Geographic information space. About space and the universe and our life

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1 ABOUT THE NECESSITY TO CREATE A UNIFIED GEOINFORMATION SPACE OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW A.V. Antipov (Moscow Architecture Committee) In 1980, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers (currently the State University of Land Management) with a degree in engineering geodesy. After graduating from the institute, he was engaged in teaching and headed the department of aerial photogeodesy of the State University of Health. Since 1995, Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Land Committee. Since 1999, manager of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgorgeotrest. From 2012 to the present, Chairman of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Winner of the award named after. F.N. Krasovsky. A.V. Koshkarev (Institute of Geography RAS) In 1972 he graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, majoring in cartography. Since 1976, he worked at the Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok) as a researcher and head of the laboratory. Since 1987 he has been working at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, currently a leading researcher. Candidate of Geographical Sciences. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology. B.V. Potapov (SUE “Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of Moscow”) In 1982 he graduated from the Serpukhov VVKIU Strategic Missile Forces, in 2002 from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Worked in a number of research institutes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, and the Representative Office of the Russian Economy in Bavaria (Germany). From 1999 to 2005 Deputy Head of the Basic Department of the Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Since 2008, advisor to the manager of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgorgeotrest. From 2014 to the present, Advisor to the Director of the State Unitary Enterprise “Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of Moscow.” Doctor of Technical Sciences. N.V. Filippov (Mosstroyinform State Budgetary Institution) In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Theoretical Physics of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (currently the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI). Since 1996, he worked at the Moscow Committee for Science and Technology OJSC, and since 2006 at the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow. From 2013 to the present, Deputy Director of the State Budgetary Institution “Information and Analytical Center of the Complex of Urban Planning Policy and Construction of the City of Moscow “Mosstroyinform”. Moscow is one of the largest cities on Earth with a complex infrastructure, a unique metropolis in its territorial organization, structure and management. Dozens of departments, departments and services that are responsible for various areas of activity take part in city management. They are closely interrelated, so decision-making is based on a large amount of heterogeneous information. There are various structures in the city that ensure timely receipt of information to interested parties. Information systems have been created that are based on modern means of collecting and processing information, the volume of which is constantly growing exponentially, and they need to be able to be managed effectively. It is for this purpose that integration processes are developing in many countries and cities, ensuring the consolidation and streamlining of information flows, creating conditions for the formation of a unified information infrastructure. The development of the city as a whole, individual areas of urban management and almost all information systems that have been created and are being created in it is impossible without obtaining spatial data about its territory, land 4

2 sites, real estate objects and other structures and phenomena. Obtaining such information is especially important for dynamically developing large cities (metropolises), including the city of Moscow. Over the past years, in the city of Moscow, in accordance with its General Development Plan, intensive housing construction has been launched, reconstruction and major repairs of the existing housing stock are being carried out, transport routes and utilities are being built and reconstructed, comprehensive landscaping and other types of work are being carried out. In general, in the city, thanks to the implementation of program work on the collection and processing of various information, there was a favorable opportunity to combine information resources and create new ones on their basis. International experience in the creation, development and use of spatial data infrastructure (SDI) shows that the integration of what is disparate at the national and regional levels into the overall Fig. 1 Main page of the INSPIRE geoportal, the distributed network structure must be built on the basis of geoinformation technologies. This will make it possible to make a fundamental breakthrough in TECHNOLOGY for the timely provision of reliable and consistent information about the territory of government and management bodies, as well as the population. SDI will make it possible to eliminate duplication of work due to better awareness and the ability to automate the coordination of its participants and more widely use spatial data in various fields, increasing the economic efficiency of their activities. The “Concept for the creation and development of spatial data infrastructure of the Russian Federation” approved by the Government of the Russian Federation is intended to unite and ensure collective access to spatial information at three levels: federal, territorial and municipal. The experience of European countries accumulated in recent years in implementing the INSPIRE program (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community) needs to be adapted to Russian conditions and, first of all, this concerns the core of the regulatory framework that forms the basis of this program (Fig. 1). Currently, these tasks have not been sufficiently studied both from the point of view of technological solutions and from the point of view of design methods, therefore the development of models and methods for integrating heterogeneous data is relevant. Domestic SDI must have a service-oriented architecture. In this case, IPD services should be provided by a single service provider. The presence of a single provider in a service-oriented architecture in no way infringes on the rights of the owners of individual information resources. It is advisable to create a system of technical regulations for the Russian Federation IPD taking into account the international standards of the ISO series and the standardized specifications of the OGC consortium. The implementation of the RF IPD must be considered as a common task for the state at all levels of government and management. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify activities to approve federal and regional regulations in the field of spatial data, approval of the composition of basic spatial data, introduction into practice of organizational charts with the appointment of leading departments and authorized organizations of data suppliers, operators, ensuring their interoperability as a whole on the basis of a system of international and national standards. At the level of legislation of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to ensure regulation of relations in the field of creation and development of IPD. By accepting sub- 5

3 of the statutory acts, the Government of the Russian Federation and the relevant ministries will put into effect a procedure ensuring interdepartmental interaction and the mandatory provision of basic spatial data and their metadata, as well as requirements for the compatibility of data and services of the Russian Federation SDI, the provision of reporting and other essential conditions for ensuring the effectiveness of their use. To harmonize between different departments, it is necessary to use common data exchange standards. When designing the technical components of the RF IPD (including the development of software for its use), a number of scientific and applied problems initially arise, the solution of which is similar to the conditions for creating other automated information systems. Firstly, it is necessary to carry out a structural analysis of everything used (actually and in the future) by executive authorities, large enterprises and other users, as well as study the sources of its occurrence and consumption, establish the main relationships and characteristics. The complexity of solving this problem is due to the fact that the methods, forms and formats of receipt, storage and use in different organizations differ significantly. Secondly, it is necessary to formalize the description of the information placed in the IPD, its relationships and use. At the same time, in a number of cases, an independent scientific task arises of integration and generalization that is heterogeneous (in type, format, method of description), distributed by storage location (in various organizations) and by belonging to existing information systems. User access to information contained in federal and regional (territorial) information resources should, whenever possible, be carried out in a “single window” mode. Metadata and geoservices of the SDI must be located at one access point. The presence of such a single provider will make it possible to best integrate data in combination with information from other sources into the electronic service delivery system. Based on the provisions of the Concept for the creation and development of the IPD of the Russian Federation, in 2009, by Decree of the Moscow Government 619-PP, the Concept of the medium-term program of the city target program of work for the development of a unified geoinformation space (EGIS) of the city of Moscow was adopted. EGIP of the city of Moscow is a combination of spatial data arrays - Fig. 2 IAIS EGIP of the city of Moscow. Results of satellite imagery (scale 1:25,000) Fig. 3 IAIS EGIP of the city of Moscow. Digital map background (scale 1:10,000) 6

4 Fig. 4 Basic three-dimensional digital model of buildings on the territory of the city, presented in two-dimensional and three-dimensional views, covering ground, underground and above-ground space, interconnected by a single coordinate basis, allowing to display and process information about spatial objects simultaneously from different cartographic arrays of any scale, including database of thematic data of various users, and should become an integral part of the Russian Federation IPD. It was necessary to develop and implement in a fairly short time a fundamentally new approach to the exchange of spatial data without destroying the established practice of creation and use in services that have experience working with geographic information systems (GIS), while ensuring the possibility of developing the system through convenient connection and expanding the number of participants. The difficulty lay in the need to integrate information created and maintained, albeit on a single cartographic basis, but in different, often poorly comparable, spatial data formats, based on different GIS, used by different services. It should be noted that in Moscow, as in other large cities, the choice of specific information technologies is determined by many factors, including not only the economic component of the implementation of systems, but also the different timeliness of the introduction of technologies in different industries, the existing experience of specialists, the format of incoming data, or even just spontaneous solution. However, in this case, transferring services to a single GIS platform was not considered as an overall solution, since it is not only impossible, but also impractical. The solution was sought in new standards for the exchange of spatial information based on a service-oriented architecture using international standards for the exchange of spatial information developed by the international consortium OGC. This approach made it possible not to develop new software or unify its use, but to determine directions for connecting distributed information nodes for messaging. Based on the above concept, in 2010, by Decree of the Moscow Government 162-PP, the Medium-term city target program of work for the development of the EGIP of the city of Moscow was adopted. The main objectives of the program were the following. 1. Geodetic support of a unified geoinformation infrastructure based on improving the geodetic reference network of the city of Moscow and satellite technologies using the GLONASS/GPS system. 2. Providing users with updated remote sensing materials (Fig. 2) and information resources of the unified state cartographic basis of the city of Moscow (Fig. 3). 3. Creation of a three-dimensional digital model of the territory of the city of Moscow (Fig. 4). 4. Engineering-geological mapping. 5. Integration of spatial data of urban systems to ensure interdepartmental information interaction. 6. Improving the regulatory, personnel, scientific and technological support of the EGIP of the city of Moscow. In By order of the Moscow Government dated 566-RP, the Integrated Automated Information System EGIP of the City of Moscow (IAIS EGIP) was created and put into commercial operation. It is implemented as a citywide system for working with spatial data in a single geoinformation space. The system was created as a citywide one to work with spatial data from all executive authorities of the city. It is a set of industry nodes that provide 7

5 solutions to the problems facing urban complexes, interconnected by a central node. First of all, conditions were provided for solving problems in the field of urban planning and land relations. The nodes of the urban planning complex (Moscomarchitecture) (Fig. 5) and the complex of property and land relations (Department of Land Resources) (Fig. 6) were combined. The logical architecture of the EGIP of the city of Moscow includes the following main components: an environment for intersystem exchange and access to geospatial data of executive authorities; the central hub of the EGIP environment in Moscow; environment for rapid access to geospatial data of the EGIP of the city of Moscow. Access to EGIP data of the city of Moscow is carried out through an online access environment. It includes organizing access using a system of geoportals, tools for viewing and editing geodata, which can be either external systems implemented in the form of a “thick” or “thin” client, or software and tools provided by the EGIP online access environment. The EGIP geoportal system contains three main geoinformation portals with varying degrees of data confidentiality: the EGIP geoinformation portal for open access, the service geoinformation portal for executive authorities of the city of Moscow, and the security geoinformation portal of executive authorities of the city of Moscow. Rice. 5 Spatial data of the General Plan for the Development of the City of Moscow Fig. 6 Information layer of urban planning plans for land plots In 2011, as part of the development of IAIS EGIP, an open contour of EGIP was created, in which publicly available spatial data was published. Currently, public access to them is realized using the “Electronic Atlas of Moscow” (developed by order of the Department of Information Technologies. It includes cartographic materials and spatial data services. The atlas contains: maps of the city of Moscow, created on the basis of an open digital cartographic background included in the composition of the unified state cartographic basis of the city of Moscow; satellite images of the city of Moscow; information about individual objects and territories of the city of Moscow, etc. In 2012, the Government of the city of Moscow adopted the State program of the city of Moscow "Urban planning policy for the years", which included subprogram 9 " Development of a unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow." 8

6 As a result of the implementation of the above programs, it is planned to provide executive authorities, organizations, law enforcement agencies and civil protection measures for the city of Moscow, as well as its residents, with comprehensive spatial data about the city territory, including data on underground space, remote sensing materials, geological information and industry spatial resources. Almost all the main city services are involved in the creation of spatial data, providing planning, construction, reconstruction, operation and development of the city. Spatial data about the urban area is constantly accumulated in the Geofund of the city of Moscow, which includes: cartographic and geodetic, geological materials, engineering survey data, representing mutually consistent sets in the form of a set of maps and plans, terrain models, individual layers of cartographic information, as well as remote sensing materials sensing of the territory, geodetic support network and other types of information. Spatial information that has an industry affiliation, such as data from the cadastre of real estate objects, an information system for supporting urban planning activities, a cadastre of specially protected natural areas, environmental monitoring of the territory of the city of Moscow, data from various city information systems generated as a result of the implementation of city programs and individual agreements that are not stock cartographic information are accumulated as part of thematic information resources of the city of Moscow or authorized organizations and services. Further development of the EGIP of the city of Moscow must be carried out in the following main directions: development and improvement of the regulatory framework for the creation and development of the EGIP of the city of Moscow; development of the composition and completeness of the representative bodies of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow; creation and development of a multidimensional spatial representation of the territory and objects of the city of Moscow; creation and development of analytical capabilities for the presentation and processing of industry spatial data. The above provisions are reflected in more detail in the book “Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow as an integral part of the spatial data infrastructure of the Russian Federation,” prepared by the authors of this article and published under the editorship of A.V. Antipov (see p. 43. Editor's note). The authors express their gratitude to the management of the State Unitary Enterprise “Mosgorgeotrest” for the information provided and support provided during the preparation and publication of the book. The book provides an overview of the spatial data infrastructures of the countries of the European Union and the Russian Federation. The issues of creating a Unified Geographic Information Space of the city of Moscow, the need to improve it at the present stage for use in urban planning activities of executive authorities of the city TECHNOLOGY and organizations, as well as in other spheres of the city’s life are considered. It is equipped with a large number of applications that reveal the experience of creating the EGIP of the city of Moscow. In the second part of the book, it is planned to consider in more detail the industry node of the IAIS EGIP of the city of Moscow, both from the point of view of technological solutions and from the point of view of design methods, as well as the issues indicated in the main directions for the further development of the EGIP of the city of Moscow. References 1. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2006 “Concept for the creation and development of spatial data infrastructure of the Russian Federation” Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe of March 14, 2007 on the creation of a spatial information infrastructure of the European Community ( INSPIRE) Open Geospatial Consortium Antipov A.V., Koshkarev A.V., Potapov B.V., Filippov N.V. Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow as an integral part of the spatial data infrastructure of the Russian Federation. Part 1 // Ed. A.V. Antipova. M: OOO Publishing House "Prospekt", p. RESUME An experience of creating a single geoinformation space of the city of Moscow is considered together with the trends of its improvement for use in both urban planning by the Moscow executive authorities and city organizations, and other fields of the city life. The necessity of taking into account the international and Russian experience in the creation, development and use of spatial data infrastructures, created on the basis of geoinformation technologies is noted. 9

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Conversation about the need to create a unified geoinformation space for the city of Moscow.

Moscow is one of the largest cities on earth with a complex infrastructure, a unique metropolis in its territorial organization, structure and management. The city has information systems based on modern means of collecting information, the volume of which is constantly growing exponentially. Therefore, in many countries and cities, integration processes are developing, ensuring the consolidation and streamlining of information flows, creating conditions for the formation of a unified information infrastructure.

Over the past years, intensive housing construction, reconstruction and major repairs have been launched in Moscow, transport highways and utilities are being built and reconstructed, comprehensive landscaping and other types of work are being carried out.

In general, in the city, there is a favorable opportunity to combine information resources and create new ones on their basis. International experience shows that the integration of disparate information is best carried out on the basis of geographic information technologies.

The government-approved “concept for creating a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)” at three levels: federal, territorial and municipal. At the legislative level in Russia, it is also necessary to ensure the regulation of relations in the sphere of creation and development of IPD through the adoption of appropriate by-laws.

When designing technical components of the Russian Federation IPD, a number of scientifically applied problems arise.

1) Perform a structural analysis of all spatial information used by executive authorities, large enterprises and other users.

2) It is necessary to formalize the description of the information placed in the IPD, its relationships and use

User access to information contained in federal and regional resources should, whenever possible, be carried out in a single window mode. EGIP of the city of Moscow is a combination of spatial data arrays about the city territory, presented in two-dimensional and three-dimensional views, covering ground, underground and above-ground space, interconnected by a single coordinate basis.

In 2010, by Decree of the Moscow Government No. 162-PP, the Medium-term city target program of work for the development of the EGIP of the city of Moscow for 2010-2012 was adopted. The main objectives of the program were the following.

  1. Geodetic support of a unified geoinformation infrastructure
  2. Providing users with updated materials
  3. Creation of a three-dimensional digital model of the city of Moscow
  4. Engineering-geological mapping
  5. Ensuring interdepartmental interaction
  6. Improving the regulatory, personnel, scientific and technological support of the EGIP in Moscow.

The logical architecture of the EGIP of the city of Moscow includes the following main components:

An environment for intersystem exchange and access to geospatial data of executive authorities

Central hub of the EGIP environment in Moscow

Environment for online access to spatial data

The geoportal system contains three main portals with varying degrees of confidentiality:

A) Portal for open access

B) Service portal for executive authorities of Moscow

C) Regime geoinformation portal of executive authorities of Moscow

Further development of the Moscow EGIP must be carried out in the following main directions.

Development and improvement of legal and regulatory support for work

Development of the composition and completeness of the information provided

Creation and development of multidimensional provision of territory

Creation and development of analytical capabilities

About the integrated automated information system “Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow”

In order to develop the Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow and ensure access of executive bodies to geospatial data: 1. Put into commercial operation the integrated automated information system "Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as IAIS EGIP) 2. Approve the Regulations on the integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow" (application). 3. Establish what is the operator and state customer of the industrial operation of IAIS EGIP, as well as the authorized executive body responsible for the regulated implementation of information exchange between participants in information interaction within the framework of the Unified Geographic Information Space of the city of Moscow. 4. Declare invalid: 4.1. Order of the Moscow Government "On the creation of a Coordination Council for the program for the development of a unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow." 4.2. Order of the Moscow Government "On putting into commercial operation". 4.3. Order of the Moscow Government "On putting into commercial operation the integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow" (first stage)". 5. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Minister of the Moscow Government, head A.V. Ermolaev. P.P. Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin Appendix to the order of the Moscow Government dated March 20, 2012 N 120-RP Regulations on the integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow" 1. General provisions 1.1. This provision defines the structure of the integrated automated information system “Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow”, a method for approving the procedure for information interaction between government bodies and organizations (hereinafter referred to as participants in information interaction) in order to ensure intersystem exchange and access to the unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow , composition of participants in information interaction, their rights and obligations. 1.2. The integrated automated information system “Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow” (hereinafter referred to as IAIS EGIP) is a state information system that ensures the integration and provision of geospatial data contained in the information resources of government bodies and organizations. 1.3. IAIS EGIP includes spatial data on the territory of the city of Moscow, presented in two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms, covering ground, underground and above-ground space, interconnected by a single coordinate basis, which allows you to display and process spatial objects simultaneously from different data sets of any scale , including arrays of thematic data from various information resources. 1.4. IAIS EGIP is an integral part of the spatial data infrastructure of the city of Moscow, which is a set of city information resources, technologies, systems, legal acts necessary for the collection, processing, updating, storage, distribution, exchange and use of spatial data and metadata. 1.5. The main goals of creating IAIS EGIP are: - development of geoinformation technologies in the city of Moscow through an integrated approach to the use of spatial data and the development of integration processes; - formation and development of an information base of geospatial data for use by government agencies in activities to develop the city of Moscow and improve the safety of the city as a whole; - improving the quality of public administration, the provision of government and other services through more efficient use of spatial data; - reduction of budget costs for the development and maintenance of information resources of the unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow by eliminating duplication of work on the creation and updating of spatial data. 2. Participants in information interaction 2.1. Participants in information interaction using IAIS EGIP are users and suppliers of information in IAIS EGIP, as well as the authorized body of IAIS EGIP (operator of IAIS EGIP). 2.2. Users of information are government agencies, citizens and organizations that need specific information contained in the unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow and provided by other participants in information interaction. State bodies are users of any information contained in the IAIS EGIP (including information for official use). Citizens are users of public information contained in the EGIP IAIS. Organizations are users of public information contained in the EGIP IAIS, as well as, upon their request, information for official use. 2.3. Information provider - public authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations that are the owners of information resources, have the necessary information and provide it to other participants in information interaction. 2.4. The authorized body of IAIS EGIP (operator of IAIS EGIP) is an executive body responsible for the regulated implementation of information exchange between participants in information interaction. 3. Structure of the integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow" 3.1. The structure of IAIS EGIP includes: 3.1.1. The system of operational access to geospatial data of the unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow is an information system intended for official use by participants in information interaction who have access to it. 3.1.2. The environment for intersystem exchange of geospatial data of the unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow is an information system consisting of a system database of geoinformation resources and an environment for the exchange of geospatial data, including spatial data held by government bodies. 3.1.3. Automated information system "Electronic Atlas" is an information system designed to provide official geospatial data of the Moscow Government in the public domain. 3.1.4 Technology portal IAIS EGIP is an information system that provides access to geospatial data of IAIS EGIP and provides a description of the information resources of IAIS EGIP. 3.2. Information resources of IAIS EGIP include basic spatial data and thematic (sectoral) spatial data. 3.3. The basic spatial data includes an open digital cartographic background at scales of 1:25000 and 1:10000 of the Unified State Cartographic Basis of the City of Moscow (EGKO), including schemes for the administrative-territorial division of the city. 3.4. The formation and updating of basic spatial data of IAIS EGIP is carried out on the basis of information provided by the authorized organization for the creation and maintenance of the Unified State Cartographic Base of Moscow. 3.5. The composition of thematic (industry) spatial data is determined by the IAIS EGIP operator at the suggestion of information providers and approved by the authorized body of the IAIS EGIP. 4. The procedure for information interaction and use of the components of the Unified Geographic Information Space 4. 1. The procedure for information interaction between participants in information interaction is determined by the rules of interaction approved by the authorized body of the IAIS EGIP. 4.2. Intersystem exchange of geospatial data and publication of official spatial data on the official websites of state bodies on the Internet information and telecommunication network is carried out using the IAIS EGIP. 4.3. The formation and updating of information resources of IAIS EGIP is carried out by the operator of IAIS EGIP on the basis of information provided by information providers, using an electronic digital signature. 5. Rights and obligations of participants in information interaction 5.1. The authorized body of IAIS EGIP: - ensures the development of the software and hardware part of IAIS EGIP; - develops regulations for interaction between participants in information interaction; - interacts with participants in information interaction within the framework of the implementation of this provision; - monitors compliance by participants in information interaction with the requirements established by these regulations. 5.2. IAIS EGIP operator: - ensures the functioning of IAIS EGIP in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information, information technology and information security, as well as the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation ; - ensures the functioning of IAIS EGIP around the clock; - generates and updates spatial data based on information provided by participants in information interaction; - ensures the integrity and availability of IAIS EGIP data for participants in information interaction; - maintains retrospective data; - carries out registration of participants in information interaction and provides them with access to IAIS EGIP; - provides consulting support to participants in information interaction on the use of IAIS EGIP. Certain functions of the IAIS EGIP operator may be transferred to a body or organization by decision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. The IAIS EGIP operator is not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by information providers. 5.3. Information provider: - carries out the formation and maintenance of the thematic component of the IAIS EGIP; - ensures the reliability and completeness of the information provided; - complies with the requirements and rules for maintaining and using IAIS EGIP data. 5.4. The IAIS EGIP user: - accesses the IAIS EGIP in accordance with the established interaction regulations; - sends proposals to the IAIS EGIP operator to change the procedure for providing information; - complies with the requirements of operational documentation for the use of IAIS EGIP data; - complies with the requirements of the law on the protection of restricted access information and ensuring information security of information transmitted using the IAIS EGIP.



About the integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow"

Document with changes made:
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 07/02/2015);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 10/04/2017);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 12/21/2017).

In order to develop the Unified Geoinformation Space of the city of Moscow and provide access to executive authorities of the city of Moscow to spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow:
(Preamble as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government of June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

1. Put into commercial operation the integrated automated information system "Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as IAIS EGIP).

2. Approve the Regulations on the integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow" (appendix).

3. Establish that the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow is the operator of the IAIS EGIP, as well as the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow, responsible for the regulated implementation of information exchange between participants in information interaction within the framework of the Unified Geoinformation Space of the city of Moscow.
by order of the Moscow Government of June 30, 2015 N 369-RP; as amended by order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2017 N 743-RP.

4. To recognize as invalid:

4.1. Order of the Moscow Government of October 1, 2009 N 2578-RP "On the creation of the Coordination Council for the program for the development of a unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow."

4.2. Order of the Moscow Government dated November 24, 2009 N 3007-RP "On commissioning of commercial operation".

4.3. Order of the Moscow Government dated July 26, 2011 N 566-RP “On putting into commercial operation the integrated automated information system “Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow” (first stage).”

5. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Information Technologies A.V. Ermolaev.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Application. Regulations on the integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow"

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Regulations on the integrated automated information system "Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) define the basis for the functioning of the integrated automated information system "Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as IAIS EGIP), the composition of participants in information interaction using IAIS EGIP (hereinafter referred to as IAIS EGIP). participants in information interaction), their rights and responsibilities.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

1.2. IAIS EGIP is a state information system of the city of Moscow, providing collection, processing, updating, storage, distribution, exchange and use of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

1.3. IAIS EGIP includes spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow, presented in two-dimensional and three-dimensional views, covering ground, underground and above-ground space, interconnected by a single coordinate basis, allowing you to display and process spatial objects simultaneously from different data sets of any scale, including arrays of thematic data from various information resources.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

1.4. IAIS EGIP is an integral part of the spatial data infrastructure of the city of Moscow, which is a set of urban information resources, technologies, systems, legal acts necessary for the collection, processing, updating, storage, distribution, exchange and use of spatial data and metadata.

1.5. The main goals of creating IAIS EGIP are:

Development of geoinformation technologies in the city of Moscow through an integrated approach to the use of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow, and the development of integration processes;
by order of the Moscow Government of June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

Formation and development of an information base of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow, for use by public authorities of the city of Moscow in activities to develop the city of Moscow and improve the safety of the city as a whole;
(Hyphen as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

Improving the quality of public administration, the provision of government and other services through more efficient use of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow;
(Hyphen as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

Reducing budget costs for the development and maintenance of information resources of the unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow by eliminating duplication of work on the creation and updating of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow.
(Hyphen as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

1.6. The objectives of IAIS EGIP are:

Automation of the processes of creating an information base of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow;

Monitoring the quality of public administration, the provision of government and other services through the use of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow;

Ensuring open access for city residents to information about the development of the territory of the city of Moscow.
(The paragraph was additionally included by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP)

1.7. The main functions of IAIS EGIP are:

Collection, processing and analysis of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow;

Providing access to spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow;

Providing feedback between participants in information interaction regarding quality control of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow, and services provided on the basis of such data.
(The paragraph was additionally included by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP)

1.8. Information resources of IAIS EGIP are used by other information systems of the city of Moscow, during the operation of which spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow are processed to solve citywide problems, as well as problems related to the formation of spatial data published in the public domain.
(The paragraph was additionally included by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP)

2. Participants in information interaction

2.1. Participants in information interaction using IAIS EGIP are users and suppliers of information in IAIS EGIP, as well as the authorized body of IAIS EGIP, the operator of IAIS EGIP.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2017 N 743-RP.

2.2. Users of information are government authorities of the city of Moscow, citizens and organizations that need specific information contained in the unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow and provided by other participants in information interaction.

State authorities of the city of Moscow are users of any information contained in the IAIS EGIP (including information for official use).

Citizens are users of public information contained in the EGIP IAIS.

Organizations are users of public information contained in the IAIS EGIP, as well as, upon their request, information for official use.

2.3. Information provider - government bodies of the city of Moscow and organizations that are the owners of information resources, have the necessary information and provide it to other participants in information interaction.

2.4. The authorized body of the IAIS EGIP is the executive authority of the city of Moscow, responsible for the regulated implementation of information exchange between participants in information interaction.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2017 N 743-RP.

3. Composition of information resources of the integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow"

(Section as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

3.1. The IAIS EGIP includes:

3.1.1. Subsystems defined by the operator of IAIS EGIP in the operational documentation of IAIS EGIP.

3.1.2. Sets of spatial data about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow, including basic spatial data and thematic (industry) spatial data.

3.2. For the purposes of these Regulations:

3.2.1. Basic spatial data about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow is understood as digital data about spatial objects permitted for publication in the public domain, characterized by the stability of their spatial position over time and used for positioning (determining the location) of other spatial objects that do not contain information constituting state property. secret, as well as other information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2.2. Thematic (industry) spatial data on objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow refers to digital data on spatial objects permitted for publication in the public domain, relating to a certain area of ​​public relations and used by the executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the exercise of their powers.

3.3. The composition of basic spatial data about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow is determined by the IAIS EGIP operator.

3.4. The formation and updating of basic spatial data about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow in the IAIS EGIP is carried out on the basis of the Unified Urban Cartographic Framework of Moscow in the prescribed manner.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated October 3, 2017 N 538-RP.

3.5. The composition of thematic (industry) spatial data on objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow is determined by the IAIS EGIP operator and approved by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government - the head of the Office of the Mayor and the Moscow Government.

3.6. The formation and updating of thematic (industry) spatial data on objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow in the IAIS EGIP is carried out, among other things, using information resources that do not belong to the city of Moscow.

4. The procedure for information interaction and use of components of the Unified Geographic Information Space

4.1. The procedure for information interaction between participants in information interaction is determined by the interaction regulations approved by the authorized body of the IAIS EGIP.

4.2. Intersystem exchange of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow, and publication of such data in the prescribed manner on the official websites of public authorities of the city of Moscow on the Internet information and telecommunications network is carried out using the IAIS EGIP.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

4.3. The formation and updating of information resources of IAIS EGIP is carried out by the operator of IAIS EGIP on the basis of information provided by information providers, using an electronic signature.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

4.4. When organizing the provision of thematic (industry) spatial data about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow, IAIS EGIP also interacts with the information systems of the city of Moscow, which are used to generate the specified data in IAIS EGIP.
(The paragraph was additionally included by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP)

4.5. The provision of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow in the form of open data is carried out in agreement with suppliers of such data by publishing them on sites on the Internet information and telecommunications network, determined by the operator IAIS EGIP.
(The paragraph was additionally included by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP)

5. Rights and obligations of participants in information interaction

5.1. Authorized body of IAIS EGIP:

The hyphen has lost force - order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2017 N 743-RP;

Develops regulations for interaction between participants in information interaction;

Interacts with participants in information interaction within the framework of implementation of this provision;

Monitors compliance by participants in information interaction with the requirements established by these regulations;

- ensures the development (modernization) and operation of IAIS EGIP.
(The hyphen was additionally included by order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2017 N 743-RP)

5.2. Operator IAIS EGYPT:

Ensures the functioning of the IAIS EGIP in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information, information technology and information protection, as well as the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation;

Ensures the functioning of IAIS EGIP around the clock;

Carries out the generation and updating of spatial data and metadata about objects located on the territory of the city of Moscow, based on information provided by participants in information interaction;
(Hyphen as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

Ensures the integrity and availability of IAIS EGIP data for participants in information interaction;

Maintains retrospective data;

Carries out registration of participants in information interaction and provides them with access to IAIS EGIP;

Provides consulting support to participants in information interaction on the use of IAIS EGIP.

Certain functions of the IAIS EGIP operator may be transferred to another executive authority of the city of Moscow, a subordinate government agency of the city of Moscow or another organization by decision of the IAIS EGIP operator in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2017 N 743-RP.

The IAIS EGIP operator is not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by information providers.

5.3. Information Provider:

Carries out the formation and maintenance of the thematic component of the IAIS EGIP;

Ensures the accuracy and completeness of the information provided;

Complies with the requirements and rules for maintaining and using IAIS EGIP data;

- ensures the storage of primary (initial) information, except for cases where the initial entry of information was carried out through the IAIS EGIP, and provides it at the request of the authorized body of the IAIS EGIP.
(The hyphen was additionally included by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP)

5.4. IAIS EGYPT user:

Provides access to the IAIS EGIP in accordance with the established interaction regulations;

Sends proposals to the IAIS EGIP operator to change the procedure for providing information;

Complies with the requirements of operational documentation for the use of IAIS EGIP data;

Complies with the requirements of the law on the protection of restricted access information and ensuring information security of information transmitted using the IAIS EGIP.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

S. A. Zubkov

- Tell me, please, where should I go from here?

“It largely depends on where you want to come,” answered the cat.

“Yes, I almost don’t care,” began Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the cat.

“Just to get somewhere,” Alice explained.

“Don’t worry, you’ll definitely end up somewhere,” said the cat, “of course, if you don’t stop halfway.”

(L. Carroll, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland")

Unlike the main character of L. Carroll’s famous work, specialists from the Moscow Department of Information Technologies, who take part in the formation of the city’s geoinformation space, have an understanding of where they want to go. However, first things first.

Work on the formation of a Unified Geographic Information Space (EGIS) of the city of Moscow is carried out as part of the implementation of the State Program of the City of Moscow “Information City (2012–2016)”. Projects aimed at the development of EGIP are included in the priority activities of the subprogram “Development of information and communication technologies to improve the quality of life in the city of Moscow and create favorable conditions for doing business.”

According to paragraph 1.2 of the order of the Moscow Government dated March 20, 2012 No. 120-RP “On the integrated automated information system “Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow”, EGIP is a “state information system that ensures the integration and provision of geospatial data contained in the information resources of state bodies authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations." It is worth immediately stating that the task of bringing order to industry geodatabases (GD) and ensuring their provision within the framework of measures to form a unified city-wide open data platform is only the first stage in the development of the geoinformation space of the capital.

Ideologically, Egypt should represent n-dimensional array of events, the sequential and/or parallel occurrence of which can form a business or technological process of obtaining, processing and applying geodata as part of the provision of public services to citizens and organizations; interdepartmental interaction of executive authorities (EIA) of the city of Moscow; quality control of services aimed at improving the quality of life and ensuring the safety of the city population; development of transport, cultural, leisure and physical culture and sports infrastructure; increasing the level of accessibility of urban infrastructure for groups of citizens with limited mobility; environmental protection and many others. etc.

Each event in Egypt can be described by a set of values ​​along six main dimensions:

  1. functional:
    • geodata (industry, citywide);
    • geodata providers (OIV, external organizations);
    • consumers of geodata (citizens, public authorities, external organizations);
  2. providing:
    • software (GIS servers, web clients, mobile applications);
    • objects of system and technical infrastructure (servers, data storages, data transmission channels);
    • geodata transfer mechanisms (web services, files, geodatabase replicas).

Let me note once again that the main goal of the development of EGIP is to create a geoinformation space that is optimal in terms of composition and density of events, allowing for geoinformation support for existing processes of providing services to the city population and organizations, as well as allowing for the formation of new processes and sets of services based on geodata.

As mentioned above, within the framework of the first stage (2012–2013) of the formation of the geoinformation space, all efforts were devoted to the analysis of industry geodatabases in terms of storage structures, duplication, quality of topological connections, and thematic classification. Specialists from the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow, together with the involved OIV and other project participants, managed to collect together a fairly large array of industry data, identify city-wide geodata based on them, coordinate and approve the first version of the thematic classifier in the Office of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. There are currently seventeen permanent thematic categories, as well as separate categories of seasonal data. Most of the collected data (about 200 layers) is currently available to city residents in the public domain through the first version of the citywide interactive geoinformation resource “Electronic Atlas of the City of Moscow” ( Any user of the resource has the opportunity to help us correct the data by sending a message using convenient forms (Fig. 1a, 1b).

Rice. 1. Forms of appeal

Realizing that individual geodata, no matter how correct they may be, will be of little help to ordinary citizens, within the framework of the second stage of development of the EGIP (2013–2014), the main emphasis will be on the development of geoservices. In addition to basic services (convenient combined search by address and location, routing), the Electronic Atlas will provide information on the accessibility of city infrastructure facilities for groups of citizens with limited mobility. Integration with the government services portal is already underway, and in the near future the function of registering for sports sections and other basic and additional education services will become available. Users of the resource will have access to a service for viewing city panoramas. On behalf of the Mayor of Moscow, an English version of the resource will be prepared in the near future. In 2014, the first mobile version of the Electronic Atlas of the city of Moscow will be released.

An equally important area of ​​development for EGIP until 2014 will remain geoinformation support for the disclosure of thematic industry databases of municipal facilities and the involvement of third-party developers of services and applications based on this data.

Now about those on the other side of the “barricades” - the data providers. In order to integrate existing industry geographic information systems, provide tools for generating and maintaining geodata for those OIV that previously did not have them, within the framework of the first stage of development of the EGIP, a “Subsystem for operational access to geospatial data of the Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow” was created. The main objective of this EGIP resource is to provide specialists of OIV-suppliers of geodata with the means of creating and editing spatial attributes of geodata, as well as giving them legal significance through the electronic signature of the responsible person.

As part of the second stage of EGIP development, this resource will also not be left without attention and will be significantly improved in terms of API development, expansion of editing and visual presentation functions, formation of geoanalysis mechanisms and preparation of complex cartographic reports.

Everything that was written above concerns the functional architecture of the geoinformation space of the city of Moscow. These changes, of course, are not possible without serious changes at other levels of the architecture. The target architecture of EGIP is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the target architecture of IAIS EGIP

In this regard, the following main activities are planned as part of the further development of EGIP in terms of applied and system-technical architecture:

  1. transition from the classic 3-level corporate IS model of a large enterprise, used to solve the problems of the first stage as quickly as possible, to solutions based on ESB and SOA;
  2. transition in the provision of resources based on cloud computing models - PaaS, SaaS, DaaS;
  3. formation of a full-fledged software and hardware complex for analysis and management of EGIP.

An integral component of the development of the EGIP architecture is the formation of mechanisms for analyzing and managing changes in the EGIP architecture, which includes the following work:

  1. determining the composition of value attributes for each dimension;
  2. development of a summary indicator of value attributes for each dimension (for sorting values);
  3. formation of target values ​​for each dimension;
  4. development of algorithms for optimizing the EGIP architecture:
    • algorithm for generating event weighting coefficients;
    • algorithm for optimizing values ​​by dimensions for an individual event and a group of events (business or production process);
    • algorithm for determining the composition and values ​​of attributes for each dimension;
  5. development of an algorithm for generating a sequence of events (business or production process) of the EGIP, ensuring compliance with the requirements for the provision of services.

An equally important aspect of the formation of the EGIP of the city of Moscow is high-quality legal and regulatory support. In this part, it is planned to introduce changes to the current regulations of the mayor and the Moscow Government, as well as the development of new decrees and regulations establishing the rules of information interaction in Egypt. Particular attention at this stage will be paid to the proposals of the working group of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation on the use of Earth remote sensing data in the Russian Federation. The Expert Council group was created after the report of Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development.

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