, love, suffer - in general, to be a person, not a number. Behind the walls of the state is real life, which so attracts the heroine - I-330. The benefactor decides everything; it is by his laws that numbers live. And if someone opposes, then there are ways to force people either to comply or die. There is no other way out. The author showed that some of the workers were unable to capture the spaceship, involving one of the builders of the Integral D-503 (it was he who tried to charm I-330 for this purpose). The Benefactor and his system are too strong. He dies in the Gas Bell I-330, the unnecessary memory of number D-503 is erased, who continues to be confident in the fairness of the state structure (“I am sure that we will win, because reason must win!”) Everything in the state continues to go as usual. How terrible the formula of happiness set forth by the Benefactor sounds: “True algebraic love for a person is certainly inhuman, and an indispensable sign of truth is its cruelty.” But it is in the victory of reason that the author believes, when society wakes up, it will understand that life cannot be lived this way, so that everyone says to myself: “I have ceased to be a component, as always, and have become a unit.” A person must be part of society, while continuing to remain an individual. “WE”, consisting of many “I”s, is one of the formulas of happiness that readers of the novel come to understand.

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Topics for the final essay 2017 - 2018

"Human and society". The purpose of this direction is to show the inextricable connection between man and society. It’s worth thinking about what influence the people around us have on us, how communication with them affects our thinking and behavior. When evaluating someone, we cannot help but pay attention to his position in society. Literature has always shown interest in the problem of relationships between society and man. Does a person who rejects society lose something? Why can society reject people?

This direction is focused on two points of view: to consider the role of an individual person in society and the importance of society in a person’s life. People, for various reasons, often reject their environment, and the environment is also intolerant of those who do not take into account the rules established in it. The reasons for such rejection may be personal principles, delusions, fear or even insanity.

Many authors have raised the problem of the relationship between society and man, which is still relevant today. This direction focuses on reasoning about what prompts a person to isolate himself from society, or, on the contrary, obey social laws. Every person is an important part of society, everyone can contribute. So how are people and society interconnected? Is it really that important to be a part of it?

Friends! This is an approximate list of topics for the final essay 2017. Read it carefully and try to select an argument and thesis for each topic. Here the direction “Man and Society” is revealed from all possible sides. You will probably come across other quotes in your essay, but they will still carry the same meaning. And if you work with this list, you will not have any difficulties writing the final essay.

  1. How does society influence a person's decisions?
  2. If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who truly stimulates and moves other people forward. (K. Marx)
  3. What does inequality in society lead to?
  4. Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character”?
  5. If people bother you, then you have no reason to live. (L.N. Tolstoy)
  6. What is the conflict between man and society?
  7. Alone, a person is either a saint or a devil. (R. Burton)
  8. How does society influence a person?
  9. Are social norms changing?
  10. Man is a wolf to man. (Plautus)
  11. Is it difficult to defend your interests before society?
  12. Does it seem fair to you that strong people are often lonely?
  13. What does society's indifference to people lead to?
  14. Is a person responsible to society for his actions?
  15. How does society influence an individual's opinion?
  16. Why should society help the disadvantaged?
  17. Do you agree that society shapes a person?
  18. You should not rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps. (A. Maurois)
  19. What is equality in society?
  20. A person cannot live in solitude; he needs society. (I. Goethe)
  21. Can a person exist outside of society?
  22. Are there people whose work is invisible to society?
  23. How do you understand the phrase: “one head is good, but two are better”?
  24. What is tolerance?
  25. Working for the people is the most urgent task. (V. Hugo)
  26. All roads lead to people. (A. De Saint-Exupéry)
  27. Anyone who loves solitude is either a wild animal or the Lord God. (F. Bacon)
  28. The frivolous world mercilessly drives away in reality what it allows in theory. (A.S. Pushkin)
  29. Only in people can a person recognize himself. (I. Goethe)
  30. Why are public organizations needed?
  31. A person becomes a person only among people. (I. Becher)
  32. Is society responsible for every person?
  33. Man is created for society. He is unable and does not have the courage to live alone. (W. Blackstone)
  34. What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?
  35. Can a person devote his life to the interests of society?
  36. Why is it important to maintain individuality?
  37. Any weakening of mental life in society inevitably entails an increase in material inclinations and vile egoistic instincts. (Tyutchev)
  38. Is it necessary to express your opinion if it differs from the majority opinion?
    Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him. (V. G. Belinsky)
  39. Can a person change society?
  40. Who is a misanthrope?
  41. How do you understand the expression “little man”?
  42. Every person has something of all people. Is it possible to live in society and be free from it? (G. K. Lichtenberg)
  43. Zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something. (S. E. Lec)
  44. Is it difficult to maintain individuality in a team?
  45. What is the role of personality in history?
  46. There is safety in numbers? What is more important: personal interests or the interests of society?
  47. Why does a person strive to be original?
  48. Is a person responsible to society?
  49. How do you understand the phrase “social consciousness”? What is missing in modern society?
  50. We need communication more than anything else (D. M. Cage)
    Does society need leaders?
  51. If everyone is a whole world, why can’t one live without the other? (L. I. Boleslavsky)
  52. What happens to a person cut off from society?
    Society degrades if it does not receive impulses from individuals. (W. James)
  53. Are social norms of behavior necessary?
  54. Is it possible to say that a person’s happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life?
  55. People think about us what we want them to think. (T. Dreiser)
  56. The most beautiful life is a life lived for other people (H. Keller)
  57. A person can do without many things, but not without a person. (K. L. Burne)
  58. Can any person be called a person?

The emergence of society and the emergence of man is a single process. No society - no person. No man - no society. Society is a collection of people who have common interests. But there are people who do not share the point of view of society, are different from the crowd and do not look at the world the way they do, views are so contradictory than those of society. Society calls such people dangerous.

Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" played an outstanding role in the moral education of people. In this work, reason and freedom confront meanness and ignorance in the name of the triumph of advanced ideas and genuine culture. Through the image of the hero Chatsky, Griboyedov wanted to show a new person who brings into society new morals, views on the world and human relationships. Famus society is very different from the hero in that it only strives for wealth through flattery, steals customs and clothes from foreign crooks, they don't have their own ideas.

Chatsky is a reasonable, decent person, has only positive qualities, is not afraid to speak the truth to his face, he wants to achieve his goal in life. Alexander is a dangerous person who destroys Famus society for the sake of freedom, reason, and culture. Chatsky exposes Famus society and points out their shortcomings. Therefore, society took up arms against him and considered him crazy. So, the hero is forced to leave Moscow: he is not understood and not accepted by Famus society.

In Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time,” the author tells how people dangerous to society appear. The main character Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin ruins people's lives and cannot show kindness.

As a child, in his youth, they did not believe him, although he spoke the truth, and he learned to lie. He loved the whole world, but they did not understand him, and he began to hate him. One side of him had completely dried up and could no longer feel, while the other was still alive and analyzed his own behavior. His soul is spoiled by light, he gets used to sadness as well as to pleasure. So he became a moral cripple. But everything is not enough for him. Pechorin wants to remove the masks from those around him in order to see their real faces, so he embarks on intrigue. Society itself is to blame for the fact that the hero became a cruel person. All attempts to get closer to people lead to misfortune. Pechorin destroys their destinies: he destroys the lives of peaceful smugglers, Bela dies because of him, makes Mary fall in love with him, and then disappears from her life, kills Grushnitsky. Pechorin brings pain to each hero, but this does not make him feel happy

So where do dangerous people come from? Who and what influences them? We don't stop asking these questions now. Dangerous people arise because society itself gives birth to such people as a result of a misunderstanding of their essence.

Updated: 2017-11-16

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How do teenagers understand the laws by which modern society lives?

Text: Anna Chainikova, teacher of Russian and literature, school No. 171
Photo: proza.ru

Next week, graduates will test their skills in analyzing literary works. Will they be able to open up the topic? Find the right arguments? Will they fit into the evaluation criteria? We'll find out very soon. In the meantime, we offer you an analysis of the fifth thematic area - “Man and Society”. You still have time to take advantage of our advice.

FIPI comment:

For topics in this direction, the view of a person as a representative of society is relevant. Society largely shapes the individual, but the individual can also influence society. Topics will allow you to consider the problem of the individual and society from different sides: from the point of view of their harmonious interaction, complex confrontation or irreconcilable conflict. It is equally important to think about the conditions under which a person must obey social laws, and society must take into account the interests of each person. Literature has always shown interest in the problem of the relationship between man and society, the creative or destructive consequences of this interaction for the individual and for human civilization.

Vocabulary work

Explanatory dictionary by T. F. Efremova:
MAN - 1. A living creature, unlike an animal, possessing the gift of speech, thought and the ability to produce tools and use them. 2. The bearer of any qualities, properties (usually with a definition); personality.
SOCIETY - 1. A set of people united by historically determined social forms of joint life and activity. 2. A circle of people united by a common position, origin, interests. 3. The circle of people with whom someone is in close communication; Wednesday.

Human: personality, individual.
Society: society, environment, surroundings.

Man and society are closely interconnected and cannot exist without each other. Man is a social being, he was created for society and has been in it since early childhood. It is society that develops and shapes a person; in many ways, it is the environment and surroundings that determine what a person will become. If, for various reasons (conscious choice, accident, expulsion and isolation used as punishment), a person finds himself outside of society, he loses a part of himself, feels lost, experiences loneliness, and often degrades.

The problem of interaction between the individual and society worried many writers and poets. What might this relationship be like? What are they built on?

Relationships can be harmonious when a person and society are in unity; they can be built on confrontation, the struggle of the individual and society, or they can also be based on open, irreconcilable conflict.

Often heroes challenge society and oppose themselves to the world. In literature, this is especially common in works of the Romantic era.

In the story "Old Woman Izergil" Maxim Gorky, telling the story of Larra, invites the reader to think about the question of whether a person can exist outside of society. The son of a proud, free eagle and an earthly woman, Larra despises the laws of society and the people who invented them. The young man considers himself exceptional, does not recognize authorities and does not see the need for people: “...he, boldly looking at them, answered that there were no more people like him; and if everyone honors them, he doesn’t want to do that.”. Disregarding the laws of the tribe in which he finds himself, Larra continues to live as he lived before, but refusal to obey the norms of society entails expulsion. The elders of the tribe say to the daring young man: “He has no place among us! Let him go wherever he wants“- but this only makes the proud eagle’s son laugh, because he is used to freedom and does not consider loneliness a punishment. But can freedom become burdensome? Yes, turning into loneliness, it will become a punishment, says Maxim Gorky. Coming up with a punishment for killing a girl, choosing from the most severe and cruel ones, the tribe cannot choose one that will satisfy everyone. “There is punishment. This is a terrible punishment; You wouldn’t invent something like this in a thousand years! His punishment is in himself! Let him go, let him be free.", says the sage. The name Larra is symbolic: "outcast, thrown out".

Why did what at first made Larra laugh, “who remained free like his father,” turned into suffering and turned out to be a real punishment? Man is a social being, therefore he cannot live outside of society, Gorky claims, and Larra, although he was the son of an eagle, was still half a man. “There was so much melancholy in his eyes that it could have poisoned all the people of the world with it. So, from that time on he was left alone, free, awaiting death. And so he walks, walks everywhere... You see, he has already become like a shadow and will be like that forever! He doesn't understand people's speech or their actions - nothing. And he keeps searching, walking, walking... He has no life, and death does not smile at him. And there is no place for him among people... That’s how the man was struck for his pride!” Isolated from society, Larra seeks death, but does not find it. Saying “his punishment is in himself,” the sages who comprehended the social nature of man predicted a painful test of loneliness and isolation for the proud young man who challenged society. The way Larra suffers only confirms the idea that a person cannot exist outside of society.

The hero of another legend, told by the old woman Izergil, is Danko, the absolute opposite of Larra. Danko does not oppose himself to society, but merges with it. At the cost of his own life, he saves desperate people, leads them out of the impenetrable forest, illuminating the path with his burning heart, torn out of his chest. Danko accomplishes a feat not because he expects gratitude and praise, but because he loves people. His act is selfless and altruistic. He exists for the sake of people and their good, and even in those moments when the people who followed him shower him with reproaches and indignation boils in his heart, Danko does not turn away from them: “He loved people and thought that maybe they would die without him.”. “What will I do for people?!”- the hero exclaims, tearing out his flaming heart from his chest.
Danko is an example of nobility and great love for people. It is this romantic hero who becomes Gorky's ideal. A person, according to the writer, should live with people and for the sake of people, not withdraw into himself, not be a selfish individualist, and he can only be happy in society.

Aphorisms and sayings of famous people

  • All roads lead to people. (A. de Saint-Exupéry)
  • Man is created for society. He is unable and does not have the courage to live alone. (W. Blackstone)
  • Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him. (V. G. Belinsky)
  • Society is a set of stones that would collapse if one did not support the other. (Seneca)
  • Anyone who loves solitude is either a wild animal or the Lord God. (F. Bacon)
  • Man is created to live in society; separate him from him, isolate him - his thoughts will become confused, his character will harden, hundreds of absurd passions will arise in his soul, extravagant ideas will sprout in his brain like wild thorns in a wasteland. (D. Diderot)
  • Society is like air: it is necessary for breathing, but not enough for life. (D. Santayana)
  • There is no more bitter and humiliating dependence than dependence on the human will, on the arbitrariness of one’s equals. (N. A. Berdyaev)
  • You should not rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps. (A. Maurois)
  • Every generation tends to consider itself called upon to remake the world. (A. Camus)

What questions are worth thinking about?

  • What is the conflict between man and society?
  • Can an individual win a fight against society?
  • Can a person change society?
  • Can a person exist outside of society?
  • Can a person remain civilized outside of society?
  • What happens to a person cut off from society?
  • Can a person become an individual in isolation from society?
  • Why is it important to maintain individuality?
  • Is it necessary to express your opinion if it differs from the majority opinion?
  • What is more important: personal interests or the interests of society?
  • Is it possible to live in society and be free from it?
  • What does violating social norms lead to?
  • What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?
  • Is a person responsible to society for his actions?
  • What does society's indifference to people lead to?
  • How does society treat people who are very different from it?

In the criminal legal system the term used is necessary defense (Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, however, there are many problems with its application. Let's take a closer look.

Relevance of the issue

In practice, situations often arise when a person is forced to use force to protect himself or other people. In such cases we talk about necessary defense. Art. 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation excludes the criminality of an act when causing harm to a person who encroaches on the life or health of another person. However, there is usually a caveat.

According to Art. 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, necessary defense must be expressed in actions corresponding to the danger and nature of the attack. In other words, it is not allowed to cause unnecessary harm to the infringing subject. With definition limits of necessary defense This is where difficulties arise in practice. The fact is that a person who uses violence against a criminal cannot always adequately assess the situation.

It is necessary to know what measures can be applied to him, and which will be regarded as unnecessary and not consistent with the nature of his behavior.

Key Features

They follow from the meaning of Art. 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Necessary defense, according to the norm, are the actions:

  • aimed at protecting the rights and personality of the defender, other subjects, as well as the interests of society and the state, excluding crime;
  • legitimate and socially useful.

Protection from attack is carried out by causing certain harm to the attacker. At the same time, his interests are also protected by law within the established framework. Application of necessary defense is associated with the extraordinary nature of the behavior of the defender and the need to determine its limits.

If the established limits are exceeded, the person’s actions will be regarded as intentional, clearly inconsistent with the nature and danger of the attack. Accordingly, liability measures will be applied to the defender.

Legality of necessary defense, thus, occurs if the subject performs actions in circumstances that provide the grounds and conditions for the protection of protected interests from encroachment and at the same time indicate the boundaries of this defense. Having certain limits on behavior helps prevent unnecessary harm to the attacker.

The state of necessary defense is expressed by a complex of signs that characterize not only the defense itself, but also the encroachment.


Defense in general refers to countering an attack. That is, it is a reactive, forced, derivative action aimed at suppressing illegal behavior. In such cases, the attacker himself becomes a victim of his own actions.

In the criminal legal sense, defense against an unlawful attack is legal, which acts as an objective basis for the use of defense. The legislation does not disclose the concept of a dangerous attack, it is not defined, what kind of person can be called dangerous to society. However, from the analysis of the norms it clearly follows that defense is unacceptable against inactions/actions that formally contain signs of crimes, but due to their insignificance, do not pose a threat.


To implement protection, it is necessary to have dangerous factor. It is the commission of an illegal action by a subject that encroaches on the life, health, rights, property of other persons, violating the interests of the state, society or citizen, or the threat of its commission.

The social and legal characteristics of encroachment are limited to one sign - public danger. At the same time, criminal law does not require that the action/inaction be committed guiltily, and the subject committing it should be able to bear responsibility for the act.

An offense that is considered dangerous factor, can be characterized as an act enshrined in the Special Part of the Criminal Code. In this case, it will not matter whether the subject was brought to justice for its commission, released from punishment due to insanity, childhood (or for other reasons) or not. This understanding of encroachment, which serves as a basis for the use of weapons and, therefore, causing harm during the detention of a person who has committed a crime, is present in the Instructions on the conduct of employees ensuring the protection of law and order.

Source of danger

Conditions for necessary defense are formed through the active action of the encroaching subject. If a citizen's behavior is expressed in opposition to an attack, the encroachment expressed in the form of this attack is the initial action that necessitates an immediate and effective response.

Failure to act creates a threat to interests protected by law. Inaction is not considered an infringement, an attempt to commit any action, for example, murder. Necessary defense when this acts as a response to obvious active actions. The inaction of a mother who does not feed her newborn, which is suppressed by using violence against her or the threat of it, does not create grounds for the necessary defense, as some authors believe. In this case, there is coercion to action - the fulfillment of an obligation. This situation is resolved in accordance with the provisions of Part 2 of Article 40 of the Criminal Code, taking into account Art. 39 of the Code.


In guilty actions, there is always intent. Careless acts can also be intentional and, in principle, be the basis for necessary defense. Eg, the driver drives at high speed and creates an emergency situation. However, in such situations the danger of actions is not always obvious.

To recognize the legitimacy of actions to prevent, the objective orientation and nature of the behavior from which the careless act begins and is accompanied, the reality of the attack and its threat are important. For example, the defense of a subject against the actions of a medical worker who carelessly filled a syringe with poison instead of medicine and is trying to give an injection will be considered legitimate.

Variety of measures taken to prevent causing harm to health due to negligence, the immediate possibility of defense depends largely on the intentions of the attacker, his persistence in achieving a goal that poses an objective danger, motives, etc.

Continuing activities

Some crimes begin in the form of an attack and then continue as attacks, involving retaliatory violence to attempts to stop them. Accordingly, there are grounds for necessary defense. Example This situation may include the taking of hostages, premises, or vehicles.

The conditions for retaliatory violent actions that arose at the time of the seizure of people or objects remain during their illegal detention. In this case, there is a possibility of causing serious damage to the health of hostages or property damage to objects. Need for causing harm during the detention of persons who have committed a crime, at this stage of the attack is determined by the threat of its continuation and transformation into an attack on employees performing their duties related to maintaining order and fighting crime.

It should be said that even the transfer of the weapon that was used in the attack from the attacker to the defender cannot indicate the end of the illegal action.

Dangerous encroachment, which is carried out in the form of an attack, causes an extreme situation. It can be characterized as waiting for the realization of the possibility of using defense. This stage is considered the initial stage. It indicates the moment and possibility of starting a defense. Moreover, they are determined for a specific time period.

Right to necessary defense

According to Part 3 of Article 37 of the Criminal Code, all persons have it equally, regardless of their professional or other special training, as well as their official position.

The right to defense can be used by both Russian and foreign citizens, and stateless persons. At the same time, for citizens of the Russian Federation, the necessary defense acts not only as a natural legal opportunity, but also as a guarantee of the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution on the inviolability of person, housing, and property. Its enshrinement in legislation is aimed at creating conditions for individuals to fulfill their constitutional duty to protect property rights, public and state interests.

For certain categories, necessary defense acts not only as a right, but also as a duty. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary, criminal or other liability. Citizens of the Russian Federation who perform relevant functions or occupy a certain official position not only have the right, but also must protect the interests protected by law, as this is regulated by special legal acts that define their powers and status in a specific field of professional activity. In particular, a police officer must maintain order and suppress any actions that violate it; the sentry is obliged to protect a military facility from attacks, etc.

Causing harm

A person defending himself has the right to take active measures to protect himself from a dangerous attack. They, among other things, involve causing harm to the attacker. The implementation of this measure does not depend on the ability to avoid an attack or turn to other persons or structures for help.

Harm can only be caused to the attacker. If the attack is committed by several persons, the defender may apply to any of them such measures as are determined by the nature and danger of the actions of the group as a whole. Causing damage to third parties not participating in the attack cannot be considered an act of necessary defense. In these situations, the provisions of the law governing the state of emergency may apply.

Subjective basis

It serves as a special purpose. A person can be motivated by a sense of self-preservation, intolerance for an illegal action, moral duty, the desire to help the victim, the desire to show nobility, empathy for the victim, etc.

The goal is of great importance in determining the moral and social nature of behavior caused by a socially dangerous attack. Given this fact, the highest judicial authorities associate the legality of actions with the presence of it in the hands of the defender. Actions can be taken to:

  • Self-defense.
  • Reflecting an attack.
  • Release from the attacker.
  • Suppressing antisocial behavior.

These subjective characteristics - the presence of a special motive and goal - make it possible to distinguish the necessary defense from other acts that have an external resemblance to it, but are aimed not at repelling an attack, but at causing damage out of envy, revenge, etc.


As follows from the above information, defense and the harm resulting from it must be caused by the need to suppress an attack and protect interests protected by law from danger. With this in mind, if a person commits actions that provoke an attack, then his response cannot be considered a necessary defense.

The subject's actions to repel danger are not legal if he himself caused it. In such situations, liability for harm caused will occur according to the general rules. The person who provoked the attack did not pursue socially beneficial goals, but acted from negative motives.

Untimely defense

Causing harm to the attacker requires timely action by the defender. Damage can be caused only after the beginning and before the completion of the encroachment, i.e., in the event of a real danger.

Timely necessary defense can be called only if, for example, the attacker takes possession of valuables, disrupts order, strikes a citizen, tries to pick up a weapon, open a door, enter someone else’s home, etc. In such cases, the attack is considered to have begun, and accordingly, it can defense will begin.

When determining the timeliness of suppressive actions, the moment of completion of the attack is also important. It is associated with the implementation of objective signs of an illegal action and coincides for acts with:

  • formal composition - with the moment of commission;
  • material composition - causing harm;
  • continuing/continuing composition - from the moment of interruption or completion of illegal actions.

With the end of an illegal or equivalent antisocial behavioral act, the need to inflict damage on the attacker to stop his actions disappears.

Late or premature necessary defense is excluded. Due to the fact that the actions of the defender are aimed at suppressing/preventing an already existing attack, they cannot last longer than the unlawful behavior.

Exceeding the limits of defense

It occurs when intentional actions are committed that clearly do not correspond to the level of danger and the nature of the attacker’s illegal actions. An important nuance should be taken into account. Not any, but only an obvious, obvious discrepancy between the defense and the encroachment being committed can be considered as exceeding the limit of defense.

In an objective sense, the obviousness of the discrepancy is expressed primarily in causing excessive harm to the attacker. Any defense “with a reserve” or “overstatement” is socially dangerous. It objectively goes beyond the scope of necessity, which is determined by the goal of suppressing the encroachment.

The more dangerous the attacker’s actions, the more grounds there are for the use of relatively more dangerous and, accordingly, more effective measures. Defense is always considered necessary if the defender did not have other means of defense, including special equipment and weapons, and only if their use made it possible to stop illegal actions in a specific situation.

Legal requirements

When repelling a dangerous attack or other special means, it is a last resort. It may be necessary or the only one for protection from subjects who really threaten the health or life of the defender himself or those around him.

The rules that regulate the use of special equipment, physical force and weapons by law enforcement officers in the performance of their official duties help prevent excessive harm from being caused to subjects whose actions are the basis for the necessary defense. In normal situations, the defender, of course, is obliged to warn the attacker of his intention to use certain measures and provide him with sufficient time to comply with the requirements.

However, in situations where delay creates an immediate threat to the health/life of people and when a warning is clearly impossible or inappropriate, a person has the right not to look at the rules and not to follow them strictly. Otherwise, the defender risks losing any opportunity to stop the attack and save the victim.

Use of weapons

It is allowed solely to suppress the attacker’s aggression.

If a citizen used self defense pistol if there are objective grounds for this, he should not be condemned. If the limits of suppression of the attack have not been violated, any conviction of the defending person should be considered as a manifestation of illegality. This situation is a consequence of an incorrect interpretation of the list of subjects who have the right to self-defense. Moreover, this practice leads to hesitation among law enforcement officers to use their service weapons in appropriate cases, although current legislation allows their use.

At the same time, hasty actions can lead to unnecessary casualties. For example, a citizen, lawfully using a pistol for self-defense or to protect against the encroachment of others, violates the established rules: he does this in a public place when there is a danger of causing harm to outsiders. In addition, it is unacceptable to use means of protection that pose an increased danger to people and leave no chance of survival. We are talking, in particular, about anti-personnel/anti-tank grenades, machine guns, machine guns, flamethrowers, etc.

Currently, legislation provides citizens with the right to exercise armed self-defense. Accordingly, when repelling aggression, a fatal outcome associated with the use of weapons cannot be ruled out. However, the death of the attacker is permissible only as an exception.

Current legislation establishes liability for exceeding the limits of defense in the event of murder or causing grievous bodily harm. Such actions are regarded as intentional, but fall into the category of acts of minor gravity.

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