How to fly in a wind tunnel correctly. How to prepare for an endless fall in a wind tunnel? Who can fly in a wind tunnel

Question answer

How does flying in a wind tunnel work?

Communication during the flight

As during skydiving, the flow of air in a wind tunnel drowns out the voice. Communication occurs exclusively by gestures. Especially for you, we filmed popular gestures that are used in a wind tunnel by an instructor during a flight.

Is special training needed?

No special physical training is required to fly in a wind tunnel. Children from 4 years old can fly.

How long in advance do you need to arrive at the wind tunnel?

For the first flight you need to arrive at the wind tunnel 30 minutes in advance. This time is necessary for you to undergo instructions and change clothes. For this purpose, our building has prepared comfortable individual changing rooms, as well as storage rooms with individual keys, where you can leave your belongings during the flight. Photo tour of the complex.

How to dress? Will they give me equipment?

The instructor will help you select all the necessary equipment according to size: overalls, helmet, glasses and sneakers. If you want to fly in your shoes, then sneakers or trainers that fit snugly on your feet will suit you.

Isn't this dangerous?

Absolutely safe. Experienced instructors and detailed instructions will make your flight simple and fun.

How is the training conducted?

It takes place in our cafe area, directly in front of the wind tunnel, and begins with an introduction to the instructor. Next, the trainer will explain to you the rules of behavior during the flight, draw the correct position of your body in the flow and explain why it should be that way. You will try to assume this position without entering the wind tunnel. In addition, the instructor will tell you about the symbols you will use to communicate.

What restrictions exist for flying in a wind tunnel?

There are not many contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • weight restrictions - no more than 120 kg;
  • age up to 4 years;
  • serious diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • recent injuries, dislocations, sprains, fractures;
  • If you wear contact lenses or glasses, you must notify the instructor in advance. Chances are you won't even have to take them off.

Can children fly? From how old?

There are practically no age restrictions - children can fly from 4 years old. Moreover, they simply love to do it! In our wind tunnel there is a children's sports section for flight training.

Can people with cerebral palsy fly?

Yes they can. Musculoskeletal disorders and cerebral palsy are not flight restrictions. On the contrary, in the air flow, special guests feel absolutely equal to other people, since in flight the musculoskeletal system works according to completely different laws than when walking.

How many people can fly in a wind tunnel at the same time?

For safety reasons, if you are flying for the first time, you can only be in the flight zone of the wind tunnel with an instructor. It is allowed to enter the pre-flight area in a group, but fly one person at a time in a queue, so that the instructor can have full control. Flying in a wind tunnel for two is possible if you have accumulated sufficient experience. We have three or even four athletes flying.

What weather can you fly in? Is it cold in a wind tunnel in winter?

Any, and that’s great! You can fly in our wind tunnel all year round, regardless of weather conditions. A comfortable temperature is always maintained in the pre-flight area and in the simulator.

Can I take photos or shoot video?

It’s even necessary to preserve the amazing sensations and impressions of the flight for as long as possible! The walls of the wind tunnel are made of special armored glass, they are absolutely transparent, which allows our guests not only to enjoy the flight of guests while sitting at a table in a cafe, but also to take photos and videos. You can also use the services of a professional photographer and order photos and souvenirs.

How many minutes should I book for my first flight?

There are no restrictions, it all depends on your desire. For a newbie, we recommend booking 4 to 10 minutes for your first time.

What affects the cost of a wind tunnel flight?

The price is influenced by several factors: flight time, age (special rates apply for children from 4 to 18 years old), number of flight participants and day of the week (weekdays/weekends). The more minutes you buy, the more profitable it is. So come and fly with a group! Cost of flying in a wind tunnel.

What is included in the flight price?

The flight program includes instructions and equipment necessary for the flight (helmet, overalls, earplugs).

What does 6 minutes mean (up to 3 people)?

This means that 6 minutes can be divided between a group of up to 3 people, that is, 2 minutes for each.

Are there restrictions on the number of people for a group visit?

There are no restrictions on the number of people per visit. We will help organize a comfortable stay for large companies in the aerodynamic complex!

Can you organize a party?

Certainly! We will help organize events of various levels: children's parties, birthdays, graduations, corporate events, team building. .

How long will everything take?

It will take 30 minutes to prepare - registration, changing into overalls and introductory briefing. The rest is your flight time, photography and instructions.

How many minutes should I take for the first time?

The optimal flight time in a wind tunnel for a beginner is 6-8 minutes. This time is not divided into several visits.

How to become an athlete?

To switch to sports fares, you need to fly for at least 30 minutes in a wind tunnel under the supervision of an instructor. Then agree on a flight training program with the instructor!

What can you learn on your first flight?

In the first 2-4 minutes, you can learn to stay in the air flow on your own. 6-10 minutes of flight will allow you to learn how to make turns, move forward and backward, up and down.

What is the wind tunnel operating schedule?

Our complex is open every day from 10:00 to 00:00

How to get to the aerodynamic complex?

We are located on the territory of Sokolniki Park. Bogorodskoye Shosse, 18, building 2 You can also get to us from the nearest Sokolniki metro station by tram 4p or 25 (to the Bolshaya Shiryaevskaya Street stop). .

Do you have any discounts?

For all birthday people, 3 days before and 3 days after their birthday, we give minutes as a gift. When purchasing from 6 minutes + 2 minutes, from 10 minutes + 3 minutes. We also regularly hold promotions that we post on our website and social networks.

Is it possible to pay online or by credit card?

Yes, online payment is possible through the website. You can also pay for the flight with a bank card at the aerodynamic complex.

Is there parking?

Yes, there is free parking near our complex.

How to buy a gift certificate?

A briefing is provided immediately before the flight. The instructor explains the entire sequence of actions during the flight. Special clothing in the form of overalls, helmet, glasses and shoes is required.

Only after these steps are you allowed into the flight zone, where you can experience all the charm of an unforgettable flight.

Age limit: children from 4 years old. For adults, weight limit: 120 kg. Medical contraindications: recent injuries of the musculoskeletal system (dislocations, sprains, fractures). It is also not recommended to fly during pregnancy.

Safety regulations

  1. During preparation and actual flight in the wind tunnel, you must strictly follow all the company rules, as well as explanations given by the instructors.
  2. During a flight to the ADT, you should not use shoes intended for walking on the streets, of a non-sports type, with dark soles, since failure to comply with these rules can lead to damage, loss of these things, as well as damage to the equipment itself.
  3. Before the flight, you will be asked to put out all pocket items, cell phones, and remove jewelry in order to prevent their loss during exposure to the air flow. If these rules are not followed, the company administration is not liable to the client in case of loss of valuables. In this case, the administration has the right to file a claim against the perpetrator for compensation for damage caused to equipment resulting from non-compliance with this paragraph of the rules.
  4. Access to the flight is prohibited for persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This category also includes those who drank beer the day before. If there are reliable facts that the client is in one or a combination of the above states, the instructor has the right to not allow the client to fly. In this case, the deposited funds are not returned to the client.
  5. In case of non-compliance with all the rules and requirements of the ADT instructor staff, as well as the commission of any actions that pose a danger both to the clients themselves and to third parties, the instructor has the right to remove him from the flight without refunding the money paid.
  6. Before the flight, each visitor must undergo instructions and understand all the information about the actions during the flight with their strict observance in practice for the sake of their own safety and the safety of third parties. Unauthorized movements in the flight zone or other visits to auxiliary premises are not permitted without the appropriate order of the instructor and his personal accompaniment.
  7. It is recommended to refrain from flying for visitors who have a number of chronic diseases in the form of disorders of the cardiovascular system, cerebral circulation, various injuries and damage to the joints, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, when using various implanted devices, pacemakers (with the exception of implants in the field of dentistry) , as well as during pregnancy. In cases where the client suffers from any of the diseases listed above, but has an irresistible desire to take an exciting flight, he must write a personal statement of limitation of liability and awareness of the possibility of negative health consequences.

Have a safe and exciting flight!

Experience shows that 2 minutes is absolutely not enough. In such a short period of time, the “pilot” is just getting the hang of it. The best choice is a 6-minute certificate (3 sessions of 2 minutes each). During this time, a person will not only experience the feeling of free flight, but will also enjoy learning to perform simple maneuvers. And this means even more emotions and pleasant impressions. It is better to give 15 minutes to groups of people, couples, friends or families. If desired, they can be divided into several sessions, so that not a single second is wasted.

How does the wind tunnel on the Moscow Ring Road differ from any other wind tunnel in Moscow?

The wind tunnel at the 71st kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road is the largest in Moscow, which means that flying in it is much more fun and interesting, there is space to “roam around”. According to Valdis Pelsh, a big fan of the wind tunnel, every person should feel the freedom of falling at least once in their life. The Free Flight SRC team has created all the conditions for this.

What do you need to take with you to fly in a wind tunnel?

All you need is a sense of adventure and a desire to fly. It would also be good if someone on the other side took a photo or video of you, so that later you could remember the flight more than once and experience vivid emotions again. Well, everything you need for the flight (helmet, overalls, goggles and earplugs) will be provided on the spot at no additional cost. Bring replacement shoes with you - sneakers or sneakers.

Are there age and weight restrictions for flying in a wind tunnel?

Anyone aged from 4 to 80 years and weighing from 25 to 120 kilograms can fly in a wind tunnel. Pregnant women, as well as people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and while intoxicated are not allowed to fly.

How many people will be flying in the tube at the same time?

They fly in the flight chamber one at a time, under the supervision of an instructor.

There are many different ways that allow people to experience the indescribable feeling of flight. But many of them are associated with a certain risk to health, and even to life. In addition, not everyone manages to overcome their fear of heights. Therefore, not every person dares to jump with a parachute or even try the safer bungee jumping. But, to the great joy of lovers of extreme sports and thrills, there is such a completely safe means as a wind tunnel. It is an aerodynamic simulator in which an artificial environment is created that allows one to overcome gravity and fly. Flying in a wind tunnel is not at all scary and can give a lot of positive emotions. In addition, it is useful - the muscles of the whole body are well trained.

How is the flight going?

First the briefing

Despite complete safety, flying in a wind tunnel (wind tunnel) requires certain skills, knowledge and training. Therefore, beginners must undergo safety training. An experienced instructor tells you how to behave correctly while soaring in the air, what position is best to be in and how to move. He also shows special gestures with which he will communicate with the client and explains in detail their meaning. The client can also ask any questions related to the flight that interest him and receive intelligible answers.

For greater clarity, preliminary ground training is carried out, which consists of the fact that a person who is planning to fly lies on a special trolley and, with the help of an instructor, works out all the poses and movements that will be useful to him during his stay in the wind tunnel.

The flight itself

Flight time in a wind tunnel directly depends on physical fitness. Beginners typically spend only 4 to 10 minutes of total time floating. And at the same time, the total time is divided into sessions of 2-3 minutes, always with rest. If you fly longer, your muscles will hurt a lot later. A trained skydiver, of course, can afford to spend significantly more time in the wind tunnel.

The flight process is under the full control of experienced specialists. Beginner clients are always accompanied by an instructor who is ready to help or suggest something at any time. While the operator, located at the control panel, regulates the air flow rate.

While in the flow, it is advisable to completely relax, do not be nervous, do not make sudden movements and remember that it is absolutely safe. But even if the client does not understand how to stay in the air flow and cannot control his body correctly, he will always be supported and insured by the instructor nearby - so there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

However, most beginners, already in the first two to four minutes of flight, can not only learn to stay stable in the air flow, but also try to perform various tricks. While in a wind tunnel, you can learn to: control your body, turn around, swell and fall.

Who can fly in a wind tunnel

Flights in a wind tunnel are available to almost everyone. Still, there are some limitations.

  1. Age restrictions. There are almost no age restrictions. Even small children over the age of four can enjoy soaring in a wind tunnel. During such flights, the child receives enormous health benefits - he trains his muscles, develops agility, gets rid of psychophysical stress, and becomes bolder and more confident. For older people, this procedure is also very useful. It is not recommended for men whose age has exceeded 82 years, and women over 76 years of age.
  2. Weight restrictions. Regular flights in a wind tunnel are a great way to lose extra pounds, as there is a lot of stress on the muscular system. In modern wind tunnels there are no noticeable weight restrictions. The only limitation for a large person is the size of the special equipment that is necessary for flying in a wind tunnel: a helmet and a flight suit. There is no “heavy” or “light” person for a wind tunnel. The physical principle is the same as when swimming in water. All people have approximately the same body density.
  3. Equipment requirements. To feel comfortable and comfortable while flying, you need to dress correctly. Skydivers and athletes usually have their own special equipment for wind tunnel flights. And the instructor gives regular clients a full set of necessary clothing: a helmet, overalls, gloves, as well as glasses and earplugs. For the flight, you can take sneakers and a loose turtleneck with a jumpsuit on top - the clothes should not restrict movement. As for personal outerwear, it should be hidden in a special compartment, and watches, chains, earrings and bracelets should also be put there - so that they were not lost during the flight.

Are there any contraindications for flying?

To enjoy aerodynamic flights, you do not need to undergo a medical examination or present a certificate of ideal health. In any case, there are far fewer contraindications for them than, for example, for skydiving. But still, in case of some illnesses, it is better to cancel flights.

Medical contraindications for flying in a wind tunnel are as follows:

  • serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • shoulder dislocations;
  • recent surgeries;
  • diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • epilepsy;
  • claustrophobia;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy.

Clients who wear contact lenses may leave them on during the flight, but should tell the instructor just in case.

Even with excellent health and well-being, some precautions should be taken into account before flying in a wind tunnel. For example, you should not fly immediately after a heavy lunch to avoid unpleasant stomach reactions.

It is also undesirable to engage in sports or any tiring physical activity, since flying itself takes a lot of strength and energy.

Of course, access to wind tunnel flights is strictly prohibited for persons who are intoxicated.

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