I'm coming at you. Lev Sharansky

Lev Sharansky

Birth name: Lev Natanovich Sharansky Occupation: human rights activist, blogger Date of birth: April 22, 1953 Blog: lev_sharansky2

Lev Natanovich Sharansky(April 22, 1953) - author of a blog on LiveJournal lev_sharansky2, microblog on Twitter and pages levsharansky on Facebook. In his posts, he presents a collective image of a Soviet intellectual and human rights activist, parodying modern “liberals”, using all known liberal clichés. In his notes we see a conscientious and handshake human rights activist, dissident, giant of thought, father of Russian democracy, a tireless fighter against the bloody regime for freedom and grants.

  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Origin
    • 1.2 Life in the USSR
      • 1.2.1 Early years
      • 1.2.2 1975—1985
      • 1.2.3 1985—1991
    • 1.3 Emigration to the USA
  • 2 Education
  • 3 Hobbies
  • 4 Blogger
  • 5 Creativity of Sharansky
    • 5.1 Slogans and catchphrases
    • 5.2 Sovietisms
    • 5.3 Couplets and proverbs
    • 5.4 Expressions by oppositionists
    • 5.5
    • 5.6 Le livre rouge
  • 6
    • 6.1 Brighton intelligentsia
  • 7 Interesting Facts
  • 8 Lev Sharansky on Wikiprojects
  • 9 Real blog author
  • 10 Notes
  • 11 Lev Sharansky on social networks
  • 12 Links


Part of Sharansky's image is the autobiography he wrote. It is presented below:


Comes from an ancient and noble family of Moscow intellectuals. His ancestors, the princes of Sharan, owned vast estates and tens of thousands of souls, to whom, however, they brought light and enlightenment. Often it was necessary to flog slaves with rods, but solely for their own good.

Grandfather, Lieutenant General of the Infantry, His Excellency His Serene Highness Prince Solomon Moiseevich Sharansky was specially close to the emperor. Personal sergeant major of His Majesty, commanded the Preobrazhensky Regiment of the Life Guards, was considered the father of Russian democracy. During the Civil War, he actively fought against the Bolshevik regime, helped form Petliura’s combat regiments, and fought shoulder to shoulder with Admiral Kolchak. However, due to insurmountable circumstances, he was forced to go over to the side of the Reds and joined the Communist Party. Despite this, he was always a secret enemy of Bolshevism, actively criticized Stalin and joined the conspiracy of Marshal Tukhachevsky to overthrow the dictator. But he was exposed by the security officers and shot in 1937.

His father, Nathan Solomonovich, followed in his father’s footsteps and made a successful career as a food warehouse manager. He always actively criticized the Soviet regime and the Bolsheviks. Despite his luxurious Moscow apartment and registration, Nathan Solomonovich decided to repeat the feat of the Narodnaya Volya members of the 19th century, who moved en masse to poor villages, bringing the light of knowledge and the truth about tsarism. That is why Nathan Solomonovich moved for several years to distant and hungry Tashkent in 1941. Where he actively promoted the values ​​and ideals of freedom and democracy, successfully managed a wine and vodka warehouse and received the medal “For the Defense of Tashkent.”

Life in the USSR

early years

From childhood, Lev Sharansky grew up as an intellectual and educated person. My favorite place was always the kitchen, where my father’s friends constantly gathered, actively criticized the Bolsheviks, sang forbidden songs with a guitar, read poems by Joseph Brodsky, and secretly from the KGB listened to forbidden Western punk-rock music. Under his pillow he always had a volume of Osip Mandelstam and a VIA Underoath record.


After graduating from Moscow State University in 1975, he became actively involved in opposition activities. As a result, the KGB repeatedly imprisoned Sharansky in psychiatric clinics and concentration camps. So that Sharansky would not be considered a dissident and a prisoner of conscience, he was tried under the articles “Parasitism” and “Sodomy”, which were absurd and wild for any civilized country.

February 1978 - March 1980 - was in prison in the Magadan region. In a cell in one of the Kolyma camps, I met Andrei Sakharov, who handed over the “babe” to Sharansky to release for Elena Bonner. In 1979, he propagated KGB Colonel Ivan Volkov, who became an active participant in the human rights movement under the names Wenceslav Kryzh, Evgeniy Reis, Mordychai Broer.


In the second half of the 1980s, things became easier for dissidents. In April 1985, Sharansky joined the Democratic Union of Valeria Novodvorskaya. He was engaged in human rights activities, distributing leaflets, organizing underground rallies, organizing creative evenings for the intelligentsia, creating anti-Soviet slogans and posters, and exposing Stalinism. It was thanks to the efforts of Sharansky’s human rights group that the opening of the McDonald’s restaurant in the USSR became possible. Which later became the place where the entire flower of the Moscow intelligentsia gathered.

In August 1991, Sharansky participated in the defense of the White House, for which he was awarded the Defender of Free Russia medal.

After the victory of the forces of democracy in the USSR, Sharansky decided to emigrate to the Stronghold of the Free World, to Brighton Beach.

Emigration to the USA

Photo of Lev Sharansky from his American passport

In December 1991 he emigrated to the USA. A culture shock for Sharansky upon his arrival in the United States was a store with 300 varieties of sausage, near which he stood rooted to the spot for six hours. At first (1992-1993) it was difficult and unusual for Sharansky, sometimes he had to eat in a garbage dump.

January 1992 - January 1993 - junior manager of a McDonalds restaurant. He was involved in preparing hamburgers, showing open cash registers to visitors, and washing floors. I left this job because of a false denunciation.

January 1993 - October 1993 - taxi driver at the New-York Gay-Taxi Company. He was engaged in transporting gays by taxi. I left this job due to the need for a salary increase.

October 1993 - January 1995 - director, salesman, courier, accountant, cleaner and security guard at the Mister Sharansky store. He sold second-hand goods there (in the 1990s, such shops were called “komki”). The store was closed due to unprofitability.

January 1995 - October 1997 - human rights activist of the 3rd rank in the Human Rights Watchers organization. He was involved in the protection of human rights, coordinating cooperation with freedom fighters of Ichkeria, introducing tolerance and political correctness into corporate structures. I left this job due to the need for a salary increase.

October 1997 - February 2000 - senior human rights activist at Amnesty International. He was involved in the struggle for the rights of prisoners of conscience, propaganda of the horrors of the bloody regime of Slobodan Milosevic, and the rescue of Albanian refugees. I left this job due to the closure of the project.

Since February 1999 - Rev. Senior Overseer of Jehovah's Witnesses. He is involved in monitoring the rank-and-file members of the organization, collecting donations, selling the Watchtower magazine, writing a column in the Watchtower magazine, and preaching the values ​​of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Since February 2000, he has been a leading expert on Eastern Europe for the Freedom House organization. Engaged in the protection of human rights, human rights activities, the fight against totalitarian regimes, propaganda of the values ​​and ideals of Freedom, charitable activities in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ichkeria, Georgia, Kosovo, maintaining an independent and objective blog, proofreading CNN, BBC, FoxNews news, supporting Russian dissidents and prisoners of conscience. During its work, Freedom House met many outstanding personalities. For example, he was personally introduced to Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna and the Heir to the Throne, Tsarevich Grand Duke Georgy Mukhosransky. They assured Sharansky that after coming to power in Russia, the Tula volost would be returned to him.

Sharansky's projects:

  • 2000 — “International terrorism - a threat to civilized humanity”
  • 2001 — “Patriotic Act”
  • 2002 - “Saddam Hussein - a threat to civilized humanity”
  • 2003 - “Shevardnadze - the bloody executioner of small and defenseless Georgia”
  • 2004 — “Strategy, support and information support of the Orange Maidan”
  • 2005 - “Anna Politkovskaya - a victim of KGB terror”
  • 2006 — “Let's save Afghan farmers from starvation”
  • 2007 — “Putin is a bloody executioner and dictator”
  • 2008 - “We will restore Georgia within the borders of 1990 before the start of the Olympics”
  • 2008-2009 - “Stop Russia”
  • 2010 - “Siberia - under the control of the world community”

Since July 2010 - Minister-Chairman of the Russian Government in exile. He is engaged in the development and implementation of liberal ideology, chairing meetings of the Russian government in exile, developing plans for the sale of Siberia to British Petroleum, developing projects for paying reparations to former occupied Soviet territories, developing the organization of concentration camps for security officers, and organizing lustration lists.

Founder Sharanism-Haykinism.

He is an Anglo-Saxon of Jewish descent and a native New Yorker. Currently lives in Brighton Beach and has American citizenship.


In 1970, he entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University, although access to education for Jews in the USSR was practically closed. In 1975 he graduated from the faculty with honors.

Advanced training courses:

  • 1992 - Advanced training courses for McDonalds workers, New York, certificate.
  • 1996 - Defense of human rights, Freedom House, certificate
  • 1997 - Political Correctness, Amnesty International, Washington, certificate
  • 1998 - Tolerance and multiculturalism, Carnegie Foundation, Chicago, certificate.
  • 1999 - Reverend, Jehovah's Witnesses Center, New York, diploma
  • 2000 — Business plan and basic accounting for a human rights grant, Human Rights Watchers, Los Angeles, certificate


  • 1995 - Human Rights Certified Entry Democracy Technician (HRCEDT), Human Rights Watchers, New York
  • 1996 - Human Rights Certified Democracy Associate (HRCDA), Human Rights Watchers, New York
  • 1996 - Human Rights Certified Freedom Associate (HRCFA), Human Rights Watchers, New York
  • 1996 — Implementing Human Rights Ideals Democracy Security (HRCDA Security), Human Rights Watchers, New York
  • 1996 — Implementing Human Rights Ideals Unified Communications (HRCDA Voice), Human Rights Watchers, New York
  • 1996 — Implementing Human Rights Unified Values ​​Democracy Essentials (HRCDA Values), Human Rights Watchers, New York
  • 1997 – Human Rights Certified Democracy Professional (HRCDP), Amnesty International, Washington
  • 1997 – Human Rights Certified Freedom Professional (HRCFP), Amnesty International, Washington
  • 1998 – Human Rights Certified Transnational Professional (HRCTP), Freedom House, New York
  • 1999 – Human Rights Certified Security Professional (HRCSP), Freedom House, New York
  • 2000 – Human Rights Certified Transnational Expert, Central Intelligence Agency, Langley

Has an academic degree "Pro" ff Esor Law" at the University of Colorado and a diploma in ff course in psychoanalysis at the University of Texas. He is also a professor of history at Yale University.

Speaks languages: Russian, English (with a dictionary), Ukrainian (reading professional literature).

Proficient with a computer at the user level.


Listens to chanson, punk rock, bards, emocore. He sings with a guitar, participates in creative evenings of the intelligentsia, masquerade balls and gay pride parades.

He is interested in the works of Osip Mandelstam and Bulat Okudzhava.

Football fan, favorite football club - Spartak Moscow.


Order of VShchR

The first appearance of Lev Natanovich Sharansky in the blogosphere was noted on November 25, 2009 in the form of an anonymous comment on a blog Vladimir Varfolomeev. In November 2009 - February 2010, he left several anonymous comments on liberal blogs, signing himself as “Lev Sharansky”.

Registered in LiveJournal on March 1, 2010 During the time of blogging, I wrote more than 200 entries in it. .

At first, the banter was quite subtle and some LiveJournal liberals fell for it, for example, ment52, although even then many guessed that Sharansky was a troll. Then the humor became completely undisguised.

May 13, 2010 access to Sharansky’s blog lev-sharansky was suspended. Some bloggers began to get angry. On May 18, Sharansky reappeared on LiveJournal under the nickname lev-sharansky2.

On September 6, Lev Sharansky went on a two-week vacation to Georgia, where meetings with M. Gorbachev and M. Saakashvili are planned.

In September 2010, he returned to the political arena of Russia, nominating himself as a single candidate from the opposition for the post of President of the Russian Federation in 2012.

Following Lev Sharansky, other bloggers working in a similar style appeared, for example Vladimir Gologordovsky.

In December 2010, he agreed to take up the post of Secretary General Conservative Party of Freedom of Conscience(CPSU). Solomon Khaikin was elected first secretary of the Moscow city party committee and member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee.

In January 2011, at the head of a duty group of human rights activists, he went to Tunisia and Egypt to overthrow dictatorial regimes. Lev Natanovich tried to organize a revolution in Russia similar to those that took place in Arab countries at the beginning of 2011. The revolution was scheduled - traditionally on the 31st, in February. But for some reason it failed.

In February-April 2011, Lev Sharansky personally took part in battles on the side of the Libyan rebels against dictator M. Gaddafi.

On April 4, 2011, Lev Sharansky flew to Cote Divoire on reconnaissance to see with his own eyes the need to introduce universal human values.

After the start of DDoS attacks on LiveJournal in March 2011, Lev Natanovich reported that stopping the functioning of his handshake blog was the real purpose of the attack.

On May 28, 2011, Lev Sharansky flew to Moscow to participate in the gay pride parade. But for some reason, during the beating of gays, Lev Natanovich and Solomon Khaikin were in the Blue Oyster gay club.

Achievements of Lev Natanovich as a blogger:

As of April 12, 2011, he was on the friend list of more than 1.4 thousand LiveJournal users. As of February 27, 2012, he is on the list of more than 2.7 thousand LJists.

In January 2012, he was elected blogger of the year according to afisha_lj .

In the LJ community “Rynda of the Year,” created on May 17, 2012, on behalf of the “LJ team,” it was announced that the results of the “Afisha” competition were canceled and the launch of a new blogger of the year competition, in which votes would be counted taking into account social capital. Whether LiveJournal had the right to cancel the results of a competition held by completely different people (“Afisha”) is unclear. However, the information about the cancellation of the competition results was republished by Lenta.Ru, Sharansky himself responded to the news with indignation.

Creativity of Sharansky

On Twitter, Sharansky writes winged couplets and reinterprets well-known proverbs in a new way.

Slogans and catchphrases

In the works of Lev Natanovich one constantly encounters his signature expressions:

  • “Totalitarian regimes oppress free people”
  • “Freedom is better than unfreedom by having freedom”
  • “We must not live by lies”
  • "The fall of the regime is inevitable"
  • “So we will win!”
  • "People, gays and democratic journalists"
  • « Quiet, shy intellectual»
  • « Conscientious and handshake»
  • “I felt conscientious and disgusted at heart. It was like the shower was pouring out.”
  • « Oleg Panfilov (he's funny)».
  • « There have never been slaves in America. But there has always been freedom, democracy and human rights».
  • “In the sky is Bonner, on the land of Haikin, in the water is the Sixth Fleet.”
  • « I love khachapuri».
  • “Why is Lyudmila Alekseeva silent?”
  • « There is no limit to human abomination».
  • « Dissidents of all countries, shake hands».
  • « Rob, drink, relax!»

Lev Natanovich actively uses tracing papers from Sovietisms:

  • CPSU - Conservative Freedom of Conscience Party.
  • KGB - Gay Safety Committee.
  • Commissioner for Human Rights.
  • Today, June 14th at 16.00 Moscow time, without declaring war, I declare war.
  • A friendly family of European peoples.
  • Komsomol (Consomol) - All-Russian Liberal Conservative Conscientious Youth.
  • N.A.Sh.I. - New Antitotalitarian Helmet Mazel Edition. For now it's a project. A pilot issue is being prepared (information as of January 20, 2012). The implementation so far does not look realistic enough due to the lack of specialists - journalists. Lev Natanovich needs personnel! (For now there is only one person in the editorial office, freelance correspondent Joseph Lavrentievich Berinson (), that is, me, your servant). Go for it!

Couplets and proverbs

Examples of couplets on Sharasky’s Twitter:

  • Just as he stomped his feet on Bolotnaya, so did the grantik then gobble it up.
  • Obama has the Oval office, Putyara has the grant-eater Navalny.
  • Keep your grants in a savings bank, not in Shenderovich's mattress.
  • No matter how I fought with the Japanese and the Swede, I did not get grants.

Examples of proverbs:

  • Navalny without Twitter is like Chirikova without the Khimki forest.
  • What is on Khaikin’s mind is on Shekhtman’s tongue.

Expressions by oppositionists

  • Lustration and self-lustration.

Jewish names of oppositionists

Lev Natanovich often calls Russian oppositionists and opponents of the regime by Jewish names: Borukh Nemtsov, Lechaim Navalny, Moses Borukhovich Khodorkovsky. These nicknames have become widespread in the blogosphere.

Le livre rouge

Quotation from the Great Helmsman of Freedom:

  • People are tired of the resuscitation of the USSR and an increasing number of people want a return to the bright 90s, the golden time of democracy, the primacy of human rights and freedom of speech.
  • "Imedi". Debriefing. In any case, the main blame should fall on Russia, because all this panic and accidents would not have happened if this Mordor, with its tank and air armies, had not stood at the borders of Georgia, threatening the peace and quiet of a democratic country. I think the victims have every reason to demand compensation in Strasbourg from Russia.
  • A person for whom gay rights are not a priority cannot consider himself a democrat.
  • A child's tear is worth more than all wars.
  • It is no secret that the Anglo-Saxon model of a democratic state is not entirely suitable for Russia, because the people are stupid and ignorant and are not ready for radical changes that will improve their standard of living and civil liberties. This was precisely the main reason for the collapse of the liberal reforms of the administration of St. Boris Nikolaevich and the sharp misunderstanding of them by the local population.
  • In good families, children no longer dream of becoming astronauts or soldiers, but fighters for freedom and human and gay rights.
  • To fight the counter-revolution, free Russia needed its own armed forces of a new type. They were based on the Legion for the Promotion of Freedom and the Legion for the Promotion of Democracy, armed with equipment and weapons of NATO allies. At first, the level of loyalty of the commanders of the SS and SD Legions was unclear, so the institution of human rights commissars was introduced from the most ardent freedom fighters..
  • After all, sometimes the situation can change 180 degrees and yesterday’s enemies can turn into allies. Or vice versa. As, for example, during the time of Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, the mujahideen, quiet and shy rebels, became widely famous for their nobility and valor in the fight against the Russian fascist occupiers. During the peacekeeping operation of international forces, when the course was set to build a democratic state in this country, these same people suddenly became vile and disgusting terrorists. And the priority task of a human rights activist is to understand the situation, compare his vision of the situation with the current course of the State Department and set the right priorities.
  • Many people ask me why I make a distinction between gay and democratic journalists. Interesting question. After all, not every gay is a democratic journalist, but almost every democratic journalist is gay, at least morally.
  • It was not Yuri Gagarin and German Titov who turned the world upside down. The world was turned upside down by Andrei Sakharov and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. So let's glorify the real heroes. And not the fruits of ORT propaganda.
  • Not far off is Al-Qaeda receiving the status of a human rights organization, which is being sought in Congress by your humble servant, Senator John McCain, the beautiful Sarah Palin and the owner of the Twin Towers, who suddenly insured them for a large amount a week before 9/11. But, you must admit, even for an honest and caring human rights activist or dissident, it is a little unkosher to have such an odious figure as Osama among the leaders of a human rights organization. Even in his heart he understood that al-Qaeda had taken the path of good in spite of Osama bin Laden. Therefore, to legitimize this handshake organization, active debindization was carried out.
  • The dirty newspaper Novaya Gazeta, which was once a stronghold of the liberal intelligentsia, continues its subversive activities.
  • After attending the Amsterdam Gay Pride Parade last year, Ilya became inspired by the idea of ​​protecting gay rights and began to actively advocate for the holding of numerous gay pride parades. Unfortunately, Varlamov did not behave this way everywhere. I was deeply upset when, during a trip to Afghanistan, Ilya never bothered to tell the local population about the benefits of gay pride parades. He then changed his principles about demanding permission to film everywhere. At the first request, putting the camera away in the bins of the backpack.
  • There is such a term - “positive discrimination”. This is when, when hiring, an employer prefers a vaginal gay African-American man instead of a straight white man. It’s time to introduce the term “positive genocide.” If we remember history, positive genocides are not that uncommon. This worked especially well for us, the white Anglo-Saxons. We liberated the lands of North America from savage and barbaric Indian tribes who did not want to hear anything about human rights and the Euro-Atlantic choice. The world became a little brighter and kinder after that. The positive genocide of the Aborigines of Australia and New Zealand made it possible to free rich territories from ineffective populations. In addition, territories were freed up for filming a movie about Mordor. Regular positive famines in India allowed us, the British peacekeepers, to keep the local population at an acceptable level, simplifying the task of the Khimki forest to produce oxygen. The positive famine in the bastion of freedom during the Great Depression made it possible to quietly and shyly lustrate about ten million scoundrels infected with the ideas of Bolshevism. The invisible hand of the market conscientiously did its job.
  • Today is Thursday, and according to tradition, the evening of the creative intelligentsia begins on my blog.

Places and people associated with Lev Sharansky

Solomon Khaikin, Commissioner for Rights and Freedoms and personal special representative of the Matryoshka tavern in Russia

  • "Matryoshka" - a tavern in Brighton, the center of Brooklyn liberal thought
  • "Poruchik Katsman" - restaurant in Brighton
  • Solomon - bartender at Matryoshka
  • Izya - garson in "Matryoshka"
  • Solomon Khaikin - dissident, ombudsman for rights and freedoms and personal special representative of the Matryoshka tavern in Russia, participant in the 31st protests
  • Moisey Zhidoplyasov - Ukrainian nationalist, Brighton Cossack, staff captain, grandmaster of international class combat hopak
  • Alexander Petrov is the first secretary of the Kamchatka Regional Committee of the CPSU, a member of the Poliburo of the CPSU Central Committee, a tireless and fierce promoter of the ideas of Sharanism-Khaikinism in the Far East, the Governor-General of the Far Eastern Republic with headquarters in Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatsky. Blog of Alexander Petrov

Brighton intelligentsia

  • Moisey Lvovich Pullman - dissident
  • Yakov Shchelbansky-Myshkin - prince, leader of the Parisian nobility
  • Yitzhak Rabin - human rights expert on the Middle East
  • Abraham Izengolts - human rights activist
  • Semyon Yakovlevich Vernier caliper - Soviet dissident
  • Arkasha Gobman - gay intellectual
  • Abram Zhidovskikh - dissident human rights activist
  • Moses Adolfovich Goebbelson - head of the propaganda department of the Matryoshka tavern and member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee
  • Samuel Katz - Chairman of the Gay Safety Committee
  • Abram Moiseevich Chingachkuk - ambassador of the Matryoshka tavern in Libya
  • Nathan Dmitrovich Mikhailovsky, Chairman of the Creative Council of the Opposition, Russian Danish Brighton provincial human rights activist.

Moscow subway named after L. N. Sharansky

  • Politically, he is a Republican. Supports gay rights.
  • He drives a Daewoo Nexia.
  • I personally shook hands with Vladimir Bukovsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Garry Kasparov, Valeria Novodvorskaya, Anatoly Sobchak.
  • Many people mistake Lev Sharansky for a relative of the Israeli politician Natan Sharansky. In fact, they are not relatives, but namesakes.
  • One of Lev Sharansky’s posts was published in the newspaper “Zavtra” in 2011.
  • In the freedom fighter deck compiled by Sharansky himself, Lev Sharansky is the ace of spades and is described as a “dissident human rights activist.”
  • Lev Sharansky, among other names that he proposed giving to newborns to increase the level of handshake, mentioned the following names in honor of Sharansky:

Shatvit - Sharansky tweet

  • Natan Sharansky is a Soviet dissident, after emigrating from the USSR to Israel, he is an Israeli politician, and since 2009, the chairman of the Jewish Agency Sokhnut, which deals with issues of repatriation to Israel. Most likely, it was he who gave the surname and patronymic to Lev Sharansky.
  • As the late Emperor of Russia, which we lost, said: “Russia has only two allies: Sharansky and Khaikin.”

Lev Sharansky on Wikiprojects

On December 21, 2009, in the Russian Wikipedia Torin quickly deleted the article “Lev Sharansky” with the wording “an article without evidence of encyclopedic significance.” On March 7, 2011, gunter_spb tried to re-create an article about Lev Natanovich, but it was quickly deleted by Pessimist2006 as a repost. At the same time, now the paragraph about LNSCH is in the article about one of its prototypes (Natan Sharansky) in the “Cultural influence” section.

At Lurkomorye, administrators diligently kill an article about Lev Natanovich, as soon as the participants create it.

In Tradition, the article about Sharansky was deleted, but restored.

There was an attempt to write an article about Lev Sharansky in Absurdopedia, but it was deleted there with the comment: “ Well, I also wrote an article about the dull and insignificant Zaputin blogger. Well done».

The most complete description of Sharansky and his activities occurs on Wikireality. An article about him is among the ten most visited in VR. The discipline for the study of Sharansky, Sharan Studies, is also founded here.

Real blog author

The real person who blogs on behalf of Sharansky is not reliably known. Observers named several names of alleged authors, but they all denied any involvement in the creation of Sharansky.

The most common version is that Sharansky is a virtual version of the famous science fiction writer and blogger Andrey Martyanov ( gunter_spb). The latter usually denies this, although he once stated “Lev Sharansky is me.”

Indirect confirmation of the “St. Petersburg version”: the “gay club Blue Oyster” (which Sharansky attends instead of the Moscow gay pride parade) is actually absent in Moscow, and is predictably a gay club in the center of St. Petersburg.

According to the blogger a_povarov, Sharansky is a virtual blogger ss_18_satan. Blogger olegpanfilov2 believes that Sharansky is a virtual blogger putnik1 .

According to Navalny, in 2011 he met Sharansky at Antiseliger:

Update: Yes, and I finally became virtualized and met the famous Lev Sharansky. Leo is a great guy. He treated everyone to real Scottish whiskey (secretly, of course - in Antiseliger there was “prohibition”). It seems that he will perform today immediately after Parfyonov.

“Interlocutor” also wrote that Sharansky treated him to whiskey at Antiseliger 2011.

At the end of 2012, gunter_spb commented on rumors about his connections with Sharansky:

Sharansky? I do not know anything. Lev Natanovich has long been a public property, I have nothing to do with it. This is not me, and do not attribute other people's merits to me. Although I am also a little Sharansky, like all of us. So let's win! In the sky is Bonner, on the land of Haikin, in the water is the Sixth Fleet. In the State Department, Jim Carrey, and in Arizona, Senator John McCain.... On Barrikadnaya Shekhtman, in Chirikov's paddy wagon. So let's win!

The “Review on public VKontakte” section, which has already become traditional for our publication, once again takes us back to our roots - to a new review of the notorious VKontakte group “Lev Natanovich Sharansky”.

This review was called “Scharakhnem” at number 3, which indicates the third analysis of the liberal creativity of the club of Solzhenitsyn lovers.

Today’s review is dedicated to the individuals and movements supported by Sharansky’s administrators. These are, for example, lovers of the “sausage” Essence of Time, Sergei Kurginyan, whose work is subject to incredible PR from the public. We have already reported on what kind of sausage Kurginyan prefers in a special article, but for now it is worth mentioning another political sect called “NOD” (National Liberation Movement), whose leader Evgeny Fedorov, who is a part-time deputy of the State Duma, recently demonstrated a case of active political schizophrenia.

We are talking about Fedorov’s meeting with Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Potapenko on the Den TV channel. During this meeting, Deputy Fedorov was put in an interesting position, undressed and publicly flogged, and his interlocutor did not have to do practically anything. Evgeniy Alekseevich did everything himself, commenting on what was happening live.

Another favorite of the public is one of the brightest and famous figures of the Russian liberal intelligentsia - Liya Akhedzhakova. The album with her various photographs receives great attention. There Akhedzhakova is dressed either in a tattered scarf or in an officer's suit. Liberal propaganda is evident here - through “memes,” public administrators Lev Sharansky instills a love for the political component of Akhedzhakova’s work, which is permeated with genuflection before the West. There is a clear contradiction - external ridicule is combined with a deep feeling of love and respect.

As our old analyst Bedros says: “In psychology there is a special term for those who manage to love and hate at the same time: ambivalent feelings. These are dual experiences in relation to someone, when fear and pity, love and the VKontakte group Lev Natanovich Sharansky continues active liberal propaganda on the social network; hatred, disgust and attraction are combined into one complex “cocktail of emotions”. Some people always have ambivalence of feelings. It can manifest itself not only in a mixture of love and hatred towards a significant other, parents or child. But also in relation to inanimate objects and situations. In this case, it makes sense to be checked for neurosis.”

Thank you, Bedros!

So we found out the diagnosis of the administrators of the famous VKontakte public page.

It is worth mentioning that there has been a rotation of leadership in the public. The deputy who calls himself Orthodox Milonov, about whom we reported last time, left untimely or went into the shadows. Two old entertainers are holding on, namely Maria Katasonova, assistant to the deposed deputy Fedorov, who deserves a deuce for the defeat of her owner by Dmitry Potapenko. Also in the saddle of Sharanism, the liberal Anton Korobkov-Zemlyansky remained.

Taken from here.
Lev Natanovich Sharansky(April 22, 1953) - a fictional character on whose behalf a blog is maintained on LiveJournal. A collective image of a Soviet intellectual and human rights activist, cheerfully ironizing modern “liberals” and nationalists, using all the well-known liberal clichés.

Comes from an ancient and noble family of Moscow intellectuals. His ancestors, the princes of Sharan, owned vast estates and tens of thousands of souls, to whom, however, they brought light and enlightenment. Often it was necessary to flog slaves with rods, but solely for their own good.

Grandfather, Lieutenant General of the Infantry, His Excellency His Serene Highness Prince Solomon Moiseevich Sharansky was specially close to the emperor. Personal sergeant major of His Majesty, commanded the Preobrazhensky Regiment of the Life Guards, was considered the father of Russian democracy. During the Civil War, he actively fought against the Bolshevik regime, helped form Petliura’s combat regiments, and fought shoulder to shoulder with Admiral Kolchak. However, due to insurmountable circumstances, he was forced to go over to the side of the Reds and joined the Communist Party. Despite this, he was always a secret enemy of Bolshevism, actively criticized Stalin and joined the conspiracy of Marshal Tukhachevsky to overthrow the dictator. But he was exposed by the security officers and shot in 1937.

His father, Nathan Solomonovich, followed in his father’s footsteps and made a successful career as a food warehouse manager. He always actively criticized the Soviet regime and the Bolsheviks. Despite his luxurious Moscow apartment and registration, Nathan Solomonovich decided to repeat the feat of the Narodnaya Volya members of the 19th century, who moved en masse to poor villages, bringing the light of knowledge and the truth about tsarism. That is why Nathan Solomonovich moved for several years to distant and hungry Tashkent in 1941. Where he actively promoted the values ​​and ideals of freedom and democracy, successfully managed a wine and vodka warehouse and received the medal “For the Defense of Tashkent.”[edit] Life in the USSR[edit] Early years

From childhood, Lev Sharansky grew up as an intellectual and educated person. My favorite place was always the kitchen, where my father’s friends constantly gathered, actively criticized the Bolsheviks, sang forbidden songs with a guitar, read poems by Joseph Brodsky, and secretly from the KGB listened to forbidden Western music punk-rock and emocore. Under his pillow he always had a volume of Osip Mandelstam and a VIA Underoath record.[edit] 1975-1985

After graduating from Moscow State University in 1975, he became actively involved in opposition activities. As a result, the KGB repeatedly imprisoned Sharansky in psychiatric clinics and concentration camps. So that Sharansky would not be considered a dissident and a prisoner of conscience, he was tried under the articles “Parasitism” and “Sodomy”, which were absurd and wild for any civilized country.

February 1978 - March 1980 - was in prison in the Magadan region. In a cell in one of the Kolyma camps, I met Andrei Sakharov, who handed over the “babe” to Sharansky to release for Elena Bonner.

In the second half of the 1980s, things became easier for dissidents. In April 1985, Sharansky joined the Democratic Union of Valeria Novodvorskaya. He was engaged in human rights activities, distributing leaflets, organizing underground rallies, organizing creative evenings for the intelligentsia, creating anti-Soviet slogans and posters, and exposing Stalinism. It was thanks to the efforts of Sharansky’s human rights group that the opening of the McDonald’s restaurant in the USSR became possible. Which later became the place where the entire flower of the Moscow intelligentsia gathered.

In August 1991, Sharansky participated in the defense of the White House, for which he was awarded the Defender of Free Russia medal.

Lev Natanovich Sharansky and the grantcore monsters VIA Cannibal Bonner, in a united human rights ecstasy, joined the boycott of the “Invasion” festival.

Respected, respected the old man! - I whisper, Lev Natanovich Sharansky, touched. And thanks for the twenty bucks I won in a bet with a newly arrived emigrant from Putin’s Mordor. He stated that the days were gone when “a train on fire was heading to Berdichev” and Russian rockers actively participated in the disintegration of society and the state - but not like before: all of them were some Chicherins, some Sklyars, Vadims The Samoilovs and other patriots who are ready to sing in the trenches or donate blood to the militia.

And in response to these decadent moods, I banged my withered fist on the counter of the Svoboda bar and shouted that there are still musketeers, there are! For this, however, I was soon impolitely taken out, but we managed to shake hands. They settled on the fact that not everyone in Russian rock has yet been imbued with the spirit of footcloth militarism, and there will still be pure, immaculate souls among them.

True, when he gave me the twenty, this little emigrant did not fail to sarcastically say that “pure, immaculate souls” for some reason turned out to be people with the self-names “Porno Films” and “Vulgar Molly,” not to mention “Dog Distemper” (this is how the word distemper is translated ) and, not with a hangover, it will be said, “Yorshe”. To this I calmly responded with the American proverb that twenty dollars is twenty dollars, spat on his shoe and left, giggling.

I came to the loft, made a smoothie with minced meat and Vicodin, turned on my MacBook and began to learn more about my new heroes. At first, of course, I completely identified with my old friends from the Cannibal Bonner team, who also refused to go to this very tarpaulin “Invasion” (although they, it seems, were not invited):

When your humble peace fighter (unipolar) saw this, he even jumped. Well, of course, it’s all about the sponsors - and I rushed to call the guys from “Cannibals”:

Hello? I shake hands! Not going to "Invasion"? I heartily approve. Do you know that there is a wonderful place where these same “Pornofilms” and “Elysums” constantly hang out and you will definitely be welcome there! What place? A very fancy place. Shaw? I'm not laughing! That’s what the festival is called – “Fine Misto”, it is held annually in the Ternopil region. No, no militarism! Not the slightest! Only the fight for peace, democracy and the rights of a good person. “Glory to Ukraine”, paintball, zigulechki, training for ordinary knights from the ATO - everything we love. And how they shout that same chant about Putin - you’ll still hear it! Yes, “Pornofilmy” and “Elysium” have not been shy about going there for several years in a row, they are the only decent rockers from Russia, but why be shy? These are not terrible tanks that wrap freedom on their tracks, but innocent Ukrainian paintball, racism and peoplehate! Well, it’s not for me to explain the difference to you, not small ones! Get there immediately! Meet me in Ternopil. Inshallom!

With the twenty I won, I hastened to buy a hangover, clinked glasses with the mirror (for there are no more decent people left in this degraded American viper that has betrayed the ideals of impropriety, no), drank and suddenly became sad: what about Monetochka? I forgot about Coin! How is that possible?!

I remember what happened next vaguely, through the haze of revelry. I remember that I proved to someone (who?) that Monetochka’s refusal was good, but the fact that she did not call Buckwheat with her was bad. This is not the right way! (memory gap). After all, she... it turns out... abandoned her in this tank recruiting center... this aviation GULAGe... there are commissars there... I mean, military commissars... she will wander into Afghanistan (memory lapse)... peace to Chechnya! Crimea is yours!...ISIS, you and I...Where are you taking me? Wait! Political instructors! Oh, leave it...

...Now I have come to my senses a little and again represent a crystallized form of decency. True, the furnishings and wardrobe items are a little stained by my biological fluids, but I look confidently into the future and conclude with our traditional toast from the peace fighters from Brighton Beach: “So that the Tomahawk remains standing and there are grants!”

Original taken from rimmir in Lev Natanovich Sharansky - I deeply respect this virtual character!

Original taken from dima_piterski A monument to human rights activist Lev Natanovich Sharansky was unveiled in Vladivostok

In his work he uses photographs, statements and images of both real-life public and political figures and fictitious persons.

The new LJ blog of Lev Natanovich (the previous one was destroyed by KGB agents) provides some details of the biography of the outstanding human rights activist, who came from an ancient and noble family of Moscow intellectuals:

“My ancestors, the princes of Sharan, owned vast estates and tens of thousands of souls, to whom, however, they brought light and enlightenment. Of course, it was often necessary to flog slaves with rods, but solely for their own good.

My grandfather, Lieutenant General of the Infantry, His Excellency His Serene Highness Prince Solomon Moiseevich Sharansky, was especially close to the emperor. Personal sergeant major of His Majesty, commanded the Preobrazhensky Regiment of the Life Guards, was considered the father of Russian democracy. During the Civil War, he actively fought against the Bolshevik regime, helped form Petliura’s combat regiments, and fought shoulder to shoulder with Admiral Kolchak. However, due to insurmountable circumstances, he was forced to go over to the side of the Reds and joined the Communist Party. Despite this, he was always a secret enemy of Bolshevism, actively criticized Stalin and joined the conspiracy of Marshal Tukhachevsky to overthrow the dictator. But he was exposed by the security officers and shot in 1937.

My father, Nathan Solomonovich, followed in the footsteps of my grandfather and made a successful career as a manager of food warehouses. He always actively criticized the Soviet regime and the Bolsheviks. Despite his luxurious Moscow apartment and registration, Nathan Solomonovich decided to repeat the feat of the Narodnaya Volya members of the 19th century, who moved en masse to poor villages, bringing the light of knowledge and the truth about tsarism. That is why my father moved for several years to distant and hungry Tashkent in 1941. Where he actively promoted the values ​​and ideals of freedom and democracy, successfully managed a wine and vodka warehouse and received the medal “For the Defense of Tashkent.”

Since childhood, I grew up to be an intellectual and educated person. My favorite place was always the kitchen, where my father’s friends constantly gathered, actively criticized the Bolsheviks, sang forbidden songs with a guitar...

He managed to enroll in the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University, although access to education for Jews in the Soviet Union was practically closed. After graduating with honors from the university, I actively became involved in opposition activities. As a result, the KGB repeatedly put me in psychiatric clinics and concentration camps. I was amazed by the cunning of the security officers - so that I would not be considered a dissident and a prisoner of conscience, they tried me under the articles “Parasitism” and “Sodomy”, which were absurd and wild for any civilized country. In a cell in one of the Kolyma concentration camps, I had the honor of meeting Andrei Sakharov, who gave me the “babe” to release for Elena Bonner.

In the second half of the 80s, it became easier for dissidents; I joined the Democratic Union of Valeria Novodvorskaya, actively participated in rallies and exposures of Stalinism. It was thanks to the efforts of our human rights community that it became possible to open the McDonald's restaurant in the Evil Empire, which later became the place where the entire flower of the Moscow intelligentsia gathered.

In August 1991, he stood up to defend democracy and the White House, for which he was awarded the honor of becoming a Cavalier of the Defender of Free Russia Medal.

After the victory of the forces of democracy, I decided to emigrate to the Stronghold of the Free World, to Brighton Beach...

He got a job as a leading analyst on the countries of Eastern Europe and the former USSR at the Freedom House Foundation, where he met many prominent personalities. At the same time, as the heir of an ancient princely family, he was personally introduced to Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna and the Heir to the Throne, Tsarevich Grand Duke George of Mukhosransky. They assured me that after coming to power in Russia, the Tula volost would be returned to me."

Namesake, not relative, of Natan Sharansky.

Pan Lev Natanovich Sharansky and his faithful whale -

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