Hero Sergei Burnaev. Hero of Russia Sergei Aleksandrovich Burnaev – the pride of the special forces (Vityaz detachment)

B Urnaev Sergey Aleksandrovich - squad commander of the 1st Red Banner special forces detachment "Vityaz" of the Separate Special Purpose Division of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, sergeant.

Born on January 15, 1982 in the urban village of Dubenki, Dubensky district of Mordovia. Russian. Since 1987, the family lived in the urban village of Zaoksky, Zaoksky district, Tula region. Graduated from high school. Worked at a rubber shoe factory.

In May 2000, he was called up for military service in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. He served in the 1st Red Banner Special Purpose Detachment "Vityaz", which is part of the Separate Special Purpose Division of the Moscow District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

As part of the detachment, he went on business trips twice to participate in hostilities during the second Chechen war: from December 2000 to May 2001 and from November 2001. Showed courage and skill in several special operations.

On March 28, 2002, the detachment conducted a special operation in the city of Argun. During the operation, fighters discovered a large warehouse of weapons and ammunition in the basement of one of the city's high schools. A whole system of underground passages leading to the same basement was also discovered. It was decided to check these moves. Sergeant Burnaev, the first to move through a narrow hole, discovered a group of militants and entered into battle with them. Firing machine gun fire on him from several points, the bandits did not allow him to break through to his own, and did not allow the rest of the soldiers to come to his aid. In pitch darkness, Sergei Burnaev fought with machine gun fire and grenades, guided by the flashes of gunfire. Finally, the special forces managed to break through to his rescue and together began to destroy the bandit group. With flashes of fire from a machine gun burst, Sergei Burnaev saw a grenade thrown by the militants rolling along the floor of the underground corridor towards the fighters. There was no time to throw it back, and for the sake of saving his comrades, Sergei made the last decision - he covered the grenade with his body. At the cost of his own life, Sergeant Burnaev saved the lives of the other soldiers.

Soon this hellish battle in the dungeon ended. The bandit group of 8 militants was completely destroyed, and a large number of weapons were discovered. Only one Sergei Burnaev died on the part of the Russian military personnel... He was buried in the urban-type settlement of Zaoksky, Tula region.

Z and the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task in conditions involving risk to life, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 992 of September 16, 2002, Sergeant Burnaev Sergei Aleksandrovich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

On November 10, 2002, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin presented the “Gold Star” of the Hero of Russia to the mother of S.A. Burnaev. In the Hero’s homeland, in the village of Dubenki, Mordovia, a monument was erected in his honor, and in the village of Zaoksky, Tula Region, there is a memorial plaque on the building of the school where the Hero studied. Hero of Russia S.A. Burnaev is forever included in the lists of the military unit of the Internal Troops.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Burnaev(January 15, 1982 - March 28, 2002) - Russian serviceman, sergeant of the internal troops, participant in combat operations in the Chechen Republic, who at the cost of his life saved his comrades in the explosion of a military grenade. Hero of the Russian Federation (2002).


Born on January 15, 1982 in the urban village of Dubyonki, Dubyonsky district, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Russian. Since 1987, the family lived in the urban village of Zaoksky, Zaoksky district, Tula region. In May 2000, he was called up for military service in the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. He served in the 1st Red Banner Special Purpose Detachment "Vityaz", which is part of the Separate Special Purpose Division of the Moscow District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

As part of the detachment, he went on business trips twice to participate in hostilities during the Second Chechen War: from December 2000 to May 2001 and from November 2001. Showed courage and skill in several special operations.


On March 28, 2002, the detachment conducted a special operation in the city of Argun (Chechen Republic). During the operation, fighters discovered a large warehouse of weapons and ammunition in the basement of one of the city's high schools. A whole system of underground passages leading to the same basement was also discovered. It was decided to explore these passages. Advancing first, Sergeant Burnaev discovered a group of militants and engaged them in battle. In complete darkness, with flashes of fire from a machine gun fire, Sergei Burnaev saw a grenade thrown by the militants rolling along the floor of the underground corridor towards his comrades. There was no time to throw it back, and in order to save his comrades, Sergei covered the grenade with his body. At the cost of his own life, Sergeant Burnaev saved the lives of the other soldiers. The bandit group of 8 militants was completely destroyed, and a large number of weapons were discovered. None of the Russian military personnel, except Sergei Burnaev, died in this battle.

Sergei Burnaev is buried in the village of Zaoksky, Tula region.

For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task in conditions involving risk to life, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2002 No. 992, Sergeant Burnaev Sergei Aleksandrovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

On November 10, 2002, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin presented the Gold Star medal of the Hero of Russia to the mother of S.A. Burnaev. In the Hero’s homeland, in the village of Dubyonki, a monument was erected in his honor, and in the village of Zaoksky, Tula Region, there is a memorial plaque on the building of the school where the Hero studied. Hero of Russia S. A. Burnaev is forever included in the lists of his military unit of the Internal Troops. In the city of Reutov, Moscow region, on the Alley of Heroes of the military memorial complex “To all Reutov residents who died for the Fatherland” (Victory Street), a bronze bust of the hero was also installed.

Exactly ten years later, on March 28, 2012, Sergei Burnaev’s feat was repeated by Major Sergei Solnechnikov, battalion commander of the Russian Signal Corps. During an exercise, a conscript soldier unsuccessfully threw an RGD-5 combat grenade so that it ended up in the kill zone of his fellow soldiers. The officer instantly realized what had happened, pushed the confused soldier away, covered the grenade with himself and saved the soldier at the cost of his life.

(2002-03-28 ) (20 years) A place of death Affiliation

Russia, Russia

Type of army Years of service Rank Part Commanded Battles/wars Awards and prizes

Sergei Aleksandrovich Burnaev(January 15 - March 28) - Russian serviceman, sergeant of internal troops, participant in combat operations in the Chechen Republic, who at the cost of his life saved his comrades in the explosion of a military grenade. Hero of the Russian Federation ().


As part of the detachment, he went on business trips twice to participate in hostilities during the Second Chechen War: from December 2000 to May 2001 and from November 2001. Showed courage and skill in several special operations.


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Website "Heroes of the Country".

Excerpt characterizing Burnaev, Sergey Alexandrovich

- Consider my position, Pyotr Nikolaich: if I were in the cavalry, I would receive no more than two hundred rubles a third, even with the rank of lieutenant; and now I get two hundred and thirty,” he said with a joyful, pleasant smile, looking at Shinshin and the count, as if it was obvious to him that his success would always be the main goal of the desires of all other people.
“Besides, Pyotr Nikolaich, having joined the guard, I am visible,” Berg continued, “and vacancies in the guards infantry are much more frequent.” Then, figure out for yourself how I could make a living out of two hundred and thirty rubles. “And I’m putting it aside and sending it to my father,” he continued, starting the ring.
“La balance y est... [The balance is established...] A German is threshing a loaf of bread on the butt, comme dit le proverbe, [as the proverb says],” Shinshin said, shifting the amber to the other side of his mouth and winked at the count.
The Count burst out laughing. Other guests, seeing that Shinshin was talking, came up to listen. Berg, not noticing either ridicule or indifference, continued to talk about how by transferring to the guard he had already won a rank in front of his comrades in the corps, how in wartime a company commander can be killed, and he, remaining senior in the company, can very easily be company commander, and how everyone in the regiment loves him, and how his daddy is pleased with him. Berg apparently enjoyed telling all this, and did not seem to suspect that other people might also have their own interests. But everything he told was so sweetly sedate, the naivety of his young egoism was so obvious that he disarmed his listeners.
- Well, father, you will be in action in both the infantry and the cavalry; “This is what I predict for you,” said Shinshin, patting him on the shoulder and lowering his legs from the ottoman.
Berg smiled happily. The Count, followed by the guests, went into the living room.

There was that time before a dinner party when the assembled guests do not begin a long conversation in anticipation of the call for appetizers, but at the same time consider it necessary to move and not remain silent in order to show that they are not at all impatient to sit down at the table. The owners glance at the door and occasionally glance at each other. From these glances, guests try to guess who or what else they are waiting for: an important relative who is late, or food that is not yet ripe.
Pierre arrived just before dinner and sat awkwardly in the middle of the living room on the first available chair, blocking everyone's path. The Countess wanted to force him to speak, but he naively looked through his glasses around him, as if looking for someone, and answered all the Countess’s questions in monosyllables. He was shy and alone did not notice it. Most of the guests, who knew his story with the bear, looked curiously at this big, fat and humble man, wondering how such a bumpkin and modest man could do such a thing to a policeman.
-Have you arrived recently? - the countess asked him.
“Oui, madame,” he answered, looking around.
-Have you seen my husband?
- Non, madame. [No, madam.] - He smiled completely inappropriately.
– You, it seems, were recently in Paris? I think it's very interesting.
- Very interesting..
The Countess exchanged glances with Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna realized that she was being asked to occupy this young man, and, sitting down next to him, began to talk about her father; but just like the countess, he answered her only in monosyllables. The guests were all busy with each other. Les Razoumovsky... ca a ete charmant... Vous etes bien bonne... La comtesse Apraksine... [The Razoumovskys... It was amazing... You are very kind... Countess Apraksina...] was heard from all sides. The Countess got up and went into the hall.
- Marya Dmitrievna? – her voice was heard from the hall.
“She’s the one,” a rough female voice was heard in response, and after that Marya Dmitrievna entered the room.
All the young ladies and even the ladies, with the exception of the oldest ones, stood up. Marya Dmitrievna stopped at the door and, from the height of her corpulent body, holding high her fifty-year-old head with gray curls, looked around at the guests and, as if rolling up, slowly straightened the wide sleeves of her dress. Marya Dmitrievna always spoke Russian.
“Dear birthday girl with the children,” she said in her loud, thick voice, suppressing all other sounds. “What, you old sinner,” she turned to the count, who was kissing her hand, “tea, are you bored in Moscow?” Is there anywhere to run the dogs? What should we do, father, this is how these birds will grow up...” She pointed to the girls. - Whether you want it or not, you have to look for suitors.
- Well, what, my Cossack? (Marya Dmitrievna called Natasha a Cossack) - she said, caressing Natasha with her hand, who approached her hand without fear and cheerfully. – I know that the potion is a girl, but I love her.
She took out pear-shaped yakhon earrings from her huge reticule and, giving them to Natasha, who was beaming and blushing for her birthday, immediately turned away from her and turned to Pierre.
- Eh, eh! kind! “Come here,” she said in a feignedly quiet and thin voice. - Come on, my dear...

Burnaev Sergey Alexandrovich

Burnaev Sergey Alexandrovich- squad commander of the 1st Red Banner special forces detachment “Vityaz” of the Separate special forces division of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, sergeant.

Born on January 15, 1982 in the urban village of Dubenki, Dubensky district of Mordovia. Russian. Since 1987, the family lived in the urban village of Zaoksky, Zaoksky district, Tula region. Graduated from high school. Worked at a rubber shoe factory.

In May 2000, he was called up for military service in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. He served in the 1st Red Banner Special Purpose Detachment "Vityaz", which is part of the Separate Special Purpose Division of the Moscow District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

As part of the detachment, he went on business trips twice to participate in hostilities during the second Chechen war: from December 2000 to May 2001 and from November 2001. Showed courage and skill in several special operations.

On March 28, 2002, the detachment conducted a special operation in the city of Argun. During the operation, fighters discovered a large warehouse of weapons and ammunition in the basement of one of the city's high schools. A whole system of underground passages leading to the same basement was also discovered. It was decided to check these moves. Sergeant Burnaev, the first to move through a narrow hole, discovered a group of militants and entered into battle with them. Firing machine gun fire on him from several points, the bandits did not allow him to break through to his own, and did not allow the rest of the soldiers to come to his aid. In pitch darkness, Sergei Burnaev fought with machine gun fire and grenades, guided by the flashes of gunfire. Finally, the special forces managed to break through to his rescue and together began to destroy the bandit group. With flashes of fire from a machine gun burst, Sergei Burnaev saw a grenade thrown by the militants rolling along the floor of the underground corridor towards the fighters. There was no time to throw it back, and for the sake of saving his comrades, Sergei made the last decision - he covered the grenade with his body. At the cost of his own life, Sergeant Burnaev saved the lives of the other soldiers.

Soon this hellish battle in the dungeon ended. The bandit group of 8 militants was completely destroyed, and a large number of weapons were discovered. Only one Sergei Burnaev died on the part of the Russian military personnel... He was buried in the urban-type settlement of Zaoksky, Tula region.

For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task in conditions involving risk to life, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 992 of September 16, 2002, Sergeant Burnaev Sergei Aleksandrovich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

On November 10, 2002, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin presented the “Gold Star” of the Hero of Russia to the mother of S.A. Burnaev.

In the Hero’s homeland, in the village of Dubenki, Mordovia, a monument was erected in his honor, and in the village of Zaoksky, Tula Region, there is a memorial plaque on the building of the school where the Hero studied. Hero of Russia S.A. Burnaev is forever included in the lists of the military unit of the Internal Troops.

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