Fallout 2 skills. Creating and leveling up a character

Not knowing what happened before you were born means remaining a child forever.


I foresee the reaction of a regular reader: “Who doesn’t know Fallout! Everyone has known about this game for a long time!”

Everyone? Let me disagree. It so happened that at one time Fallout passed me by - I was too passionate about other games. Of course, I heard about him, but I had the opportunity to get to know him better much later. The game completely captivated and enchanted me.

However, like any newbie, at first there was a lot that was unclear to me. I read the walkthroughs; it became easier, but not much - minor things are described too carefully, and not enough is said about the process of hero development and tricks. Probably, the authors of the walkthroughs also believed that “everyone has known everything for a long time” and did not go into details. It was not easy to understand the principles of skill distribution - I had to start the game over again several times, because, out of ignorance, I developed unnecessary skills: for example, "Sapper" - or increased too many skills at the same time.

After discussing the game with friends and finding out that they had similar problems, I wrote an article for those who discovered Fallout only now that it has already become a classic. However, we should not forget that by taking a fresh look at a well-known game, you can find something new in it. So let's get started!

Character Creation

We won’t discuss the characteristics of the characters offered to choose from at the beginning of the game, but let’s try to create our own - it’s more interesting. Of course, the set of specified characteristics should depend on who you are going to be in the game - a warrior, diplomat or thief. You can try to create something in between, but it won't be as interesting; It’s better to go through the game several times with different heroes - it’s worth it.

Seven satellites! Squad or crowd?

Every hero needs force- its indicator initially should not be lower than 4-5, during the game you can raise it by one twice, and power armor will give another four units. Strength is especially important for fans of hand-to-hand combat and melee weapons; the number of life units also depends on its indicator.

Perception will also be useful to everyone, with the exception of a fist fighter and a master of bladed weapons. Perception is especially important for ranged combatants, sappers, and rangers. It is better to leave it at 5-7 units - an increase of one unit is quite enough for a problem-free game.

From endurance resistance to poisons and radiation, the number of life units depends; It cannot be lowered below 4, but raising it above 6 is wasteful.

Attractiveness, if you want to be a diplomat, increase to 6-7, if not, three units will be enough. Every two points of attractiveness give you the opportunity to take one more companion into the group.

Intelligence- 8-9 units, the number of points received when leveling up, and some skills depend on it.

Dexterity- 10 units required. It cannot be increased, and the number of action points, defense and most important skills depend on it.

Luck- a very important characteristic for all characters, especially snipers and trackers, it cannot be lowered below six units, but is better left at eight.

Additional abilities

Of the additional abilities, you definitely need to take “Gifted” - then the initial indicators of the main characteristics will be 6, not 5, this is very important. You can also take “Miniature” and “Hooligan” - the first will give an additional agility point by reducing the amount of cargo carried, the second will give plus two strength points, but the action points will decrease. You shouldn’t count too much on “Accuracy” - it won’t be of much use.

For a diplomat, the most important ability is “Kind Soul”; for masters of melee weapons and hand-to-hand combat - “One-Armed”, it will significantly increase the chances of hitting. It is extremely interesting to take the “Shooting offhand” ability, especially if your hero is a master of heavy weapons. The character will lose the ability to aim, but at the beginning of the game he will be able to fire two shots per turn from almost any weapon.

After reaching level 15 and taking the “Rate of Fire Bonus” perk, the number of shots will increase even more - you can fire three bursts per turn from a machine gun, two rockets from a grenade launcher, and six shots from some types of light weapons. But it’s better for such a hero to raise his perception and luck to the maximum so that he doesn’t miss.

Oh, mom! What if they all get activated?

The pinnacle of a diplomat's career is the fight against evil with his own hands!

Peaceful Skills

Skills also depend on the hero's occupation. It is clear that a fighter can do without a high level of eloquence, but a diplomat can hardly do so. In addition, it is not at all necessary (and impossible!) to develop all skills to high levels, and some of them are needed less often than others.

This is interesting: Only a diplomat hero equipped with the Speech, Naturalist and Stealth skills is able to complete the game without firing a single shot! He passes it faster than all the other heroes.

Note to thieves

One of the three basic skills is good to take theft. Why steal? Any theft, in addition to material gain, brings experience points - and the danger of being caught... If you steal five items one after another, you will receive 150 experience points, if six - 170. To reduce the risk of capture, all experience points from the first three level increases must be placed in theft for the level to reach 130% - no more is needed. The higher the thief's skill, the less experience he receives for theft. At a level of 160% for six items - 136 points, at 200% - 99, at 300% - 0 experience points. But how can you steal so many items without getting caught? We take one cartridge or one coin, put it in the “victim’s” pocket three times and take it out three times - this counts as six stolen items, 170 experience points are yours. Thus, you can raise your character’s level two or three times without leaving the spot; and for a novice hero, gaining experience points in battles is too difficult and dangerous.

Breaking almost all heroes need it, just raise it to 50%; With the help of master keys you can easily open any lock, even if not on the first try.

Traps— the primary level is quite enough; Using it, the hero will remove the traps in the temple on the first or fifth attempt, and the rest are not scary to him.

Another sapper made a mistake, but I’m still alive!

It was in vain that I cleaned the drains with dynamite!

Barter and gambling- if you are a diplomat who hates theft, then these are your skills. And, perhaps, only in this case.

Stealth- optional; Most of all, it is needed by a diplomat, but sometimes also by a warrior. Not all opponents can be “conversed,” and the diplomat’s level of weapon proficiency is too low, so he has to get out of it in another way.

First aid You shouldn’t raise it - there are often books in the game that, when read, increase this skill by one. With books you can increase it to 91%, but you don’t need more.

Skill doctor needs to be increased to 75% - with this level in the Vault City medical computer you can find out information about armored implants and, after talking with a local doctor, increase the skill by another 5%.

Eloquence It’s better to raise it to 100%, but it’s not necessary - charming heroes can solve some problems peacefully even with an initial level of skill.

Repair rises to 91% with the help of books, higher - not needed.

The science also goes up to 91% with books, but raised to 125-130% it will be very useful at the Sierra military base.

Naturalist also rises with the help of books to 91% - this is quite enough. But if your hero is an expert in finding secret places or doesn’t like random encounters, please raise it higher!

It is important: When a skill level reaches 100%, each next 1% increase will require more and more points, and all secondary skills grow even more slowly. Don't waste your skill points!

Combat skills

Light weapons you can grow up to 91% with the help of books and stop there if you are not a sniper. Due to the presence of books, it makes no sense at all to take “Light Weapons” as a main skill, or, having scored 91%, transfer it to the main ones using the “Prize” perk. The sniper quite confidently deals with ordinary opponents, more difficult - with Enclave fighters, and is forced to simply “gnaw” the main villain, even getting into the eyes.

Hero with heavy weapons(machine guns) simply terrify opponents - with a skill of less than 100%, it costs him nothing to remove 400-600 units of life with one burst or kill several opponents at once, unless they are wearing heavy Enclave armor. Unfortunately, he is also forced to “gnaw” at Horrigan.

Holder energy weapons- a sniper can easily defeat most opponents; it is easier for him to win the final match.

Fist fighter extremely interesting - at high levels, even surrounded by two or three rows of opponents, he destroys everyone single-handedly, knocking them down. The only drawback is that he cannot defeat Frank on his own. Immobilize him by breaking everything that is possible, please, but cause damage... Therefore, he must have at least one companion with him.

Warrior with cold steel- neither fish nor fowl. The damage is minimal, a blow from a sledgehammer sends the enemy across half the screen, and in order to finish him off, you first need to catch up, and there are already few action points. The special ability “One-Armed” can improve the situation a little - the chance of a critical hit when using a knife, baseball bat, or electric whip will increase sharply. The “Additional Melee Damage” perk will also increase the likelihood of a successful strike, but only for purely cold, “battery-free” weapons. In the final battle, the lover of blades and sledgehammers can do practically nothing and is forced to take up a rifle.

I won’t knock you off your feet, but I’ll break your jaw!

This is interesting: Having started to destroy the casinos of the Mordino or Bishop family in New Reno, a fist fighter or a master of bladed weapons may find unexpected support among the local population. It is enough to run out of the casino onto the street - the local priestesses of love will take part in the fun and begin to finish off the mafiosi who have been knocked down, stunned, or who have lost their turn.

Thrower. Despite the eleven types of throwing objects, this is most likely just a joke by the developers. Of course, with 300% skill, you can even throw stones at an Enclave patrol - if they don’t kill you first and if there are enough stones. Grenades do not come across so often, and the most dangerous opponents, as a rule, are protected from explosions. However, the thrower can win the final battle using plasma grenades and with the support of companions. The ability “Offhand Shooting” taken during generation can make the thrower’s life a little easier - in this case, it takes him 1-4 action points to use the item, but the ability to aim a throw will be lost.


Perks are additional abilities granted every three experience levels. But don't expect to take several perks at once - they don't accumulate; After gaining three more experience levels, you will discover instead of one deferred and one new one, only one new perk. If you can't get the desired perk, try taking "Mentat" and "Buffout" - the chances will increase. Usually, after completing most quests, you will be able to gain 33-35 levels, which means that by the final battle you will receive 10-11 perks. God forbid you spend them on improving skills like theft or eloquence - the perks must be carefully selected and only combat ones! Unless, of course, your hero is a pure thief or diplomat.

I aimed at the last one - all four went down...

As a last resort, you can use them to raise basic characteristics - but this is not advisable. You should definitely take the “Rate of Fire” and “Turn” perks - this will help you use your weapon more efficiently. The “Movement Bonus” perk is very good, especially for a fist fighter.

It is worth recalling a useful bug associated with it: total action points are indicated by green dots, and additional movement points are yellow, and they are spent first. Fight so that only one green dot remains. Then save and load - additional movement points will be restored. Using this trick several times, you can get within striking distance of the enemy or get out of the firing range. Certain perks are available when certain conditions are met.

For example, if your doctor skill is 75% and you managed to find information about armored implants in the computer on the first floor of the shelter in Vault City, go to San Francisco to see Dr. Fung, he will install armored implants for your hero and add two new perks - “Subcutaneous armor " and "Armored implant Phoenix".

It is important: If you try to enhance the effect of these perks through a repeated operation, then instead of the expected joys you will receive a decrease in attractiveness by two units.

Unfortunately, not all perks work as described, and some only work under certain conditions. For example, the “Magnetic Personality” perk will help you take an additional ally into your squad, but only in case of odd attractiveness. In other words, he simply increases attractiveness by the missing unit. The Karma Beacon perk promises doubling your karma points when you earn them, but in reality nothing of the sort happens. The “Silent Death” perk, which promises double damage when hit in the back, does not work. Or does it work under some special conditions? Two perks with promising names work very poorly: “Deadly Strike” and “Sniper”. According to their description, all your hits and shots become critical. But you must admit that a critical hit from a gauss rifle (!) in the eye (!!), causing 15-20 (!!!) units of damage, is not serious.

Where skills will be raised for nothing

Of course, not all skills can be upgraded for free, but some can be easily upgraded.

Skill "Steel arms" Jordan in Arroyo will give you a 10% boost.

If in New Reno you find out from the merchant Julio everything about the Salvatore family and their weapons, then before leaving for the third task, Salvatore's bodyguard Mason will give the hero a laser pistol and increase his skill by 5%. "Energy Weapon". Collect ten issues of the Cat's Paw magazine (they periodically appear at the merchant Flick in the Hole) and take them to the owner of the establishment of the same name in New Reno - she will inform you that you brought an extra, eleventh issue, and will return it. This issue contains an article about energy weapons; it will increase the skill of the same name by another 10%.

Skills "Light weapons», « Naturalist», « Repair», « The science" And " First aid“It’s easy to reach the 91% level by reading relevant magazines and books. The latter can be found in different places, but most often they can be purchased at the Tanker and Flying Dragon stores in San Francisco.

Without weapons

It was in vain that they surrounded the New Reno boxing champion!

Skill "No weapons" loved by the creators of the game most of all, it can be increased five times. In Arroyo, 5% of the hero will be trained by Lucas. Next stop: San Francisco, Dragon. If you have high enough karma, after four lessons the Dragon will increase the skill by 20%. But if you have already raised the skill a little on your own, the Dragon will refuse to teach you. On the first floor of the Sierra base, practice on punching bags - your skill will increase by another 10%. In New Reno, take part in boxing matches - this will increase your skill by 5% and give an additional eight points of damage. The last place to turn is Sullivan in Klamath. This master of hand-to-hand combat is located in the Golden Gekko tavern and will increase the skill by another 10%. Moreover, its 10% always remains unchanged, even if the hero’s skill is developed to 290%, and in the cases described above, either the percentage will be reduced or you will be denied training altogether.

Doctor Troy in Vault City after a conversation will raise the skill of the same name by 5%, but only if the skill has already been brought to the level of 75%. Most likely, these are not all possibilities. Seek and you will find.

This is interesting: It is possible to increase your luck by two units. In the center of the city of NCR there is a church of hubologists; introduce yourself to the Chosen One - her priest will decide to help you and, most likely, will reduce your luck by one unit. But you survived, right? Sooner or later, luck will smile on your hero!

Memory modules

In combination with the Brotherhood of Steel computer, they will increase your character's stats by one.

    Attractiveness module located at the base of the Navarro Enclave, it is not difficult to find.

    Perception module- on the third floor of the mutant base, in a locker, almost next to the elevator.

    Force module located on the minus third floor of the Vault City shelter. To get there, you will have to repair the reactor in Gekko and become a citizen of the City...

On a note: If you've passed the citizenship exam but been denied citizenship because of your sixth toe, Dr. Andrew from the suburbs can help you. After the hero fixes the autodoc, Andrew will remove his sixth finger.

Hardest to get intelligence module- it is located on the first floor of the Sierra base. Sierra Base will appear on your map during the Wright Family quest in New Reno. The entrance to the base is well guarded, you can get there in the following ways: with the “Stealth” skill developed, sneak past the turrets, take “Psycho” and run past them, pick up a sniper rifle from the corpse lying in the left gap in the fence and destroy the turrets.

Combat satellites

Of course, in most cases the game can be completed with one hero. But companions add charm to the game, bring life into it, help you better understand the history of the world and provide separate quests. That’s why it’s worth taking them into the squad—at least two of them.

However, if your attractiveness is 2, then you will not take more than one companion into your squad. If you overdo it, you’ll end up with a lot of stuff; in battle, the fighters will interfere with each other and cause a lot of trouble when visiting shops and houses. Where to look for satellites, what are they and what are their capabilities?

My fighting companions...

This is interesting: the life of an aspiring hero who first arrives in the Hole may be in serious danger. If you come to the city dressed in a leather jacket and in company, most likely nothing bad will happen. But if you visit the hole alone and without protection, it is very possible that for no apparent reason you will be attacked by local drug addicts. Judging by the distance covered by these nimble goners in one turn, they have 18-20 action units. Accordingly, you cannot run away from them, and drug addicts hit you five to six times per round. It’s good that they don’t have weapons or armor, otherwise even Enclave patrols would be afraid to visit the Hole.

First, in Klamath, on our way we will meet Sulik. This funny character wears any kind of armor and prefers a sledgehammer as a weapon. If the main character is a sniper, Sulik will provide all possible assistance, not allowing opponents to approach him and knocking them down with a sledgehammer; if the leader is armed with an automatic weapon, nothing good will come of such cooperation - Sulik has a bad habit of putting himself in the line of fire. Therefore, it is better to arm him with something firearm - a 0.223 pistol; automatic H&K G11E or NK P90s (bullpup). In addition, Sulik has 9 action points from the very beginning, which gives advantages in the use of firearms. Just don’t give him “Berserk” behavior! He will forget about his weapon and rush headlong with his fists at any opponent.

Fried scorpions a la Vic!

In the Hole there will be a meeting with a certain Vicom, held captive by slave traders. Vic has a very useful specialization at the beginning of the game - repair, which makes him a must-have candidate for the group. Vic does not like automatic weapons, preferring pistols, shotguns and rifles. The best weapons for him are the YK 32 pulse pistol or the m72 gauss rifle.

Modoc. The team can be replenished with two unusual characters at once. A local tanner, Baltaz, has lost his son. If you have already saved Grisham's Brahmins from the dogs and bought jerky from him, and your perception is at least eight, Baltaz will send his son's dog with you, named Boy. It doesn’t matter whether you have a free spot on your team or not. If you don't rush to search for the missing person, the dog will help the hero explore the desert. However, he has very few hit points and does not level up.

The butcher Grisham has a son and a daughter, you can get married or get married and get another addition to the staff. Just let me give you some advice - don’t get married! Devin And Maria, as expected, refuse to leave their half in critical situations and bravely fire at Frank Horrigan. But they do not level up and use only the simplest weapons. The most you can expect from them is killing a couple of scorpions in the entire game. It also becomes impossible to temporarily dismiss any NPC from the party - he will not want to join again, citing too large a squad size! If only out of sporting interest try to lead your half to the final... Not an easy task!

Who was more scared - the Deathclaws or Vic?

Gekko. A very remarkable character awaits us in the manager's office - a ghoul Lenny. He is a doctor by profession, he completely heals himself from any injuries, and he does a good job of treating his squad comrades. Lenny has few action points, but a lot of life units. The best weapons for him are the RRK12 Gauss pistol, the YK 32 pulse pistol, or the H&K G11E assault rifle. Useful character.

This is interesting: There are quite a lot of food items in the game: iguana kebab, jerky, cheese balls. But for some reason, only fruits can improve poor health. Probably they are trying to prove to us that meat is harmful and teach us vegetarianism?

In the suburbs of Vault City, you can persuade the local bartender to join the squad - Cassidy. A specialist in hand-to-hand combat, melee weapons and rifles, Cassidy can provide real help in the most difficult situations. Wears any armor. The best weapon for him is the m72 gauss rifle. From time to time, the former bartender claims that his dad named him after a book character. Those of you who have read Hyperion by Dan Simmons will immediately understand what kind of epic character we are talking about.

Broken Hills. If you fix the air purifier in the local mine, the local sheriff, a super mutant, will agree to go with you Marcus. He is an expert in heavy weapons, but a machine gun is contraindicated for him - Marcus fires without discerning whether civilians and allies are in the line of fire or not. The best weapon for him is the YK42B Pulse Gun. It has a large supply of life, but does not wear armor and walks very slowly - it may not be in time for the battle. It's up to you to decide if he is needed on the team.

Deathclaw vs Deathclaw.

On the minus third floor of Vault No. 13 you can take on a team Deathclaw Goris. He has a lot of action points and life, and very good melee damage. But Goris is practically useless against Enclave fighters, and he is generally afraid to attack Horrigan. Now, if only it was at the beginning of the game, against the slave traders!

If you complete the task of Dr. Henry from NKR to test the serum on super mutants, you will receive a reward cyberdog. He is quite dangerous against weak and average characters, actively knocking them down, but in the final battles he is practically useless. The second, more powerful cyberdog can be found at the Navarro base. He will go with you when he is convinced of the death of the previous owner and receives the missing part. Sooner or later you will get into Cafe of Broken Hopes. If you remove the armor from the main character, a local dog named Dog sees the form of Vault No. 13 and wants to go with the character. Thus, animal lovers can travel under the protection of an entire pack of four dogs.

This is interesting: if you try to attack Dogmeat, her protector Mel (Gibson? Mad Max?!) will immediately appear and attack your squad.

In the Stables near New Reno another non-computer character has settled - Myron, inventor of Screw. A somewhat boring personality. He knows how to make stimulants; if you try to exclude him from the squad, he will show the location of the treasure. Uses any armor and light weapons. For some reason, Myron is the only NPC whose further fate will be told to us after the final battle. Decide for yourself whether a drug dealer is needed in the squad.

The last living Dragon disciple...

And finally - Sierra Base, Skynet! Familiar name. Perhaps he is to blame for everything that is happening? You can get him into the squad by completing a number of tasks, under the essential condition - your “science” skill must be at least 125-130%. The best weapon for Skynet is the m72 gauss rifle. Does not wear armor and moves very slowly, but can fire two shots per turn from his rifle. In addition, he is distinguished by absolute loyalty - if you temporarily exclude him from the squad and start a battle within sight, Skynet will immediately come to your defense.

On a note: if, while walking around the base, Skynet releases combat robots at you from inside the bunkers on the third or fourth floors, you did something wrong and the cyborg will certainly attack the hero as soon as it comes to the surface.

And one more little trick. NPCs increase their level, but do so much less frequently than the main character, and irregularly. Therefore, it is worth saving before the next level increase - on the third or fourth time you may be lucky and you will see jubilant screams above the head of a comrade in arms.

Where is the best equipment?

Light weapons

Gauss rifle m72- out of competition. Two copies can be... um... borrowed on the Tanker - from the lady in black to the left of the entrance and from the gentleman next to the bar. Will be available in San Francisco stores later. The guards in the emperor's throne room, the chief of police and his deputy in the NKR, and the Red Guns store have cartridges for it.

I warn you! I have a grenade launcher!

I warned you!

Gauss pistol RRK12 can be bought in the same store, taken from the Enclave patrolmen or the leader of the super mutants on the minus fourth floor of the Military Base.

H&K G11E- an advanced version of caseless weapons, can be stolen from the Navarro base or taken from the corpses of patrol hubologists and the Enclave in the desert. Ammunition is available from tramps on the Tanker, San Francisco guards and in stores.

NK R90s(bullpup) - a submachine gun, very good in the early stages, as it allows you to fire two bursts per turn. Can be bought in stores in San Francisco or found on the minus third floor of Vault No. 15.

Airgun Red Ryder. An extremely useful weapon with unique properties. At later levels you can buy it in the suburbs of NKR. If you manage to get to the minus fourth floor of the Sierra base and remove the “corpse” from the medical center, then after his real death this gun will also be revealed. Advantages: no spread in damage (25-25); magazine for one hundred rounds; four, and later - three points per shot (if you have the "Shooting offhand" ability - two points!) and a very good range. Ammunition can be purchased on the territory of the NKR.

Magnum 0.44 with loading accelerator. Not a bad pistol to start the game with. It hits close, is quite powerful and reloads quickly.

0.223 caliber pistol. The perfect combination of power and range, but requires five points per shot. On the minus second floor of Vault No. 15 or in stores in San Francisco.

Heavy weapons

Bozar. And that's it. The rest of the heavy weapons are no match for him. This death machine can be stolen from any of the four guards at Buster's store in the NKR market or found at the secret base in the Poison Caves. But more on that below.

Minigun Vindicator. Its ammunition weighs little, and, very importantly, it can fire four bursts without reloading. Sold at the San Francisco Red Guns store.

Energy weapon

Didn't expect us to sneak up from the rear?

Do you trade with the Enclave? And this is harmful to health!

Pulse shotgun YK 42B. Champion in terms of combination of shot range and damage. Located at the Brotherhood of Steel base in San Francisco. If your hero has a high skill in finding unusual places, he may encounter a cave with bandits armed with such guns. But such a meeting is unlikely to bring him joy.

Pulse pistol YK 32. Located at the same Brotherhood of Steel base. Can be taken from the Enclave patrol.

Solar Scorcher. Unique weapon. If in your travels you meet the Guardian of Eternity (the portal to the past of Vault No. 13), in one of the rooms on the floor there will be this weapon that requires sunlight as ammunition.

Turbo plasma rifle can be made from a plasma gun from a gunsmith in New Reno or taken from bandits in a random location.

Alien blaster. The rarest and most powerful weapon in the game. If you travel for a long, long time along the Modoc route - the top edge of the map and back, then sooner or later you will come across merchant Willie, reading the description of his goods from a piece of paper. But that's not so bad. The trouble is that he has a different product every time, and a meeting with him can only happen once and only on this route. If you're unlucky, you'll get a grenade or a pistol. But if Willie asks for ten thousand, that’s it. Eh, such a weapon - but the firing range would be longer!

Doesn't bang

In some walkthroughs it is reported that if you feed and drink the boy Cody standing at the "Cat's Paw" in New Reno a hundred times, he will give out an alien blaster as a reward. This may have happened in the original version of the game. But in the version from 1C this does not happen. It was also reported that the alien blaster can be found almost at the end of the game - on an oil platform. But he’s not there either! And Trader Willie doesn’t always hand you a blaster, even if your hero parted with ten thousand coins. This is such an annoying bug...

Steel arms

I wonder what the bandits were hoping for when they attacked SUCH a caravan with knives and spears?

The cartridges have run out... Well, nothing, gold will do! Just get it in the eye!

Super sledgehammer. Has low hit accuracy and knocks back the enemy. Can be found at the Navarro base or purchased in stores in San Francisco.

Electrowhip. For some reason, it belongs to knives and is the most accurate representative of this group. Trader Eldridge in New Reno can boost it to Superelectrocut. Unfortunately, like a sledgehammer, it knocks the enemy back when hit.

Baseball bat given to Mrs. Bishop as a reward for completing the quest to destroy the family moonshine distillery. Unique one-handed weapon.

This is interesting: Mordino Jr. is armed with a unique personalized dagger. To get it, you don't have to destroy the entire clan. It is enough to apply a dozen superstimulants to Jesus and get some sleep.

Without weapons

Actually, it sounds strange. Weapons that shouldn't exist, but they do - Power super brass knuckles. Purchased in stores in San Francisco or enhanced with power brass knuckles from a gunsmith in New Reno.

This is interesting: The Danton brothers of Klamath have a large supply of studded brass knuckles. When meeting them at the Golden Gekko bar, you can steal the first pair, and before talking at the Brahmin pasture, the second; and after the battle they will again have brass knuckles each - good financial help to start the game!

Throwing weapons

Plasma grenades. Occasionally you can buy them in San Francisco. If you're lucky, you'll come across a fight between hubologists and bandits - both usually have plasma grenades; There are some at Navarro and Sierra bases.


What does all the different types of armor mean if twenty minutes into the game you get the best one? It can be done faster, by the way. We leave Arroyo and hurry along the coast down the map. In San Francisco we find the Brotherhood of Steel and take on the task of finding blueprints for rotorcraft. The Navarro base has the armor we are looking for in its arsenal.

Where are you going? How about boxing?

This is interesting: Vault #13 can be found in three different ways. In the first case, you need to clear shelter No. 15 from bandits, start the generator on the minus second floor and find out information about the location of shelter No. 13 from the computer on the minus third floor. The other two methods involve visiting NKR.

Upon entering the city, be sure to talk to Sheriff Dumont and get a recommendation from him for Westin. Talk to the ranch guard Grant - they will let you through. You can go into the barn next to the gate, buy Bob a drink and talk to him. Bob will report that Dr. Jubilee stole the Vault 13 map from him. The doctor will sell you the card for 10,000 coins.

The third method is the fastest, but the hero’s perception must be at least eight units, and the Naturalist skill must be at least one hundred. Entering Westin's ranch, we talk with the foreman Felix and Westin himself, mentioning the sheriff's recommendation. The hero will be sent to shepherd the Brahmins. After some time, the Death Claws will visit the pasture - all you have to do is follow their tracks.

Another map of shelter No. 13 will be offered to you by Merck in the Rough Hide saloon, also on the territory of NKR, for just a thousand coins. It's up to you to buy or not.

Little tricks

If you buy the same types of ammunition in stores in San Francisco, these are the types that will be constantly replenished. Having paid for goods in stores, you can immediately get your money back through theft (works in stores in San Francisco). In Broken Hills there is a shop to the left of the entrance. If you contact the seller, you will have to pay for the goods, but if you just rummage around the shelves, you will get everything for nothing; good help for starting the game.

Release more animals - we will get more experience!

Freedom for slaves!

To further improve your financial situation, you need to visit Eldridge's store in New Reno (down the map from Modoc). Buy dynamite from the owner, go around the house and blow up the back entrance. There is a lot of interesting stuff in the back rooms, including a unique pistol. If it matches its real counterpart in terms of firing range and penetration, it would become a superweapon.

That's not all; behind the shelf with goods there is a descent to the basement. The basement also contains weapons, but most importantly, it is home to the best gunsmith in the game! He is the only one who can enhance energy weapons. In addition, Algernon is capable of doing the work of any other gunsmith, and he does it very quickly and... for free. This is probably why he was declared crazy.

Besides Algernon, four more NPCs can enhance your weapons: Valerie in Vault City; Eldridge in New Reno; Buster in NCR and Skeeter in Gekko. The latter will also give you the part needed to activate the car. If in New Reno you take part in filming at a local film studio, some quests - for example, to destroy the Wright family's moonshine distillery - will become inaccessible to you.

Under no circumstances should you complete a quest before receiving it! Free the slaves on the instructions of the NKR rangers - gain experience; and if you free him first, they will simply say “thank you”, they will not accept you as a ranger and they will not give you experience. Items that can be “borrowed” often appear in NPCs’ pockets only after talking to them.

You should not turn off Sierra-based generators - you might miss something interesting in the dark; In addition, you will receive experience for manually disabling force fields. On the minus second floor of the Sierra base, in one of the rooms there is a bitten cookie on the floor. Take it with you and use it before the final battle - you will receive an additional action point.

If you want to complete the tasks of all the gangster clans in New Reno, but do not want to join the families, the easiest way to do this is in the following order: Wright, Salvatore, Mordino, Bishops. After finding the trapper Smiley in the poisonous caves (the quest is given in Klamath), try to start the generator next to him. If you succeed, open the elevator doors, save and go down - a surprise is guaranteed!

To bring more flowers and roots to the shaman in Arroyo, visit the hunting grounds several times with breaks for sleep - the plants will grow again, and there is never too much medicinal powder. Once you get to the Navarro base and receive power armor, be sure to visit the sergeant to listen to his speeches - they are worth it.

I wonder what's down there?

Now the Brahmins are definitely safe!

A huge fortune can be made using a bug in Broken Hills. Enter the local mine and look for a passage between the rocks in the blind pocket on the right. The chest contains a block of uranium, which must be taken to the head of the refinery at the first location. He will ask for 1000 coins for enriching uranium - agree. In a day, the uranium will be ready, and the head of the plant will offer to sell it for 1,500 coins - also agree.

Having finished the conversation and received the money, speak again - the hero will again be offered to sell uranium. Repeat as many times as necessary. As soon as you refuse the increase of 500 coins, the bug will stop working. It is possible that this bug also works with uranium purchased from merchants on a random map.

Most likely, the hero will have difficulty blowing up a rubble at a military base. There is a crowbar next to the trolley - we take it in our hand and act on the trolley. We move the cursor over the crowbar, click the left mouse button and, without releasing it, we find explosives in the backpack. All that remains is to push the trolley. A car is refueled in a similar way.

It is important: It is impossible to fly to the oil platform on the hubologists' shuttle; you can only get there by tanker!

That's all. Let me remind you that this article is intended primarily for those who first discovered the world of Fallout. However, if experienced wanderers in the post-nuclear world also found something new for themselves, I will be only glad. Did you know that you can refuel a Tanker in five different ways or kill your opponent by throwing uranium and gold nuggets? Or that your squad can have eight fighters, including the main character? It's time to install the game and find out! Good luck!

1. Training in "Melee Weapons" and "No Weapons" in Arroyo.
After successfully completing the Temple of Tests, Cameron - located in the village at the entrance to the cave - can teach us the basics of hand-to-hand combat, if the level of the main characteristic "Dexterity" of the Chosen One is ≤6, as well as none of the combat skills ("Light weapons", "Heavy weapons ", "Energy weapons", "Without weapons", "Melee weapons", "Throwing") is not selected as the main one.

This quest is best completed after gaining additional points in the Unarmed skill from Lucas, as there is a possibility that after increasing Cameron's skill, your Unarmed skill will become too high and Lucas will not be able to teach you anything new.

2. Alcohol increases/decreases health.
At the location "Council Residence" in Vault City you can find the "Vault City Bartender", who offers us "alcohol-Z". By drinking this alcohol 100 times we can get one of the following features:
with luck = 1 we will receive minus 4 health points forever;
with luck = 2 - minus 2 health points;
with luck = 9 - plus 2 health points;
with luck = 10 - plus 4 health points;

3. Information about subcutaneous armored implants.
Having the “Doctor” skill level ≥ 75% and “Science” ≥ 40%, using science on one of the terminals on the first level of “Vault 8”, you can learn about the possibility of implanting subcutaneous implants. After this, we will have the opportunity to perform an operation to implant armored implants. The cost of the operation includes the actual payment for services and the presence of combat armor in our inventory ("Combat Armor Mark 2" and "Combat Armor of the Brotherhood" are not suitable for this operation)
NPCs who can perform this operation on you:
1. Doctor Andrew in the Vault City Suburbs;
2. Dr. Johnson in Redding;
3. Dr. Fung in San Francisco.

Available operations:
- Phoenix armored implant (+5% to resistance to fire, laser and plasma damage);
- Improved Phoenix armor (+10% resistance to fire, laser and plasma damage. -1 Attractiveness);
- Subcutaneous armor (+5% to resistance to normal damage and explosion);
- Improved subcutaneous armor (+10% to resistance to normal damage and explosion. -1 Attractiveness);
(Vault 8, this is a shelter located inside Vault City)

4. Obtaining the “Vault Training” and “Vault Vaccination” abilities.
Having the “Doctor” skill of at least 75%, intelligence more than 2 and a good reputation with Doctor Troy, you can get the special ability “Vault Training” (+5% First Aid +5% Doctor).
In the future, if you ask the doctor to be cured of radiation or poisoning, you can get another special ability, “Vault Inoculation” (+10% resistance to radiation and poisons).
(Dr. Troy is located on the first level of Vault 8)

5. Obtaining the title "Professional Fighter" with the "Torrupted" feature.
Having this feature, you can become the champion of New Reno by simply standing in the ring and skipping moves until our opponent critically misses, thus knocking himself out. Unfortunately, this feature can only be useful on easy difficulty, and taking it just for the sake of the ring in New Reno is not the best idea.

6. Mrs. Bishop's Pip Boy linguistic enhancer. (+10% Speech)
The Pip Boy linguistic amplifier can be obtained on the second floor of the Shark Club casino from Mrs. Bishop by gaining her favor (Strength or Attractiveness of at least 6 is required) and asking her about Vault City and education (Intelligence of at least 9 is required).
For the dialogue thread about Vault City to appear, before seclusion with Mrs. Bishop, you need to ask her about GEKK.

7. Medical amplifier Pip Boy from Renesco. (+10% Doctor)
The medical amplifier can be obtained from Renesco (located in New Reno on the shopping street), but only in a very strange way:
You need to find glasses (you can find them in the inventory of the smart scorpion from Broken Hills), bring them to Renesco and refuse the reward. Then ask him about his glasses 20 times. Renesco will lose his temper and, in irritation, throw the desired amplifier at the Chosen One. This action reduces karma by 8 units.

8. Expert in excrement extraction (+5 Speech)

This achievement can be obtained by removing Brahmin manure five times in a row, on the instructions of Bill from Broken Hills.
Also, this feature reduces reputation in Broken Hills by 5, which is essentially nothing.

1. Elevator in poisonous caves.

Having an electronic master key, a good repair skill (≥ 50%) and hacking (≥ 40%), in the poisonous caves you can repair the generator and hack the elevator that leads to the lower level. Here we will be met by a robot sentry, for which it is advisable to take a couple of EMP grenades in order to kill him before he kills us. Further along the corridor you can find excellent armor "Combat Armor Mark 2" and a heavy machine gun "Bozar".

2. Obtaining an alien blaster.

3. Receiving the title of Captain of the City of Vault.
The Chosen One can be appointed to this position if he can sufficiently flatter First Citizen Lynette, as well as for her to exchange information with Roger Westin of the NCR.

Holding this position will provide the Chosen One with significant advantages. Firstly, the Chosen One will be able to demand compensation from Stark for the destruction of Cassidy's bar, receiving $500 and 500 experience points. Secondly, he will be able to take Marcus and Lenny, who are otherwise detained by security, into the Vault City business center. By taking Marcus to Dr. Troy, the Chosen One will be able to gain a decent amount of ammunition stopped by Marcus' skin over all the years of his life, and some experience.

To obtain this title you will need:
- Attractiveness more than 7 and Eloquence more than 74%;
- In dialogues, each time choose answers and addresses that call Linnet “First Citizen”. Including goodbyes;
The best way to gain Lynette's respect is to have a dialogue ring that allows you to call her First Citizen every time. After receiving citizenship, this is a question about Vault 13 (if the Chosen One has not yet found it): “First Citizen, it is very important for me to find my ancestor’s Vault. If you give me access to these archives, my gratitude will know no bounds.” Repeating this request 10 to 15 times will sufficiently raise Lynette's respect, and you will not be able to anger her further.

4. Micronuclear Battery on the second level of Vault 8.
While here, use the “repair” skill on the ventilation grill located at the top of the location to remove 50 units of micronuclear battery from it.

5. Free weapon upgrades in New Reno.
Entering the New Reno Gun Store from the back entrance, behind one of the shelves you can find steps that lead to the basement with the insane Algernon. When you give him a weapon, he can improve it without asking for money in return.
You need to enter this basement only during the day while the arms dealer is at the counter, otherwise he will become hostile to us. It is also worth paying attention to the dogs guarding the store; if barking for a long time, the owner will go to check what the problem is and will become hostile if he sees us in his room.
List of weapons available for improvement:
- Electrowhip;
- Revolver Magnum 0.44;
- Desert Eagle 0.44;
- Assault rifle;
- Shotgun;
- Flamethrower;
- Plasma pistol;
- Laser pistol;
- Laser gun;
- Power brass knuckles;
- FN FAL Hidden entrance to the basement.
- Plasma gun
- Fuel for the flamethrower.

Small features when upgrading weapons:
1. When you hand over an unloaded weapon, it will be returned to us improved and loaded.
2. By overcoming laziness, you can double the amount of Fuel for the flamethrower when upgrading it. Even if we give a cylinder filled with only 1 unit, Algernon will still give us an improved cylinder filled with 10 units. Thus, when loading and discharging a flamethrower (the full charge of which is 5 units of fuel), you can always give Algernon a cylinder filled with 5 units for improvement.

Also in this basement you can find an electric master key, which can be used to open the elevator in the Poison Caves.

6. Brahmin at the "Stables" location.
By using the “Doctor” skill on an angry Brahmin in a pen, you can pull out 50 nuclear microreactors from the intestines.

7. Magic billiard ball
The Magic Billiard Ball is a secret Easter egg that only benefits characters with high Luck. It is hidden in the easternmost pool table on the second floor of the Shark Club in New Reno. You can use it at any time to "answer questions."
With Luck 9 and 10, the following three phrases can be dropped, which activate three special places in New Reno, Vault City and Golgotha:

"Look in the men's room on the first floor of the Mordino casino"
"Someone buried a lot of money under the cross marked 'Trash' at Calvary"
"To activate the computer in front of the Vault in Vault City, enter the code 3PCF186"

When the orb shows these messages, it is possible to find some grenades in the toilet in New Reno, go to the terminal in Vault City to get additional Stimpaks and to the grave at Golgotha, and find several hundred dollars there. These places will not give anything until the corresponding message falls from the magic ball.

8. Rifle XL70E3
A rare and useless weapon that can be bought at a random encounter in the southeast near San Francisco from a caravan owner, or picked up from the corpse of one of the brunettes on a tanker in San Francisco.

Helpful information

1. Jammed lock.
Any lock that you manage to jam magically becomes working again after 24 hours, and you can try to pick it again.

2. Tables and shelves at merchants.
For some merchants, when bartering, all goods in the barter window are not available, but they will become available when inspecting the shelves and cabinets located next to the merchant.

3. Partner barter skill.
If you do not intend to pour a lot of points into the “Barter” (Trade) skill, then when traveling with a partner it is better not to level up this skill at all. When exchanging, the skill of the most trading-savvy partner is used if your skill is lower than his.

Below is the bartering skill level of the teammates you should pay attention to:
Cassidy - 80%;
Lenny - 80%;
Sulik - 50-65% (increases with character level).

4. Jerky.
Jerky is useful when hunting geckos: if you throw it out of your inventory during a fight, the gecko will be distracted, run after the meat and eat it (two turns are spent), not paying attention to the Chosen One.

Bugs and exploits

1. Silent killing.
Super Stimpaks can be used to silently kill NPCs. To find out how many super stimulants are needed for a kill, you need to find out the character’s full health points and divide it by 9, rounded up by excess; for this it is useful to take the “Observation” ability. For example, a fully healthy President Richardson has 55 HP. 55:9=6.11..., this means that to eliminate him, 7 injections will be enough, which will not cure him (he is healthy), but after 2 minutes they will cause damage equal to 63 and kill him.

There are 3 characters programmed to die from 1 dose of the drug:

Roger Westin (this is how the quest to kill Westin is completed)
- Big Jesus Mordino
- Luis Salvatore

2. Prize!
This ability in Fallout 2 makes it possible to level up the Chosen One very quickly. Algorithm: when creating a character, one of the skills that initially has the lowest value (heavy or energy weapons) must be left NOT the main one and up to level 12, bring it to the desired value, calculated as follows: from 300, subtract the value of the skill at the time of character creation: 300 − 10 = 290 (with the “Kind Soul” trait taken). We divide the result by 2, because "Prize!" doubles the difference between the initial and current value of the skill: 290 / 2 = 145. This means that a skill with an initial value of 10 needs to be brought to a value of 155 points (10 + 145). The method of raising the skill does not matter, i.e. you can save points if you get the last upgrades to the “required” value through training and quest rewards: the “energy weapon” skill (regardless of its value) can be raised by 10% (special number from Miss Kitty for 10 Cat’s Paw magazines ") and 5% (trained by Mason before Salvatore's final task) in New Reno. Next, with the ability “Prize!” the upgraded non-primary skill becomes the main one and increases up to 300%. Due to the fact that in Fallout 2 the cost of increasing a skill is uneven, you can immediately roll back the skill from the received double up to the value that was BEFORE the “Prize!” ability, receiving a huge number of free skill points. By rolling back, for example, a skill from 300% to just 202%, we get 98 x 6 = 588 skill points at our disposal. Rolling back further, from 201% to 177%, we get another 24 x 5 = 120 skill points. Etc.

3. The effect of drugs on units.
In the game, drugs act simultaneously on all identical units on the map, which means that if we use any drug on a slave trader in the Hole, it will affect all slave traders with the same name and sprite (that is, everyone except Metzger). So, you can use 2 doses of screw on the slave trader and 2 more on Metzger, wait a little with the help of Pip Boy (an hour is enough) until the breaking begins and all the slave traders do not have enough action points to use the firearm. This way you can easily kill all the slave traders in the Hole at a low character level.

4. An article about the “correct” reading of books

This article describes in detail how you can increase the effectiveness of reading books under the influence of various substances.

Appeal to readers

You can share your findings in the comments; the author is very interested in learning something new about his favorite game. Please do not write about special random encounters and things that are available after the end of the game, there is already a lot of information about this on the Internet.


There are 19 skills in total, and it will not be possible to master them all equally. Skills determine the overall style of the future game, so approach the choice of ways to develop them with maximum responsibility.

Special skills

When creating a character, the player must choose 3 "special skills" that your character will be predisposed to developing. Each skill that is selected as special receives a one-time bonus of +20% and subsequently increases 2 times faster than others. (When you spend skill points on a special skill, it increases by 2% instead of 1%).

Skill Upgrade Cost

Current value, (in%) Increase price, (Skill Points per 1%)
1-100 1
101-125 2
126-150 3
151-175 4
176-200 5
201+ 6

List of skills

Here is a complete description of the skills and how to calculate the initial value of each of them. The base value is calculated before the effect of any other skill actions is taken into account. After that, it changes under the influence of various factors in the following order - first the choice of special skills, then traits, and then the addition of skill points.

This skill covers the use of pistols, submachine guns, shotguns, rifles, and shotguns. The higher the value of this skill, the greater the chance of hitting the target with a weapon of this type, and the greater the range of accurate shooting. Initial value: 5%+(4*Agility). The average starting value is 25%.

This skill includes flamethrowers, machine guns and grenade launchers. As with light weapons, the chance of a hit and the firing range depend on the value of the skill. Initial value: 0%+(2*Agility). The average starting value is 10%.

The use of energy weapons is not a very common skill, even for the post-nuclear world. When the atomic explosions occurred, this type of weapon was just beginning to be used in military operations. You will need this skill if you want to shoot laser, plasma and pulse weapons. In fact, if a weapon uses energy charges or batteries instead of firearms, then it falls under this category. Base value: 0%+(2*Agility). The average starting value is 10%.

The ability to punch and kick people. The higher the melee value, the greater the chance of hitting the target in battle. This skill also includes the use of weapons such as brass knuckles, spiked knuckles and the legendary energy fist. At higher levels you will learn new, more powerful attacks. Any character starts with a good melee skill, because... its basic principles are quite simple. Initial value: 30%+(2*(Dexterity+Strength). Average initial value 50%. This skill will allow you to become a boxing and martial arts champion in the game!

Covers knives, spears, sledgehammers, crowbars, etc. The use of these primitive tools in a fight is quite close to human nature. Initial value: 20%+(2*(Agility+Strength)). The average starting value is 40%.

The skill is used, as you can easily guess from the name, to throw weapons. Throwing knives, small stones, grenades - all these are throwing weapons. If you miss, the object you throw should still land somewhere, and it's entirely possible to throw so poorly that the weapon lands right on your foot. If it’s a knife, then maybe everything will work out, but if it’s a grenade, then there will be big problems. The maximum possible throwing distance depends on the character's Strength and the type of throwing weapon. Base value: 0%+(4*Agility). The average starting value is 20%.

Ability to treat minor injuries. With its help you can treat minor injuries, cuts and bruises. You can treat yourself or anyone else. Initial value: 0%+(2*(Perception+Intelligence)). The average starting value is 20%.

A more advanced form of treatment. You can heal serious injuries, including broken limbs, but cannot treat poison and radiation damage. You can heal yourself or another person/creature. Initial value: 5%+(Perception+Intelligence). The average starting value is 15%.

Ability to move quietly and/or stealthily. When you sneak, it's harder for other people to notice you - from a distance, of course. If you get too close to a dangerous creature, regardless of your Sneak Skill, you will be noticed. Naturally, the chance of noticing a sneaking hero depends on the direction of your gaze, lighting, target camouflage and luck. Such is the life of a thief. If you successfully sneak up, you get a bonus when you try to steal something from the target. Initial value: 5%+(3*Agility). The average starting value is 20%.

If you need to open a lock without a key, then this is the right skill. Use it to get something that is of no interest to others (probably), but you may still need. Having a master key increases your chances, but it is not necessary. There are 2 types of locks in the Fallout world: mechanical and electronic. Regular master keys work against mechanical locks, but to try to pick an electronic lock, you need a special electronic master key. Such locks are much more difficult to open, and this can only be done using an electronic master key. Initial value: 10%+(Perception+Agility). The average starting value is 20%.

The art of moving things in space unnoticed. Larger items are more difficult to steal than smaller ones. The more things you try to steal in one go, the easier it is to notice. It is impossible to steal things used by someone (weapons from their hands, worn armor, etc.). If you're trying to steal from someone, it's a good idea to stand behind them, or better yet, sneak up behind them. Initial value: 0%+(3*Agility). The average starting value is 15%. This skill allows you to earn good money and gain experience at the same time.

In addition to installing and disarming devices that can harm others, this skill extends to the installation, cocking, and use of explosives. The higher your trap skill level, the less chance that an explosive device will go off in your hands, or the timer will not go off when it should. Initial value: 10%+(Perception+Agility). The average starting value is 20%. Rarely used skill.

Ability to work with electronic devices. In addition, it affects the character's intuition. Characters with a high science score will notice things that others might miss. Basically, a challenge to science is carried out by using (or hacking) computers, but is far from limited to this. Initial value: 0%+(4*Intelligence). The average starting value is 20%.

This is the practical side of the "science" skill. In conditions where there are no repair shops within reach (in the desert, etc.), a person with a high value in the “repair” skill will be useful. Fixing any type of broken equipment depends on this skill. Initial value: 0%+(3*Intelligence). The average starting value is 15%. Used in several quests.

Dialogue skills. The better your conversation skill, the more likely you are to steer the conversation in the right direction. The ability to conduct a conversation determines whether the NPC will take your word for it and follow your advice. Initial value: 0%+(5*Charisma). The average starting value is 25%. The most important skill for a player who wants to complete the game with virtually no weapons.

Salesmanship. The "exchange" skill will help you get more for less when trading equipment, weapons, and just about anything else. A high "trade" rate lowers the price when purchasing items and increases the amount received from selling equipment. A good value in this skill is not very important if you kill everyone in a row (in which case you will take your share in the number of trophies), but it is important for more reasonable characters who are used to receiving decent compensation for their efforts. Initial value: 0%+(4*Charisma). The average starting value is 20%.

Covers knowledge of the rules of gambling and the ability to win at them. A character with a high “game” skill score wins more often. Initial value: 0%+(5*Luck). The average starting value is 25%.

Ability to survive in wilderness and hostile environments. This is what scouts are taught. The wanderer skill is used to avoid unwanted encounters on the global map and increases the chance of special encounters. It's always useful to have someone with a high value in such a Skill. Initial level: 0%+(2*(Stamina+Intelligence)) Average initial value 20%.

So, it's time to replay fallout one more time, try other methods of passing. Or I wanted to be a terminator with a machine gun, or a sniper, or just go quietly and peacefully. Well, or something else. We begin to create the desired character, suitable for a certain leveling.

Creating or changing a character

Choose a name. By the way, you can’t write your name in Russian letters for some reason. You can try to write a similar name in English, say, MARAT, ANNA, MAX, etc. Just something that would look nice in the dialogues.

S.P.E.S.H.I.A.L system

This is such a cunning system at first glance. This is an abbreviation for S trength (Strength), P erception (Wisdom or Perception), E ndurance (Endurance), C charisma (Charisma or Charm), I ntelligence (Intelligence), A gility (Dexterity), L uck (Luck). In total, 7 fundamental characteristics that affect all other skills and characteristics, but nothing affects them. At the same time, these same characteristics can be changed during the game. In general, this system is quite extensive, so I will not describe it all here. If, at the time of character creation, you click on some skill, say, melee, then the tooltip will contain a formula for the dependence of this skill on the main characteristics. And so on for each element. The best thing is, first of all, you need to look through it all, read it, understand what relates to what and what depends on what. It's a long time. It’s worth spending 15 or even 30 minutes understanding the general concept of the character. Fortunately, the tips there are quite decent.

Main characteristics

Of course, they are different for each character. But the main ones, I think, can be identified as follows. First of all intelligence (IN).

Thanks to this, more skill points will be available for each level, which means that we will improve our skills faster. Also the quality of dialogues, more and more problems can be solved peacefully. Can be improved with a memory module, perk and mentat. Further agility (DX)

. High number of action points (AP) per turn. Necessary for everyone who participates in battles (that is, not a pacifist). Can be increased with a perk, buffout, stone from a stone head, psycho. Wisdom (MD) she's the same

perception (VS) All shooters need it, especially snipers. It also affects the order of action (reaction). It is very unpleasant to always be the last one to go. During this time, everyone beats us. Increases with the help of a module, perk, temporarily mentat. Charisma (CP) she's the same

charisma (XP) necessary for those who rely on partners, and just want to communicate normally with people. It seems to me that it will be especially useful for melee combat, so that a good team can compensate for some of the shortcomings of melee combat.

Increased by module, perk, Mason's sunglasses. Temporary mentat. Decreased when using subcutaneous armor. also not the most necessary characteristic. Needed by those who want to have a high increase in lives for each level. It also affects the likelihood of losing consciousness. Increased by perk. Temporarily buffed.

Luck (UD)- the only parameter that can be set to 1. But it is not advisable. It increases or decreases among hubologists in NKR and San Francisco when undergoing a zeta scan. Also a perk.

What should you remember when distributing characteristics? Many perks are only available under certain conditions. For example, "Life Force" will only appear with stamina 4 or more. This means that if we want this perk, then we don’t need to make our stamina less than 4.


Most of the skills are already clear, but I would like to point out a few of them. Hand weapons increases with the books "Guns and Bullets", but only up to 100%. This is a derived skill from dexterity. This means that if we reduce agility, then the skill will decrease. Agility is temporarily reduced by buffout and head stone. This means that during your withdrawal from these funds you can read books and your skill will grow. By the way, all sorts of chemicals also affect skills. For example, if you can’t repair something, you can eat the mentat. Because it will increase intelligence, and intelligence will increase repair skill. Energy weapon rises from the 5th issue of the Cat's Paw magazine, which is given to Miss Kitty in New Reno. Melee rises from Lucas's tribesman in Arroyo, who stands near the stone head. From old John Sullivan in Klamath. By winning every boxing match in New Reno. Using two punching bags in Sierra. After training with the Dragon in San Francisco. Steel arms can be promoted from fellow Jordan in Arroyo. First aid from medical books. Doctor increases in Vault City from Dr. Troy during the excursion. In New Reno, using PipBoy's medical booster. Steal. The science One of the interesting and underrated skills. At an easy level of play it is not necessary. He came, shot everyone and left. But on difficult, when the enemies are dangerous and shoot accurately, it helps. It is better to use in the dark. Many enemies do not attack, but run away in bewilderment in different directions. The main battle takes place only with the one we attack. This is very useful against crowds of opponents. is enhanced by scientific books. Repair increases with textbooks. Talk is increased by the PipBoy linguistic amplifier, which can be obtained from Miss Bishop's safe in New Reno. Wanderer increases with scout books. If you improve your skill up to 130-150%, then you can win a lot of money in the casino. To do this, you need to hold down the desired number on the keyboard and go drink some tea.

Where and how to swing

The main leveling comes from tasks and kills. From the use of the skills of a doctor, theft and others - very little. Assignments, of course, must be completed.

The best places to kill are random encounters on the plains between Navarro, Redding and the abandoned Military Base. The most dangerous creatures live there, but they also give you the most experience. From one meeting you can get up to 6000 points. In the vicinity of Navarro there are patrol officers with less experience, but a lot of pistols that can be sold.

It is reliably known that if you move around the world map, let’s say, in small sections, then the likelihood of encounters increases. With the help of saves, we can ensure that we had many productive meetings on the way between cities. This is both experience and junk. You should also look into caves in rocky areas. All sorts of different animals run around there, for which they give very good experience. And sometimes there are bandits in caves, armed depending on our level. Also very good.

There is an interesting perk “Diligent Student”, available from level 3. Increases experience points by 5%. That is, for example, we killed a rat and received 100 experience. With this perk we get 105.

Terminator (aka machine gunner)

Which character traits should you choose? I think that “talent” will be very useful. The “fast shooter” looks just as tempting. In this case, you can’t shoot accurately, but we don’t need to. Subsequently, it will be possible to fire three bursts from a machine gun, which is very good. But “accuracy” will not work here. Because even though the chance of a critical one increases, in the future there will be a “sniper” perk that does not take this chance into account. I think I'll focus on "talent" and "quick shooter."

We don’t take any hand-to-hand fighters from our partners. I think that you won’t get a lot of charisma, so there will be 1-2 companions. Vic, Cassidy, Skynet, Marcus to choose from. What perks are a must have? There is nothing worthwhile at the third level, so we take whatever we like. For example, “impenetrability” (“steepness”). You need to carefully look at the requirements for perks and take this into account when creating your character. For impenetrability you need 6 stamina and 6 luck. In general, it’s suitable. Therefore, we take this into account when creating. You can take “diligent student” to level up faster. You need intelligence 6, that's fine too. Or anything else, whoever wants what. Required "sniper" at level 24. You need agility 8 and perception 8, as well as “hand weapons” 80%, this means pumping up with books or something like that. Necessarily "bonus damage at range". Available from level 6, you need to take two pieces. The damage for each bullet increases by 2, which is amazing for machine guns. For the same reason"anatomy expert" - increases damage to living targets by 5."Best Critical" is also necessary. Increases critical damage by 20%. With luck 10 and "sniper", count every bullet."Zinger" , aka the "man of action" is available twice."Rate of Fire Bonus" take it too. It is precisely the two “live guns”, “rate of fire”, “fast shooter” and agility 10 that allow you to fire three bursts of machine guns in one turn. No one can resist. Except Uncle Frank. The main leveling will be completed at level 27. But, I would still take it at level 12"life force"

for greater health. Otherwise, the terminator with 100 lives never ceased to exist. If patience allows, then take the “power of life” a second time at level 15. However, one will be enough. In total, we consider it to be level 30. It can be useful"move bonus" . Because with it you can choose a more convenient position for firing bursts."Pyromaniac"

In total, the bare minimum, taking into account subsequent modifications: strength 5, perception 7, agility 10, luck 4, intelligence 6. I did the following: strength 5, perception 7, endurance 4, charm 4, intelligence 9, agility 10, luck 8. With such characteristics, “steepness” is not available, well, you’ll have to without it. From the additional skills I took “heavy weapons”, “conversation”, but the third is optional. I settled on "science" because Vic knows how to repair, and hacking computers is sometimes useful. In general, who likes what. I plan to take Vic and Cassidy into the company and give them Gaussians.

Robin Hood (aka sniper)

Robin Hood doesn't mean he helps everyone, but he means he's a good shooter. Everyone needs help anyway. He's a sniper, but Robin Hood sounds better. In my opinion, this is one of the simplest and most accessible rocking methods for beginners. Nevertheless, it is very effective, pleasant to play, and easy to complete. There remain opportunities for peaceful resolution of problems. From the very beginning of the game, the “hand weapon” skill is upgraded and is immediately useful, unlike “heavy” ones. To solve problems peacefully, you should take “eloquence” and some third skill. For example, science or a game. Among character traits, “talent” may be useful. It would seem that “accuracy” was made specifically for snipers, but no. There will be a “sniper” perk and the chance of a critical one is no longer taken into account. And in this case the damage is dealt 30% less, which is bad. It makes sense to take a closer look at the “one-armed” one. In this case, with a pistol +20% damage, but with a rifle -40%. It would seem nothing special, a rifle would be better. But with proper build-up, you can fire three aimed shots from a gauss pistol versus two from a gauss rifle. The base damage of the rifle is 32-43 and from two shots it will be 64-86. The pistol has 22-32, but after three shots it will be 66-96. Plus, the pistol has the bonus of being “one-handed”. The availability of pistols from the very beginning of the game makes this combination very attractive. An acceptable option is already found in Den - a magnum revolver. In addition, we can handle submachine guns quite well too.

The perks needed are almost the same as for the terminator. The "Damage Bonus at Range" is controversial. Total +4 damage for two perks. For a submachine gun, of course, it’s very good, but not so good for single shots. It is possible to take something else. Although you can leave it. Next are “improved critical”, “zhivik” two pieces, “rate of fire”, “sniper”. You can also take “life force” at level 12. It follows from this that the main characteristics are the same. Strength 5, perception 7, endurance 4, charm 4, intelligence 9, agility 10, luck 8. You can take anyone as your partner.

Conan the Barbarian (aka melee)

As the name suggests, he is a melee fighter. I must say, for gourmets. The main drawback of such a character is running up to the target, which sometimes takes more than one turn. By using certain tactics, this inconvenience can be avoided. For example, stand around the corner and wait for the enemies to run up. The main weapon will be a mega powerful fist. This is the best melee weapon in the second fallout. Due to the saving of skill points, I think it is not advisable to upgrade “melee weapons”. Let's focus only on “hand-to-hand combat”. The remaining two are optional. The powerful fist can be found in Broken Hills from the mutant Francis, having won the duel. We don't need wisdom, because we don't shoot at all. However, if you set it to minimum, there will be a bad reaction, that is, we will be the last to go. Problems may also arise with detecting traps. You don't need maximum luck because the butcher makes all hits critical. Of the additional skills, “talent” is, of course, suitable. It would seem that it is “heavy on the hand” specifically for hand-to-hand combat and was created, however, the damage during critical hits is reduced. When we have a “butcher” (“deadly blow”) and every hit is a critical one, then this trait will hinder us. You don't have to take anything else. You can take the “small” one. In this case, +1 to agility, but a penalty to the maximum load to carry. In principle, it is possible, given that you don’t need a lot of cartridges, you will have a trunk and several partners. I'll focus on "talent" and "small".

What perks should I take? "Melee Damage Bonus" available already at level 3. There are three of them in total. In general, not the best perk. The fact is that 2 damage is added to the maximum. The result is, in fact, plus one damage. For three perks, only 3 damage, well, that's like fi. It will be much more useful "coolness". Available at level 6 It can be useful, is also useful - to run faster. At level 9 there is nothing worthwhile, you can take “steepness” again. Next two "live", Can "Source of Life" for greater health. Useful for melee combat Available from level 6, you need to take two pieces. The damage for each bullet increases by 2, which is amazing for machine guns. For the same reason, because not only does the “doctor” increase, but also the damage to living creatures by 5. "Melee Attack Bonus"- We’ll definitely take it, we’ll hit it more often. "Butcher" Available at level 24, each hit becomes a critical hit, which is extremely useful. Also suitable "agility"- it's harder to hit us.


He doesn’t kill anyone at all and solves all problems only peacefully. At the end of the game there should be only one entry about Horrigan's death. As a result, no combat skill is needed. As a character trait, the “evil eye” would be suitable, so that random enemies make more mistakes. There is no need for partners because they might kill someone by accident. It doesn't take a lot of strength or wisdom. “Movement bonus” perks are suitable to help you run away faster in unfavorable situations. “The power of life”, so that it would be more difficult to kill us, “agility”, “steepness”.


This is done only for fun. For example, with the help of art-money, all characteristics are set to 1. And the game is played.


You can complicate the path of the chosen one in order to feel very cool. Never save, except when exiting the game. Although, you need to save in case the game crashes. The main thing is not to load. Do not have any trade relations with anyone, use only what is found. It is clear that the level of difficulty and combat is high. Do not improve performance in any way, including using power armor. Do not use any substances, including stimulants. Don't take a single perk. Do not improve any skills when leveling up. Well, in general, everything that comes into the head of the chosen one.

Well, actually, this is where character creation ends. After this, the Chosen One finds himself in the Temple of Trials and the passage begins.


Next is a list of perks, organized by character level. If we suddenly set luck to 1 and want to see what perks we lost, then we can use the standard browser search. Usually called Ctrl+F.

Level 3

Melee Damage Bonus

Agility 6, Strength 6, Level 3, 3 pieces

Damage when hit in melee combat increases by 2 units for each ability level. At first glance, a tempting perk for melee combat. However, the increase goes to the maximum value. Therefore, in essence, the total damage increases by only one. If there is nothing else worthwhile, then you can take this perk.

Fast reaction

Perception 6, level 3, 3 pieces

Reaction (order) increases by 2. Thus, the character will more often be ahead of the enemy in battle. This can be useful if the character has low wisdom.

Fast treatment

Stamina 6, level 3, 3 pieces

The speed of health regeneration increases by 2 HP for each ability level. This means that during rest we will heal faster. Considering that there are stimulants, doctors in cities are not the most necessary perk. There are more worthy ones.

Quick access (Neatist)

Agility 5, level 3, 1 piece

It only costs 2 AP to get into your inventory during a fight, instead of 4. Sometimes it’s convenient. For example, reloading a weapon costs two APs. With this perk, we can charge weapons in the inventory and, in addition to everything, use stimulants.

Imposing (Important)

Charisma 6, level 3, 3 pieces

Characters' reactions when meeting you increase by 10% for each ability level.


Level 3, 1 piece

The skill level of stealth, hacking, theft and traps increases by 10% at a time.


In dialogues, the character receives additional answer options. His intelligence increases by 1 during a conversation.

Cat's Eye (Night Vision)

In the dark we see better and, accordingly, it’s a little easier to play. By the way, don’t forget that you can increase the brightness by pressing “+”. Reduce brightness - "-". The fine for night time is also reduced, meaning we shoot better.

Strong Ridge (Carrying)

Strength 6, Stamina 6, Level 3, 3 pieces

The character's carrying capacity increases by 50 pounds per ability level.

Master of Survival

Stamina 6, intelligence 6, naturalist 40%, level 3, 3 pieces

The naturalist (wanderer) skill level increases by 40% at a time.

Master (Sex Monster) Kama Sutras

Stamina 5, Agility 5, Level 3, 1 piece

The character gains amazing endurance and wonderful skills in bed pleasures. This means that we can now have sex with anyone who consents. Until this moment, due to insufficient endurance, dexterity or charm, they could not work with everyone.

Observation (Caution)

Perception 5, level 3, 1 piece

When examining a creature, information about its health and weapons is displayed. Still, not the most important perk, but interesting.

Impenetrability (Steepness)

Stamina 6, luck 6, level 3, 3 pieces

Damage resistance increases by 10 points per ability level. Everyone needs it, especially hand-to-hand fighters. Although it is not possible to take all three at once. Taking into account the usual enclave power armor (55%), subcutaneous armor (5%), and the bonus from battles in New Reno (10%), then up to 90% it remains to take two of these perks. If we take into account the improved enclave armor (60%) and improved subcutaneous armor (15%), then you will need to take only one such perk. Therefore, there is no point in doing it a third time.

Provident nature

Perception 6, level 3, 1 piece

If the Chosen One gets into a hostile random encounter, then when calculating the distance to the enemy before the start of the meeting, 3 units are added to the level of the main characteristic “perception” of the Chosen One.


Intelligence 6, level 3, 1 piece

When reading books, the character receives 50% more skill points.

Self-taught (Diligent student)

Intelligence 4, level 3, 3 pieces

The number of experience points acquired increases by 5% for each ability level. And yes, self-taught and understanding have the same pictures. It can be useful to take it at the beginning of the game, because we will level up faster.


Perception 7, level 3, 1 piece

Your character sees more squares on the world map. Special random encounters also occur a little more often.

Stone wall

Strength 6, level 3, 1 piece

The chance of being knocked down in combat is halved. May be useful if you have low stamina. Because the time spent lying on the ground depends on it.

Healer (Doctor)

Perception 7, agility 6, intelligence 5, first aid 40%, level 3, 2 pieces

The effectiveness of the "first aid" and "doctor" skills increases by 4-10 health points for each ability level.

Level 6

Adrenaline rush

Strength no more than 9, level 6, 1 piece

When a character's health is reduced to 50% of their maximum, their strength increases by 1 until the end of the battle. The magnitude of the force cannot exceed 10.

Flea dealer (Packager)

Level 6, 1 piece

The character's carrying capacity increases by 50 pounds.


Theft 50%, karma 49, level 6, 1 piece

Theft skill level increases by 40%. The character takes on such an innocent appearance that it is more difficult to suspect him of being a thief.

Silent running

Agility 6, stealth 50%, level 6, 1 piece

The character can run stealthily. Which is very convenient if the stealth skill is actively used. By the way, stealth should be included in any battles. By default, if we click on a field cell, we will go there on foot. If you hold down Shift or double-click, you’ll run. But Shift and double click have no effect during combat. Therefore, in the settings you can set the option “influence character speed”. Now we will still only walk during the battle, but we will do it very quickly.

More critical hits

Luck 6, level 6, 3 pieces

Critical hit chance increases by 5% per ability level. The perk is useless if we plan to take a “sniper” or “butcher”.

Move Bonus

Agility 5, level 6, 2 pieces

For each level of this ability, the character receives an additional 2 AP, which can only be spent on movement. Useful for hand-to-hand combat to quickly reach enemies. Or for pacifists, to quickly escape from them.

Bonus damage at a distance (range)

Agility 6, luck 6, level 6, 2 pieces

Damage on hits from small arms increases by 2 points per ability level. Extremely useful for machine gunners. And not so useful for snipers, however, you can also take it.

Vanka-Vstanka (Quick recovery)

Agility 5, level 6, 1 piece

Knocked down, the Chosen One gets up in just 1 AP, instead of the required 3.

Snake-eating (Snakeswallower)

Stamina 3, level 6, 2 pieces

Poison resistance increases by 25%.


Gambling 50%, level 6, 1 piece

The gambling skill level increases by 40%.

Treasure Hunter (Lucky)

Luck 8, level 6, 1 piece

Random encounters bring the character more money. Of course, to get them, you will have to search the pockets of lifeless enemies.

Magnetic personality

Charisma 1-9, level 6, 1 piece

The character can take one more companion with him. As you know, with two charm points you can invite one companion. That is, 4 charms - 2 partners. 6 charm - 3 partners. But in any case, a team cannot have more than five people (robots, animals).


Intelligence 6, level 6, 3 pieces

When moving to a new level, the character receives an additional 2 skill points for each level of this ability. It will be useful for those who chose “talent” when creating a character. Also the Chosen Ones with low intelligence.

Pathfinder (Pathfinder)

Stamina 6, naturalist 60%, level 6, 1 piece

Movement time on the world map is reduced by 25% for each ability level. In the first fallout, where there was no car and there was a time limit, this perk could have been useful. But not so much in the second one.


Barter 50%, eloquence 50%, level 6, 1 piece

The level of the “speech” and “barter” skills increases by 20% at the same time.


Stealth 60%, level 6, 1 piece

In the shadows, as well as at night, the stealth skill increases by 20%.

Swing (Throwing)

Level 6, 3 pieces

When calculating the maximum throw range, 2 units are added to the character's strength for each ability level.

Lead Skin (Radiation Resistant)

Stamina 6, intelligence 4, level 6, 2 pieces

Radiation resistance increases by 15% per ability level.


Perception 6, level 6, 1 piece

The naturalist skill level increases by 20%. Additionally, special random encounters occur a little more frequently.


Barter 50%, level 6, 1 piece

Your character becomes a hardened merchant. Barter skill level increases by 40%.


Perception 7, Intelligence 5, level 6, 1 piece

Options for lines in the dialogue are highlighted in color depending on the possible reaction of the interlocutor.

Level 9

Great Trader

Charisma 7, barter 60%, level 9, 1 piece

The value of your goods increases when bartering.


Agility 6, level 9, 1 piece

The character's armor class increases by 5 points for each ability level. Thus, the likelihood of getting hit is reduced. In general, it is useful for everyone, even pacifists.

Mysterious stranger

Luck 4, level 9, 1 piece

In random encounters, a temporary ally will fight on your side from time to time. The probability of its appearance is 30% + (2% * luck). Sometimes some strange guy comes out of nowhere, does all sorts of crap, and after the fight runs away in an unknown direction. But this is at the beginning. Then a pretty good fighter emerges with a heckler, and as they say, in power armor (this is not visible). He has a couple of stimulants, and even shoots accurately. But only during random encounters. And, anyway, combat support from him is not significant. Due to the irregular appearance of a stranger, you have to rely on your own strength.

Here and now

Level 9, 1 piece

Your character immediately gains another level of experience.


Agility 5, luck 5, level 9, 1 piece

Characters with this ability are less likely to fall into traps.

Beacon (beacon) of karma

Charisma 6, level 9, 1 piece

In dialogues and when calculating the reactions of other characters, your karma is doubled.


Perception 7, Intelligence 6, level 9, 1 piece

When calculating the effective firing range, 2 units are added to perception. Not a bad thing for shooters if you couldn’t put wisdom on 10 or 9.


Level 9, 1 piece

By choosing this ability, you can discard one of the traits and take another instead.


Speech 50%, level 9, 1 piece

The level of the Speech skill increases by 40% at a time.


Heavy weapons 75%, level 9, 1 piece

You love and know how to play with fire. When using flamethrowers, the character deals 5 points more damage.

Who wouldn't want to create the perfect character to cope with any mission in a computer game? To make the protagonist truly strong, it is important to know all the possible characteristics, abilities and skills of the hero. Only then will it be possible to create a balanced character. What kind of builds are there in Fallout 2?

About the game

Fallout 2 is a computer game that first appeared in 1998. The player has access to an open world and control of the protagonist. The story of the second part tells about the Chosen One, who was chosen by the Elder. He must go into the wasteland in search of the GECK. This device should revive the village and bring everyone back to life.


The passage of Fallout 2 is affected by the choice of the hero. There is only one main quest in the game. At the beginning, the gamer will have to familiarize himself with his capabilities. Therefore there is another sub-quest. In Arroyo, the settlement where the protagonist is from, he will need to go through the temple and gain some skills. Afterwards you can proceed to the main mission.

Fallout 2 can take up to an hour to complete if you need to understand the main storyline. Then the protagonist goes to several cities at the direction of the Elder, then finds the necessary Vault and takes the GECK. But the game will not end there, and the main quest will only count if the Chosen One manages to defeat the Enclave. And to do this you will have to go through several dozen tasks to level up your character and get to the goal.


To understand builds in Fallout 2, you need to understand the principle by which a hero is upgraded. The character is represented by a whole system of characteristics. In this game it is called SPECIAL. Each letter corresponds to a specific skill:

  • Strength.
  • Perception.
  • Endurance.
  • Charisma (attractiveness).
  • Intelligence.
  • Agility (dexterity).
  • Luck (luck).

Each parameter affects a specific skill or ability. This is why the starting build in Fallout 2 is so important.

Description of characteristics

Strength is a physical characteristic of the protagonist. The maximum weight of the backpack that the hero can carry and the character’s damage will depend on it. This characteristic often affects the ability to use certain weapons. If the hero lacks a few units of strength, they can be compensated by using some skills.

Perception is a characteristic that affects a character's hearing and vision. Typically, the maximum level of this parameter is needed by a sniper. Affects Reaction, as well as some skills, including Hacking and Traps.

Thanks to endurance, the character easily copes with injuries and wounds. Depending on the level of this parameter, the amount of health, resistance to poisons, radiation, etc. will be calculated. The characteristic also affects skills of the “Naturalist” type.

Attractiveness is a very useful character stat. Thanks to him, he can find out secrets and negotiate even with the most intractable companions. The Barter and Speech skills depend on this characteristic. It also affects the maximum number of people who can go with the protagonist.

Intelligence is the hero's intelligence and intelligence. Thanks to it, you can calculate the number of skill points. The higher the level of this characteristic, the more complete the hero’s remarks, the more successful the questions and the more accurate the answers.

Dexterity helps the protagonist move faster. Has an effect on action points and many combat skills. The higher the score, the less likely you are to fall into a trap.

Luck is the most unpredictable characteristic. Can influence many things in the game, especially the outcome of events. Skills related to critical damage are increased. There is also the possibility of special meetings.

Characteristics distribution

Each characteristic can receive from 1 to 10 points. The initial value is 5. Verbally it is defined as “usually”. With the initial build in Fallout 2, you will be able to distribute an additional 5 points. It is possible to lower some characteristics to improve others. Only one parameter can be improved.

Typically, players do not risk significantly underestimating the initial characteristics of the hero. For example, if you reduce intelligence to 3, you may have problems interacting with other characters.

The first distribution of stat levels is very important for the further development of the protagonist. This way you can influence the character’s specialization at the beginning of the game. There is an option to make him a sniper or a cowboy. It all depends on the special distribution.


To create the perfect character, it is important to understand the hero's skills. Each character has certain skills, which are expressed as a percentage. The maximum level of skill is 300%. But this does not mean that the same percentage has a probability of a successful outcome. Typically this figure does not exceed 95%.

The skill level can be increased when you gain a new character level. To do this, it is enough to distribute the points received. The higher the level, the more points you need to upgrade. The skill level is affected by reading books and completed quests.

Description of skills

There are almost 20 character skills in the game. Six of them relate to gun ownership. For example, thanks to Light Weapons, the character begins to use firearms more effectively. This includes pistols, machine guns, sniper rifles, shotguns, etc. But the chance of a hit will depend not only on the level of this skill, but also on other factors. For example, the weight of equipment or the distance to the enemy is important.

Similar skills are Heavy Weapons and Energy Weapons. In the first case, the protagonist easily controls grenade launchers and machine guns, in the second - with laser, plasma and pulse weapons.

By developing the “Unarmed” skill, you can fight your opponents hand-to-hand much more effectively. “Melee weapons” improves your ability to handle a knife, spear, sledgehammer, etc.

First Aid and Doctor are skills that affect healing minor and severe wounds respectively. “Stealth” will help you sneak past enemies undetected. Using this skill, you can try to beat the game in stealth mode. “Hacking” allows you to quickly deal with locks on doors and chests.

"Theft" allows you to secretly pick other people's pockets. To do this successfully, it is enough to approach from behind. The size and number of items stolen will influence the success of the theft. This skill is often used to throw an artifact to an opponent.

The Traps skill allows you to deal with explosives. The character can either discover the trap or trigger it. If the skill is pumped up or there is a high level of perception, then it will be easy to deal with.

Characters in Fallout 2 can also gain the Science skill. It is useful in working with computers and other equipment. The skill is also related to any scientific affairs. “Repair” helps in repairing devices and mechanisms. It can also help disable something.

“Eloquence” helps you communicate effectively with people. It will help you not only make convincing arguments, but also lie. If “Eloquence” is poorly leveled, then the protagonist’s lie can be discovered and killed for it. Thanks to Barter, it’s easy to make profitable deals. “Gambling” will help you get easy money in the casino. "Naturalist" is a skill useful for wandering. The protagonist easily notices things that a normal hero cannot see. The skill also affects random encounters.


To create an interesting build in Fallout 2, you need to know additional character traits. In addition to characteristics and skills, the hero can also receive features. These are small details that can make a character worse or better.

The protagonist can gain up to two abilities. It’s worth saying right away that it’s impossible to get or change a character’s trait after the game starts. Only the character editor in Fallout 2 can handle this. But it must be downloaded separately, and it is considered a kind of cheat.

Among the features there are both positive and negative features. For example, you can get resistance to chemicals, but you can, on the contrary, get sensitivity. In the first case, the chance of developing dependence on the drug is reduced, in the second - it is increased.

If a hero receives the “Hooligan” feature, 2 points are automatically added to his strength, but 2 action points are subtracted.


Knowing all the characteristics, skills and features, you can create a hero of a certain orientation. For example, the sniper build in Fallout 2 may vary somewhat, but overall it has similar features. Players recommend focusing on perception, intelligence, luck and dexterity. For example, you can leave strength at 5 points, but pump up endurance and attractiveness to 2. Raise Perception, Intelligence and Agility to 10, and Luck to 9.

You will also have to focus on some skills that will increase observation, critical damage, rate of fire, accuracy, etc. Upgrading “Light Weapons”, “No Weapons” and “Melee Weapons” will be useful. Some players also recommend taking the Gifted and Miniature trait.


For a melee build in Fallout 2, you need to max out your stamina, intelligence, and agility. Luck, attractiveness and perception can be left at 2-4 points, and strength can be pumped up to 9. It is worth focusing on improving the “Unarmed”, “Melee Weapon” and “Light Weapon” skills. It's also worth remembering Eloquence and Naturalist. Features include “Gifted” and “Corrupted”.

Cowboy in Fallout 2

Quite a rare but interesting build. More common in New Vegas. However, it requires maximum leveling of agility. It's also worth getting rate of fire and jet. Some people recommend maximizing your luck stat. As for weapons, you should pay attention to the revolver and other pistols. A blaster would also work here. The result is a character that has powerful ammunition, high damage, guaranteed crits and the ability to choose targets.

Not a fighter

There are also non-combat builds in Fallout 2. In this case, there is rarely any emphasis on strength or endurance. For example, to become a professional thief, you need to improve your dexterity as much as possible, and not forget about intelligence and perception. After that you need to get some skills: “Pickpocket”, “Hackster”, “Ghost”, etc. To the main skills you need to add “Stealth”, “Without weapons” and “Theft”. Features can be selected from “Trained” and “One-Armed”.

Leveling up a diplomat is considered a non-combat build. In this case, we improve intelligence as much as possible, take 8 charisma points and 6 perception. We leave the rest at level 4. The main skills for a diplomat are “Speech”, “Doctor” and “Barter”. Traits: Kind Soul and Trained.

Character Creation

At the beginning of the game, you need to go to the Fallout 2 character editor and configure it properly. First, the player needs to distribute points according to the main characteristics. There are 40 points in total, which should be divided into seven parameters. Some characteristics can be lowered, but this can turn out badly for the hero. Therefore, you should be careful.

Next, the gamer selects prize skills. They can be further developed and the percentage increased. Afterwards, you can choose additional traits of the protagonist. It's the little touches that make a character special. The trait has both advantages and disadvantages.

Next you need to choose your age: from 16 to 35 years. This setting does not affect the game in any way. It does not give bonuses or penalties to the character's skills and abilities. Therefore, it makes absolutely no difference what figure will be set here.

Afterwards you will need to choose the gender of the protagonist. This moment can affect the course of the game, so you should choose it carefully. Of course, the plot will not change in any way, but some in-game characters may react differently to a woman or a man.

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