How to lose weight using visualization. Creative Visualization as a Tool for Weight Loss

Visualization is a visual representation of something. Visualization of desires is a mental representation of what is desired. Today I want to bring to your attention very interesting material about Losing weight through creative visualization. The article was taken from the website New Tomorrow. In fact, the methodology outlined in the article very effective, if used in conjunction with all components of weight loss, it means proper nutrition and physical activity.

Presenting the end goal contributes to its achievement

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Losing weight through creative visualization.

» Creative visualization is a very good tool for weight loss. Visualizing your body the way you want it to be forces your subconscious mind to match your body to the mental image you created as much as possible. This does not mean that creative visualization completely changes the shape of your body. This means that if you visualize, following the laws of visualization, you will help reduce your body weight. It is a known fact that thoughts and emotions affect the body better or worse, depending on which thoughts and emotions are predominant. Negative thinking, stress, fear, agitation, worry and anger destroy the body. Under these conditions, the human body releases toxins into the blood, which have a negative effect on it.

Positive thinking, happiness, love and trust heal, strengthen and energize the human body.

You can use your mind-body connection to your advantage. The subconscious mind accepts and views the created mental images as real. If you imagine your body the way you want it to be, the subconscious mind accepts the mental image as real and begins working to make your body match that image. Losing weight through creative visualization can be defined as a “mental diet.” Of course, the chances of success will be greater if, in addition to visualization, you reduce the amount of food you eat, follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle.

Tips for losing weight using visualization:

  • Two or three times a day, sit in a quiet place for a few minutes and visualize your body the way you want it to be. Leave your fears, doubts and other negative thoughts behind and focus on what you are doing.
  • See yourself as a beautiful person with an ideal weight. Forget about what you look like now. You are creating a new reality. See yourself on the beach or in the pool in a swimsuit. See how beautiful you are. Imagine getting dressed in the clothes you've always wanted to wear.
  • Visualize your family and friends complimenting you on how great your body looks. See everything as if it is happening now, and not in the future.

Sometimes it’s good to be alone and relax and think about something pleasant

  • You yourself can create any scene you want in your mind. You can imagine yourself dancing with friends, with your husband or wife, at work, etc. Create the actions of this scene yourself. Hear people compliment you on your slim body, see their admiring glances. In short, you create a mental image as real and possible.
  • Create images in your mind that stir up your emotions. Make them lively and colorful. Create interesting and real scenes in your mind, see yourself in each scene as if you have already lost weight.
  • Never imagine food aversion. Visualize your body the way you want it to be, and your subconscious mind will help you adhere to appropriate nutritional standards.

When you finish your visualization session, don't say to yourself, “Well, this is all nonsense, I can't lose weight.” If you say these words, they will undo everything you have done. If doubts begin to come to you, do not listen to them. Allow only thoughts of the ideal shape of your body to pass through your mind.

As with anything, you need persistence.

Creative visualization can help you lose weight in the most natural way:

  • It can make you want to reduce the amount of foods you eat.
  • Your body may learn to make do with less food.
  • Creative visualization can attract the right diet to you.
  • It may make you want to do some exercise that will help you reduce weight.

Your thoughts affect your body. Think about what you want to achieve, not what you want to avoid. Think about how you want to look, not about being overweight. See your body the way you want to see it, not the way it looks now. Stop worrying about being who you are now, but think about how you want to see yourself. Combine visualization with effort and you will begin to see results. It is extremely important to believe in what you visualize. Forget about past unsuccessful attempts to lose weight, reject disbelief, doubts and negative thoughts. Project an image of the ideal figure of your body onto the screen of your mind, and the internal resistance will begin to fade. "

Every person has an incredible power hidden within them, which, with the right approach, can make desires come true. Our subconscious is an excellent assistant in achieving goals and overcoming problems, including in the fight against excess weight.

The main tool of the hidden capabilities of the subconscious is visualization, that is, the process of mentally imagining what is desired. Spurred on by regular visualization, the subconscious will do everything to bring you closer to the desired weight loss.

How to visualize correctly?

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Before you start visualization, you need to create a comfortable psycho-emotional background. This will help enhance its effectiveness. Turn on pleasant music, surround yourself with incense and take a comfortable body position. Take a few minutes to imagine the new you. Think through everything down to the smallest detail: what your hips, buttocks, legs, stomach, arms and shoulders should look like. Focus not only on contemplating beauty, but also on how you feel when you are thin. Think as if you are already thin.

Visualization will not take much time. The main thing is to practice for a few minutes every day. Make sure that no one distracts you during visualization (turn off your phone, warn your family). A pleasant bonus of visualization is a wonderful mood after it.

It is important to listen to your intuition and unexpected desires. Under the influence of the subconscious, your eating habits may change and instead of a cake you will want to nibble on carrots. You may also feel the urge to go to the gym.



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In addition to classical visualization, you can use visualization-meditation. To do this, you will need your own photo where you are in good shape, or an image of a girl with a beautiful figure. Look carefully at the photo, take a comfortable position and close your eyes. Try to relax as much as possible. Then imagine the excess weight under which your dream figure is “buried.” The main task is to imagine in paint how all the imperfections gradually disappear and dissolve, and your body takes on ideal shapes.

Advice! Hang on the wall or place on the table a picture of your dream figure so that the desired image is always before your eyes.


Photo source:

Affirmations (positive statements) aimed at losing weight will help complement and strengthen the result of visualization. Choose the ones you like best and repeat them daily.

Note! You can come up with positive affirmations for yourself, but it is important that they be in the present tense. Also, the “not” particle should be absent in affirmations.

List of sample affirmations for weight loss:

– Weight loss is natural and easy for me;
– I am losing weight every day;
– I love the taste of healthy food;
– I’m happy with a weight of 45 (?) kilograms;
– I have a flat stomach.

It has long been proven that thoughts have a huge impact on the body and life in general. So focus on what you want rather than focusing on problems. Lose weight easily and with pleasure!

Many bodybuilding stars, cinema and sports use visualization methods in order to facilitate the achievement of a cherished goal. Today we will tell you about the method of programming the subconscious through visual images (from lat. visualis, "visual").

The method really works and helps to fine-tune your psycho-emotional sphere in such a way that thinking processes, bodily reactions and outbursts of emotions begin to work for you and become your allies, not enemies. Visualization can and should be used not only when creating a “dream body,” but also in all other aspects of life.

Step 1: Role Model as a Success Script

It is important that you have a clear, vivid and as specific as possible idea in your head of how you want to look. A good helper in this matter will be the image of a famous person whose body you would like to “try on.” For guys it might be Ronnie Coleman or Alexey Lesukov, for girls - Ekaterina Usmanova or Oksana Grishina. Look at the photo of your “hero” more often, analyze his merits, keep in mind what you like.

In his book "Education of a Bodybuilder", great Schwartz writes about the first time he saw his idol Reg Park and comparisons with a magnificent wild animal came to his mind. Of course, being an Austrian boy, Arnie could only see Park in photographs, but it was this image that inspired him for further victories.

Step 2: Focus on the image

Any mental practice requires concentration. Focus is defined as “focusing one's attention in a particular way: on a goal, present moment-oriented, and non-judgmental” (Medical Professor Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, creator of The Stress Reduction Clinic). Slowly dive into yourself, assess your general condition, become aware of your emotions and bodily sensations. Mentally concentrate on the image of yourself that you want to achieve and concentration will help you establish contact with your body and “program” your muscles for a certain scenario.

Frank Zane, a renowned bodybuilder and visualization practitioner, had this to say about the process:

“The technique I use is simple: sit in a quiet, dark place, close your eyes and focus your attention extremely on the forehead. I imagine a big screen and then I see an image of what I look like. And I am gradually becoming what I saw.”

In sports psychology, concentration is used to enter the so-called “state of flow” - a feeling of complete immersion in any activity.

Step 3: Five Types of Images

It is really possible to improve your athletic performance with the power of thought and this has been proven by many studies. For this kind of research, sports psychologists have developed a special questionnaire - “SIQ” (Sport Imagery Questionnaire), which identifies 5 types of images:
  • Cognitive special (images of a well-performed exercise);
  • Cognitive general (images associated with competitive strategies);
  • Motivational general-regulatory (images associated with concentration and the ability to solve problems);
  • Motivational general-activating (images associated with subjective feelings that may accompany actions);
  • Motivational special (images representing specific goals and results).
Use these five types of images to mentally “paint” as many vivid images as possible. It is especially recommended to do this immediately before training.

Step 4: Down with laziness!

Visualization- this is a skill that will also require some effort from you to learn; it needs to be developed and improved constantly. At first, practice no more than 2-3 minutes a day, then be sure to increase the time. By practicing visualization techniques every day, you will soon achieve greater control over your own mind. But when we say that the time for visualization should increase every day, we do not at all mean that you should sit like a motionless bag and do nothing else, just fantasize about your future successes.

Visualization is just another tool in your arsenal on the path to a sculpted body. And you still have to sweat in the gym. But the whole point is that with the help of visualization you will sweat while experiencing pleasure!

Try it, you will succeed. The main thing is not to give room for doubt. Creative visualization is a great tool for losing weight. By visualizing your body as you want it to be, you force your subconscious mind to change your body to look as close as possible to the mental image.

But don’t think that creative visualization can completely change the shape of your body. This means that you will improve the appearance and reduce its weight if you present it according to the suggested rendering rules.

It is an undeniable fact that the body is influenced by thoughts and emotions, for better or worse, depending on the positive or negative that predominates among them. Negative thinking, fear, stress, worry, agitation and anger harm the body. Under these conditions, the body produces toxins in the blood, which negatively affects body image.

Happiness, love, positive thinking and trust strengthen, heal and energize the body. You need to use the mind-body connection to your advantage. The subconscious mind accepts and considers both real conditions and mentally presented conditions, which are also real.

Therefore, if you imagine yourself as thin and slender, the subconscious mind will accept what you imagine as the truth and will act to make the body match your mental image. With the help of creative visualization, weight loss can be called a "psychological diet."

True, the chances of success will be greater if, in addition to visualization, you reduce the amount of food you eat and follow a diet.

Tips on how to lose weight using visualization:

# Up to three times a day, sit in a quiet place for a few minutes, imagine your body as you want it to be. Leave worries, doubts and other thoughts behind and focus on what you are doing now.

# Look at yourself, thin and beautiful, at your ideal desired weight. Don't think about how you look now. Create a new reality. Look at yourself, standing on the seashore, by the river or in the pool, at your swimsuit. Look how great you look. Picture yourself in the tight clothes you've always wanted to wear.

# Visualize compliments from your family and friends about how great your body looks and how small your waist is. Look at this whole scene as if it were real, that it is happening now, in the present moment, and not there, in the distant future.

# You can construct in your mind any other scene you wish to have. You can see yourself doing exercise, dancing, with friends, with your family, at work, and so on. See yourself in motion and in action. Listen to the compliments people say about your slim body and look at their admiring glances. Visualize the mental image as realistically as possible.

# Build images in your mind that ignite emotions. Make them lively and colorful. Make the scenes in your mind interesting and real, see yourself in every scene as thin and slender, the way you will be after you lose weight.

# Do not imagine that you have an aversion to food while eating, do not develop an aversion to any food. When you visualize your body, how you want to see it, your subconscious mind will tell you the appropriate foods in the right quantities that you need to eat.

# When visualizing, and after finishing a visualization session, do not allow yourself to say: “Well, this is all nonsense, I can’t lose weight.” If you say these words, you will destroy all the work you have done so far. When scanning, thoughts of distrust enter your head , everything positive is ignored.Only let thoughts of your ideal body shape enter and pass through your mind.

Creative visualization can help you lose weight in the most natural way.

# Creative visualization can reduce the amount of food you eat.

# Your body can be trained to be satisfied with less food.

# Creative visualization will attract the diet that suits you best.

# This may lead to the desire to take part in some physical exercises that will reduce weight.

Do you think this will affect your body shape? You need to think about what you want to achieve, not what you want to escape from. Think about how you want to look great, not about being overweight. Visualize your body as you want it to look, not what it looks like now. Don't worry too much about what to eat or not eat as you want to lose weight. Persevere with your efforts and you will begin to see results.

It is very important that you believe what and how you imagine. We must forget about past unsuccessful attempts to lose weight, give up disbelief, doubts and negative thoughts. Keep your idea of ​​an ideal figure on the screen of your mind, your disbelief and inner resistance will begin to disappear.

Motivation for losing weight is not just a picture of a super-slim model on the refrigerator. A good attitude towards losing weight is everyone’s business, and this is not an easy task. Books often offer something that is not very suitable for a particular person, which is why most of us cannot “stick to” a diet or accustom ourselves to constant physical activity. However, psychologists have long studied the general patterns of motivation, and today we will try to apply this knowledge to losing weight.

Motivation is emotional and stressful

This motivation is described in the works of Dr. Kovalkov and his supporters, who are the majority among Russian nutritionists. It is suitable for girls who are fixated on their appearance, fashion and everyone who has given up on themselves and lives.

According to her, you need to convince yourself to lose weight for your own health. This motivational technique is quite effective for losing weight. It helps to highlight the main thing why you are struggling with excess weight, and shift your attention from unhealthy ways of losing weight to normal ones, which are recommended by doctors. Step-by-step instructions for motivation:

  1. Get tested and ask your doctor to tell you in detail about the health risks that excess weight causes.
  2. Think about what you can and cannot do if your weight increases and your health deteriorates. Believe me: following short-term diets without switching to a healthy and balanced diet will guarantee weight gain.
  3. Understand: you need to lose weight for your health, to be active and strong for as long as possible.
  4. Choose one weight loss plan recommended by registered dietitians and follow it.
  5. Don't “flaunt” your first results. Monitor your improvement and continue to lose weight according to your own plan until the result is achieved.

Rational motivation for effective weight loss

This technique belongs to cognitive therapist D. Beck; it is suitable for those who like to control everything, plan, write lists, and set goals.

  1. Make a list of things you could do after you lose weight but can't do yet. Write anything here, both important things, for example, the birth of a child, and small whims, for example, buying a miniskirt with lace.
  2. Write down the most important points from this list on a card that you always carry with you and read from time to time.
  3. Before every meal, be sure to re-read your motivation card.
  4. Set a specific goal for yourself, but don’t link it to weight. For example, something like this: “I will stop adding sugar to drinks, eating cake for lunch, taking healthy snacks with me to the office, and I will do all this by the end of October.” The goal may also be to follow a diet.
  5. List individual activities for your goal to achieve it, these will be tasks. So, for example, if your goal is to drink unsweetened coffee instead of sweet coffee, the task for Monday will be to put 1 spoon less, on Tuesday - by 2, on Wednesday - replace the rest of the sugar with stevia extract in tablets, and the like.
  6. Try not to overwork yourself and your body, do not set many goals at once. For weight loss, it is optimal to have 2 or 3 goals for 1 month, so you can return or acquire healthy habits.
  7. Write down goals, objectives, specific events in a special notebook. Divide the sheet in half, fill in the columns, calling them “plan” and “fact”.

Visualization is a visual representation of something. Visualization of desires is a mental representation of what is desired. Visualizing your body the way you want it to be forces your subconscious mind to match your body to the mental image you created as much as possible.

This technique is taken from the systems of positive psychology by A. Sviyash and L. Hay. Suitable for visual people, creative people who are able to be inspired by beauty rather than health.

How to lose weight with this motivation:

  1. Think in vivid detail about how happy and interesting you will live after losing weight.
  2. Sit down at the table and write a motivational story in the 1st person about what you will do after losing weight.
  3. You can make a whole collage of magazine photos, shoot a photo story about this future life of yours.
  4. Look in the mirror, convince yourself that you deserve a wonderful, vibrant life.
  5. Start doing everything as if you had already lost weight. If you dream of going on a trip, go on it right now; if you want to update your wardrobe, buy a couple of stylish things.
  6. Re-read your story about a healthy life morning and evening, supporting it with dreams.
  7. Visualize by imagining yourself thinner or using a collage of yourself thin for this purpose.
  8. “Scroll” the visualization as soon as you start to be lazy to do exercises in the morning or feel a craving for junk food.
  9. Choose the weight loss method that is most natural for you.

So we have looked at the most popular motivations for losing weight, these are:

  • emotional-stressful;
  • rational;
  • visualizing.

The choice, as always, is yours.

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