State information system "contingent". I

Suddenly adopted by the State Duma on December 21 in the second and third readings, despite the active opposition of a number of Orthodox public and parent organizations.

Draft Federal Law No. 1048557-6 "On Amendments to Articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law "On General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", providing for the creation of a state system "Unified Federal Interdepartmental Accounting System contingent of students in basic and additional educational programs" - this is a sabotage against the future of Russia. He poses a real threat to the lives of our children, our families and the national security of Russia.

In relations with government and commercial structures, this unique digital code replaces the name given to a person in Holy Baptism in honor of his Heavenly patron. Such an action is nothing more than a spiritual, mystical act. By accepting and using the identifier, a person allows his name to be replaced by a combination of numbers, in other words, he accepts a new numerical name that is inextricably linked with the human being himself. For an Orthodox person this is unacceptable. All troubles begin with the adoption and use of SNILS. Let us remember the words of Father Kirill (Pavlov): “Assigning numbers to people is an atheistic, sinful thing. Because when God created man, He gave him a name. Naming a person is God's Will. All the millennia that have passed since that time, people have used names. And now, instead of a name, a person is assigned a number. How and why this is done leaves no doubt about the sinfulness and atheistic nature of this matter. Therefore, there is no need to participate in this matter, but to resist it as much as possible.”

If assigning a number to a person is an atheistic and sinful thing, then accepting and using a number by a person is no less atheistic and sinful!

Every citizen can write an appeal against the forced assignment of SNILS.

Sadly, in Russia they are still trying to implement projects related to the construction of a global information society, in which sovereign states are destroyed and people are likened to goods. However, it is not too late to speak out against this godless cause. The Lord is not yet completely angry.

In connection with the adoption of the unconstitutional law on the “Study Contingent” system, we must intensify the pressure on crafty figures who have threatened the rights and freedoms of citizens, the lives of our children and are undermining the foundations of the national security of our country.

Full commissioning of the Contingent system is scheduled for 2022.

Under no circumstances should you relax!

God willing, everything will work out like with the ill-fated UEC, the issue of which was legally canceled on January 1, 2017.

“Do not quench the spirit. Do not disparage prophecies. Try everything, hold on to the good. Abstain from all kinds of evil” (1 Thess. 5:19-22); “Do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but also reprove” (Eph. 5:11), the Word of God teaches us.

First of all, based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the National Security Strategy and the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, contact the Security Council of the Russian Federation and the FSB of Russia.

Secondly, it is necessary to demand that Federal Law No. 1048557-6 “On Amendments to Articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law “On General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” be declared invalid.”

It should also be recalled that the Russian Orthodox Church and the State Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation are categorically against forcing citizens to accept and use any personal identifiers, automated means of collecting, processing and recording personal data, and personal confidential information.

Speaking in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in January 2015 as part of the III Christmas Parliamentary Meetings, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' stated on behalf of many Russian citizens: “The use of automated means of collecting, processing and recording personal data, especially confidential information, should only be carried out on a voluntary basis. With reference to the fact that this is convenient for bureaucrats, these technologies cannot be completely implemented! Each of us may find ourselves enslaved by these technologies, under total control. And if for someone my words do not sound relevant now, believe me, after some time these words can become relevant for each of us. Therefore, leaving the possibility of an alternative, we always leave the possibility of getting out of such total control.”

The Russian Orthodox Church firmly insists on the exclusive voluntary participation of citizens in new forms of personal identification and authentication and recognizes the right of a person to refuse to use technologies that contradict his religious and other beliefs.

The State Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation gives the same conclusion: “Any forms of forcing people to use electronic personal identifiers, automated means of collecting, processing and recording personal data, personal confidential information are unacceptable” (response of the State Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill - Letter dated January 22, 2014 No. A6-403).

How long will Russia be ruled by representatives of the “fifth column” and their overseas masters, pushing anti-constitutional, anti-human laws, and deputies and senators will automatically sign them without even looking!?

If the Lord wills, in the near future specialists from the Movement “For the right to live without TIN, personal codes and microchips” and the “Union of Orthodox Lawyers” will prepare appropriate Appeals, which will need to be sent to the specified addresses.

Valery Pavlovich Filimonov, Russian writer, specialist in the field of cybernetics and control systems

Regulatory framework Clause 1 of the Action Plan for the creation of an electronic system for recording the student population in educational organizations of various types in accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2013 OG-P MON-P 720 dated February 28, 2014 to the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of materials with proposals for SNILS and the AIS Contingent project. Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2008 Pr-212. Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia MON-P-4564 dated November 15, 2013. The concept for the development of a unified information educational environment in terms of building an information system for registering children and integrating the AIS “Contingent-region” with other departmental systems and systems at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

About the AIS system "Contingent-region" - a regional segment of a unified information system for recording, monitoring and managing the student population in educational organizations of the Russian Federation. Purpose of the system: automation and collection of up-to-date information on the actual and projected number of students (population) in educational institutions of various types; creation and maintenance of an up-to-date unified register of educational institutions of various types; monitoring of registers by authorized representatives of regional and municipal educational authorities; collection of up-to-date information on the current and final performance of students; routing data during the implementation of the output of the state service on academic performance to the EPGU in electronic form monitoring the educational trajectory (migration) of students generation of the necessary statistical reporting

Contingent Purpose: formation and work with a unified data bank on the educational achievements of students of all types of educational institutions in the region. Opportunities: formation of a unified register of students, monitoring the history of student migration, monitoring the educational achievements of students in the context of current and final grades

Educational organizations Purpose: formation and work with a unified register of educational organizations in the region. Features: searching and sorting the necessary information providing summary information on OO generation of the necessary reporting in electronic form

Reports Purpose: generation of statistical and analytical reporting based on data stored in the AIS “Contingent-region”. Features: generation of summary statistical reports on various types of educational institutions: academic performance, migration structure (by age, gender, form of education, specialties) and others; transfer of reporting forms to Excel and Pdf; generation of dynamic charts and graphs based on regional population data

A software component that provides interaction (reception and transmission of data). Purpose: ensuring the possibility of two-way data exchange between the system and external IS; ensuring the conversion of the external data format (supplied by external IS) into the internal format of the system data presentation. Integration bus

System Administrator Access to all system features. Features: viewing registers: “Contingent”, “Organizations”, “Management Bodies” access to all reports creating/editing users registering data providers maintaining a directory of items setting up subordination of organizations setting priorities of data providers for an organization Excel downloading XML downloading access to the download log

OOO Administrator Access to most opportunities, but only within his organization (and subordinates). Features: viewing registers: “Contingent”, “Organizations”, “Management Bodies” access to reports creating/editing users for your organization and subordinates maintaining a directory of items within the items of your organization (municipality) setting up item linking Excel loading access to the journal downloads

Employee O(U)O Access to the main capabilities of the system, but only within his organization (and subordinates), does not have access to creating new users / suppliers, maintaining directories. Features: viewing registers: “Contingent”, “Organizations”, “Management Bodies” access to reports Excel download access to the download log

Student's portfolio General information: general information contact details/additional information legal representatives educational documents Migration: data on the student's education in various educational institutions data on the student's mastery of educational programs other achievements Academic performance: quarterly diary final Migration:

Classes and items The “Items” tab contains a list of items indicating their correspondence to items from the main directory of system items. On the tab “Educational areas/focuses/groups of specialties” there is a list of educational areas/focuses/groups of specialties present in the educational institution.

Portfolio of an educational institution Contains: information block with the number of students in reporting educational institutions; information block with the number of reporting educational institutions; information block with the number of reporting educational institutions; general information: full and short name of the organization; details of the organization; contact details of the organization (telephone, fax, official website address)

Preschool reports List: Forms of ownership and types of activities of preschool organizations Migration of preschool children Distribution of preschool children by age groups Distribution of students into groups depending on the group’s operating mode Distribution of students into groups depending on the type of groups

PO reports List: Register of PO Structure of PO Current and final performance of PO students Migration of PO students Information on the number of pupils/students attending PO Information on the number of pupils/students attending PO, broken down by municipalities and urban districts Information on the number of children in queues for enrollment in public education organizations Information on the number of children standing in line for enrollment in public education organizations, by municipalities and city districts Information on age categories of children standing in queues for enrollment in public education organizations, by municipalities and urban districts Data downloading Methods of downloading data: manual (using Excel templates) automatic (XML - configured by the data provider) Data download log contains: Date / time of data download Name of data provider File name Download status (Success / Error) Note: download status “Error” contains an icon with an exclamation mark sign, when clicked, a download comment describing the error will be displayed.

The customer of the Unified Federal Interdepartmental System for accounting for the student population in basic educational programs and additional general education programs (federal segment of the IS “Contingent”) was the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in the interests of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Both ministries carry out general coordination of activities to create the system. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the federal segment of the Contingent IS, its technological support, coordination of interdepartmental electronic interaction and is the technological operator of the system. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is engaged in methodological and methodological support of the federal system.

2016. Changing legislation to create a system

Putin rejected the law on creating a system for registering schoolchildren

On December 29, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected the law providing for the creation of the “Study Contingent” information system in the Russian Federation, according to the Kremlin website.

Explaining his decision, the president said that the federal law should specify a list of specific information that will be contained in the system. In addition, the persons who will have access to this data and their responsibilities must be identified.

According to the established practice in Russia, questions about the composition and protection of data in industry information systems are the domain of by-laws where this is prescribed, notes the founder of the Academy of Systems Analysis, scientific director of the Center for Urbanism at Peter the Great Polytechnic Alan Salbiev.

In this regard, of course, it is nonsense that the president demanded that these norms be included in the text of the law, says Alan Salbiev. – But even the most protected systems are vulnerable, so maximum guarantees are needed, since we are talking about protecting childhood, the tomorrow of our country. Like many experts, I support the president’s decision, which was dictated by protecting the interests of children. It is absolutely logical that he demanded that the provisions of the law be supplemented with more clear theses about who will manage personal data, for what purposes, and what the composition of the data will be. The President did not trust the by-laws, which can then be quickly changed, but demanded that these issues be included in the law itself.

According to the expert, one of the reasons for what happened was a change of leadership in the Ministry of Education and Science in the midst of the project’s implementation. This led to the department beginning to change its priorities, its approach to organizing a digital educational platform, the use of digital technologies in education, and began more intensive work with the presidential administration. “So it was expected and logical that adjustments would be required to the very ideology of the Contingent system,” says Alan Salbiev. But the departments were unable to agree on the changed positions in time; as a result, the president rejected the law.

In addition, public hearings on the “Contingent” were not held in full, notes Alan Salbiev. As a result, many public figures do not have complete information, which interferes with balanced judgments.

The expert predicts that in the very near future the necessary adjustments will be made to the law and the Contingent system may be fully implemented by the spring of 2017.

I am glad that even the adherents of the blackboard and chalk have begun to realize that the new generation consumes information in a different format and that other approaches to education are needed. Without a digital ecosystem, these approaches cannot be achieved. Without it, the education system cannot be considered competitive, Alan Salbiev is convinced.

On December 23, 2016, the Federation Council approved the law on the creation of a student registration information system and sent it to the President of the Russian Federation.

The State Duma adopted a law on the creation of the “Student Contingent” information system

On December 21, 2016, the State Duma adopted in the second and third, final readings a law providing for the creation in the Russian Federation of an information system “Study Contingent”, which should contain information about students, their performance and educational organizations.

The bill should come into force on September 1, 2017, and the “Study Cohort” system should be formed “in stages within the time frame established by the Government of the Russian Federation, but no later than September 1, 2022.”

2015. Creation of the system

A federal system for registering schoolchildren has been created

At the end of December 2015, the system was created. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and Megafon signed the relevant acts on the work performed, including an act on the readiness of the federal segment of the system for commissioning.

Megafon provided the ministry with a software distribution kit for the federal segment of the system, source codes, an album of screen forms, and the necessary documentation. The customer paid the contractor 35.76 million rubles.

Selecting a contractor

The tender participants split into pairs. Megafon won

Megafon won, offering the minimum price - 35.76 million rubles (the initial price was 67.5 million). It is interesting that the text of the technical part of Megafon’s application practically coincides with the similar text of the Bars Group application, right down to the drawings of the proposed subsystem structures. This may become a reason to appeal the results of the tender to the FAS, says a TAdviser interlocutor close to one of the tender participants.

The proposed structure of the subsystem for collecting, storing and verifying data in Megafon’s technical application

The proposed structure of the subsystem for collecting, storing and verifying data in the Bars Group technical application

Proposed three-tier system architecture, Megafon application

Proposed three-tier system architecture, application by Bars Group

The technical parts of the applications of Rostelecom and Voskhod also coincide with each other.

Analytical module, Voskhod application

Analytical module, Rostelecom application

Megafon refused to comment on the situation. Bars Group could not provide comments to TAdviser.

FAS does not rule out collusion between suppliers

After reviewing the information about the competition, the FAS told TAdviser that the coincidence of parts of technical proposals may be one of the signs of collusion, but conclusions cannot be drawn only on this basis.

FAS is ready to study this issue in detail if a corresponding application is received, representatives of the antimonopoly service added in a conversation with TAdviser.


About one month of time is allocated for the development of the first stage of the federal segment of the interdepartmental system (including the analytical component of the federal segment) (work will start in November and will be completed by December 15, 2015).

During the same time period, the contractor must test the information interaction of the federal segment with the regional segments of the interdepartmental system of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation using the example of 10 pilot regions identified under the government contract.

In addition, the winner will have to develop prototypes of services for interaction of the federal segment with the systems of the Federal Tax Service, Federal Migration Service, Pension Fund, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Health and Rosobrnadzor, as well as test the interaction of the system with the higher education segment.

The key issues that the specialists of the companies BARS Group and Netrika (acting as subcontractors) resolved were integration with various departmental data sources, interaction of the federal segment of the system with previously developed regional segments. Prototypes of services for interaction of the federal segment with the systems of the Federal Tax Service, Federal Migration Service, Pension Fund, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Health and Rosobrnadzor have been developed, and the interaction of the system with the higher education segment has been tested. Much attention was paid to the performance of the system, which processes large amounts of data on a daily basis, ease of use, design and ergonomics of the interfaces of the portal of the federal segment of the IS “Contingent”, which will be used by employees of several Russian departments.

Problems solved by the system

The creation of a federal system, officials hope, will allow solving “a number of pressing problems in the development of general, vocational and additional education,” in particular, will lead to “improving the quality and efficiency of management decision-making, through the organization of effective interdepartmental electronic information exchange.”

The definition of “Russian-made software” is given in the document, which was signed by the President in June 2015. However, the law comes into force only on January 1, 2016.

For the federal segment of the Contingent IS, in addition to the portal, various subsystems have been developed: administration, collection, storage and verification of data, management of data on persons, teaching staff and organizations, management of regulatory and reference information, integration with external systems,

The given contingent (including the total number) of students of an educational organization, in fact, is an indicator of its sustainability in the market of educational services. It should also be noted that the indicators of the contingent (including the total number) are the basis for analyzing the effectiveness of the use of material, technical, financial and intellectual resources. Consequently, in the future, the basis for optimizing resources and developing the educational organization as a whole.

The structure of indicators for analyzing the student population in an educational organization is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Structure of indicators for analyzing the student population in an educational organization

Basic indicators Performance indicators
1) Given total number of students, (persons) 2) Number of full-time students, (persons) 3) Number of part-time students, (persons) 4) Number of correspondence students, (persons) .) 5) Students trained in short-term vocational training programs, (persons) 6) Students trained in short-term continuing education programs, (persons) 7) Contingent of students on a budgetary basis (persons) 1) Volume of turnover of educational services, (persons) 2) Index of sustainable market demand 3) Indicators of the structure of turnover of educational services 4) The ratio of the contingent of students on a budgetary basis, the volume of turnover of educational services and the minimum permissible value of the contingent, according to the Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation on period until 2020.

1. The volume of turnover of educational services reflects the total number of students, including the number of students in short-term vocational training programs (CH and short-term additional education programs for a certain period of time. The volume of turnover of educational services allows us to estimate the total workload of an educational organization for a certain period of time.

The volume of turnover of educational services (Ob (obraz.uslug)) is calculated as the sum of the student population (i.e. the number of full-time, part-time and correspondence students), the number of students in short-term vocational training programs (H ) and the number of students in short-term programs of additional education (H prep.additional/pr), (persons):

About ( = Contingent + H + H prep.add./pr.

2. The index of sustainable market demand (I established market/sp.) reflects the degree of sustainability of an educational organization in the socio-economic system of the region. The sustainable market demand index is a relative indicator characterizing the ratio of the number of students studying on an extra-budgetary basis and the volume of turnover of educational services, (%):

I (established market/reg.) = (H on an extra-budgetary basis)) / About (image of services). ,

3. For a more detailed analysis, it is advisable to analyze the structure of the turnover of educational services by calculating the shares of the workforce by forms and types of vocational training programs:

a) Share of the number of full-time students in the volume of turnover of educational services:

b) Share of the number of part-time and part-time students in the volume of turnover of educational services:

c) Share of the number of correspondence students in the volume of turnover of educational services:

d) Share of the number of students in short-term vocational training programs from the volume of turnover of educational services:

e) Share of the number of students in short-term programs of additional education from the volume of turnover of educational services:

4. In the context of strategic goals, the analysis of the student population is aimed at solving the problem of “... optimizing regional networks of state educational organizations implementing secondary vocational education programs, including restructuring the networks of educational organizations in accordance with the priorities of the socio-economic development of the region, their social infrastructure, consolidation professional educational organizations up to an average number of 200-600 people." At the same time, for a more complete picture of the current situation, it is advisable to conduct a comparative analysis of the actual value of the student population, the volume of turnover of educational services and the minimum acceptable value.

II. Material and technical resources

Material and technical resources, primarily in the form of production space directly used in the process of providing educational services, create an infrastructural basis for the activities of an educational organization, the effective use of which is characterized by:

Firstly, the quantitative correspondence of the areas available to the educational organization with the volume of turnover of educational services and the nature of the educational process;

Secondly, the qualitative compliance of the actual volume of work performed, during the operation of production areas directly used in the process of providing educational services with a practical focus on training, as well as the requirements for integrating the resources of partner organizations in priority areas of industry, inter-industry and regional development in the implementation of network educational programs.

The structure of indicators for the analysis of material and technical resources is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Structure of indicators for analyzing material and technical resources

Basic indicators Performance indicators
1) Area (total), m 2 2) Area (including) training, m 2 3) Area (in addition) leased, m 2 4) Number of classrooms for theoretical training 5) Number of hours of theoretical training, during which classrooms are used for the implementation of basic educational programs (secondary vocational education and vocational training) 6) The number of hours of theoretical training during which classrooms are involved for short-term vocational training and additional education programs 7) The number of hours of theoretical training during which classrooms are involved (of which) for the implementation of network interaction programs 8) Number of workshops, laboratories 9) Number of hours of practical training, during which workshops and laboratories are involved for the implementation of basic educational programs (secondary vocational education and vocational training) 10) Number of practical training hours, during which workshops and laboratories are involved short-term vocational training and additional education programs 11) Number of hours of practical training during which workshops and laboratories (of which) are used for the implementation of networking programs 1) Indicators reflecting the quantitative correspondence of material and technical resources to the volume of turnover of educational services and the nature of the educational process: - total area available to the educational organization per 1 student (m 2 /person); - total teaching area available to the educational organization per 1 student, (m 2 / person); - the total number of hours of theoretical training during which classrooms are used; - the total number of hours of practical training during which workshops and laboratories are involved; - workload of training areas (hours/m2). 2) Indicators of qualitative compliance with the actual volume of work performed, during the operation of production areas directly used in the process of providing educational services with a practical focus on training, as well as with the requirements for integrating the resources of partner organizations in priority areas of industry, inter-industry and regional development in the implementation of network educational programs: - indices provision of practice-oriented training; - network interaction indices

1. Indicators reflecting the quantitative correspondence of material and technical resources to the volume of turnover of educational services and the nature of the educational process.

a) The total area available to the educational organization per 1 student (m2/person):

b) The total teaching area available to the educational organization per 1 student, (m 2 / person):

c) The total number of hours of theoretical training during which classrooms are used is determined as the sum of:

The number of hours of theoretical training, during which classrooms are used, for the implementation of basic educational programs (secondary vocational education and vocational training),

The number of hours of theoretical training, during which classrooms are used, for short-term vocational training and additional education programs,

The number of hours of theoretical training during which classrooms (of which) are used for the implementation of networking programs.

d) The total number of hours of practical training during which workshops and laboratories are involved is determined as the sum of:

The number of hours of practical training, during which workshops and laboratories are used to implement basic educational programs (secondary vocational education and vocational training),

The number of hours of practical training, during which workshops and laboratories are used for short-term vocational training and additional education programs,

The number of hours of practical training, during which workshops and laboratories (from them) are used for the implementation of networking programs.

e) The workload of training areas is defined as the ratio of the sum of the total number of hours of theoretical training, during which classrooms are used, and the total number of hours of practical training, during which workshops and laboratories are used, to the training area available to the educational organization, (hours/m 2).

2. Indicators of qualitative compliance with the actual volume of work performed, during the operation of production areas directly used in the process of providing educational services with a practical focus on training, as well as with the requirements for integrating the resources of partner organizations in priority areas of industry, inter-industry and regional development in the implementation of network educational programs:

a) Indices of provision of practice-oriented training:

The index of provision of practice-oriented training in the implementation of basic educational programs (BEP) of secondary vocational education and vocational training (I practical training) is calculated as the ratio of the number of hours of practical training during which workshops and laboratories are involved in the implementation of BEP of secondary vocational education and vocational training to the sum of the number of hours of theoretical training the number of hours of practical training during which workshops and laboratories are used for the implementation of OOP SPO and vocational training;

The index of provision of practice-oriented training in the implementation of short-term vocational training and additional education programs (I practical course/pr.), is calculated as the ratio of the number of hours of practical training during which workshops and laboratories are used for short-term vocational training and additional education programs to the sum of the number of hours theoretical training, during which classrooms are used, for short-term vocational training and additional education programs and the number of hours of practical training, during which workshops and laboratories are used for short-term vocational training and additional education programs.

b) Network interaction indices:

The index of network interaction of theoretical training is calculated as the ratio of the number of hours of theoretical training, during which classrooms are used for the implementation of network interaction programs, to the total number of hours of theoretical training;

The network interaction index of practical training is calculated as the ratio of the number of hours of practical training during which workshops and laboratories are involved in the implementation of network interaction programs to the total number of hours of practical training.

III. Financial resources

The financial resources of an educational organization are a combination of government subsidies and attracted capital, which are used to form assets and carry out educational activities. In turn, the analysis of the effectiveness of the financial resources of an educational organization should be considered:

Firstly, from the point of view of the investment activity of an educational organization and thereby creating conditions for increasing financial and economic independence;

Secondly, from the point of view of the efficiency of spending money.

The structure of indicators for the analysis of financial resources is presented in Table 3.

Table-3. Structure of indicators for the analysis of financial resources.

Basic indicators Estimated performance indicators
Indicators of financial investment in an educational organization
1) Financial resources (total); 2) Subsidies: - for the fulfillment of a state task; - for other purposes; - for other purposes allocated within the framework of the implementation of state programs 3) Financial resources from income-generating activities including: - from educational activities; - from sales of products; - attracted financial resources from employers (excluding funds for personnel training); 4) Investments of employers (in the form of equipment, materials, machinery, etc.); 5) Financial resources received during the implementation of programs within the framework of network interaction (including payments made under contracts by teachers and teaching assistants) 1) Indicators of the structure of public investment; 2) Indicators of the dynamics of investment activity: - index of income growth from extra-budgetary educational activities; - index of growth of income from product sales; - index of income growth from raising funds from employers - index of income growth from funds transferred by the employer in the form of equipment, materials, machinery, etc. - index of income growth from network interaction; 3) Target share of extrabudgetary funds in the total volume of financing

Table continuation

Basic indicators Performance indicators
Cash expenditure indicators
1) Expenses of funds from subsidies for the implementation of government tasks, including: - wages and accruals, social support measures for certain categories of citizens; - Maintenance; - acquisition of equipment, machinery, tools, devices, visual aids; - training; 2) Expenses of funds from income-generating activities: - wages and accruals, social support measures for certain categories of citizens; - Maintenance; - acquisition of equipment, machinery, tools, devices, visual aids; - training; - other purposes: acquisition of fixed assets and materials for household needs, hostel needs, equipment maintenance, purchase of software products, payment of travel expenses, office supplies, materials for industrial training, property maintenance services, equipment repair, information systems, tax payment for profit and VAT, security services, legal services, utility bills, communication services, Internet, fuels and lubricants, food for the canteen, library collections, transport services, payment for services under rental agreements for residential premises, payment for certificate forms, payment for college accreditation, cultural -mass events for students. 3) Indicators of the structure of spending funds from subsidies to fulfill the state task; 4) Indicators of the structure of spending money from income-generating activities.

1. Indicators of the structure of public investment.

a) Share of subsidies for the implementation of government tasks:

b) Share of subsidies for other purposes:

c) Share of subsidies for other purposes allocated as part of the implementation of government programs

2. Indicators of the dynamics of investment activity.

a) Index of income growth from extra-budgetary educational activities ( calculated as a ratio

where: D(extrabudgetary education) – income from extrabudgetary educational activities;

b) Index of growth of income from product sales (Iр.д.(

where: D( – income from product sales;

c) Index of income growth from raising funds from employers (Ir.d. (average employee)):

where: D(employee) – income from raising funds from employers;

d) Index of income growth from attracting funds transferred by the employer in the form of equipment, materials, machinery, etc. (Iр(

where: D( – income from raising funds transferred by the employer in the form of equipment, materials, machinery, etc.;

e) Index of growth of income from network interaction Iр(;

where: D(net.vz.) – income from raising funds as part of network interaction;

3. In the context of strategic goals, the share of extra-budgetary funds in the total volume of financing should be 5% at the end of 2014, and 30% at the end of 2020. A comparative analysis of the actual value of the share of extra-budgetary funds in the total volume of funding with its optimal target value, in conjunction with the results obtained from the above indicators of financial resources, will make it possible to determine the potential for financial sustainability of an educational organization and formulate an appropriate long-term financial policy.

where: d(extrabudgetary in general ob.fin.) - the share of extrabudgetary funds in the total volume of financing (actual); Fsr.prin.income.activity - financial resources from income-generating activities (total).

Ivan-Chai Agency reports: Centralized information about all children in Russia and their parents through the Contingent system will go into the hands of private businesses and will be collected without parental consent. The experience of the pilot regions has shown that parents will not know what data has been collected on their children and family: parents will not receive access to the “Contingent” information base.

There are many reasons to once again raise the topic of creating a unified interdepartmental database “Contingent” for all children in Russia. The main thing is that the IS "Contingent" from a seemingly fantastic project of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has turned into reality.

This also confirms law Project No. 1048557-6 “On the creation of the state system “Unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for students in basic and additional educational programs”, which has been in the State Duma since April 2016 and has already been adopted in the first reading on June 10, 2016, and tenders held in the regions , and letters from the regions, and a single website of the system, and alarming information from employees in the education sector.

According to representatives of the education sector of one of the regions of Russia, in the summer of 2016, an interdepartmental meeting was held in their region for the heads of correctional boarding schools, vocational education institutions, and penitentiary services on the topic of implementing the “Contingent” database for registering children under 18 years of age. At the meeting it was said that the program is federal, and local performers are awarded by tender. According to the regional deputy minister of education of the region, V., who chaired the meeting, the base has already been implemented in preschool education.

At the same time, education officials in the region assure that no mailing or information letters were organized. However, they note the haste of the managers: in July-August, an employee from each institution must undergo training and by the first of October enter personal data for all students into the system, since by the end of November the base throughout Russia must be ready. The first step is to fill in the personal data of students and study plans. The program itself is very comprehensive: it even includes electronic diaries/electronic magazines. In the future, there will be a complete abandonment of paper media.

It's not just parents who are concerned about the Contingent system.

At the federal level, the implementation of the Contingent IS system is carried out by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation based on government approved Concepts for creating a Unified Federal Interdepartmental System for Student Registration.

The Ministry of Education believes that the creation of the AIS “Contingent” will improve “the efficiency of making management decisions related to the development of children’s education, healthcare, social security, as well as other areas focused on working with children.”

(illustration by Ivan-Chai)

The implementation of the AIS “Contingent” is carried out in three stages:

At the first stage must be entered into the system by the educational organization

1) personal data of the child
(full name, date and place of birth, gender, SNILS, citizenship, details of a birth certificate or other identification document, registration address/actual place of residence/stay)

2) personal data of parents/legal representatives
(full name, date of birth, SNILS, citizenship, details of the identity document).

At the second stage Additional specific information will be added
(Health data: health group, medical group, group and cause of disability, the need for an adaptive training program, the need for long-term treatment),

It is noteworthy that the IS CONTINGENT, which contains all the personal data for all 28 million Russian children and their parents, is not created by government agencies.

No one knows what responsibility for the security of data storage is provided for by motley regional LLCs, OJSCs, and CJSCs, to which, within the framework of public-private partnerships, huge amounts of personal data are transferred.

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