Eve faction ships.

Schema-abbot Savva (Ostapenko) Every EVE Online player can pilot absolutely any ship

in the game, depending on whether he has the skills for this type of ship or not. However, many players usually specialize in a certain type of ship, which depends on the chosen direction of the gameplay. It is unlikely that a pirate will study the principles of ore processing, and an industrialist will study the skills of managing strategic cruisers.

Some EVE Online players prefer to choose a ship designed specifically for a specific combat style. As an example, some ships have a bonus for firing long-range lasers, while others have a bonus for controlling drones. Some ships may have more powerful energy shields, others - armor.

Try playing EVE Online and you will see a significant difference from other MMORPGs. Yes, this is not a game for the general public, but every gamer on this planet must try it!

  • There are many types of ships available in EVE Online. In addition to mining and industrial ships, all warships are usually divided into the following classes:
  • Frigate - frigate
  • Destroyer - destroyer
  • Cruiser - cruiser
  • BattleCruiser - battle cruiser
  • BattleShip - battleship

Capital Ship - flagship ships, among which the Titans stand out

  • Most ships have separate subclasses, which usually consist of specialized ship designs (T2). In the frigate class, such ships are:
  • attack frigates
  • frigates for special operations
  • interceptors
  • electronic-technical patrol frigates

special purpose bombers

All classes of ships in EVE Online, ranging from battleship and below, have one or another specialized version and can be used by any pilot as soon as he has learned the necessary skills.

In this section of the site you will find guides to the different types and classes of ships available in EVE Online.

Ship identification system from Interbas Corporation Ship identification system from Interbas Corporation (, Interbus Ship Identification System ISIS

Using this system, the player can easily and quickly decide which ship of a particular faction, type and class he wants to strive for. Interbus Ship Identification System called via a button on the panel on the left side of the game window or by pressing Alt+1.

Where can I buy new ships and equipment?

You can buy new equipment and ships through the contract system or on the EVE Online market. Also, you can search for ships or items that interest you, both in the contract system and on the market.

Using the contract system, you can sell any items - damaged ones, those with additional modules, while only packaged items with clear parameters are sold on the market. Also, some items can only be sold through the contract system.

Eve online ships and personal account in the game + registration algorithm in Eve online + overview of the capabilities of the account manager. Description of 22 classes of combat and 5 civilian ships + a brief overview of factional ships in Eve online.

If you are a fan of the MMORPG genre, namely space odyssey, then this article is just for you. We will analyze the Eve online ships, and also touch on the registration process in the project. The capabilities of the account manager, the features of combat spaceship modules - these and other parameters will yield to our close attention, as a result of which you will become one step closer to learning all the secrets of New Eden.

What is Eve online?

Multiplayer online, combining shooter and arcade elements. The project was launched in 2003 and its operation has been going on for 15 years. The number of fans is clearly not going to decline and reaches several million accounts.

Main feature of Eve online– uniting all users in one universe. Thanks to the most powerful software, hundreds of thousands of players are located in the same space, which results in large-scale battles of incredible beauty.

How can we access the online Eve universe? Let's figure it out in order.

Eve online registration process

As in any other online game, here we will need a personal account on which all the character’s progress and his contacts with other residents of the Eve universe will be saved. Since this MMORPG is a client-based one, only after installing the client on the PC and updating it will the player have access to his personal account in Eve online.

When registering, you can rely on one of the 2 algorithms described below, each of which is based on the type of account the player will be using.

Algorithm for the “boxed” version:

Disks are a thing of the past; modern laptops are beginning to gradually abandon disk drives, thereby leaving the DVD/CD market penniless. Most gamers now have high-speed Internet, so downloading Eve online from the network and paying for a subscription through electronic currency will be much easier.

How to register a personal account in the Eve online universe without a purchased subscription:

The developers have provided 2 subscription types, available for registration from your Eve online personal account - “Alpha” and “Omega”. The first status indicates that the user has an unlimited trial version of Eve, and the second indicates that the subscription for the game has been paid in full.

The key difference between the accounts is the initial benefits and removal of restrictions. If you plan to pay for your subscription through PLEX, you should opt for the “Alpha” version of your Eve online account.

Why do you need a personal account in Eve online?

After creating an account, the user enters the gaming space, the starting point of which is the personal account. The settings manager in the game is one of the most comprehensive among similar Internet projects.

How to access your personal account:

The functionality of your personal account is very wide. After all, here control is exercised over all the characters of the Eve online player. If you have not yet registered, but want to explore all the possibilities provided by the manager, follow the “Support” link and select the appropriate section.

What the personal account is responsible for in Eve online:

    The account itself.

    All information provided by the user to the project administration is displayed here.

    Subscription status.

    Access keys to the project, signing up for a subscription, changing Alpha/Omega status - this is not the entire list of options for setting up access to the online Eve universe.

    A complete description of the currency and its scope of application is given. Who, how and why introduced this game element - all this is laid out on the shelves and presented in the most accessible language.

    The online universe of Eve, in addition to the standard gaming space, boasts the provision of other services related to the game process. This includes 7 sections, which it is better to familiarize yourself with in more detail.


    For all those who want to deepen their theoretical knowledge of the game, as well as understand the operation of the main services of New Eden. You can also write to support or contact the developers directly here.

To understand all the intricacies of your personal account, it is better to do this matter yourself. If you want more theory about the game, go to the support section - here you can find absolutely all the answers about Eve online.

Eve online ships - types and functionality

How can you imagine a space arcade without shuttles? The ships of Eve online are the key combat units, without which the game would not have been such a stunning success.

The variety of models and specializations of vessels here is enormous. Each pilot controls the systems through his own capsule with built-in interfaces and control panels.

1. How are ships configured and purchased in Eve online?

There are more than 200 units of space aircraft in the game, so the first thing the player should remember is ship identification method.

The game shell has a built-in capability in this area; in short, it is called the ISIS system. The key goal of the service is a complete description of all ships in the online Eve universe and a demonstration of the skill requirements for a character to control it. Call ISIS via the key combination ALT+1.

Setting up a ship in Eve online involves:

  • transformation of the ship's exterior;
  • change of ship interior;
  • selection of optimal equipment for the player’s goals;
  • assigning a unique identifier to the ship (name).

The most economical versions and factional spaceships of the 3rd level of technological development have the maximum number of ship settings in Eve online.

Note: the user has the opportunity to own an unlimited number of ships in his hangar, but he cannot control more than 1 unit of equipment.

The owner of a ship in Eve online can be no more than one person at a time, but it is possible to transfer the ship from hand to hand for temporary use. There are no restrictions on the race of ownership; absolutely any faction can control both specialized and conventional ships. The main thing is to develop the skill necessary for these purposes.

In the online Eve universe, there are two ways to buy a ship:

  • contract system;
  • Eve online market.

The last thing worth knowing about ships in Eve online is insurance. The more expensive the vessel, the higher the insurance premium for it, but the payments do not include additional modules that were installed by the user himself or the cargo being transported.

2. Types of warships in Eve online

It should be noted that controlling a ship in the game depends on the level of pumping of the corresponding skill - the higher the indicator, the wider the functionality you will have. For example, if a player has chosen a cruiser, he does not need to upgrade industrial skills and vice versa.

In the technological aspect, Eve shuttles are divided into 3 levels of progress:

    The simplest type of ship both in terms of characteristics and design. The price for them is “penny”, with the exception of some specialized models. Almost any player in the Eve universe can afford such an acquisition.

    Consist of level 2 technological modules. They have characteristics 1.5-2 higher than their younger relatives, but the price for these products is also appropriate. On average, a ship of the 2nd technological level will cost 10 times more than the 1st.

    The most advanced, from a technological point of view, type of ship in Eve online. Only the richest of the gaming universe can afford them, since their price is 6-9 times higher than that of shuttles of the 2nd level of pumping.

Another type of spaceship - fractional. Construction requires drawings, which can only be obtained through completing corporate tasks of various difficulty levels. Due to the difficulties of obtaining them, it is very rare to encounter such colossuses in the vast online universe of Eve.

Based on class, ships in Eve online are divided into:

    The first free ship a player receives. Even from the name it is easy to understand that these spaceship units simply cannot be regarded as a workhorse. Low stats and vulnerability will make you an easy target for the enemy. You cannot exchange the shuttle for minerals.

    Ships of the 1st level of technological development with a low price and average functionality. Available to any beginner, even on the first day of the game. They stand out at a decent speed, but die instantly. Game familiarization is the key purpose of frigates, but some use them as tactical elements on the battlefield.

    In the role of "tackler" ships can be very useful. For these purposes, specialized modules are attached to the frigate - Warp scramblers, which hold the enemy. This will allow you to delay wounded battleships until stronger allies crush the ship to pieces.

    An improved version of frigates. High speed and special equipment make them professional tacklers. Technological development is at the 2nd level, which means that the price for them is 10 times higher than for their younger relatives. Sometimes interceptors are used as scouts, who perform their duties well due to their high speed of movement.

    Clone frigates of the online Eve universe of the 2nd level, which stand out for their high combat performance - it is difficult to find a place on the external part of the ship where weapons would not be located. Thanks to this, these attack ships can easily knock out equal competitors and even covet larger battleships.

    Despite their impressive size, such spaceships are very rare in Eve online. Due to their low speed, their use as tacklers is impossible, but in terms of PVP, attack ships can be quite good.

    Another class of frigates with two subclasses. The first ones are called scouts– thanks to special masking components, it is impossible for other players to see them in stealth mode. The downside of ships is the minimum amount of weapons, which is the main condition for PVP. But thanks to scanners, it is important to use scouts to search for wormholes and anomalies.

    Second subclass - bombers online universe Eve. Stealth technology combined with rocket launchers makes them one of the most formidable opponents in the game. Bomb battleships or “cut out” an entire enemy fleet - for such tasks it is enough to have 2-3 bombers with a full supply in the combat compartments.

    Electonic Attack Ships.

    The last of the class of frigates in Eve online with the level of technological characteristics T2. Specialization - jamming enemy sensors and combating electronic attacks. Due to their very low protection, they are used very rarely in mass battles - they are replaced by more massive analogues of the same level.

    Something between a cruiser and a frigate. Disadvantage – they combine the disadvantages of both classes. The large dimensions of the ship affect mobility in space in the online universe of Eve, which means that these spaceships are practically of no use in combat operations. They cope well only with frigates, in other cases they are cannon fodder.

    Some of the best in the world Eve online. They specialize in blocking enemy ships using braking spheres that reach 20-25 km in diameter. All spaceships that fall into the action zone do not have the ability to use supersonic speed, which makes it possible for the union forces to carry them out.

    Not a single fleet can do without this class of spacecraft. But to be a top tackler, having a ship alone will not be enough - you need tactics and a vision of the battle. In order to achieve the desired result, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

    In the hands of a noob, the forces of the union can suffer - the spheres affect absolutely all types of spaceships.

    Ships of the 1st technical level, with average indicators in terms of weapons and protection. Thanks to the reasonable price, even beginners can afford to buy such a spaceship, already on the 2-3rd day of playing Eve online. The advantages are offset by their shortcomings - the ships are not suitable for the fleet, but they are quite suitable as a pirate ship for PVP.

    Spaceships of the online Eve universe with a clear specialization - weakening the enemy. The essence of the work is to pump out energy resources and shut down engines, which is carried out thanks to electronic weapons.

    Invisibility with other bonus functions covers up weak weapons - ships are indispensable in fleets, but to use them you need to have the corresponding skills pumped to the maximum. You also cannot do this without extensive experience in driving spaceships.

    Shuttles of the 2nd level of pumping, acting as local “healers”. Any massacre in Eve online without these units of equipment is simply unimaginable. They specialize in repairing armor and restoring shields, and some have the ability to replenish the energy of allies (relevant for battleships with laser weapons and other energy-consuming spaceships).

    Heavy Assault Ships.

    Some of the strongest in the Eve online universe, who are popularly called HACKs. There are a huge number of their subclasses - some are very miniature, while others are frightening with their size and combat equipment. To control such spacecraft, the astronaut requires extreme concentration and good skills. HACs are the only ones who can stand up to fleets of battleships on equal terms.

    Heavy Interdictors.

    The specialization is the same as that of ordinary barrage ships, but thanks to thick armor and powerful resists, it is very difficult to kill such ships. Another advantage is that barrage probes operate for an unlimited amount of time, unlike their “younger brothers”, whose ceiling is only 2 minutes.

    Strategic Cruises.

    Ships of 4 game races Eve online. The level of technological progress is T3, which makes them one of the most dangerous and at the same time expensive spaceships in the game. The layout of the ship is similar to a frame on which the player independently strings the necessary components and assembles his ideal ship. Appearance and specialization changes depending on the preferences of the gamer.

    Universal ships in the online universe Eve. They have an optimal supply of armor + weapons at a level above average. Cheapness and practicality have made these spaceships the most common in the game - in the fleet they are used as the main firepower. Another plus is the controls, which do not require special skill leveling.

    Bonus ships that increase the efficiency of other spaceships by 10-20%. A must have in any fleet. The type of bonus depends on the modules that the ship is equipped with - most often these are armor and resists. Thanks to its firepower, it also performs well in PVP battles, but its high cost makes you think about the advisability of using it at all.

    The most popular ships in Eve online. They are used as the main firepower of fleets. The supply of armor and weapons is a big plus, but the dimensions of the ship affect its maneuverability, which is often used by smaller and faster ships. Driving a battleship can turn into a headache if you don't approach combat tactics wisely.

    Very powerful, but terribly expensive ships even at the first level of development technology. The price made them a rarity in the Eve online space. The only purpose for which some players buy these units of equipment are tasks and missions of large corporations.

    A subclass of battleships that have armor and firepower even higher than the 2nd level of technological development, but this is not what makes them unique units in battle. The highlight of the ship is a portal capable of moving small spaceships within 2-3 galaxies. This ability is excellent for conducting a sneak attack or ambush.

    Capital ships of the online Eve universe that transport other spaceships and equipment for them. They are an indispensable element of the fleet. The weaponry consists of drones, which is why their combat potential is below average. The dimensions do not allow travel through standard hypergates, so the carrier has its own.

    The principle of movement is similar to ships for special operations, but the range of action is many times greater - jumps with a range of 5-6 systems are not at all a problem for them. Beacons placed at the point of appearance of the carrier are used as a guide. In PVP they act as logisticians, pumping up the defense parameters of their allies.

    Capital ships of Eve online, with impressive size and above average firepower. Purpose – destruction of large vessels and POS players. Difficulty hitting small targets and poor mobility in PVP make them virtually useless. When building a fleet, it is good to place dreadnoughts together with quarries. When siege mode is enabled, ships become invulnerable for a short period of time.

    You won't find any larger ships in the online Eve universe. Ordinary ships can spend hours trying to penetrate the thick armor of this colossus, but it will be to no avail. To defeat a titan, you will need at least 2 motherships or an equivalent ship with equally strong weapons.

Titans have two key features that make them indispensable in both PVE and PVP:

  • The first is the presence of a portal for hyperjumps, capable of transporting ships of any size to dozens of systems.
  • The second is your own mobile base, which the player ends up with after death, which strengthens the fleet many times over.

All options considered relate to the combat type of ships. Most of them require leveling up thematic skills, but you won’t be able to learn everything at once - in Eve online you can learn no more than one skill at a time.

Considering the fact that training 4-5 levels of some of them can take up to 2 months, you should be extremely careful in prioritizing the selection of ships for your hangar.

3. Peaceful ships Eve online

Eve online ships are not only military, but also peaceful. Not everyone likes combat, although the essence of this game is in cosmetic battles.

A beginner, regardless of his desires, will have to devote a remarkable amount of time to civilian tasks, as a result of which he will receive currency with resources for purchasing and upgrading his garage of ships.

In Eve online, peaceful ships are divided into the following classes:

    Industrial ships.

    Used to transport valuable cargo within and outside of systems. Level of technical development is 1, but there are also more advanced brothers of the 3rd level. T2 cargo ships have increased breakthrough performance and the ability to invisibility, which makes them indispensable in areas of the online Eve universe with zero or lower security levels.

    Titans of the industrial world Eve online. The sole purpose of such vessels is to transport large volumes of cargo. They have no protection or weapons, so they work only in safe areas of space. In dangerous locations they are accompanied by entire fleets of warships, thereby reminiscent of caravans in the desert.

    Jump Freighters.

    Jumping between systems is the specialty of these spaceships. Thanks to hyperdrives, the use of such transporters in “null” systems is a priority - avoiding unexpected raids and ambushes becomes much easier. Cost is the main disadvantage of ships. Only the richest Eve online players can afford to have such a ship in their hangar.

    Purely industrial ships, the main task of which is the extraction of minerals. Special electronic equipment + voluminous cargo compartments are ideal for mining ore from asteroids and other cosmic bodies. Defense is the weak point of ships. They can merge even when attacked by the weakest combat ship.

    Almost an analogue of mining barges, but a large reserve of armor makes them a more acceptable option for working in “zero” zones. In addition to ore, they can mine ice, which makes them more versatile compared to other industrial ships in Eve online.

    The industrial component is an integral part of life in the online Eve universe. Even fans of combat will have to devote a considerable amount of time to farming. The only exceptions will be those who will be able to compensate for the costs of ship repairs using bonuses from the battles.

    4. Features of faction ships in Eve online

    There are 4 main factions in the game, the character of which the player can choose. Each of them has ethnic groups with their own skills needed to access certain Eve online ships.

    Unlike basic models, racial ships have the 3rd level of technological development (T3) and provide the user with the opportunity to fine-tune system modules to suit their taste. They are distinguished by their high cost, which makes them rare in outer space, especially for locations with zero or lower security levels.

    Let's now look at each type of racial ship in more detail.

    Faction No. 1.

    Ships of the Amarr Empire

    The backbone of the Amarr fleet is their energy weapons, which they mount on everything that moves. Choosing this approach to equipment has both its advantages and disadvantages.

    Saving space in the holds, due to the lack of ammunition in the compartments, is a clear plus, but salvos use energy from capacitors, which means that the ships' flight range is significantly reduced.

    In addition to laser systems, there are so-called drones. Their use is beneficial only in cases where the Eve online pilot knows his business. After all, controlling a drone and a spacecraft at the same time is not an easy task even for an experienced astronaut.

    Protective functionality is provided by thick armor, as well as built-in and external repair systems. In terms of speed, the ships of the Amarr Empire are some of the slowest in the Eve online universe, so for a newbie, controlling such ships can cause problems.

    They are best used by gamers who want to understand the game mechanics of spaceship behavior at the very beginning of their journey in the game.

    Faction No. 2.

    Minmatar Republic ships

    The Minmatar decided to follow the well-trodden path. Firearms are the fundamental firepower of the race, but only particularly large calibers are preferred. As an auxiliary element, the race's ships also use missile launchers that came to them from the Caldari faction.

    The main advantage of the race's ships is speed. Minmatar shuttles are the fastest in the Eve online universe. In addition to their ability to move in space, they have good armor and shields with high absorption of incoming damage.

    The tactics of the country's fleets are targeted strikes on the enemy and instantly hiding from sight + inflicting maximum damage figures in short periods of time. – the weakness of Minmatar ships, therefore it is better to try to avoid such outcomes in every possible way.

    Faction No. 3.

    In terms of protection, Gallente ships are the most versatile in the online Eve universe, as they combine armor and good energy shields. In terms of speed, the Minmatar are slightly worse, and in terms of energy protection, they are just a little behind the Caldari.

    Externally, the ships of the faction are a work of art - even here the race was able to realize its craving for beauty.

    EVE Online. About ship classes.

    Which ship is better? Game Review.

    Faction No. 4.

    Caldari State ships

    Priority in equipment is given to missiles and energy shields of particularly high strength. Next come installations with hybrid weapons - blasters and turrets. The ships of the race are the easiest to control among Eve online analogues. The speed is not so high, but its lack is more than compensated for by the best defense in the universe.

    Caldari ships are the best choice for newcomers to the online Eve universe. Shields will absorb incoming damage for a long time, and missiles are much easier to control than other types of weapons in the game.

    According to statistics, ships of this race are the most popular among factions.

    There are two more races in the game - the Jovians and the Sleepers, but the ships of these factions are not available to ordinary Eve online players. If the Jovian race are game moderators and other influential persons in the game, then the sleepers are NPCs, with whose ships you will have clashes more than once in the anomalous zones of New Eden.

So we’ve figured out what types of Eve online ships there are. Choosing a vessel is a very important step for the player. Although your hangar has no restrictions, you should understand that it can take more than one month to upgrade one spaceship, especially for ships of the 2nd and 3rd levels of technological development.

3.1 What types of ships are available to players?

Ships play an important role in EVE. There are 6 main classes: frigates, cruisers, industrials, battleships, titans and shuttles. Each class has its own unique characteristics, although there is significant variation within each.

More information about ship types and their specifications can be found in the Ship Database.

3.2 How are ships configured?

The initial classes of player ships - frigates and cruisers - are the most customizable. Their purpose can vary from purely combat to industrial (transportation, ore mining, research) or technical (electronic warfare, scanning, probe launching), and there are also combined options. It all depends on the skills of the character controlling the ship and how he equips the ship. All ships are equipped with weapons and other devices along with a power source, but individual models have different strengths and weaknesses.

Industrial ships can also be customized, but primarily serve as cargo ships, mining ships, and exploration ships. Their limited maneuverability and combat capabilities prevent them from being good warships.

Players have the ability to name ships, making it easier to distinguish one ship from another in a fleet.

3.3 How many ships can I have?

A character can have as many ships as he likes, but he can only pilot one at a time. All other ships must be in hangars.

3.4 Can multiple players own the same ship?

No, you can transfer ships to other players if they can fly them, but a ship can only have one owner at a time.

3.5 Am I limited to only ships of my race?

There are no racial restrictions on ships. Although each ship was invented by a specific race, anyone with the right skills can pilot it without penalties or restrictions.

3.6 Ships are expensive. What can I do to protect my investment?

Insurance is available for all ships and can be purchased at most space stations. Insurance with large premiums will result in large payouts if the ship is destroyed. The more expensive the ship, the more expensive the insurance. The value of equipment and cargo is not covered by insurance and will not be taken into account when calculating the insurance payment.

In the EVE Online universe, a huge range of spaceships awaits pilots. EVE Online ships vary greatly in size and purpose - from agile frigates to giant titans. Each of the game races in EVE Online has a fleet of all the main classes of ships, while maintaining racial specializations and weapons.

Spaceships in EVE Online are necessary for all types of activities - battles, mining valuable ores, transporting goods, and even hacking the technologies of disappeared civilizations. In EVE Online, spaceships are tools of creation and destruction, thanks to which capsule pilots can solve certain problems and achieve their goals.

Attention Register in EVE Online to be able to try this masterpiece of digital culture today. Additional experience points for your character will get you off to a good start in your career in space!

Overview of models and actual sizes of ships in EVE Online

Comparison of the sizes of all ships in EVE Online with real objects

Gallente Federation ships in EVE Online

Gallente Federation ships primarily specialize in the use of drones, which are at best secondary weapons for other empires.

Ships of the Caldari State in EVE Online

Caldari ships are significantly better able to use energy shields as the basis of defense and are much better at using missiles as their main weapon.

Ships of the Minmatar Republic in EVE Online

Minmatar Republic ships in EVE Online typically embody speed and firepower, combining lightweight hull construction with firearms.

In the EVE Online universe, a huge range of spaceships awaits pilots. EVE Online ships vary greatly in size and purpose - from agile frigates to giant titans. Each of the game races in EVE Online has a fleet of all the main classes of ships, while maintaining racial specializations and weapons.

Spaceships in EVE Online are necessary for all types of activities - battles, mining valuable ores, transporting goods, and even hacking the technologies of disappeared civilizations. In EVE Online, spaceships are tools of creation and destruction, thanks to which capsule pilots can solve certain problems and achieve their goals.

Attention Register in EVE Online to be able to try this masterpiece of digital culture today. Additional experience points for your character will get you off to a good start in your career in space!

Overview of models and actual sizes of ships in EVE Online

Comparison of the sizes of all ships in EVE Online with real objects

Gallente Federation ships in EVE Online

Gallente Federation ships primarily specialize in the use of drones, which are at best secondary weapons for other empires.

Ships of the Caldari State in EVE Online

Caldari ships are significantly better able to use energy shields as the basis of defense and are much better at using missiles as their main weapon.

Ships of the Minmatar Republic in EVE Online

Minmatar Republic ships in EVE Online typically embody speed and firepower, combining lightweight hull construction with firearms.

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