Artistic style: what it is, examples, genres, linguistic means. Description of an item in an artistic style Description of any item in an artistic style

To describe any object, including an animal or plant, from a scientific point of view. it is necessary to indicate all its characteristics, definitely of interest to science, without expressing an attitude towards this subject, to show the form and content of the subject. And if it should

Describe from an artistic point of view. accordingly, as an artistic object, then they give a description using an artistic style, such a figurative one, they use many figurative comparisons, metaphors, allegories, epithets, many adjectives, words with a diminutive meaning. They show their author’s attitude to the subject, influencing the reader, using the vocabulary and vocabulary of the Russian language, all its techniques to convey the image of this subject, emphasize its artistry, and present their own attitude and feelings towards this subject.

If we talk about scientific style:


From Wikipedia:

Speaking of art style:

For example, what is the wheat plant scientifically?

The wheat plant has a fibrous root system, the stem is hollow or filled with parenchyma, it is a straw divided along its entire length by partitions, which are stem nodes, and the distances between them are internodes; wheat has 5–7 of them in total. The leaf is linear. The inflorescence is represented by a complex spike. The fruit is a naked single-seeded kernel, or, in agronomy, a grain. The grains are oval, round, ovoid, with a pronounced tuft and longitudinal groove.

The wheat plant, in artistic language, is wheat that has grown in the fields and endless expanses, emerged from the grain in order to produce a harvest, so that each plant can make bread. Each spikelet is a handful of grains of golden color, and the whole field of wheat turns golden when it is ripe, swaying in the wind, pleasing the eye. Each spikelet, if you pour the grains into your palm, has the smell of bread; they absorbed the light of the sun and rain moisture, developing in wide open spaces.

When describing an animal in a scientific style, one should talk about it as a representative of its class, family, genus, species. Externally - how many paws, presence of a tail, ears, shape of the ears, tail, shape of the chest, etc. Say what the organ systems are, such as the nervous, hematopoietic, digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive organs, if everything is there These systems are described in detail. If there are no organ systems, then say what replaces them (precedes them). In general, to describe everything that an animal represents for science, its significance in nature, commercial significance, in human life.

For example, you can start talking about a wolf in a scientific style:

And speaking in an artistic style, tell how shiny and fluffy the animal’s fur is, how playful its habits, manners, and good-natured disposition are (or, conversely), show your attitude towards the creature.

If we talk about a wolf in an artistic style, we can start talking about it this way:

A wolf is a predatory, wild animal, with its own habits and disposition, beautiful in its grace, slender and fearless.

Essays on topics:

  1. My favorite animal is a cat. Since childhood I wanted to have a cat. And finally, my dream came true - at my home...
  2. It is difficult to imagine how “dull”, “poor” and meager our language would be if it did not contain such bright figurative...

How do you understand what it means to describe an object? How do you understand what it means to describe an object? To describe an object means to talk about the characteristics of this object. What speech styles do you know? What speech styles do you know? Business, artistic, scientific, conversational. In what style can you describe the subject? In what style can you describe the subject? The description can be scientific, business, colloquial, artistic, and for each style special language means are used.

The description is extremely complete. Signs are expressed by adjectives and nouns with a direct, often abstract meaning. The most striking features of the object are highlighted. More diverse language means are used. (adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs) There are comparisons and words with a figurative meaning.

Knife 1. Penknife, has two blades and a corkscrew; the knife is all scratched; there is a dent on one side of the base and there are six rivets on each side; has the shape of a man's shoe; 2 cm wide, 7.5 cm long. 2. I have an old pocket knife. Even though the knife is old, I still like it. The most interesting thing about this knife is that it is shaped like a man's shoe. There are six copper rivets on each side of this "shoe". Previously, when the knife was new, all the rivets shone. Now only three of them shine; these three rivets serve as lacing for a shoe. The knife has two blades: large and small. The small blade is dull, and the large blade is sharp, good for repairing pencils. There is a dent on one side of the knife. One day I was driving a nail, and there was a knife lying next to it, and I accidentally hit the knife with a hammer. Since then, this dent on the knife has remained. And even if the knife is old, even if it is covered in scratches, it is still very dear to me.

Description in scientific style Ribbon Silk ribbon, size 5.5X70 cm, dark brown. Hemmed with black thread, stitches are visible. It was burned in several places. Several threads have been pulled out along the length. Description in artistic style Ribbon I have a ribbon in my hands. Regular dark brown ribbon. Old girlfriend! I haven't braided it in a long time, and it just sits in the box along with all the ribbons. Old. "Retired". But how much she endured! I ironed it with too hot an iron, so I burned it here and there, somewhere I caught a nail and pulled out several threads from the ribbon. The ribbon is hemmed carelessly, the stitches are visible on the front side, because I was just learning to sew then. Now I don’t need it, because braids are now fastened differently. And such a silk ribbon can now sometimes be seen only on first-graders. But I still remember my old girlfriend's feed.

Description in a scientific style Compasses Marking compasses are used to transfer dimensions from a measuring ruler to a drawing and back. It consists of two legs with very sharp needles at the ends. These legs are fastened together with two screws. The needles are attached to the legs with screws that can be used to adjust the size of the needles. The compass has a ribbed handle on top for easy measurement. The legs of the compass extend to a distance of 21 cm. Description in artistic style Compass My new compass is made of steel. His two shiny legs are like the legs of a giant, with which he, like a giant, can measure distances from one point to another. My friend helps me measure the distance with millimeter accuracy. Although it has served me for a relatively short time, I am pleased with it.

Assignment: Read the student’s essay expressively. Is it appropriate to use the past tense in this description? Eliminate unnecessary repetition of the verb to be in the past tense. Children's abacus When I went to first grade, they bought me a children's abacus. I still have them. The abacus was small, only fifteen centimeters long. But they were very comfortable. They could be put in a briefcase. But that’s not the only reason I liked abacus. Their frame was painted a nice soft pink color. Thin threads of wires were slightly curved, and white and red bones rolled along them, like small trams. There were only four dominoes on one twig, and they did not knock as loudly as the others.

Children's abacus When I went to first grade, they bought me a children's abacus. I still have them. The abacus is small, only fifteen centimeters long. But they are very comfortable. You can put them in your briefcase. But that’s not the only reason I like abacus. Their frame is painted in a pleasant soft pink color. Thin threads of wires were slightly curved, and white and red bones rolled along them, like small trams. There are only four dominoes on one twig, and they do not knock as loudly as the others.

EXCERPT FROM K. PAUSTOVSKY’S ESSAY “THE CROWD ON THE EMBANKMENT” - When you go ashore in Naples, my daughter told me, then give this nesting doll to the first Italian girl. I agreed. Before I left, a nesting doll in a lush scarlet shawl stood on the desk. It was thickly varnished and shone like glass. Hidden in it were five more nesting dolls in multi-colored shawls: green, yellow, blue, purple and, finally, the smallest nesting doll, the size of a thimble, in a shawl made of gold leaf. The village master awarded the nesting dolls with purely Russian beauty with sable eyebrows and a blush glowing like coals. He covered their blue eyes with such long eyelashes that one stroke could have shattered men's hearts.

When you go ashore in Naples, my daughter told me, then give this nesting doll to the first Italian girl. I agreed. Before I left, a nesting doll in a lush scarlet shawl stood on the desk. It was thickly varnished and shone like glass. Hidden in it were five more nesting dolls in multi-colored shawls: green, yellow, blue, purple and, finally, the smallest nesting doll, the size of a thimble, in a shawl made of gold leaf. The village master awarded the nesting dolls with purely Russian beauty with sable eyebrows and a blush glowing like coals. He covered their blue eyes with such long eyelashes that one stroke could have shattered men's hearts. Description essay Topic: Topic: Favorite toy Purpose of the statement: Purpose of the statement: to convince the reader that this is the most favorite toy. Style: Style: artistic. Tips Pay special attention to the beginning and ending of the text, keeping in mind that they depend on the purpose of the statement and the style of the text. There should be genuine feeling in your descriptions. You can talk to your toy, remember how and where it was purchased, and describe its history.

Essay on the topic: “Description of a pen” 3.33 /5 (66.67%) 9 votes

In our everyday use there are many objects whose existence we hardly think about. For example, schoolchildren use pens almost every day. Everyone knows for what purpose they are used. We use pens to write. With the help of these simple objects, we all once learned to write, and this skill became extremely important for all of us. It is always interesting to consider and describe something that is undeservedly deprived of due attention. This can be said with confidence about the pen. It is for this reason that I will devote this essay to a description of this interesting subject.

Over the years I have owned many pens. Some became my favorites and permanent ones. They write very conveniently and pleasantly. Thanks to this, no matter how long the outline is, writing it becomes less tedious and even enjoyable. And the final result is really nice to look at, it looks so good. And an important reason for this is the handle that was used. On the contrary, if there are any problems with the pen, for example, it does not write well or is uncomfortable to hold in your hand, using it can only cause disappointment and great irritation. And you’ll want to quickly hide such a pen back in your pencil case.

Fortunately, at the moment the pen I own suits me absolutely and in every way. My favorite pen at the moment is the clear gel blue pen. At first glance, it cannot be called anything special or outstanding. However, this pen does its job just fine. It is very convenient to write with, and the ink dries very quickly, which eliminates the possibility of getting dirty with it. In addition, the notes, which were written with my favorite pen, are simply very pleasant to look at. Repeating and studying what has been written becomes not work, but simply pleasure, if it was all written with my favorite pen. My pen feels very comfortable in my hand, and even if I need to write a lot, I hardly get tired when using this pen.

At the moment I am completely satisfied with the pen I have. I would like to believe that when it runs out of ink, I will be able to find a worthy replacement. Despite the fact that my pen is very simple and unremarkable at first glance, it performs its function perfectly. And I'm glad that I made such a right choice when I purchased it.

The artistic style of speech is the language of literature and art. It is used to convey emotions and feelings, artistic images and phenomena.

Examples of artistic style: ,.

Artistic style is a way for writers to express themselves, so it is typically used in writing. Orally (for example, in plays) texts written in advance are read. Historically, artistic style functions in three types of literature - lyrics (poems, poems), drama (plays) and epic (stories, novels, novels).

An article about all speech styles -.

The features of the artistic style are:

  1. The coincidence of the author and the narrator, a bright and free expression of the author’s “I”.
  2. Linguistic means are a way of conveying the artistic image, emotional state and mood of the narrator.
  3. The use of stylistic figures - metaphors, comparisons, metonymies, etc., emotionally expressive vocabulary, phraseological units.
  4. Multi-style. The use of linguistic means of other styles (colloquial, journalistic) is subordinated to the implementation of the creative concept. These combinations gradually create what is called the author's style.
  5. The use of verbal polysemy - words are selected in such a way that with their help not only “to draw” images, but also to put hidden meaning into them.
  6. The information transfer function is often hidden. The purpose of artistic style is to convey the author’s emotions, to create a mood and emotional state in the reader.

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Artistic style: case study

Let's look at the example of the features of the style being analyzed.

Excerpt from the article:

The war disfigured Borovoe. Interspersed with the surviving huts stood charred stoves, like monuments to the people's grief. Gate posts were sticking out. The barn gaped with a huge hole - half of it was broken off and carried away.

There were gardens, but now stumps are like rotten teeth. Only here and there were two or three teenage apple trees nestled.

The village was deserted.

When the one-armed Fedor returned home, his mother was alive. She grew old, grew thin, and had more gray hair. She sat me down at the table, but there was nothing to treat her with. Fyodor had his own, a soldier's. At the table, the mother said: everyone was robbed, damned skinners! We hid pigs and chickens wherever we wanted. Can you really save it? He makes noise and threatens, give him the chicken, even if it’s the last one. Out of fright, they gave away the last one. So I have nothing left. Oh, that was bad! The village was ruined by the damned fascist! You can see for yourself what’s left... more than half of the yards were burned down. The people fled where: some to the rear, some to join the partisans. How many girls were stolen! So our Frosya was taken away...

For a day or two, Fyodor looked around. Our people from Borovsk began to return. They hung a piece of plywood on an empty hut, and on it there were lopsided letters with soot on oil - there was no paint - “The board of the collective farm “Red Dawn” - and off and on! Down and Out trouble started.

The style of this text, as we have already said, is artistic.

His features in this passage:

  1. Borrowing and applying vocabulary and phraseology of other styles ( as monuments of people's grief, fascists, partisans, collective farm rule, the beginning of a daring misfortune).
  2. The use of visual and expressive means ( hijacked, damned skinners, really), the semantic ambiguity of words is actively used ( the war disfigured Borovoe, the barn gaped with a huge hole).
  3. They've robbed everyone, you damn skinners! We hid pigs and chickens wherever we wanted. Can you really save it? He makes noise and threatens, give him the chicken, even if it’s the last one. Oh, that was bad!).
  4. There were gardens, but now stumps are like rotten teeth; She sat me down at the table, but there was nothing to treat her with; on oil - there was no paint).
  5. The syntactic structures of a literary text reflect, first of all, the flow of the author’s impressions, figurative and emotional ( Interspersed with the surviving huts stood charred stoves, like monuments to the people's grief. The barn gaped with a huge hole - half of it was broken off and carried away; There were gardens, but now stumps are like rotten teeth).
  6. The characteristic use of numerous and varied stylistic figures and tropes of the Russian language ( stumps are like rotten teeth; charred stoves stood like monuments to the people's grief; two or three teenage apple trees nestled).
  7. The use, first of all, of vocabulary that forms the basis and creates the imagery of the style being analyzed: for example, figurative techniques and means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context, and words of a wide sphere of use ( grew old, emaciated, burned, in letters, girls).

Thus, the artistic style does not so much tell as it shows - it helps to feel the situation, to visit the places that the narrator is talking about. Of course, there is also a certain “imposition” of the author’s experiences, but it also creates a mood and conveys sensations.

The artistic style is one of the most “borrowing” and flexible: writers, firstly, actively use language of other styles, and secondly, they successfully combine artistic imagery, for example, with explanations of scientific facts, concepts or phenomena.

Scientific and artistic style: case study

Let's look at an example of the interaction of two styles - artistic and scientific.

Excerpt from the article:

The youth of our country loves forests and parks. And this love is fruitful, active. It is expressed not only in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests. One day, at a meeting, even splinters of wood appeared on the presidium table. Some villain cut down an apple tree growing alone on the river bank. Like a beacon, she stood on the steep mountain. They got used to her, like the appearance of their home, they loved her. And now she was gone. On this day, the conservation group was born. They called it "Green Patrol". There was no mercy for the poachers, and they began to retreat.

N. Korotaev

Features of the scientific style:

  1. Terminology ( presidium, laying forest belts, Krutoyar, poachers).
  2. The presence in a series of nouns of words denoting the concept of a sign or state ( bookmark, security).
  3. Quantitative predominance of nouns and adjectives in the text over verbs ( This love is fruitful, active; in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests).
  4. Use of verbal phrases and words ( bookmark, protection, mercy, meeting).
  5. Verbs in the present tense, which have a “timeless”, indicative meaning in the text, with weakened lexical and grammatical meanings of time, person, number ( loves, expresses);
  6. A large volume of sentences, their impersonal nature in combination with passive constructions ( It is expressed not only in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests).

Features of the artistic style:

  1. Wide use of vocabulary and phraseology of other styles ( presidium, laying forest belts, Krutoyar).
  2. The use of various visual and expressive means ( this love is fruitful, in vigilant guard, evil), active use of the verbal polysemy of the word (the appearance of a house, “Green Patrol”).
  3. Emotionality and expressiveness of the image ( They got used to her, like the appearance of their home, they loved her. And now she was gone. On this day the group was born).
  4. Manifestation of the author's creative individuality - author's style ( It is expressed not only in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests. Here: a combination of features of several styles).
  5. Paying special attention to particular and seemingly random circumstances and situations, behind which one can see the typical and general ( Some villain cut down an apple tree... And now it was gone. On this day the conservation group was born).
  6. The syntactic structure and corresponding structures in this passage reflect the flow of the author’s figurative and emotional perception ( Like a beacon, she stood on the steep mountain. And then she was gone).
  7. The characteristic use of numerous and varied stylistic figures and tropes of the Russian literary language ( this fruitful, active love, like a beacon, it stood, there was no mercy, growing alone).
  8. The use, first of all, of vocabulary that forms the basis and creates the imagery of the style being analyzed: for example, figurative techniques and means of the Russian language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context, and words of the widest distribution ( youth, evil, fruitful, active, appearance).

In terms of the variety of linguistic means, literary techniques and methods, the artistic style is perhaps the richest. And, unlike other styles, it has a minimum of restrictions - with proper depiction of images and an emotional mood, you can even write a literary text in scientific terms. But, of course, you shouldn’t abuse this.

Texts are written for readers, so they must be accessible and understandable. And the explicit use of vocabulary from other styles is possible only for authenticity, to create colorful images of characters or atmosphere.

So, during a conversation between two bankers, economic terminology is only a plus, but “” cliches and cliches when describing beautiful nature will definitely be superfluous.

Thus, when working with an artistic style, with all its flexibility, one is very careful about the vocabulary. Especially if you write or are planning to write works of fiction. For it is the artistic style that is considered a reflection of the Russian literary language.

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Scientific the style is used in the field of scientific activity. The genres in which it is implemented are writing dissertations, coursework, tests or diploma papers, scientific articles, lectures, abstracts, notes, theses. The main characteristics of this style of speech are logic, clarity and the absence of any emotion on the part of the author.

Journalistic the style of speech, like the previous one, relates to the book style and is used not only for the purpose of conveying this or that information, but also for the purpose of influencing the feelings and thoughts of listeners or readers who need to be convinced of something or interested in something. The journalistic style is typical for speeches at various meetings, newspaper articles, analytical and informational radio and television programs. This style is characterized by emotionality and expressiveness.

Official business style is characterized by several basic properties. This is clarity, lack of emotionality of presentation, standardization and conservatism. It is used when writing laws, orders, memos, statements, business letters and various legal documents. Standard writing is expressed in writing these documents according to an established scheme - a template. Specific vocabulary and morphology are used.

Literary and artistic style - differs from other book styles in that when writing his works, the author can use almost any of the above styles. And since literature reflects all spheres of human life, vernacular speech, dialects, and slang are also used here. He is also characterized by emotionality. Literary-artistic style is used in fiction.

Colloquial The style of speech is not bookish. It is used in everyday communication between people in various everyday situations. Since during a conversation the speech is not prepared in advance, the characteristic features are incompleteness of the expressed thoughts and emotionality.

An example of a scientific style of speech

Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude that the object has a soft homogeneous structure, freely transmits light and can change a number of its parameters when exposed to a potential difference in the range from 5 to 33,000 V. Research has also shown that the object irreversibly changes its molecular structure under the influence of temperatures above 300 K. When mechanically acting on an object with a force of up to 1000 N, no visible changes in the structure are observed.

Example of journalistic style of speech No. 1

Incredible discovery! A resident of the remote village of Experimentalovo has invented a new drug that makes hens lay golden eggs! The secret that the world's greatest alchemists have struggled with for centuries has finally been revealed by our compatriot! So far there have been no comments from the inventor, he is currently on a heavy drinking binge, but we can definitely say that the discoveries of such patriots will definitely stabilize the economy of our country and strengthen its position on the world stage as a leader in the field of gold mining and production gold products for decades to come.

Example of journalistic style of speech No. 2

An act of unprecedented cruelty and inhumane treatment of animals was demonstrated by a resident of the village of Experimentalovo, who, for his own selfish purposes, with particular cynicism, used unfortunate chickens to create his “philosopher’s stone.” The gold was obtained, but this did not stop the flayer, and he, like an absolutely immoral type, went into a deep binge, without even trying to help the poor creatures who had become victims of his outrageous experiments. It is difficult to say what such a discovery entails, however, given the trends in the “scientist’s” behavior, we can conclude that he is clearly plotting to seize power over the world.

An example of artistic speech style

Sidorovich slept poorly at night, waking up every now and then to the sound of thunder and flashing lightning. It was one of those terrible nights when you want to wrap yourself under a blanket, sticking your nose out for air, and imagine that you are in a hut in the wild steppe hundreds of kilometers from the nearest city. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Sidorovich’s hand ran across his ear:

“Go to sleep already, you damn traveler,” she moaned, sleepily smacking her tongue.

Sidorovich turned away offended, pouting. He was thinking about Taiga...

Example of business style of speech

I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, express my sincere gratitude to the employees of the Primer LLC company, in particular, S.S. Sidorov. and Pupkov V.V. for the high level of quality of service and the prompt resolution of all controversial issues right on the spot and I ask you to encourage them in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement of Primer LLC.

Example of conversational style of speech No. 1

Yo, dude! If you read this text, you will understand the topic. Energy, drive and speed are what define my life. I love extreme sports, I love thrills, I love when the adrenaline rushes through the roof and blows my mind away. I can’t live without this, dude, and I know that you understand me. I really don't care: skateboard or parkour, roller skates or bike, as long as I have something to challenge. And that's cool!

Example of conversational style of speech No. 2

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the Earth switched places with Jupiter? I'm serious! Would New Vasyuki appear on his rings? Of course not! They're made of gas! Have you really bought such blatant nonsense for even a minute? I won't believe it in my life! And if the moon fell into the Pacific Ocean, how much would its level rise? You probably think that I am a rare bore, but if I don’t ask these questions, then who will?


Analysis of the task.

What type(s) of speech are represented in sentences 1-5?

1) description

2) storytelling and reasoning

3) narration and description

4) narration

(1) As a child, I hated matinees because my father came to our kindergarten. (2) He sat on a chair near the Christmas tree, played his button accordion for a long time, trying to find the right melody, and our teacher sternly told him: “Valery Petrovich, go higher!” (3) All the guys looked at my father and choked with laughter. (4) He was small, plump, began to go bald early, and although he never drank, for some reason his nose was always beet red, like a clown’s. (5) Children, when they wanted to say about someone that he was funny and ugly, said this: “He looks like Ksyusha’s dad!”

We reason like this. The first to third sentences present events in chronological order. So, before us - narration. And in sentences 4-5 a portrait of the father is presented, that is, this description. Thus, option No. 3 is correct.

Examples of descriptions in scientific and artistic style.

1. Apple tree - ranet purple - frost-resistant variety. The fruits are round in shape, 2.5-3 cm in diameter. Fruit weight is 17-23 g. Average juiciness, with a characteristic sweet, slightly astringent taste.

2. The linden apples were large and transparent yellow. If you look through the apple into the sun, it shines through like a glass of fresh linden honey. There were black grains in the middle. You used to shake a ripe apple near your ear and you could hear the seeds rattling.

Example narration:

I began to stroke Yashka’s paw and thought: just like a child’s. And tickled his palm. And when the baby pulls his paw, it hits me on the cheek. I didn’t even have time to blink, and he slapped me in the face and jumped under the table. He sat down and grinned.

Let us give examples of reasoning.

    The names of Ruslan's two rivals - Rogday and Farlaf - are by no means the artistic imagination of the young Pushkin. Their author probably took them from the multi-volume “History of the Russian State” by Karamzin. Karamzin, describing the heroic feasts of Prince Vladimir, speaks of the famous Rakhday, who, while fighting, “expanded the borders of the state in the west.” As for Farlaf, Karamzin mentions this name when describing the reign of the Prophetic Oleg. Farlaf was one of the boyars of this prince.

2 ,The name Gvidon (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan”) is clearly not of Russian origin. The Italian name Guido can be guessed in its sound. Foreign language origin can also be seen in the name of Tsar Dadon (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”). Everything will become clearer when we turn to the famous chivalric novel about the exploits of the knight BOVO D'ANTON, in which both the “glorious King Guidon” and “King Dadon” act, because it was from there, apparently, that Pushkin took these names.

Presentations combining different types of speech: “Childhood friend”

Mom took out a healthy teddy bear from the bottom of the basket. She threw it on my sofa.

- Look how tight it is. The belly is fat. Look how it rolled out! Why not a pear?

I was delighted. I placed the bear on the sofa so that it would be more convenient for me to train against it and develop my striking power.

He sat in front of me looking so chocolatey, but shabby. He had different eyes. One of his own is yellow, glass, and the other large white one is made from a pillowcase button. The bear looked at me quite cheerfully with its different eyes. He spread his legs and stuck out his stomach, and raised both paws, as if he was joking that he was even giving up in advance...

Here he is sitting on the sofa, my former best friend, a true childhood friend. He sits, laughs with different eyes, and I want to train the strength of my blow against him...

(According to V. Dragunsky)


    What is interesting about the composition (structure) of this text?

    Make a plan.

    Write a detailed summary. Answer the question: “What decision do you think the boy will make and why?”


    The composition of the story is interesting because it combines different types of speech. The text begins with a narration, then there is a description of the subject, and then again a narration and description. The last two sentences constitute an argument.

    1. Why not a punching bag?

      Here's my old friend.

      What should I do?

  1. Most likely, the boy will not practice on the bear.

Firstly, the bear is the best friend of childhood.

Secondly, the boy feels sorry for his old friend: his eyes are different, he himself is shabby, he raised both paws, as if he was giving up.

Thirdly, this becomes clear from the description of the boy’s thoughts: “He sits, laughs with different eyes, and I want to train the force of impact against him...”.

The boy, the hero of the story by V. Dragunsky, did absolutely the right thing by refusing to train on a bear.

He suddenly stopped hiccupping, his heart pounded and for a moment sank somewhere, then returned, but with a dull needle stuck in it. In addition, Berlioz was gripped by an unreasonable, but so strong fear that he wanted to immediately flee from the Patriarch's without looking back. Berlioz looked around sadly, not understanding what frightened him. He turned pale, wiped his forehead with a handkerchief, and thought: “What’s wrong with me? This never happened... my heart is racing... I'm overtired. Perhaps it’s time to throw everything to hell and go to Kislovodsk...” And then the sultry air thickened in front of him, and from this air a transparent citizen of a strange appearance was woven. On his small head is a jockey cap, a checkered, short, airy jacket... The citizen is a fathom tall, but narrow in the shoulders, incredibly thin, and his face, please note, is mocking.

(M. Bulgakov).

This excerpt from the novel “The Master and Margarita” combines narration (the character’s actions and states are consistently described: he stopped hiccupping, his heart pounded and sank, it came back, he was seized by fear, he looked around, turned pale, wiped, thought), description (the signs of the picture the character saw are listed: a strange-looking citizen is woven, on his small head is a jockey cap, a checkered short jacket, a fathom tall, narrow in the shoulders, incredibly thin, a mocking face) and reasoning (the character’s reflections are given, marked with peculiar markers of reasoning - a rhetorical question and an introductory word: What is this with me? This never happened... my heart is racing... I'm overtired. Perhaps it's time to throw everything to hell...).

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