Fortune telling without cards. Fortune telling without cards What does perseverance mean in the 64th hexagram

In short, the Wei Ji hexagram represents a “natural” victory, that is, a situation when you, with virtually no effort, calmly move towards success, that is, just go with the flow. But this "current", of course, must have been created by your previous efforts. Everything will be fine soon!

To an outside observer, it may seem that now you are managing everything simply by itself, that you are not putting any effort into it. But actually it is not. It’s just that until now you have put in so much effort that you have created powerful potential, inertia, which is now carrying you towards your cherished goal. This can be compared to riding a bicycle. First, you pedal intensely, and then, having gained the desired speed, just roll for your pleasure. Therefore, this “by itself” is not the cause of success, but its natural consequence.

In this situation, it is very important not to force events, not to try to impose your own conditions on the natural rhythm of life. This way you will only ruin everything and instead of the expected “natural” victory, you will only get problems and conflicts, both with people and within yourself. Let the current of fate carry you to the shores of triumph. Make efforts not to change the situation, but only to correct it. The more natural the actions are, the less stress and anxiety there will be, the sooner you will achieve your cherished goal and everything will be great! To put it simply, don’t stop your luck from making you a happy person.

© Alexey Kupreichik

Hexagram 64 is considered to be the interpretation of infinity, a fresh new stage of constant and rightful creation that can be achieved through disorder and renewal.

Decoding life situations is carried out according to the Chinese traditions of warning and parting words to a person regarding his strengths.

Book of Changes general interpretation of hexagram 64

The hexagram is presented as a symbol of the time of completion of the work begun. It personifies the fact that a person is already in a state that is close to completion, at a key stage of life changes.

The meaning of hexagram 64 in the Book of Changes indicates a readiness to take all necessary efforts to improve the current state of affairs, but for now it is better to wait.

The meaning of I Ching hexagram 64 reflects the need to change one’s planned actions in order to accumulate positive energy. It is necessary in order to take a decisive action at the right moment, without stopping at half the achieved result. Thanks to this, we can talk about quick success and prosperity.

The interpretation of hexagrams 64 indicates that the main symbol is the fox, which by its nature is considered a cunning and at the same time cautious animal. Its distinctive feature is the ability to instantly change your behavior when necessary.

Help: the interpretation indicates the need to feel like a fox in order to adapt to the environment as quickly as possible and be prepared for any life situations. To make the most correct decision, you need to soberly assess the situation.

Based on the book by V. Sklyarova

Hexagram 64 by Sklyarova personifies fire - being above water, which is why you don’t have to think about danger.

  1. action, voluntary wishes correspond to the time to start moving towards the goal;
  2. success, which at the moment may be deceptive;
  3. there is no need to stop at a specific stage, you need to move on;
  4. a love story and nothing more;
  5. No income should be expected yet.

Interpretation during a magical ritual:

  1. Position in society. You need to be able to draw conclusions to achieve success. At this stage it may seem illusory, but don’t get hung up on it
  2. Entrepreneurship and everything that is directly related to the world of finance In your business, you can soon expect success, gradual development, and you will need to invest a lot of effort
  3. Love relationship. The interpretation reflects the level at which the future couple is only looking closely at each other and nothing more. At the same time, acquaintance has a positive effect on each partner
  4. Interpersonal understanding. The interpretation indicates that there are no problems in this area
  5. Health - physical and spiritual. There won't be any problems in the near future
  6. Trend. Achieving your goal quickly

Based on the book by N. Vladimirova

Hexagram 64 according to Vladimirova is the personification of the fact that not so long ago a stage in life passed the stage of achieving goals that could prove personal worth.

The card canon and Jing Naina Vladimirova personifies everything that was conceived earlier and now we can talk about achieving complete harmony.

Help: in order not to stop developing, you need to forget about your achievements as quickly as possible and start studying another area. Only through search can you reach a new stage in life.

The basic interpretation is as follows:

  1. the beginning of a new stage of life, in which a person will come face to face with his enemies, overcoming which he can achieve positive results;
  2. you need to touch a lot of strength to easily overcome life's difficulties;
  3. You should really assess your strengths in order to understand how far you can go to achieve your goals; you need to take a closer look at your surroundings, including at work. There is a need to make a lot of changes in your actions in order to find harmony and success;
  4. the type of activity has not yet been fully explored, which is why there is a possibility of encountering difficulties and challenges at any moment, overcoming which success will not take long to arrive;
  5. you need to move forward boldly and confidently make significant decisions.

Help: Naina Vladimirova does not recommend runes and oriental fortune-telling at once trying to grasp many serious matters, since in this case disappointment will come. With a high degree of probability, a person will not have enough life experience and strength in general.

Based on the book by L. Nagaitseva

Hexagram 64 of Nagaitsev contains some features, but interpretation does not cause difficulties. It is enough just to correctly understand the encoded meaning.

So the interpretation is as follows:

  • if the starting six - there is no need to rush things, otherwise you may greatly regret it;
  • the second nine is the correct movement towards the implementation of the assigned tasks. It is necessary to calculate your every step, analyze your actions in the past;
  • third six - a person does not yet have enough strength and energy, which is why one’s own affairs need to be put aside for now and at the same time not interfere with others’ - let everything go as usual. Before pointing out someone's shortcomings, you should analyze your own. Fate will open the way to achieve goals;
  • if the fourth is a nine, it is the personification of a bright, extraordinary future, in which there will not be enough time for loneliness and boredom. Despite difficulties, harmony and prosperity can be ensured. Additionally, you need to be prepared to confront the dark forces (surrounding enemies), only by defeating them will the soul be able to breathe with new strength;
  • The fifth is set to six - indicates that the person has a strong soul, he successfully completes all the things he has started. It is a reason for the implementation of the assigned tasks - difficulties should not arise;
  • nine is the top - the presence of numerous successes and victories does not provide an opportunity to forget about the established rules of decency and morality. Various types of debauchery, drunkenness, carelessness and a negative lifestyle in particular are regarded by the interpretation as a direct path to failure.

Help: regardless of what the interpretation showed after fortune telling, you need to analyze your actions as quickly as possible and start moving in the right direction.

Not yet balanced

After looking at a person's actions, look at their reasons, determine whether they cause him concern. And then will a person be able to hide what he is?
Confucius (Kun Tzu)




Incompleteness. Packing for the trip. Mobilization. Non-fulfillment (yet).

Structure explanation

Fire - being above Water, there is no danger. The fire has not gone out yet.

Structure of both gua



Things aren't finished. "The fox comes out of the water, but wets its tail."


Finish your actions, pull out the wheels of your chariot.


There are difficulties ahead, a “big flow”.



The action is correct, great victories and conquests are possible in the fight against the inner self.


Help from high-ranking people to happiness and trust.


Moderation in everything, even in drinking, is a blessing.

The main thing in gua

Softness acquires a middle ground, but not yet hardness.

Main thesis

Never lose your bearings, even when you are in the middle of the path to your goal.

Divinatory aspect

Actions, expressions of will are the right time to do things.
A success that at this stage seems illusory.
Don't stop halfway, keep moving towards the Goal.
Love relationships are in the middle of the cycle, nothing more.
There is no profit yet, the fox is still with a wet tail.

Correspondence with Tarot

Arcanum XIV, Moderation, - adherence to guidelines, temporary actions; Arcanum VII and Arcanum Page of Swords - mobilization of the army, military service for young people.

Summary. Interpretation for fortune telling

1. Social status, politics.

Do your thing, you are on the path to success. At this stage it seems illusory, but continue to pursue your goal without stopping.

2. Business (everything related to the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

In business - expected and predictable success, gradually develop your business, putting maximum effort and love into it.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Love relationships are at the level when people look out for gays to each other, nothing more. But you really enjoy the dating process. Continue to "siege" your subject.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Relations with literally the whole world are normal.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Health is also without breakdowns and unpleasant incidents.

6. Trend.

A wonderful path leading straight to the goal.


In addition, Arcana VII, CHARIOT, and PAGE OF SWORDS, which for a young man perhaps means military service.

Arcana VII, numerological aspect - "seven", the number of harmony.

Since ancient times, this number has been considered a manifestation of cosmic order and organization. Seven deities, whose symbols were seven stars, seven crosses, seven busts, seven flaming altars, seven knives stuck into the ground, seven trees.

Each of the planets corresponds to the seven plants described by Hermes Trismegistus: the Sun - horsetail, Venus - verbena, Mercury - cinquefoil, Mars - plantain, Jupiter - sugar beet, Saturn - asphodel, Moon - rosehip.

"Seven" is the number of numbers, the number of the One God.

Canonical text

Accomplishment. The young fox almost crossed, (but) got his tail wet - nothing favorable.

  1. You'll get your tail wet. - Regret.
  2. Brake your wheels. - Fortitude is fortunate.
  3. It's not over yet. - Hiking is unlucky. The ford across the great river is favorable.
  4. Fortitude is fortunate. Repentance disappears. (With) shock, one must attack the country of demons, (and after) three years there will be praise from the great kingdom.
  5. Fortitude is fortunate. There will be no repentance. (If in) the brilliance of a noble person there is truth, (then there will be) happiness.
  6. Have the truth when you drink wine. There will be no blasphemy. (If) you lose your head in having the truth, you will lose it.

Situations unfold in such a way that chaos finally sets in, but chaos is seen not as the disintegration of what has been created, but as infinity, as the possibility of endless creativity all over again. Chaos does not appear here as something negative, but as an environment in which something completely new can be created. Of course, this new creativity must follow the laws (and from the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, according to the same laws that were indicated above). This is seen as cyclical in the Book of Changes. At the last minute in this last situation, the “Book of Changes,” like a parting word, gives an indication of what can happen here and what needs to be guarded against. The most important thing here is to have full strength. It is better if there are more of them than necessary than if there are not enough of them at the last minute, because if there were not enough of them at the last minute, then nothing favorable could be expected. That's why the text says here: The end is not yet. Accomplishment. The young fox was almost across. If you get your tail wet, nothing favorable will happen.


The first position represents only the beginning of this process, i.e. the beginning of the development of the necessary forces, so we can assume that there are still few of them here. First of all, the text of the “Book of Changes” indicates that a person will have great regret if in the past, before he has to go through chaos, he did not develop a sufficient amount of strength. Therefore, the text here only says the following: At the beginning there is a weak line. You'll get your tail wet. Regret.


When a person goes through chaos, the only thing he can rely on is himself, because in chaos there is nothing to rely on. In the second position, which precisely characterizes the inner life of a person and his isolation, he must completely adhere to himself, preserve himself. Therefore, the text here says: The strong trait comes second. Brake the wheels. Fortitude is fortunate.


But here comes the way out. It cannot help but come, and the third position characterizes it. But here, when “the end is not yet,” in fact, nothing has been achieved yet and there is still not enough strength. A campaign that would have been undertaken based on this position could only have been unsuccessful. And yet the need for this exit outside, the need to undertake a new cycle of creativity here appears so strongly that the position itself favors this. The inconsistency of this position is expressed in the inconsistency of the aphorism attributed to it: The weak point is in third place. It's not over yet. Hiking is unlucky. The ford across the great river is favorable.


A necessary condition for the work that can be undertaken in a given position is that steadfastness that indicates fullness of strength. Only it can lead to a successful outcome. But this steadfastness does not face a calm environment, but an excited chaos, and it is against this that man must act here. Let great work await him, let him be forced to struggle for a long time, but if he remains steadfast and continues the struggle, then everything in the world, the whole world, encrypted in the image of a great kingdom, will approve of his activities. He must oppose all the forces of darkness here. And the “Book of Changes” advises him: The strongest trait is in fourth place. Fortitude is fortunate. Repentance will disappear. When shocked, you need to attack the country of demons. And in three years there will be praise from the great kingdom.


Resilience, described in the previous stage, is here the central characteristic of a person. She imparts nobility to him. And this nobility, as if from some center, can radiate to the entire environment, ennobling it. The essence of this inner nobility is in the harmony that is emphasized by the middle position in the upper trigram. This is inner truthfulness. That it should radiate and shine is indicated by the fact that this trait is central to the trigram of radiance. So, here, within the limits of darkness and chaos, the inner truth shines, illuminating everything around, and this indicates the possibility of further manifestation of light, i.e. creativity. In other words, here is given the starting point for a new cycle, beginning again in the first hexagram of creativity. The text can be understood in this sense: The weak point is in fifth place. Resilience is unfortunate. There will be no remorse. If there is truth with the brilliance of a noble person, then there will be happiness.


After what has already been achieved in the previous position, all that remains is the peace of old age. If a person did not have time to start creativity, then the only option left before him is to find satisfaction in a calm feast. In order to reach such a feast, one must have many strengths, one must have inner truthfulness. A person cannot be blamed for inactivity here, and no one will blaspheme him for it. He deserved his peace. But if he had taken any action when the time for this action had already passed, he would have been overwhelmed by the forces of chaos. Everything would be lost to them. Therefore, the text says: There is a strong line at the top. Possess truth when you pour wine. There will be no blasphemy. If you get your head wet, then, even if you have the truth, you will lose this truth.

In the external - Cohesion and clarity, in the internal - Immersion and danger. If a dynamically developing external environment causes unreasonable fuss and panic combined with an inability to change, then further development of the situation will lead to regret. You should stop and reconsider your attitude to what is happening - slow down your wheels. However, for a noble person, the trigram Immersion can also mean art - the search for numerous nuances and shades in the familiar and the selection of those that are manifestations of the absolute - truth. If there is such truth in the brilliance of a noble person, then the hexagram will bring happiness.

Hayslip's interpretation

Success is very close; your affairs go to her. But the time for active action has not yet come. Day by day things will get better if you are careful enough. Your wish will come true in the near future. Just a little time left to wait - and a happy, successful period will begin in life.

Accomplishment. The young fox almost crossed, (but) got his tail wet - nothing favorable.

You'll get your tail wet. - Regret.
Brake your wheels. - Perseverance is fortunate.
It's not over yet. - Hiking is unfortunate. The ford across the great river is favorable.
Fortitude is fortunate. Repentance disappears. (With) shock, one must attack the country of demons, (and after) three years there will be praise from the great kingdom.
Fortitude is fortunate. There will be no repentance. (If in) the brilliance of a noble person there is truth, (then there will be) happiness.
Have the truth when you drink wine. There will be no blasphemy. (If) you lose your head in having the truth, you will lose it.


Wei-ji (Not yet the end): wei - incomplete, not yet existing; that which is not manifested, but must manifest itself over time; The hieroglyph depicts a tree with an unformed crown; ji - to cross a river, to overcome an obstacle; provide assistance, bring relief; successfully complete, finish; The hieroglyph depicts water flowing along a flat bottom, which indicates a ford, a place of crossing the river.

Figurative row

You are on the verge of important changes, ready to make a decisive effort. Don't do this for now. Collect energy and adjust your plans so that you can make the transition at the right time without getting stuck halfway. This will lead to success. The fox is a very careful and cunning animal. She checks every step and can quickly change her behavior if necessary. Imagine yourself as a fox; be prepared to adapt to whatever comes your way. Assess what is happening soberly. Connecting with spirits will help you make the right choice.

Outer and Inner worlds

Fire and Water

Internal risk holds back external awareness, accumulating reserves of energy.

The accumulation of event energy contains the hidden possibility of crossing the flow of events.


Whoever crosses the river will have his wish come true. Realizing this allows you to wait until the ford across the river opens.


Not the end yet means waiting for the right moment.


drain the lake to find the pearl.


There is a blessing hidden in sadness and worry for most people.

Fire over water. It's not over yet.

A noble person waits to make prudent choices.

Hexagram lines

Six first

You'll get your tail wet.

You acted too early and lost your way. Understand what is happening so that you don’t have to regret your rashness later.

Nine second

Brake the wheels.
Fortitude is fortunate.

Although everything is ready, refrain from taking action. It's too early to start. Patience and endurance will open the way.

Six third

It's not over yet. Hiking is unlucky.
The ford across the great river is favorable.

You are standing on the very edge. Don't come forward and try to force your way of thinking. Enter the river of life with a conscious purpose. This will benefit you and others.

Nine fourth

Fortitude is fortunate. Repentance will disappear.
When shocked, you need to attack the country of demons.
And in three years there will be praise from the great kingdom.

The time of great achievements is coming. Do as your heart tells you. The path is open, all your doubts and sorrows should disappear. Long work and fierce struggle await you, but perseverance will overcome all obstacles. The whole world (great kingdom) will praise you. The reward will be well deserved.

Six fifth

Fortitude is fortunate. There will be no remorse.
If there is truth in the shine of a noble man,
That will be happiness.

Feel free to carry out your plan. The path is open, there is no reason to regret. The inner radiance of one who follows the right path ennobles everything around. The spirits favor you.

Top nine

Have the truth when you drink wine.
There will be no blasphemy.
If you get your head wet, then even if you have the truth, you will lose it.

After what has been achieved, what remains is peace and tranquility, expressed in the image of a feast. No one can blame you for being inactive. Now there is no need to make sudden movements, otherwise the connection with the spirits will be lost.

Associative interpretation

  1. The man holds a long knife in his left hand and an ax in his right. This means authority and respect based on maintaining true faith.
  2. The tiger is sitting on the ground. This means a strong decline in authority.
  3. The flag flies over the mountain. This symbolizes victory in the first competition.
  4. A man holds a flag with the hieroglyph Lin - order, decree. This is a symbol of power.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wan.

Incompleteness. Success. But if a little fox wets its tail when it's almost across the river, it won't help anything.

Interpretation Guide.

  1. This is the July hexagram. It is good in winter and bad in autumn.
  2. Having overcome a long and dangerous snow storm in the car, you have finally reached a familiar highway. A little more and you are home. You feel so relieved that you let your guard down and immediately lose control and end up in a ditch.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong.

First Yao:
The starting six. The young fox almost crossed, (but) got his tail wet - nothing favorable. Humiliation. Regret.

  1. The camper is gone and your belongings are scattered around your new home. You decide to surprise your wife and arrange all the furniture without waiting for her. She arrives and informs you that the heavy couch that you just dragged with difficulty to the second floor should be located below.
  2. You have too little strength and resources to do everything you want.
  3. “One moon is much brighter than a thousand stars” Quality is more important than quantity.

Second Yao:
Nine second. He brakes the wheels. Perseverance brings good luck.

  1. You paused, but are ready to start moving at the right moment.
  2. There is too little time to make wise or measured choices. Rushing reduces your chances of success.
  3. Solving a key issue means speeding up the solution to the problem as a whole.

Third Yao:
Six third. Incompleteness. An attack means failure. The ford across the great river is favorable.

  1. Your plans are met with strong opposition. You pull back your strength, call on your helpers and develop a completely new course that will lead you to your goal.
  2. You can be strict if there are no selfish desires.
  3. You will have to do something regardless of the consequences.

Fourth Yao:
Nine fourth. Perseverance brings good luck. The disappointment disappears. Use the push to pacify the land of demons. For three years you will get big countries.

  1. Your faction finally gets its chance, and you all work together to clean up your weakened firm. Perestroika succeeds because no one hesitated, and this is followed by a period of revival and prosperity.
  2. A wise man who knows what is best for him can ensure his personal safety.
  3. This is your chance. Now or never!

Fifth Yao:
Six five. Perseverance brings good luck. Perseverance brings good luck. The light of an advanced person is true. Luck.

  1. The battle is over and won. Good things can happen now.
  2. Heaven fulfilled man's wishes.
  3. You have great talent and an attentive mind.

Sixth Yao:
Top nine. They drink wine in an atmosphere of genuine trust. Nothing to blame. But if you get your head wet, you will truly lose it.

  1. The work is completed, and all you can do is wait and relax with friends. But if you get drunk, you can ruin everything you've worked so hard on.
  2. One should know how to obey the correct regulations.
  3. You might think that Ji Ji would be more suitable for the last hexagram because it means “completeness.” But such an arrangement of hexagrams would speak of life as something static and complete. Therefore, the last hexagram says that the completion of the old cycle is the beginning of a new one.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

Situations unfold in such a way that chaos finally sets in, but chaos is seen not as the disintegration of what has been created, but as infinity, as the possibility of endless creativity all over again. Chaos does not appear here as something negative, but as an environment in which something completely new can be created. Of course, this new creativity must follow the laws (and from the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, according to the same laws that were indicated above). This is seen as cyclical in the Book of Changes. At the last minute in this last situation, the “Book of Changes,” like a parting word, gives an indication of what can happen here and what needs to be guarded against. The most important thing here is to have full strength. It is better if there are more of them than necessary than if there are not enough of them at the last minute, because if there were not enough of them at the last minute, then nothing favorable could be expected. That's why the text says here: The end is not yet. Accomplishment. The young fox was almost across. If you get your tail wet, nothing favorable will happen.

The first position represents only the beginning of this process, i.e. the beginning of the development of the necessary forces, so we can assume that there are still few of them here. First of all, the text of the “Book of Changes” indicates that a person will have great regret if in the past, before he has to go through chaos, he did not develop a sufficient amount of strength. Therefore, the text here only says the following: At the beginning there is a weak line. You'll get your tail wet. Regret.

When a person goes through chaos, the only thing he can rely on is himself, because in chaos there is nothing to rely on. In the second position, which precisely characterizes the inner life of a person and his isolation, he must completely adhere to himself, preserve himself. Therefore, the text here says: The strong trait comes second. Brake the wheels. Fortitude is fortunate.

But here comes the way out. It cannot help but come, and the third position characterizes it. But here, when “the end is not yet,” in fact, nothing has been achieved yet and there is still not enough strength. A campaign that would have been undertaken based on this position could only have been unsuccessful. And yet the need for this exit outside, the need to undertake a new cycle of creativity here appears so strongly that the position itself favors this. The inconsistency of this position is expressed in the inconsistency of the aphorism attributed to it: The weak point is in third place. It's not over yet. Hiking is unlucky. The ford across the great river is favorable.

A necessary condition for the work that can be undertaken in a given position is that steadfastness that indicates fullness of strength. Only it can lead to a successful outcome. But this steadfastness does not face a calm environment, but an excited chaos, and it is against this that man must act here. Let great work await him, let him be forced to struggle for a long time, but if he remains steadfast and continues the struggle, then everything in the world, the whole world, encrypted in the image of a great kingdom, will approve of his activities. He must oppose all the forces of darkness here. And the “Book of Changes” advises him: The strongest trait is in fourth place. Fortitude is fortunate. Repentance will disappear. When shocked, you need to attack the country of demons. And in three years there will be praise from the great kingdom.

Resilience, described in the previous stage, is here the central characteristic of a person. She imparts nobility to him. And this nobility, as if from some center, can radiate to the entire environment, ennobling it. The essence of this inner nobility is in the harmony that is emphasized by the middle position in the upper trigram. This is inner truthfulness. That it should radiate and shine is indicated by the fact that this trait is central to the trigram of radiance. So, here, within the limits of darkness and chaos, the inner truth shines, illuminating everything around, and this indicates the possibility of further manifestation of light, i.e. creativity. In other words, here is given the starting point for a new cycle, beginning again in the first hexagram of creativity. The text can be understood in this sense: The weak point is in fifth place. Resilience is unfortunate. There will be no remorse. If there is truth with the brilliance of a noble person, then there will be happiness.

After what has already been achieved in the previous position, all that remains is the peace of old age. If a person did not have time to start creativity, then the only option left before him is to find satisfaction in a calm feast. In order to reach such a feast, one must have many strengths, one must have inner truthfulness. A person cannot be blamed for inactivity here, and no one will blaspheme him for it. He deserved his peace. But if he had taken any action when the time for this action had already passed, he would have been overwhelmed by the forces of chaos. Everything would be lost to them. Therefore, the text says: There is a strong line at the top. Possess truth when you pour wine. There will be no blasphemy. If you get your head wet, then, even if you have the truth, you will lose this truth.

Comment by A.V. Shvetsa

In the external - Cohesion and clarity, in the internal - Immersion and danger. If a dynamically developing external environment causes unreasonable fuss and panic combined with an inability to change, then further development of the situation will lead to regret. You should stop and reconsider your attitude to what is happening - slow down your wheels. However, for a noble person, the trigram Immersion can also mean art - the search for numerous nuances and shades in the familiar and the selection of those that are manifestations of the absolute - truth. If there is such truth in the brilliance of a noble person, then the hexagram will bring happiness.

Hayslip's interpretation

Success is very close; your affairs go to her. But the time for active action has not yet come. Day by day things will get better if you are careful enough. Your wish will come true in the near future. Just a little time left to wait - and a happy, successful period will begin in life.

Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, flames shot up to the skies. Events occur that cause maximum intensity of passions and emotions. This is a serious test concerning the main life values ​​and priorities.

It seems that the great, vast, blue ocean itself has caught fire. However, the ocean is not burning at all, it is oil blazing on its surface. Emotions and passions are so great that they seem to fill your entire life. Very strong cohesion (the property of fire) with ongoing events. However, all this is only on the surface and does not affect the main part of life.

The night became as bright as day. The fire lit up the skies and the surface of the vast ocean. It seems that everything has become extremely clear and understandable. However, this is only the surface; the unknown, huge and dangerous facet of reality is located on the inner plane.

The oil will burn. The fire will go out. The events that caused such a violent outburst of emotions will be experienced, exhausted, and passions will subside on their own.

Where yesterday huge flames covered the sky, tomorrow dangerous ocean waves will roam. Where passions raged before, and everything seemed clear and understandable, tomorrow everything will plunge into a new, unknown and dangerous facet of reality, coming from the inner plane.

In the SUBCONSCIOUS, huge, dangerous waves roam in the vast blue ocean. A premonition of a very great danger filled the inner world.

A fire began right under the ocean depths at the bottom. Under the weight of danger, in the depths of the subconscious, a light arises that promises a solution to problems.

It became very light and clear in the ocean depths, which had never seen light before. Inner illumination sets in, and what was previously shrouded in mystery becomes clear.

It was from the depths of the earth that fiery lava broke through to the surface. The insight that comes from the depths of the subconscious begins to manifest itself on the surface, in external events.

Water, when confronted with a very powerful fire, immediately turns into clouds of steam. Dangers and problems simply disappear with a new look at them.

Where dangerous ocean waves roamed yesterday, tomorrow there will be a raging flame bursting out of the depths of the earth. The world that yesterday seemed like a series of dangerous problems will tomorrow, thanks to a flash of insight, appear in a completely different light. Everything will become clear and understandable. The new awareness will give rise to very great emotions and passions.

General meaning of hexagram No. 64

In manifested reality, emotions rage due to a great hidden danger. Cohesion (the property of fire) with ongoing events increases. Danger strengthens the connection with the Highest and leads to insight, to an understanding of ways to resolve problems. The solution always comes from a higher level of consciousness (Above)! “Not a single problem is solved at the level where it arose,” A. Einstein. A flash of insight revealed the existence of other deep dimensions, the Ultimate Reality. All our events are just a small part (surface) of the hidden mass. Passions fade away because something much greater has been revealed than what caused them to arise. Everything is immersed in a new endless multidimensional reality. ABSORPTION BY THE SUPREME.

There is great danger in the subtle world. It caused inner insight: how to solve problems, how to move on. What previously caused a fire of passions and emotions will tomorrow become insignificant in front of a new facet of reality that has come from the depths of the subconscious. ABSORPTION BY THE SUPREME.

Fire over water - destructive relationships. The hidden trigrams are the same, but in the opposite position. This is the most emotionally intense plan. Here all the elements are in a destructive relationship, but promise good luck, since the interaction of the elements gives a very large release of energy. Water turns into steam. ABSORPTION BY THE SUPREME.




BIRTH is the separation of one’s individual consciousness from the universal, in order to pass tests and strengthen in love. A separate consciousness always returns to the source, IS ABSORBED BY THE SUPREME, perhaps in order to separate again and test itself for strength. DIVINE GAMES (LILA) are the greatest, apparently incomprehensible mystery! These are games with the most important thing, these are games of LOVE and with LOVE!




Yogis call this state “laya,” which means the absorption of gross individual energy into its original cosmic state. You will have to reassemble yourself, eliminating all the previous disorder both in yourself and in the environment.

Babaji: “Headwind

I send to those

who chose the Straight Path.

This is not for weak souls!”

A headwind is a real test, it is a tough test of someone who is almost there. Where will the headwind take you?

Positions for awareness:

1. ABSORPTION BY THE SUPREME. No matter what changes our soul undergoes, we will always remain an individual consciousness.

2. ABSORPTION BY THE SUPREME. Merging with the original source, with the Higher powers, implies the loss of such features of consciousness as originality and individuality. Thus, a drop of water, pouring into the ocean, transfers its content to it and ceases to exist as an independent object.

3. A sign of ABSORPTION BY THE SUPREME is complete agreement with the flow of events, complete acceptance of everything that happens and, as a result, absolute calm. Everything happens exactly as it should happen! The ego dissolves, returns to the original source - this is the highest bliss.

4. “Imagine, every person in this world is enlightened, except you. They are all your teachers, each doing just that to help you learn perfect tolerance, perfect wisdom and perfect compassion.” Gautama Buddha.

5. ABSORPTION BY THE SUPREME is an absurd fantasy of people who have failed in this life. They desperately need to justify their miserable lives where they have achieved no real success. Of course, fantasies arise in their heads. ABSORPTION BY THE SUPREME is a protective property of the human psyche and nothing more!

6. “God is your naked reality, unadorned, without any adjective. It is not limited to your body, not limited to your birth, not limited to your color, not limited to your gender, not limited to your country. She is simply not limited by anything. And it is accessible, so close: just one step inside and you have arrived,” - Gautama Buddha.

7. The goal of returning to life with a denser vibration can be described in the words of Mathies Di Stefano: “Bring heaven to Earth and return light to heaven!”

8. “God watches with a thousand eyes the slightest activity of a person in order to detect any, even the most insignificant light of selfless love illuminating it,” - Sathya Sai Baba.

9. “As you observe the universe, contemplate its return to the source. “Everything that exists sooner or later comes to its beginning,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

10. “If the beginning is no less important to you than the result, it is difficult to do something wrong,” - Lao Tzu, “Tao Te Ching.”

11. How does a person differ from the light? The light always shines, but man either shines or darkens.

12. “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid meeting their own souls” - Carl Jung.

13. “To get to the source, you have to swim against the current,” - Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

14. “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, people cannot exist without spiritual life,” Buddha.

15. “God is love; this is the only truth that I wholeheartedly accept. Love is equal to God." - Mahatma Gandhi.

16. “If you meet a brother who argues with you about faith in God, know that God is not yet in that brother,” - Ancient Patericon.

17. “Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone's lips to tell us something,” Paulo Coelho.

18. “Woe to him who loves only bodies, forms, appearances! Death will take everything from him. Learn to love souls and you will find them again..." - Victor Hugo.

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