How to make the title page of a report correctly - a complete analysis of the first page and a sample. Cover page sample message Cover page on a school theme


Abstract text. The most important thing is to comply with the page margin sizes (left 35 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm each), line spacing (one and a half) and font (Times New Roman, size 14). Do not start new paragraphs on a new page; it is better that they follow each other without interruption.

Also, do not capitalize paragraph titles as they should be written in a normal manner. Never put a period at the end of the title.

Semantic parts and conclusions. It is necessary to highlight the main concepts in bold, italics or underlining to make the text easier to understand. Conclusions are drawn up at the end of each paragraph with a generalizing paragraph, which should begin with the words: “Thus...”, “Summarizing what has been said...”, “That is, we can say that...”, “Summarizing, it should be noted , that...”, “So, we came to the conclusion that...”.


  • Rules for writing a school essay

Both schoolchildren and students often have to write essays during the learning process. Writing an essay allows students to develop research skills.

In essence, the abstract represents an overview of publications covering a particular topic. Therefore, this type does not require imagination or creative thinking - an abstract means searching, finding and processing ready-made information. There are several types of essays: test, educational, creative or official. Whatever type of abstract it is, it is not difficult to prepare. Usually, in order to make an abstract, you need to collect source materials on a chosen topic (this could be illustrations, articles, notes, excerpts from books) and group them in an order convenient for you. First, you need to collect source articles for your abstract (the easiest way to do this is via the Internet). After this, the source material must be processed, analyzed, and everything unnecessary removed, while the necessary materials must be left and combined into one document. The resulting document can still hardly be called an abstract. To give it the proper appearance, the material must be shortened and structured - the order of the thematic sections must be determined. Even if you have to write an essay for the first time, working on it is unlikely to take much of your time. After editing the structure of the source materials is completed, it is necessary to re-read the work, find and remove repeating points, and independently rewrite places where there is a sharp transition from one topic to another. The last stage involves writing an introduction and conclusion. The introduction usually defines the topic of the abstract and the relevance of the work, and the conclusion is usually presented in the form of conclusions. Conclusions are drawn on the basis of the main text of the abstract and should be as concise and clear as possible. After this, a list of literature is compiled that was used in the process of writing the abstract, including the need to indicate the sources of information found on the Internet. As you can see, writing an essay is not so difficult - you just need to spend a little time searching and analyzing information.

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  • how to write a report correctly

An abstract is a work that is considered an official document. At the same time, like any document, the abstract must be prepared in accordance with Russian GOST standards.

Even if your abstract is handwritten, try to print the title page. At the very top in the middle of the page, print (in caps) the full name of the ministry or government department to which your educational institution belongs. In order not to adjust the stitches manually, when working with a computer it is convenient to use the “Center Alignment” option. On the line below, also in capital letters, write the full name of your educational institution.

Then break off several empty lines so that the cursor is approximately in the middle of the sheet and write the title of the abstract in lowercase letters. Please note that the word “subject” and quotation marks are not necessary here. Under the title of the topic, indicate the type of work and the subject on which it was prepared. For example, “Essay on Philosophy.” Quotes are also not used here.

At the bottom of the page on the right side, write your first and last name, and also indicate your class or course. Then leave a couple of blank lines and write the name and position of your supervisor. If he has any academic degree, this must also be indicated in abbreviated form - S.V. Petrov, Ph.D. (S.V.Petrov, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences).

At the very bottom of the title page, strictly in the center, indicate the name of the city in which the educational institution is located and a line below - the year the work was written. Please note that the year is indicated in numbers only, without writing the word “year” or the letter “r” with a dot.


  • abstract page design

An essay is the type of written work that students and schoolchildren most often encounter. Oddly enough, many people have no idea how an abstract is written.


Download the title page from the Internet. The fact is that they include a lot of design rules related to font sizes, arrangement of paragraphs, proportions relative to the sheet and the number of quotation marks after the title. Therefore, after downloading the title page or bibliography of any work, you can simply change the data to your own, and thereby avoid many problems.

Write an introduction. This is the part of the work that must be written personally, charges of plagiarism. You must explain your choice of topic (even if it was imposed on you), emphasize the relevance and write the “goals and objectives” of the work. Classically, they are written as follows: “The purpose of my essay is to study (the object to which the work is devoted).”

Break the main part into 2-3 chapters. For the analysis of a work (abstract on philosophy), the ideal option would be “analysis of the work + one’s own opinion”, for work on physical education: “Theoretical justifications + practical application” and so on. You don't want to split your work into multiple chapters; you'll also need to break each major section into short subheadings, which should be enough. To comply with all formalities related to fonts, line spacing and boldness of headings, again use abstracts from the Internet.

Provide links. The essay does not require the student to do any research, but rather to systematize knowledge on a specific issue. Because of this, verbatim copying of sections of text from other sources is not prohibited. However, in this case, you need to immediately indicate the link after the copied one in the format, where the first value is a Roman numeral indicating the book from the bibliography, and the second is the page number of the book.

The conclusion must be written independently. It is usually no more than one and a half pages in size and is a summary of all of the above. You can start it with the words “To sum it up, we have...”, and within a few paragraphs confirm that the goal of the work has been accomplished.

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Helpful advice

Ask your instructor for specific writing requirements. Often they may differ from the standard ones.

A school essay is a student’s creative work, which sets out the views of scientists on the topic of work described in the literature and expresses the author’s assessment. As a rule, it has a clear structure and when designing it, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards.

You will need

  • text editor (for example, MS Word)


The school paper should consist of several sections: title page. Plan or content, introduction, main part divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs, conclusion, list of references and appendices in which tables and figures are included.

The introduction includes a brief overview of the topic under consideration and the literary sources on which the work was prepared, substantiates the relevance of the research topic, reveals the goals and objectives of the work, and defines the object and subject.
The main part reveals the topic of the study. It consists of several points and sub-points, reflecting various aspects of the issue being considered. Each of these blocks must have its own name.
The conclusion follows entirely from the content of the main part. It formulates the conclusions of the study and the author’s attitude to the views of scientists considered in the work.
The title page indicates the name of the institution where the school essay was written, the title of the work, topic, author,

As a rule, schoolchildren are not subject to such strict requirements as students, but still, many teachers prefer to adhere to the basic design rules. After all, every student must have basic concepts, since in the future they will have to write a lot of different works in higher educational institutions. Before submitting a report to school, let’s consider the basic requirements.

So, teachers try to adhere to GOST 7.32-2001, since it remains the most popular today. According to GOST, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Times New Roman font;
  • font size is at least 12 point, but many teachers require size 14;
  • line spacing – 1.5 mm;
  • numbering is continuous at the bottom of the page in the center and starts from the first page, but there is no number on the title page and on the table of contents page;
  • margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, and bottom and top 2 cm.

It is best to print the report on a computer, then it looks more neat. Sometimes teachers make their own demands and therefore, before writing, you need to clarify with the teacher all the important points regarding the design of the work.

Typically, schoolchildren are given a small amount of work, depending on the age of the child. Most often, a report needs to be written from 5 to 15 pages in A4 format.

Structure of a student’s report

The structure of the report is standard and the requirements for it are the same for each teacher.

The structure of the report consists of:

  • title page;
  • content;
  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusions;
  • list of used literature;
  • applications (for schoolchildren in rare cases).

All of the above parts except appendices must be included in the report. The format depends on the requirements of the teachers, since some ask to make a report with GOST standards - 7.32-2001 and 7.9-95, while others ask in the form of an essay at their discretion.

How to design a title page

Before filling out the report, it is necessary to correctly format the title page, where the name and number of the school, the word “Report”, the topic of the work, student and teacher information are written.

At the very top center is the name and number of the school. In the middle of the A4 sheet the word “Report” is written, and on the next line the subject and topic of the work are indicated. Then we retreat a few lines, and on the right we write: “Completed by:”, and below the full name of the performer. On the next line “Checked by the teacher:” and the teacher’s full name is indicated.

Look at the example, which shows how to correctly format the title page of a report or abstract at school:

How to format content

This section identifies all parts of the report. This includes:

  • introduction;
  • titles of chapters and paragraphs;
  • conclusion;
  • list of used literature;
  • applications (if relevant).

As you can see, all parts are described in the sample, and opposite the topic there is a page number, which indicates on which page this or that section can be found. Keep in mind that numbers are added only after the report has already been written, because the table of contents must correspond to reality.

How to format headings

Headings are not capitalized. The first letter is capital, and subsequent letters are lowercase. Headings are written in the center of the page at the very top, and there is never a period after them.

Sometimes teachers require that headings be bolded, underlined, or colored. All requirements must be clarified with the teacher in advance.

What to write in the introduction, body and conclusion

The introduction begins with defining the goal. For example, you can write like this: “In my work I want to show that...”.

After the goal, the object and subject of research are considered. For example, “The object of my work is a person, and the subject is the tool that people use.”

Then you need to define the task: “I set myself the task of considering how people work on the collective farm, what they get from it and what tools they use...”.

The introduction must indicate why this topic is relevant, whether there are any prospects, etc. You also need to write what exactly you studied on your own. For example, how many books were read, what idea was highlighted, what graphs or tables were used, etc.

After the introduction, the main part is written with chapters where the formulation of the problem is described in more detail.

After the main part, a conclusion is written, which describes almost the same thing as in the introduction, only in the past tense. For example, “I showed, I drew, I drew conclusions...”. The conclusion is also allocated no more than 2 pages.

Design of sections

Each section starts on a new page. Sometimes sections can contain not only chapters, but also paragraphs. It all depends on the complexity of the topic.

First, an introduction is written, which should contain a description of one, maximum two pages. After the introduction, the name of the first section is written on a new sheet, then the second, etc. Approximately 10-12 pages are allocated for all sections.

After describing the main part, you need to write conclusions and conclusions on the topic of the report. The conclusion also begins on a new page.

How to design tables

As a rule, digital material is presented in the form of a table. Thus, the work becomes more accurate and it is convenient to compare indicators. Therefore, teachers often require students to construct tables.

Often teachers require tables to be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.105-95.

The title of the table should reflect its content clearly, concisely and understandably. The table name is indicated at the top left of the table. First, write the word “Table” and put the chapter number and table number. For example, your table is drawn up in the first chapter, and the second table, then you need to write it like this: “Table 1.2”. Then a dash is added and the name of the table is written. For example: “Table 1.2 – Name of quantities and their designation.”

In the report on the text, it is necessary to refer to each table where the number of digital material is indicated. It is advisable to place the table immediately below the text, where a link to it is given. However, it all depends on the size. If the table is large and does not fit immediately below the text, then it is allowed to be placed on the next page.

Row and column headings should begin with a capital letter, but subheadings should begin with a lowercase letter.

However, there are complex tables where there are several sentences in the subheadings. In this case, the new word after the period is written with a capital letter.

The word “Table” only needs to be specified once. If it is necessary to move the table to the next page, then “Continuation of the table” is written, but there is no need to write the name.

How to Design Drawings and Diagrams

The report may contain not only a table, but also pictures or diagrams. They are needed for better visibility. The number of illustrations is not limited, as long as they reveal and explain the text being presented.

In accordance with GOST 2.105-95, drawings (diagrams) can be located both in the text and at the end of the presentation.

Any drawing is numbered exclusively in Arabic numerals. The principle is exactly the same as in the tables. The first number is the chapter (section) number, and the second is the serial number of the illustration. For example, the first chapter, and the third drawing. Then “Figure 1.3” is written.

The diagram (illustration), its number and title (if any) are signed in the center under the picture. Do not forget that students create the drawings themselves and therefore links to them are not needed. For clarity, we present you with a sample with a picture.

How to provide links to sources

There are three main types of links:

  • intratextual;
  • behind-the-text;
  • interlinear.

In-text links are located within the report immediately after a quote or other fragment. To do this, the author's data, the title of the literature, the publisher and the page are placed in square brackets. It is not necessary to indicate the author and other data in the links. It is enough to write the serial number of the source used and the page number where this information is written. For example:

When a quotation is written in the text, the serial number of the source, which is located in the footnote, must be placed above the sentence. See how the link looks like in the example:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in creating links. The main thing is that while writing the work, make notes for yourself where the information was taken from and then you can easily cope with links to the sources used.

Design of used literature

The sources that the student used when writing the report should be indicated on the last page. The list of references is arranged in alphabetical order. First, the author's surname and initials are indicated, and then the name of the textbook, publisher and year of publication.

Schoolchildren often use the Internet to write reports, and this is not surprising. However, references to sources are written after the list of references. The example shows how to correctly format the used sources:

How to design applications

Appendices are rarely used in a school report, but sometimes you can’t do without them. It contains pictures, graphs, diagrams and tables that correspond to the topic of the work.

Please pay attention to important nuances when designing applications:

  • each graph, table or figure must be made on a separate sheet;
  • Each application must have a name, which is written centered at the very top of the page;
  • application sheets are not numbered;
  • The design can be not only portrait page orientation, but also landscape.


We reviewed the article on how to properly prepare a report at school. Now you know that you can adhere to both the teacher’s requirements and GOST. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the presentation of the report. If you adhere to what is written above, then your score will definitely not be lowered, since the work was done with high quality and in accordance with all standard requirements.

How to prepare a report at school (sample). Rules for preparing school reports of any classes updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

If you don’t know how to format a title page correctly, see the sample example. Department of Theory and History of Culture. Sample title page for college essay. Title page of the thesis, samples from various universities. The nuances of designing a title page for an essay for school sample. Sample message title page for school, posted by user S Title page. Ryazan State University named after S. Correct presentation of the presentation arr. In order not to make a mistake, it is best to take a sample title page from the department in advance or ask questions about the design directly. The title page of the report according to GOST 2017 is a general theoretical sample

The design of the title page is a necessary component of most. Title 2015 for the message sheet sample school, practical exercises available in the text. The first page, also known as the main page, contains all the information about the student, teacher, etc. See also Ministry of General and Professional Design of the title page of the report, sample. Library MBOU Secondary School 3 Sample title page for a message. Of course, title page samples may vary significantly depending on the guidelines drawn up at different universities. Sample message title page. General structure of a business plan. On our official website you can get acquainted with new virtual exhibitions in the Path to a Profession section. L, as she explained 3

Sample design of the title page of a test paper. Formatting a message cover page sample student rating file 59. Sample cover pages. In general, the design of the title page is determined by its purpose to indicate affiliation, type, subject. Sample! ! ! Municipal autonomous educational institution Secondary school with. TYPE OF WORK MESSAGE, CREATIVE WORK, etc. Sample title page of the thesis GOST. Course work on life safety on the topic Soil and health. If you still don’t fully understand how to design the title page of a report, then take a look at it. Kumak, Novoorsky district, Orenburg region

Sample message cover page for university. Sample title page. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. APPENDIX 2 mandatory Sample design of the title page of the test work. Sample title page for term paper on life safety. Title page for the report. Therefore, try to properly format the title page of the message. If the message is for a lesson only, in elementary. Margin size for title page. Title page of bachelor's graduation work 2012

Due to many questions and errors in the design of the title page, I am posting a sample for you. All examples of the title page of the message should be linked to the purpose and objectives written in the introduction of the abstract. Personal data posted on the site is posted with the consent of the subject of personal data. At the bottom of the page, in the center, indicate your city of residence. Objects and premises for social and domestic purposes. Samples of the title page of a test paper. Sample design. SAMPLE TITLE PAGE OF AN ABSTRACT, ESSAY.

The title page of the report raises quite a large number of questions and a lot of doubts among students (according to GOST 2017, we consider a sample design in this article). Why this page? Yes, because it receives special attention and special requirements, which all need to be taken into account, which is quite difficult.

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The title page of the report according to GOST 2017 is a general theoretical sample

The first (also home) page contains all the information about the student, teacher and topic. It reflects the names of the educational institution, disciplines, topics and other information. It is convenient to format it as a separate file when the work is completely ready and no changes are expected, for example, in the title of the topic. So, the first page of the work is designed according to this scheme.

  • "A cap". First we create the first 3-4 top lines, aligned to the center:

    Line 1 – MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE (indicate which country. Note, the letters are in capitals);

    2 – full name of the educational institution (lowercase letters);

    3, 4 – single spaced names of the faculty and department (also full; note that abbreviations are not allowed on this page).

  • "Center". Next we move on to creating the “central” information – the topic. Departing from the “header” 8 intervals, we type the name of the type of work in capitals, in bold: REPORT (if it is being prepared for a conference or symposium, indicate this data right there). And the next line contains information about the topic of the work (its name is in capitals, bold).
  • "Right" column. Having retreated 5 intervals, we form a left-aligned column on the right, in which we indicate:

    - in line 1 - Speaker:

    — 2nd line – Student (group, surname and initials);

    — line 3 – omission;

    — 4th line — Checked:

    — Line 5 – Teacher’s regalia, his last name and initials.

  • The “bottom” block is the bottom-most line, centered: City and Year.

Title page of the report according to GOST 2017 - general technical sample

It is assumed that the work is completed on a computer using the Microsoft Word text editor. It is convenient to format the title as a separate file. The following parameters are set for this page:

  • centimeter “banks” (indents) along the edges: left – 3, right – 1, upper and lower – 2;
  • The line spacing on this page is single (in the text on the following pages - one and a half);
  • Typing the text in font - Times New Roman (point size 14 is used for all pages);
  • headings are not underlined, abbreviated or hyphenated (we have already noted which of them are typed in capital letters and highlighted in bold);
  • The title is not numbered, but is taken into account in the total number of pages, being considered the first.

Friends, good day. In any educational institution, students are given the following task - writing an essay. And today we will talk about how to design the title page of an essay in schools and universities. Since many students are facing this problem.

After all, the following depends on the correct and high-quality design of the title card:

  • Firstly, he is the face of the abstract, your work. It immediately shows with what responsibility you treated the task.
  • Secondly, the teacher, looking at the title card, determines how much the work is and evaluates it.

What is the title page of an abstract?

This is the very first page in the educational work. It indicates the names of the department, the department, the name of the student and the teacher. In most cases, the title is drawn up according to GOST standards, but this also happens. that university teachers are replacing these rules with well-thought-out training manuals.

In general, to obtain a title deed, they adhere to 2 main state standards:

  1. “Research Report” - GOST 7.32-2001, which very well describes the main requirements that should be included on it.
  2. "ESKD" - GOST 2.105-95 - general requirements for any text document.

Design rules

Although teachers may require the student to adhere to the manual. Still, there are rules that cannot be avoided. But it is better to find out various nuances at the department in advance.

According to GOST, includes the following parameters:

  • Not always, but the name of the country is written
  • Department name (abbreviated or full, ask the reviewer)
  • Name of discipline
  • Topic of scientific work
  • Full name, course, group number
  • Full name of the recipient, his position
  • author
  • What city does the author live in?
  • In what year was the document completed?

You also need to remember the following, it is not numbered. I wrote about almost all versions of numbering.

Also, GOST does not specify the font and therefore teachers set it to Times New Roman, 14 pt.

Correct formatting in Word according to GOST 2017-2018

  1. In the center of the sheet, with caps lock turned on, write the name of the department or ministry of your educational institution. For convenience, use Caps Lock.
  2. Next, write down the name of the educational institution, full or short, while maintaining single line spacing.
  3. Below in quotation marks is the name of the department
  4. In capital letters, in the middle of the sheet they write in a font size of 16-20 pt - “Abstract”
  5. Then the subject on which the essay is being written and the topic
  6. Then, to the right of the center, write down the full data of the author and the person being checked
  7. And the last stage - at the bottom of the page in the center the city and year

Sample for students

As mentioned above, title pages may vary depending on the educational institution. Some require adherence to GOST standards, while others require training manuals.

Requirements in schools

Just like in universities, in schools children are also given various types of tasks such as reports, essays. And many schoolchildren want to get an excellent grade from their work. And therefore, the question of how to make a title card correctly interests almost every schoolchild. Let's highlight the main requirements:

  1. Full name of the school
  2. What type of work (essay, report, etc.)
  3. Subject of work (not compulsory in primary school)
  4. Topic and name of the project
  5. Student's name and class
  6. Last name of the checking teacher (also not required in primary school)
  7. City (locality) and date

Rules and example of design for school

Settings in Word

  • Indents: right - 10 mm, left - 30 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm each
  • Font - Times New Roman, 14 point, name of educational institution - 12 point, project name - 28 point and bold, title of work - 16 point and bold
  • Sheet A4


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