The main thing is desire and imagination. Physical education lesson in elementary school

Lesson: “Case” technology in a physical education lesson.”


Item: Physical Culture

Class: 3rd grade

Lesson type: improvement

Subject: dribbling, stopping and passing the ball in basketball.

Compiled by: Bublik Nadezhda Alekseevna

Gives a command to build.

The teacher blows the whistle to start the lesson

Stand in one line!

They line up in one line.

define rules common to all

Ability to show attentiveness and discipline.

Accepts the report.

Fizorg submits a report to the teacher.

Comrade teacher, a 3rd class of 22 people was built for a physical education lesson, physical education teacher Ordina Daria, the report was submitted!

Orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships

Fizorg Interacts with the teacher

Ability to be attentive and disciplined

Updating knowledge

Gives the command to the right! Take a detour to the left and march! Take the balls (prepared in advance)!

Guys!!! To avoid causing inconvenience to our body, we will first do a warm-up.

What do you think it is needed for?

They follow commands, walk and pick up balls.

They walk around the hall and express their assumptions!

Establish the role of warm-up during physical education classes

Planning teacher-student educational collaboration

set cognitive tasks

Goal-setting correlation between what we didn’t know and what can still be learned

The teacher conducts a warm-up.

ORU in motion with a basketball. The teacher corrects the students' actions.

ORU in motion with the ball:

1. Rotation of the ball around the body to the right, left.

2. Throwing the ball from hand to hand over the head, with a high and low trajectory.

3. Walking with lunges, ball under forward

4. Walking in a half squat (ball behind head)

5. Walking in a full squat (ball up)

6.Walk by swinging your legs, pass the ball under your foot

7. Throwing the ball up from behind and catching it in front

The guys do exercises and help their peers with technical difficulties.

understandthe importance of knowledge for a person, strive to perform exercises well

Ability to reproduce exercises according to a template

Choosing the most effective ways to solve a problem

Consciously perform exercises

Setting a learning task

The teacher gives the command “-stay in place one, two!!!”

Anyone having problems??? Why do you think???

How to make the exercises work!!!

Gives you the opportunity to repeat a failed exercise on the spot.

Children follow the command.

They determine what they did not succeed, identify errors, and repeat the exercise in a simplified form.


Raising questions in searching and collecting information, identifying a problem and solving it.

The ability to consciously construct a speech utterance.

extract the necessary information and expand their horizons.

Correction - making adjustments to the method of action

Primary consolidation

Offers to watch an excerpt of a basketball game

Gives the task: to identify which method of working with the ball is most often used by players of the highest skill.

Children watch a video clip and look for a solution to the problem.

Ability to accurately express your thoughts.

Searching and highlighting the necessary information, the ability to concisely convey the content of the video.

accept the teacher’s instructions and strictly follow them.

Discussion of the video.

The guys discover that introducing and passing the ball is the most common thing in basketball.


Questioning is proactive collaboration in searching and collecting information.

Highlighting the necessary information. Establishing cause-and-effect relationships, building a logical chain of reasoning.

Determining the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result.

Independent work with self-test according to the standard

He suggests breaking into 4 teams (whoever wants to work with whom) and trying out the actions you see in practice.

Children are divided into teams

are aware of their learning capabilities and show persistence in achieving their goals.

Planning educational cooperation student-student, determine the goals and sequence of implementation.

Choosing the most effective ways to solve the problem

Self-regulation as a way to mobilize strength and energy.

The teacher shows the exercise how to correctly perform a motor action and breaks it down into parts, focusing on the work of the arms, legs, and torso.

Correction individually for each student.

    Jump stop at the chips.

    Cross stop by jump.

    Cross stop step.

    Stopping and turning

    Jump stop drummer

Children watch and try to perform a motor action with a ball. Help partners if necessary.

Graphic image:

Graphic image:

understand the importance of knowledge for a person and strive to study well.

Self-management, correction and assessment of actions

Understanding and adequate assessment of motor action

Synthesis as the composition of a whole from parts.

Suggests changing the type of activity to consolidate motor action.


in a straight line with stops

    One defender

and dribbling the ball in a straight line.

    Also with a throw into the hoop.

Children change exercises, perform motor actions and evaluate each other.

Graphic image:

Everyone draws their own conclusion about the correctness of their actions.

Self-management communication with the defender

Ability to adapt to changing situations

Control in the form of comparison of a method of action and its result, taking into account its standard.

Incorporation of knowledge into a knowledge system and repetition

Basketball game.

Focuses on passing the ball and dribbling. Refers and enforces rules.

Invites children to find the right solutions and consult during the game to make adjustments.

The class is divided into teams and plays basketball according to simplified rules

Personal self-determination

Communication with peers and teamwork

Ability to structure the knowledge acquired in lessons and the ability to apply it in various game situations.

Volitional Self-regulation the ability to exert volition

Reflection of activity

Self-assessment on pre-prepared self-assessment sheets.

The teacher commands the formation. Asking questions

What task did you set for yourself?

What worked and what didn’t???

What difficulties did you encounter?

Where can you apply the knowledge gained in class and for what???


Organizational departure from the lesson.

Resin formation and moral assessment.

Ability to express your thoughts

Ability to structure knowledge

Identification and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned.

Physical education lessons in primary school are mandatory components of any learning process. Therefore, they are improved every year and supplemented with useful exercises, according to the Ministry of Education.

In general, a clear distribution of exercises, as well as breaking the lesson into parts, is the most correct. Both methodological support and correct implementation of many elements are required. In general, according to modern methods, the lesson should be divided into several main parts. So, first comes the introductory part. All necessary organizational issues are resolved here. This part is one of the most important. This is especially true for elementary schools. The teacher must take the children to the gym himself, help them prepare for the lesson, and also teach them how to use commands. In this case we mean construction. Children must understand that their main task is to become clearly taller, from tallest to shortest. This resolution was called the “ladder”. Therefore, special attention is paid to construction! How to build children correctly? For high school students, this procedure is generally known and understandable. As for the kids, they don’t quite understand the essence of the matter. The children need to be lined up in such a way that they do not interfere with each other when moving. In addition, they must have a good range of vision; seeing the teacher is the main goal. And finally, when performing various tasks, the teacher needs enough space so that he can provide support in any case. That's why construction is so important. It is also recommended to rank children according to height or level of physical development. Basically, this entire process is led by the physical education teacher; he bears all the responsibility.

From the second grade, as a rule, children do everything on their own. As soon as the teacher pronounces a certain command, everything falls into place. During the lesson itself, the teacher can walk next to the students or in front, thereby showing them the way. When he addresses children, absolutely everyone should see him. Therefore, it is important here not only to arrange the children correctly, but also to choose a good place for the teacher. Most teachers try to build children around themselves, it’s much more convenient. If you wish, you can become whatever you want, the main thing is that the children remember it well. Now it’s worth stipulating the duration of the introductory part. For babies it is approximately 10 minutes. The fact is that the children change clothes rather slowly and, when they get into the huge hall, they immediately begin to get lost. Therefore, it is difficult to collect and build them. In the “older” grades of primary school, namely 3-4, everything goes a little faster. 5 minutes is enough. After the introductory part comes the preparatory part, which, like the previous one, solves a number of main problems. In general, physical education for younger schoolchildren should bring only positive emotions. Therefore, here children are given time to prepare for future loads. At this moment, as a rule, a warm-up takes place, consisting of certain exercises. They are of a general developmental nature. Basically, these are simple movements aimed at adjusting the coordination of movements. Starting from the 3rd grade, the exercises become more complex. This includes various elements with sticks, balls, hoops and flags. In this case, everything is done with elements of movement, squats, jumps and much more.

In general, preparatory exercises have a good corrective effect. That is why in the elementary grades the preparatory part consists of general developmental elements. In addition, the teacher must independently select two or three exercises that will be directly aimed at motor skills and abilities. It is allowed to use only them as a means for developing certain qualities in children. The preparatory part should include exercises that prevent concomitant defects of the musculoskeletal system. So gradually the duration of the preparatory part increases to 15 minutes, and it includes about 10 exercises.

The load in a physical education lesson for schoolchildren should be moderate. Next comes the time for the main part, which, as a rule, takes up the rest of the time. It is necessary to activate all the forces for the main exercises. These can be activities with elements of gymnastics, athletics, or games of various types. It is recommended to hold relay races and competitions. This awakens a sense of team spirit in children, which is very useful. When selecting exercises, the teacher must understand that their main goal is to comply with all of the above qualities. Simply put, all elements simply must lead to something. The Ministry of Education recommends conducting new exercises at the beginning of the lesson, and those aimed at developing one of the qualities in the main part. As for games, they should be quite active. It is advisable to give preference to running, jumping, relay races with a ball, etc. In general, many try to include as many gymnastic elements as possible. Naturally, this is good, but you still need to activate all your strength during drill exercises. Indeed, at a young age, many children experience a state of loss; they simply cannot navigate in space.

The main part of the lesson should be the most useful and lasts about 25 minutes. It is still recommended to set aside some time at the end of the lesson to summarize. At this point, you can give grades, mark the most active students and talk about acquired skills. After all, only through observation can you understand which exercises were really interesting for children. In general, the structure of the lesson can be slightly changed. Everything described above rather refers to basic recommendations. This is the modern physical education discipline program. Whether to comply with it or not, each educational institution decides for itself. In general, the teacher must understand that teaching children physical education simply must be to some extent individual in nature. Therefore, it is also necessary to take a closer look at the behavior of children and take into account their wishes. It is recommended in practice to divide all physical education lessons into several types. These can be introductory classes, when children are introduced to new material and exercises, as well as combined and test classes. Physical education for first grade should not be too difficult. Therefore, some adjustments were made to the learning process.

At the moment, there is a new regulatory framework for physical culture. The main slogan, which is “Do no harm!” " This principle was taken into account by all employees related to the field of education. From September 1 of this year, special workload standards were introduced for all elementary school students. From now on, children are divided into several groups, according to their physiological capabilities. Today, schoolchildren are negatively influenced by many negative factors. That is why some people are stronger in terms of endurance, but for others this is an incomprehensible line. Therefore, those standards that were previously simply gone to nowhere. Indeed, for most children such a load is simply incomprehensible. In addition, those disciplines that children cannot do in advance were completely removed. Simply put, previously there were exercises, the correct execution of which was harmful to the child’s health. Therefore, now everything is studied extremely carefully even before children begin to engage in physical education. In this case, it’s only hard for the teacher. After all, understanding and determining a child’s level is not always so easy. Especially if we are talking about a young teacher. Therefore, here it is necessary to monitor everything more carefully so as not to harm anyone. All exercises should be solely beneficial and not burden the child in any way. It is necessary to ensure simplicity and appropriate load at the same time.

Subject: "Outdoor games"

Target: Get acquainted with various types of “outdoor games”, creating sustainable motivation

Know: Know the safety precautions when staying in the gym; during outdoor games

Understand: Understand the rules of outdoor games

Apply: Apply the knowledge gained in physical education lessons in life; in class - in a team. Exercise mutual control and follow the rules of conduct during games

Analysis: analyze your own achievements in a physical education lesson, be able to analyze your “shortcomings” and correct them in the future.

Grade: be able to evaluate your own activities in the classroom.

Equipment: A ball for each team, a gymnastic stick, a pin. Marking the distance. Whistle. Every student has a sports uniform. Summarizing sheet.

Part of the lesson

Particular problems


Organizational and methodological instructions



Organization of the class for construction.

Explanation of the goals and objectives of the lesson


1) 2 min

Hello! My name is Daria Sergeevna. Today I will give you a physical education lesson.

Cool, be equal! Attention! Pay for 1 and 2.

The teacher gives the command “At ease!”

Today we have a difficult lesson; we are going with you to the land of outdoor games. We have to get to this country, but it won't be easy. The topic of our lesson today: “Outdoor games.”

The purpose of our lesson is to familiarize yourself with the options for outdoor games and increase mobility in a physical education lesson..

To begin with, we will remember a few drill exercises and rules of conduct, safety precautions in the gym. Tell us how to behave in the gym?(students' answers)

We stretch the neck muscles and joints

"Head turns" exercise

4 repetitions of the exercise

I.P – “Handstand on the belt” (Hands on the belt, 4 fingers forward, feet shoulder-width apart, look forward)

1. turn left


3.turn right


1.tilt up


3.tilt down


stretches the shoulder blades and shoulder joints

exercise "Arm rotation".

Repeat the exercise 5 times

I.p - “Hand-to-shoulder stand” (elbows pressed to the body, without wings, shoulder blades retracted)

1.2 – forward rotation

3.4-backward rotation (repeat exercise 3-4 times)

improves blood circulation and warms up arm muscles

exercise "Rotation of hands".

Repeat the exercise 4 times

IP – “Arms to the sides” (heels together, palms down)


2.rotate the hand forward

3.reverse rotation


(repeat 4 times)

promotes the reduction of fat cells, warms up the muscles of the back and spine

exercise “Turning the body left and right”

Repeat the exercise 5-6 times

I.p – “Hands on the belt” (Hands on the belt, 4 fingers forward)


2.Turn the body to the left


4.Turn the body to the right

(repeat exercise 4-5 times)


3 min.

  1. Walking on your heels
  2. Walking on your toes
  3. Walking on the inside of the foot
  4. Walking on the outside of the foot


3 minutes

  • side step
  • with high hip lift
  • with choking of the shin

Running exercises are done at the signal of the whistle, along the perimeter of the gym.

2. Main part

Development of group collectivism.


to teams.

-So, you and I find ourselves in the land of “outdoor games.”

We need 2 teams. Pay off the first and second.

Number 1 takes a step forward and turns to the right. This is 1 team, stands in the designated place.

Team 2 also stands in the designated place.

Development of dexterity,

You were fast.

Summing up is a method of encouragement.

Game "Passed - sit down"

3 min

To begin, each team will select a team captain. The team lines up in a chain, the captain needs to stand opposite his team. At the signal, the captain throws the ball into the hands of his first player, who gives the ball back and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the next player, etc. Whichever captain gets the ball into the hands of the last player faster is the team that wins.

Development of speed.

Strict adherence to the rules of the game

Game "Defend the Gate"

4 min

"Defend the gate."Does anyone know, have played such a game?

Players are divided into two teams and stand in lines opposite each other. A player from one team goes to the opposing team, hits the opponents’ palms three times and runs away to his team. The player who received the third blow must catch up and knock down the opponent. If he catches up, he takes him to his team, if not, then he goes to another team. The winner is the one who is superior in numbers.

Development of agility, competition,

You were fast.

Development of movement accuracy when passing the ball.

Game "Ball Up"

3 min

Rules of the game: Each team stands in a column, one after the other, at arm's length (so that they can touch the shoulder of the previous player). The first player picks up the ball and passes the ball on top of the trail. to the player, and so on down the chain. The last player, when receiving the ball, must run to the beginning of the chain and continue the game. (play 2 times).


Along the top

Below (through legs)

Take turns (1 player on top, 2 players on bottom)

Development of speed, accuracy of execution and consistency of play, development of collectivism. The correct position of the participants in the game (which side to run around from).

Game "Get to the Island"

5 minutes.

The game is called "Get to the Island". The team captain gets a gymnastic stick. He runs the distance, runs around the pin and comes back. He takes the player, runs around the pin and passes the stick to player 2. Player 2 returns to the team - takes player 3, runs around the pin, gives back the stick. Continues until the entire team is on the island

3.Final part

Notification to teams about the results of the game.

1 min

Team No. wins... You did a good job.

Second team, you are a little ahead of your opponents. Well done you too! (results reported)

Building a class to highlight the lesson's outcome,


Final Construction

1 min

Team “Be equal! Attention!

Summarize the lesson.

Creating a Success Situation

Reward method

Method of control and self-control (group survey)

Summing up reflection

3 min.

What did we learn in class today?

Those who think that he succeeded in the lesson, completed all the tasks well, participated in games - clap your hands.

Those who think that they did not complete all the tasks in the lesson, stamp your foot.

Did you like the lesson?

Thank you for your attention! The lesson is over.

CASE method – stages.

Subject area:physical education 2nd grade


Generate interest inphysical education to preserve and improve health.

Summarize knowledge about the sports included in the Olympic Games.

Case type: Educational

Interdisciplinary connections:the world around us, fostering a correct attitude towards universal human values.

Planned results:

- Introduction to the Olympic Games and sports.

Define the meaning of a healthy lifestyle.

Situation: Watch the cartoon “Well, just wait!” %D1%8C%D0%BC%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%20%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%20%D0%BD %D1%83%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B8&path=wizard

Answer the questions:

  1. Why was the wolf always the loser?
  2. What would change if the wolf played sports?
  3. What helped the wolf and the hare win the competition?
  4. Which hero would you like to be like?
  5. What sports are found in this cartoon? What sports do you know?

Situation comment:

Sport, without a doubt, is one of the main means of cultivating movements, improving their subtle and precise coordination, and developing the motor physical qualities necessary for a person. But not only. In the process of playing sports, his will and character are strengthened, his ability to manage himself, quickly and correctly navigate in a variety of difficult situations, make decisions in a timely manner, take reasonable risks or refrain from risks is improved. An athlete trains alongside his comrades, competes with rivals and is sure to be enriched by the experience of human communication and learns to understand others.Thanks to sport, people gain courage, strength, speed and prudence, the ability not to give up and rejoice in the victory of others.

Questions and tasks for work:

  1. What sport do you prefer?
  2. Create relay races or tasks that characterize your sport.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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