Instagram of Volochkova Anastasia. Tamara Vladimirovna always supported her daughter

The famous Russian ballerina firmly maintains her reputation as one of the most discussed celebrities on the Internet, and not only. The dancer herself periodically takes part in various talk shows, the topics of which are sometimes related to one or another scandal around her. But about the same thing happens online, as soon as she makes any publication on the microblog. And the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation updates Instagram with enviable frequency, putting on public display photographs taken in completely different places and under different circumstances.

However, one thing remains unchanged: Volochkova’s photographs and videos collect a huge number of comments from subscribers. However, they are traditionally divided into several groups. Some flood the celebrity’s account with angry responses, others come to the artist’s defense, and still others urge her not to pay attention to critics.

But Volochkova also does not remain in debt and periodically addresses Internet users from social network pages. And now she simply published a morning photo from bed and did not forget to mention all her spiteful critics.

“Waking up in London... Is it typical for you to wake up in love?.. When your loved one is sleeping next to you... Judging by the comments of disliked aunts, definitely not... My you are good. How I am simply in awe of you... A wonderful start to the day!”

Knowing the reaction of Internet users to her publications, Anastasia wisely limited the possibility of commenting under this photo and avoided reproaches and criticism addressed to her. By the way, this was not the first time she did this, warning in advance the flow of negativity in her direction on the vastness of the global web.

By the way, not so long ago

It seems that the name Nastya Volochkova has long become a household name. She goes through life as a real blonde - slightly naive, slightly confused and very, very ambitious. Nastya evokes mixed feelings among the public: some openly criticize her (for example Ksenia Sobchak her Instagram is also very interesting), someone admires her, but most often the ballerina is simply accepted for who she is.

By the way, frequent “flickering” on television screens has led to many forgetting Volochkova’s main profession. But she was considered a very promising ballerina! However, conflicts at the Bolshoi Theater had a negative impact on Anastasia’s career, and the girl began to tour the country with her solo show. Ultimately, Volochkova became a media personality and began to try herself as a presenter, socialite, model and even a singer. Moreover, she joined United Russia, which surprised her fellow deputies and Russian society as a whole. Despite her obvious busyness, Volochkova finds time to update Instagram, write on Twitter and provide material for the yellow press.

Volochkova’s Instagram – photo diary of a ballerina

This will probably seem surprising, but Nastya’s Instagram page is not incredibly popular. The number of subscribers is about 100 thousand. This indicator is very weak for a public person. Even Instagram Ani Lorak has more followers. Apparently, representatives of high art are not held in high esteem in our country...

Jokes aside, Anastasia Volochkova’s Instagram is her photo diary, which would be of interest, first of all, to her fans. Here you can see photographs taken during tours, social events, travel and just family evenings with my daughter. By the way, there is one interesting characteristic feature of Nastya’s page – the absence of selfies. Only photographic portraits taken by a third party appear on Volochkova’s Instagram. No classic duckface or lift bows. Nastya still knows how to surprise!

In general, Nastya’s gallery turned out to be quite versatile. Unlike many celebrities, she does not post exclusively her photographs, but shares her impressions of what she saw and experienced. Anastasia Volochkova uses Instagram like most users. I saw a cute fluffy creature and published a photo. I received a nice gift - I shared the event with my followers. I attended my daughter’s school concert and told my subscribers about my pride. So Nastya’s Instagram turned out to be, surprisingly, hospitable and cozy.

On this occasion, a new photo appeared on the Instagram of the birthday girl, who mainly publishes only beautiful architectural objects and pictures of her granddaughter. .

Tamara Volochkova celebrates her birthday

Thanks to social networks, nowadays fans of famous artists have the opportunity to be the first to know about all the events that happen in the lives of their idols. So, Tamara Vladimirovna Volochkova herself personally announced that today, December 2, she is celebrating an important day.

“The best, of course, is yet to come...” #happybirthday” (The author’s spelling and paragraphs are preserved, editor’s note) - Anastasia Volochkova’s mother signed her new photo.

Subscribers to Tamara Vladimirovna’s microblog began to congratulate her in the comments, as well as admire her beauty and similarity to her famous daughter.

Tamara Vladimirovna always supported her daughter

Anastasia is Tamara’s only daughter, and, as the ballerina admits, it was her mother who played a decisive role in her fate. At the age of five, Tamara Vladimirovna took Nastya to ballet at the Mariinsky Theater, and since then the girl never stopped dreaming that someday she would appear on stage in a ballet tutu.

And so it happened. Thanks to her patience and hard work, Anastasia Volochkova was able to achieve unprecedented success in the big ballet. Mom was always there, supported and believed in her child. This is what became the incentive for the ballerina. In her posts, Nastya never tires of thanking her beloved mother for everything she has done for her.

And, despite the fact that recently Anastasia Volochkova has turned from a ballet queen into a shocking queen, Tamara Vladimirovna still supports her daughter in everything and helps her in raising her only granddaughter.

Photo: Instagram @avteatr, @volochkova_art

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