Gorbonosov Igor Valentinovich. Gorbonosov Igor Gorbonosov Igor Valentinovich rhinoplasty

You realize the whole tragedy of the word “fire victims” when a small child runs to Igor Nikolaevich with a joyful cry: “Look, dad, what I found!” - and holds out a screwdriver, picked up from the ashes...

There is no owner
Igor worked in Obninsk until 2008. The first wave of the crisis arrived, and it was cut back. Then he decided that it would be easier to feed children on the ground. Family Humpbacked went to the village of Kolodezi, Borovsky district and began to engage in agriculture. House, 40 acres of land, and 30 more for rent, Igor is a hard-working man. The family began to rise to their feet.
I wanted to expand the farm. Nearby, in Asenyevskoye, there was a dilapidated farm building. Igor Gorbonos I started looking for the owner - I couldn’t find any “tails”. The district administration replied that it had no information about this building. Kolkhoz Moscow LLC, which once owned the farm, reported that it does not have this building on its balance sheet. In Rosreestr upon request Humpbacked They replied that this farm had never been registered and there was no information about it. Then Humpbacked appealed to the then head of the district administration Gennady Novoseltsev with a request to provide a farm for personal farming. He allowed it.
“I said: let’s somehow decorate the building, suddenly some Muscovites will appear and take it away,” says Igor Gorbonos. - And they answered me, they say, what are you making up, you have a large family, everyone knows you. Work and don't worry."

They worked and did not twitch

Everyone in the Gorbonos family works

Igor shows the farm, children are hanging around: they, together with their father, were carrying crushed stone and pouring concrete floors. “Remember, Kolka, I told you, come on, try, this will be your farm?” - the father asks his eldest, as the main witness. “I remember!” - he answers.
Over the course of two years of work, a small livestock complex was set up here: cows, two bulls, sheep, piglets, and a herd of turkeys. Here everything was done by the hands of the head of the family - he himself came up with the design of the feeders. There was not enough money for purchased drinking bowls - we made them ourselves. I was looking for cheap plywood and substandard foam blocks. I installed electricity inside and installed heating. It was hard, but there was a goal - to raise the economy.

Dreams don't come true

Turkeys are the nurses of these children

Everything collapsed overnight. On October 15, the family's house burned down Humpbacked. Igor rushed to the Borovsk administration with a request to officially provide the farm with land as the property of a large family that had been farming here for two years - after all, the family had no other valuable property.
But then it turned out that the farm building turned out to be registered as the property of a certain citizen S.N. Golokhvastova. Moreover, it was issued... October 16, 2016.
This became a real disaster for a large family. “Do you know what is the most difficult thing about farming? - asks Igor. - This is to form a broodstock. I have three types of turkeys. If they “ask me” from this farm, what should I do with them? Put him under the knife? My hands are giving up. I don’t know what to do.”
But the situation is completely clear to his neighbors: they just want to extract money from the guy. This farm is not needed by anyone except his family. There is still work to be done here - not to be redone. A Humpbacked put in a hopeless situation.

Land for peasants?
What do they think about the current situation in the district administration?
“I wrote a statement to the administration so that we could be registered as fire victims,” continues Igor. - With 8 children, we actually have nowhere to live. For now, we were temporarily sheltered by strangers in the neighboring village of Satino. But they told me that my family has been on a waiting list for improved housing conditions since 2012. And they even indicated the queue number - 216.”
Maybe they still help the family somehow? We contacted the social protection department of the Borovsky district. There on Humpbacked they get offended: “Do you know how many fire victims we have with many children? And no one comes to complain, only him!” Of course, it’s hard to imagine crowds of families with eight children who work on the land and whose houses burned down, and they don’t even turn to the authorities!
“When the fire happened, the family moved into a house that was provided to them by one of the businessmen,” says the deputy head of the department Marina Likhacheva. “The whole world helped them back then; the district administration provided all the household appliances. In addition, utilities are paid from the district budget, because Humpbacked doesn't work anywhere."
How does this not work? What about the farm? “Well, the farm is not a farm, he has no money, so they support him.”
In addition, as they explained to us, a house will be built for the family. Financing is proceeding according to some complex scheme, but the foundation is already being poured...
The social complex does not know whether the land on which the family works will be transferred to the family. And the question about the ownership of the farm building itself Igor Gorbonos They propose to decide through the courts. Now he has written a statement to the prosecutor's office, hoping that the government agency will help him find the truth. And the peasants from the village say that he needs to collect money. Otherwise, he won’t be able to defend his farm.

Phone of Igor Nikolaevich Gorbonos: +7 920 894 42 00

Sberbank card 4276 2200 1662 2949

The Gorbonos family spent a long time building their house, or rather, dad Igor built it, and mom Tanya filled the house with children, of whom there are 8 people today: six boys and two girls. When they all line up in one row, they give the impression of little soldiers. It's very emotional.

The house took a long time to build. First, from pallet boxes, which are used in warehouses and stores. When people appeared who were ready to help with money, the walls were surrounded with bricks, a barn appeared in the yard, and in it there was a cow and piglets donated by benefactors. Everyone in this house is at work, even the smallest children.

And then overnight this house with all the buildings, with a cow in the barn, burned down. The fire started from a barn filled with hay and quickly spread to the house. None of the property was saved. Thank God, all the residents of the house survived. It’s scary to imagine yourself with a crowd of children next to the charred walls of a residential building just yesterday.

Of course, no one remained indifferent to this misfortune: neither the administration of Borovsk, nor organizations, nor individuals.

God forbid that such a test befalls anyone!

1992 - 1995 Full-time postgraduate study in the specialty “Diseases of the ear, nose and throat”. Department of ENT Diseases of the Kuban State Medical Academy

1999 Advanced training course “Issues of otorhinolaryngology”. Course of ENT diseases FPPV Kuban Medical Academy.

2001 Internship in the specialty “Functional endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses.” ENT Department of Lainz Hospital, Vienna, Austria

2002 Cycle of advanced training for teachers in the specialty “otolaryngology”. Kuban State Medical Academy

2003 Internship in functional endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses. Clinic of Prof. H. Stammberger, Graz, Austria

2005 Internship in general otorhinolaryngology and aesthetic surgery of the head and neck. ENT department Salzburg Landesklinik, Salzburg, Austria.

2006 Advanced training course in the specialty “Endoscopy”. Kuban State Medical University

2006 Internship in the specialty “Head and Neck Surgery”, ENT Department of the Mount Sinai University Hospital, Toronto, Canada

2006 Internship in the specialty "Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology" ENT Department of the Children's Hospital Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada

2006 On-the-job specialization in aesthetic surgery. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Cosmetology Clinic", Tver

03.09.2007 - 22.12.2007

Professional retraining in the specialty “Maxillofacial surgery”.

Kuban State Medical University.

2010: Professional retraining in the specialty “Plastic Surgery”.

Department of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Moscow.

2007: Professional retraining in the specialty “Maxillofacial surgery”. Kuban State Medical University.
2008: Practical course “Augmentation procedures: techniques for taking bone grafts and working with soft tissues.” Olsberg, Germany.
2008: Internship in the department of otolaryngology, plastic and reconstructive surgery at New York Presbyterian - The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell. New York, USA.
2009: Participation in the World Congress of Otorhinolaryngologists in Sao Paulo, Brazil
2009: Internship in the ENT department of Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA
2009: Internship at the private plastic surgery clinic of Dr. Jeffrey Ahn. New York, USA.
2010: Professional retraining in the specialty “Plastic Surgery”. Department of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Moscow.
2010: Participation in the annual conference of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. Antalya, Türkiye.
2011: Participation in the XVIII Congress of Otorhinolaryngologists of Russia. Saint Petersburg.
2011: Participation in the IX Congress of the Russian Society of Rhinologists. Kazan.
2011: Participation in the 1st National Congress of Plastic Surgery. Moscow
2012: Training course on facial plastic surgery Caribbean Facial Plastic Surgery Update. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Otorhinolaryngologist, doctor of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences Certified in the following specialties:


Plastic surgeon.

Education. Scientific and practical activities:

1980-1986. Training at Kuban State Medical University.
1986-1988. Clinical residency. Department of ENT Diseases, Kuban State Medical University.
1992-1995. Full-time postgraduate study in the specialty “Diseases of the ear, nose and throat”. Department of ENT Diseases, Kuban State Medical University.
1999. Advanced training course “Issues of otorhinolaryngology”. Course of ENT diseases FPPV Kuban State Medical University.
2000. Advanced training course “Salzburg-Cornell Seminar in Otolaryngology.” Salzburg Medical Seminars, Salzburg, Austria.
2001. Internship in the specialty “Functional endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses.” ENT Department of Lainz Hospital, Vienna, Austria.
2002. Cycle of advanced training for teachers in the specialty “Otorhinolaryngology”. Kuban State Medical University.
2003. Internship in functional endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses. Clinic of Prof. H. Stammberger, Graz, Austria.
2005. Internship in general otorhinolaryngology and aesthetic surgery of the head and neck. ENT department Salzburg Landesklinik, Salzburg, Austria.
2006. Certified course “Theory and practice of using the drug Dysport in aesthetic medicine.”
2006. Advanced training course in the specialty “Otolaryngology”. Kuban State Medical University.
2006. Advanced training course in the specialty “Endoscopy”. Kuban State Medical University.
2006. Internship in the specialty “Head and Neck Surgery”. ENT Department, Mount Sinai University Hospital, Toronto, Canada.
2006. Internship in the specialty “Pediatric otorhinolaryngology”. ENT Department of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.
2006. On-the-job specialization in Aesthetic Surgery. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Cosmetology Clinic", Tver.
2007. Advanced training course “Cosmetic and reconstructive operations.” Department of Cosmetology, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow.
2007. Professional retraining in the specialty “Maxillofacial surgery”. Kuban State Medical University.
2008. Practical course “Augmentation procedures: techniques for taking bone grafts and working with soft tissues.” Olsberg, Germany.
2008. Internship in the department of otolaryngology, plastic and reconstructive surgery at New York Presbyterian - The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell. New York, USA.
2009. Participation in the World Congress of Otorhinolaryngologists in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2009. Internship at the ENT department of Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA.
2009. Internship at the private plastic surgery clinic of Dr. Jeffrey Ahn. New York, USA.
2010. Professional retraining in the specialty “Plastic Surgery”. Department of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Moscow city.
2010. Participation in the annual conference of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. Antalya, Türkiye.
2011. Participation in the XVIII Congress of Otorhinolaryngologists of Russia. Saint Petersburg.
2011. Participation in the IX Congress of the Russian Society of Rhinologists. Kazan.
2011. Participation in the 1st National Congress of Plastic Surgery. Moscow
2012. Training course on facial plastic surgery Caribbean Facial Plastic Surgery Update. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2013. Participation in the VIII Moscow Implantology Congress. Moscow city.
2013. Participation in the XX World Congress of Otorhinolaryngologists IFOS. Seoul, South Korea.
2014. Master's course “Fundamentals of implantology practice. Advanced techniques of bone regeneration in implantology. Issues of aesthetics and plastic surgery of soft tissues.” Budapest, Hungary.
2014 - otolaryngologist, plastic surgeon at MAMME Clinic LLC.

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