Chemicals are all around us. Presentation on the topic "chemistry around us"

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Target: show the close connection of chemistry with our everyday life.

Equipment: multimedia projector; three types of soap – laundry, toilet, liquid; two types of washing powder - for cotton and woolen fabrics; phenolphthalein; soda; acetic acid solution; crystalline citric acid; flour; water; test tubes; chemical beakers; putty knife.


(Slide 2)

Teacher. In the beginning there was a word. And the word was God. In seven days and nights, the creator created the material world, which consists of matter. And matter is the object of study of the science of CHEMISTRY.

(Slide 3)

– So, let's be fascinated by this divine science together, and make sure that our entire environment is chemical substances. And you and I, our body and even our feelings are also chemistry.
Let's start from the very beginning. Here the baby is born. (Slide 4) With his first cry, his lungs expand and the baby takes his first breath. And this process accompanies us throughout our lives.

Questions for the audience:

– What kind of gas do we need? (Oxygen)

– What is the name of the substance that carries oxygen? (Hemoglobin)

– Let’s admire this wonderful molecule together. (Slide 5) Oxygen, having joined the iron ion located in the middle of hemoglobin, travels like a carriage to all the organs of our body. Our tissues are filled with life-giving oxygen, thanks to which oxidation processes occur.

- And now for another moment. Tell me, have you experienced stress? Certainly! I believe many people are familiar with stress.

Question to the audience:

– Do you know what hormone is produced in this case? (Adrenalin)

– Did you feel nervous today?

– Of course, you can’t do without anxiety at school! Once again your adrenaline rushes. (Slide 6) Wise nature created adrenaline for action. Consequently, when adrenaline is released, a person needs to actively move, run, jump, and wave his arms. What are we going to do now? We got up. We raised our hands and actively shook our hands. At the same time we stomp our feet.

- Well done! All the accumulated adrenaline has been used up.

– It turns out that stress resistance depends on the protein to which adrenaline is attached. If the protein molecule is large, the person is resistant to stress; if it is small, the person’s resistance to stress is low. Let's admire the remarkable structure of a protein molecule. (Slide 7) Let us admire the wise nature that created such beauty.

Question to the audience:

– What determines the structure of a protein? Where is hereditary information encrypted? (DNA)

– Of course, in the DNA molecule. Let's look at the structure of DNA. (Slide 8) Look how beautiful she is! On the left is a top view, on the right is a double helix consisting of two complementary strands. It’s not for nothing that they are called that, one chain compliments the other. The full name of DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. Sounds like a song!

- Let's conduct a thought experiment - let's move to our home. They are always waiting for us at home.

Question to the audience:

– Who greets you first at the door? How do you feel about this?

- Amazing! Moms and dads, grandparents, cats and dogs, hamsters and parrots are waiting for us all at home. And we are glad to meet them. (Slide 9)

– Now imagine - in front of you is a plate of dumplings, seasoned with sour cream. Or there’s a pie with a golden brown crust steaming on the table. The house is filled with an amazing aroma. You bring the desired piece to your mouth. How do you feel about this?
You would not have experienced all this bliss if the hormone of joy, serotonin, had not been formed in the body. Admire the hero of the occasion! (Slide 10) Good! Let's work it out here and now. No, unfortunately, you won’t be holding a hefty piece of pie in your hand right now. You won't pet your beloved pet. We will do it simpler - remember our childhood. Each of us, as a child, smiled and laughed cheerfully about 360 times a day. Smile, find the bumps of joy on your face next to your cheekbones. Rub them vigorously with your fingertips. Look at your neighbors left and right, give them your smile! So they produced serotonin!

- So, we're home. First of all, let's visit a home laboratory called the bathroom. (Slide 11) We wash our hands, and at the same time, without wasting time, turn on the washing machine. Which soap should you choose? What powder? To carry out the experiment, five chemists are needed. With them we will check the alkaline properties of three types of soap - laundry, toilet, liquid and two types of powder - for wool and for cotton fabrics. (Five test tubes contain samples of the above detergents. A few milliliters of water are poured into each, shaken. Then a drop of phenolphthalein solution is dropped into the solutions, the intensity of the crimson color is observed and conclusions are drawn.)

Conclusions. The brightest color is in a solution of laundry soap; the medium is highly alkaline, therefore, this soap should be used for washing heavily soiled items. The toilet soap solution also changed the color of the indicator - we use it to wash dirty hands and bodies. But liquid soap can be used often, since its solution has not changed the color of the indicator, the medium is neutral.
The most alkaline environment in a solution of washing powder is for cotton fabrics, therefore, this type of detergent should be used to wash items made from fabrics that can withstand aggressive environments. In another type of powder, the phenolphthalein solution only turns pink, i.e. it is suitable for washing items made from natural silk and woolen fabrics.

– Let’s move on to the kitchen – the main home laboratory. This is where the main sacraments of cooking take place. What is the main laboratory of the house equipped with? (Slide 12)
Meet “Hot Majesty” – the stove.

Questions for the audience:

– What is the stove for? What's burning in it?

– Now, please, anyone who wishes to write down the reaction of methane combustion on the board and compare it with the recording on the screen.

- Let's draw conclusions. Methane reacts with oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide and water vapor. Therefore, when lighting the burners, you must open the window. Why do we start a combustion reaction? Of course, we need the energy released as a result of the reaction. Therefore, the reaction is written in thermochemical form, at the end of the equation +Q, which means the release of heat - the reaction is exothermic.

– Next up is “Frosty Majesty” – a refrigerator.

Question to the audience:

– What is a refrigerator for?

– You are right, it is necessary to slow down the processes of food spoilage - oxidation and decomposition reactions. The refrigerator personifies the most complex branch of chemistry - chemical kinetics. Let us treat the “Frosty Majesty” with respect.

– Let’s move on to the “Highnesses” – cabinets. There is so much to be found here - spoons, ladle, pots, pans, cereals, flour, salt, sugar, spices and many other tasty and interesting things. We will prepare a pie from shortcrust pastry, and chemically competently. In cookbooks it is recommended to add baking soda quenched with vinegar to prepare the dough.

Question to the audience:

– For what purpose are soda and vinegar added to the dough?

- It’s true that the pie is lush. Now look at this reaction. (Demonstration of the interaction of soda with acetic acid). We observe “boiling” due to the release of carbon dioxide. So, the bulk of carbon dioxide has evaporated into the atmosphere, leaving little gas left to raise the test. Therefore, we do not extinguish the soda with vinegar, but add soda and dry crystalline citric acid to the flour. Knead the dough, adding the necessary ingredients.

(Demonstration. In a deep glass, mix soda, crystalline citric acid, flour, add water. A slow rise of the fluffy dough is observed. In another glass, mix flour with water, add soda quenched with vinegar. In this case, the dough rises much less and quickly settles. )

– You and I are convinced that pies also need to be prepared chemically correctly. Carbon dioxide must be released during the baking process - the result is a fluffy cake, like ours! (Slide 13)

– I think I’ve convinced you that chemistry is the poem of matter! (Slide 14)

  1. 1. Completed by a student of school No. 1 Gorlova K. Pershotravensk Chemistry around us
  2. Introduction
    • Chemistry inside us<..." target="_blank">2. Plan:
      • Introduction
      • Chemistry inside us
      • Chemistry around us
      • Conclusion
      • List of used literature
    • Everywhere, wherever you turn your gaze, we..." target="_blank"> 3. Introduction
      • Everywhere, wherever we turn our gaze, we are surrounded by objects and products made from substances and materials obtained in chemical plants and factories. In addition, in everyday life, without knowing it, every person carries out chemical reactions.
    • All living organisms on Earth, then..." target="_blank"> 4. Chemistry inside us
      • All living organisms on Earth, including humans, are in close contact with the environment. Food and drinking water contribute to the entry of almost all chemical elements into the body. They are introduced into and removed from the body every day. There is a popular opinion that almost all elements of D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic system can be found in the human body. Scientists argue that not only are all chemical elements present in a living organism, but each of them performs some kind of biological function.
    • Experimentally established..." target="_blank"> 5. Metals inside the body:
      • It has been experimentally established that in the human body metals make up about
      • 3% (by weight). That's a lot.
      • If we take the mass of a person as 70 kg, then the share of metals is 2.1 kg. The mass is distributed among individual metals as follows:
      • calcium (1700 g),
      • potassium (250 g),
      • sodium (70 g),
      • magnesium (42 g),
      • iron (5 g),
      • zinc (3 g).
      • Sa
    • There are a large number of elements that are..." target="_blank"> 6. What is POISON for us?
      • There are a large number of elements that are poisons for a living organism, for example, mercury, thallium, lead, etc. There are elements that are poisonous in relatively large quantities, but in low concentrations have a beneficial effect on the body. For example:
      • arsenic is a strong poison that disrupts the cardiovascular system and affects the liver and kidneys, but in small doses it is prescribed by doctors to improve a person’s appetite;
      • sodium chloride (table salt) in a tenfold excess in the body compared to normal levels is poisonous
      • oxygen, which a person needs for breathing, in high concentrations and, especially under pressure, has a toxic effect...
    • A person is approximately<..." target="_blank">7. Water in the human body
      • A person is approximately
      • 65% consists of water.
      • With age, the water content in the human body decreases.
      • The embryo consists of 97% water,
      • The body of a newborn contains 75%
      • In an adult it is about 60%.
      WATER H 2 O 65% 65%
    • Salt starvation can lead to..." target="_blank"> 8. Table salt
      • Salt starvation can lead to the death of the body. The daily need for table salt for an adult is 10-15 g. In hot climates, the need for salt increases to 25-30 g.
      • Sodium chloride is needed by the human or animal body not only for the formation of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. This salt is included in tissue fluids and blood. In the latter, its concentration is 0.5-0.6%.
    • Every day we use and encounter..." target="_blank"> 9. Chemistry around us
      • Every day we use and encounter the products of chemical reactions. These are matches, glass, cement, concrete, food additives, cosmetics, etc.
      • Let's get to know them better...
    • For a long time, people came up with an easy way..." target="_blank"> 10. Matches
      • For a long time, people came up with an easy way to make fire. And in the 18th century people invented matches.
      • They include:
      • Red phosphorus
      • Tree
      • Cardboard
      • Red phosphorus with additives
    • Initially, people wrote on papyrus, after n..." target="_blank"> 11. Paper
      • Initially, people wrote on papyrus, then on parchment. Just like papyrus, parchment is a strong and durable material. It is believed that the name of paper (papiera) comes from the word papyrus.
      • As you know, paper is made from wood. Cellulose fibers in wood are bound together by lignin. To remove lignin and release cellulose from it, wood is boiled. A common cooking method is sulfite. It was developed in the USA in 1866, and the first plant using this technology was built in Sweden in 1874.
    • To ensure the strength of the particle connection, the pigment..." target="_blank"> 12.
      • Binders are required to ensure a strong bond between the pigment particles and the base paper. Often their role is played by substances that provide paper sizing. Kaolin is widely used as mineral pigments - an earthy mass similar in composition to clays, but compared to the latter, characterized by reduced plasticity and increased whiteness. One of the oldest fillers is calcium carbonate (chalk), which is why such papers are called coated.
    • For the manufacture of the working part of graphite..." target="_blank"> 13. Pencil
      • To make the working part of a graphite pencil, prepare a mixture of graphite and clay with the addition of a small amount of hydrogenated sunflower oil. Depending on the ratio of graphite and clay, lead of varying softness is obtained - the more graphite, the softer the lead. The mixture is stirred in a ball mill in the presence of water for 100 hours. The prepared mass is passed through filter presses and slabs are obtained. They are dried, and then a rod is squeezed out of them using a syringe press, which is cut into pieces of a certain length. The rods are dried in special devices and the resulting curvature is corrected. Then they are fired at a temperature of 1000-1100°C in mine crucibles.
    • The composition of colored pencil leads..." target="_blank"> 14. Composition of pencils
      • The composition of colored pencil leads includes kaolin, talc, stearin (known to a wide range of people as a material for making candles) and calcium stearate (calcium soap). Stearine and calcium stearate are plasticizers. Carboxymethylcellulose is used as a binding material. This is an adhesive used for wallpapering. Here it is also pre-filled with water to swell. In addition, appropriate dyes are introduced into the leads; as a rule, these are organic substances. This mixture is mixed (rolled on special machines) and obtained in the form of thin foil. It is crushed and the resulting powder is filled into a gun, from which the mixture is syringed in the form of rods, which are cut into pieces of a certain length and then dried. To color the surface of colored pencils, the same pigments and varnishes are used that are usually used to color children's toys. The preparation of wooden equipment and its processing is carried out in the same way as for graphite pencils.
    • The history of glass goes back to ancient times...." target="_blank"> 15. Glass
      • The history of glass goes back to ancient times. It is known that in Egypt and Mesopotamia they knew how to make it already 6000 years ago. Probably, glass began to be produced later than the first ceramic products, since its production required higher temperatures than for firing clay. If for the simplest ceramic products only clay was enough, then the composition of glass requires at least three components.
    • In glass making they use..." target="_blank"> 16. Production and composition
      • In glassmaking, only the purest varieties of quartz sand are used, in which the total amount of impurities does not exceed 2-3%. The presence of iron is especially undesirable, since even in tiny quantities (tenths of a percent) it colors the glass greenish. If you add Na 2 CO 3 soda to the sand, you can weld glass at a lower temperature (200-300°). Such a melt will be less viscous (bubbles are easier to remove during cooking, and products are easier to shape). But! Such glass is soluble in water, and products made from it are subject to destruction under the influence of atmospheric influences. To make the glass insoluble in water, a third component is introduced into it - lime, limestone, chalk. All of them are characterized by the same chemical formula - CaCO 3.
    • Photochromic glasses
    • ..." target="_blank"> 17. Types of glass
      • Photochromic glasses
      • Crystal, crystal glass
      • Quartz glass
      • Foam glass
      • Glass wool and fiber
      • Glassware
    • Soap was known to man..." target="_blank"> 18. Soap and detergents
      • Soap was known to man before the new era. Scientists do not have information about the beginning of soap making in Arab countries and China. The earliest written mention of soap in European countries is found in the Roman writer and scientist Pliny the Elder (23-79). Despite the fact that at the end of the Middle Ages there was a fairly developed soap industry in different countries, the chemical essence of the processes, of course, was not clear. Only at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The chemical nature of fats was clarified and clarity was brought into the reaction of their saponification.
    • Fats - heavy glycerol esters (glycerides)..." target="_blank"> 19.
      • Fats are glycerol esters (glycerides) of heavy monobasic carboxylic acids, mainly palmitic CH3 (CH 2) 14 COOH, stearic CH 3 (CH 2) 16 COOH and oleic CH 3 (CH 2) 7 CH=CH (CH 2) 7 COOH . Their formula and hydrolysis reaction can be described as follows:
      • CH 2 OOCR 1 R 1 COONa CH 2 OH
      • | |
      • CHOOCR 2 + 3NaOH->R 2 COONa + CHOH
      • | |
      • CH 2 OOCR 3 R 3 COONa CH 2 OH
      • fat salt glycerin
      • acids
    • The soap production process consists of chemical and... target="_blank"> 20.
      • The soap making process consists of chemical and mechanical stages. At the first stage (soap cooking), an aqueous solution of sodium salts (less often potassium) of fatty acids or their substitutes (naphthenic, resin) is obtained. At the second stage, mechanical processing of these salts is carried out - cooling, drying, mixing with various additives, finishing and packaging
    • This is interesting
      • In addition to using soap as a detergent, it is widely used in finishing fabrics, in the production of cosmetics, for the manufacture of polishing compounds and water-based paints. There is also a less harmless use: Aluminum soap (aluminum salts of a mixture of fatty and naphthenic acids) is used in the USA to produce some types of napalm - a self-igniting composition used in flamethrowers and incendiary bombs. The word napalm itself comes from the initial syllables of naphthenic and palmitic acids. The composition of napalm is quite simple - it is gasoline thickened with aluminum soap.
    • Toothpastes are multi-component with..." target="_blank"> 22. Toothpaste
      • Toothpastes are multi-component compositions. They are divided into hygienic and therapeutic and prophylactic. The former only have a cleansing and refreshing effect, while the latter, in addition, serve to prevent diseases and contribute to the treatment of teeth and oral cavity.
    • The main components of the toothpaste are as follows:..." target="_blank"> 23. Composition:
      • The main components of toothpaste are as follows: abrasives, binders, thickeners, foaming agents. Abrasive substances provide mechanical cleaning of the tooth from plaque and polishing it. Chemically precipitated chalk CaCO 3 is most often used as abrasives. It has been established that the components of toothpaste can affect the mineral component of the tooth and, in particular, the enamel. Therefore, calcium phosphates began to be used as abrasives: CaHPO 4, Ca 3(PO 4) 2, Ca 2 P 2 O 7, as well as poorly soluble polymer sodium metaphosphate (NaPO3). In addition, aluminum oxide and hydroxide, silicon dioxide, zirconium silicate, as well as some organic polymer substances, such as sodium methyl methacrylate, are used as abrasives in various types of pastes. In practice, not one abrasive substance is often used, but a mixture of them.
    • There is still a huge variety of things..." target="_blank"> 24. Conclusion
      • There are also a huge number of substances produced in chemical plants and factories that we use in everyday life. Therefore, we need to know chemistry well in order to be able to use its gifts correctly. Perhaps it is a good knowledge of chemistry that will help us correct and improve life on our Earth!
    • Brief chemical..." target="_blank"> 25. List of used literature
      • Brief chemical encyclopedia. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1961 – 1967. T. I - V.
      • Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. – M:: Sov. encyclopedia, 1983.
      • Butt Yu.M., Duderov G.N., Matveev M.A. General technology of silicates. – M.: Gosstroyizdat, 1962
      • G.P. Match production technology. – M.–L.: Goslesbumizdat, 1961
      • Kozmal F. Paper production in theory and practice. – M.: Timber Industry, 1964
      • Kukushkin Yu.N. Higher order connections. – L.: Chemistry, 1991
      • Chalmers L. Chemicals in everyday life and industry - L.: Chemistry, 1969
      • Engelhardt G., Granich K., Ritter K. Paper sizing. – M.: Timber Industry, 1975

very urgent!! ! I need a message on chemistry on the topic: solutions around us. What site can I find this on? and got the best answer

Answer from Oliya xxxxxxx[guru]

Answer from Ekaterina Volkova[newbie]
Solutions are a homogeneous multicomponent system consisting of a solvent, dissolved substances and products of their interaction.
Based on their state of aggregation, solutions can be liquid (sea water), gaseous (air) or solid (many metal alloys).
The particle sizes in true solutions are less than 10-9 m (on the order of molecular sizes).
Unsaturated, saturated and supersaturated solutions
If molecular or ionic particles distributed in a liquid solution are present in such quantities that, under given conditions, no further dissolution of the substance occurs, the solution is called saturated. (For example, if you place 50 g of NaCl in 100 g of H2O, then at 200C only 36 g of salt will dissolve).
A solution is called saturated if it is in dynamic equilibrium with an excess of solute.
By placing less than 36 g of NaCl in 100 g of water at 200C, we obtain an unsaturated solution.
When a mixture of salt and water is heated to 1000C, 39.8 g of NaCl will dissolve in 100 g of water. If the undissolved salt is now removed from the solution and the solution is carefully cooled to 200C, the excess salt does not always precipitate. In this case, we are dealing with a supersaturated solution. Supersaturated solutions are very unstable. Stirring, shaking, or adding grains of salt can cause excess salt to crystallize and enter a saturated stable state.
An unsaturated solution is a solution containing less substance than a saturated one.
A supersaturated solution is a solution that contains more substance than a saturated solution.
Dissolution as a physico-chemical process
Solutions are formed by the interaction of a solvent and a solute. The process of interaction between a solvent and a solute is called solvation (if the solvent is water - hydration).
Dissolution proceeds with the formation of products of different shapes and strengths - hydrates. This involves forces of both physical and chemical nature. The dissolution process due to this kind of interaction of components is accompanied by various thermal phenomena.
The energy characteristic of dissolution is the heat of formation of the solution, considered as the algebraic sum of the thermal effects of all endo- and exothermic stages of the process. The most significant among them are:
– heat-absorbing processes - destruction of the crystal lattice, breaking of chemical bonds in molecules;
– heat-generating processes - the formation of products of interaction of a dissolved substance with a solvent (hydrates), etc.
If the energy of destruction of the crystal lattice is less than the energy of hydration of the dissolved substance, then dissolution occurs with the release of heat (heating is observed). Thus, the dissolution of NaOH is an exothermic process: 884 kJ/mol is spent on the destruction of the crystal lattice, and during the formation of hydrated Na+ and OH- ions, 422 and 510 kJ/mol are released, respectively.
If the energy of the crystal lattice is greater than the energy of hydration, then dissolution occurs with the absorption of heat (when preparing an aqueous solution of NH4NO3, a decrease in temperature is observed).
The limiting solubility of many substances in water (or in other solvents) is a constant value corresponding to the concentration of a saturated solution at a given temperature. It is a qualitative characteristic of solubility and is given in reference books in grams per 100 g of solvent (under certain conditions).
Solubility depends on the nature of the solute and solvent, temperature and pressure.
Nature of the solute. Crystalline substances are divided into:
P - highly soluble (more than 1.0 g per 100 g of water);
M - slightly soluble (0.1 g - 1.0 g per 100 g of water);
H - insoluble (less than 0.1 g per 100 g of water).

Answer from Yergey Sergeev[newbie]
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Preface Everywhere, wherever we turn our eyes, we are surrounded by objects and products made from substances and materials obtained in chemical plants and factories. In addition, in everyday life, without knowing it, every person carries out chemical reactions. For example, washing with soap, washing with detergents, etc. When a piece of lemon is dropped into a glass of hot tea, the color weakens - tea here acts as an acid indicator, similar to litmus. A similar acid-base interaction occurs when chopped blue cabbage is soaked in vinegar. Housewives know that cabbage turns pink. By lighting a match, mixing sand and cement with water, or extinguishing lime with water, or burning a brick, we carry out real and sometimes quite complex chemical reactions. Explaining these and other widespread chemical processes in human life is the job of specialists.

Table salt We can say with confidence that at least one chemical compound is present in a fairly pure form in every home, in every family. This is table salt or, as chemists call it, sodium chloride NaCl. It is known that, when leaving a taiga shelter, hunters certainly leave matches and salt for random travelers. Table salt is absolutely necessary for the functioning of the human and animal bodies. A lack of this salt leads to functional and organic disorders: spasms of smooth muscles may occur, and sometimes the centers of the nervous system are affected. Prolonged salt starvation can lead to the death of the body. The daily requirement for table salt for an adult is g. In hot climates, the need for salt increases to g. This is due to the fact that sodium chloride is excreted from the body through sweat and more salt must be introduced into the body to restore losses.

Matches Man has long been familiar with the miraculous properties of fire, spontaneously arising as a result of a lightning strike. Therefore, the search for ways to make fire was undertaken by primitive man. Vigorous rubbing of two pieces of wood is one such method. Wood spontaneously ignites at temperatures above 300°C. It is clear what kind of muscular effort must be made to locally heat the wood to such a temperature. And yet, at one time, mastering this method was the greatest achievement, since the use of fire allowed man to significantly remove his dependence on the climate, and therefore expand the space for existence. Creating sparks when a stone hits a piece of FeS2 pyrite and igniting charred pieces of wood or plant fibers with them was another way for humans to produce fire.

Paper and pencils Without exaggeration, we can say that every person uses paper or products made from it every day and in large quantities. The role of paper in the history of culture is invaluable. The written history of mankind dates back about six thousand years and began before the invention of paper. At first, a clay plate and stone served for this purpose. However, without paper it is unlikely that writing, the most important means of human communication, would have developed as much as it did. Writing, being a sign system for recording speech, allows it to be stored in time and transmitted over distances. Even with the widest distribution of radio, television and tape recordings, as well as the memory of electronic computers, paper as a means of storing information and cultural values ​​of mankind continues to this day to play its invaluable role.

Glass The main consumer of glass today is the construction industry. More than half of all glass produced is window glass for glazing buildings and vehicles: cars, railway cars, trams, trolleybuses. In addition, glass is used as a walling and finishing material in the form of hollow bricks, foam glass blocks, and facing tiles. Approximately a third of the glass produced is used to make vessels of various types and purposes. This is primarily glass containers - bottles and jars. Glass is used in large quantities to make tableware. Glass is still indispensable for the production of chemical glassware. Quite a lot of glass is used to make wool, fiber and fabrics for thermal and electrical insulation.

Ceramics Ceramics are widely represented in everyday life and construction. The word ceramics has become so firmly established in the Russian language that we are surprised when we learn that it is of foreign origin. In fact, the word ceramics originates from Greece. The Greek word keramos means earthenware. Since ancient times, ceramic products have been produced by firing clays or their mixtures with certain mineral additives. Excavations show that ceramic products have been produced by humans since the Neolithic era (8...3 thousand years BC). Since clays are very common in nature, the craft of pottery developed widely and often independently in different parts of the world, and was relatively easily adopted and spread.

Cement Cement is the collective name for various powdery binders that, when mixed with water, can form a plastic mass that acquires a stone-like state over time. Most cements are hydraulic, i.e. binders, which, having begun to harden in air, continue to harden under water. The first cement was discovered during the Roman Empire. Residents of the town of Puzzoli, located at the foot of the Vesuvius volcano, noticed that when volcanic ash (pozzolans) was added to lime, an effective binding agent was formed. Lime itself, as is known, exhibits binding properties, but when combined it is unstable to water.

Adhesives Currently, a very large number of different adhesives are used in everyday life and industry. They can be divided into mineral, plant, animal and synthetic. Mineral adhesives sometimes include binders such as lime and gypsum, but they lack one of the main properties of adhesives - stickiness. Silicate glue or, what is the same, liquid glass fully satisfies all the properties inherent in glue.

Chemical bleaches When washing fabrics, it is necessary not only to remove dirt, but also to destroy colored compounds. Often they are natural dyes from berries or wines. This function is performed by chemical bleaches. The most common bleach is sodium perborate. Its chemical formula is conventionally written as NaBO2·H2O2·3H2О. The formula shows that the bleaching agent is hydrogen peroxide, which is formed as a result of the hydrolysis of perborate. This chemical bleach is effective at 70°C and above.

Mineral fertilizers Mineral fertilizers began to be used in the world relatively recently. The initiator and active advocate of their use in agriculture was the German chemist Justus Liebig. In 1840, he published the book “Chemistry as applied to agriculture.” In 1841, on his initiative, the first superphosphate plant was built in England. Potash fertilizers began to be produced in the 70s of the last century. Mineral nitrogen at that time was supplied to the soil with Chilean nitrate. It should be noted that currently it is considered rational to apply phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers to the soil in a nutrient ratio of approximately 1:1.5:3. The demand for mineral fertilizers is rapidly increasing so that their global consumption has doubled every ten years since the beginning of this century. Fortunately, the reserves of the main fertilizer elements on Earth are large and their depletion is not yet expected.

Corrosion of Metals The word corrosion comes from the Latin corrodere, which means to corrode. Although corrosion is most often associated with metals, it also affects stones, plastics and other polymeric materials, and wood. For example, we are currently witnessing great concern among broad sections of people due to the fact that monuments (buildings and sculptures) made of limestone or marble are catastrophically suffering from acid rain.

Noble metals Noble metals usually include gold, silver and platinum. However, their list is far from exhausted by these metals. In science and technology, these also include platinum's satellites - the platinum metals: palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium and iridium. Noble metals are characterized by low chemical activity and corrosion resistance to atmospheric influences and mineral acids. Products made from precious metals have a beautiful appearance (nobility).

Conclusion In everyday life, people constantly use products and substances obtained through chemical transformations. Moreover, without knowing it, in everyday life a person himself often carries out chemical reactions. The book is structured in the form of individual stories about common substances, materials and chemical processes used by humans every day.

Chekalina Olesya

This work is addressed to those who are just beginning to get acquainted with the interesting world of chemistry. The work is made in the form of a computer presentation; it is recommended to show it to students who have just started studying chemistry or are already studying this subject. This gives an idea of ​​the chemicals that surround us in everyday life. The work expands the understanding of the use of various (synthetic or natural) substances and increases the importance of the science of chemistry. It is recommended to show the presentation in lessons, elective courses, clubs and electives in chemistry.



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Substances around us. Completed by Olesya Chekalina Teacher: Elena Vladimirovna Karmaza Ivangorod Secondary School No. 1

Every day we deal with various types of household chemicals, ranging from ordinary soap to dyes for cars, as well as dozens of types, hundreds of names of chemical industry products designed to perform all possible household tasks. Chemistry in the kitchen; Chemistry in the bathroom; Chemistry in the garden; Chemistry in cosmetics and hygiene; Chemistry in the home medicine cabinet. Here are some of them:

Chemistry in the kitchen Chemistry in the kitchen is necessary, first of all, for human health because... It is in the kitchen that we spend half our lives. Everything in the kitchen needs to be kept clean and tidy, because unsanitary conditions can cause skin diseases and even lead to poisoning. In order for the kitchen not to be a vulnerable place for human health, it is necessary to constantly clean it up: · The kitchen table must be wiped before and after each meal; · It is best to wipe the table surface with a rag previously soaked in soapy water with the addition of acetic acid (this is a very effective method); · For washing dishes, the most effective are liquid SMP (dishwashing detergents, such as AOS, Sorti, etc.), which are highly soapy; · Cleaning of glass surfaces is carried out using spray-like substances.

Chemistry in the bathroom Chemistry in the bathroom also implies cleanliness because... In the bath we improve body hygiene. In order to clean the bathroom, it is necessary to use chlorine-containing substances and cleaning powders (“Pemo-lux”, “Soda effect”, etc.). In order to maintain body hygiene, a person uses many chemicals - all kinds of shampoos, shower gels, soaps, body creams, all kinds of lotions, etc.

Chemistry in the garden and vegetable garden Fruits, berries, vegetables, cereals - all this grows in the garden and vegetable garden, and in order for the harvest to be good, people add various chemicals to accelerate plant growth, pesticides, herbicides. All this, to varying degrees, is harmful to health, primarily to the consumer of these fruit and berry crops. To avoid the harmful effects of these substances, you need to use natural fertilizers of animal origin. Chemicals in the garden are used mainly to protect against pests and plant diseases: fruit crops, berries, vegetables, flowers. Mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and microelements are also used. They help increase plant productivity. Insecticides, fungicides, repellents - involve the fight against harmful insects, garden fungi, etc.

Chemistry in cosmetics and hygiene Cosmetics are mostly used by the female half of humanity. Hygiene products include soap, shampoos, deodorants, and creams. Cosmetic products include lipsticks, powders, eye shadows, mascara and eyebrows, eyeliner pencils, lip liners, foundation and much more. Nowadays, there are no cosmetics that are not of chemical origin, with the exception of creams and masks prepared on the basis of plants. To protect yourself from low-quality cosmetics, you need to monitor their expiration dates. After all, the substances from which they are made are exposed to the environment.

Chemistry in the home medicine cabinet “There is a potion for every illness” (Russian proverb) In ancient times there were no pharmacies: doctors made up their own medicines. They bought raw materials for the production of medicinal potions from “plant root diggers” and stored them in a warehouse - a pharmacy. The word “pharmacy” itself comes from the Greek “warehouse”. In Russia, under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich (1613-1645), pharmacies already had the position of “alchemist” (laboratory chemist) who prepared medicines. Many famous scientists who went down in history as chemists were pharmacists and pharmacists in their main positions. It goes without saying that every family should have a home first aid kit. And this is the most “chemical” place in the apartment.

Pharmacy old-timers “The older, the righter. The younger, the more expensive” (Russian proverb) There are ancient medicines that have not lost their significance to this day. This is potassium permanganate - "potassium permanganate", hydrogen peroxide (peroxide), iodine, ammonia, table salt, Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate), baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), alum, lapis (silver nitrate) "lead sugar" - lead acetate , boric acid, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is a common antipyretic.

Nature heals Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of healing agents that has not yet been fully explored by people. Among them, a place of honor is occupied by: · honey, · propolis, · kombucha. They contain natural chemicals.

HONEY "Bird of honey, God's bee, You, queen of forest flowers! Go and bring honey, Taking from flower cups, From fragrant blades of grass, So that I can soothe the pain, Quench the suffering of my son..." (Karelian epic "Kalevala") Bee honey in ointments helps the formation of glutathione, a substance that plays an important role in the redox processes of the body and accelerates the growth and division of cells. Therefore, under the influence of honey, wounds heal faster. An ointment made from equal amounts of honey and sea buckthorn oil is especially powerful.

Propolis Propolis (“bee glue”) is a resinous substance that bees use to seal the cracks in their homes. It is obtained during the primary digestion of flower pollen by bees and contains about 59% resins and balms, 10% essential oils and 30% wax.

Kombucha "Rising from the silver shackles, a sweet and salty pool will be born, populated with an unknown breath and a fresh crush of bubbles." (B. Akhmadulina) Undeservedly forgotten kombucha helps to create a small “factory” of soft drinks right at home, producing tasty and, importantly, healthy products that can quench your thirst in the summer heat.

Disease of the 21st century - allergies

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