How to help your child learn the English alphabet easily and quickly. How to easily and quickly learn the English alphabet, devoting no more than an hour a day to it. Learning the English alphabet with the help of copybooks and written tasks, for preschool children

When our kids begin to learn English, their eyes light up and they smile and show us textbooks with the letters of the English alphabet they have learned. But soon, there are more and more letters, and children begin to get confused in their pronunciation. How can you help them learn every letter of a foreign language and make learning it easy and fun?

First of all, turn learning the alphabet into a game. In this form, children remember their first lessons much better. Playing with your child will not only help you remember letters, but also have fun!


Carefully look at each letter with your child. Textbooks where the letters are written separately and large are best suited. Usually, next to the letter there are illustrations that will help you imagine each “inhabitant” of the English alphabet.

Imagine with your child what letter it is. Maybe she is sweet or prickly, or maybe funny or whiny. If you in this way evoke associations in a child with a letter, then for any word that begins with an imaginary letter, you can compose a separate story.

Can't imagine the character of a letter? Then take a closer look at what it looks like and what associations it evokes in the child. For example, the letter "O" looks like a donut, "V" looks like a fluttering butterfly.

Does your child love sticks and pencils? Then use this hobby too. English letters consist of such sticks, for example, "I" is one vertical stick, and "T" is two sticks, one of which covers the other; the letter "V" is two connected sticks.

Body image

Almost every letter can be drawn with a "body". For example, the letter "I" can be drawn by pressing your arms tightly to your body and bringing your legs together. This game using the body will help your child remember English letters faster.


Once we know what the letter looks like and what its character is, we can now draw it. Perhaps the funny letter has eyes and handles, and the prickly letter has needles. The sweet letter has the color of a candy cane or fluffy cotton wool, and the sad letter looks like a rain cloud.

But most importantly, draw not only with ordinary pencils on paper, but also with crayons on the asphalt or wall, chestnuts on the grass, beans on a plate, etc. Even laces and colored strings are suitable for this option for learning the alphabet - you can also lay out letters from them. After all, this is a game!


Letters are remembered well if you associate them with the objects that surround you in the room. For example, candy looks like the letter "H" and "V" looks like a carrot.

But every thing or object in the room begins with a certain letter. Children remember well not only letters, but also the words with which the word begins. Make associations with your favorite toys or children's clothes that you dress your child every day.


An excellent option for learning the English alphabet is a craft. There is nothing more fun than cutting, gluing and painting!

Look on the Internet for several options for making crafts of English letters in the form of animals or any other interesting topics for your baby.

To repeat letters from time to time, arrange these crafts in the form of an album or put each craft in a file and secure them in a folder.

Important rule

When learning English letters in this way, you should not insist and force your child to do it. Choose a moment when your baby is in a good mood and ready to “conquer” the vastness of the English language.

If you see that your child is tired, then put off studying for a while. Take more breaks and don’t try to “get everything done” in one day!

In these simple ways you can help your child quickly, and most importantly - easily, learn the entire English alphabet!

Children should be taught the English alphabet no earlier than the child begins to speak well, and no earlier than the beginning of teaching the alphabet of their native language. It is advisable that the child already knows a small set of words in English, just like with his native language. That is, from 2–5 you can teach your child English words, more precisely, their pronunciation and meaning, short sentences, but the English alphabet for children can begin from 5 years or older. Always, while learning the alphabet, we continue to learn new English words and frequently heard short sentences (questions, answers) - we expand our vocabulary and learn to communicate and interact.

The choice of methods for learning the English alphabet for children depends on the age and individual qualities of the child. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child at each stage of learning, how he usually perceives information (visually, tactilely or auditorily?), his temperament (assiduous, active, creative, etc.), his interests today and many other factors. You should choose those tools that the child will be most interested in and able to do, so you will achieve greater involvement and success. Teaching the alphabet can be done in a playful way, using some interesting techniques for the child, described below.

Learning the English alphabet using cards, for preschool children

So, one of the easiest ways to teach the alphabet is to use cards, on one side of which there are pictures with a word, on the other - letters of the English alphabet. The child learns an English letter with visual support, hears how it is pronounced, what sound corresponds to each letter, and recognizes the word itself that begins with this letter. I also advise you to add associations that arise when we see a particular letter. For example, the letter U looks like a horseshoe, and the letter S looks like a worm or snake.

So, we learn the English alphabet with the help of cards and the following games that even a 3-4 year old child will like:

  • Children's favorite pastime is searching and solving. Hide a few cards around your apartment or classroom so that your child can easily find them. Then ask them to put them in the correct order, in a pre-arranged alphabet containing the English letters found.
  • A game for concentration and memory. Choose several letters and randomly name words starting with these letters, and the child must point and point to the letter with which this word began.
  • Active game. Scatter English letters on the floor, name the letters to the child, and he must step on the correct card with the letter.
  • In your games, ask to arrange English letters in alphabetical order (but only when the entire alphabet has already been learned).
  • If the alphabet is almost mastered and requires consolidation, and the child has accumulated a certain number of English words on his ear, which you told him to determine the letter with which they begin, ask him to name as many words as possible that he remembers, starting with a certain one. letters, etc.

Alternatives to cards

  1. “Fun English. Talking poster" will help your child independently learn the English letters of the alphabet. The poster contains: 3 modes (memorization, checking, translation), 83 sound buttons, sound adjustment function. Voiced by an English teacher.
  2. Set “English language. My first words. 15 book cubes." definitely attracts children to learn the English alphabet and teach new English words. The alphabet is written on the inside cover, and inside the set are beautifully and brightly illustrated books with thick cardboard pages.
  3. “Skylark English for Babies. All about me. English from England for children from birth"- both children and parents are delighted with this set. A set with beautiful, high-quality illustrations and good printing. This method of teaching children English was developed by specialists from Cambridge (UK) together with the Umnitsa company, which develops educational materials for young children. Based on research from the best universities in the world, 100% genuine British English. Included: cards, books, manuals for parents, audio materials, games, a toy glove for interaction with the child. Designed for children 0+.

Learning the English alphabet using YouTube videos, for preschool children

When an adult learns English, it is recommended to watch films and programs in this language; the same thing applies to children. Instead of regular cartoons, include those that teach your child the letters of the English alphabet, correct pronunciation and new words, and in the future, reading English words. Just use YouTube - there you can find cartoons and programs for every taste. The most common and useful are nursery rhymes and jokes for children. Being very colorful, cheerful and melodic, they are very captivating to the child and he wants to listen to them again and again. Also, from the point of view of developing speech skills, song is the optimal tool. After all, this makes it easier for us to remember words and it’s much more interesting than methodically memorizing a sequence of letters.
Learn the English alphabet with cartoons for children, where there are songs and rhymes with funny pictures, and in a week you can see the result!

Learning the English alphabet on the move

This type of education is especially suitable for the child who vitally needs to move, this is how he gets to know this world and everything that surrounds him. To do this, we can use various cubes, magnets with letters, toys (construction sets) with stickers with letters glued on them, etc. Everything that might be interesting to your child. For boys, cars are beasts for girls, or vice versa - as you like.

Here are some ways:

  • Using your fingers in the air or your hands and body movements, draw a letter.
  • You can make a gymnastics ribbon (tie the ribbon to a thin stick) and let the child draw the necessary letters in the air.
  • Place the letters around the apartment, stick them on objects, and the child must find and touch them. You can also include an alphabet song to add variety and make it a mini-game.
  • Assemble a letter from cubes, construction sets or mosaics. For these purposes, you can use any toys - lay them out on the floor in the shape of letters.
  • Write the letters on the circles of the “Twister” field; you can play together with your mother or friends, calling which hand/leg should fall on which letter.
  • Write letters on an inflatable big ball. While throwing the ball with mom, let everyone name the letter that appears before their eyes.

Come up with similar games yourself - almost any favorite children's game can include elements of learning the English alphabet. Just glue or draw the alphabet on the toy, and according to the plot of the game, offer new tasks based on the letters. So, in the process of playing, quietly and not boringly, we learn the English alphabet with children.

Let's get creative and learn the English alphabet

For those children who love to draw and create, this method of learning English letters will become one of their favorites.

  • For example, make a poster with all the letters of the alphabet (or only vowels, or only consonants), use scrapbooking elements to decorate your poster, stickers, colored paper.
  • Use the same principle to create your own picture dictionary. In which each page can be decorated in its own way and even a whole story can be written on it with the adventures of the letter. Supplement them with stickers, magazine clippings starting with a certain letter.
  • Make letters from plasticine.
  • Make a collage with cut out letters from magazines/newspapers/old books.
  • Make a garland and hang it in a visible place. Every time you pass by, point to any letter and ask to name it.

Again, in the creative version, you can make any crafts of the letters of the English alphabet, and learn them along the way. - Draw, glue, sculpt, cut out, paint. Learn letters together with your favorite toy animals, this puppet show is suitable for the little ones. Books with favorite characters and English letters will warm up your child's interest in learning the language.

We learn the English alphabet using ABC books and teaching aids for preschool children

Suitable for children of older preschoolers and schoolchildren, although if your child is interested in books, you can start learning from this manual earlier.

Classes should last no more than 15-20 minutes on average; as soon as the child begins to get distracted, it is necessary to switch to another type of study, for example, gaming. You can’t force a child when he doesn’t want to, as you risk discouraging his desire for further education.

With such manuals, it is easier for parents to teach their child English, since all the material is written on the pages, all that remains is to present it to the child and go through the exercises with him. Here are some of the most popular benefits for preschoolers:

  1. "English for the little ones" Anna Kuznetsova"
  2. “English before school. Benefit for children 5-6 years old" Radislav Milrud
  3. “English for kids. The best tutorial (+CD)" Galina Shalaeva

We learn the English alphabet with the help of copybooks and written tasks, for preschool children

This type of learning is suitable for older children who can at least hold a pen or pencil and then trace and write letters.

Among the wide variety of teaching aids, choose better ones, most of them are designed for older preschoolers and schoolchildren, but there are also notebooks for learning English for kids. For example, those who are already familiar with the well-known KUMON manuals, a methodology used by 4 million children in 49 countries, will appreciate them. Writing uppercase and lowercase letters using these notebooks is the beginning of the development of writing, along with learning the letters of the English alphabet. A well-designed manual, a popular, proven technique.

  1. “Learning to write capital letters of the English alphabet. Ages 3, 4, 5 years. Toru Kumon. KUMON"
  2. “Learning to write lowercase letters of the English alphabet. Ages 4, 5, 6 years. Toru Kumon. KUMON"

Show your child that learning the English alphabet is possible with these simple and fun games! And remember that the sooner you start teaching your child the English alphabet, the faster he will be able to learn it and the easier the learning process will be in the future.

And finally, we teach English letters with children regularly. This is one of the most important conditions if you want to learn English at any age, even at 3 years old.

English teacher
Lebed Evgenia

Educational cartoon “Learning the English alphabet” by Doman:

The need to study foreign languages ​​is obvious. Therefore, in recent years, English has become a compulsory lesson in kindergartens. But despite this, parents themselves can teach their child. And starting with learning the alphabet, use what children like most: songs, games.

At what age can you teach a foreign language?

At 3 years old, the child reaches the age of ‘I want to know everything!’ and this must be used

Lewis Carroll: “The more you learn at once, the less you suffer later.”

Many mothers and fathers wonder at what age it is best to start teaching a child. Psychologists and teachers have come to a consensus that the optimal age for learning a foreign language is 3 years. At this age, the baby already speaks his native language quite well, his speech becomes articulate, divided into phrases and sentences. In addition, from 3 to 5 years old, a child’s memory works most intensively.

Where to start learning the English alphabet?

Early learning should be visual

The difficulty of learning English letters is that most of them have several sounds, unlike Russian. Therefore, the associative method of memorizing sounds (namely, they are necessary for subsequent learning to read) is not suitable in this case. Teacher-methodologists recommend first learning the order of letters, and only then adding memorization of sounds. So, where to start learning letters? Considering his young age, the answer is obvious - with educational games and songs.

Exercise games

You can make cards with the English alphabet yourself

There are several options for interesting exercise games for teaching the alphabet. Moreover, if you wish, you can study not only with your child, but also with his friends.

  • "Funny magnets" This is a magnetic board with multi-colored magnet letters, which together with your child you can rearrange or come up with different stories with them. Just keep in mind that you must name the letter every time and ask the baby to repeat its “name”. Magnetic letters can be replaced by those drawn on cards. In this case, it would be better to accompany each letter with a drawing of an object or phenomenon in the name of which it appears.
  • Card game. On one side of the cards the letter of the alphabet is written, and on the other - what this letter looks like. It turns out to be a kind of associative series. For example, the letter S looks like a snake, and W looks like a fire-breathing dragon.
  • “Who is who’s neighbor?” This game again requires letter cards. The kid must find neighbors to the left and right for a given letter from a shuffled deck.
  • "Puzzle". Draw a picture, cut it into pieces and write a letter of the alphabet on each piece. The baby will get used to the order of the letters and will easily remember it, putting together a puzzle with a specific image that he understands.
  • "Letter Soup" Write the letter on one side of the card and the word containing it on the other. Put all the cards in a bowl, the child takes out one - this is his dinner. Children perceive such learning very joyfully, especially when they come across frogs or bears.
  • "Mysterious Guest" Hide the card with the letter under the book and gradually pull it out - the baby must guess what the letter is before it appears.


Choose energetic and fun songs

There are two types of songs for learning the English alphabet:

  • with a certain melody (such songs require periodic listening to remember the motive);
  • with an improvised melody (such songs can be sung to any suitable motive).

Here are some texts of the second type:

Come and sing along with me

Tell me what you want to be

Now I know my ABCs

This song can be shortened (this option, by the way, is also available with a melody):


Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me.

For those kids who are familiar with numbers, there is a more complex option:

It's as easy as 1 2 3.

Some of the letters rhyme,

We're almost done now

Now I've gone through our ABC's,

Maybe next time you'll say them with me.

As for songs with a certain melody, it is best to use karaoke versions:

How to consolidate the studied material?

If you expect results from your studies, then you need to study regularly

Young children grasp new information very quickly, but just as quickly, without systematic repetition, they forget it. Therefore, it is important to correctly structure the work to consolidate the alphabet. To do this, also put it in the form of a game.

Use educational cartoons. It is better that they are authentic, but for this parents will have to refresh their own knowledge. Children really love animated series in which the characters solve some important issues, for example, learning the alphabet at a school for frogs.

English has become the most popular language all over the world and it is not surprising that many parents want to teach their child English from a very early age. If you decide start classes , then start by learning the alphabet. There are a variety of methods for mastering English letters. It is advisable that the child already knows his native alphabet quite fluently. Then it will be much easier for him to learn foreign letters. Use as educational materials during training. English alphabet for children with color images starting with one letter or another, and the letters themselves can have funny faces. Children's perception works much more effectively when learning occurs in a playful, entertaining form. The main thing is that the baby is interested and colorful, funny English alphabet for children will definitely attract his attention.

The alphabet is the basis of any language and it must be learned by heart so that the learned English letters literally “fly off the teeth.” Now let's talk about how to teach the alphabet to a small child. Of course, first you need to ensure that the baby knows every letter in sight. But it will not be easy for a child to remember the name of each letter individually. It will be easier for him to master the letters in the “legalized” sequence. So that the alphabet literally flows like a children's song. English letters must be connected and inseparable, as in words. Correct pronunciation of English letters is the key to success in learning English . Remember the legendary group ZZ top? Knowing how to pronounce the letter Z in English, you can easily pronounce the name of the group. Considering English alphabet for children with pictures accompanying each letter, try to clearly pronounce the name of the image, focusing the child’s attention on the pronunciation of the first letter (which is located next to the picture).

The English alphabet is derived from the Latin alphabet and the first manuscripts in English are found in the Anglo-Saxon runes dating from the fifth century AD. The English alphabet contains 26 letters, of which 21 are consonants and only five are vowels. It is advisable that in the English alphabet for children, according to which you teach your child, contained a transcription next to each letter. Transcription of English letters helps you learn the correct pronunciation of each letter from the very beginning, especially if you don’t know English very well yourself. If a child remembers the incorrect pronunciation of English letters, it will be difficult for him to relearn them later. For example, a very common mistake is the incorrect pronunciation of the letter G (transcription) - instead of this letter they pronounce J (transcription). Or, instead of the English letter E (transcription), they pronounce I (transcription).

When teaching a small child the alphabet and English, it is advisable to use game techniques and exercises. The most common and effective exercise is to pronounce English words that begin with the letter being studied. This technique allows you to learn not only English letters and new words, but also learn how to pronounce them in various situations.

Studying English alphabet for children The child learns most letters and their pronunciation in a matter of weeks. But do not forget to accompany the study of the alphabet with a demonstration of the applied use of the English language. Video and audio materials for children in English, which can easily be found on the Internet, will help you with this. We have prepared some videos for your child to help them learn the English alphabet:

For memorizing English letters, such game techniques as connecting pictures are very useful. In these tasks for little children you need to connect the dots arranged in accordance with the order of the English alphabet. If the child completes the task correctly, the result will be a drawing that the child can color.

The first thing a child needs to know when learning a foreign language is the English alphabet. alphabet quickly and for a long time?

Why does the child have difficulties?

Children often have problems and misunderstandings when learning the English alphabet. The first mistake is cramming. You need to remember: if you want your child to learn all the letters of the language for the rest of his life the first time, then cramming should be excluded from the rule. The most important thing is to make sure that the child enjoys learning the English alphabet. If a child perceives this as a game, then the opportunity to learn the English alphabet in 5 minutes can become a reality.

A child may encounter difficulties in learning the English alphabet also because he will not know why he needs to do it. If the child is very young, your assurances that he will need this in his future adult life may not be understood by him. It is clear to adults that knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens up great opportunities for a person. Your child most likely will not understand this. That's why it's better to turn learning the alphabet into a fun game.

English letters and pronunciation

How to quickly learn the English alphabet? The first thing you need to do to learn the English alphabet is to find the alphabet itself, where in addition to capital letters there will also be lowercase letters, the pronunciation of each letter in Russian, as well as several words in English that begin with a given letter. There are 26 letters in the English language.

AaHeyapple - appleant - antair - air
Bbbibee - beeboy - boyball - ball
Ccsicat - catcake - cake, piecamera - camera
Dddidog - dogdate - datedress - dress
EeAndegg - eggeye - eyeear - ear
Ffeffrog - frogface - facefarm - farm
Ggjigarden - gardengirl - girlgrass - grass
HhHHhat - hathistory - historyhour - hour
IIahice - iceidea - ideainsect - insect
JjJayjump - jumpjourney - journeyjudge - judge
Kkkaykiss - kisskangaroo - kangarooknife - knife
Llellove - loveland - earthletter - letter
mmEmmother - motherman - manmist - fog
Nnenname - namenight - nightnews - news
OoOUorange - orangeoil - oilowner - owner
Pppipaper - paperpig - pigprice - price
QqCuequestion - questionqueen - queen
Rrar(a)rabbit - hare, bunnyrain - rainriver - river
Ssessea ​​- seasoup - soupson - son
Ttyoutable - tabletalk - conversationtime - time
UuYuumbrella - umbrellauncle - uncleup - up
Vvin andvoice - voiceview - viewviolin - violin
Wwdoublewall - wallwindow - windowwatch - watch
Xxthe exxylophone - xylophone
Yywyyear - year
Zzzedzebra - zebra

Now that we have the English alphabet with and words, we can start studying.

Learning the English alphabet using copybooks

How can a child quickly learn the English alphabet? For everything to work out quickly, the child must have some associations with letters. First, you can draw analogies between the English alphabet and the Russian alphabet, and then show the words that are presented above. These very easy words that the child could have known before (some school programs begin with learning words) will help you learn the English alphabet. How to learn it using these words? You need to open the notebook, take a pen and start writing first a capital letter, then a lowercase letter, and then the words. It is important that the child writes only one letter on each line in the notebook and pronounces it. This method will take the child quite a lot of time (about an hour or two), but a parent will not be needed, writing skills in English will develop, and the alphabet will be remembered for a long time!

If you have copybooks for a foreign language at home, you can use them. Copybooks for young children always include exciting coloring pages, pictures and easy English words.

Learning a foreign alphabet and singing songs

If you notice that your child’s auditory rather than visual memory works better, you are very lucky! On the Internet you can find a lot of audio and video recordings of children singing the English alphabet. Such songs help you learn it very quickly, literally in 5 minutes.

Learn the English alphabet with bright cards

Bright cards with words help you quickly learn the English alphabet. How to learn it with flashcards? Such cards can be bought at any bookstore or children's store, or you can make them yourself with your child, which will take quite a long time, but is very effective. If you bought cards, then the instructions will definitely tell you what to do and how. Learning the English alphabet with a child is quite troublesome this way, but the words and letters will be remembered for a long time.

Typically, cards are divided into letters of the alphabet. On each card one word is written and a picture is drawn that is interconnected with this word. The child can learn these words that begin with the same letter either orally or in writing.

Various alphabet memorization games

In fact, the child must perceive everything as a game in order to remember the English alphabet. How to learn the letters of a foreign language if you constantly sit and cram? For a small child who still has to play and play, this will be quite difficult to do. How to quickly learn the English alphabet - we learned earlier, but how to consolidate the knowledge?

The first game. Write the English alphabet in large letters on paper and cut it into squares. Hand out the cards randomly. The child must assemble a complete alphabet from these cards.

Second game. This is a team game and requires at least two or three children. You pronounce the letter, and the children must form the corresponding letter. This game is very fun and exciting.

Third game. Take two sheets of paper, place one sheet on top of the other in the middle. Write the letter so that its top is written on one sheet of paper and its bottom on the other. Remove the second sheet, only the top part of the letter remains. Ask your child to fill in the missing part.

How to learn the English alphabet with your child? You just need to show a little imagination!

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