Surnames of Kuban writers. Presentation on the topic: Presentation "Kuban poets"

Elena Lebedeva
“Favorite corner of the Earth in the works of Kuban poets and composers”

Poets of the Kuban land.

Each of us (mentally or out loud) confessed his love for his Fatherland, gave it kind and bright words. But, probably, no one has been able to so subtly notice and praise the beauty land, How poets and composers.

They dedicate the most cherished, heartfelt lines, the most melodious melodies to their native earth.

Listen to these verses, and a bright, unique image of our wonderful land will appear before you.

The distance of the steppes is through,

Mountain expanse eagle-

Native side,

Our land is poplar!

Victor Podkopaev.

Just a few lines - and before us is a portrait of our dear land.

Talented the poet knows how

subtly notice the beauty of every modest blade of grass and find precise, vivid words to convey this charm to us.

Thick fog floats in the lowlands, At dawn, ruddy

Full of peace Earth. Rosehip woke up.

And they hold the sky like a basket, with every leaf

Poplars above the farmsteads. I reached out to the dawn.

K. Oboishchikov. And the dawn reached out to him in response,

The buds were painted pink.

We listen to these heartfelt lines and feel how our heart begins to beat in a special way.

I would like to introduce you to creativity of poets who once visited our area, our village. Discover new names of our writers for you - fellow countrymen who live in the neighboring village of Medvedovskaya.

Vitaly Borisovich Bakaldin.

Born in 1927 in Krasnodar. He published his first story when he was in the eighth grade, and his first poems during his student years.

Based on poems by V. B. Bakaldin Kuban composers G. Plotnichenko, S. Chernobay wrote many songs.

The field stitch has become wet

Along the wet forest belt,

And the sun watering the ground,

Sparkles in the dew.

The recent rain has left its mark,

And a distant roar announced

That the last thunder slammed the shutters,

And the sky opened wide!

Sergei Nikanorovich Khokhlov.

Born in 1927. I spent my childhood in the village of Vasyurinskaya.

From his youth he mastered many workers specialties: worked as a machine operator, carpenter, concrete worker. Participated in the restoration of the city of Krasnodar, destroyed during the war.

He began writing poetry as a teenager.

In collaboration with Kuban composers wrote more than sixty songs.

S. N. Khokhlov was at our school in the mid-eighties along with the writer V. Likhonosov.

I'll come here.

TO Kuban he pressed his sultry lips, bowing the viburnum bush;

And the strength is wondrous Kuban went through my veins.

I feel lightness in my shoulders again.

And miraculously surprised a little,

At dawn, over the arable fields, I fly through pink clouds.

As if I’m not a plowman at all, as if my hands are not strong enough earth...

And the wind moves under my shirt, whistling about something in my ears.

Will happen: in life it will become difficult, like a horse in a long harness,

I'll come here to my native Kuban, and again I will bow the viburnum bush.

Kronid Aleksandrovich Oboishchikov.

Born in 1920. He spent his childhood and school years on the Don and on Kuban. I wrote my first poems in the fourth grade.

He fought during the Great Patriotic War. He served in aviation for more than twenty years.

Was in our area and village.

The rains curtained the steppes.

It's drizzling all night and all day.

And the sky, gray as ash, hangs just above the acacias.

Ah, Motherland, I’m going again into the foggy distances of the fields.

In this bad weather, you are perhaps even dearer to me.

Today it’s a little strange to walk around my birthplaces and

Rejoicing, in the windows of the fog you recognize your land in parts.

Either a huge stack will appear, or a row of grapevines.

Then - a field road near a quiet forest strip.

Then the dam, a piece of the river, will immediately open,

And two grimy boys, and floats in the dark water.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Nesterenko.

And here are the poems poet from the village of Bryukhovetskaya V. Nesterenko were written specifically for children. Vivid, unique images are understandable and easily remembered by children.

Bogatyr harvest. Summer.

In the hot summer Kuban, Summer walks barefoot

It's very hot, like in a bathhouse. By heated earth,

A Earth, like an oven, on a hot afternoon

It can easily burn. Rushing straight ahead

Here is a mighty harvester "Don". Summer by the river.

He will harvest the wheat. Splashes in the river for a long time,

But first he swallows it, plays with the ball, laughing,

Afterwards it will quickly thresh. And with me on the sand

He will say: “Come on, take it, Summer is sunbathing.

A rich harvest!”

My land.

This is the Beisuzhok River - a blue thread.

Here is a green bank, the distance beyond is steppe.

Here the grass is always thick, horses graze.

These quiet places are called Motherland.

You all know the folk signs rain: “Sparrows bathe in dust - for rain”. “In the evening the sky is pale yellow - for rain”.

This is how he describes the folk sign poetess Tatyana Golub.

Will it rain or not?

I will find the answer in the flowers.

If in the morning marigolds

The flower corollas squeezed,

So it will rain again...

You need to take an umbrella with you.

If your eyes reach the sun

The bindweed opened wide -

Nobody can make a mistake here:

It will be a sunny day.

A poet Kronid Oboishchikov noted in his poems So:

...If the lilac under your window begins to smell strongly,

The cat tore the wall to pieces, the roosters crow all day,

If swallows fly low, low above earth,

Now I know for sure that the rain will pour down...

Ringing over Kuban songs.

He'll just start singing Kuban choir

In the dashing Kubankas and Circassians,

I see my grandfather's house and yard,

Behind them is the distance in wheat bursts...

He'll just start singing Kuban choir

Or a Cossack dance will flash,

It's like the sun is coming from behind the mountains

Everything is immediately above Kuban will rise...

He'll just start singing Kuban choir

His dialect is clear to everyone,

And wider than the steppe, higher than the mountains

The soul is human...

Vadim Nepodoba.

The soul of the people is in the songs. Resonant and sad, sincere and dancing, they not only express the thoughts and aspirations of the people who created them, but are also documents of history. And, indeed, a song can teach you a lot.

It combines the power of music with words, which means that it is in song that different types of art come together.

It is worth listening to the melody, familiar from childhood, and you will hear the smooth movement of the river, and the sound of the forest, and the rustling of grass, and the expanse of hot dancing.

And, perhaps, it is the song that will help you immerse yourself in the world of living history, teach you to understand the people around you and yourself.

On Kuban many beautiful songs that have received nationwide recognition. They are so firmly established in life Kuban residents, which is already as if dissolved into the melodies of their native land, turned from original to folk.

This is exactly what happened with "A song about my native earth»

Music by V. A. Laptev.

Sl. V. Bakaldina.

It’s good for us to go out into the field in the morning,

It's good to meet the dawn in freedom,

And the soul sings in the bright valley,

A song about my native earth.

Chorus: Oh, yes Kuban dawns are clear,

Oh yes on Kuban cherries are red,

Oh yes on Kuban under the high sky

The bread burns with gold.

Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko.

G. F. Ponomarenko, even during his lifetime was called folk composer. An unusually bright, memorable melody distinguishes the work of this composer.

Very often a song “The golden grove dissuaded me”, written to the poems of S. Yesenin, is considered folk, but the music to Yesenin’s poems was written by our Kuban composer G. F. Ponomarenko.

Sergei Khokhlov dedicated the following to Grigory Fedorovich lines:

The moonlit glades are silent, the birches in the heights are silent -

Ponomarenko sings on the button accordion about the Russian side...

And the heart asks for revelation, and the heart asks for breadth.

Play, play, Ponomarenko,

And so that no grief, no trouble!

Hello our Kuban! (poems by S. Khokhlov)

Hello our Kuban, Hello, our Kuban,

Poplar region! Poplar region!

Our Black Sea, We will rise with the sun,

Our Azov region, we will plow the steppes,

Our Krasnodar region! Let's grow a crop!

Hello our Kuban,

Poplar region,

Bread and salt, bright love,

Meet your friends!

Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

Life in a song.

V. G. Zakharchenko is known not only to every resident Kuban, but also outside our vast Motherland. He himself comes from the village of Dyadkovskaya. Since childhood I loved old Cossack songs.

His name has been associated with Kuban Cossack Choir.

Viktor Gavrilovich - bright, original composer, author of a number of popular songs.

Oh, yes, Krasnodar region. Music V. Zakharchenko.

Art. S. Khokhlova.

Oh, yes, Krasnodar region, Oh, yes, you are a dashing Cossack,

Oh, he's rich. Oh, yes, Kochubey’s son,

Oh, yes, there is a river across the steppe, Oh, yes, in this difficult year,

Oh, yes, he runs from steep mountains. Oh, yes, I mowed a lot of bread!

Oh, what a little pole, Oh, I surprised the whole world,

Oh, crowned with glory! Oh, the steppe has raised itself to the sun.

Oh, yes, mother-nurse, Oh, yes, take it, country,

Oh, yes, eternal glory. Oh yes ours Kuban bread!

To the heirs Kuban land.

And this final part is dedicated to our children. After all, they are the ones who have to live and work on our earth, to continue the work of our fathers and great-grandfathers.

It is for our children and grandchildren to increase the wealth of their native land, its wonderful traditions, make scientific discoveries, write poems and songs about their native earth.

In life, we are given one homeland.

I have it as a cherry by the window.

Right at the door is the gold of the fields,

A century-old thought of slender poplars.

Here my path ran through the bread,

Here is my destiny, joy and struggle,

Here is the ear of water that I grew,

The pride and joy of being young.

Apparently, so be it, I’ll live here forever,

Be friends until the end, until the end be in love,

Here are my friends, here is my family,

You can't say more - here my land.

Vitaly Bakaldin.

List of used literature:

1. « Kuban literary» (almanac). Krasnodar 2006

2. "Literary Krasnodar" (almanac) Krasnodar 2007.

3. "Artists Kuban» I. F. Gaivoronskaya. Krasnodar 2006

4. Unnamed. ABOUT "Golden Feather" (fairy tales) Maykop 2008.

5. Bardadym V. P. "Brush and Cutter" (artists on Kuban) Krasnodar 2003.

Those who were born in Kuban will say - there are no miles further

“Where I was born, I came in handy there”

Russian proverb

A wonderful children's writer, Vladimir Nesterenko, lives in Kuban. His work is known not only in our Krasnodar region. The talent of the Kuban writer was noticed by recognized names in children's literature Agnia Barto, Sergei Mikhalkov, Valentin Berestov.

V. Nesterenko was born in 1951 in the village of Bryukhovetskaya. While studying at school, he, like many of his peers, wrote poetry. They were published by the regional newspaper “Builder of Communism,” which was edited by P.E. in the early 70s of the last century. Pridius, who became one of the first mentors of the future writer.

But the Moscow poet Georgy Ladonshchikov advised a graduate of the Adygea Pedagogical Institute to write poetry for children in 1973 at one of the seminars for young poets. After college, Vladimir Nesterenko worked as a school teacher for a year, and in the fall he was drafted into the army. The whole class saw him off, and no sooner had Nesterenko arrived at the unit than all 35 people sent a letter with New Year’s greetings. My colleagues were jealous: no one received so many letters.

Private infantry regiment Nesterenko followed G. Ladonshchikov’s advice when he was already serving in the ranks of the Soviet army in Khabarovsk. The ordinary soldier published his poems in the regional newspaper “Young Far East” and the military newspaper “Suvorov Onslaught”.

After serving in the army, V. Nesterenko returned to the Bryukhovetsky district, where he was invited to work in the district Komsomol committee, and then he came to the radio and newspaper. But V. Nesterenko always had a sponsored kindergarten, where he came with poems. At first I read from a notebook, and in 1980 in Moscow, the publishing house “Children's Literature” published the first book “Freckles”. Soon several more books were published, and Vladimir Dmitrievich Nesterenko was accepted into the Writers' Union.

A writer from the Kuban outback managed to interest venerable metropolitan publishers. Nesterenko considers Agnia Barto his “godmother,” who selected his poems at the seminar and recommended them for publication. V. Nesterenko has been writing poetry for children for more than 30 years. Publishing houses in Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, and Moscow have published about 40 books by the Kuban poet. Their total circulation exceeded 2 million copies.

The works of V. Nesterenko were included in anthologies and anthologies of children's literature, and in textbooks on Kuban studies. More than 50 songs have been written based on the poet’s poems. Our fellow countryman is the author of the magazines “Murzilka”, “Funny Pictures”, “Anthill”, and many newspapers. Funny poems, riddles and tongue twisters from Nesterenko were included in the one-volume “Travel with Murzilka”, which contains the best publications of the magazine over its 70-year history.

V. Nesterenko is a great friend of children's libraries. On the initiative of the regional children's library named after the Ignatov Brothers, a collection of the poet “Our Motherland – Kuban” was published, which became a good help for students of the history of their native land.

The working life of the writer from Bryukhovetskaya has been connected with journalism for many years: for more than 20 years he has been the editor of a regional radio, his own correspondent for the Kuban News newspaper, the editor-in-chief of the Bryukhovetsky News regional newspaper, and a correspondent for the Kuban Today newspaper.

Nesterenko also writes literary parodies. Some of them were included in the 3rd volume of the “Kuban Library”, and in the 7th volume of this publication Vladimir Nesterenko acts as a compiler of works by prose writers and poets writing for the younger generation. Nesterenko has collected over forty authors - venerable and little-known, whose creations are worthy of the attention of children and their

parents, teachers, educators. Essays, articles, and journalistic materials by V. Nesterenko are published by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Don magazine, Krestyanin weekly, and other periodicals.

Vladimir Dmitrievich was awarded the medal “For Labor Distinction”, has the title “Honored Journalist of Kuban”, laureate of the Krasnodar Territory Administration Prize in the field of culture for works for children.

In honor of the 60th anniversary of the birth of V.D. Nesterenko was awarded a memorial badge from the Murzilka magazine.

These quiet places are called home

Vladimir Dmitrievich Nesterenko knows how to find the golden key to any heart. Like the great storyteller G-H. Andersen had “Galoshes of Happiness”, so the wonderful poet Vladimir Nesterenko has “Magic Boots”. A lot of them. And it just seems to him that they are “on the wrong foot.” Children and adults read his poems and become kinder.

The sun looked over the earth

Each ray left a mark

There is no more important thing in the world,

How to give warmth and light.


And these poems can also express the life and creative credo of V. Nesterenko. The main source of warmth and light in Nesterenko’s poetry is love for one’s native land, one’s home and loved ones. In the artistic world of the poet, any path from home should always lead to home:

Darkness. Only light in the windows.

It's not easy to walk in the dark.

But the moon has its own path

Steet on my way.

And right up to the threshold

the path brought me

"Moon Path"

and the best and quietest places are “called homeland”:

This is the Beysuzhok river -

Blue thread.

Here is a green bank

The distance behind him is steppe.

Here the grass is always thick,

Horses are grazing.

These quiet places

They are called Motherland.

"Quiet place"

The silence in my native land is such that heard:

On the wings of the breeze,

Like on the waves


Quiet clouds.

The poet uses a variety of poetic forms. A favorite genre is a lyrical miniature, which can become a plot poem, a landscape sketch, a small poetic instruction, a riddle poem or a joke, a lyrical monologue (dialogue), and the long-loved game form of “tell me a word” for kids.

In Nesterenko’s poetry one can trace a feeling of a large and small homeland, and, by and large, a feeling of spiritual kinship with the world and people.

« “Adults and children see the world differently,” Vladimir Nesterenko is convinced, “children perceive only what is clear to them, so I personally have always had little co-authors. First the neighbors' kids, then our own children, now our grandchildren. And all the stories are from our village life.”

In the morning, brother, it rings loudly

I was talking to a Burenka:

Show me your tongue

Lend me some milk!

Vova looked serious -

He held the bucket in his hand.

Brother heard:

“At the cow

Milk on the tongue.”

Young readers feel very well not only rhyme, but also rhythm, and perfectly perceive the language of images. Here's how, for example, the poet talks about spring:

Look: there are buds on the branches.

So they puffed out their cheeks.

I made my girlfriends laugh -

Snow runs away from the field:

He is in a hurry, but they are having fun -

My kidneys burst from laughter.

The sketch of the onset of the first autumn days is very lyrical. The author subtly noticed the sad mood of farewell to summer.

The field said goodbye to the plow,

The noise of birds has died down until March.

Wild ducks acute angle

Cuts the sky in half.

Maple with an orange beret

He waves after the birds for a long time.

-The summer song is sung, -

Grandfather tells me quietly.


Vladimir Nesterenko often refers to the image of a working man. He admires the heroic strength of combine operators and tractor drivers, and is proud of the Kuban workers who grow grain.

Summer! Hot weather -

There are bright rays everywhere.

The field is like a frying pan

What came out of the oven.

It's not easy for people under the sun -

But the combines are leading into the steppe -

After a hot harvest there will be

There is warm bread in every home.


Deep respect for the feat of our great-grandfathers, the unhealed wound of the loss of loved ones in the Great Patriotic War can be heard in Vladimir Nesterenko’s poem “At the Obelisk”

For the book “Frontline Award” at the Moscow Book Festival in 2006, V. Nesterenko received a diploma for the patriotic education of the younger generation.

The poet’s work is permeated with love for his small homeland, reflects its history, today and is aimed at the future.

Steppe expanses,

high mountains.

Two gentle seas -

All this is Kuban.

Native village,

Open faces.

Thick wheat -

All this is Kuban.

Both the village and the city

They have their own temper,

Special speech -

All this is Kuban.

They don't look gloomy here,

Don't walk dejectedly

With its culture

Kuban is proud.

Orthodox people

And his path is glorious.

Here they think about the main thing

And they love Kuban.

Life of the old streets,

And again Krasnodar,

And the generosity of the bazaars -

All this is Kuban.

And the song that cries!

And our Cossack spirit!

How much do you mean

Kuban for all of us!

Here is how Kuban writer Nikolai Ivenshev responded to the work of V.D. Nesterenko:

“...A boy or a girl reads books and becomes kinder. We read it as if we had washed ourselves. An adult picks up a book, and for a moment he becomes a child. He will forget about his business and want to play catch-up or tic-tac-toe. An excellent remedy for a bad mood!” Indeed, Nesterenko’s poems do not and cannot have an upper age limit. They are pleasant and useful to read at ten, twenty, thirty, and fifty years old.”

“Don’t play on the road” 2008 Rostov-on-ProfPress

Hard worker ant 2006

“Pismetso” (Krasnodar, 2006 Rarities of Kuban

Our homeland is Kuban Krasnodar, Tradition, 2007

"Front Reward" (2005)

"Cock Calendar" (2005)

“His Majesty – Electricity” (Krasnodar “Kuban Printing Yard” 2004)

"ABC in Reverse" (2004)

The boots are on the wrong foot. Koasnodar, 2002 Rarities of Kuban

“Like a bird, like a beast” (1998)

“The perch jumped out of the river” (Krasnodar publishing house, 1997)

“Give me a word” (Krasnodar publishing house, 1996)

“One is a riddle, two is a guess” (Krasnodar publishing house, 1994)

“Ladoshka” (Krasnodar publishing house, 1991)

“A cherished desire” (Krasnodar publishing house, 1987)

“What do grains dream about?” (Children's Literature Publishing House, 1985)

“My song” (Krasnodar publishing house, 1985)

“Multi-colored tomato” (Krasnodar publishing house, 1983)

“Summer Afternoon” (Malysh publishing house, 1983)

“Freckles” (Krasnodar publishing house, 1980)

Main publications by D. Nesterenko:

Father's land! Cherry sunrises,

Two seas and blue sky.

Kuban poets for you

The best words were saved.

K. Oboishchikov

born on April 10, 1920 in the village of Tatsinskaya, Rostov region. My school years, starting from the 5th grade, were spent in the Kuban - in Bryukhovetskaya, Kropotkin, Armavir, Novorossiysk. Soon after graduating from high school, he entered the Krasnodar Military Aviation School and in the fall of 1940, with the rank of junior lieutenant, he was sent to the bomber regiment of the Odessa Military District.

From the first day of the war, as a navigator of a Su-2 aircraft, he participated in combat operations on the Southwestern Front. He makes more than 30 combat missions during the defense of the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Awarded three orders and seventeen medals.

The first poem by eighth-grader Kronid Oboyshchikov was published in the Armavir Commune newspaper in 1936. But the beginning of his creative biography dates back to the post-war years, when the poet began to be systematically published in army and navy newspapers, in the magazines “Znamya”, “Soviet Warrior”, “Far East”, “Estonia”.

In 1963, the first collection of poems, “Anxious Happiness,” was published, and to date he has published more than thirty books, seven of which are for children.

K. Oboishchikov’s main poetic books “Sleepless Sky”, “Line of Fate”, “Reward”, “We Were”, “Victory Salute”, “I Will Carry Your Name in the Heavens” received good reviews from critics and the literary community. The poet's poems were translated into Adyghe, Ukrainian, Estonian, Tatar and Polish.

For several decades, the front-line poet collected materials about the Heroes of the Soviet Union - the Kuban people and created a series of books about the exploits of his fellow countrymen, for which he was accepted as an Honorary Member of the regional Heroes Association.

Famous composers Gr. wrote music to the poems of K. Oboishchikov. Ponomarenko, V. Zakharchenko, V. Ponomariov, S. Chernobay, N. Nekoz, I. Petrusenko and others. For several years, the musical comedies “Bride by Order” (composer V. Ponomarev) and “Swan Fidelity” (composer Gr. Ponomarenko), one of the authors of which was K. Oboishchikov, were performed on the stage of the Krasnodar Operetta Theater and many other cities of Russia.

He was awarded the commemorative medal “For outstanding contribution to the development of Kuban”, 1st degree, as well as the badges of A. Pokryshkin and “For loyalty to the Cossacks”.

Since 2005, Honorary Citizen of the city of Krasnodar.


What is there an order, what medals -

Already tired of receiving!

We were given the highest award:

To greet the May sunrises.

Such torments of hell have passed,

Such a fire had to be extinguished,

That there's no other reward

You won't think to ask.

We did not go into battle for profit,

We don't need words of praise.

And the point is not that they themselves are alive,

And the fact is that the Motherland is alive.


I'm good this morning,

I avoided it completely.

I walk around the house all day,

I help everyone at once.

I washed my dad's shoes,

I cleaned the windows with my mother.

And then again with Irinka

I played daddy-daughter.

I brought it to my sick neighbor

Potatoes in a net from a stall.

All day I knew only one thing

That he helped someone.

If I were even kinder

But suddenly I saw Sergei.

He's being dishonest

And wags his tongue:

He teases Nina with his bride,

And me - the groom.

I caught him behind the house

And he beat me a little.

It’s good that he’s kind

I was there all day today!

The Krasnodar writers' organization was created by a resolution of the secretariat of the USSR Writers' Union dated August 8, 1947 and a decision of the regional committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated September 5, 1947. The founding meeting took place on September 5, 1947. On June 1, 1950, it received the status of a branch of the organization of the Union of Writers of the USSR. The founders of the Kuban Writers' Union and its first members were prose writers A.N. Stepanov, P.K. Ignatov, P.K. Inshakov, playwright N.G. Vinnikov, poet A.A. Kiriy. The Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Writers' Union today numbers 45 wordsmiths.

P.K. was elected the first head of the regional writers' organization. Inshakov. Subsequently, the organization was headed at different times by A.I. Panferov, V.B. Bakaldin, I.F. Varabbas, S.N. Khokhlov, P.E. Pridius et al.

Kuban novelists, Stalin Prize laureates Anatoly Stepanov and Arkady Perventsev, were appreciated not only in our country, but also abroad. Writers Viktor Likhonosov (the novel “Unwritten Memories. Our Little Paris”), laureate of the State Prize, laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize, Honorary Citizen of Krasnodar, Hero of the Kuban, received high recognition; Anatoly Znamensky, laureate of the State Prize, laureate of the M.A. Sholokhov Prize (novel “Red Days”),

Kuban writers came out with talented works to the all-Russian reader: Pavel Inshakov, Pyotr Ignatov, Alexander Panferov, Georgy Sokolov, Vladimir Monastyrev, playwright Nikolai Vinnikov. Films have been made based on the works of Viktor Loginov; he is the author of more than 40 books, twice an order bearer. Kuban poets Vitaly Bakaldin, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Honorary Citizen of Krasnodar, laureate of the International Prize named after. M.A. Sholokhova, Ivan Varavva, laureate of the All-Russian Literary Prize named after. A.T. Tvardovsky, laureate of regional prizes; Honorary citizen of Krasnodar, Hero of Labor of Kuban. And also Sergey Khokhlov, Honorary Citizen of the city of Krasnodar, laureate of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, Boris Tumasov, laureate of the International Prize named after. M.A. Sholokhova, whose book circulation exceeds 6 million, Hero of Labor of Kuban Kronid Oboishchikov - Honored Cultural Workers of Russia, laureates of regional awards named after. E. Stepanova, N. Ostrovsky, K. Rossinsky. Honored cultural workers of Kuban Seytumer Eminov, Valentina Saakova, Vadim Nepoba, Nikolai Krasnov.

To the galaxy of these brilliant veteran writers we can safely add the names of representatives of the middle generation. Nikolai Zinoviev, laureate of the administration of the Krasnodar region (2004), the Union of Writers of Russia “Big Literary Prize” (2004), named after A. Delvig “Literary Gazette” 2007; international literary competitions: newspapers “Literary Russia” - “Poetry of the Third Millennium” (2003) and “Golden Pen” (2005); Literary and theatrical award named after Viktor Rozov “Crystal Rose” (2008), award of the Union of Writers of Russia named after Eduard Volodin “Imperial Culture” (2009), rightfully belongs to the number of poets who conquered the poetic Olympus of Russia. Winner of the 2004 International Literary Competition “Soul Touched Soul”, laureate of the “Silver Pen of Russia” competition, laureate of the “Literary Gazette” award named after. Anton Delvig, prize from the administration of the Krasnodar region named after. E. Stepanova Nikolay Ivenshev, Vladimir Arkhipov, corresponding member of the Petrovsky Academy of Arts, International Academy of Poetry, laureate of the All-Russian Orthodox Literary Competition named after the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, international literary competition “Golden Pen”, Honored Cultural Workers of Kuban Ivan Boyko, Viktor Rotov; laureate of the magazine "Our Contemporary" Nina Khrushch, laureate of the literary prize named after. M. Alekseeva Svetlana Makarova, laureates of literary prizes named after. A. Znamensky Lyudmila Biryuk, Nelly Vasilinina, Vladimir Kirpiltsov, prose writers Alexander Dragomirov, Gennady Poshagaev. The names of Kuban poets, laureate of the All-Russian Prize named after. Alexander Nevsky Valery Klebanov, laureate of the international literary competition. A. Tolstoy Lyubov Miroshnikova, laureate of the All-Russian literary competition. M. Bulgakov Alexey Gorobets, laureate of the Krasnodar Territory Administration Vladimir Nesterenko; Vitaly Serkov and many others. For his great contribution to strengthening the power and glory of Russia, the Supreme Council of the Forum “Public Recognition” awarded the Kuban prose writer, Honored Worker of Culture of Kuban I.I. Mutovin was awarded the Golden Sign and the title of laureate of 2003.

Membership in the organization is fixed, based on an extract from the protocol on admission to the Union of Writers of Russia, which is sent from the Secretariat of the Union of Writers of Russia, and the membership card of the organization.

The main activity of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia is the creation of highly artistic books of prose, poetry, journalism, continuing the spiritual traditions of Russian classical literature, and the popularization of the work of Kuban writers.

Chairman of the Board of the Krasnodar branch of the Russian Writers' Union is Svetlana Nikolaevna Makarova. Members of the organization's board: L.K. Miroshnikova, N.T. Vasilinina, L.D. Biryuk, V.A. Arkhipov, N.A. Ivenshev, V.A., Dineka, V.D. Nesterenko.

The Chairman of the Audit Commission is Andrey Nikolaevich Ponomarev. Members of the commission: T.N. Sokolova, G.G. Poshagaev.

Likhonosov Viktor Ivanovich, born in Art. Topki, Kemerovo region, in 1961, famous writer of Kuban and the country. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a teacher in the Anapa region. Published since 1963. Stories and novellas: “Bryansk”, “Housewife”, “Relatives”, “Autumn in Taman”, “Clean Eyes”, “I Love You Brightly”, “On Shirokaya Street”. Many years of work about Ekaterinodar - Krasnodar, its history and people, their characters, way of life and life, the novel “Unwritten Memories. Our little Paris." Viktor Ivanovich Likhonosov Viktor Ivanovich Likhonosov, member of the Supreme Creative Council under the board of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation", editor of the literary and historical magazine "Native Kuban", laureate of the State Prize of Russia, the International Prize named after M. Sholokhov. Awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Order of St. Sergei of Rodonezh, III degree. Hero of Labor of Kuban

Varrava Ivan Fedorovich, a famous Kuban poet, was born on February 25, 1925 in the village of Novobataysk, Rostov region into a family of immigrants from Kuban; in 1932 the family returned to Kuban. Hereditary Cossack. In 1942 he went to the front, walked the battle path to Berlin, and left a poetic inscription on the walls of the Reistag. He was seriously wounded. He has many military awards, orders: Patriotic War, 1st degree, Red Star, Badge of Honor. He graduated from the Literary Institute, worked at the USSR Ministry of Culture, but returned to his native Kuban. He collected Cossack songs and did a lot to revive the Kuban Cossack Choir. The creative activity of Varrava Ivan Fedorovich is very fruitful, he has published dozens of collections of works, such as: “Songs of the Cossacks of the Kuban”, “Cossack Land”, “Fire of the Adonis”, “Youth of the Saber”, “Wheat Surf”, Song of the Guide”, “Flowers and Stars” ", "Falcon Steppe", "Cossack Way", "The Kubanushka River Runs", "Riders of the Blizzard" and a number of others. Varrava Ivan Fedorovich was awarded various prizes for his literary activities. Hero of Labor of Kuban.

Obraztsov Konstantin Nikolaevich Obraztsov Konstantin Nikolaevich, Russian poet, was born on June 28, 1877 in the city of Rzhevsk, Tver province. Graduated from Tiflis Theological Seminary. As the best student he was sent to the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. He also studied at Yuryev University at the Faculty of History and Philology. He served as a priest in the Vladikavkaz diocese. He served as a priest in the Caucasian Regiment of the Kuban Cossack Army, participated in the First World War, and was awarded the Order of St. Anne. As a talented poet and patriot, he wrote many poems, many of which became songs, including Cossack and Kuban songs. The work of Obraztsov K.N. “You are Kuban, you are our homeland, our age-old hero” became the Kuban anthem. The fate is tragic, like many during the years of the revolution and civil war. According to some sources, he died of typhus in Krasnodar; according to others, he was shot by the Cheka in 1920.

Oboishchikov Kronid Aleksandrovich Russian poet, born in the village of Tatsinskaya, Rostov region on April 10, 1920, died on September 11, 2011 in Krasnodar at the age of 92. Oboishchikov K.A. Graduated from the Krasnodar Aviation School, military pilot. From the first days, he participated in the Great Patriotic War, served in a bomber regiment, and guarded Allied convoys. He was awarded two Orders of the Patriotic War and the Order of the Red Banner for military services. Kronida Oboyshchikova was published in the newspaper “Armavir Commune” in 1936. In the post-war years he began to be published in army and navy newspapers and magazines. In 1963, the first collection of poems, “Anxious Happiness,” was published. He has published more than 30 books, including: Sleepless Sky, Line of Fate, Reward, We Were. “Victory salute”, “I will carry your name in the skies.” He wrote a lot of wonderful poetic works for children: “Sfetoforik”, “Zoyka the Pedestrian”, “How the Baby Elephant Learned to Fly”. He made translations of poets of the North Caucasus. Kronid Oboishchikov is a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the Union of Writers of Russia. Obshchikov Kronid Aleksandrovich Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Honored Artist of Kuban, Honorary Citizen of Krasnodar, Prize Laureate. Hero of Labor of Kuban.

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