Stages and methodology of goal setting. Goal setting and activity planning step by step Goal setting scheme

Until recently, one of the most frequently cited rules of life was the statement of N. Ostrovsky: “Life... must be lived in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for aimlessly (emphasis added by Z.N.) years lived.” Let's think about it: not “to no avail”, but “aimlessly” lived.

Target- this is a conscious anticipation, expressed in words, of the future result of activity.

In the pedagogical literature there are various definitions of goal:

a) the goal is an element of the educational process; system-forming factor;

b) the goal is a criterion for the effectiveness of the pedagogical system;

c) the goal is what the teacher and the higher educational institution as a whole strives for.

There is no point in designing a “good learning experience” with “good content” if the end goal is not clearly defined. Therefore they say that The purpose of training performs a system-forming function of pedagogical activity, since the choice of content, methods, and means of education depends on its definition.

The types of pedagogical goals are diverse. You can select normative state goals of education, public goals, initiative goals of teachers themselves.

Normative government goals- these are the most general goals defined in government documents and state education standards.

There are parallel public purposes- goals of various segments of society, reflecting their needs, interests and requests for professional training. For example, specific goals include those of the employer. Teachers take these requests into account when creating different types of specializations and different teaching concepts.

Initiative goals- these are immediate goals developed by practicing teachers and their students themselves, taking into account the type of educational institution, specialization profile and academic subject, taking into account the level of development of students, and the preparedness of teachers.

Education will only be effective when it satisfies not the need for knowledge, but the need to make discoveries. The teacher's task is to help the student make these discoveries. In this context, the statement about meaning of the purpose of education, consisting in replace an empty mind with an open mind.

The traditional “knowledge-based” (enlightenment) model of education, not meeting the demands of the modern socio-cultural environment, has exhausted itself. However, the question arises: which paradigm to choose for new goals and goal setting in education?

Many humanities scientists believe that, in accordance with the new guidelines, the educational goal should be aimed at creating an image of culture and its creator - a man of culture. Undoubtedly, the cultural paradigm is one of the most relevant paradigms for the implementation of modern goals and goal setting in the organization of the education system in the 21st century.

And now in more detail about the essence and meaning of the concept of “goal setting”.

In its most general sense, goal setting - this is a practical understanding of one’s activities, this is setting goals and achieving them. Changes for the better in the life of each person depend on his own actions. Goal setting helps determine the success of these actions, formulate basic life goals, set priorities and increases a person’s personal success.

The modern rhythm of life brings a lot of confusion into human life, so sometimes it seems that it looks like chaos. Many people want to streamline their life and work. Psychologists believe that this is quite possible if you set goals and plan activities correctly, that is, learn the function of goal setting.

Goal setting in psychology

It is not difficult to understand what goal setting is, since each individual at one time or another faces the choice of a goal and the search for ways to achieve it. However, for some people this is a difficult task due to a lack of knowledge or some effort required. Therefore, not everyone can cope with it; it is much easier to let your life take its course.

Important! Psychologists say: if an individual wants to achieve something significant in his destiny, he must definitely learn to plan his life.

To do this, you need to understand what the goal-setting process involves. Such actions are useful for everyone, as they help not only to organize the environment around them, but also to constantly live in a comfort zone. For example, you can not suffer from nervousness about the lack of time for important things, do a lot of things and achieve good results.

The big problem in goal setting is to find the right criterion by which to navigate such an important question as “how valuable is the choice of a particular task”? It is this that is the basis of goal setting. The difficulty is that the criteria, unlike goals, are not on the surface; a person may not immediately understand them.

Advice. The selection criterion can be correctly determined if the individual answers the question “what is most important in his life?”

Goal setting process

When explaining to clients what the basics of goal setting specifically for them include, psychologists take into account: everyone has their own style of being. For example, one adapts to the surrounding conditions, while the other goes through life purposefully. Both life models have the right to exist, but in both cases it is better to adhere to the algorithm:

  1. Determine your main values, record key areas in writing using the 7+2 formula (for example, abilities, inner world, professionalism and others + two that are not so important, but create the comfort of life: a good car, travel);
  2. Be sure to write down goals in accordance with your values. They should be the most significant at the moment, so there should not be many of them;

  1. Find the most accessible methods of achieving them, for example, for self-development - enroll in certain courses, to improve professionalism - get a second education, to improve your health - do yoga.

For your information. In psychology, goal setting is a creative process, which is especially important for organizations. It is believed, for example, that the more plans an organization’s personnel have, the more global they are, the more creativity needs to be brought into their implementation.

Therefore, it is important for a manager to know the main psychological aspects of successful goal setting, for example, the following:

  • Each goal that is set for the staff involves, among other things, the solution of human needs, for example, for one employee it is the desire for a career, for another it is the desire to earn a lot, the third strives for recognition, therefore it is more effective to motivate staff for success in accordance with human needs;
  • Even the most ideal planning can contain errors, since some unaccounted facts always arise. This could be the human factor, natural disasters, financial problems, so everything is initially conditional;
  • You must be prepared to change your plan of action, taking into account that the closer you are to the goal, the more strength (moral, material, physical) is needed to carry out the target activity.

The relationship between goals and goal setting

If you need to build your activities on the principle of purposefulness, then goal setting allows you to determine the main tasks and set priorities. This is possible subject to the following rules:

  1. Any goal, public or personal, must be clear and precise. This will allow you to implement it faster. Vague and unclear are either too global or inflated plans that may never come true.
  2. It is best for an individual who lives in society to combine social (common to everyone) goals and personal goals that are directly significant to him. Professional activity, which is important for many, develops more effectively when there is an interest in achieving common goals, in addition to one’s personal ones.

For your information. There is often a situation when it is difficult to immediately formulate a goal, both for yourself personally and for the organization. Experts give good psychological advice: a task outlined in detail has a greater chance of being implemented, since the subconscious mind is involved in active work and is visualized for success.

Considering that goal setting in psychology is the interconnection of all components of the process, a positive attitude, a specific task, exact deadlines, and presentation of the result are important.

How to set goals correctly

In psychology, a goal is a reflection of the intended result. In order to successfully reach it, it is necessary to take into account what it should be characterized by. Therefore, experts talk about certain principles of goal setting:

  • A person must be truly interested in achieving something;
  • The goal should be such that it can be divided into specific tasks that are easier to cope with;
  • To achieve a result, it is necessary to have resources (physical, material, moral, etc.);
  • Mandatory establishment of time frames for intermediate tasks;
  • The need for a clearly formulated and specific idea of ​​the final result.

Planning and goal setting

A successful outcome requires planning of action. Therefore, goal setting and planning are two interrelated processes. For example, psychologists believe that drawing up a calendar plan is the first step towards implementing target activities. Among other things, it has an educational effect, as it keeps a person within limits. Mainthe result will be positive only if the steps are followed clearly step by step:

  1. Setting a goal must be in writing, since without writing it is just a dream;
  2. Drawing up a clear calendar action plan;
  3. Control that all actions are carried out in accordance with the plan;
  4. The main goal should always be the focus;
  5. Mandatory written documentation of how the goal is being achieved.

For your information. At the initial planning stage, it is not always possible to take into account all the nuances. It is justified if planning is initially conditional in order to then specify and clarify its intermediate stages.

Despite the difficulties, planning must be carried out, as it additionally helps:

  • concentrate attention on important points;
  • determine directions of movement;
  • eliminate doubts;
  • increase the level of motivation among staff;
  • effectively use available resources.

Goal setting technology

Experts say that there is no universal method of goal setting, since there are no universal goals. For example, ideas to increase your income can be classified as financial, but if you need to climb the career ladder to achieve it, they become professional. Therefore, what is the characteristic of the goal, so is the technology of goal setting. The main thing is the correct definition of the methodology.

The goal must be achieved; this distinguishes it from empty dreams. To check whether the task is realistic and whether it can be achieved by a person, the SMART technology is proposed:

  • S – specific;
  • M – measurable;
  • A – achievable;
  • R – result-oriented;
  • T – defined in time.

Ivy Lee Method

Ivy Lee is considered the founder of the direction of Public Relations (PR), that is, public relations. His method is considered simple and effective, therefore it is often used in management.

For your information. Lee explains in clear terms how to achieve maximum productivity in an organization. Although many are confused by such simplicity, it is psychologically understandable - people are trying to complicate their lives, so they are looking for rather complex ways to solve problems. Meanwhile, everything ingenious is simple.

Lee's technique is considered great for managing both life and organization:

  1. At the end of each day, make a list of the most important things to do for tomorrow, no more than six.
  2. Rank things in order of importance.
  3. The next morning, don’t get carried away and focus on the first important task. Until it is resolved, you should not take on the next one.
  4. The next scheduled tasks are then tackled in order of importance.
  5. If any tasks remain unresolved, they are moved to the list of important tasks for the next day.

Goal setting in psychology is the process of planning activities in the near future. There are many technologies for such a procedure, they all have common recommendations: the desired result must be specific, valuable for the individual, and foreseeable over time.


Goal setting is the selection of either one or several goals with the determination of parameters of permissible deviations to control the process of implementing ideas. Often, of course, as a practical awareness of one’s own activities by an individual from the position of setting goals and their implementation (achievement) by more profitable means, as the best control over a temporary resource determined by the activities of subjects.

Goal setting is a kind of primary stage of management, which involves setting a main goal or set of goals that correspond to the purpose, strategic instructions (strategic goal setting) and the nature of the tasks that need to be resolved.

Goal setting process

The concept of goal setting is used to name short training sessions that study planning systems, methods of managing time resources, the result of which will be the achievement of: the ability to plan working time, taking into account the immediate (distant) prospects and the importance of the tasks; ability to identify optimal solutions; the ability to competently set goals and implement them.

The process of goal setting is the starting point in any individual activity, since there simply is no goal outside of activity. The principles of goal setting are used in almost all areas of activity.

There are 10 essential aspects of the goal-setting process.

1. Unconscious needs underlie any activity. A need is an objective need for something. Often needs are imposed on subjects, that is, they exist independently of the will of the individual. For example, a person must breathe, drink and eat in order to live. As a basis, we can take Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – from lowest to highest.

2. Usually a conscious need is the motive. However, since an individual in the process of life experiences many different needs, the subject’s unified motivational system is defined as quite complex, contradictory and partially conscious. In psychology there is a phenomenon called the struggle of motives. This means that motives have a hierarchical system of significance and compete with each other. The most significant or winning motive is considered to be the goal. The components of the motivational process are motivations, that is, conscious arguments that prove and explain the significance of the motive.

3. A goal is an objectified desire, that is, an individual’s understanding of what he wants. This is an impeccable image that distorts reality. As an ideal image, it is a rather complex complex formation, which consists of formulations, arguments, forecasts and expectations, fantasies, guesses, etc. Today, the goal is of course a conscious and rational phenomenon, but it is impossible not to take into account the emotional and figurative roots that influence the way in which it will be realized.

4. Internal potential prediction mechanisms are used to select a target. An event with a higher degree of subjective probability is often selected for production.

5. The real result with the goal as an internal image and the subjective prediction always diverge.

6. The image of the process of achieving the goal and the idea of ​​the resources expended are always included in the image of the goal. Planning is a conscious analysis (clarification) and written recording of the steps to achieve a goal and the required resources.

7. Ideas about the processes taking place and the resources expended for implementation will always diverge from what is available in reality. Even the most ideal planning contains some errors that have to be corrected during the process.

8. The more vividly and clearly the goal is realized and presented, the more intense the motivational processes for achieving it, as well as the greater the activity in achieving the result.

9. The more intense the motivation at the beginning, the more the subjective potency of the goal will be distorted.

10. In psychology, there is a fairly well-known law of motivation called the goal gradient. It lies in the fact that the closer an individual comes to the result, the more intense the strength of motivation, as well as the activity of the activity.

The goal-setting process is quite lengthy and complex. Its complexity lies in the need to transform unconscious desires into a clearly and clearly formulated goal, in building in the mind a plan of necessary actions and resources to achieve a result. And the duration of goal setting is determined by the fact that it does not end only with the choice of a goal at the beginning of the activity. In the course of activity, many inconsistencies appear between the image and the existing results.

The basics of goal setting are the key to realizing desires and ideas.

Goals and goal setting

A goal is what a person strives to achieve, an object of aspiration, a desired outcome, something that is desirable to realize, but not necessarily achievable.

A goal in philosophy means a vision that an individual seeks to realize. It seems to be a product of conscious activity and will, a subjective form of volitional motivation, however, similarly to internal mental phenomena, the concept of goal is transferred to the external objective world.

A goal is an ideal internal anticipation of the results of an activity and the possibilities of achieving it using certain means. So, the goal is interconnected with the aspirations and desires of the individual, with intentions, with ideas of the future, with consciousness and will. That is, it is the basis for any action, deed, and will also be its final result.

Goals are ranked at three levels:

  • The first level is the operational goal. These are momentary, mundane goals that are subordinate to tactics. They are quite rarely defined by themselves; rather, they are a specification of actions in achieving tactical goals.
  • The second level is tactical goals. They are out of strategic guidelines. Tactical goals specify components such as their value. They are, in essence, steps and tasks that are aimed at achieving strategic goals.
  • The third level is strategic goals. They are the most significant among other life goals. They determine the path of progress in life for a person, a group of people or an organization as a whole. The life of an individual in all its manifestations and life steps is determined by strategic goals. They are the guiding factor of any activity.

The nature of personality formation and its variability reflect the properties of goals. These include: depth, their consistency, plasticity, correctness.

The depth of goals lies in their influence on different areas of life and the level of such influence. This property characterizes strategic goals. The degree of interconnectedness and influence on other goals is determined by such a property as consistency.

Over time, any goals undergo transformations - plasticity is responsible for this. Due to the fact that values ​​are formed gradually, strategic goals also undergo changes.

The consistency between tactical goals and strategic value-goals is determined by such a property as the correctness of goals. The main characteristic feature of goals is their individuality. Even if they are called the same, each person has certain personal values ​​and subjective meanings behind his goals.

Goal setting is the process of setting goals. This process is a kind of creativity. And the higher the level of the goal, the more creative the process will be. At the operational and slightly at the tactical levels, the process of goal setting is more associated with analytical thinking and logic, while at the strategic level it is associated with creativity and synthetic thinking.

In order for the goal-setting process to be successful, an individual must know himself well, his leading motives and values, must be creative and strong-willed, and have a good imagination. Structured thinking and logic also play a huge role.

In a general sense, goal setting is a skill that can be trained with appropriate practice.

The meaning of goal setting is the manifestation of the existential essence of the individual, i.e. it is a process of actively producing reality. This is one of the basic needs of the individual. Goal setting is aimed at increasing energy levels. This is a powerful self-motivating factor. Goal setting minimizes or completely removes the level of anxiety and reduces uncertainty.

But refusal to set goals can be associated with intrapersonal conflicts, with fears that are caused by the experience of setting goals without achieving them, with a lack of information about personal potential, resources for their movement and achievement.

The principles of goal setting and developing the structure of goals lie in consistency and interconnection.

Planning and goal setting

The most important things for an individual who strives to achieve success in life are planning and goal setting. After all, achieving a goal means winning. Successful subjects win, unsuccessful ones try to win. This is the significant difference between purposeful and non-purposeful actions. First of all, goal setting is a goal that needs to be achieved. It follows from needs, acquires motivation, and then work directly on achievement occurs.

The need for goal setting and the formation of plans for the implementation of such goal setting is a basic need of the individual that distinguishes humans and society from animals.

An individual’s happiness and satisfaction with life depend on competent goal setting.

Luck is a process characterized by a pattern, and it begins with making a plan. Success can be achieved much faster if there is a strategic plan. In personal strategic planning, goal setting reveals its potential most fully.

Strategic subjective planning contributes to:

  • determining the most important directions, finding the purpose and meaning of life;
  • making positive decisions and improving the future;
  • concentrating efforts on what is truly important;
  • achieving the highest results in the shortest possible time;
  • a significant increase in the level of productivity of one’s own actions;
  • enjoying greater balance, freedom and money;
  • eliminating fear, anxiety, uncertainty and doubt;
  • more effective use of your own skills and developments;
  • increasing overall peace of mind and quality of life;
  • more production, which ultimately leads to greater results.

Strategic goal setting is based on the fact that the lives of individuals cannot go according to the plan if the plan itself does not exist.

The process of goal setting is inextricably linked to the hierarchy of needs. Maslow's hierarchy of needs was created without taking into account the breakdown according to the levels of its probabilistic implementation. They themselves are expressed in general forms and only in a specific internal relationship. It follows that satisfying a need at one level can completely close the issue of this need. This means that this need will not receive any further development. The movement is directed from satisfying the needs of one level to another. That is, the satisfaction of material needs precedes the need for personal development. However, as practice shows, the satisfaction of one material need entails the emergence of other material needs, and does not necessarily give rise to the need for development.

Thus, Maslow’s pyramid can be viewed from the perspective of a dual direction of movement, i.e. satisfying the needs of one level subsequently leads to movement in two directions: satisfying the needs of the same level or satisfying the needs of the next level.

It is this two-way movement that is at the core of goal setting - establishing what needs to be done and planning.

In this case, goal setting implies the implementation of two tasks. The first is to close the current level of the pyramid and move to the next higher level. The second is to move to a need located at a similar level of the next pyramid.

The same situation is with planning: what should be done to move to the next level, and what actions need to be performed in order to move to the same level of the next pyramid.

Strategic planning is a systematic, consistent and logical process that is based on rational (reasonable) thinking. Along with this, it also represents the art of forecasting, choosing alternative solutions and research.

Generalized goal setting, depending on the levels of the pyramid, involves clarification by a certain person of his own tasks at the corresponding levels. For goal setting, the specification of individual actions and movement planning are implemented.

Lesson in Goal Setting

In scientific works, the most widespread definitions of goals are: the anticipated outcome of an activity, an objective reflection of the future, an individual image of what is desired, which is ahead of the reflection of circumstances in the mind of the individual.

In education, a goal means an anticipated result, i.e. an educational product that must be real and concrete.

Goal setting today is the problem of a modern lesson. The basics of goal setting are the most important element in achieving successful activities. After all, both the ways to achieve them and the final outcomes depend on how well the goals are formulated and specified.

The essence of the problem lies in the substitution of goals, a formal approach, inflated goals, and teachers setting their own goals.

The substitution of goals lies in the fact that teachers often feel moral satisfaction from what students do in class, and not from the results of the lesson. There is a replacement of learning goals with means of achievement.

The formal approach lies in the vagueness and uncertainty of the goals formulated by the teacher, which leads to a misunderstanding of these goals by students and the teacher himself.

Inflated goals can be global or local depending on their scale. Usually, in a lesson, a global goal is set, which cannot be achieved in one lesson. A goal associated with a specific lesson is called a local goal.

Setting personal goals by teachers leads to the fact that students do not set goals on their own, as a result of which they become bored in the lesson.

Goal setting in pedagogy implies the process of discovering the tasks and goals of the subjects of educational activity (students and teachers), disclosing them to each other, coordinating and achieving them.

A goal is what one strives for, what needs to be realized. The lessons set educational, personality-building, and nurturing goals. They must be diagnosable (i.e., verifiable using certain means), specific, understandable, conscious, describing the desired result, real, motivating, and accurate.

It follows that the goal of the lesson is its outcome, which is planned to be achieved through the use of didactic, methodological and psychological techniques.

Educational goals include students’ acquisition of knowledge, practical skills and abilities.

Educational goals contribute to the development of a positive attitude towards the knowledge system and the learning process itself, the formation of beliefs, ideas, positions, personality traits and qualities, self-esteem, independence, and the acquisition of experience of normal behavior in any society.

Developmental goals (formative) contribute to the formation of special and educational skills, improvement of thought processes, the formation of the emotional sphere, dialogue, monologue, communicative culture, the implementation of self-esteem and self-control, and in general the development and formation of the individual’s personality.

Organization of goal setting

Today, one of the most important problems of current society is the problem of personal formation. That is, the development of a personality that is not only capable of surviving in rapidly transforming economic and social circumstances, but also actively influencing the existing reality. The main place among the description of the properties of such a person is occupied by a rather relevant ability, which consists in independently setting goals and achieving them through the use of the most acceptable and adequate means. However, along with this, the problem of mechanisms and factors for the formation of goal setting in the processes of ontogenetic development of personality in psychological science has practically not been worked out.

What is certain is that an individual is not immediately born with a ready-made ability for individual goal setting. In the process of subjective development, the formation of goal setting goes through a number of specific stages. The baby has great potential, but does not know how to do anything. Only in the first year of life does he begin to master his body and develop hand movements through manipulations with various objects. And at this time, the adult, helping to carry out such manipulations, acts as a partner for the baby in general activities.

By the end of the first year of life, children begin to develop goal-oriented actions and develop the ability to find and use certain means to achieve results. That is, children’s objective actions become aimed at obtaining some desired result. As individual experience accumulates, objective actions begin to become more complex, built one after another. The motive for such activity belongs to the child, but the goal belongs to the adult.

The development of goal setting is due to the special role of adults as the child’s partners in collective activities, which provides all the necessary conditions for the formation of his probable capabilities.

Today, various methods, techniques and methods have been developed that develop goal-setting abilities and help to isolate the true goal from all the “wants”.

Goal setting training is aimed at developing the skills of setting goals in various areas of life, assisting in understanding the choice of fundamental goals and identifying ways to implement them, technology, principles and development of goal setting in general. Goal setting training teaches the rules for formulating goals, SMART technologies, helps set priorities using situational analysis, etc.

Goal-setting methods and goal-setting techniques allow you to create effective motivation and good internal states to move in the right direction and meet the needs of the individual.

Goal setting technology

So often the question of why individuals do not achieve their goals is intertwined with another - why, instead of the expected result, they get a completely different one. The goal-setting methods that exist today examine mainly the technology for achieving goals, without paying the necessary attention to the main issues: under what circumstances will the value of the formulated goal be maintained, how correctly it should be formulated, how to understand the consistency of the possibilities that are available and set goal.

The technology of goal setting lies in the understanding that goals differ from dreams and desires in that they contain an image of the desired future combined with a focus on activity to achieve such a future. Goals presuppose personal efforts, risks, will, however, in addition to this, they also calculate the potential for achieving them. The main mistake in achieving the goals formed is the insufficient assessment of available resources.

A truly successful and fortunate subject must master the ability to competently set goals. Knowing the purpose of your own life, you can begin to set short-term goals, for example, for a month, a year or three years.

The SMART methodology is designed to help formulate them correctly. Today it is considered the most effective among other methods.

So, goals must have the following characteristics: specificity; measurable; reachability (Achivable); Result-oriented; relationship with a certain period, temporary resource (Timed).

Concreteness (certainty) lies in the clarity of the wording. It must be clearly expressed. Otherwise, there is a possibility of achieving an end result that is significantly different from what was planned. The accuracy of expressions determines the clarity of actions. And this, in turn, is an indispensable condition for their correct execution.

Measurability is the impossibility of tracking the achievement of a result if there are no specific measurable parameters.

The achievability of goals lies in the fact that they are used as an incentive to solve any problems, therefore, to further move forward thanks to the achievement of success. When formulating goals, you should definitely take into account that under no circumstances should it lead to an increase in stressful situations in your own life. It is necessary to formulate relatively complex goals that involve effort, but it must be taken into account that they must be achievable.

Goals should be characterized based on the result, not the work done. When setting goals in this way, the most effective result is achieved. For example, you can define and express the goal that an individual comes to work an hour earlier, but if you do not define the expected result of such an action, then the extra hour can be spent simply drinking coffee with co-workers and chatting.

Absolutely any goals must be correlated with a specific time frame for achievement. This means that the goal as a real category must be feasible in a specific time dimension.

For example, “to build a house” is an illiterately formulated goal, but “to build a house by the end of this year” is a more competent formulation, if by the end of the year the house is not built, therefore, the goal remains unfulfilled, that is, not realized.

Also, perseverance, luck and the use of techniques of visualization and materialization of thoughts help in achieving goals.

Mastering the art of competent goal setting is quite important, but it is not fundamental in obtaining the desired result. To achieve your goals, an important factor is that you should not put off their implementation until tomorrow, next month or next year. Everything needs to be done today according to plan. In addition to correctly formulating goals, you need to regularly analyze and record all your achievements. After all, tracking results is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and creativity for new deeds and victories.

A goal is a conscious anticipation, expressed in words, of the future result of pedagogical activity. A goal is also understood as a formal description of the final state given to any system.

In the pedagogical literature there are various definitions of goal:

a) the goal is an element of the educational process; system-forming factor;

b) goal (through goal setting) is a stage of managerial activity (self-government) of the teacher and student;

c) the goal is a criterion for the effectiveness of the system, process and management of education as a whole;

d) the goal is what the teacher and the educational institution as a whole strives for.

Teachers are responsible for the correctness, timeliness and relevance of the goal. An incorrectly set goal is the cause of many failures and mistakes in teaching work. The effectiveness of activities is assessed primarily from the point of view of the set goal, so it is very important to correctly define it.

In the educational process, not only the goal itself is important, but also how it is determined and developed. In this case, it is necessary to talk about goal-setting, the goal-setting activity of the teacher. The goal becomes the driving force of the educational process if it is significant for all participants in this process.

cess, appropriated by them. The latter is achieved as a result of pedagogically organized goal setting.

In pedagogical science, goal setting is characterized as a three-component education, which includes:

a) justification and setting of goals; b) determining ways to achieve them; c) designing the expected result.

Goal setting is a continuous process. The non-identity of the goal and the actually achieved result become the basis for rethinking, returning to what was, searching for unrealized opportunities from the perspective of the outcome and prospects for the development of the pedagogical process. This leads to constant and endless goal setting.

The nature of the joint activities of teachers and students, the type of their interaction (cooperation or suppression), and the position of children and adults, which is manifested in further work, depends on how goal setting is carried out.

Goal setting can be successful if it is carried out taking into account the following requirements.

1) Diagnosticity, i.e. putting forward, justifying and adjusting goals based on a constant study of the needs and capabilities of participants in the pedagogical process, as well as the conditions of educational work.

Scheme 3

2) Reality, i.e. putting forward and justifying goals taking into account the possibilities of a particular situation. It is necessary to correlate the desired goal and projected results with real conditions.

3) Continuity, which means: a) the implementation of connections between all goals and objectives in the educational process (private and general, individual and group, etc.);

b) putting forward and justifying goals at each stage of teaching activity.

4) Identification of goals, which is achieved through the involvement of all participants in the goal-setting process.

5) Focus on results, “measuring” the results of achieving a goal, which is possible if the goals of education are clearly and specifically defined.

The study shows that if goal-setting activity is organized and permeates the entire pedagogical process, then children develop the need for independent goal-setting at the level of group and individual activity. Schoolchildren acquire such important qualities as determination, responsibility, efficiency, and they develop predictive skills.


It should be noted that it is impossible to get by with revolutionary goal setting alone; you cannot assume a reorganization of the company every time you set goals, because this implies a suspension of activities, certain costs, and a fairly long period of formation of a new culture and a new organizational order. For effective purposeful activities in the production and sale of products, “balance, stability, integrity established by management” are necessary. “The basis of any organization is the day-to-day production activities that require the direct participation of administrative leaders,” rather than revolutionary leaders. While revolutionary changes are “periods of significant disorder in organizational life,” and only a recognized leader can lead them.

Organizations develop cyclically: evolution - revolution, “evolution often prepares a revolution, leads to it and ends with it, and a revolution, on the contrary, is replaced by new evolutionary changes. The mechanism that is the impetus for the change from evolution to revolution can be called a development crisis.”

At the same time, the revolution itself is a crisis that must be resolved and overcome.

Thus, the goal-setting system includes both smooth, stable evolutionary goal-setting, and spasmodic, problematic and crisis, revolutionary goal-setting. The achievement of a socio-economic goal with evolutionary goal setting is ensured by the fact that it exceeds previously obtained indicators by only a few percent, and to achieve it, a small constant improvement is sufficient, reserves for which are almost always available. The achievement of a socio-economic goal with revolutionary goal setting is ensured by the fact that a preliminary analysis of the organization’s potential is carried out, the necessary funds are found, and the strategy and structure of the organization are determined.

It is this approach that allows us to resolve the problem of what is primary - a goal or an action, posed by Hegel. The goal is primary if the evolutionary development of the organization is possible, and, conversely, the activity is primary (search behavior according to Alexei Leontiev), when the possibility of significantly increasing the organization’s results or maintaining them in the face of emerging problems and crises is identified.

Thus, we can give the following definition of the company’s goal: the socio-economic goal of the organization is one of the first and main elements that characterizes the anticipation in thinking of the most effective ways and means of activity that ensure the maximum achievable socio-economic results of the organization. When these paths are discovered, the goal includes making the necessary changes to realize the new vision, the intended maximum achievable result provided by these changes is the new socio-economic goal of the organization (revolutionary goal setting). If such a new vision is absent, then a goal is set “from what has been achieved”, implying constant improvement (evolutionary goal setting). This is the only way to most effectively solve the problem of Hegel’s goal setting.

In this regard, the method of revolutionary goal setting allows one to start not from goals, but from changes, to proceed from the vision and paradigm “as is” (or even from the original paradigm of the owner), from which, through modeling, one can move to the paradigm “as it should be.” We call this technique VPM (vision - paradigm - model). When modeling the “as it should be” paradigm according to the criterion of maximum achievable goals, we get:

  • projects of organizational and scientific-technical development of the organization;
  • plans for production and sales of products after the implementation of these projects (revolutionary changes);
  • maximum achievable goals of the organization.

The proposed methodology is described in detail in our article “Goal setting and strategic management of organizational development.” The statement that “the strategy for achieving the final goal follows from the goal itself as a result of its decomposition” applies only to evolutionary goal setting.

The evolutionary tree of goals comes from a fixed specific socio-economic goal “from what has been achieved,” which allows for fairly clear control over the goal-setting processes. The revolutionary goal tree is based on a fictitious development goal that has no specific value. Accordingly, revolutionary goal setting cannot have any formal control and shows only the formal side. The informal side is determined: firstly, by the fact that goals are set by people, not organizations; and secondly, by the fact that no leader is able to effectively set new goals alone.


Reviews, comments and questions about the article:
"Goal setting, strategy and structure in modern management"
04.06.2018 19:09 Dmitriy

"... a system of key provisions,"
what are these provisions?

04.06.2018 19:37 Consultant Mikhail Zhemchugov, Ph.D.

Quote from the article: “Vision... This is a huge array of subjective heterogeneous unstructured information that cannot be used as a specific goal. This problem can be eliminated if you use not the vision of the organization itself, but a limited and structured, necessary and sufficient system of key provisions that define and formal and informal organization, and management system, all activities of the company, the socio-economic results achieved by it."
In short, the system of key provisions is that necessary and sufficient system of briefly stated essential provisions that determine both the activities of the enterprise and its results. It is only necessary to formulate this system for a specific enterprise.

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