Dragon age origins ser gilmore companion. From non-scripts to henchmen

It's not quite ordinary Walkthrough of the game Dragon Age Origins. The story is told from the perspective of the female protagonist. Elissa Cousland, a character from a noble family. The plot of the game is revealed in a somewhat free form. But it corresponds to the scenarios of installed mods and DLC with erotic content.

CHAPTER 1. Dragon Age Origins.

Hou's betrayal

The Church believes that it was human arrogance that brought the creatures of darkness into our world. The magicians tried to take over Heaven, but it turned out that they themselves destroyed it. They were cast out, struck down by darkness, cursed, and it was all because of their depravity. They returned under the guise of monsters, the first creatures of darkness. They returned and swept the Pestilence across the Earth - inexorable and merciless.

The kingdoms of the Dwarves were the first to fall. From the Deep Paths, the creatures of darkness rose into our world again and again, until we were on the verge of complete extinction. And then the Gray Wardens came. Men and women of all races, warriors and magicians, barbarians and kings... The Gray Wardens sacrificed everything to stop the onslaught of darkness... And they won.

This happened four hundred years ago, but we did not lose our vigilance. We were waiting for the new arrival of the creatures of darkness. But those who called us heroes... They forgot everything. There are only a few of us left, no one paid attention to our warnings. Perhaps it is too late now: I have seen with my own eyes what the future holds for us. Help us, Creator!

This is what Duncan reasoned when he headed to Highever Kuslandov in search of new recruits. Duncan is the commander of the Gray Wardens of Ferelden. And although officially he was supposed to invite Sir Gilmore, one of the knights in the service of the Couslands, to the tests, in fact he had other plans. He heard about Bryce Cousland's youngest daughter, Ellis, who is excellent at wielding any weapon. Well physically built, and very attractive...

Born in Highever, he spent his childhood in Orlais and the Free Marches. Duncan was a half-breed. His mother, Taiana, was a Rivean, and his father, Arryn, a carpenter, was of Tevinter heritage. Having lost his parents at an early age, Duncan became a street child in Val Royeaux. Duncan saw his friends executed for theft more than once. It was only by chance that he became a Gray Warden, and subsequently their commander.

...I am Elissa Cousland, the youngest child in the Cousland family. At this time I was training with the soldiers of our small army. The soldiers have long been accustomed to the fact that I never miss an opportunity to practice with a sword in my hands. After exhausting training with them, I threw myself into the pond to wash off the dirt and sweat. Some of them still remembered me as a snot-nosed girl when I became addicted to weapons at the age of seven. Now that I am already twenty, some, especially young soldiers, look at me with envy during water procedures.

I, like them, threw myself into the pond completely naked. Father and mother, of course, objected to this, but I always knew how to insist on my own. Of course, I understood that each of them wanted to fuck me properly, but knowing that I had not only elastic tits, they were afraid to offer me something like that. I won’t say that I’m a saint, and I don’t consider sex something shameful, therefore, some of even the youngest soldiers have already been in my bed, but most of all I liked our knight Sir Gilmore. I allowed him everything. And for a very long time. I was about fifteen years old when we first retired in the hayloft.

A messenger came running and said that my father wanted to see me. I crawled out of the pond, and the soldiers surrounding me took great pleasure in drying me off with towels. Then, after getting dressed, she went to her father. I had no idea that Duncan was watching me at the time.

My father Bryce Cousland, along with my older brother Fergus, are going to war. The creatures of darkness threaten Ferelden. And although I really want this, they don’t want to take me with them. In the great hall of the castle, my father introduced me to Earl Howe, his old comrade-in-arms. He asked me to look after the castle while he was away. Then he introduced me to another guest - the commander of the Gray Wardens of Ferelden, Duncan. Duncan, without hiding his interest, looked at me. Then he told my father that I would be quite suitable for the role of a recruit. My father was categorically against this, although I myself did not object to this possibility.

Apparently, in order to somehow change the topic of conversation, my father asked me to find Fergus and tell him to go out with the army without waiting for him. There was nothing to do, so I went to carry out my father’s instructions. Leaving the hall, I immediately came face to face with Sir Gilmore. And although we were connected by more than one stormy night, we adhered to the rule of addressing each other in public only officially.

Sir Gilmore was looking for me because my Baby, my sweet mabari dog, had done something again, or rather settled in the kitchen pantry. The cook, aka my former nanny, Nan, is furious! Because the Kid doesn't let anyone into the pantry. She has neither the strength nor the means to get rid of my wolfhound. Well, let's go to the kitchen. Looking around to make sure no one was seeing us, I kissed Sir Gilmore on the lips and pointedly ran my hand between his legs.

In the kitchen, Nan scolded the servants for not being able to get rid of the dog. I well understood the servant’s fear of my hundred-kilogram wolfhound, who, if he wanted, could snatch off not only his hand, but also his head. Having calmed the nanny, Sir Gilmore and I entered the pantry.

The baby, that’s what I called my mabari, was fussing around in the pantry, obviously sniffing out something. It turned out to be huge rats. Having quickly dealt with them, I detained Sir Gilmore, who was eager to fulfill his duties. Kneeling in front of him, I climbed into his pants. About five minutes later, happy Gilmore rushed off to carry out my father’s instructions, and I, licking my lips, went to talk to my nanny.

Nan still scolded my Baby, but he also knew how to win over the cook. After grumbling for another minute, Nan gave the Kid two good pieces of pork. The kid instantly swallowed the meat and again stared questioningly at the cook. I realized that I had to take him away quickly, otherwise Nan would again say that it was easier to feed the army than my wolfhound. I went to my brother Fergus, and the Kid, of course, tagged along.

Coming out of the kitchen, I noticed Betty, one of our maids, sneak into the utility room. Even as children, Betty and I would run to the pond, hide in the bushes and study our bodies. Having matured, we continued our meetings, but with a more specific purpose. Despite the fact that at the age of fifteen I had already started dating our knight Sir Gilmore, I still liked to caress and cuddle with Betty. Having followed Betty into the utility room, I immediately attacked her with kisses. Betty answered me the same way. We collapsed on a pile of laundry that Betty had to iron. Having positioned ourselves as jacks, we both dug into each other’s pussies and brought ourselves to a frantic orgasm. After soaking up a little more, I went to carry out my father’s instructions.

On the way, I met my mother, who was talking with her friend Lady Landra, who had come to stay with us. Her son and maid of honor were with her. The last time we met with them, Lady Landra got drunk and spent the entire evening trying to marry her son Dairen to me. It never came to a wedding, but we still had fun in bed with Dairen. Lady Landra herself and my mother, secluded in one of the countless rooms of the castle, indulged in carnal pleasures. But now I was more interested in her maid of honor, Iona. Citing being busy, I said goodbye to the guests, making sure that Iona went to the library.

Finding her there looking at books, I approached her. A lovely elfin face, a slender body, firm breasts, I could barely restrain myself from kissing her. During the conversation, we understood each other, and Iona agreed to come to my bedroom at night. Everything now goes to my brother, otherwise my father himself will tell him what he told me.

When I went into my brother’s room, I found him saying goodbye to his wife and son. After talking with my brother, I expressed that he and my father were not acting honestly when they left me to sit at home while they themselves went off to fight the creatures of darkness. During the conversation, mother and father came, they also wanted to say goodbye to Fergus before he left with the army. My father sent me to rest, because tomorrow I have a lot of work to do, I remain the mistress of the castle.

I went into my room, took off my clothes and climbed into the bath of warm water that the servants had prepared for me. After a while, Iona entered.

Finally, I have waited for this moment! Gently and reverently I kissed every part of her body. Iona answered me the same. We moved onto my huge bed and continued to caress each other. I don’t know where Iona learned this, but what she did with her long and sharp tongue, penetrating into my womb, drove me into a frenzy. I tried to remember everything and immediately repeated it, clinging to Aion’s hot pussy. We probably fell asleep closer to morning, but didn’t have time to sleep. The baby barked furiously looking at the doors.

Iona and I jumped out of bed naked, not understanding what was happening. Iona wanted to look into the corridor, but then the doors to my room were ripped off their hinges and an arrow pierced Iona’s young and beautiful body. I see Earl Howe's soldiers in the corridor. A monstrous suspicion immediately comes to mind. I grab the sword that was standing at the head of the bed, and, just as I was naked, I jump out into the corridor. There are four of them. The first two heads immediately fell to the floor. A throw and the third soldier's head fell off his shoulders with a thud. The fourth one was bitten to death by my Baby.

Mom jumped out of her room. I have no answers to her question about what is happening, because I am still naked and just like her, I just left my room. What is clear is that Howe betrayed us and attacked Highever while Fergus withdrew our troops. There is a swarm of questions in my head, I need to go down into the yard and try to find my father.

I rushed to my room, put on my armor, armed my mother with my arsenal, and now I can go in search of my father. Mom, like me, was very good with swords in her youth. Therefore, when we met a dozen Howe soldiers on the road, we quickly dealt with them. In the great hall we saw our soldiers fighting Earl Howe's soldiers. They immediately entered into a fight.

After we defeated this pack, Sir Gilmore approached us. He is very glad that my mother and I survived; when I asked if he had seen my father, he said that he saw him seriously wounded at the entrance to the kitchen. I ask him to come with us, but he is stubborn and does not intend to leave his post. No longer embarrassed by anyone, I throw myself on his neck and passionately kiss him on the lips. Perhaps this is our last kiss...

My mother and I go to the kitchen. There we found my father in the storeroom. He's bleeding. The blood is boiling in my veins, I want only one thing - REVENGE! Earl Howe will pay for what he did. Duncan bursts in and reports that Howe's soldiers have completely surrounded the castle and captured it. He then asks me to join the Order of the Gray Wardens. Now the father no longer objects. Together with my mother, they persuade me to run away with Duncan in order to exact revenge in the future. I don’t know what to do, mom, dad... Tears keep flowing from my eyes, I can’t stop them. Howe's soldiers can be heard approaching. Duncan grabs my hand and drags me along like a small child.

I came to my senses late in the evening, when Duncan and I were far from my house on the road to Ostagar. It was getting dark quickly. We had to stop somewhere for the night. It is no longer safe to walk in Ferelden at night. We wandered into the nearest elven ruins and found a place for a fire that would not be visible from the road. Duncan offered me something to eat, but I just pouted and was ready to burst into tears again. Then he took out a bottle of wine and handed it to me.

The wine dulled the pain and spread warmth throughout the body. I pressed myself against Duncan, my lips still trembling. Duncan stroked my hair and tried to comfort me. I took another sip from the bottle of wine. Probably Duncan himself didn’t notice, let alone me, that instead of my head, he was now stroking my chest. Duncan's gentle hands calmed me down, and the growing excitement clouded my mind, and everything that was happening dissolved as if in a fog. Instead of being indignant, I unfastened the straps on the armor and did not resist, and even helped Duncan undress me. Then she let him do whatever he wanted...

“Poor girl,” pitiful voices say behind Alice’s back. They think she doesn't hear. She hears. And he continues to smile so widely that his cheekbones are cramped. Among the nobility of Ferelden, Alice Cousland has always been known as a girl of noble blood, not lacking in intelligence and beauty. In a narrower circle, she was also known as a skilled warrior. But those who did not know her personally knew only one thing: Alice Cousland was the daughter of Teyrn Highever, who lost her sight in childhood. She doesn't remember that day. She was told that it was summer, there was a horse ride, accompanied by her father and brother, it seemed that the horse, frightened by a pack of wolves jumping out from behind the trees, bolted, and a little girl in a nice hunting costume could not stay on her back and fell to the ground. Maybe there was something else, but it was as if someone had deliberately erased the memory, sparing the fragile child’s psyche. But Alice remembers very well the feeling of powerless despair, remembers the tears flowing down her cheeks, remembers the firm, confident hands that she had to lean on when walking. Alice really didn’t want to become helpless and depend on others, but no one saw any choice. As it turned out, there was a choice. Albert Gilmore, his father's closest associate and his closest friend and adviser, has soft hair that flows in obedient waves under his fingers. Alice liked to finger them while sitting on his lap, running her hands over the cold steel of his armor and his face with high cheekbones, trying to build his appearance before her inner gaze. Ser Gilmore's voice is soft and slightly muffled, she mentally draws a parallel with the old blanket and smiles uncertainly. “Don’t worry, Teyrn,” Albert pats his master’s daughter’s red head, and his voice sounds confident, not soothing. - I know one remedy. Alice’s vision, however, will not return, but otherwise she will be a completely normal person. And the most wonderful warrior. - Shall we fight with swords? – little Cousland admires, biting the tip of her thin braid. “Definitely,” laughs Ser Gilmore. Alice believes. And he promises himself not to cry anymore. She is... the future great warrior. “The most important thing is to learn to trust,” the mentor says in a tone as if he were revealing her biggest secret. - Trust your body, sensations and feelings. Trust yourself. Trust the people around you. Trust the world at large. Without this, not only will you not be able to fight with a sword, you will not be able to walk without outside help. Come on, try it. Follow my voice. Trust me. Alice trusts. And it seems she is succeeding. After a year, she can navigate in space without anyone else's help. After two, she gets used to light armor and learns to handle real weapons. And seven years later, Alice Cousland becomes the winner of the Highever archery tournament organized by her father. She no longer considers herself crippled, knows how to trust the world and still cannot stand pity. Pity humiliates, burns more strongly than fire, like on that first day. The son of the retired Ser Albert looks at her with silent admiration, and seems ready to follow her everywhere. Alice smiles, laughs, kisses him outside the pantry door, and, embarrassed, runs down the corridor, pressing her palms to her burning cheeks. And then everything goes to hell. Alice stops trusting the world when it crumbles under her feet; when the man whom his father considered his friend betrays him and his family, killing those whom Teyrn Highever loved more than life itself. Alice stops trusting people when she stumbles and runs down the narrow corridor of a secret passage, leaving behind her parents who did not want to leave with her and the Gray Warden. Which she couldn't save. Alice is afraid to even trust herself. When Roland Gilmore sees three travelers entering the gates of Lothering, he cannot believe his eyes for a long time. He looks at the tangled, faded hair, the armor stained with dirt, looks at the girl who is unobtrusively but carefully supported by the elbow by an unfamiliar warrior in plate armor, and he does not want and at the same time desperately wants to believe that it is her. His Milady Cousland. - Milady?.. - Ser Gilmore? It's you? The girl reaches her hand to his face, touches his forehead with her fingertips, feverishly runs her palm through his hair. Before the knight can say anything else welcoming, she unexpectedly impulsively hugs him, pressing her whole body tightly and burying her nose in the cold steel of the breastplate. Tears are rolling down her cheeks. Alice does not want and is not going to restrain herself. - Alive... Alice Cousland is trying to seem the same. Perhaps she can still mislead her companions, although this strange woman every now and then casts sidelong glances at her and shakes her head, and the warrior unconsciously tries to support her as she walks. Roland sees that this is not the self-confident lady who was irritated by any manifestation of pity. And even though she still tightly grips the handles of her blades and shoots accurately from a carved bow, but... he sees. And he seems to know what to do. There is peace and quiet in the camp - Alistair is sleeping, muttering something under his breath and trying to wrap himself tightly in a thin cloak, the former church novice Leliana is sleeping, putting a traveling bag under her head, the stern Qunari warrior Stan is sleeping, even in his sleep, continuing to frown, sleeping Morrigan, and the glow of the fire plays on her face. Alice is not sleeping. He sits by the fire, with his knees pulled up to his chest and his slender arms clasped around his shoulders; next to him, leaning his warm side against the hostess, lies a faithful mabari, who could be mistaken for sleeping, if not for his eyes sparkling in the darkness. Roland enters the fire-lit circle, having returned from his nightly patrol of the parking lot. He takes off his chain mail, remaining in a thin linen shirt, and sits down next to him. - Can't sleep? - Yes... Bad dreams. The girl carefully presses herself against him, warming herself, and Gilmore makes up his mind. He doesn’t say anything, because if he starts explaining his actions, he definitely won’t be able to do anything. So he simply takes Cousland’s face in his hands, runs his thumb over her cheek and presses his own, dry and cracked, thin lips to hers. This is not like their first and only kiss, when Alice was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he himself was not much older. Then it couldn’t even be called a kiss - it was just an experiment, an emotional outburst. Now they are both quite old. But Alice still blushes, just like that day. It's good that he doesn't run away. Roland touches her lips lightly, ready to pull away at any moment if she wants it. But this, to his relief, does not happen. The girl herself moves forward, closing the distance and in one fell swoop knocking out of the knight’s head all excuses, explanations, everything that will only hinder them at the moment. Only she and her lips remained - tender and light. Alice is already kissing him herself, awkwardly, trustingly and somehow very sincerely. Her eyelashes tremble and her breathing becomes deep and ragged. They were in no hurry to move on, letting each other get used to themselves and their feelings. Gilmore was the first to decide - it seemed that a little more, and the girl would simply pull away, and he would not have the strength to repeat this crazy attempt a second time. He gently pressed her to him, making her shudder in surprise, and, pulling back his lower lip, ran his tongue along its edge, expecting resistance again at any moment. But, feeling Alice’s arms wrap around his neck and her lips part, he receives confirmation that he did everything right after all. Roland acts carefully but confidently, gently moving his hands to the girl’s waist and feeling his head begin to spin, and a sweet languor spreading through his body. The heart is beating so much that it seems that it simply cannot cope with the tension. “Trust me,” he whispers, pulling away for a while and hugging young Cousland tighter to him. - Why? - her voice is excited and slightly hoarse, resounding right next to your ear, generating a wave of pleasant trembling. - Because when they love, they trust. Alice exhales quietly, lays her head on his shoulder, and this gesture is everything. She trusts him. And he will try to teach her to trust the rest of the world again.

Sir Gilmore was a knight of your father, Tairn Cousland, and was about to join the Gray Wardens.

When Earl Howe stormed the castle, Sir Gilmour didn't think twice. He told you to leave so you could find your father and escape. And he... well, he would give his life for your family, giving you time and holding the gate as long as possible.

You were saved thanks to Duncan. But what happened to your childhood friend?
Your family was killed, and Sir Gilmore... one can only assume that he died trying to save you.

.... OR NOT???

This mod adds Sir Gilmore to Origins as your devoted companion who will accompany you throughout the game.
You'll find it in LOTHERING, near the church.

Features of the mod:

1. Companion

Gilmore is a fully-fledged companion: full voice acting (in English), full facial animation, his own nightmare in the Shadow, a page in the codex (which is updated from time to time), and a lot, a lot of dialogue (you can trust me).

2. Behavior

While Gilmore is fair to the core, meaning he will demand your character do everything right, he is quite different in his relationships. Who do you want him to be? Best friend, devoted lover, passionate lover or enemy? It's up to you to decide.

3. Squad

Gilmore will never leave your squad, he understands that the threat of Pestilence is much more important than personal enmity. Therefore, no matter how you try to anger him, nothing will work. Yes, Gilmore will shout at your character and swear at him, but... Therefore, think several times before accepting him into the squad (well, just in case))

4. Gifts

Even standard companions don’t give as many gifts as Gilmore does... As many as two! Either way, it's quite nice. As for gifts for Gilmore, they all give +5 to disposition (even from the DLC). But I don’t advise you to give gifts to this difficult companion, nothing good will come of it, it’s better to treat him kindly.

5. Plot

Gilmore comments on important events in the story. It is also worth noting that Gilmore’s dialogue and attitude towards your character will change as the story progresses. You won’t be able to blab him out that easily.

6. Relationships with other companions

Gilmore is quite chatty, and will try to find a common language with all your companions (except Loghain, but that’s understandable), but will they all want this? In total, Gilmore has 4-5 dialogues with each standard companion (again, not counting Loghain, Gilmore's conversation with him will be short).

7. Roman
Gilmore can romance both women and men of any race or background. Romantic and friendly relations with Cousland are, of course, better written, but other races will not be deprived. And I remind you once again that showering Gilmore with gifts, hoping for a quick start to a romance, is absolutely useless! It’s better to treat him kindly and go through the story slowly. The result will show itself soon)))

Remove the mod and install the new (this) version. Just delete it!!! If you do not do this, but simply install it on top, you may get the following bugs with voice acting: its absence, or NPCs will still speak English. Take this into account!

From 10.25.16

  • Fixed broken pictures in the description of the material.
  • I sewed the final subtitles from 08/05/16 into the main archive. I express my deep gratitude for such excellent editing of the text!
  • I’m not giving up on the idea of ​​Russian voice acting! I'm still waiting.

1. Thanks to the invaluable help, I was able to cut out the unnecessary NPC voice acting from the mod. Thus, only Gilmore's English voice acting remained in fashion. Of course, there are a couple of places where NPCs still speak English, but they are not critical, and in the future they will be completely removed. These are Gilmore's dialogues with other companions and conversations between companions in Fort Drakkon. Therefore, the archive managed to “lose weight” a little, but this is even better, right? Simply put, now the mod will not break the Russian voice acting in some places and replace it with English. It is worth emphasizing that players playing with English voice acting have nothing to fear, you have played with English voice acting and will continue to play with it. All these manipulations were done for players whose voice acting differs from English.

2. Now everything is in one archive. All additional files and mods are located in the main archive, in the “Optional” folder. They weigh a little, but with their presence they inflate the description of the mod. Now everything has become much more compact. If Gilmore cannot be selected in the squad window, this folder is definitely for you!

  1. Download. Unpack the archive (right-click on the archive - "Extract to current folder". If an error message suddenly pops up, restore the archive.
  2. to install DAzip file use daupdater.exe(by the address: C:\Program files\Dragon Age\bin_ship) or DAModder.
  3. Install DAzip file, go into the game and activate it (usually this is done automatically).
  4. In folder " Optional"You will find 2 archives, each archive has its own installation instructions. Install something additional to choose from, or all at once.

To remove a mod, use the program DA Modder, or manually delete the folder " Ser_Gilmore_LBCI" by the address: My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns and file " Ser_Gilmore_LBCI_package" by the address: My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data.
If you installed something additional, do not forget to remove it following the instructions.

Original's Mod Page
To the team.
To David Gaider for his insight (and creating such an amazing character).
To the people at the Ser Gilmore joinable NPC project in the Social site for their input.
To Starlight and Catt128 for their initial dialog beta-ing.
To Deiser for his additional proofreading.
To the BETA testers for their hard work!
To Torilund and Jay for the magnificent voice over!
To Dahlia Lynn for the wonderful cutscenes!
To Ladydesire for updating the char_stage.
To Noob766 and Sunjammer for creating the Companion Compatibility package that this mod now uses.
To idomeneas for his insight in prescinding from several core resources and random bantering.
To ejoslin and TerraEx for their work on compatibility.
To Questorion for giving Rory a place in Dark Times: Confederacy of Malkuth.
To the Bioware social site toolset forum users for answering a million questions (special mention to Lady Olivia.)
To the people at www.clandlan.net for their constant support, of course.
And to YOU ​​for playing with this mod!

The Cousland family castle is unusually crowded today. And it’s not just the surrounding banns who have gathered for you, but the best people of the kingdom, daddy whispers. He himself, however, is just a vassal and being in such a brilliant society flatters him, but Rory knows nothing about this. Snatches of conversations are heard: “Congratulations, Bryce, girl?”, “She looks like Eleanor, she’ll be a beauty...” Rory frowns in confusion - personally, he doesn’t see anything good in girls, and his legs also hurt from having to stand still and my back is stiff, and I want to run in the garden or play hide and seek with Fergus and Nathaniel, but alas. You need to stand still, because daddy told you so. Rory is only five and doesn't care about the squeaking bundle in the cradle. *** - Ollie, give me an apple! Stupid Leary! He cries all the time, doesn’t understand anything and doesn’t even know how to say his name! Rory sniffles irritably - Fergus and Nathaniel are now on the parade ground, with their parents, and he has to keep an eye on the little annoying one. Now his friends will grow up to be knights, and he will grow up to be a nanny! Uuuuu... Well, why is he being punished for this? - Apple! What a capricious one! Rory is eight and can't stand the whiny girl in pink lace. *** - I wove a wreath for you! - Leary smiles almost from ear to ear, and Roland slowly turns purple, imagining himself in a cheerful daisy wreath - and even more so, imagining how Fergus will become more sophisticated in his wit. “You don’t like him?..” the girl blinks very often and seems ready to cry. “I like it,” Roland agrees doomedly and only closes his eyes when she, with a joyful squeal, lowers the disheveled chamomile ugliness onto her red curls. Roland is eighteen, he will soon become a knight, and Liri and her wreath, of course, are completely uninteresting to him. *** ...-Of course, Derren, I will be happy to show you the library... Ellyria, elegant, immaculately combed Ellyria slides past Roland, barely deigning him with a nod. Of course, she’s right, there’s no need to give reason for gossip - but just greet a little warmer - and the rumor will spread: “Oh, the younger Cousland is too kind to her father’s knights...” And you can’t explain what Sir Gilmore has been keeping for five years in the chest there is a disheveled and dried chamomile wreath... Roland is twenty-three years old, he is a knight and will soon become a Gray Warden. One day he will return to Highever and tell her... *** He is twenty-five. He did not become a Guardian, did not become a hero, and very soon he will cease to be at all. Roland Gilmore dies at Fort Dragon. In the Shadow, of course, he will meet Ellyria and tell her, he will definitely tell her. .. "...I love you, Leary. Always."

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  • Cullen, Jovan, Gorim, and Ser Gilmore will appear in the companions.
  • Start a romance with Cullen, Jovan, Gorim, Ser Gilmore.
  • Special gifts for each new companion (Bioware style)
  • Each new companion has at least one personal quest (adds 30-60 minutes of game time for each)
  • 17 new locations (plus several new buildings)
  • Some areas feel old school, hack-and-slash dungeons swarming with tons of enemies in one area.
  • Five new armor sets (repainted existing ones, but with new stats)
  • Five new weapon sets (existing, but with new stats)
  • 8 New (Universal) Merchants to Meet Your Needs
  • Dialogues with Cullen, Jovan, Gorim, Ser Gilmore consist of 12,000 words each.

Patch notes for Beta v2:

  • Nightmares (Shadow) in Scattered Mages now work
  • Improved lighting in Highever Castle
  • A new city will appear on the map
  • Replaced the location of the cave in the Gorima quest
  • Added a new location in the Gorima quest
  • Removed settlement in Dragon Peak
  • Dragon Peak merchants moved to new city
  • Added new merchants in Gwaren
  • Larger satellite selection screen
  • Reduced the difficulty of some quests
  • Reduced equipment stats
  • Built-in armor shades (no clutter)
  • Improved sound effects for certain NPCs
  • Cullen, Jovan, Gorim, Ser Gilmore have more dialogue
  • Made some minor changes to Eomon, Gorim and Kallen's dialogue
  • Fixed a bug that caused Cullen's epilogue and conversation in the throne room to skip
  • Fixed one error in the conversation with Jovan in the Dungeon (for compatibility when choosing the Cullen - Mage novel)
  • Fixed a bug in the epilogue dialogue and goodbye at the door (for compatibility with several installed mods)
  • Improved compatibility with other mods that add companions (especially NPC Ser Gilmore)
  • Shadow Leap is now compatible
  • Roman Cullen-Mage is now compatible
  • All known bugs fixed
  • All compatibility plugins are collected in one archive

1. Completely uninstall the old version of Karma's Companions.
2. If any compatibility files remain in the...\packages\core\override folder or subfolder, they must BE DELETED.
3. Download the archive and install.
4. If you do not have Awakening installed, download and unzip the patch to the folder...\Addins\karmas_companions\core. If you don't have Awakening, please download Awakening in the OC. Eonar level 4 and the Korcari Wild Lands Settlement will not work without it.
5. Download the latest Bug Fix file, unzip it to...\packages\core\override.
6. If Bloodworks, Dark Times, Ser Gilmore NPC, Tevinter Wardens, Lealion, Cullen-Mage Romance Option, Valeria, or Return to Korcari Wilds are installed, you need to download and install the Compatibility Plugin Pack. (See in the corresponding directory.)
7. Start a new game or load a save BEFORE Lothering.

Removing Karma's Origins Companions:
Remove the following files and folders:

  • karmas_companions folder from...\My Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Addins folder
  • karmas_companions_package.erf file from...\packages\core\data<-- у новой версии этого файла нет
  • any bug fix files in...\packages\core\override
  • any compatibility plugins in...\packages\core\override

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