Epistola - letter to Henry II M. Nostradamus

Appendix II

Letter to Henry II

Invincible, most powerful

and the most Christian king of France

Henry II

from Michel Nostradamus,

his humble and loyal servant,

wishes for victory and happiness.

Important reasons prompted me to turn to you, Your Majesty. My face remained gloomy until I decided to appear before You, O most Christian and invincible of kings, being confident that Your power is immeasurable. I had a presentiment of how dazzling this audience would be. Blessed be the day when I can appear before Your Majesty. I am confident in your philanthropy and I know that no one can compare with you in it. And in anticipation of a personal meeting with you, Your Majesty, I would like to introduce you to my work with an open heart and good intentions. But it seemed to me that I could not do this in a worthy manner, since my consciousness was clouded and unclear, until it was illuminated by the radiance emanating from the face of the greatest of monarchs. I thought for a long time to whom to dedicate the last three centuries of my prophecies, totaling a thousand quatrains. And after much reflection, I dare to dedicate my work to Your Majesty. This does not scare me, for the great Plutarch himself once, describing the life of Lycurgus, noted with surprise how abundant the sacrifices and offerings were made to the pagan gods in ancient temples. And many avoided appearing there again, for the people were amazed at the enormous cost of the sacrifices. But I see how successfully the greatness of a king is combined in you with incomparable philanthropy, and therefore I address you not as the Shah of Persia, to whom it is impossible even to approach, but as a kind, reasonable and wise monarch.

To you, Your Majesty, I dedicate my prophecies based on calculations performed during the night vigils. While working on the centuries, I was guided more by instinct and poetic inspiration than by the rules of versification.

Most of my prophecies can be correlated with years, months and weeks of events that will occur in the countries, cities and towns of Europe. I was less interested in what would happen in Africa and Asia in terms of changes in the way of government depending on spiritual development, but always and in everything I followed truth and nature.

Someone might object that the rhymes of my quatrains are as easy and simple to learn as their meaning is dark. But, Your Royal Majesty, I know of many prophetic quatrains that are so difficult to understand that at present no one can explain them. However, I flatter myself with the hope that I will be able to predict what will happen in countries, towns and villages, as well as what will happen to their authorities. The events of 1585 and 1606 will be especially important in relation to today's March 14, 1557. But in my insights into future events, based on astronomical calculations and the sciences I had acquired, I reached the beginning of the seventh millennium, a time when the ranks of the enemies of the Church and Christ would increase. All this was determined and completed by me with the utmost precision and within the limits available to me, and for all future and past times, while Minerva libera ex non invita, that is, while Minerva was favorable. I trusted the present to the future and the past, determining the course of events in the world in full accordance with what was written here, without adding or subtracting anything. Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas, that is, everything that relates to the future cannot be determined unambiguously.

I undertake to assert, Your Majesty, that my gift of divination was inherited from my ancestors, and I think that I can foresee a lot if I manage to combine the innate instinct of a predictor with the art of complex calculations. A necessary condition for this is mental balance, a state of mind favorable to prophecy and the liberation of the soul from worries and worries. I made most of my prophecies with the help of a bronze tripod, trepode aeneo, although some people attribute to me the possession of magical objects. In fact, neither I nor anyone else has them. And the true judge of all of us is the immortal God, good, righteous and merciful, to whom all the secrets of human hearts are revealed. May He protect me from the furious attacks and slander and ignorance of those who are obsessed with the passion of interrogation and persecution. Your ancestors, the kings of France, were also healed in ancient times from mental illness caused by royal malice. There were and are people who know how to treat those who have been bitten by poisonous creatures. But similar to them are the prophets, guided by an unerring instinct, who correctly foresaw what happened, as well as what will happen, including the most terrible thing that is destined to happen, so terrible that it is better to keep silent about it. I do this in defiance of those who have been stifled by rage for so long and for a long time. I hope that after my death my works will be more respected than during my lifetime.

If, however, I have made a mistake anywhere in calculating the timing of future events, or in any other place, and this will make an unfavorable impression on you, Your Royal Majesty, I ask, with your characteristic magnanimity, to forgive me.

I swear by God and all the saints that neither in this letter nor in any other of my writings did I speak against the Catholic Church, in particular precisely because I was always guided by astronomical calculations based on my knowledge. I am aware that, in determining the extent of past eras in time, I could well fall into inaccuracy. If this is not so, I ask pundits to correct me. So, our forefather Adam lived 1242 years before Noah, which is consistent with my understanding of the Holy Scriptures, and not with time calculation according to old family records, as Varro did. After Noah and the Flood, about 1480 years passed until the appearance of Adam, who is revered as the great astrologer and creator of the Chaldean alphabet. After 515 or 516 years, Moses appeared. From Moses to David another 670 years passed, and from David to our Savior Jesus Christ, the son of the Virgin Mary, according to some chronographs, 1350 years. Some may object to my calculations, arguing that they contradict the calculations of Eusebius. From the Savior to our time, if we do not fall into the vile heresy of the Saracens, approximately 624 years have passed. From this date on, it is no longer difficult to calculate the past years. All calculations were made by me taking into account the revolutions of celestial bodies in a state of inspiration, and my ability to experience this feeling was inherited by me from my ancestors.

But to avoid danger, O great king, it is necessary to mark such secret phenomena exclusively with the enigmatic line. In this case, it is extremely important that the enigmatic string be unambiguous, without amphibolic calculations and ambiguities. But at the same time, it is desirable, using vague uncertainty, to indicate through internal similarity the essence of one of the thousand and two prophecies known to us from the creation of the world in accordance with the calculations and Punic chronicle of Joel. Effundum Spiritum meum super omnem carnem et prophetabunt filii vestri et filiae vestrae, that is, pour out my spirit on all flesh, and your daughters and your sons will prophesy. Prophecies come from the mouth of the Holy Spirit, whose power is immeasurable and eternal, but we learn about it with the help of the heavenly bodies. Those who believe that the gift of prophecy depends on the possession of great and immortal things are mistaken. I am an opponent of everything that is displeasing to the Lord God, and everything that comes from God is true for me. Truly Divine a fato, but a Deo a natura which proceeds from fate, but from God and nature, that is, from fate, but through God and nature. And the Divine in my understanding is connected with the movement and course of the heavenly bodies. It’s as if you are looking through a magnifying glass and seeing through the fog great, sad and tragic events that fill everyone who indulges in prayerful contemplation with fear. The future of God's temples is dire, and fear will grip the hearts and souls of those who built and strengthened these shrines on earth. Thousands of disasters await them, with which the coming centuries will be filled.

But the Lord will bestow mercy on the Great Wife, who was considered barren. At the risk of her life, she will give birth to two children at the age of eighteen. At this age she will be in danger, and at 36 she may lose her life. In total she will have three boys and a girl. And everyone will have different fathers. Friction will arise between the brothers, which will then be resolved. Together they will make three quarters of Europe tremble. The youngest of the brothers will strengthen Christianity, support sects and beliefs, but again overthrow them. The Arabs will be driven out. He will unite states and create new laws. His elder brother will become the lord of fierce lions with crowns on their heads. The second son, with the support of the Latins, sowing fear and horror around himself, will penetrate inside the lion's camp and climb the Pyrenees. He will overthrow the ancient monarchy and cause a worldwide flood with seas of blood instead of water. Mars will forget for a long time how to fast. The daughter was given to preserve the Christian Church, and her ruler will become the destroyer of new pagan sects. She will give birth to two children: one will be devoted to the Catholic faith, and the other will not. This latter will encroach on the Catholic Church, which he will later repent of, but will create a union of three regions: Italy, Germany and Spain. Under his hand will be the lands between the fiftieth and fifty-second degrees of northern latitude. And the more northern territories will find themselves under the rule of unlimited power, which will cause fear in the West, the East, and the South. Even with the help of military force and allied actions it will not be possible to overcome it. Despite the general similarity, people from the North will have a different faith. After this, another barren Wife will appear, more powerful than the first. It is recognized by two peoples. The first of them will oppose those who exceed him in power. The second and third will undertake a campaign in Eastern Europe and Pannonia, they will send their ships to Sicily and the Adriatic. The Myrmidons and Germans will be conquered by them. The Latins will defeat the barbarian sect and expel it from their borders. But after this the kingdom of the Antichrist will come. Countless Attilas and Xerxes will appear, and masses of people will accompany them. But the grace of the Holy Spirit will descend starting from 48 degrees of latitude and will drive away the vile Antichrist, who went to war against Christ, His church and His kingdom per tempus et in occasione temporis, that is, now and forever. But before that, the most complete eclipse known since the creation of the world, the birth and crucifixion of Christ, and to this day will occur. And the Earth, as it were, will go astray and plunge into eternal darkness. And in the spring and after it there will be a great revolution, the fall of kingdoms and earthquakes. And these will be signs of the birth of a new Babylon, and with it spiritual emptiness and fornication. And this time has been allotted 73 years and seven months. And after this, a barren virgin will appear, who is destined to renew the Christian church. And there will be long-lasting peace, unity, and harmony between countries and peoples. And even the most notorious troublemakers and heresiarchs, troublemakers, will be taken into chains and thrown into the deepest abysses. But they will strive to recreate the kingdom of fear and violence through deception under the guise of wisdom. And then the countries and peoples who have left the path of freedom for the sake of freedom will again be enslaved and will harbor anger against those who took away their freedom and faith. Once again the flames of a great rebellion will ignite, causing an even greater shift to the right. The restoration of the desecrated shrines destroyed after the victory of the Great Dog will begin again. The councils will rise in their former form, the clergy will again come into power and continue their activities until they again fall into the sin of debauchery and luxury and again commit thousands of crimes. While it reaches the limits of its prosperity, new warriors and peoples will appear who will take away two swords from it, leaving only the scabbard. The people, exhausted by deception and treachery, will not want to reconcile and submit to the tyranny of an iron hand. At this time, from a barren branch will be born one who will free the people from voluntary slavery. Under the sign of Mars, he will deprive Jupiter of his greatness and build a free city in the new small Mesopotamia. The leader and head of the city will appear from the middle strata and rise high above the earth. But he will not know anything about the conspiracy of the second Thrasybulus, who had been preparing for it for a long time. And then the greatest abominations will become public and the light of truth will shine through the darkness. But by the end of his reign, this light will fade. And many pillars of the church will renounce Christ and the true faith. And three sects will arise. The second of them will be brought to decay by the believers themselves. The first will spread in Europe, and part of Africa will fall under the rule of the third sect. And lust, luxury, adultery and debauchery will triumph. The mob seduced by them will rise up and drive out the zealots of law and order. And it will seem that in countries weakened by the vicious influence of the East, God the Creator released Satan himself from the jaws of hell so that the Great Dog and Gog and Magog could appear. And they will lead the churches into such great devastation that both whites and reds, left without eyes and without hands, will not be able to realize the full depth of this fall. But they will not escape the judgment, and they will lose their power.

And again, unprecedentedly severe persecution will fall on the church, and a severe pestilence will cover two-thirds of the world. And it will be impossible to establish who owns the houses and possessions. And the streets will be overgrown with tall grass. The clergy will be exterminated. The usurper will take possession of everything that came from the sunny city, from Malta, the Hiere Islands. And the great chain will be removed from the port of the Sea Bull to make navigation free.

From the sea coast, one should expect attacks related to opposition to the Mohammedans during their first attempt to capture the Kostulan Mountains. The area where Abraham once lived will be attacked. The great city of Aachen will be surrounded on all sides by a large army. It will be well armed, but its naval power will be weakened by Westerners.

This kingdom will be destroyed to the ground, its cities will become deserted. All who set foot on his land will suffer cruel punishment. The Holy Sepulcher will be under the bare sky, open to the sun and moon, the holy place will be desecrated, turning it into a stable and shelter for cattle. Woe to the women who then bear fruit in their wombs! The ruler of the East, who has penetrated deeply into the North and West, will be defeated and killed. Those who remain will be put to flight. The children of the ruler from many women will be captured and thrown into prison. And the prediction of the Prophet King will come true: ut audi-ret gemitus compedictorum, et solveret filios in-terem, that is, may he hear the groaning of the prisoner, and may he release the sons of the dead.

The princes and governors of the countries neighboring the East will have to endure terrible oppression. The languages ​​of their peoples will be mixed with others. Latin and Arabic will merge with North African dialects. All eastern rulers will be expelled to foreign lands or destroyed. This will happen not so much due to the intervention of the northern rulers, but through the efforts of the three allies, who are responsible for many atrocities and are in constant struggle with each other. This triumvirate will operate for seven years. The teachings of the sect they represent will spread throughout the world, and heaven will accept a pure and innocent victim. And then two rulers will appear from the North who will defeat the East. The earth will tremble from the terrible roar of battles, and the East will tremble in horror before these unbrothers from the North.

I know, Sir, that I do not speak clearly enough about these acts, avoiding indications of the timing of events that should occur according to calculations, and even often come into conflict with what I have already predicted on the basis of astronomical observations and Holy Scripture. If necessary, I could accompany each quatrain with the exact date of the event. But few people will like this, as well as my interpretation of the future. Therefore, Your Majesty, I ask you not to insist on this, so as not to give my slanderers a reason to attack me.

That's how I reason. If we sum up the years that have passed since the creation of the world, we get 1506 years. From the birth of Noah to the construction of the ark and the Great Flood there are another 600 years. (The question arises according to which calendar - lunar, solar or mixed. I believe that the Holy Scriptures are talking about solar years.) After these years, Noah entered the ark to escape the flood. And the earth disappeared under water for one year and two months. From the end of the flood to the birth of Abraham, 295 years passed, from the Birth of Abraham to the birth of Isaac another 100 years, and from the birth of Isaac to the birth of Jacob 60 years. From the time of his arrival in Egypt until the exodus of his descendants from there, 130 years passed; from the exodus from Egypt to the construction of the temple by King Solomon in the fortieth year of his reign, 480 years passed. From this time to the Nativity of Christ, according to chronographs, another 490 years passed. My calculations based on the Holy Scriptures give a total of 4173 years and 8 months. I do not presume to judge the time that has passed from the Birth of Christ to the present day, since there are many conflicting opinions on this matter. I imagine my prophecies in the form of a certain chain, forming a circle, similar to an orbit. I connected them in a sequence in accordance with the laws of astronomy, guided by my innate instinct, taking into account the known period of time that it would take: Saturn to complete its revolution from April 7 to August 25, Jupiter from June 14 to October 7, Mars from 27 April to June 22, Venus - from April 9 to May 22, Mercury - from February 3 to 24, and then from June 1 to 24 and from September 25 to October 16. Saturn will be in the constellation Capricorn, Jupiter - Aquarius, Mars - Scorpio, Venus - in the constellation Pisces, the Moon - in the constellation Aquarius, the head of the constellation Draco - in the constellation Libra, and its tail on the opposite side of the constellation. After the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury in the square of Mars and Mercury, the head of the Dragon will conjoin the Sun and Jupiter. This year will pass in peace, without any eclipses. However, its beginning will be marked by such cruel persecution of the Christian Church as has never happened even in Africa. This will happen before 1792. And everyone will perceive this as the beginning of a time of renewal. The people of Rome will straighten their shoulders and drive away the darkness, regaining some of their ancient brilliance. This will not require great rework or changes.

Then Venice will reach unprecedented heights with mighty flapping of its wings, and its glory will be compared with the greatness of Ancient Rome. Then the Byzantine sails, in alliance with the Italians and the power of the North, will become an obstacle to the enemy’s path, but the Cretans will show disloyalty towards them. The waters of Neptune will close over the triumphal gates, which will be similar to those erected in ancient times by military men. The Adriatic will be tormented by discord. The former unity will disintegrate. In place of the big city there will remain a lonely house. Europe between the two rivers will include Pempotan at 45 degrees latitude, as well as other countries from 41, 42, and 47 degrees latitude. The forces of hell in these countries will rebel against Jesus Christ. The second Antichrist will appear and begin persecution against the church and its adherents, using the secular power of kings. They will be deceived by the words of a great man, more dangerous than a sword in the hands of a madman. With his death the reign of the Antichrist will come to an end. He will come from the city of Plancus, and will be born at the beginning of the century. His allies will be the elected representatives of Modena, Fulsi and Ferrara. He will be supported by the Ligurians in the Adriatic, and he himself will become closer to Great Trinacria. Then this Gallic Hercules will cross Mount Jupiter, accompanied by such a huge number of people that even far from the empire they will be subject to its laws. And after a while the blood of innocents will be shed. And there will be so much of it that those who spill it will almost choke.

After this, memory and documents about the events that took place will be lost due to major floods, and chronicles will cease. This awaits the northerners, but by the will of God they will be able to bind Satan again. Universal peace will come, the oppression of the Church of Christ will cease, despite the fact that the depraved Azostians will continue to mix the bile of their temptations into the honey. This will happen around the seventh millennium, if the atheists from the North do not come to trample Christian shrines. And the world will approach the great burnt offering. However, according to my calculations, it will exist for a long time after this.

In my letter to my son Caesar Nostradamus several years ago, I openly stated that not everything I said was a prediction in the full sense of the word. But this message, Sir, contains a description of great and wonderful events that our descendants will see. Astrological calculations carried out in accordance with the Holy Scriptures allow me to assert that the persecution of the clergy will occur at the will of the northern ruler, who is in alliance with the eastern ruler. They would last 11 years or so and end after the fall of the northern lord.

Then a leader will appear who will unite the South. Under his rule, even more brutal persecution of the clergy will begin, and it will last three years. He who has supreme power over the militant church will fall into apostate temptation. All worshipers, saints, believers, and worshipers of God's law will suffer persecution: their blood will be shed without measure. And the blood shed by one of the Western rulers will be more than the wine ever made. And this will be credited to him by flatterers. This ruler will commit incredible crimes against the church: human blood will flood the streets and churches in streams, like water after heavy rains. And the rivers flowing nearby will turn red with blood. And one day the waters of the sea will turn red during a battle, and one of the rulers will say to the other that bellis rubuit navalibus aequor, that is, sea battles have colored the sea with cinnabar. At the same time and in subsequent years, a plague epidemic would break out, and it would be preceded by famine. The Latin peoples will experience a need such as has not been seen since the beginning of the Christian Church. Traces of these disasters will remain in some of Spain's possessions.

Then the third ruler of the North, prompted by the discontent of his people, will gather a huge army and surpass the deeds of his predecessors. He will be able to restore his previous position. The great high priest will be restored to his former rights, but he will be helpless when he returns to the shrines desecrated by the new pagans. Then the Old and New Testaments will be desecrated and burned. Antichrist will become the prince of hell. Christian countries and atheist states at war with them will enter a period of wars, conflicts and battles for twenty-five years. Cities, villages, castles and other buildings will be destroyed and burned. Blood will flow abundantly, not only of warriors, but also of virgins, women, and widows who will be dishonored. The heads of infants will be smashed against the city walls. And Satan, the prince of hell, will bring so much evil that the world will lie in desolation for a long time. But before that, strange birds will fly into the air with cries that foretell trouble. And these screams will be heard until the birds disappear from sight. But after that the time will come to do good, the kingdom of Saturn and the Golden Age will come. God the Father will say: “My people have suffered enough!” According to His will, shackles will be placed on Satan, and he himself will be cast into the abyss of hell. And the time will come for universal peace between God and man. Spiritual power will reach its limits, and Satan will remain in chains for a thousand years until he is released again.

And all these visions are permeated with the spirit of the Holy Scriptures and correspond to the position of the celestial bodies: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and other planets, which is confirmed by my quatrains. I could, Your Majesty, achieve even greater accuracy in my calculations, but, seeing ill-wishers ready to test me, I will allow myself to give my pen rest.

Multa etiam, o Rex omnium pontissime praeculara et sane in brevi ventura, sed omnia in hac tua epistola innectere non possumus, nec volumus: sed ad intelligenda quaedam facta horrida fata, pauca li-banda sunt, quamvis tanta fit in omnes tua amplitudo et humanitas homines, deosque pietas ut solus amplissimo et Christianissimo Regis nomine, et ad quem summa totius religionis auctoritas deferatur dignus esse videare.

I ask you, Sir, with the philanthropy and kindness characteristic of Your Royal Majesty, in which I trust, to accept my assurances of my sincere desire to obey you, my incomparable king, since my eyes have seen the radiance of greatness emanating from you, and my work has not yet was in demand and recognized.

Most Submissive Michel Nostradamus Sa-lonae Petreae Provinciae.

Salon, June 21, 1557.

* There are many things, O mightiest of kings, that must happen in the near and distant future that I cannot and do not want to talk about in this message. Instead, I have given only some of the horrifying facts that formed its basis. Your greatness, philanthropy, and good faith are so great that, in my opinion, you alone deservedly bear the name of the most Christian of kings and enjoy the highest authority in matters of religions and beliefs.

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archaeology. Miscellaneous] author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

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“And the prudent one, this is the Eastern one, is able to master and clearly explain the same thing: a little more perfect and a little more meaningful”
(M. Nostradamus; Preface).








For the sake of this highest salvation, (here) “niches” are reserved for the insertion of observations that I possess;
o Super Christian and super victorious King (distracting flattery).

{Note translator: in the Preface to his Centuries, M. Nostradamus wrote: “The Giver presented a gift to a fraction of the inhabitants of the earth: do not frighten too much.” The gift that “a part of the inhabitants of the Earth” will receive at the end of time from that Giver, in fact, will be for them that Highest salvation that the author of the Epistola mentions).

After the eastern Ant takes possession of my “fortification” for a long time, your “great boundless” will appear to meet the deity (Internet - http://www.proza.ru/2013/03/12/141). From then on, just like me, Vostochny will constantly work.

Do not refuse, Ant, the respect you deserve and honor this life with dignity, first of all, as my first representative, as the only great original, so humane. Now look, Ant, just in case for me; Having mastered the little, move forward, openly showing a kind heart and frank diligence. Only with the help of these possibilities of mine (otherworldly) will you receive the fact that the news of your brightest greatness will be widely disseminated.

Now you, Ant, understand that influences (suggestions) that clarify declarations are not my “home opportunity”.
Combine my original (the text of the book) with my desire, which has been so long, and you will achieve deliverance from the nebula.
Eastern society will suddenly change favorably and will be delighted with your personality with an independent, productive look; and the first king of the world (distracting flattery).

So I, the Eastern, with this introduction (flattery to the monarch), imposed long doubts on my personality, dedicating three Centuries to the king; thereby protecting the rest of my Prophecies. Avoid, Ant, a large number of contacts and fierce owners of extensive thinking, who have one goal in life (donkey) - insane insolence.

And earlier, feeling disgusted, I deceived the king, who was suffering from drunkenness: while praying, I sent him a book with a dedication; the reverse side is a closed fund in the library for your property. My elegant gesture was “sweet”, but, along with the notification, it received the support of the king. The prize extracted from this is my begged for - skillfully sent, in spite of everything, your property to you by my flattering deed; everything else is mortal remains.

I bequeath to explore the eastern Anta; but not for the sake of those shocks that the moralist author Plutarch wrote about in “The Life Story of Lycurgus”. Only you, Ant, will notice their (shocks) “offerings of torment” and, with warnings, prepare the crowd of the oppressed state for the “harvest” that will force, suppose, themselves to make donations to the temples, even double; the second, to the immortal gods, in those times. And some will not be surprised by that “finale” (the end of the world), they say, it is too often suggested again / the recent one has not yet been buried /, and (or) they will rely on voluntary isolation (in a bunker), not going to churches, despite understanding in their thoughts “the shining arrival of the supreme absolute King”.

However, you, Ant, foresee; your magnificent things, replenished in the process of work, will be accompanied by one extraordinary human race, disgusted by the predominance of material values.
At the beginning, with messages; at the next stage, - general support; and on the eve of reckoning, prince, with requests, begging to take, extracted from my address, the art of skillful appeal (to the immortal gods: aliens from another world),
but not as “slaves of the kings of Persia”: no one paid any attention to them, allowing them to work, .. well, unless they encountered them.
/Note by M. Nostradamus (from the same sentence):
“And the prince (the presenter), a humanist incomparable in his human nature, was previously the first to announce his agreement to support (that family): to jointly cope with the disgusting 'front side' of the approaching retribution with prayers extracted from me from the book addressed to him."

However, a certain kind of people from “this” (slavery, in former years) became very prudent; The prince received wisdom from the same family. I dedicated my nightly work to him, and it was difficult to make prophetic calculations earlier, most likely because of certain people who have a natural tendency to accompany someone through life, deliberately rejecting (with donkey fury) the beauty of poetry with a poetic template. And the majority (of these) will enter into correspondence (a deal with their credo), and recognize the calculations calculated (this decoding) as “an action of a universal scale.”

Such correspondents /temporary/ communicate with elected officials for years, months with “soft” words, and within a week, with their own hands, they generate resistance in their regions. And, mainly, among the urban population; with replication throughout Europe. Having African countries in their composition, excited by a “single way of life” (so-called democracy), they deliberately begin to take part in the division of Asia by changes (providing entertainment) in their regions.

Having approached the majority of all those countries with troops and having entered into a deal with the natives who intend to “deviate to the side” in life, they recruit a rebellious group. Those who are overcome by need after squandering their meager money agree.
/Regular alternation (of topics) is my style; The eastern people, close to Antu, are as accommodating - as intractability coexists in the consciousness of the East.
And for the sake of that “beautiful” (as in Western democracy) life, they incite his charges against the humane king; mainly those who are “torn into three parts” by close relatives who show dissatisfaction with their life, which is so difficult (prophetic quatrains are torn into three parts (that’s why) it is so difficult to possess them/.

Some of the amateurs (M.N.), not understanding the “surrender” (the fortifications of Nostradamus, his defense; see the beginning of the text), will consider the actions of the initiate doomed to win: there are no painful decisions (pros and cons) here none, without any interpretation. Nevertheless, Ant always hopes for the opportunity to take a break from the written mental sophistications of these years, which are harmful to health: city life, regional sites (field of activity), and humiliation of himself by his trade as a 19-year-old /at the time of 2013/ (year). Yes! `civil aviation merchant` (a joke about metamorphosis in the profession).

An intense period begins, Ant, from now on / will later be bitterly criticized /: 14th (2014; appearance) - March - 18th (2018; beginning) of a heated battle (for saving “a particle of the inhabitants of the Earth” ). And the salvation program will continue (see the 1st line of the Epistola) for a really long time, until the coming of the Essence after the beginning of the seventh millennium - highly justified by the calculations performed; Meet the researchers with my astronomical calculations: (see "2012. The Second Message of M. Nostradamus" - http://www.proza.ru/2012/05/25/1415).

And other experts, who call themselves that, few of them will listen to the East; they are opponents of Jesus Christ and his Church: they will begin to “swarm” in great abundance, greatly multiplying, over the completely occupied main thing - the East, demanding an answer about compound words and calculations, in days and hours selectively; and many pleasantly predisposed (about others). And my very fair demand, Vostochny, is precisely this, or rather, the second, answer as tolerantly as possible. And remove those who daily undermine your/our authority, allowing your instincts to manifest themselves.

And don’t invite them to do the calculation, Ant, almost jointly; which is also a risk of “ruining” (incorrectly calculating) the timing of future incidents. As if they are the sages who allow one to be among them, Ant, the real ones; and one who, over time, after coming, pursues in everything, giving instructions to one who is aware of the events of the future, both in general and in particular; especially, giving a wrong (distorted) idea as if he is a rival to Vostochny. Cleverly written works are not so difficult; just as there is nothing superfluous in the one who is mentioned in the saying: “For in the future the Oriental will be completely inseparable from the truth.”

He (East) is actually truthful, sometimes too much, sir. Which, to my real abilities that I possess (otherworldly), makes claims, having stumbled upon a slightly manifested burning information in a series of my data.

Don’t think, Ant, painfully about predictions, but, trying the individual parts together, add them up and, in accordance with the designated “real abilities,” together with my old calculations, tie some of them together. And, Ant, freeing your soul from the agitation of the mind, try in everything to “heal” the text you carefully interpreted; I urge. And get rid of the annoyance of inaction with peace of mind. The main thing is “consonance of connection” (unison of connection); and one prediction, divided into three parts, will quickly set off on its way.
Selection/sorting (quatrains) will bear fruit and give birth to the indestructible Aeneas.

And how many were there who endowed me with “attributes of the situation”...

{Note translator: Compare above the translation of the expression “tripode aeneo” (Latin - indestructible Aeneas) with the common interpretation of fans of M. Nostradamus - “bronze tripod; with a copper basin” :) -

This is still a weak, that is, a very average expression of my words; and how the East has nothing like it.

The Eternal God Himself, through trials, three times closely examined the human qualities of the East, who appeared pious and righteous. And the merciful Eastern, a true connoisseur, at my call, gave me consent to vigilantly protect my capabilities from the slander of evil people. Which, using shabby lies, therefore, slanderously, “throwing lightning”, will inquire: “on what basis were all your ancestors there were Ants, and, moreover, laying claim to the first ancestors of the rulers - the kings of France; are you out of your mind?”
These scoundrels received a legacy (according to history) that was in many ways not entirely healthy.

{Note translator: ant (Latin, French, German) - ant ~ merovee > Merovee - the long-haired king of the Franks, with whom the dynasty of French kings - the Merovingians - began; see watercolor 57 by M. Nostradamus - http://www.proza.ru/2012/10/10/974 ).

And from the diversity of tribes, some peoples received a not entirely healthy inheritance, poisoned by their “winding traces” (migration from one side of the world to another) from others who (previously) had a certain inclination towards the “art of fortune-telling” (fantasies). And other incidents that happened a long time ago, the anointed one, are described here (in the Epistol).
So, despite someone’s mockery of an evil mind - “the sea tide gave life” / okay, it is clear that such life does not exist for a long time away from the sea / - my earthly race has not died out.

{Note translator: some believe that Merovey is named so from the initial sound “mer - sea”; as according to the legend described in Fredegar’s “Chronicle,” “a dragon emerging from the sea impregnated Merovey’s mother,” supposedly subtly hinting at an overseas prince (see the calculations of “thinkers from history” about Merovey on Wikipedia)).

Moreover, my spirit lives on, in my written works, animated by the “sea dragon” - Ant, in a changed quality; aimed at simultaneously resolving those statements that have remained unresolved over time. Also, in my calculations of those (ancient) times, I did not comply with the untenable patterns and statements of some (J. Scaliger, among others). As for the insolvent, the reason is that:
a) people were satisfied with someone’s lies about kings;
b) the authorities did not persecute the false expressions of the will of some, with the exception of robbery and fraud.

I do not intend to please your overly arrogant, incompetent works, which shamelessly ridicule the King (about Merovee), to spare anyone - I publicly declare before God and his saints.
I especially declare that I did not add anything similar (incompetent) from my own mind in writing to the Epistole presented here. Regardless of the objections of the insane servants of the Catholic faith, the truth will make its way.

Give them, Ant, juxtaposed texts (of two chronologies) designed to help them think about the “reversals of the cosmos” - (see the diagram for the article “2012. The Second Message of Nostradamus” http://www.proza.ru/2012/05/25 /1415).

By being near my knowledge, you will become famous; because ahead in time, with rare intervals, are our main premieres of what we own; for the first time, ahead of what is happening since the beginning of human existence; like people like... /Ant brings me back to work, instructing me to add a “correction” (of other interpretations) with more correct arguments/.

Adam, the first man, lived 1242 years before Noah /do not take into account, Ant, the periods of church calendars are supposed not from the Jews/,
- almost like a written essay by the witty Varro.
But before “that” (Varro), only the “only” (Jews) themselves distorted; in their opinion, they are crowned initiates (chosen ones). They plundered and rewrote documents, and the biblical terms. And accordingly (from their rewritten times), the vulnerable place of my offended faith / from my reason / in my astronomical calculations; uneven (because of this).

After Noah, his death, disasters: sleet and widespread torrential rain; Abraham arrived on a sleigh around 1080
/some people will make extreme claims against Vostochny/ (about snow and sleighs).

{Note translator: see hats with ear flaps from the Trojan kings - A. T. Fomenko “400 years of DECEPTION” - http://lib.rus.ec/b/175155/read ).

The astrologer, according to some, he (Abraham) made up an invention that, when he arrived first, he discovered Chaldean writing on fragments (of slabs) in a niche above the arch of the statue.
Then Moses (the lawgiver of the Jews) appeared around 515 or 516. And in the period of time between the coming of David and Moses - in 570 years - there were about seventy deceivers there (about the interpreters of the Bible).

{Note translator: before making claims, read: Peter S. Ruckman "The Mythological Septuagint" http://baptist.org.ua/ruckman/m_evidence04.htm ).

Beyond this (there were deceptions) and beyond. The period of time between the coming of David and the time of our savior and redeemer Jesus Christ (there then the only person born of the immaculate Virgin did not deceive) is, according to some chroniclers, 1350 years.

If the authorities, listening to the depraved lies, objected, referring to the genuine calculations of some school (Marcion, V.T.), there would not be an eastern period of chronology introduced by insignificant individuals.
The diners, sitting at the table, bet on the “slab” (a chipped slab with an alphabetical register of payment for the construction of the temple in the Chaldean language, which Abraham found in a niche above the statue), as on the “tablet of the original source” (of God).
That lie later differed from another, Eusebius (about Eusebius of Caesarea-Pamphilus).

And even more after (about lies), including the time of human redemption; up to their special privileges (as it is supposedly stated in the “tablets”), assigning themselves the right to draw up the law of human society; thus they seduced, misleading, the vile Saracens from the surrounding area (Arabia); it was there around 621 (the year the Muslim community was founded) /this will make some people here scold even more angrily/.
If the authorities could create favorable conditions, it would be easy to correct the aspect by summarizing and making extracts from books “what were the periods of human life” (950 years!?); Perhaps the current situation would not have happened: “departure of life.”

Yes, my calculus is not for housekeepers; yes, - legal, having legal force and the stamp (seal) of the royal Valois dynasty / and on their money /; valuable for all peoples.

Because of that false “primary source” / which covered all of humanity with the wrong meaning of the existence of life /, deliberately calculated from selfish motives “raised above their heads,” life will be stopped during the heavenly judgment of this free secret society; communities excited by the seeded suggestion (joining the activities of the "secret society" movement) - burnt offerings, at a reliably established time
/left with a delay/.

The delay in its timing occurred due to the indignation of “their movement” (including the revolutions they committed) of my ancient ancestors, who gave birth to kings. Moreover, offended by the periods of time, O Most Serene King, they demand that such secret events, which were often not openly revealed, have an undistorted representation through mysterious maxims that do not have a single meaning in what is written (not by Ant). And the transmitted information of hidden relationships that are interconnected by a unique intelligence. And without this understanding, there is nothing to even hope for optimizing the vague mixture of unambiguous calculation of the presented chronologies.

And the greatest damage will occur due to the stupid, stupid, earthly (criminal) life that has taken over the minds. The consciousness of many (des mille) will be darkened by visions of the approaching verdict on the usual (established) way of life. Take into account, Ant, the approach of revelation in the first person's saying about this year.
/And the second, of their two Prophets who were, the Eastern one, has since then, as usual, been nearby in the “product of creativity” (the Bible), and calculated the chronicle of treachery, with rumors about the treachery of Iol./.

{Note translator:
a) next to the prophet Iol in the Bible there is “as usual” only one Prophet with “numbers” (Daniel);
b) we are talking about Iola Antipater, a courtier of Alexander the Great, who (according to rumors) poisoned Alexander).

“I will pour out my spirit over all who live, and your sons and your daughters will be troubled by prophecies” (Latin).

But such Prophecies proceed from the mouth of the Holy Spirit, which the Eastern listens to with an independent and effective ability that is unchangeable; an assistant given to help from heaven. And some of this number, who know how to predict the sublime and suddenly become clear, in order to stand out from the masses (or) get out of a difficult situation, they... falsify. This, Eastern, I put it mildly about their visible side; I did not assign any payment to them for truth and honesty. Such a one loses by making an impression with the title of the book.

{Note translator: for example, “Nostradamus Deciphered”).

And without pleasing God /in any way/, I actually proclaim all the most important things that come from God.
And the decipherer who understands this is rewarded with grace, honor and immortal glory. Without this possession, the one who takes out my “cloth” and, guessing on it, guesses the prophecies / foresight arising from vanity proving /, the fate is inevitable: death, from divinity in nature.

{Note translator: here the “flap” acts simultaneously as a “scroll” and a circus prop, which is used as an artificial obstacle for circus riders. In other words, in his “scroll of Prophecies” Michel placed obstacles for such “circus performers - fortune-tellers”, but who should still pay their attention to the end of the sentence).

And most of the “accompanying” (lovers of prophecies), in the future, will be in a state of passion from the change in the course of the divine; so much so that even clairvoyants, such as your Ant, from the first moment will see in “that” (the change of the divine; in that year), through a spectacle darkening the consciousness, a blazing reflection as if of God.

A stormy approach of important events: sad, unusual /omen/ and catastrophic will occur due to the main clergy (heads of churches). First of all, to their temples of God; secondly, on those of them who constantly lie to the people of the earth, working hard for low pay, weaving earthly intrigues: giving a distorted idea of ​​the sublime, continuing to assure that they serve as a support for them; thereby keeping them in his power.

Such a decline brings about the decomposition and decline of morals; along with many other disastrous problems /magnetic needles will behave violently and, exhausted, will deteriorate/, the devastating blows of which, over time, every person will recognize in the future. For God sees the continued sterility (poverty) of the eldest “wife” /with a large Council and tithes/, who at the beginning of the birth had influence and power /later harsh and greedy/; in addition, in fierce disputes of comprehension (the teachings of I. Christ), she gave birth to two main “children”-competitors who have the same rights.

{Note translator: the “wife” of Christ (God) is his Church; The role of the senior wife here is assigned to the Catholic Church (St. Peter's Basilica and tithes), which gave birth to the Orthodox and Protestant churches ("children")).

But it is falling into decay / the one who deciphers it is an accurate person /; due to the folly of age (she) will approach mortal decline in 18 (2018); will cross “to the other shore” (into oblivion; see watercolor 37 by M. Nostradamus - http://www.proza.ru/2013/02/13/236).

Because of this lie ("continuous", see above), Ant, thirty-six of those who were not able to lie left prematurely; of these, three men and one woman (Pope Joanna, who occupied the papal throne under the name John VIII) refused during their lifetime. And to these /few/ double recognition. Those who prevailed over this - never deceived - for me they are the only “holy fathers”.

From the three "brothers - monks" (the three main denominations of Christianity) similar (false), disagreements later occurred in the life of nations; who, having the opportunity and influence to unite them, refused to unite, embarked on reasoning, and... separated the human life of three quarters of Europe, fearing (trembling) for their property, for the insignificant feeding from the former (then) monarchy / salary for the maintenance of Christian monasteries /; They did not persistently affirm the sublime, but only replenished the “barrel of lies.”

Philosophical schools, seized by the rush of mastery (of the teachings of Christ), and, unexpectedly easily, refuting the inconsistencies of the united gospels, humiliated the position (of the monasteries). The distant “Arab kingdoms” associated with them (with the Christian monasteries), avoiding the danger of repetition, took a step back - they secretly slipped in altered gospels (instead of the compromised ones); undertaking the canonization (of the Bible) together with the `brothers`:

{Note translator:
a) we are talking about the historical period before the canonization of the Bible (IV century, First Council of Nicaea); of the most prominent philosophical schools that were critical of the tests of the gospels from various apostles were the “School of Marcion” (II century) and the “School of Mani Haya” (III century);
b) the remote “Arab kingdoms” associated with Christian monasteries are the essence of the Judeo-Christians of the North. Africa, which included in the canon of the Bible, in addition to the distorted gospels, also their “laws” from the Torah of Moses; see "Reading Nostradamus' letter to the canons of the Church" - http://www.proza.ru/2010/01/30/1491).

/1. - first.../ (c) by the descendants of the invaders of their “lions”; leading the case of their celebrity, the fierce fury (Roman) of them, putting a crown (of thorns) on a famous person, “completed” (coronation) on the crossbar. The paws of their defenders (the arms of the legionnaires) were hung, on the upper part (the crossbars) with the inscription on the top ("Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"), our Father Jesus, piercing the legs and arms with nails; to the shouts of the Pharisees "come on! come on!" the Jews, fearlessly interfering with the soldiers, reviled and beat (him).

{Note translator:
a) “lion” - a symbol of the tribe of Judah; "lions" - ter. Jews (see "Lion of Judah" on the coat of arms of Jerusalem); the occupiers of the “lions” are the Roman legions;
b) “their celebrity” is Jesus Christ;
c) Furies - in Roman mythology, goddesses of revenge and remorse, punishing a person for sins committed; ancient Roman family;
d) from the Gospel we know about the crucifixion of I. Christ on the cross, but on what crossbar P. Pilate - the “fierce Fury” - ended his life - history is silent about this).

Every second professional who generously lavishes justifications that vulgarize the teacher of baptism (I. Christ) is deeply mistaken; in the future he will feel like the last amateur. Such an “advanced” person was booed earlier, and those interested in (Christian heritage) were referred to by all Roman Catholic (churches) to the available documents and evidence (shocking/) that they had in their custody.

/2. - second.../ for a second mentally imagine a staggering doomed man climbing the road up the hill, bending / under the weight of an aspen pole / under the gaze of spectators showing morbid curiosity; and angry furies (legionnaires) who overflowed the hill.

The God of Heaven (Son of God), who descended to his descendants in a descending line for the sake of their ascension (there was no man more innocent from birth), suffered acute pain from these brawlers. These individuals, Ant, having come from south to north, reached the Pyrenees, gaining fame far beyond; autocratically arranged a “shift” in the life of mankind with an ancient translation (Alexandrian; Septuagint) /I had ancient documents in my archive/.

{Note translator:"shift" - concepts about the personal qualities of God; in the Gospel, God is presented as loving and forgiving, and in the Old Testament - cruel and vengeful (due to the fact that when translating the Torah into Greek, in some of its books, the personal qualities of the devil were delegated by Jewish interpreters to God; see "Reading Letter M . Nostradamus to the canons of the Church" - http://www.proza.ru/2010/01/30/1491).

/3.- third shock; the culmination/third of the shedding of human blood, since ancient times, would not have happened without this (gift).

{Note translator: yes, if you remember all the “crusades” and the actions of the Catholic Orders under the pretext of protecting pilgrims visiting the “holy land”. And this is very important:
a) “la troisiesme innodation de sang humain ne se trouvera” = the third flood of human blood will not find itself (will not be found);
> there will be no third world war!
b) “de long temps Mars en Careme” = long time “god of war” in fasting (fasting, rel.);
> until “the planet Mars completes its cycle, but at the end of its last period it becomes active again” (from the Preface to the Centuries of M. Nostradamus)).

And from this given gift, a “brainchild” will be born / a servant, a prostitute - approx. N./, setting the tone for the course of events (about Eusebius of Caesarea - Pamphilus). This gentleman, thanks to his position as a canon of the Christian Church, which unexpectedly fell (from philosophical schools), irritated by the sounds that did not subside, published in a pagan manner his “authentic sounds” (panegyrics/odes) to the ruler; won, deftly encouraging and guiding his master (Constantine the Great).

A new sect of unbelievers (in the divinity of I. Christ), under his leadership, having made an impression (on the ruler), started wickedness. The descendants of fans of another god (the second - “your father is the devil” (I. Christ) - children of fans of the god of hell) left the “statements” (of their ancestors) unchanged; some of them are true, while others are not; with confirmation by the “catholic” church (subsequent canonization).

And the ruler instructed “these others” (infidels who expressed a desire) to carry out the unification of religion (Christianity) /all the more weakening it/, which had a great shift in concepts.
And later they, with errors (corrections during the work - “father scolded and scolded because of this” - watercolor 80 - http://www.proza.ru/2013/10/19/1436),

in an effort to succeed, they brought together (through confused Judaism) the extremely different life values ​​of the three regions by uniting them into a union (including the unification of the Old and New Testaments), dooming dissidents to long-term ruin.

This “justification” (of Christianity as a continuation of the monotheism of the Jews) was argued (surprisingly) by the best scientists of the Roman Empire, Germany, and Spain. Which, putting all sorts of distortions in order, “splashed out” the divine (!). Overthrowing the various sects (stopping their activities, forcing them to remain silent), with the military hand of Rome they divided into parts according to the 50th (beginning; Prague, Jan Hus) and 52nd degree (manifestation; Germany, M. Luther) `above` (Rome > Europe; period of the Protestant Reformation, schism). “Stages of growth” (degrees, ranks) appeared with the growth of arrogance and arrogance (of the Catholic clergy), torture and murder.
/Canonization of St. Scriptures as the embryo of an atmosphere of international standards/.
And most importantly (surprisingly), throughout Europe, regions swore an oath of allegiance to the “distant” (from the teachings of St. Jesus) religions of the house of the “magician” (the Vatican; Protestants too).

And north of the 48th degree (in Rus') steps of exaltation (clergy) appeared; original (from the beginning of Christianity; Orthodox), who were the first, with vain timidity, to express fears, then, after strengthening them, they are even more Western European (Catholics, partly Protestants), midday (Southern Catholics) and Eastern Mediterranean (Orthodox, partly Arians ) began to tremble for their property.

And “they” (the heads of the Churches) will have such power in the powers that they will not take steps towards mutual agreement and merger; they are inseparable from the conquered “beloved” (chosen ones) and their aggressive biblical inclinations (the crucifixion of I. Christ, among others). By nature (they; the heads of the Christian Churches and their “beloved”) will be equal, but alien to human life: a special lie, insanity, contradiction, insane confidence in the judgment of (their) consciousness.

{Joint note by the translator and M. Nostradamus:
“In my book you will find a very special spirit and a certain teaching, accessible only to a select few, which will reveal to you the greatest sacraments and terrible secrets concerning our religion, as well as politics and home economics” (prologue by the author of the phrase “appetite comes with eating” F. Rabelais to his work "Gargantua")).

Later, the Church, stronger in its influence than any other, after fierce disputes, will confiscate, obviously by criminal means, “locked objects” (spiritual values) included in the inheritance of the stubborn second (Church) of the Orthodox peoples (and will hide them); in order to have dominion over 'everything' (Christendom).

{Note translator: the events relate to the IV Crusade, which was organized by Pope Innocent III ostensibly to protect the “Holy Land” (Palestine) from Muslims, but in fact turned out to be the plunder of Constantinople and its Orthodox shrines).

Extending his efforts to the east, in the second and third (crusades) he will send insignificant individuals there; the ragamuffins will bypass (the Mediterranean Sea) the countries of Eastern Orthodox Europe, devastate them and... fail.

{Note translator: the plunder of the Mediterranean eastern countries and the weakening of their Orthodoxy is the facet of the truth of the land crusades of Catholics from Europe through the Balkans and Byzantium; `under the veil` of protection of St. Land (Palestine)).

And under the sails of the sea fleet (that Church) will make its campaigns: from Sicily (III, VIII cr.p.), Adriatic (IV cr.p. with the Venetians) with insignificant personalities; and all the Germans will be defeated (in II, III cr.p.).
And there will be a foreign barbarian sect (from Gaul, Britain, Germany, Scythia), with all the Latins, in excess of serious illnesses and expelled (the result of the Crusades).

After this, in the great Empire of the Antichrist, it will begin as during the years of encirclement by Attila and (or) as if Xerxes suddenly landed from the sea, with a large and countless number of corpses (ghosts).

{Note translator(about the “plague” in the Empire of the Antichrist - “lies and deception everywhere”): “In 452, the Huns invaded Italy and plundered the cities: Aquileia, Patavium (Padua), Verona, Brixia (Brescia), Bergamum (Bergamo) and Mediolanum ( Milan). After the arrival of Pope Leo I, and his conversation with Attila, the Huns left Italy."
(from the history of the Roman Empire). What prompted Attila to abandon the conquest of Rome after his conversation with the Pope?
- Lies of the Pope about the supposedly raging plague in Rome at that time).

So, it was precisely this kind of lie upon arrival that the mind of the Reverend revealed (about Leo I). The effective reception of Anta /preceding precedent/, occurring from the beginning of 48 degrees, in the future will “reveal” (clarify) the basis of “transmigration”; violating “order” (in history books), by hunting (in pursuit of truth), Ant will declassify the abominations of the Antichrist.

{Note translator: M. Nostradamus again mentions 48 degrees, and which, similar to the previous explanation, should be attributed to 48 degrees terr. Russia).

Along the way, Ant fights against the “reigning” (Antichrist), who will be the Pope, and against his Church and its dominance for a long period due to favorable circumstances of the time
(added two hundred years; see “2012. New message of Nostradamus”, part `Wrong Tomorrow`).
And this (transmigration of souls) will be preceded by a solar eclipse, seen for the first time in life: darker and more incomprehensible than ever; starting from the creation of the World, right up to the suffering and death of Jesus Christ; and from it to the present moment (as immediately after the death of the body of I. Christ; see Gospel).

And in the month of October /postponed holiday/ (according to the Gregory calendar) there will be a great transformation through the introduction of a cruel law; such that the “pampered servants” (those in power), indecisive, who do not want change, will lose their heads as if the earth had lost its gravity / mountains of their corpses, a curtain later / (iron). And a certain “scientific author” will be the culprit of this crime, who will “show the way” to people. This someone, remote and secluded due to an attack of illness, will hand over the place to the vain and self-righteous elite / will influence and influence them /. Which, putting the decisions into effect, will lead “the wrong way” and dishonor his speeches / the culprit will receive a majestic structure / (mausoleum).

Worried indigenous people, lost from the change in the usual course of the earth, are thrown at random. And the country of the Slavs (“light-eastern”), constantly ruined, dark and gloomy, will go forward from this precedent, ahead of the course of time; and (from this) he will suffer harsh times. The extraordinary changes preceding (October) will occur in the spring (February-March), after often recurring bitter disputes that cause boredom. Then lifelong ignorance will begin to perpetuate him (the author of the cruel law) and, at the last moment, they will determine: the facial expression of the “symbol of change” has undergone extreme changes. The ex (with him; wife) will plan an intrigue: replacing one (with a disfigured face) with another /they will lie, denying/ - by introducing fillers.

After the substitution (of the symbol) due to a long illness, the “worm” (someone/nobody) will further dominate sublimely over the ongoing great trembling of the earth; together with the rapidly multiplying new vile “Babylonian harlots” (http://www.proza.ru/2010/01/27/1510). The noble ones will escape on nine ships ("philosophical"; including on the Black Sea). The despicable ones will set in motion a disgusting phenomenon: theft of food (increased surplus appropriation); lies will be multiplied by abomination: having disgust for the people with their Orthodoxy, they will be the first perpetrators of the Holocaust (mass extermination; including the initiation of “execution” cases for unnecessary chatter). But even with such a complete lie, seventy-three years and seven months will not last (October 1917 (Yu) + 73.7 = June 1991 (Greek)).

Further, the “core church” (of Christianity), which in harsh times, stupid demiurges from power for a long time (73.7) was so silenced by stupid property checks that (it still) continues to be stunted, poor and almost useless. Later (she) will be brought out of this state by one who traces his origin (from) the fiftieth degree; who will revive the entire Christian Church.
And in the first years of your great power (Russia after June 1991), the government of the “children” (demiurges) will issue a law
`about reconciliation, harmony and unity`. The advanced foreheads, hiding (like wolves in sheep's clothing), will boldly mislead their descendants and distance themselves from the somewhat dissimilar “rule” (of their fathers).

{Note translator:"law on reconciliation, harmony and unity" - resp. ideological component of the Russian holiday "November 4th").

The government will issue such a law of reconciliation, from which the church will continue to remain half surrounded by a stone wall; will loosen from the leash, being tied up by an assistant (of the Kremlin), with deeper penetration into the pocket /professional essence/. It will not be possible for her to win back and increase her role in society due to the divergence of church positions (in one person): an ideological guardian and a nimble renovator; the initiator of a brave faction that has long been waiting for the creation of a “bar in a den”.
And one of these “bound” (by a quiet life on a leash), seeing my kingdom “proper” (in order), will become furious: he will make a “fake” against the sage.

{Note translator:
- bar: a) alluvial sandy obstacle to the flow of water in shallow water; b) a counter with alcohol and cigarettes behind it;
- nativity scene: a) brothel, place of debauchery and crime; b) a box with puppets to present a comic drama based on the Gospel story about the birth of Christ).

And in places where “their” (the brave faction) is summoned to court, residents of cities, towns and provinces, who will be connected with them by “former views” (Orthodox), will secretly weaken the connection because of their liberties. For the sake of their liberation, they will become more deeply fascinated by Ant's fascinating justifications.

And, “perfect faith” (Orthodoxy), through corrupted religious leadership, will be subject to blows. The elite will begin to take money with their left hand “in the manner” of the Right Party cleverly (through the embassies of other countries) for the sake of a “return” (to the previous state). But Ant will restore holiness, destroyed for a long time, along with their old (decrepit) spiritual scripture, crushing the “rational” text (V.Z.; from the mind of man). The noble rascal will then bring out into the world the best “watchdog” (guardian of church foundations) from the monastery, who will be engaged in the extermination of all such thoughts from the one who signs them and puts them on display / will be, Eastern, in the summer /.

Their temples will be restored, returning to their original position /almost like in former times/.
And the clergy will be restored to her rights with her previous position.
And they will begin to indulge in debauchery and sensuality; and commit many crimes.

But the eastern Ant sees something else nearby (in the life of nearby regions): sorrow, despondency and devastation at a time when it (the church) will live with its elite more elevated (above this), with a high sense of self-esteem, taming the “princelings” ( regions) and accustoming the hands of the military (to the cross); but those who read his transcripts will deprive them in the future of “both swords” (secular and spiritual power). And those readers of it will not remain the same who will live with marks from God to “teach, explain, instruct” (from the church ministers), who themselves will have an average income because of “their crookedness” (the leadership). They will attract the common people with them, while acting truthfully and honestly.

But, Ant, do not allow condescension towards them until the very end; otherwise, with a tenacious hand, they will be ready to stimulate and encourage, claiming something. And the touched Ant, receiving money, will become like the inhabitants of the earth / there will be laziness to work hard / before the “person in question” (eastern Ant) begins to awaken in front of people’s eyes from a “branch” (family tree), useless for a long time. Which will deliver the common people of the intoxicated world
/stupid servants of their money/ from this harmless and voluntary dependence - with convincing authenticity. Ant will restore protection from the “god of war” and take away from the “ruler of the world” (“the prince of this world”) all his positions and titles for the sake of a free settlement, legally organized and justifiably located in a small, limited (by rivers), other Mesopotamia.

And the “leader” (president) with the manager (prime minister) will get rid of the environment of the criminal world.
And, putting the production into action, instead of an external atmosphere of ignorance (before the elections), he will create a conspiracy (of magicians), together with a second assistant / receiver /. Which for a long time produce a very strange impression: a passion for holding in one’s hands, managing and using absolutely “anything and everything”; first one, then the other.
At that time, they, impervious to objections, asserted, instilling in voters in order to “strengthen” (their influence), a disgusting phenomenon: the abolition of nationalities /for a great power there would be dishonor/.

And from their ignorance a clear darkness appeared, a darkening light, (which) will cease at the end of the changed “his” (leader’s) reign. And their keys to the church, because of belated love for God, will be expired. Some of them will deviate from the principles of rotation, from paving an honest and straight path, insanely confident in the serving court and in their three sects (parties). It was with the help of the middle (party) that the “spiritual affairs” (cult) of the Russians were separated from culture. (This party) will, on the basis of one person, fashionable in that year and not highly placed, arrange for 'this' (Russians) from 'this' (secession) a rapid decline in morals.

{Note translator: justification for "urs-Russians" see "Message of Nostradamus to the Eastern Slavs?" -http://www.proza.ru/2012/05/31/1234).

`First` - absolutely everything is a total lie; At the expense of Europe, some of their poor (but smart) people go there after “finishing” (their studies). Even more participants are eluding the lustful “third party” abroad, in Africa /where the wealth is/; at the expense of the poor (but conscious), who senselessly invest in “creation” (for example, in a mortgage), which is stolen by voluptuous and skilled forgers. The plebs, supported by the docks of the legislature that have joined them and fed on the money of the exiles, will rise up, collecting and hiring temporary workers to cause damage.

And it will seem that “their” (Russian) established rules of courtesy are weakened with the help of the people located in the eastern Mediterranean. Which are like migratory birds, for whom God the Creator also drew a direction in the sky (see the definition of “plebs”). With them (those inhabitants of the Mediterranean) Satan was connected, released /became himself/ from the prisons of hell: due to the awakening of the great “Dog” (a friend of man who presented a gift to his descendants) and the appearance of the King of the “solar term” (dahana); who will be a very great abominable faction to the Churches; such as the "Reds" (Bolsheviks). Gray-haired, but not yet without eyes and hands, will not judge them, but the state will be freed from their influence.

And then the feigned elite (church) will become even more persecuted, which has never been the “core” (pillar of faith) in their churches. And, naturally, after this, an epidemic of warfare between the heads of churches will begin so great that two-thirds of them, lost in lies, will have to leave the world of people (to monasteries) because of this. There will be few such (deceitful) leaders left. So they (the clergy) will not be popular: not knowing the duties assigned to them (by religion); having no idea about the reasons for the appearance of fights with the police on the streets of their cities, arising with the help of “grass” (drugs) /which raises the knees of skinheads even higher/, since the owners of “fields and their institutions” (public property) appeared.
And the entire top of the clergy will be in great sorrow, but will boldly encroach on what will be reborn in the “sunny” settlement (in the city of the Sun) from Malta (the first Christian community) and from their “luminiferous islands” (early Orthodoxy - Patmos, Cyprus , Crete).

{Note translator: Greek colonists (Massaliotes) called the islands of Stoyhada “light-bearing” when they admired the sun rising from behind them; now - Yerskie. The local inhabitants of the Cote d'Azur - Vediantes - were defeated by the legions of the Romans allied to the Greek traders. Western historians call the Vediantes the occupiers, and the Greeks the founders of the cities of Marseille and Nice (Nicaea, from the goddess of victory Nike). > Vediantes = Vedi^antes - Vedas-Antes (Slavs)).

And there, in the coastal and forest region, behind a high mountain range, the last refuge (the city of the Sun) will be available / to those who understand their destiny.

{Note translator: in the ancient Bashkir epic "Ural Batyr" there is an episode where the Ural fights with the bull of King Katil (the lord of the other world), and defeats him (analogy with the Sumerian epic "Gilgamesh and the Heavenly Bull", the kingdom of Ur, Mesopotamia):
"If my name is Ural...
If my family comes from a person
Know that in this world I am the one
Who was born to protect the people").

And news will come from the renewed (true) Orthodoxy, picked up by Muslims, about the organization, for the pious and suffering, of salvation, sea and air entry into the coastal zones of reliable refuge (interfluves).
But not every empty and vain person will strive to get into that settlement; and not to the area where Abraham once lived in ancient times (the city of Ur, Mesopotamia) /it would be in vain for those persons who idolize the false tablets from “that” (Abraham) to criticize me because of “this” (place). And that settlement will be the “completion” (of everything; during Armageddon), protected on all sides by the very powerful weapons of “human descendants” (?).

The respectful Russian mentality will be weakened by the efforts of the “Western coastal countries”; and in “this kingdom” (NATO) there will be a grandiose devastation: their huge cities will be devastated; and all living things will be destroyed by the wrath of God, including those who come inside to trade. And what will remain of the habitat that has long worshiped money for a long time is a crypt; including the palace where intrigues were woven /universal phenomenon for earthlings/. And the convert to “another faith” (servant of mammon) will curse that sacred place from this “correction of the shores” (the result of the flood).

/The crowd of simple and important, and adapted (people to Nostradamus), in the near future, will scold this content; mostly secular ignoramuses.

ABOUT! what grief will there then be for the unfortunate pregnant women. And then the eastern leader will be in charge, with the help of the most northern people “there” (in the east); and the West is doomed. In the “presented” (see the “architecture of words” of the translation in the interlinear translation) a side view (contour) of death is depicted /further, from this leak of information and the childish results created, a number of fans will appear/.

And I also say to the Russians: “women, keep your chastity locked up, be in the power of pure thoughts, be filled with the ringing of bells and then the prophecies from the royal soothsayer will be excellent” (for you). “Even hearing the groans of a prisoner shackled with leg shackles, how can one justify (him) as a murderer of children” (foreign language about terminating a pregnancy).

ABOUT! What then will be the strong oppression through the fact, extremely shocking, of the rulers (government elite) and governors of the eastern coastal countries, who will have the same worship services (one religion).
And the speeches of Russians will be insidiously distorted through the language of the media: in a large association of Romance peoples (EEC) and “Arabs” (in quotes!) cunning/insidious (?). And all these eastern rulers will stare at the “special forces” shooting with their eyes in a skirmish (chasses prof. liges extermines), undermining their authority /foreigners will threaten a collapse/; but by no means through the forceful methods of the northern (Russian) rulers.

And there, not far from our* `cycle of time of humanity`, Ant, near the `nostre` (Maidan; in Nostre Speranze**), the first three (persons close in spirit) will secretly conclude an alliance aimed at death (mortality of the population) and “evil wiles” (deceitful) about each other.

{Note translator:(*) - http://www.proza.ru/2012/05/25/1415; (**) - http://nostresperanze.ucoz.ru/ ).

And this triumvirate (the union of three husbands) will last seven years. A sect with the same reputation (the evil one), which extends throughout the world, will help with food and money, and will force “him” (the triumvirate) to maintain a stable exchange rate /sacrifice from the holy and immaculate communion/ (joking about the deal with the IMF). And then they (from the IMF) will be their masters; others from `this number` in their east are the victorious northern ones (Russia). And from those accomplished events there will be a very big noise, aggressive excitement and interference: stupid and senseless; as well as from everything I read here.
The “Arian East” (eastern Ukraine) will tremble with fear from these brothers, but not from the brothers from the North.

These almost random predictions, which are nearby, Sir, I have placed for the Russians / and who, through this reasoning, will learn, I hope, both the arrival of those events and when this will happen /, for calculating (by them) the time (of the life of the World on Earth). From which it follows that it does not exist at all or, at least, is no longer in good agreement with the “higher” (World). So, with the help of this calculation, and only through “cosmic” (extrasensory) vision, comes the understanding of other similar initiations from sacred scriptures, which cannot be mistaken in any way.
So, if I had a desire to initiate people into the pattern of calculation - to add to each quatrain under consideration its year according to the time of calculation - I could do this, but it would be: not everyone is pleased, there are no less interpreters (discrepancies) even with this, Sire .

Your Majesty, I have been granted by “eternity” (by God) a fairly broad opportunity to achieve “that goal” (the salvation of part of humanity; see the beginning of the Epistle), which does not give slanderers a reason to slander (insult) me.
Nevertheless, I’ll tell you a “counting tale” about their years (Old Testament).

From the creation of the world to the birth of Noah, 1506 years passed. Starting from the birth of Noah, until the completion of the production of the ark /this is fabrication/ and the global flood (purification; according to Nostradamus), approximately six years passed /rewrite, add hundreds/ (i.e. 600 years).
/Yes, their “gifted talents” (see a similar expression in the Preface to the Centuries) ate, Eastern, the oats of the sandy desert or sleepwalkers (they), or indulged in dreams from a dozen different legends (epics)/.

In my opinion, the sacred scriptures of those who “eat desert oats”, Eastern ones, contain solar (years).

And, at the end of these six hundred years, Noah will enter the ark to be saved from... the pouring rain /mined salt, swinging on the waves/. And this cunning fellow entered the barrel (on the ship) from the pouring rain of the universe / well! above the ground/; and he will apparently live one of his years in two months.

{Note translator: Bravo Maestro! "The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it"! Well, of course, a person cannot live on Earth for 600 years (absurd), at most, about 100 (as given by God). For those who did not notice the hint: first Michel writes “six” years, then asks to add (sens) “hundreds” (sent)?! And in this tale, “cunning Noah” manages to live through the calendar year in two months (1:6); we divide his 600 mythical years by `6` and we get 100 human years. The entire Old Testament chronology is just as absurd).

And from the end of the flood, until the birth of Abraham, the number of years passed /from `them`/(the Jews) 295.
And from the birth of Abraham to the birth of Isaac a hundred years pass.
And from Isaac to Jacob - sixty years; from the moment when he enters Egypt until his departure from there, one hundred and thirty years will pass.
And from Jacob’s entry into Egypt to the departure from there (of the Jews?) four hundred and thirty years pass.
And from the exodus from Egypt to the construction of the Temple, under the leadership of Solomon in the fourth year of his reign, four hundred eighty / or four twenties / years passed.
And from the construction of the temple to Jesus Christ, according to the assumptions of chroniclers, four hundred and ninety years will pass.

And thus, through this assumption (of the historians), which I have here actually combined with their sacred writings, this time is /approximately/: four thousand one hundred and seventy-three years and eight months; or a little less.

And from Jesus Christ, from that many different philosophical schools... /I leave this in my will, giving the opportunity to the successor-Ant himself to make the entire calculation, and thoughtfully present the prophetic revelation to those present in the present time; in accordance with the arranged chain of events that comprises `his' (revelation) revelation. Everything is in accordance with cosmic doctrine and my real abilities.

{Note translator: If the uninitiated speaks out about this chronology “neither a candle to God nor a poker to the devil,” then he will be right. The irony of the story literally permeates it, especially in the place where Michel explains the number four hundred and eighty as “four twenties” (i.e., the number of years that actually passed; 1:6).
But how many pundits have broken their spears trying to “adjust” the indicated numbers to real history.
And finally they came in handy :) - “2012 The Second Message of Michel Nostradamus” http://www.proza.ru/2012/05/25/1415 ).

And after some time, those who read Ant’s transcripts here will understand their content.
Saturn retrograde / in the future will change the course of thoughts of those who will deny his manner of deciphering / will enter on the 7th of April until August 25; Jupiter - from June 14 to October 7; Mars - from April 17 to June 22; Venus - from April 9 to May 22; Mercury - from February 3 to 27 `above` (February).
From there `on` (Mercury retrograde) after the beginning of June until the 24th of `above` (June) and from September 25th to October 16th.

Saturn in Capricorn; Jupiter in Aquarius; Mars in Scorpio; Venus in Pisces; Mercury, during these months of the year in question, is in Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces; Moon in Aquarius; the head of the Dragon is in Libra / I bequeath to research the “sea dragon” (Anta) regardless of this (text) in the book/, its tail is in the opposite sign (in Aries). The next appearance in this year under consideration: the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury, with a square aspect of Mars and Mercury.

{Note translator: in 1582, in Catholic countries, the Gregorian calendar was adopted to replace the Julian; October 5 became the 15th (October; offset +10 days). Nostradamus died in 1566 (under Julian).
From "SWISS ERHEMERIS" * for the year 1606 (Gregorian calendar) - http://www.astro.com/swisseph/ae/1600/ae_1606.pdf...
1) Saturn (R) 07.04 - 25.08 in Capricorn (according to Nostradamus);
*1606 = Saturn (R) 17.04 - 04.09 in Capricorn (+));
+10...+10 >(displacement in days of the start and end dates of the retrograde period relative to the Julian 1606, - exact match);
2) Jupiter (R) 14.06 - 07.10 in Aquarius (according to Nostradamus);
*1606 = Jupiter (R) (21/22.06 - 18.10 in Pisces (-) and Aquarius (+));
+8...+12 > (-2... +2);
3) Mars (R) 17.04 - 22.06 in Scorpio (according to Nostradamus);
*1606 = Mars (R) 21/22.04 - 1.07 in Sagittarius (-) and Scorpio (+);
+5...+9 > (-5... -1);
4) Venus (R) 09.04 - 22.05 in Pisces (according to Nostradamus);
*1606 = Venus (R) 19.04 - 01.06 in Taurus (-);
+10...+10 > (exact match);
5) Mercury (R) 03.02 - 27.02 & 1.06 - 24.06 & 25.09 - 16.10 in Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces (according to Nostradamus);
*1606 = Mercury (R) 02/07 - 02/28 in Pisces (+) and Aquarius (+) & 06/09 - 02/07 in Cancer (-) and Gemini (-) & 10/05 - 10/25 in Scorpio (-) and Libra (-) ;
+4...+1 & +8...+7 & +10...+9 > (-6...-9) & (-2... -3) & (0...-1);
6) Moon in Aquarius (according to Nostradamus);
*1606 = Moon in Aquarius 14 times (+);
7) The head of the Dragon is in Libra, its tail is in the opposite sign (in Aries, according to Nostradamus);
*1606 = from the beginning of the year until 09.05 the head and tail of the Dragon in Libra and Aries, respectively (exact match);
8) Conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury with the quadrature aspect of Mars and Mercury (according to Nostradamus);
*1606 = from 16.01 - conjunction of Jupiter with Mercury plus the quadrature aspect of Mercury with Mars (exact correspondence).
In connection with the relative accuracy of the “Swiss” ephemerides, calculated by NASA on the basis of a mathematical model of the solar system, which does not take into account absolutely all external influences over the centuries on the actually existing system, what is surprising is the striking coincidence of the positions of the planets according to Nostradamus with their data for 1606. And even minor deviations do not darken at all, because it is not known whose information about the position of the planets at the beginning of the 17th century is more correct.
And here we should remember the Canadian historian Pierre Brendamour, who was the first to “dig out” (hard work) this correspondence at the end of the 20th century).

April 22, 2014

To be continued...

Nostradamus. 20th century: the latest decryption Author unknown



To the invincible, most powerful, most Christian King of France, Henry II, from his humble and humble servant Michel Nostradamus, victory and prosperity

Blinded by the royal attention bestowed on me, O most Christian, most victorious King, since, after a long stay in the shadows, I was worthy to show my face before the immeasurable splendor of your Majesty, I have not ceased to praise and honor that day in my soul (worthily bow to that day) , when he first appeared before the first incomparable majesty, at the same time so humane.

So, constantly looking for an opportunity by which I will present a good disposition of heart and sincere courage, through this method, my commissioner had the opportunity to spread knowledge in relation to your most gracious Majesty.

Apparently, I did not have the opportunity to announce them openly, but I am driven by the only desire to emerge from my hitherto long solitude of oblivion in order to suddenly appear before your highest eyes, the first monarch of the universe - at the same time, I was in doubt for a long time who me to dedicate these three remaining Centuries of my Prophecies, which complete the thousand - after long reflection, I ventured the daring decision to address them to your Majesty, without being shocked as the most serious author Plutarch told in the life (biography) of Lycurgus, that seeing the gifts presented in luxurious In the temples to the immortal Gods of that time, having a desire not to be amazed at the unnecessary expenses for their decoration, people did not dare to appear in the temples.

But, constantly observing your Royal splendor combined with unparalleled humanity, I presented it differently than the Kings of Persia, who cannot be approached, and moreover, approached. I dedicated my nocturnes, prophetic inspirations to the most prudent and wise ruler, composed rather by natural gift: accompanied more by poetic fury than by the rules of poetry - for the most part compiled in accordance with Astronomical calculations in accordance with years, months, weeks by region, country, most cities and villages throughout Europe, including Africa, part of Asia, with changes in localities, as they were seen in a variety of climates, are naturally composed fictitiously. My answer to some who need to wipe their nose is that the rhythm is as easy as understanding the meaning is difficult.

Because, O most humane King, most of my four-line predictions are so dangerous (risky) that the interpretation for them should not be announced - nevertheless, I hope that I will be able to capture in writing in the prophecies years, cities, describe regions where a significant part of will be fulfilled, including in the year 1585 1606, starting from the present time, which is March 14, 1557 - and reaching up to a rather distant event that will take place at the beginning of the seventh millennium, which is carefully calculated by my astronomical calculations of other knowledge, approximately establishing the opponents of Jesus Christ to his Church: a stronger divergence will begin - all this was compiled calculated on selected days hours well located as far as possible for me on the days when Minerva libera, et non invita, I calculated that in the future period there will be approximately the same number of events as have occurred during all past centuries, including the present, what, over time, people will learn about in the future, in all places, as is written here without adding anything extra, although someone may say: Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas.

Indeed, Sovereign, at first my natural gift, given by my ancestors, did not allow me to foretell, later I combined this given natural instinct with long calculations, receptivity of the soul, spirit, the courage of all treatment, perseverance, getting rid of worries, pacified (calmed) the spirit. The general construction (all construction) of the omen is partly tripode aeneo. - No matter how much some who attributed to me the possession of those things that are mine, as well as those that come from there, laugh, only the one eternal God is a good, just and true judge, whom I pray to protect and protect me from the slander of evil slanderers , who, from the same slanderous motives, seek to find out how all your most ancient ancestors, the Kings of France, cured scrofula, other nations cured snake bites, others had a certain gift of fortune telling, other cases that would be too long to mention here.

Despite those who will be led by an evil spirit, in the time that will come after the end of my earthly journey, those who do not know all the meanness of insidious minds will need my writings more than during my lifetime. I would like your more than Imperial Majesty to forgive the presence of my Protestant God (me in the presence of the Protestant God, my protest in the presence of God) of his saints, I have not placed anything here that would be contrary to the real spirit of the true Catholic faith, comparing Astronomical calculations with by my knowledge, - for the periods of time of our founders, who are our predecessors, are such, I trust myself to the verification of the most holy court (the healthiest court): the first man Adam was before Noah by 1242 years, if not to compare with the fictitious times of the Amiable (Dear) The pagans mentioned by Varro: but only according to the Holy Scriptures, based on my weak mind and my Astronomical calculations. – After Noah, himself and the global flood, Abraham came about 1080 years later, he was a great Astrologer, as some believe: he was the first to open the Chaldean letters: – then Moses came after 515 or 516 years, – about 570 passed between the time of David and Moses years. - Then between the time of David, the time of our savior and redeemer Jesus Christ, born of an immaculate Virgin, 1350 years passed, according to some Chronographs: - although it may be objected to me that part of these calculations is fictitious and is not true, since it differs from the dates of Eusebius. - Then comes the time of the deliverance of mankind, up to the disgusting temptation of the Saracens, approximately 620 § 1 year - from here you can easily roughly calculate (combine) how much time has passed, if my calculation turns out to be not convenient enough for all nations, for all this is calculated according to the heavenly currents thanks to the emotional excitement that I experienced during certain hours of solitude from meetings with my ancestors.

However, the ravages of time, the all-merciful King, require that such mysteries of the future be revealed in no other way than in mysterious expressions, having one single meaning and only one understanding, without introducing into them anything ambiguous or ambiguous in the calculations: - but at the same time so that they were simply clouded by natural admixture and approached the saying (sentence) of one of the 1000 § 2 Prophets who existed from the creation of the world, and also according to the Punic Chronicle (Table) of Joel (Iol), Effundam spiritum meum super omnem carnem, et prophetabunt flii vestri, et fliae vestrae.

But such Predictions are uttered by the Holy Spirit, who has supreme power in eternity, with his heavenly help, some of this number predicted great outstanding events. However, I in no way assign such a title to myself, I only thank God, recognizing that everything comes from God, offering Him eternal gratitude, honor, immortal praise, from here comes divine insight, which comes a fato: mais a Deo, a natura [by by the will of fate, but from God and from nature], following in most cases the movement of the heavenly bodies - which is why they become visible, as in a fiery mirror, where great events, sad, wonderful, terrible disasters that are approaching thanks to the main performers appear in vague images. First of all, the decline of God's temples, secondly, their defeat from those who come from the earth, connected with a thousand other misfortunes, the coming of which will be known in the course of time: - for God will see the barrenness of the great wife, who will then bear two chief children: - but she will be seriously ill, and the one who will be assigned to her will die due to the recklessness of age at 18 and will not survive the age of 36, leaving three males, one female, two of them will be with the one who was not family to everyone father, - a great discord will arise between the three brothers, but then they will unite and agree, so that three or four quarters of (parts of) Europe will tremble: - the youngest (smaller) in age will support the Christian monarchy will increase, various sects (religions) will rise and suddenly fall, The Arabs will retreat, the Kingdoms will unite, new Laws will be proclaimed (promulgated): - the first of the remaining children will occupy (occupy) the furious Lions crowned (crowned), holding their paws on an invincible weapon (coat of arms). -The second will first advance deeply due to Latin accompaniment, because of this he will look for a second path, trembling furiously, will go down from the mountain to climb the Pyrenees, the ancient monarchy will not move, the third flood of human blood will take place, will not be found for a long time Mars Posta. – And the daughter (girl) will be given for the sake of preserving the Christian Church, falling by her conqueror (lord) into the pagan sect (religion) of the new infidels, she will have two children: one from (from) fidelity, the other from (from) infidelity, with confirmation (confirmation) of the Catholic Church [confirmation from lat. confrmatio – “affirmation”; Catholics and Protestants have different rites for admitting teenagers who have reached a certain age into the church community]. – And the other, due to his misunderstanding and late repentance, it will strive (want) to destroy, there will be three areas (regions, localities) unusually (extremely) distinguished by leagues (unions), namely Roman (Roman), German, Spain, which will make different sects (religions) with a military hand (by force of arms), leaving (throwing away) the 50th § 52nd degrees (degrees) of altitude, will do all the reverence (all will show respect) to the religions of the distant regions of Europe of the North of the 48th degree (degrees) of altitude , which will be the first to tremble timidly in vain, then the most western, southern and eastern ones will tremble - such will be their power that the steps will become coordinated and the warlike conquests will be united inseparable (the unity of the indivisible will be won by the warlike). They will be equal in nature, but very different in faith.

After this, the barren Wife (Lady), whose power is greater than that of the second, will be accepted by two peoples, the first stubborn (stubborn), the one who had power over everyone, the second third, who will gather their forces to bypass (turn around) Eastern Europe with the pannons, will realize (benefit) fall (inherit) the sail of the sea (fleet) will expand (spread) it Trinakri (Trinacria, from Trinakri) [in Greek mythology, the island of Helios, on which lived a magical herd of cows, the number corresponding to the days of the year; Trinacria is often identified with Fr. Sicily] Adriatic across (through) Myrmidon, the Germans will be completely (completely) weakened, the Barbarian sect (religion) will be completely expelled (removed) by the Latins (expelled, unloaded). – Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin to descend with Attila Xerxes in a large number (number) countless, so much so that the Holy Spirit will come to act from the 48th degree (degree), make a move, expel the vile (disgusting) Antichrist, waging war against the royal one, who will be the great Vicar of Jesus Christ, against his Church, his dominion (reign) per tempus, et in occasione temporis, - will be preceded by a very dark solar eclipse, the darkest that was after the creation of the world and until the death of the passion of Jesus Christ, until now, - in the month of October such a significant movement will be made, such that the Earth’s gravity will lose its natural movement (direction), the luminaries (stars) will plunge into eternal (gloomless) darkness, there will be previous (precede) spring ones, then extreme changes will follow, a reshuffling of rulers from great earthquake (literally - shaking of the earth), - the emergence of a new (ninth) Babylon, a daughter (girl) despicable (insignificant) will increase from the abominations (abominations) of the first sacrifices, will be able to last no longer than 73 years and 7 months, - then after the exit (emergence ) branch (stem), the one who remains fruitless for such a long time will begin (start) from the 50th degree (step), which will renew (renew, prolong) the entire Christian Church.

A peaceful alliance will be established between one of the daughters of the lost fronts and divided (separated) by different kingdoms - there will be such a peace that they will remain connected by a very deep deception in the artificial increase (exacerbation) of the military differences of the monarchs, there will be a kingdom of Slaves (Mad, Furious): who portray the sages . – Countries, cities, villages, provincial kingdoms that have (will) have the opportunity (leash), will be the first to take the path of deliverance, will be captivated even more, will secretly be burdened by their freedom, the perfect religion will be lost, will begin to strike on the left side (side), to return to the right, they will return health to the useful long-time original (taken) scripture, which, after the Canis Major, will bring out (bring out) the largest one, which will destroy (destroy) everything, even what was previously permanent (eternal), temples will be restored, as at first, the servants will be returned to their former position - they will begin to debauch themselves, bathe in luxury, and commit a thousand atrocities. And another loved one will again be devastated (distressed) then, when he is at his highest, his dignity will be restored, the rulers will rise up, the military hands will take away both swords from him, the other one will remain under the signs (banners) - through which they are attracted (attracted), the people will force him to go straight, they will not want to descend to the end of the opposite sharp hand touching the earth, they will insist - until the birth of one branch, barren for a long time, which will free the people of the universe from that submissive voluntary enslavement, will entrust itself (entrust) itself under the protection of Mars, depriving Jupiter of all his honors and titles for a free city founded in one other cramped (small) Mesopotamia.

The head manager will be thrown out of the middle (environment), placed instead of that air (suspended), ignorant of the conspiracy of the rebels with the second Thrasybulus (Thrasybulus), who will run it all for a long time: - Then all the disgusting impurities will be revealed to great shame in the darkness of the darkened light, the changes of his reign will finally cease (stop), the keys of the Church will be returned to their beloved God, some of them will renounce the true faith - of the three sects (religions), the one in the middle of these cults will be slightly placed (displaced) from there , weakened. The first will fill Europe, most of Africa will be destroyed by the third, the middle one will be poor in mind, which is why the exalted will begin to indulge in depraved rampages. - The plebeians (common people) supported will rise up, drive out the sided legislators, it will seem that the kingdoms are weakened by the Eastern ones as if our Creator God released Satan from the prisons of hell to give birth to a great Dog Puppy, who will be such a great disgusting part in the Churches that neither the red nor white people, neither without eyes nor without hands, will no longer judge (understand), they will be deprived of their power. “Then there will be greater persecution of the Church than ever before.”

And from these beginnings such a great plague will arise that three parts of the world more than two will suffer. So that the inhabitants of the fields of houses will not know the differences, the streets of the cities will be overgrown with grass above the knees: - And everything in the clergy will be devastated, the military will usurp what will be returned from the city of Solar Melita, the islands of Steshad (Steshad), the port chain will be gradually opened, whose name comes from the sea ox (ox). -And a new invasion of the sea beaches will be carried out, the Flying (Stealing) will jump to liberate Castulum for the first time (the first) suppressing Megamethane (Megametyan). “Their attack will not be in vain; the place where Abraham once lived will be attacked by persons who will honor the Jupiterians. And this city of Achem will be surrounded, attacked from all sides by very numerous and strong (powerful) military (armed) people. – Their naval forces will be weakened by the Western ones. And there will be great grief (devastation) for this kingdom, the largest cities will be inhabited, those who go inside will be overtaken by the vengeance of God. – And the tomb will remain in such great respect for a long period of time, being under the universal (universal) vision of the eyes of the Sky, the Sun, the Moon. The sacred place will be turned into a haven for large herds of small ones, adapted to the needs of the profane. - Oh, what an unfortunate (disastrous) sorrow there will be then for pregnant women: during the time of the main leader of the East, most of the Northern Westerners will be defeated, put to death, destroyed, their remnants are on the run, his (their) children from several women are imprisoned ( kept locked up), then the Prophecy of the Royal Prophet will be fulfilled: Ut audiret gemitus compeditorum, ut solveret flios interemptorum. - What a strong pressure that will then be on the Princes of the Kingdom, those who will be the maritime Orientals, their languages ​​will be mixed with the larger society: the language of the Latin Arabs by the Punic message (communication), - all these Oriental Kings will be expelled, destroyed, exterminated, not Only by the forces of the Kings of Aquilon, due to the proximity of our age, through the three, united (connected) by a secret (secret) desire for death, setting ambushes (traps) for one another, will the renewal of the Triumvirat sept last, so that the fame (glory) of that sect (religion) will spread the whole world, the sacrifice of the holy immaculate offering will be supported (raised): - then the Lords of Aquilon, two in number, will be victors over the East, they will raise such a great noise (rumor) warlike turmoil that this whole East will tremble with fear before these brothers, not brothers Aquilonian.

And therefore, Sovereign, that in this speech I placed (included) these predictions almost unclearly, when this can happen I announce them, for calculating time subsequently this little or a little corresponds to the early (superior, highest): which, as in Astronomical ways, together with therefore, on the basis of Holy Scripture, they cannot be at all mistaken - if I wanted to place the calculation of time for each quatrain, I could do it: but not everyone would be pleased, at least until, Sovereign, Your Majesty will provide extensive opportunities to prevent slanderers from biting (pecking) me. – However, from the creation of the world to the birth of Noah, 1500 6 years passed, – from the birth of Noah to the completion of the construction of the ark, which brought the global flood, 600 years passed: what years are used as the basis for such calculations, Solar, Lunar or a mixture of both, I hold that the Holy Scriptures are based on Solar calculations. And after these 600 years, Noah entered the ark to be saved from the flood: - there was this worldwide flood on earth, it lasted 1 year § 2 months. - And after the completion of the flood until Abraham was born, years passed in the number of 295. - And from the birth of Abraham to the birth of Isaac, 100 years passed. - And from Isaac to Jacob 60 years - until the hour when Jacob led them into Egypt, 130 years passed before his exodus from there. – And from the time Jacob entered Egypt until the exodus of those from there, 430 years passed. – And from the exodus from Egypt to the time when the Temple was erected by Solomon in the 4th year of his reign, 480 years passed. – And from the construction of the temple to Jesus Christ, according to hieroglyphic calculations, 490 years passed. - Thus, this calculation, which is supplemented by the Holy Scriptures, gives approximately 4173 years 8 months, about or less (more or less accurately): - But from Jesus Christ because of the difference (diversity) of religions (sects) I leave (stop) ), I calculate I calculate (count out) the real Prophecies, all according to the order of the chain, which contains its solution (disclosure), all this according to the rules (doctrine, teaching) of Astronomy, in accordance with my natural instinct - after some time through inclusion from time ( from that time) when Saturn, which turns (in its revolution) enters on the 7th of April to August 15, Jupiter from June 14 to October 7, Mars from April 17 to June 22, Venus from April 9 to May 22 , Mercury from February 3 to the 24th indicated (of the same month). – Then from June 1 to the 24th indicated (of the same month), from September 25 to October 16. Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Pisces, Mercury in a month (within one month) in the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius Pisces, Moon in Aquarius, head of the Dragon in Libra: at the tail its sign is opposite [the sign opposite Libra in the zodiac circle is Aries], followed by the conjunction (conjunction, union) of Jupiter with Mercury, the type (aspect) of the square of Mars with Mercury, the head of the Dragon will be with the conjunction of the Sun with Jupiter (in conjunction with the Sun and Jupiter), the year will be peaceful (calm ), without an eclipse, not completely (not all, not everywhere), - will be the beginning, including what will last from the beginning of this year will be the greatest persecution of the Christian Church, which was in Africa, this will last until the year 1792, when a renewed century: - after that the Roman people will begin to rise, will drive away some incomprehensible darkness (unclear darkness), will receive (accept) a little (part of) their (their) bright prestige (greatness), not without large redistributions (divisions) of constant changes (changes). “Venice will then raise its wings with great strength and power and ascend, not yielding in strength to Ancient Rome. And at this time, the large Byzantine sails will unite with the Ligustinian ones, with the support (pressure) of the strength (power) of the Aquilonians (Eagle's Nest) and will create some obstacles (obstacles) so that two Christians (both Christians) do not preserve their faith (do not preserve their faith). – The arches erected by the ancient Warlike Ones lead into the waves of Neptune.

There will be great discord in the Adriatic, what was connected will be divided, will come closer to the house (will turn into a house) what was fenced off was the (eastern) large city including Pompotan, Mesopotamia of Europe (in Europe) by 45 at the same time (on the other hand ) on 41, 42, 37. – At this time, in these countries, the power of hell will bring against the Church of Jesus Christ the power of the opponent (rival) of the Law (Honor), who will be the second Antichrist, who persecutes these Church of its true (real) Vicar (Vicar) ), through (with support from) temporary Kings, who wield their ignorant seductive speeches, which strike more than any other sword in the hands of a madman. The said kingdom of the Antichrist will not last longer than until the end of this age of another, from the city of Plancus (Wandering), accompanied by the chosen (chosen ones) of Modona Fulsi, Ferrara, supported by the Ligurians of the Adriatic, the neighborhood of the great Trinacria: - Then the word (mountain) will pass (pass, transfer) ) of Jupiter, the Gallic Ogmium, accompanied by so many numbers (with such a large multitude) that very far from the Empire his great Law will be present (present), during some time later the blood of the Innocents will be shed copiously due to the follies of a few kidnappers (invaders ): then, with great floods, the memory of things in the instruments containing them will receive countless (invaluable) losses, even down to the letters (including letters): which will be splashed out by the Aquilonians - by the will of the divine, Satan will be bound again. And universal peace will be established between people, the Church of Jesus Christ will be delivered (liberated) from all (any) oppression (sorrow), no matter how much the Asians (Azorians) try to mix honey with bile (put bile in honey), their plague deed (plague breeding) to seduce (attract): - this will be closer to the seventh millennium, when the shrines of Jesus Christ will no longer be trampled upon by the infidels who will come from Aquilon, the world will approach the greatest (some great) revolution (shock), but no matter how Regardless of my calculation in my predictions, the flow of time goes much (much) further.

In the Epistle, which in these past years I dedicated to my son Caesar, Nostradamus, I quite covertly announced some events, without omens. – But here, O Sovereign, some great miraculous (amazing) events were included, which those who will live after will see. – During all Astrological calculations, consistent with the sacred writings, the persecution of the people of the Clergy will take its origin (origins) from the powerful Kings of Aquilon, united with the Eastern. And this persecution will last 11 years, somewhat less while the main King of Aquilon weakens - who in the years that have happened will nurture (raise) his allied (friendly, united) South, who will drive (persecute) even more strongly throughout 3 years of the people of the Church, tempting with renunciation, the one (first) who will hold the absolute (unconditional) omnipotence of the military (militarized) Church, the holy people of God, preserving his faith, all religious orders will be very (grand) persecuted, saddened so that the blood of the real (true) Priests will flow everywhere - to one terrible (terrible) temporary King, his minions (adherents) will give such praise as if he will have more shed human blood of innocent Priests than others have reserves of wine. - this King will commit incredible atrocities against the Church, human blood will flow through public streets, churches, like the water of rushing rain (downpour), the nearest rivers will be stained with blood, from another sea war the sea will be stained, so that in the report of one King to another it will be said : Bellis rubuit navalibus aequor [Battles made the sea turn red (lat.)]. - Then in the same year in subsequent years there will be the most terrible plague, more ferocious due to the famine of the previous one, such a great nuisance that has never happened since the founding of the Christian Church, traces will remain in all Latin regions (regions) no other way, despite the Spaniards (no way not against the Spaniards). - Then the third King of Aquilon, having recognized the discontent (complaints) of his main (main) people, will raise (make up) an equally large army, lead (cross) the straits of his last (predecessors) parents, to whom he will return (restore, hand over) most of the former ( will return the majority to their place), - the great Vicar (Vicar) will be restored to his original position: but deserted (sad), and then completely abandoned (abandoned), will turn so that the Sancta Sanctorum [Holy of Holies (lat. )] destroyed by Paganism, the old new Testament will be expelled, burned, - after which the Antichrist will be the prince of hell, - for the last time all Christian Kingdoms will tremble, also infidels, for 25 years, there will be the most brutal wars, battles, there will be cities, castles all other buildings are burned, saddened, destroyed, with great bloodshed of the innocent, married widows with violence, infants will be thrown against city walls, so much evil (atrocities) will be committed with the help of Satan, the prince of hell, that almost the whole world will come to ruin and desolation (desolation): - before these events, some unusual (strange) birds will shout in the air: Now, now, then after a while they will disappear. - Then, after such a time, which has a long period, another kingdom of Saturn will be restored (resumed), the golden age, God the Creator will speak, having heard the lamentations (having heeded the lamentations) of his people, Satan will be taken, bound (chained) again imprisoned (thrown) into the deep abyss: then universal peace will be established (begin) between God and people - it will remain connected for approximately a thousand years, the power of the Clergy will turn in its greatest strength, then return back.

All these signs (figures) are corresponding to the clues (based on the clues) of letters (letters) in visible celestial things, namely through Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, other connections (conjunctions), as can be seen more clearly (distinctly) from individual quatrains . I could calculate even deeper, connect (adapt) one thing written with others. But, foreseeing, O All-Merciful King, that some censors will create difficulties, which will be the reason for the removal of my (for this reason I am deprived of mine) pen for my night's rest: - Multa etiam, O rex omnium potentissime, praeclara et sane in brevi ventura, sed omnia in hac tua epistola innectere non pos- Sumus, Nee Volumus: Sed Ad Intelligence Quaedam Facta Horrida Fata, Pauca Libanda Sunta, Qumvis Tanta Sit Omnes Tua Amplitudo Humanitas Homins, Deosque Pietas, Un Sol us amplissimo et Christianissimo regis nomine, et vern Summa Totius Relygionis AUCTORITAS DEFERATUR DIGNUS ESSE Videare . -But I just ask you, O extremely merciful (merciful) King: from this special cautious (prudent) humanity (humanity) of yours, quickly hear the desire of my courage, the highest knowledge that I present to your All-Merciful Majesty, since my the eyes were so close to your Solar splendor, which the magnitude (greatness) of my hard work does not try to achieve.

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To the most invincible, powerful and most Christian - Henry, King of France the Second, his humble and most humble servant and subject Michel Nostradamus wishes victory and prosperity.

Having received the permission of the highest contemplation, O most Christian and most victorious king, when my person, who had been so long in oblivion, appeared before the immeasurable godlikeness of Your Majesty, I do not cease in my everlasting blindness to praise and highly extol the day when I first appeared before the incomparable and most human sovereign.

I have long been looking for any opportunity that would allow me to show my good will and good intentions, so that, through the ability given to me, I could fully present my knowledge before Your Most Gracious Majesty...

But to the most prudent and wisest prince I dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic predictions, composed rather on the basis of the unity of natural and poetic inspiration than following the rules of poetics, and composed according to astronomical calculations in accordance with years, months and weeks, regions, countries and most large and small cities throughout Europe, including also Africa and part of Asia, thus representing a diversity of lands located in most climatic regions.

And all this is composed in a natural way... the rhythm is as easy as understanding the meaning is difficult. And therefore, O most humane king, most of the prophetic quatrains are so difficult to understand that it will be difficult to explain or somehow interpret them. Nevertheless, I hope to indicate in my writings the years, cities and towns, regions where most of the events will take place, both in the year 1585 and in the year 1606, starting from the present time, namely, March 14, 1557, and reaching quite far, until the advent itself, calculated as accurately as my astronomical calculation and other knowledge allowed, which will take place at the beginning of the seventh millennium, when the opponents of Jesus Christ and his church will become more numerous, and everything has been compiled and calculated ... so accurately, as far as possible for me.

And everything was done ... by calendar calculation of almost the same number of events relating to the future as to the past, including the present and what is learned over time in all places according to my description, where nothing superfluous was added, although, as It is said that as far as the future is concerned, the truth cannot be completely definite.

And it is true, sir, that I inherited my natural gift from my ancestors... and I combined and coordinated this natural gift with calendar calculations. All is agreed upon and foretold partly by means of the brass tripod.

No matter how numerous there may be those who attribute to me what is mine, as well as what does not belong to me, only the one eternal God is the good, just and merciful seer of human destinies and the true judge, whom I ask to protect and protect me from slander of evil people who, from the same base motives, seek to find out why your most ancient ancestors, the kings of France, knew how to heal scrofula, other clans cured snake bites, and still others had a certain gift for the art of fortune telling and other cases that would take too long to talk about tell here.

However, for those who do not understand the cunning of evil spirits, my writings will mean more after some time has passed after the end of my earthly journey than during my life...

I call God and the saints as witnesses that I do not intend to state in this epistle anything inconsistent with the true Catholic faith, comparing astronomical calculations with my knowledge...

But the ravages of time, O most gracious King, require that such secret events should not be revealed except in mysterious terms, having one single meaning and one interpretation, without introducing into it anything ambiguous or ambiguous calculation, but rather in the obfuscation of meaning poured into them... as well as the calculations and the Punic Chronicle of Iodine. “My spirit will be wasted beyond my flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy.” But a similar prophecy proceeded from the mouth of the Holy Spirit, who manifested the highest and eternal heavenly power, and many of this number were predicted to have great and wonderful events.

...But everything comes from God and from nature and is accompanied by the movement of the heavenly current, so that great events become visible (as in a flaming mirror) like in a blurred vision - sad, wonderful and terrible disasters that are approaching thanks to the main figures ...

Memory is permeated with mysterious knowledge.
Underground waters burn from a candle,
The pale flame flickers and sparkles
And it casts rays into the destinies of centuries.

It's like God himself is behind me
(The bronze tripod was decorated with ligature).
He leads my trembling hand,
Lord and prince of heaven and earth,
(ts. 1, parts 1,2)

Let us, together with Nostradamus, look into the destinies of centuries through the prism of his predictions.

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