How the prefix is ​​drawn in Russian. The concept of a prefix

Spelling of prefixes.

The task is checked immediately five rules Each of them is very easy in itself, but it is quite possible to get confused in them. Don't expect great results without constant training!

Each answer option contains three words that are united by one rule. Each answer option contains three words that are united by one rule.

Unchangeable prefixes.

They are always spelled the same, no matter how you pronounce them:

in- (you-)

the ex-


Spelling b and b.


Ъ and ь always come after consonants before vowels E, Yo, Yu, I, as well as And for b.


To save, to narrow – these letters Ъ and ь are not placed in front of them. Bilingual - the first part does not end with a consonant.

Prefixes ending in Z or S.

Russian prefixes in z-/s- are written So, How are heard, that is, according to the phonetic principle.

From this principle a rule was derived: if after the prefix there is a voiced consonant, it is written at the end з-, if it is voiceless - s-.


Many suffer from ignorance of voiceless and voiced consonants.

Ch, Shch, C- Always deaf.

Test your pronunciation!

too much


DIS- is a foreign language prefix, so it does not change in writing.

Discriminate #1!

In compound words ( pedagogical institute, sports equipment) And it is preserved, since the first part is not a prefix, but a root!

Discriminate #2!

To lift, to withdraw – but to lift, to lift, to look at, to remove.

Prefixes PRE- and PRI-.

1. = about

2. addition, approximation, accession

3. incomplete action

4. action completed

5. = a little, not for long

6. accompanying action

7. acting in someone's interests



come running



come up with

lie down



1. = very, very (high degree of quality or effect)

2. = re- (“through”, “in a different way”)

for a long time





Remember! This rule includes many foreign words or words whose origin is not always clear. You'll have to learn them!

Algorithm of actions.

1. In each option, determine by what rule the words are grouped.

2. Find exceptions in the answer options and insert the missing spellings.

3. Insert the remaining missing letters according to the rule.

Clue. Don't start with the rule on PRE- and PRI-. It is the most difficult, so save it for dessert.

You may also be interested in an article about word formation methods, which describes the prefix method.

Analysis of the task.

In which row, at the place of the gap, is the same letter written in all words?

1) week..evens, not..acquainted, b..born

2) pr..rotation, pr..form, pr..skillful

3) walk..walk, and..vert, di..proportion

4) mis..information, inform..inform, notorious..

The first variant presents words with a prefix that cannot be changed in writing, the second - the prefixes PRE-/PRI-, the third - prefixes with Z-/S-, the fourth - Y/I after consonant prefixes.

Let's leave the spelling PRE- and PRI-.

Option #1.

week..week the letter O is missing in the immutable prefix NEDO-, not...familiar– we discard NOT-, the unchanged prefix O- remains, be born– prefix ZA-.

Option #3.

Let's start with the foreign language prefix DIS- in the word di..proporia. This prefix does not change in writing. In the remaining words we put down what we hear: pacing, and eruption.

Option number 4.

We are looking for a non-Russian prefix. In a word mis..information We find DEZ-, which means after it we write I-. In a word inform a prefix ending in a vowel is used, so we also keep I- in the root. And in the word famous The Russian prefix Bez- changes I- to Y-.

Option #3.

In the three previous versions we did not insert the same spellings. Thus, correct answer No. 3. Let's check it out. Pr..rotation(=re go from one state to another) , pr..educate (=re do) , pr..skillful(=very, pre-).


1. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

1) p..write, with..agreement, pos..yesterday

2) ra..rely,, in..remember

3) pr..form, pr..unpleasant, pr..follow

4), super..interesting, notorious..well-known

2. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

1) not..done, in..drag, and..give

2) p..tell, p..nick, not..sightly

3) pr..increase, pr..passion, pr..flash

4) once..skate, without..similar,

3. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

1) w..often,, pos..yesterday

2) pre..history, without..inaction, unknown..

3) app..proposition, pr..lake, pr..huge

4), in..bulge (of light), to..think

    Prefixes in Russian last for several types:

    • Single-variant prefixes, that is, those that are written uniformly. For example: in, for, before, under, at, about and others.
    • The next group is semantic ones. The spelling of such prefixes depends on the meaning. These prefixes include prefixes pre- and pre-.

    For example: sew on (we write the prefix at-, since the prefix has the meaning of joining), very unpleasant (we write the prefix pre-, since in this word the prefix has the meaning of very) news.

    • Consoles times- and grew-. Under stress it is written roses(in the prefix o), written without accent once.

    For example: pouring, but spilling, painting, but painting.

    • Consoles on z- and s— (times-, races, from-, is-, without-, demon-, from-, is-, vo-, voz-). The spelling of these prefixes depends on the sound following the prefix: if it is deaf, then we write s, and if it is ringing, then we write z.

    For example: once solve (we write the prefix once, since p is voiced), races write (we write the prefix dis-, since p is deaf.

    There are many of them...They are divided into 3 groups. Which are always written the same. Which depend on the subsequent letter. Which depend on the lexical meaning.

    One Russian language teacher said that only God knows this language completely. It’s good that there are books and various tables that help us not to forget the rules of the Russian language.

    Prefixes in the Russian language can be fixed or changing. The table shows which prefixes these are.

    In the Russian language, there are Russian prefixes and foreign ones (imported from other languages). In the table below you can see the spelling of various types of prefixes (I advise you to save this table as a cheat sheet on your computer).

    As far as I remember, consoles are divided into only four groups.

    The first group is immutable.

    The second group is mutable.

    The third group is meaning-dependent.

    The fourth group is dependent on lexical meaning.

    You can get acquainted in more detail in the table that I have placed below.

    In our language, the absolute number of prefixes are native Russian (from-, over-, ob-, o-, pere-, vy-, bez-, iz-, etc.)

    There are Russian prefixes that arose from adverbial prepositions:

    off-duty, freelance;






    A special group consists of obsolete prefixes that remain in such words;

    great-parents, great-grandmother, great-grandfather

    pa-vodka, pa-daughter, pa-lip;

    su-darkness, su-glinka, su-sandy.

    Foreign language prefixes:




    anti-, a-, hyper-, hypo-, de-, dis-, inter-, counter-, re-, pro-, post-, proto-, sub-, trans-, pan-.

    in-(vo-)(inzo-), you-, do-, for-(iso-), co-, on-, over-(need-), not-(under-), o-, about-( obo-), from-(oto-), pa-, po-, under-(podo-), pra-, pre-(predo-), pro-, razo-, s-(co-), su-, y-without-(bes-), up-(all-), out-(re-), out-(is-), bottom-(nis-), time-(ras-), rose-(ros-) , through- (through-).

    As I learned from Wikipedia, the Russian language has 70 prefixes! They are divided into mutable and immutable.

    Variables: through- (through-), rose- (ros-), times- (ras), bottom (nis), from- (is), through- (res), up- (sun), without- (demon) .

    Unchangeable: re-, pro-, co-, from-, co-, pra-, about-, from-, sub-, pre-, y-, to-, s-, for-, on-, to-, must-, under-, on-, for-, over-, in-.

    The question is not entirely clear. Prefixes can be native Russian (in-, vo-, peredon-, etc.) and foreign (borrowed from other languages) (ober-, infra-, para-, etc.). Prefixes perform a word-forming function (move - go, drink - drink, orange - half an orange).

    And they can also be changeable (divide, spread out; disgrace, insomnia), and unchangeable (divide, step).

    Prefixes in Russian, they must be written together with the words: -o, about cart, you, in, from, in, pre, pere, on, under, above, races and times, for, under, with, at, before, from, is, from, without, great, about and so on

    You can see more details in alphabetical order, it’s convenient.

    In Russian, prefixes are needed to form a new word, for example, a word with a new lexical meaning, let's see: at walked- at walked; behind walked- You walked; changed the prefix and meaning and formed a new word with the opposite meaning; In addition to the consoles just highlighted, I’ll add that in Russian there are also such prefixes as in, on, before, for, about, with, without and many others.

    Based on their origin, prefixes in the Russian language can be divided into two main types: traditionally Russian and foreign prefixes. Here are the prefixes that belong to each type:

    In addition, prefixes are divided into unchangeable and changeable. These include the following prefixes:

In the Russian language, prefixes are called prefixes in a broader sense. A prefix is ​​a morpheme that stands before the root and performs word-building and formative functions.

Example: painted - repainted. In this case, the prefix plays a word-forming role: it is attached to the whole word without changing its belonging to one part of speech.

The attachment can perform a form-building function in several cases:

  1. Do - do. In this case, the verbal prefix с- forms a new form of the perfective verb;
  2. Largest, warmer. The prefixes most - and - are involved in the formation of forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives.

The algorithm for identifying a prefix is ​​simple: you need to select several words with the same root, identify the root of the word, select the part that comes before the root - this will be the prefix.

What types of consoles are there?

There are several classification options:

  1. By variability:
    • changeable;
    • immutable;
    • consoles at-/pre-.
  2. By origin:
    • Russians;
    • outdated ( pra-, pa-, su-);

Changeable and unchangeable prefixes - spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes

Antiderivative prefixes unchangeable.


V- entrance, in- to come in, rise- climb, You- lure, run to, stop by, iso-bend, dial, over- cut, must- tear, imperishable, under- finish, about- around, douse, get angry, climb over, shout, underground, beckon, great-great-grandmother, pre-graduation, fly- over, disassemble, s- make, connect.

There is no prefix z- in the Russian language! You need to remember the following words: here, building, health. In these words, “z” refers to the root.

For changeable consoles there are some rules:

  • if the prefix is ​​followed by a voiced consonant, then “z” is written at the end of the prefix, if it is voiceless, “s” is written.
  • in the prefixes raz-(ras-) – roz-(ros-) under the accent it is written “o”, without the accent – ​​“a” (excl: wanted).


Without- (bess-) – cloudless, useless;

Vz- (vs-) – climb, splash;

Voz- (re-) – return, chant;

Iz- (is-) – avoid, write down;

Bottom- (nis-) – to overthrow, sent down;

Raz- (ras-) – disperse, dissolve;

Roz- (ros-) – search, painting;

Over- (over-) – excessive, interstriated.

At- (pre-) – this is a complex type of prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the meaning of the prefix.



Some difficult cases:

Receiver (musical apparatus) – successor (follower).

To betray (a person) – to give (importance).

Stay (in a country) – arrive (at a station).

Make (a dream) come true – close (a window), etc.

Verb prefixes

In Russian, verbs are formed mainly prefixed way , i.e. by attaching a prefix to the stem. Prefixes not only form new words and word forms, but also give a certain shade of meaning to the word.

V- (vo-)

    1. Movement directed towards something:

The wind rushed in sharply through the open window;

    1. Upward movement:

It is difficult to ride a bicycle up a high hill;

  1. Deep dive into the action:

To understand a literary work, you need to read every line of it.

Vz- (vzo-, sun-)

    1. Lifting up:

We climbed the mountain first;

  1. Bringing an action to its limit:

To obtain a thick foam, whip the cream for several minutes.


    1. Movement directed from within:

I left the apartment half an hour before school started;

  1. Exhaustion of action:

Speaking out to a loved one can be helpful in helping to ease feelings.


    1. An action carried to completion or to a certain limit:

Today I finished reading the last volume of War and Peace;

  1. Achieving a result (it is worth noting that the action was achieved for a long time, or through certain obstacles):

A few hours later, I finally managed to get through to my superiors.


    1. Movement for any item:

The motorcyclist drove behind the wall of a brick house and turned off the engine;

We painted over the old drawing on the wall with bright paint;

    1. Prolongation, excessive action:

A group of my school friends stayed up late at our house;

    1. Receiving something, capturing:

Earning the respect of colleagues was not easy;

    1. Planning the action in advance:

All birthday products must be purchased in advance;

    1. Completed action:

Students took notes on several lengthy articles from the manual;

    1. Excessive action with negative meaning:

The child was fed sweets, which caused him to develop allergies;

  1. Artificial limitation of space by something:

Close the bread bin to prevent the loaf from becoming stale.

From- (iso-, is-)

    1. Direction of action from inside, extraction, removal:

For failing exams, a student may be expelled from the university;

    1. Widespread action:

The traveler traveled all over the Black Sea coast;

  1. Distributing an action over the entire surface of an object:

The kid painted the entire wall in the hallway with gouache.

On the-

    1. Direction of action towards an object, contact with it, collision:

In the dark, he stumbled upon the spreading branches of a tree and injured himself;

    1. Exhaustion of action with a positive assessment:

At the sanatorium I was able to breathe in plenty of fresh mountain air;

  1. Gradual accumulation:

Over the course of several years, my friend managed to save enough money for a large apartment in the city center.

Foreign language prefixes

Console Meaning Examples
A- =negation Asociality, immorality
Anti- =contrast Antivirus, antigen
Arch- =very Arch-stupid
Hyper- =redundancy Hyperactive
Hypo- = insufficiency Physical inactivity
De- = destruction, change Demobilization
Dis-/dis- = disorder, disorder Dysbacteriosis, dysuria
Inter- =between Interposition
Counter- = action in opposition Counterattack
Pan- =comprehensive Pan-Asian
Fast- =after Postmodern
Proto- =prototype Prototype
Super- =highest quality Superhero

It is better to memorize foreign language prefixes so as not to make mistakes when writing words with them.

Examples of words with two prefixes

One of the features of the Russian language is the presence of words with two or more prefixes.

For example: reunion (re-+co-), subtitle (under-+for-), urgent (without-+from-), hopeless (without-+you-).

As you can see, prefixes play a significant role in word formation. With their help, new words and forms of words are formed, shades of meaning are conveyed.

Which can both change and complement the meaning of a word. This definition, although brief, is extremely accurate: the prefix in the Russian language is indeed very, very significant, and it is subject to a complete change in the meaning of the word. Compare: understand e backwards (which means incorrect), etc. And gatekeeper (standing at the gate).

There is an opinion that the poorer and simpler the language, the more primitive and weaker the mind of the people who speak it. If you believe this opinion, then we can conclude that the Russian people are one of the most developed peoples in the world. What are the morphemes alone worth in our language! It’s difficult to count all the prefixes in the Russian language, let alone remember them. And from Russian, new prefixes keep coming and coming, with their own meaning.

Remembering the correct spelling of a prefix in Russian is quite simple, at least when it comes to native Russian prefixes. They are divided into only three groups. The first group is prefixes, the spelling of which does not change under any circumstances. Among them is the prefix s-. It should be remembered that in words beginning with the letters “s” and “z”, only the letter “s” can be a prefix, and “z” is included in

The second group is prefixes with changing consonants: -raz - -ras. The following should be remembered about this group: the letter “z” (-raz) is written before voiced consonants (as in the word “running up”) and vowels (as in the word “dressed up”), the letter “s” (-ras) is written before voiceless consonants (dawn).

This group also includes prefixes with a changing vowel: -ras - -ros. To know the spelling of these prefixes, you need to remember only one rule: the letter “o” is written with an accent (as in the word “draw”), and the letter “a” is written without an accent (as in the word “cut”).

The third group is the Rules for writing them are also extremely simple. The prefix is ​​prefixed if the meaning “very” is intended, or if it can be replaced (as in the words “excellent”, “interrupt”). The prefix is ​​assigned if it is necessary to indicate the incompleteness of an action (stand up), approach to something (run), joining (sew), proximity to something (coastal).

The use of a foreign prefix in Russian is somewhat more complicated, since here you cannot be guided by any general rules, but you need to remember the spelling and meaning of each prefix. Here are some examples of the most commonly used foreign prefixes.

Thus, the prefix of Latin origin a- denotes the absence of a characteristic (immorality, amenorrhea).

The prefix of Latin origin de- denotes the reverse action, removal, cessation (defecation).

The prefixes hypo- and hyper- denote, respectively, a decrease and an increase in the norm (hypotension, hyperactivity).

The Greek prefixes anti- and archi- denote, respectively, the opposite and superdegree (unsanitary, archbishop).

The French prefix des- denotes the removal or absence of something (disinfection).

The Latin prefix re- denotes the reverse process (regeneration).

The Latin prefixes ultra- and ex- denote, respectively, extreme, extreme quality (ultrasound) and movement from within or something former (export, ex-spouse).

In addition to the role of consoles, the history of the console is also interesting. It is known for certain that initially there was no such prefix in the Russian language; the absence of something was denoted by the prefix “without”. However, after 1917, the communists who came to power decided to replace the last letter. What caused this change - the cacophony of many words (such as dishonesty, ingloriousness) or a simple mockery of the fears of believers (after all, the devil is called a demon) - is unknown.

One way or another, from then on the prefix is ​​not used only in words in which the prefix is ​​followed by a vowel or a voiced consonant. And words with the prefix “bes-” are still ridiculed by many people to this day: “glorious”, “honest”, “heartless”...

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