How to do the analysis correctly. An example of a poem analysis, how to correctly analyze a poem

Love for poetry is impossible without understanding it. The school literature course is designed to develop the ability to understand poetic creativity: to comprehend the meaning of the work, to hear its musical rhythm, to penetrate into the inner world of the lyrical hero. This is facilitated by a comprehensive analysis of the poem, an example of which is given in the article.

Selecting a work

The reader is invited to “Winter Morning” by A. S. Pushkin. The choice was determined by a number of reasons:

  • The genius of the poet allows him to bring the picture of a winter landscape to life, which is comparable to an artist’s canvas or a composer’s musical work. And you should always learn new things from the best examples of works of art.
  • Thanks to the richness of the author’s literary language, it is possible to carry out a full linguistic analysis of the text, which is included in the philological Example. This will help in the future to easily cope with the study of 19th-century lyrics.
  • The poem is studied at school, which will allow you to prepare in advance for mastering complex material.
  • The work is small in volume, which makes it possible to make its analysis more in-depth.

Analysis plan

There is no single scheme that should be followed when analyzing a work of art. It all depends on the tasks facing the researcher and the source itself, which is a living organism that does not always fit into a predetermined framework. The proposed analysis of the poem is an example according to a plan specially drawn up for a specific work. Its points can be easily swapped, other phrases can be used for headings, but it is important to preserve three components: historical and biographical, linguistic (poetic vocabulary, stylistics, phonetics, text grammar) and literary (theme, genre, composition, style). A high level of analysis additionally requires the presentation of a personal attitude towards the poem read.

The proposed plan is as follows:

  1. The history of the creation of “Winter Morning”, information about the author.
  2. The place of the work in the poet’s work.
  3. Genre and theme of the work.
  4. Plot and composition.
  5. The lyrical hero, the mood of the work.
  6. Vocabulary of the poem.
  7. Visual media.
  8. Rhyme, ways of rhyming.
  9. Sound organization.
  10. Attitude to what you read.

The history of the creation of “Winter Morning”

This subtitle highlights the first two points of the plan, concerning information about the author and the place of the work in his work. An example of an analysis of a poem by Pushkin should include facts that are directly related to the work in question: date and place of writing, dedication, previous events, first publication. What is important to know about the history of the creation of “Winter Morning”?

Thirty-year-old A. S. Pushkin wooed the secular beauty N. Goncharova, whose initial answer was rather vague. In confusion, the poet violates the ban of Nicholas I and goes to the Caucasus, where he personally participates in military operations. Upon his return, he visits the village of Pavlovskoye (Tver province) on the estate of P.I. Wulf, where, surrounded by good friends, he spends some time, writing in one day on November 3, 1829 a lyrical work that remarkably conveyed his mood. He is anticipating a long-awaited meeting with a beautiful bride, whose hand he is determined to win again. The next year, the poem was published in the almanac “Tsarskoe Selo”, entering the golden fund of landscape lyrics, masterfully conveying the beauty of Russian nature, full of fairy-tale magic. The poem does not have a dedication, but it is written in the form of a dialogue with a young friend, with whom the author wants to share admiration for what he saw.

Genre and theme of the poem

To determine a genre, it is necessary to have knowledge of its characteristics, as well as to understand what place it occupies in the author’s work. The topic will help answer the question of how to analyze a poem. An example of a specific analysis is following the theme of “Winter Morning”, which will be discussed in this subtitle.

The work appears as a deeply personal and autobiographical impromptu, a kind of monologue addressed to the sleeping beauty. These are signs of having a number of directions: love, philosophical, historical, landscape and military. “Winter Morning” describes the beauty of nature in a romantic style, which allows us to classify the work as landscape lyric poetry, in which A. S. Pushkin is an unsurpassed master. The relationship between the moods of nature and man, the unexpected change in their contrasting states is the main theme of the poem, influencing the author’s choice of artistic means.

Plot and composition

Not all poems have a plot. In “Winter Morning” everything is built on the contemplation of the white decoration of the coming winter, evoking joyful emotions. From admiring nature and memories, the author moves on to describing a home environment that brings warmth and comfort. The transition sequence indicates a linear composition written in iambic tetrameter. An example of analysis of a poem should help to highlight the semantic parts and the artistic device that allows them to be harmoniously connected with each other.

  • Admiration for the sun and the desire to share it with a sleeping friend.
  • Memories of yesterday's blizzard.
  • Description of the beauty of nature outside the window.
  • Representation of the interior decoration of the room.
  • Inspiration for a wonderful time in freedom.

The main artistic means that connects the parts together is antithesis (opposition). It is present in the very first line: “frost and sun”, and then through the contrast of yesterday (“evening”) and the coming morning (“today”) it permeates the fabric of the poem.

Lyrical hero, mood

A poetic work must have a lyrical hero. In “Winter Morning” it is the author himself and the friend (addressee) to whom his monologue is directed. The hero addresses the girl with the words: “dear friend,” “beauty,” “lovely friend,” which shows his attitude towards her. This is a manifestation of tenderness, love and care. The analysis of a lyric poem, an example of which is discussed in the article, involves identifying the general mood of the work.

From the first lines there is light and joy in it, although in the second stanza memories of former sadness arise. But this contrast only strengthens the positive mood, bringing him to delight and a call to share the joy with the main character.

Vocabulary of the poem

Most of the words are simple and easy to understand, although the author uses outdated terms and expressions, the meaning of which is outlined in the picture above. Among the linguistic means to which he resorts, epithets occupy a special place. In a small work, they occur 18 times, giving it that imagery, thanks to which you can mentally imagine a magnificent winter landscape, and yesterday’s blizzard, and the serene peace of the interior of the house. An example of analysis of a poem is impossible without listing all the linguistic means used by the author. Among them: similes, metaphors and personifications.

The hero compares his girlfriend to the “star of the north” and the moon to a “pale spot”. But the most interesting are the comparisons in the figurative sense - metaphors. Thus, the room is illuminated with an “amber glow,” which enhances the impression of sunlight. Personification is the giving of human properties to inanimate things. In A.S. Pushkin, a blizzard can “get angry”, and darkness “sweeps” in a cloudy sky, which adds bright colors to a work of art.

Visual media

The syntactic means used by the author are interesting. Joy at the very beginning of the work is conveyed by exclamations that turn into a calmer intonation when talking about the warmth of the hearth. Questions, including rhetorical ones, reflect a certain excitement. The poem is dominated by simple sentences and direct speech, giving it lightness and emphasizing the atmosphere of joy.

The example of analysis of a poem given in the article cannot cover all visual means, but we should focus on those that give the poet’s brilliant lines a special imagery. With the help of alliteration (increasing hissing and ringing sounds) and assonance (repetition of vowels), the reader seems to hear the crackling of the stove, the clatter of a horse and the creaking of snow. The author also uses repetitions of related sounds (anaphora): “and the spruce...”, “and the river...”. This enhances the impression of the lyrical work.

Rhyme, ways of rhyming

The poet’s use gives the poem energy and optimism, for iambic is one of the most expressive and major meters. However, in the text there are words (“magnificent”, “impatient”) that violate the regularity of the rhythm (pyrrhic). The author deliberately uses a technique to hold the reader’s attention and convey a thought that reveals the hero’s inner state: slight sadness, inspiration, desire for the “sweet shore.” This example of analysis of a poem based on literature will be incomplete without observing the construction of rhyme.

The consonance of the endings of the first, second, fourth and fifth lines of each stanza form pairs, and the third and sixth rhyme with each other (encircling rhyme). Based on which syllable the stress falls on in the last word of the line, rhymes are divided into feminine and masculine. In “Winter Morning” they alternate, but the female ones, in which the penultimate syllable is stressed, predominate. This allows you to combine pauses with the end of lines, giving the poem the desired rhythm. Only in the fourth stanza can one see a line break and the formation of an additional pause, which helps to comprehend the meaning of the entire poem.

Sound organization

The uniqueness of Pushkin’s lines is such that many musicians capture the interweaving of tonalities and create amazing music that fits exactly into the mood of the poem. One of the best works is the work of G. Sviridov, built on contrasts. The already mentioned alliteration and assonance do not dominate in “Winter Morning”, giving way to a combination of sounds of different emotional tones. These sounds sometimes occur in one or two adjacent words: [n], [r] and [l]. An example of a poem analysis will be incomplete without supporting the statement with text:

  • "yanta R nom b l eskom";
  • "by ut R with n ehu";
  • "prose R achy l es";
  • « n yeah R ne l Ivo";
  • "it's fun l y t R Yescom."

The contrast can be seen in the change of phrases from light, gentle sounds [e, n, v, l, m] and minor, dark ones [x, zh, ch, w], which is unlikely to have been done by A. S. Pushkin consciously. His genius lies in the fact that, by some inspiration, he used all the acoustic richness of the Russian language.

Attitude to what you read

How to write an analysis of a poem? The example demonstrates the need to know the theory of versification and use educational and cognitive techniques. However, the analysis will always be incomplete if one does not convey the personal perception of the work of art:

  • What feelings do the poems evoke in the reader?
  • Does the theme and feelings of the lyrical hero resonate with him?
  • What is the significance of these verses?

“Winter Morning” is permeated with love of life, optimism and admiration for the beauty of our native nature. It carries within itself the philosophy of unity between man and the world around him, which can give everyone spiritual strength and strengthen the desire to live.

This article will give a rough plan for analyzing a poem (perception, theme, genre, composition, means of artistic expression, etc.). You will learn to do a comparative analysis of poems by one author or several. So, here is a kind of reminder for analyzing a poem - a small work of art, written in poetic form and organized according to the laws of versification.

Poem Analysis Plan

  • Perception of the poem (describe the impression that the poem made on you, what pictures arose in your imagination, what mood is permeated with this work, does the mood change at some point and why, if so).
  • The theme of the poem, which is often identical to its title: “Spring Thunderstorm”, “Stranger”. Topics include the following: friendship, love, life and death, nature, poetry and its role in human life, homeland, people, the fate of a generation, hero and crowd. A more local theme (micro-theme, poetic plot): the past, separation, journey, date, etc. The type of lyrics should be determined: love, landscape, philosophical, religious, patriotic. It happens that within the framework of one poem one can see the features of different types (the work of F.I. Tyutchev “What are you saying over the waters...” refers to both landscape lyricism and philosophical poetry).
  • Genre (lyric poem, elegy, epistle, sonnet, ode, fragment, etc.). You will find definitions of genres in the Dictionary of Literary Terms. Usually the genre is associated with a literary movement (classicism, romanticism, realism, sentimentalism, symbolism, futurism, acmeism are studied at school). Traditional forms (genres) for a certain direction: classicist ode, romantic elegy, sentimentalist elegy, etc.
  • Composition is the construction of a poem. This concept includes the sequence of lines and stanzas, rhyme composition, stanza, repetition of expressions and sound repetitions, repetitions of lines or stanzas, antitheses (contrasts).
  • Means of artistic expression. Tropes: metaphors, epithets, personification, comparisons, etc. Figures - syntactic constructions, figures of speech that are used to enhance expressiveness: inversion, anaphora, repetition, non-union, gradation, oxymoron, etc. It is important not only to find paths and figures in text, but also to determine their role in the embodiment of the theme, idea and image.
  • Sound writing (alliteration and assonance). It is necessary to characterize how sounds help create an image. Alliteration is the repetition of homogeneous or identical consonants in a poem, which gives it a special sound expressiveness. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds for the same purpose.
  • Rhythm, meter, rhyme. Poem sizes: two-syllable and three-syllable. Two-syllable sizes: trochee (smooth), iambic (energetic, strong). Three-syllable meters: dactyl (uniform measured rhythm), anapaest (very flexible, capable of conveying different moods), amphibrachium (close to the intonations of colloquial speech).
  • Vocabulary. When analyzing, it is necessary to explain the meaning of all words that are difficult to understand, especially archaisms and historicisms. This or that word, which seems quite understandable, in context can acquire a new meaning.
  • Grade. Describe how the lyrical hero is revealed in this work, what his inner world, feelings, experiences are. Tell me how this poem affected you.

This is how a brief analysis of a poem is done.

Comparative analysis of poems

Knowing how to do a comparative analysis of poems is also important for schoolchildren and students studying Russian literature.

  • the time of creation of the poems, the life of the poet (poets) during this period, if this is important in your particular case;
  • genre;
  • themes of works;
  • comparison of images of lyrical heroes;
  • comparison of the emotional mood of poems (by what means a certain mood is created: paths, sound writing, etc.);
  • composition of works;
  • the main idea of ​​the poems;
  • size, rhyme.

Now you know how to analyze a poem. The given examples of plans are not firmly established, but they contain the most important points for the analysis of poetic texts.

Hello, dear friends!

Very often in our everyday life we ​​use phrases like: “logical mindset” and analytical thinking. But we may not even guess what this type of thinking means and what exactly the terms mean.

In fact, this type of thought construction can be analyzed from two sides at once. Both with the theoretical part of the question and with the practical one. If in the first case, analytical thinking means an individual’s high ability to make decisions using logic and dry calculation, then in practice the situation is much more interesting.

Not everyone knows that it is the analytical warehouse of the gray matter that presupposes the dominance of the left hemisphere over the right. That is, reason completely controls emotions, and logic controls emerging images.

This does not prevent individuals from expressing themselves as world-class mathematicians or even musicians! But how can you learn to analyze incoming information? In today’s article I would like to give some effective tips for improving your analytical thinking skills. Before that, I will give an essay on the practical side of the above thought process.

Description of the mechanism of analytical thinking

  • A person is able to masterfully structure incoming information into logical blocks. This may look like individual components that form an overall picture of the problem or topic of the issue;
  • the individual is able to quickly carry out a qualitative analysis of the news feed, and then thoroughly study the headings separately;
  • in case of a lack of arguments or facts, an individual with analytical thinking can resort to restoring the missing puzzles using logical conclusions, constructive conjectures and counterarguments;
  • a prerequisite is to always calculate and see several ways to solve a situation at once;
  • evaluates the pros and cons of each of the possible results of the action taken;
  • selects the most optimal solution option that satisfies the highest number of its requests.

Man and types of thinking

A person, depending on the circumstances that arise, uses different types of thinking:

  • for example, thanks to the logical type, a person is able to find the relationship between emerging events in his life and discover consistency;
  • deduction has significant differences between logic. Thus, the deductive method of reflection does not compare what is happening, but independently determines a bunch of observed processes for inference;
  • but the analytical mindset can be characterized as the most advanced way to determine one of the most optimal options for solving a dilemma;
  • Abstract thinking (creative) allows a person to generate countless amazing ideas and creative endeavors.

In addition to successfully switching between types, it is thanks to the analysis of incoming information that people with an analytical way of thinking are able to achieve high performance both in the professional field and in their personal lives.

They are less hot-tempered and rather laconic. They hide powerful leadership qualities, marked by high productivity. But it is worth noting that “analytic science” accompanies the individual until his last days. Or rather, until the human brain completely stops functioning.

We develop opportunities

Who needs an analytical mind, you ask? It is useful for sellers, artists, and physicists, at the ready for bloggers. And all because with its help you can see the success and effectiveness of the tasks being performed.

Oddly enough, it is not difficult to develop the skill of thinking analytically in children. To do this, they will need to systematically attend lectures on mathematics and simply attend classes. Plus, pay attention to the technical fundamentals and directions.

But with adults things are much more complicated. Now I want to present to you several effective ways to develop the necessary superpowers.

1. Workout or food for thought

Chess and mathematics

Analytical games are an excellent workout for the mind. So, chess and mahjong are excellent. During the lesson, you will be able to feel pleasure and a real pumping of gray matter.

You have to independently develop a strategy, monitor the enemy and calculate your moves in advance. Since the development of logic is directly related to analytical thinking, I strongly recommend that you carry out all kinds of computational operations in your mind.

Computer games

But here computer games are more useful than ever. Of course, this type of activity is designed for very lazy people, but nevertheless, quests and strategies perfectly develop analytical skills.

You will have to quickly react to situations, calculate risks and opportunities, and also be patient for an in-depth analysis of the situation.

Own program

In this type of training, everyone is their own boss. You can personally choose the topic and flow of information to compare arguments and facts. Perhaps you will like studying scientific programs or magazines, familiarizing yourself with complex literature to thoroughly build a logical chain.

Analytical articles on politics, economics and cybernetics may be suitable. Also, you can improve the skill of determining the main from the secondary. That is, set priorities correctly.

2. Constructive criticism

To become comfortable with analytical thinking, you need to get used to challenging any news that comes your way. Doubt everything! I encourage you to act as an avid debater. This will help you learn to ask logical and reasoned questions, first to yourself, and then to the state, society and the framework.

I will suggest paying attention to a detailed consideration of absolutely opposing points of view. When you begin to try to connect them into one continuous layer of material, simultaneously developing each of the hypotheses, you will be able to increase your level of tolerance.

3. Train yourself to plan

Be sure to plan your life ahead. Create a calendar that clearly differentiates long-term from short-term goals and objectives. After completing each of the completed stages, analyze the results to make general adjustments.

It is worth highlighting key events and important dates in bright colors. Thanks to this way of life planning, you develop and improve not only analytical thinking, but also your activities as a whole.

4. Communication and organicity

Be sure to remember to train your ability to think analytically when communicating with people. Before speaking, try to mentally calculate the possible answers of the interlocutor or the course of his thoughts.

This perfectly trains attentiveness and involvement in conversation. The technique is also very useful when a conflict situation or heated argument arises.

And at the same time, do not focus on the development of one of the hemispheres. Man is a multifaceted and harmonious creature. And its success depends only on the diversified development of professional and personal skills, level of intelligence, communication abilities and the symbiosis of types of thinking. Just!

That's it!

Subscribe to updates, a lot of amazing topics and discoveries await you! In the comments, share games to develop analytical thinking or interesting logic problems!

See you on the blog, bye-bye!


Indicate the theme of the poem. Ask yourself: “What is the poet talking about in this?” Poetic works can be about patriotism or politics. Some describe landscapes and the beauty of nature, others are reflections on philosophical topics.

In addition to the theme, sometimes it is also necessary to determine the idea or main idea of ​​​​the work. Think about what exactly the poet wanted to convey to the reader, what “message” is hidden in his words. The main idea reflects the poet's attitude to what is written; it is a key factor for a true understanding of a literary work. If the author of the work raised several problems at once, list them and highlight one as the main problem.

Write what artistic means and stylistic devices the author resorted to in this work. Give specific ones from the poem. Indicate for what purpose the author used this or that technique (stylistic figures, etc.), i.e. what effect was achieved. For example, rhetorical questions and appeals increase the reader’s attention, and the use of irony indicates the author’s mocking attitude, etc.

Analyze the compositional features of the poem. It consists of three parts. These are meter, rhyme and rhythm. The size can be indicated schematically so that it is clear which syllable the stress falls on. For example, in iambic tetrameter the stress falls on every second syllable. Read one line from the poem out loud. This will make it easier for you to understand how the stress falls. The mode of rhyming is usually indicated using the notation "a" and "b", where "a" is one type of line ending for the poem and "b" is the second type.

We are dealing with a text if the sentences are united by a single topic and are related to each other grammatically and in content. Compositional unity and relative completeness make it possible to give a general title and highlight semantic parts. Literature lessons require a comprehensive analysis of the text, the compilation of which is the subject of this article. As an example, we will consider the parable “About the Weary Traveler.”


The purpose of the analysis is to develop the ability to understand the ideological and aesthetic value of works and explain the origins of their expressiveness. Thanks to them, students will be able to write reflective essays and other texts, expanding their vocabulary and using different styles of speech. What is text analysis, and how to do it correctly?

M. Gasparov identifies three levels that need to be mastered in the study of a work:

  1. Ideological and figurative (impressions and emotions, author’s ideas and motives for writing, main characters and the writer’s attitude towards them).
  2. Stylistic (analysis of syntax and vocabulary).
  3. Phonic (strophic, rhythmic, metric), used for lyrical works.

Complex text analysis requires certain preparation and knowledge, which we will discuss in more detail in the next subheading.

Algorithm of actions

Most often, literature deals with works of art - the smallest units of literary creativity, where the word spoken by the author about his understanding of life is refracted through the perception of the reader. Analysis of a literary text requires the following actions:

  • careful reading, highlighting individual parts (chapters, subheadings, paragraphs);
  • reflections on the title, which carries the main idea of ​​the essay;
  • drawing up a text plan;
  • studying vocabulary and finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words using the dictionary;
  • collecting information about the author and his worldview, historical era and features of the creation of the work;
  • knowledge of literary theory, revealing what genre, composition, chronotrope are;
  • mastering the skills of highlighting artistic means of expression (epithets, metaphors, hyperboles).

Analysis plan

In order to consider the work in the unity of form and content, the plan must include literary and linguistic aspects. Its diagram must precede the analysis of the text. How to do research on a work of art? The following plan option is proposed:

  1. Topic, main problem and meaning of the title.
  2. Author's position.
  3. Microthemes.
  4. Parts of the text and means of communication between them.
  5. Speech, style, genre of work.
  6. The means of expression used, their role.
  7. Composition of the text.
  8. The reader's attitude to the problem of the work, emotional perception.

Text analysis, an example of which will be discussed in the article, is based on the content of a literary work. The short parable “About the Weary Traveler” tells the story of a group of people climbing a mountain. Everyone walked cheerfully and easily, and only one lagged behind the others and complained of fatigue. At first he was hampered by heavy luggage, and his friends decided to free him from the burden. After some time, the traveler again began to delay those walking and grumble that his legs hurt. The comrades decided to carry their friend in their arms, but heard groans that he was tired even when he was carried. The traveler was carefully lowered to the ground, but the dissatisfied man again spoke about how hard it was for him to lie down.

The Lord heard the groans and sent the young man eternal rest. Death from laziness frightened his companions, who considered such an end to life despicable. For them, to die with honor is to die from work, raising their soul to the Mountain of Life.

Text analysis: how to do it using the example of a specific work

The theme of the parable is the attitude towards life as an act and constant work, which is the essence of human life. The author is interested in the problem of the relationship between man and society, life and death, work and inaction. His conclusion: only work leads a person to self-improvement and spiritual beauty. And that means to God.

The text contains four stanzas that develop micro-themes: a tired man and travelers, people and God, a moral aspect, and the author’s conclusion. The first two stanzas are connected by a chain connection, and the subsequent ones are connected by a parallel connection. This helps to reflect the sequence and logic of events and the formation of the author’s thoughts.

Analysis of the text, an example of which is discussed in the article, allows us to define the work as a parable - a story containing a lesson. This is a small form of epic work in which there is a didactic idea. The action is not tied to a specific place, but it could take place in any era and in any place.

The style of the work is artistic. Colloquial speech is intertwined with bookish, solemn vocabulary.

Completing the analysis

  • A rich synonymous row for the central character, which makes his image more voluminous ( tired - alone - traveler - dissatisfied - unfortunate traveler - road-weary).
  • Repetitions of words that help emphasize the annoyingness of the main character.
  • Paired antonyms that turn the work into a complete antithesis: everything is one, fun is grumbling, work is laziness, life is death.
  • Variety of vocabulary: from pretentious words ( despicable, dust) to negative-evaluative ( grumbled), which allows us to convey the author’s irony towards the traveler.

When analyzing a text, how do you make the transition to composition? First you need to determine how the plot develops. In this example - linearly. There is a plot - the lag of a tired traveler and his dialogue with his comrades. The culmination is the remark addressed to God that “he is also tired of lying down.” The denouement is the attainment of eternal peace.

The system of images is built in the shape of a triangle: travelers - tired - God. The Almighty is not in a state of interaction with the characters, he is above them, essentially fulfilling the dream of the suffering.

The phraseological units used and the author’s final thoughts about the departure of the tired traveler contribute to the fact that instead of a negative attitude towards the hero, the reader experiences sympathy. He used his life so unreasonably and absurdly. God remains with those who continue their difficult ascent to the Mountain of Life.

Analysis of a text based on literature cannot do without a personal relationship to what is read, because any work of art is designed to influence human emotions.

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