How is the emphasis placed? Emphasis on words

1. Indefinite verbs in modern Russian tend to shift the stress to the beginning of the word.

For example, previously the norm of pronunciation was glue. Nowadays the pronunciation is considered standard glue.

    This tendency is most clearly manifested in two- and three-syllable verbs: vulgarize, force.

    In polysyllabic words, along with this, there is a tendency towards the so-called balance of syllables, when the stress is placed in the middle of the word:

    subscribe, dose, copy, maneuver, mount, motivate, telegraph, transport, electrify.

    However, as in other cases, these processes occur in language inconsistently and with varying intensity (they are most clearly manifested in common speech and colloquial speech). Sometimes both pronunciation options coexist in the literary language as equal or as the main and acceptable, that is, less desirable.


Pay attention to the stress position in the following verbs:

A) the only normative option is with emphasis at the end of the word: invigorate, invigorate, cheer up, hammer, continue(But: hollow out), sparkle, sour, lighten, tickle, powder, powder, powder, speed up, speed up, deepen, deepen, simplify, simplify, turn purple, occupy, begin, understand, accept, mischievous to pamper, pamper, pamper, indulge, bombard, costume, fill, seal, reward, equip;

b) the only normative option is with stress at the beginning and in the middle of the word: echo, silt, cork, cork, uncork, uncork, sugar, vulgarize, force, compel, strengthen, mold, mold, scoop, exhaust (!), exhaust, asphalt , pave, block, block, compost, copy, transport;

V) equal options - with emphasis at the end of the word, in the middle and at the beginning of the word: swirl And swirl, sparkle And sparkle, oxidize And oxidize, oxidize And oxidize, rust And to rust, to rust - to rust, to rust - to rust, to corrugate And corrugate;

G) the main option is with stress in the middle or at the beginning of the word, but it is acceptable to stress at the end of the word: pepper - pepper, pepper - pepper, indevet - indevet.

Currently, spelling dictionaries give as acceptable pronunciation options - aggravate, aggravate, however, such pronunciation is still undesirable. It is preferable, especially in an official setting, to pronounce - aggravate, aggravate.

The pronunciation of many of these verbs serves as an indicator of a person’s speech culture. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of words: encourage, hammer, ease, deepen, begin, understand, accept, pamper, vulgarize, force, mold, scoop, exhaust.

2. Past tense forms of verbs usually retain the same stress on the same syllable as in the indefinite form:

clog - clogged, speed up - speed up, put in - put in, infect - infected, seal - sealed.

    At the same time, when forming the past tense forms of many one- and two-syllable verbs, a model characteristic of one- and two-syllable short adjectives follows: when forming the feminine form, the stress falls on the ending, in other cases - on the stem:

    begin - began, beginning, beginning, began; tear - tore, tore, tore, tore; understand - understood, understood, understood, understood; accept - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted.


    Shape type started, understood, understood etc. are not only obscene, but also indicate a very low culture of the speaker!

    This model is also used to form past tense forms of verbs:

    take, twist, drive, tear, wait, live, borrow, call, choose, curse, lie, pour, drink, sail, tear, blow up, repute, sleep and etc.

    Basically, the past tense forms of the verbs take, give, weave are formed according to the same model, but here, as with short adjectives, there are some deviations from the model:

    take - took, took, took and took, took; give - gave, gave, gave and gave, gave; weave - weave, weave and weave, weave, weave.

    When forming prefixed verbs, the model is usually preserved, but the stress is often transferred from the root to the prefix ( give - gave, gave, gave, gave), although in recent decades there has been a tendency to maintain the emphasis on the root (along with the pronunciation gave away, gave away pronunciation allowed gave away, gave away).


    It should also be taken into account that not all one- and two-syllable verbs form past tense forms according to the indicated model. In particular, the stress in verb forms remains unchanged put, lay and derivatives from them ( laid, laid, laid, laid; steel, steel, steel, steel). Moving the accent to endings ( put) indicates a very low culture of the speaker!

    Certain fluctuations are also observed in the formation of past tense forms of reflexive verbs.

    pay special attention to verbs to be born, to begin, to take up, to get into, to take up, to hire: born And was born; has begun(wrong - has begun, has begun); got it, got it(acceptably outdated - took up, wrong - undertook); stuck in(acceptably outdated - dug in), stuck in, stuck in(wrong - dug in, dug in); got busy(wrong - got busy), started(acceptable - accepted, incorrect - started).

3. In the present and simple future tenses, the stress tends to move to the beginning of the word:

whiten - whitens, twirl - twirls, pray - will pray, lay - will lay, be friends - be friends, deserve - will deserve, heal - will heal, ship - will ship, cook - cook.

    But such movement is not always the literary norm. So, the pronunciation is considered a very serious mistake hammers instead of normative - hammers. The pronunciation is incorrect will turn on, turn off, call, infect and etc.

    The following pronunciation options are standard:

    invigorate - invigorates, invigorate - invigorate, drill - drills, loosen - loosen, impute - impute, excite - excite, scream - screams, muffle - muffle, muffle - muffle, th - rings, rings - rings, rings - rings, calls back - will call back, turn on - turn on, turn on - turn on, conclude - conclude, connect - connect, reconcile - reconcile(permissible - reconciles), put up - put up(permissible - reconciles), make peace - make peace(permissible - will make peace), make peace - make peace(permissible - make peace), to reconcile - will reconcile, to powder - to powder, to infect - to infect, to become infected - to become infected, to facilitate - to facilitate, to seal - to seal a document with his signature, to seal - to fasten, to deepen - to deepen, to diminish - to diminish, aggravate - will aggravate(since the form is acceptable, but still undesirable - aggravate, then the form - will aggravate).

    The placement of stress may also depend on the meaning of the word.

    For example, verb get lost in the meaning of “to make one fall, to overturn” and the colloquial “to shift responsibility, blame onto someone” in the present tense has an emphasis on the basis ( A lumberjack cuts down a tree; The defendant blames others). Homonym verb get lost- “go, move in a crowd”; “to go, fall or rise in a continuous mass, stream” ( People are pouring in; Snow is falling in flakes) - in the present tense has two standard pronunciation options: main - with emphasis on the ending ( knocks), and less desirable, but acceptable - with emphasis on the basis ( knocks down).

There are hundreds of words in the Russian language, the pronunciation of which causes us to stumble, because... We don’t always know exactly which syllable to emphasize. This creates incredible difficulties in communication, because in the modern world, incorrect pronunciation is a sign of illiteracy and ignorance. One of these riddle words that perplexes us is the word “simultaneously,” which is used in two versions:

  • with emphasis on the third syllable “simultaneously”;
  • with emphasis on the fourth syllable “simultaneously”.

“Simultaneously” or “simultaneously”: which is correct?

Between adherents pronunciation of the word “simultaneously” and supporters of “at the same time” sometimes serious disputes flare up, comparable to the battle around the “rings-calls” pair. The Russian language does not stand still; it develops almost like a living organism, being a mobile and changeable system. Thanks to this, the correct stress in the word “at the same time” has a double norm, and both adherents deserve the laurel wreath of the winner in spelling disputes.

Recently, as noted by the reference and information portal, both options have a right to exist. According to modern rules of the Russian language, stress on the third syllable and stress on the fourth syllable will be equally correct. The only limitation regarding this word is that a serious mistake would be pronunciation through “е”, i.e. “at the same time”.

What do the manuals say?

The unpredictability of the great and powerful Russian language tells us that in case of any doubts regarding the pronunciation or meaning of words, it makes sense to turn to dictionaries and reference books. It is worth considering that many manuals that have become philological classics were written in pre-revolutionary times and the information in them will no longer help, and may even be misleading when analyzing controversial situations. What authorities of the Russian language can you turn to to find answers to your questions?

Dictionaries for “difficult cases”

  • Vladimir Dahl's Dictionary
  • Dictionary by Vasily Dolopchev
  • Ozhegov's Dictionary
  • “Orthoepic Dictionary” under the publishing house “Russian Speech”
  • Dictionary edited by Lopatin
  • Dictionary edited by Reznichenko

In Vladimir Dahl's dictionary, published in the mid-19th century, states that the correct version should have the stress on the fourth syllable. The author of the “Dictionary of Irregularities of Russian Speech” (1909), Vasily Dolopchev, insists on the same norm.

Ozhegov's dictionary, compiled in 1960, already suggests two pronunciation options, without indicating which option is correct and which is acceptable. Subsequent dictionary compilers also allow a double pronunciation rate for the word “simultaneously.” This also applies to the “Orthoepic Dictionary”, published in 1983 by the publishing house “Russian Language.” This point of view also appears in the “Spelling Dictionary”, compiled under the editorship of V.V. Lopatin, and in other modern reference books and dictionaries.

A double version of the norm, one might say, approved at the state level, because this is also written about in Reznichenko’s dictionary, which is included in the list of manuals containing the norms of the Russian language as the state language.

And still?

With all this, when walking through the humanities faculties of some respected university, there is a possibility of encountering conservative professors who will perceive the pronunciation “at the same time” as a reason to be sarcastic about the education of the person from whose lips this variant of the norm came. Therefore, you should be more careful when communicating with those who hold conservative views regarding development of the Russian language, and maybe replace controversial cases with synonyms to avoid getting into an awkward situation.

You need to know which syllable is stressed in the word.

“Simultaneously”: interesting facts

The rich Russian language does not stand still in its development. This is facilitated by the fact that humanity strives to simplify everything. Option with pronunciation on the third syllable, from a physiological point of view, it is much simpler - you don’t need to delay breathing or intonation almost until the end of the syllable. The same situation is with the pair “Rings - Rings”, where the first option requires a little less articulation effort than the second.

On the other hand, the duality of pronunciation has become the center of attention from representatives of the arts. The famous Russian musician, poet and director Evgeny Grishkovets was inspired by the versatility and scope for puns of this word, because “at the same time” can have two stresses, but it cannot have two stresses at the same time Maybe. And this impossibility of having everything was immediately reflected in his famous one-man show “Simultaneously,” which premiered solemnly in 1999. The monospectacle received wide recognition, and the word “simultaneously,” becoming the starting point for the performance, once again asserted its freedom from pre-revolutionary norms and rules.

Ignorance of the rules of the Russian language does not relieve one from responsibility for the impression one makes. If a person respects himself and his interlocutor, then this is immediately visible not only by the words he pronounces, but also by the way he emphasizes them. Remember: a primitive language is for those who think primitively.

By WHAT and HOW a person says, you can make a portrait of him. As soon as your interlocutor opens his mouth, his level of culture and erudition becomes obvious. It is curious that more educated people understand each other perfectly and do not ask questions about where to put the emphasis in the words “contract”, “marketing”, “blinds”, “petition” and others. This is a closed club for the “chosen ones”, or rather for those who care whether they will consider him a cattle or not.

Why do you need to put stress in words correctly?

In Russian the stress is free, i.e. is not assigned to any specific syllable, which frees the hands and tongues of all those who do not know the norms and gives the opportunity to ignoramuses to distort the pronunciation beyond recognition. Flexible stress in different grammatical forms (cases, degrees of comparison, etc.) sets traps for the illiterate. To avoid looking dumber than you really are, just know how to correctly emphasize the most commonly used words.

A person who puts the wrong emphasis on words becomes an object of ridicule.

Have you noticed that people who make mistakes in pronunciation are eternal objects of ridicule from satirists, KVNists and simply more literate “users” of the Russian language? This will never change! It is naive to believe that if most of the street kids speak “Will you call?”, then this has already become the norm. Nothing like this! This continues to indicate their backwardness and generally low educational level. Is it worth following the tail of the locomotive? Maybe it’s better to find out where to put the emphasis in words and speak normally without causing laughter?

For difficult cases, there are dictionaries and reference books that describe pronunciation rules in detail. Orthoepic dictionaries and various information portals, as well as reference books, are designed to eradicate speech errors and teach not only native speakers, but also foreigners the correct pronunciation. Why is this necessary? The simplest answer: to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. However, is this the true goal? For some it will be an incredible achievement. Others clearly understand that in order for the language not to become an enemy, it must be studied thoughtfully and constantly work on oneself.

You can find out where to put stress correctly in a particular word from a linguistic dictionary

To help foreigners and native speakers, numerous Internet resources are being created today, where you can find all possible “difficult” words and expressions. For example, there is a popular Internet portal, where you can not only check spelling and stress, but also hear how familiar words ideally sound (audio dictionaries “Speaking Correctly” and “Russian Oral”). However, it is better to rely on your own brain and write down information there once, than to rely on constant “hints” from the computer.

How to put stress in words: norms for some special cases

There are many mnemonic exercises for memorizing, so choose the ones that are most effective for you. The recommendation for everyone is this: since speech is not just a set of words, but meaningful statements in a specific situation, the associative method always helps out when you are in doubt about where to put the emphasis.

Correct your speech, because speaking correctly is no more difficult than speaking with errors

We suggest you remember these blocks of information. They can serve as a “lifesaver” for the words blinds, contract, cottage cheese, catalogue, quarter, cakes, beets, sorrel, call, pamper, prettier, facilitate, plum, scoop.

  • Better not bite your nails and close the blinds.
  • A thief snuck into our office and stole a contract.
  • The woman baked a pie, but forgot about the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese must have been expensive at the market. (both forms are within the norm)
  • He left us a hundred rubles and a catalog as a deposit.
  • The quarter is ending, who is richer now?
  • While putting on shorts, he remembered about cakes.
  • The rain has passed, the beets in the garden got wet. And the falcon noticed how many wet beets there were. The roundabout way is long, the beetroot borscht is delicious.
  • You love sweet caramel, but sorrel is healthier. They talked about the land, the cauldron and sorrel.
  • Who is standing in the square calling on a mobile phone?
  • In order not to shed tears, it is better not to spoil.
  • A blue dress will help you look much more beautiful.
  • To avoid carrying a lot, you need to lighten the load.
  • The sour plum compote was quickly poured into the garden.
  • Scoop cherries with a skull.

If you have your own associative chains that help you correctly place stress in words, then feel free to use this method, which saves you from stupid cramming. Even if these are not entirely decent “sayings” in content (for example, “This is not easy petting for you, but financial marketing”), the main thing is that the desired result is a one hundred percent guarantee of memorization and standard pronunciation.

You can come up with your own tricks for words such as “seal”, “petition” and “not allowed”? Write your options in the comments, we will welcome creative ideas!

I am terrified! I had a solid B in the Russian language, of course, now many of the rules have already been forgotten, sometimes I make mistakes, typos... But the way people write on social networks now is just quiet horror... Sometimes you read such comments that it’s hair they are moving on their heads from ignorance... I found a wonderful one, I recommend everyone to refresh their knowledge of the rules of the Russian language.

Today a very exciting secret will be revealed to you, which will teach you how to speak correctly and put emphasis on words. The Russian language is very rich in various word forms, but since many words came to you from other languages, we often do not pronounce them correctly. Due to the fact that all your friends put emphasis in the wrong places, it seems to us that everything should be this way. Since self-development is one of the main goals of a person who wants to succeed, you just need to speak correctly. If you are a famous person, then they may think that you are not educated, and if you are just planning to become famous, then not knowing the correct pronunciation of words can greatly hinder your personal growth.

My advice to you is to get out your notebooks and write down the correct pronunciation of words. Below I will list the most common mistakes. People put the wrong stress in some words and the result is not stress, but stress or stress. Does it look funny? This is what you look like when you pronounce the wrong words in a circle of people who know their correct pronunciation. To clarify, I will highlight the emphasis in the word with a capital letter, and I will also highlight it in bold. Let's begin.

1) We all love to talk on the phone, but we make a serious mistake:

It’s correct to say: call, call, call. It’s wrong to say they’re calling, they’re calling, they’re calling.

2) Often people have to explain certain things to girls and what do we get in response?

It’s correct to say: I understood. Misunderstood.

3) If you want to show people what a car is, then:

It’s correct to say: them. Incorrect: theirs.

4) Many people have a watch, but if you don’t, then:

It is correct to say: what time is it, what time is it, when. Incorrect: what time, what time, what time.

5) If you want to go to a beautiful country with its capital city of Kyiv, you should know that:

Correctly say: Ukrainian language. Incorrect: Ukrainian language.

6) If you receive a financial education, then your future life may be directly related to the market, in which case:

Marketing. - marketing. (there are many disagreements on this matter, but there are more adherents of these rules)

7) If you often drive around the city by car, you may see large billboards, and their name is:

Billboard. - bigdord.

8) If a person is a student, he may not have enough time for his studies, although sometimes he:

Put, put, put. - lay down, lay down, lay down.

9) If you want to take a walk with your child, then you need to:

Dress. - put on.

10) If you want to try on things bought in a store, then:

Put it on. - put on. (for points 9 and 10, remember a good phrase - Put on clothes, Put on Hope)

11) And now there will be the most unusual word, and all because the letter O in the word is not inclined:

Keychain, keychains, keychain... - keychain, keychain, keychains.

12) If you are on the river, then use:

Along the river. - during the river.

13) If you are planning something, then:

For a time. - over time.

14) To all network lovers, the word Internet can be used:

I'll go surf the Internet. - I'll go surf the Internet. (the word sit may not be appropriate in this case, but we focus on the global network)

15) If you are going to a serious place with friends, you may not study the pronunciation of this word, and in the company of ignorant people you may seem funny, but:

Beer for bottling, steel bottling. - beer on tap, steel bottling.

16) All people have a birthday once a year, a cake is a must at this event, so people buy:

CAKES, throwing cakes... - CAKES, throwing cakes.

17) If you play football, then a player on your team can be a substitute, but if you are a fire inspector, you can demand a way out from the owner of the establishment:

Spare. - spare. (there is no emergency exit, it is always only a spare one)

18) If you bought a ticket to Turkey, then you are going to:

Abroad. - abroad.

19) If you need help, then only:

Abroad. - abroad.

20) Usually a list of a large number of goods is printed in:

CatalOge. - catalogue.

21) Regardless of whether it is 1/4 of the year or 1/4 of the city, put the emphasis on the last syllable:

Quarter, quarter. - quarter, quarter.

22) If you are invited to a party, then you can go there:

Come. - come, come.

23) Write the following word order with a red pen on the wallpaper; I won’t even give irregular forms:

Scrupulous, post office, conveyor belt, military leader, sherbet, vinaigrette.

24) In the Russian language there is a wonderful possessive pronoun “your”, therefore:

Check your language. - check your language.

25) You can often hear the lengthening of some verbs, therefore:

Stove, leak. - bake, flow.

26) If you store fruits or vegetables for a long time, they may:

Become rotten. - become moldy.

27) For a snack, here’s another one. If you see a fire, then firefighters will arrive soon, and they will hold in their hands:

Hose. - bransboyt, branzboyd. (for general development, a fire hose is an iron tip that connects to a fire hose)

1) If you get a job, you are forced to sign various documents, so you should pronounce the word contract correctly.

Agreement - agreement;

2) But when you decide something or prove your rights, then in the context the word agreement is used as follows.

According to the agreement - according to the agreement;

3) And now a topic related to children. When you buy them gifts, candy and other sweets, this is called:

Pamper - pamper;

4) It should be noted that the river cannot flow, since initially this word comes from the word flow:

Flows - flows;

5) Many people eat fermented milk products, but the emphasis in the name is incorrect

Cottage cheese - cottage cheese;

6) If you know how to cook green borscht, then you know that its main component is:

Sorrel - sorrel;

7) If you want to buy a product, but do not have enough money, you will have to take out a loan, but a certain amount will be charged for the loan amount:

Percent -percent;

8) Here's an interesting verbal expression for you. Who would have thought?

To sink into oblivion - to sink into oblivion (for reference: Leta is the river in the underground kingdom of Hades, hence the expression);

9) Everything has its beginning and its end, and if you start something, then it is correct to say:

Start (business) - begin;

10) This may not be a literary expression, but it has its place:

Basement - basement (there will be a lot of snow falling overnight);

11) One of the natural needs of a person is the need for him, and one interesting word is associated with food:

Cooking - cookingAria;

12) The boar has a girlfriend, and do you know what this girlfriend should be called?

KabanIkha - boarAnikha;

13) People call money money, but despite this there are people who call it:

Cash - cash;

14) If the girl’s information reached her brain and everything fell into place, this means that the girl:

Got it - got it;

15) Sometimes the meaning of a word can completely change depending on how you place the emphasis:

Credit (loan), credit (right side of the accounting account);

16) Maybe not everyone has it, but with the help of this wonderful tool you can find out all directions of the world:

COMPASS - compAs;

17) It can be a finger or a sheet of iron, but the emphasis is in one place:

Folded - bent;

18) But you need to be on alert with management personnel, if you call them incorrectly, it can end badly for you:

Accountants, directors - accountant, director;

19) Who knows what the name of a year is that has 366 days? Probably everything. Do you know how to correctly write this name?

Leap year - high year (year), here the emphasis is not on stress, but on spelling;

20) Sometimes you may not hear mistakes in spoken language; they will only appear in writing. For example, due to language problems, the following errors may appear:

ChiffonEr, shinEl - chiffonEr, shinEl;

21) It turns out that people also pronounce the name of the year number incorrectly:

In the year two thousand and twelve - in the year TWO THOUSAND and twelve (MONSTROUS!);

22) To achieve a good result, a person must:

Cheer up - cheer up;

23) When approaching the counter in a store, ask the seller to weigh the goods:

Weigh - weigh (100 grams of sweets);

24) When you travel on a train, the road stretches for kilometers, but how to pronounce it?

Kilometers of roads - kilometers.

Here's a selection, friends.

and more from the comments...

the word elevator, the stress is always on the first syllable, which means you need to say in the elevator, and not elevator, elevators

And another list of words (I won’t write the wrong ones!):
analogue, apostrophe, incessantly, on both cheeks, three times the price, to satiety, document, drunk, leisure, heretical, for a long time, tooth on tooth, otherwise, briefly, began, wholesale, top, bottom, poolOver, sorted out, unoO, scarves!

Providing, pampering, pampering. As far as I remember from school, with an accent it is written roz, rOs, without an accent - once, race. Spilling, pouring, distributing, distributing, against receipt, against signature.

1) + religion - religion;
2) + combiner - combiner;
3) + convicted - convicted;
4) + sentence (sentenced) - sentence (sentenced);
5) + beet (beet) - beet (beet) Remember Fёkla-beet;
6) + alphabet - alphabet;
7) + more beautiful - more beautiful;
8) + expert (expert assessment) -Expert (Expert assessment);
9) + slander - slander;
10) + conspiracy (rebellion) conspiracy (what the grandmother whispered over the wound!)
11) + vacuum cleaner - vacuum cleaner;
12) + dust duct, garbage chute - dust duct, garbage chute (there are these in high-rise buildings, but many people don’t know how to pronounce them correctly, alas);
13) + KOLDOGOVOR - KOLDOGOVOR (despite the fact that many know that in the word agreement, the emphasis is placed on the last syllable, in the word collective agreement the first two letters O are persistently emphasized.... WRONG);
14) + ida is such an interesting word that calls to action: let's go, let's go... This word is lexically correct, and can well be used in colloquial speech, but whether this will be an indicator of a high culture of speech is up to you to judge.
15) + matraS and matraTs - equally correct in spelling and pronunciation
16) + to people (you have to explain something) -to people (you can never explain anything unless you speak correctly and beautifully yourself)

I hope you remember a little about the rules of the Russian language...

Oh, this is it emphasis! It’s impossible to correctly determine its place in a word.

First-graders, before learning letters, learn to divide a word into syllables and put emphasis on a word. It seems to us that this is simple, but in reality it turns out to be far from so. It is very difficult for kids to learn correctly put emphasis. First, the children learned to divide the word into syllables. And when it is necessary to place stress, the teacher asks: “Which syllable does the stress fall on?” Children immediately begin to divide the word into syllables and this makes their work more difficult.

When we pronounce a word syllable by syllable, it is very difficult to determine the stress! How to help kids? And here a fairy tale and a game come to the rescue.

The Tale of the Hammer.

One day Mishka came to a forest clearing. He walked around the clearing and found no one. The bear left its mark. Why did the trail remain like this? (Because the word BEAR has 2 syllables). And he left to look for friends.

At this time, Bunny jumped out into the clearing. He had been running through the forest for a long time in search of Mishka. He didn’t see the bear, but he noticed the footprint and immediately thought that the bear was there. The bunny decided to call him.

“Mishka, Mishka,” shouted Bunny. But Mishka didn’t hear. And then the magic Hammer came to the aid of the Bunny. He hit one syllable and the syllable sounded loud, loud and very long: “Miiiiish-ka”! Mishka immediately heard his name and came. The bunny was glad to have a friend. And Mishka’s trail became like this

Now Bunny and Mishka decided to call the rest of their friends. “Li-sich-ka,” they shouted. But Chanterelle did not respond. Then Bunny called the magic Hammer for help and struck one syllable. This syllable rang louder and longer than the others, and the Fox immediately heard it.

So the friends called the Hedgehog, the Wolf Cub, and the Squirrel. And every time the magic Hammer helped them. He struck one syllable at a time and this syllable sounded very loud and long.

When all the friends had gathered, Bunny thanked Hammer for his help. And the Hammer smiled and said: “I live in every word and am called Accent. I can only make one syllable in a word loud and long. And to make this syllable sound long, I always tap on the vowel sound, because only vowels can sing. I can also jump from one syllable to another and change words, because I Accent - magic hammer».

And now you can invite the child to determine for himself which syllable the hammer is knocking on. To do this, divide the word into syllables and write a syllable diagram. And then “call” this word, pointing to the syllable being pronounced. If a child finds it difficult, then you should help him.

The main thing is for the child to understand:

  • To determine a stressed syllable, you do not need to pronounce the word syllable by syllable. You need to “call” him, chanting.
  • The stress falls on the vowel sound, because Only a vowel can be drawn out, sung.

Did you like the fairy tale? Your friends will be grateful if you share this material with them. Click on the social network buttons and your friends will also be able to read this fairy tale and teach your child to put emphasis.

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