Donskoy Ataman Matvey Ivanovich Platov. Alpha Cossack: Ataman Platov is the most reckless Cossack in Russia What Matvey Ivanovich Platov did

Unknown artist. Portrait of M.I. Platov (early 19th century)

Platov! Europe already knows
That you are a terrible leader of the Don forces.
By surprise, like a sorcerer, everywhere
You will fall like snow from clouds or rain.

G.R. Derzhavin (1807)

In 1801, Emperor Paul I was seized by the idea, together with the French army, to oppose England and go on a campaign to India, which was one of the strongest British colonies.

Platov was asked to lead the Cossack army - he was very popular at that time among the Don Cossacks. Now this idea of ​​going to India seems fantastic, but then they were preparing for it seriously: the Cossack army consisted of 27,500 people and 55,000 horses. But when the Cossacks reached Orenburg, news came of the death of Paul I and the accession of Alexander I to the throne. The campaign was canceled, and Platov was promoted to lieutenant general and appointed military ataman of the Don Army.

Unknown artist. Portrait of M.I. Platova on horseback (1810)

This is just one episode from the life of Ataman Matvey Ivanovich Platov, full of events, adventures and heroic deeds. “Whirlwind-ataman” - that’s what the poet V. Zhukovsky called him. And the Cossacks loyal to him composed songs about his military victories.

From the biography

Bust of M. I. Platov in the village of Starocherkasskaya (Rostov region)

Matvey Ivanovich Platov was born into the family of a military foreman in Cherkassk, the capital of the Don Cossacks, in 1751.

Stanitsa Starocherkasskaya(then until 1805 Cherkassk) is located in the Aksai district of the Rostov region. Here, besides M. Platov, many other Don heroes were born.

Church of Peter and Paul (Starocherkasskaya station)

And in this church M.I. was baptized in 1751. Platov, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812

It was during the Patriotic War of 1812 that Platov’s name became popularly known, although as a brave commander he distinguished himself with the rank of captain in 1771 during the attack and capture of the Perekop line and Kinburn. From 1772, he began to command a Cossack regiment, and already in the second Turkish war (1787-1791) he distinguished himself during the assault on Ochakov, for which on April 14, 1789 he was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class.

Y. Sukhodolsky “Storm of Ochakov”

Then M. Platov took part in the Persian War of 1795-1796. with the rank of marching chieftain. But in 1797, Paul I suspected him of plotting against the emperor and exiled him to Kostroma, and then imprisoned him in the Peter and Paul Fortress. But in January 1801, by order of Paul I, M. Platov took part in a campaign in India.

Founding of Novocherkassk

The foundation of this city - the idea and its implementation - belongs to M.I. Platov.

What was this for?

Stanitsa Starocherkasskaya

The village of Starocherkasskaya is located on the right bank of the Don River, and it was almost annually flooded by the waters of the Don, which flooded in the spring. Another reason was frequent fires in the former Cossack capital, built chaotically, without a master plan, in the fire of which up to half of the wooden buildings burned out. In addition, there were no reliable land access routes to Cherkassk.

Ataman Platov had long been nurturing the project of creating a new capital of the Don Cossack Army. In 1804, Emperor Alexander I approved the proposal of M. I. Platov “on the founding of a new city on the Don, which will be called the new Cherkassy.”

Unknown artist. Portrait of Franz de Volland (Devolan, circa 1805)

The famous French engineer Franz Devolan worked on the city plan. He was the first engineer in the armies of G. A. Potemkin and A. V. Suvorov, the first architect of Voznesensk, Odessa, Novocherkassk, Tiraspol, Ovidiopol and other cities, the builder of the first cast iron bridge in St. Petersburg, the first engineer at the head of the Department of Railways, the first member Committee of Ministers from this department. Under his leadership, the Tikhvin and Mariinsk water systems were created. In 1805, on the day of the Ascension of the Lord, the ceremonial foundation of the new city took place. The festively arranged move to New Cherkassk took place on May 9, 1806 and was marked by 101 gun shots. Currently, Novocherkassk is already the capital of the world Cossacks, and in the center of the city, near the Military Cathedral, there is a monument to the founder of the city - Ataman Matvey Ivanovich Platov.

Monument to Ataman M.I. Platov in Platov Square (Novocherkassk)

There is also an equestrian monument to M.I. in this city. Platov.

Equestrian monument to M.I. Platov (Novocherkassk)

Monument to the All-Great Don Army (Novocherkassk)

Patriotic War of 1812

During the Patriotic War of 1812, Platov first commanded all the Cossack regiments on the border, and then covered the retreat of the army, while simultaneously undertaking successful battles with the French (near the town of Mir and Romanovo).

The battle near Mir in July 1812 is called the “case of Platov’s Cossacks.”

The main forces of the French Grand Army crossed the Neman in Lithuania; the 1st and 2nd Russian armies stationed there were separated by the advancing French. The commander of the 2nd Army, Bagration, who was in Volkovysk, received an order to urgently move to join the 1st Army of Barclay de Tolly. From the west, Bagration was pursued by the army of Jerome Bonaparte.

On July 1, Bagration's retreating army headed towards the junction, but on July 3, avoiding a battle with the army of Marshal Davout, it turned back to Nesvizh. On July 8, Bagration’s army stopped to rest near Nesvizh, and Bagration ordered Ataman Platov to send patrols and hold back the enemy’s movement while the army rested.

Under the command of Ataman Platov there were 5.5 Cossack regiments numbering 2,600 sabers. On July 9, Ataman Platov ordered an ambush and detained the enemy’s advance detachment. V. A. Sysoev (lieutenant general, also a Don Cossack) divided his regiment into three groups: one hundred were defiantly put forward; two hundred were placed before the World; On the road south of Mir, the main Cossack forces with mobile artillery were secretly positioned. This is how the “Cossack Venter” ambush was prepared. The Polish lancers were ambushed, and during two days of fighting near Mir, 6 lancer regiments were defeated; Platov captured 18 officers and 375 lower ranks. Almost all the prisoners were wounded due to the extremely fierce battle.

Platov's rearguard battle delayed the movement of Napoleon's troops and ensured the withdrawal of Bagration's 2nd Army to Slutsk. Napoleon Bonaparte was furious; he blamed his own brother Jerome, the commander of the right wing of the army, for the defeat of the division, and he returned to the Kingdom of Westphalia. Marshal Davout took command of Jerome's troops.

Ataman M.I. Platov. Engraving by S. Cardelli (early 19th century)

In the battle near the village of Semlevo, Platov’s army defeated the French and captured a colonel from the army of Marshal Murat. Platov shared this success with Major General Baron Rosen.

D. Doe “Portrait of G. W. Rosen.” Hermitage (St. Petersburg)

During the retreat of the French army, Platov pursued it and inflicted defeats on it at Gorodnya, Kolotsky Monastery, Gzhatsk, Tsarevo-Zaimishch, near Dukhovshchina and when crossing the Vop River. For his services, by a personal Highest decree of November 10, 1812, the ataman of the Don Army, general of the cavalry, Matvey Ivanovich Platov, with his descendants, was elevated to the dignity of count of the Russian Empire. In November, Platov captured Smolensk from battle and defeated the troops of Marshal Ney near Dubrovna.

In 1813 M. Platov fought in Prussia; in September he received command of a special corps, with which he participated in the battle of Leipzig and, pursuing the enemy, captured about 15 thousand people. In 1814, he fought at the head of his regiments in the capture of Nemur, at Arcy-sur-Aube (the battle of March 20-21 between Napoleon's army and the Main Allied Army on the Aube River during the 1814 campaign in France. This was the last battle Napoleon, where he personally commanded the troops before his first abdication), Cezanne, Villeneuve. Awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

After the conclusion of peace M.I. Platov accompanied Emperor Alexander I to London, where he was greeted with loud applause. He became the first Russian to be awarded an honorary doctorate from Oxford University (although Platov was only taught to read and write).

A Royal Navy ship was named after him, and bronze medals were struck in his honor by the London Mint.

Medallion in honor of Platov (1814)

M.I. Platov died on January 15 (new time), 1818. His ashes were reburied several times, but were finally reburied in the same place in the military cathedral on May 15, 1993 (Novocherkassk).

Lifetime portrait of M. I. Platov, painted during his stay in London (1814)


It is impossible to imagine that the life of a person who had such a stormy temperament and such a heroic biography would not have been overgrown with all sorts of myths and legends. But legends are not made about everyone, only about those who deserve them. Or maybe it’s not a legend at all, but a fact. But this is how they talk about the meeting between Platov and Napoleon.

They met back in 1907, at the conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit. M.I. was present in the retinue of Emperor Alexander I. Platov. He observed the meetings of the two emperors on the Neman River. During one of these meetings, Napoleon decided to award the Russian generals with the Order of the Legion of Honor. Platov was also among those awarded. Having learned about this, the Cossack ataman said indignantly: “Why should he reward me? After all, I didn’t serve him and I can never serve him.” Of course, these words were immediately conveyed to Napoleon, who at the meeting, getting acquainted with the Russian generals, did not honor only Platov with a handshake. But Platov remembered this insult to him.

D. Serangeli “Farewell of Napoleon to Alexander I in Tilsit” (Palace of Versailles)

At one of the military reviews, Platov looked long and intently at Napoleon, which affected his pride. Napoleon sent a general from his retinue to Platov. The general asked: “Does the chieftain not like the great emperor that he looks at him so intently?” “I’ll tell you that I’m not looking at your emperor at all, because there’s nothing unusual about him, he’s the same as other people. I’m looking at his horse, and as an expert myself, I really want to know what breed it is,” Platov answered him.

But this conflict ended quite peacefully, namely with the exchange of gifts. Napoleon gave Platov a snuffbox with his own portrait, and Platov gave the emperor a combat bow. But in 1814, Platov replaced the portrait of Napoleon on the snuff box with a “more decent antique.” Platov always remained himself.

Monument to M.I. Platov in Moscow

Matvey Ivanovich Platov (1753–1818)

The number one Cossack ataman in the history of the Russian state, undoubtedly, was and remains M. I. Platov. He was born on the Don in the village of Pribylyanskaya, and came from the “senior children of the Don Army.” The father is Colonel Ivan Fedorovich Platov, who taught his son all the wisdom of Cossack military skill.

At the age of 13, Matvey Platov was enlisted to serve as a Cossack in the military office. At the age of 15 he became a constable and began regimental service. He immediately attracted attention with the innate traits of an equestrian fighter. In 1770, he was promoted to regimental esaul, enlisted in the troops of Prince Dolgorukov, the future Dolgorukov-Krymsky.

He received his baptism of fire during the campaign in the Crimea, distinguished himself during the attack on Perekop (Turkish Wall) and in the capture of the Kinburn fortress. Platov found himself among those Russian troops who had the opportunity to fulfill a truly historical mission - to put an end to the Crimean Khanate, the last fragment of the Golden Horde.

In 1772, Matvey Platov received the rank of Cossack colonel and at the same time (at the age of 18!) began to command a Cossack regiment.

...In 1774 in the Kuban, he skillfully and independently repelled seven attacks of “non-peaceful” highlanders on a Cossack camp on the Kalnakh (Canals) River. For this feat he was awarded a personal gold medal by decree of Empress Catherine II. Then the words of Matvey Ivanovich Platov were heard, which became his life motto:

Honor is more valuable than life!..

Platov spent the years 1782–1784 in campaigns across the Crimea, serving as border guards in the Kuban, in military expeditions against the “trans-Kuban peoples” and in Chechnya. He distinguished himself near the city of Kopyl, in battles with the Khan's cavalry of Devlet-Girey. During these years, the young Don officer served under the command of Chief General A.V. Suvorov, having undergone a good combat school in the North Caucasus.

In June 1787, Platov received the rank of army colonel. On behalf of Catherine's favorite G. A. Potemkin, he formed four Cossack regiments from single-dvorets of the Yekaterinoslav province. He went through the Russian-Turkish War of 1787–1791 from beginning to end. On December 6, 1788, Matvey Platov distinguished himself during the bloody assault on the Ochakov fortress. His well-deserved reward was the Order of St. George, 4th degree.

His Serene Highness Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky transfers the Don colonel he liked to the Chuguev Cossack Regiment. At his head, Platov fought bravely in Bessarabia, near the fortress of Bendery, in the battle of September 26, 1789 near Causeni, and in the capture of the fortified castle of Palanca. For Kaushany he receives the rank of foreman.

Platov turned out to be one of the heroes of the assault on the Izmail fortress, which has no analogues in world military history. He commanded one of the assault columns, composed of foot Don Cossacks armed with shortened pikes. As the attack progressed, the Cossack column found itself in a difficult position, having been subjected to a strong retaliatory blow from the besieged Turks. The counterattacking Ottomans were then driven back behind the fortress walls only with the help of a reserve that arrived in time.

For Izmail, brigadier M.I. Platov was awarded the Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, 3rd degree, and promoted to the rank of major general in 1793. He was appointed ataman of the Ekaterinoslav and Chuguev Cossacks and awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd degree.

Platov took part in the Persian campaign of 1796, when the expeditionary force was commanded by Chief General Valerian Zubov, one of the creators of the “Eastern policy” of Empress Catherine the Great in the last years of her life. For the valor shown during the capture of the ancient fortress of Derbent, he received the Golden Weapon award - a saber decorated with diamonds with the inscription “For Bravery.”

During the reign of Paul I, the Cossack general was disgraced, expelled from service and exiled to the city of Kostroma. In 1800 he was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress, but then the highest pardon followed. Later, in 1801, Platov received the right to participate in the Indian campaign (or in the campaign against Orenburg) of the Don Army.

On August 26, 1801, M.I. Platov received the highest rescript appointing him military ataman of the Don. On September 15 of the same year he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general. At the same time, he was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 1st degree. With the rank of ataman, Matvey Ivanovich took up the “improvement” of the Cossack army entrusted to him, really doing a lot to improve its military organization and everyday life.

He founded the city of Novocherkassk in 1805, to which two years later the capital of the Don Army was moved: the village of Cherkasskaya was often subject to floods. Military command and control is being reorganized. The Don artillery is being reformed.

In 1806, Emperor Alexander I entrusted him with command of all the Cossack regiments of Russia sent to war. In this regard, he was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

Platov’s talent as a Cossack commander “became visible and noticeable to everyone” during the wars against Napoleonic France, which shook continental Europe for more than a decade. The Russian-Prussian-French War of 1806–1807 begins. The fighting on the territory of East Prussia showed that the ataman of the Don Army was capable of skillfully managing thousands of irregular cavalry.

Platov differs with his Cossacks in the battle of Preussisch-Eylau and in the pursuit of the French retreating from Landsberg to Heilsberg. For the successful cover of the Russian army, which was retreating to the city of Tilsit, which stood on the border river Neman, the ataman complains with diamond signs to the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky and a precious snuff-box with a portrait of Emperor Alexander I Pavlovich.

In November 1807, Lieutenant General M.I. Platov was awarded the Order of St. George, 2nd degree. The Prussian king awarded him the Orders of the Red Eagle and the Black Eagle, and a precious snuff box with his portrait. The Georgievsky Award Rescript dated November 22 of that year said the following about the merits of one of the most outstanding generals of the Russian army:

“...For repeated participation in battles as the head of forward posts during the war with the French in 1807.”

The Russian-Turkish War of 1806–1812 became a new battlefield for the chieftain. The troops under his command took the city of Babadag and stormed the Girsovo fortress, for which he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 1st degree.

Then Platov and his Cossacks contributed to the success of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Moldavian Army, Infantry General P.I. Bagration in the Battle of Rassevat.

The Don Cossacks achieved their greatest victory in that war on September 23, 1809. Then they completely defeated the five thousand strong Turkish corps in a field battle between the enemy fortresses of Silistria and Rushchuk. This victory brought Matvey Ivanovich the rank of cavalry general. The highest decree on its assignment was signed by Emperor Alexander I almost immediately after receiving a report from the banks of the Danube about the won victory - on September 26.

General glory came to the three times Cavalier of St. George, cavalry general M.I. Platov during the Patriotic War of 1812. From the very beginning of the invasion of the Russian borders of the Great Army of the conqueror Napoleon I, the Don Cossack regiments of the Platov flying (irregular) corps did not leave the battles. The corps covered the retreat of the Russian armies to Smolensk from Rudnya and Porechye.

The list of battles carried out by the irregular cavalry represented by the flying corps of Ataman M.I. Platov in the first period of the war is impressive: these are Karelichi and Mir, Romanovo and Molevo Boloto, Inkovo...

The fact that the Russian 1st Western Army of Infantry General M.B. Barclay de Tolly and the 2nd Western Army of Infantry General P.I. Bagration united in the Smolensk region, a huge credit goes to the flying Cossack corps. After the two armies united and retreated to Moscow, Platov commanded the rearguard battles.

In the Battle of Borodino, the corps of General Platov’s cavalry was on the right flank of Kutuzov’s army, opposing the cavalry of the Italian viceroy. Don Cossacks, together with the cavalrymen of Adjutant General F.P. Uvarov, took part in a raid against the left wing of the enemy army. But Platov did not receive an award for Borodino.

After the Battle of Borodino, the ataman goes to his native Don, where the Don militia is created in the shortest possible time. And 26 cavalry regiments of Donets militias in a rapid forced march arrive at the Tarutino camp of the Main Russian Army.

During the retreat of the Russian army from Moscow, the Cossack regiments formed the rearguard forces. They managed to hold back the onslaught of the cavalry of the Marshal of France, King of Naples Joachim Murat, near the city of Mozhaisk.

When the relentless pursuit of the fleeing Napoleonic army began, it was the Cossack commander Platov who was entrusted with command of the vanguard of the Main Army by the Commander-in-Chief, Field Marshal M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Prince of Smolensky. Platov did this great thing for the history of Russia together with the troops of General M.A. Miloradovich successfully and effectively.

Strong blows are dealt to the troops of the famous Marshal Davout, from whom the Cossacks recapture 27 guns in battle near the Kolotsky Monastery. Then the Platov cavalry takes part in the battle near the city of Vyazma, in which the French corps of Marshals Michel Ney, the same Davout and the Italian Viceroy suffer complete defeat.

The Cossack cavalry also won a brilliant victory on October 27 on the banks of the Vop River, defeating the French troops of Marshal Eugene Beauharnais and capturing 23 artillery pieces from them. For this genuine victory, the ataman of the Don Army was elevated by Alexander I to the dignity of count of the Russian Empire.

On November 8, the flying corps of the general from the cavalry of Count M.I. Platov, while crossing the Dnieper River, completely defeated the remnants of the corps of Marshal Ney. Three days later, the Cossacks occupied the city of Orsha. On November 15, they captured the city of Borisov in battle.

The irregular cavalry also had great success on November 28 in the battle of the city of Vilna (now Vilnius, Lithuania), where a 30,000-strong enemy corps was completely defeated, trying to cover the retreat of the remnants of the Great Army beyond the border Neman.

Then on December 2, the French were defeated near the city of Kovno (modern Kaunas). On the same day, the Cossacks successfully crossed the Neman River and transferred the fighting of the Russian army to the territory of East Prussia. Emperor Alexander I more than once expressed his royal “favor” to the Cossack commander from the banks of the Don.

The effectiveness of the combat activities of the Cossack troops under the command of Ataman Count M.I. Platov during the Patriotic War of 1812 is amazing. They captured 546 (548) enemy guns, 30 banners and captured more than 70 thousand Napoleonic soldiers, officers and generals. Commander M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov wrote the following words to the military leader of the Cossacks of Russia:

“The services you provided to the Fatherland have no examples; you proved to the whole Europe the power and strength of the inhabitants of the blessed Don...”>

The cavalry general Platov fought no less successfully during the Foreign Campaigns of the Russian Army in 1813 and 1814. He takes part in the siege of the powerful fortress of Danzig. On September 16, in the first foreign campaign, the Platov cavalry near the city of Oltenburg (Altenburg) defeats the French corps of General Lefebvre and pursues it to the city of Zeiss. The reward was a precious portrait (decorated with diamonds) of the All-Russian sovereign to be worn on the chest.

The Cossack regiments of the Platov Flying Corps also distinguished themselves in the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig on October 4, 6 and 7, 1813. While pursuing the retreating Napoleonic troops, the Cossacks captured about 15 thousand soldiers and officers.

For the Leipzig affair, Matvey Ivanovich was awarded the highest award of the Russian Empire - the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. For the persecution of the French, he was given a diamond feather (cheling) with the sovereign's monogram to wear on his headdress. For Russia, this was a rare award, which was traditional in Sultan Turkey.

On October 10, the flying corps of the Don Ataman inflicted a new defeat on the French troops of General Lefebvre. The battle took place near the German city of Weimar.

From October 16 to 18, Cossack regiments provided support to the allied Bavarian troops under the command of General Wrede in the battle of Hanau. Now his Golden Saber “For Bravery” is decorated with golden laurels.

...The year 1814 was marked for the Cossack cavalry with many victories already on French soil. The flying corps distinguished itself in the battles of Laon, Epinal, Charmes, in the storming of the fortified city of Namur, in the defeat of the enemy at Aris, Arcy-sur-Aube, Villeneuve... Near the city of Cezanne, the Platov Cossacks captured a detachment of the selected troops of Emperor Napoleon I - part of his forces The Old Guard. Then they took the outskirts of the enemy capital, the town of Fontainebleau.

Ataman M.I. Platov, at the head of his light horse regiments, which surprised Europe for three years - from 1812 to 1814 - solemnly entered defeated Paris as part of the Russian army. The Donets then set up their bivouac on the famous Champs Elysees.

...From Paris, cavalry general Platov accompanied Emperor Alexander I on his trip to London, where he was received with special attention. The British, admiring the exploits of the Don Ataman in the wars against Napoleonic France, presented him with an honorary saber and named a warship after him. Count Matvey Ivanovich Platov was solemnly presented with an honorary doctorate from the aristocratic University of Oxford.

After 1815, the commander settled on the Don, in the military capital of Novocherkassk. In the last years of his life, Platov founded a gymnasium and a military printing house in Novocherkassk. Matvey Ivanovich died three years later in the village of Epanchitskaya.

Initially, the ataman was buried in the city itself in the family crypt near the Ascension Cathedral. In 1875, his reburial took place at the Bishop's dacha (on the Mishkin farm). On October 4, the ashes of Ataman Platov were solemnly transferred to the tomb of the Military Cathedral in Novocherkassk.

After the desecration of the grave of the Cossack commander in Soviet times, his ashes were reburied for the third time in the same place on May 15, 1993.

...In 1853, using public money collected on the Don by subscription, a monument by P. K. Klodt was erected in the city of Novocherkassk to the most famous Cossack ataman in the history of Russia. The inscription on the monument read:

“The Don people are grateful to Ataman Count Platov for his military exploits from 1770 to 1816”

In 1923, the monument was demolished, and in 1993 it was recreated.

On August 26, 1904, the 4th Don Cossack Regiment began to bear his name, as the eternal chief.

One of the most interesting figures of the Patriotic War of 1812 is Matvey Platov, the ataman of the Don Cossack army. He was a rather extraordinary and interesting personality. In addition to the Patriotic War, Ataman Platov took part in many other battles. The biography of this person will be the subject of our discussion.


The future ataman Matvey Ivanovich Platov was born in August 1751 in Cherkassk, which at that time was the capital of the Don Army. His father, Ivan Fedorovich, belonged to the class of Cossack elders, and his mother, Anna Illarionovna (b. 1733), was a faithful life partner to her husband.

In addition to Matvey, there were three more children in the family, all male: Andrei, Stefan and Peter.

There was no doubt about what path of activity the future ataman M.I. Platov would choose. Of course, the son of a Cossack could only be a Cossack.

At the age of fifteen, Matvey entered service in the office of the Don Army, while holding the rank of constable. Three years later he received the next rank - esaul.

On the battlefields

The future ataman Matvey Platov took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. In 1771, he took part in the attack on the Perekop line and Kinburn, where he distinguished himself well. A year later, he was already entrusted with commanding a regiment of the Don Army. In 1774, Matvey Ivanovich went to the Caucasian front, where he participated in the suppression of the uprising of the highlanders in the Kuban, who supported the Ottoman Empire.

After the end of the Russian-Turkish war in 1775, M. Platov took part in the suppression of Pugachev’s rebellion. In the subsequent period, he returned to the North Caucasus, where in 1782-1784 he fought with the rebel Lezgins, Nogais and Chechens.

In the next Russian-Turkish war (1787-1791), Platov also took the most active part. With his participation, storms of such fortresses as Ochakov (1788), Akkerman (1789), Bendery (1789), Izmail (1790) took place. In 1789 he also fought in the ranks of the Russian army in the battle near Causeni.

His exploits on the battlefields did not go unnoticed. Since 1790, Platov was the ataman of the Chuguevsky and Ekaterinoslavsky regiments, and in 1793 he received the rank of major general.

In 1796, Matvey Ivanovich took part in which, however, was soon cancelled.


M.I. Platov knew more than just joys. The chieftain was suspected by Emperor Paul of a conspiracy against him and exiled to Kostroma. This happened in 1797. After some time, he was transferred to the Peter and Paul Fortress, which meant an even greater aggravation of guilt.

Platov's disgrace lasted until 1801, when Pavel decided to release him from captivity so that the ataman could take part in the upcoming Indian campaign. However, the adventurousness of this plan, as well as the death of the emperor, did not allow the plan to come true.

At the head of the Don Troops

Paul's son Alexander I, who became the Russian emperor after his father's death, patronized Matvey Ivanovich. Since 1801, Platov has been the ataman of the Don Army. This meant that from that moment he became the leader of the entire Don Cossacks. In addition, Matvey Ivanovich received the rank of lieutenant general.

The new position provided for an even greater level of responsibility to the emperor and the state. Of course, the burden of responsibility could break any person, but Platov was not such a person. Ataman carried out the reorganization of the Don Army, the structure of which until then had been very disorderly. In addition, in 1805 Platov founded the new capital of the Don Cossacks - Novocherkassk.

War against Napoleon

The Cossacks of Ataman Platov, led by their commander, took part in the war of the Fourth Coalition against Napoleon. The fighting took place mainly on the territory of the Kingdom of Prussia.

Platov personally commanded his detachment at the Battle of Preussisch-Eylau, after which he gained worldwide fame. His Cossacks acted atypically for the battles of that period, which greatly puzzled the enemy. They used guerrilla warfare tactics, making quick raids on the enemy's flanks and inflicting significant damage on them.

After the signing of the Tilsit Peace Treaty between Russia and France in 1807, Napoleon personally noted Platov’s services. He handed him a valuable snuff box. Platov was also to be awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor. The chieftain refused such an honor, citing the fact that he could not serve a foreign sovereign.

One of the significant companies of that period should be called the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812, in which Platov’s Cossack detachment also acted successfully. Then he received a new rank - cavalry general.

Patriotic War

But the years with Napoleon left the greatest mark on Platov’s biography.

At the beginning of the Napoleonic invasion, Platov directly commanded all the Cossack troops, but then the situation forced him to lead individual detachments. Just as in the previous campaign against Napoleon, the actions of Platov’s Cossacks, due to their surprise, caused many problems for the enemy. It was Platov’s troops who managed to capture the French colonel and also seize important papers of General Sebastiani.

Platov fought his first successful battle against Napoleonic troops in June near the village of Mir, where he defeated the detachment of General Rozhnetsky. After the battle of Saltykovka, the Cossacks covered the retreat of General Bagration, and after the Battle of Smolensk, Platov took command of the entire rearguard of the Russian troops, which continued to retreat.

But soon the situation changed. In August, at the request of the commander-in-chief Barclay de Toli to the emperor, Platov was expelled from the army. According to official papers, “for lack of management.” But, according to authoritative sources, the main reason for Platov’s removal was his increased craving for alcohol.

However, Platov soon returned and participated in and at this meeting he spoke out against retreat from Moscow.

When Napoleon's army began to leave Russia, it was Platov who led its pursuit. As the leadership believed, his mobile units could inflict maximum damage on the enemy.

Foreign campaign and the image of the Cossacks in European culture

The troops of Platov, who by that time had received the title of count for his services, were among the first to cross the borders of the Russian Empire near the Neman and began to pursue Napoleon’s army outside the country. They began the siege of Danzig, where General MacDonald was holed up.

Afterwards, Ataman M. Platov was mainly located at the Emperor’s Main Apartment, although Cossack detachments continued to operate just as effectively, pursuing the enemy. Sometimes Matvey Ivanovich was entrusted with command of individual units. In particular, he led a unit in the battle of Leipzig, called the Battle of the Nations.

Cossack troops marched all over Europe, all the way to France, where Napoleon signed the surrender. Platov's Cossacks, with their appearance, as well as their lower level of discipline than the regular army units, terrified not only the enemy troops, but also ordinary Europeans. After this campaign, the image of the Russian Cossack became archetypal in European culture.

Death of the Ataman

Matvey Platov died in January 1818, in a village near Taganrog, on his native Don land, at the age of 66 years. This is how one of the most active personalities in the history of the Don Cossacks passed away.

Platov was initially buried in Novocherkassk, but then a series of reburials followed. The chieftain's grave was desecrated by the Bolsheviks. Ultimately, in 1993, the remains of Matvey Platov were buried in the same place.

Family and descendants

Matvey Platov was married twice. His first marriage was to Nadezhda Stepanovna Efremova, who was the granddaughter of the ataman of the Don Army. In this marriage, a son, Ivan, was born in 1777, who, however, died in 1806, long before his father’s death. Soon after the birth of her son, in 1783, Nadezhda Stepanovna also died.

Platov’s second marriage was to Marfa Dmitrievna Martynova, for whom this was also the second marriage. She also came from a Cossack elder family. They had two sons (Matvey and Ivan) and four daughters (Martha, Anna, Maria, Alexandra).

Marfa Dmitrievna died at the end of 1812. After this, M. Platov lived in a civil marriage with a subject of the British king, Elizabeth.

The descendants of Ataman Platov, through his sons Matvey and Ivan, have the dignity of count.

Characteristics of the chieftain

Ataman Platov was a rather interesting person who devoted a lot of energy to serving his Motherland. His heroism undoubtedly sets an example for posterity. It is also difficult to overestimate the contribution of Matvey Ivanovich to the formation of a truly powerful fighting force from the irregular Don Cossacks, terrifying the enemy.

Of course, like any person, the legendary chieftain had his shortcomings. These, for example, include excessive addiction to alcohol. But nevertheless, his positive qualities largely prevailed over his vices.

As we see, Ataman Platov seems to be one of the most prominent figures of his time. Unfortunately, there is no photo of him, since at the beginning of the 19th century the art of photography was not yet known to the world. Nevertheless, there are quite a large number of portraits executed by talented artists who provide us with the opportunity to contemplate the image of the great ataman.

One of these works is the posthumous portrait of Platov performed by the famous English artist of that time, George Dow. This picture is located above. Judging by the external features of the person depicted on it, Ataman Platov was a decisive and strong-willed person. Thanks to works like this, we can see what the greatest of past centuries were like.

An outstanding Russian military leader, participant in all Russian wars of the 2nd half of the 18th - early 19th centuries. Ataman of the Don Cossack Army (1801), cavalry general (1809), count (1812). Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Matvey Ivanovich Platov was born on August 6 (17), 1751 in the city of Cherkassk (now the village in) in the family of a military foreman. He began military service in 1766.

M. I. Platov took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, in 1769 he was promoted to esaul by the commander-in-chief, Prince V. M. Dolgorukov. He commanded a hundred, and from 1771 - a Cossack regiment. In 1771, he distinguished himself during the attack and capture of the Perekop line and the Kinburn fortress.

In 1775, M.I. Platov participated in the suppression of the Peasant War under the leadership, liquidated the last rebel units in the Voronezh and Kazan provinces.

In 1782-1783, M.I. Platov served in the Kuban and Crimea under the command.

During the Russian-Turkish War of 1787-1791, M.I. Platov was in the Yekaterinoslav army under the command of, participated in the capture of Ochakov (1788), in the battle of Kaushany (1789), in the capture of Akkerman and Bender. During the storming of Izmail (1790), he successfully commanded a column, and then the entire left wing of the Russian troops. For his actions near Ochakov, M.I. Platov was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree, promoted to brigadier and appointed marching ataman of the Don Cossack Army, for participation in the assault on Izmail - the Order of St. George 3rd degree and the rank of major general.

In 1797, M.I. Platov was slandered before the emperor, suspected of conspiracy and exiled first to, and then imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress. In January 1801, he was released, awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and appointed chief assistant to the military chieftain of the Don Army. M.I. Platov was supposed to play a leading role in the campaign against India, which was not carried out due to the death of the emperor.

The administrative activities of M. I. Platov were interrupted by the Napoleonic wars. In the Russian-Prussian-French War of 1806-1807, all the Cossack regiments in the Russian troops were under his command. He took part in the battle of (1807), covered the retreat of the Russian armies to Friedland, to and beyond the Neman.

In June 1807, M.I. Platov was in the retinue during negotiations in Tilsit and was introduced to the emperor. After the conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit (1807) he was awarded the Order of St. George, 2nd degree, the Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd degree, and the Order of Saint. The Prussian king Frederick William III granted him the Order of the Red and Black Eagle.

In 1807-1809, M.I. Platov took part in the Russian-Turkish War of 1806-1812. For his actions near Silistria, he was awarded the rank of cavalry general and the Order of St. Vladimir, 1st degree.

At the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, M.I. Platov first commanded all the Cossack regiments on the border, and then, being in the rearguard, covered the retreat of the prince’s 2nd Western Army to. In June-July 1812, the Cossack corps under his command had very successful clashes with the enemy at Karelichi, Mir and Romanov.

In the Battle of Borodino on August 26 (September 7), 1812, the Cossacks of M. I. Platov, together with the cavalry corps of F. P. Uvarov, carried out a raid on the rear of the French troops, which influenced the course of the battle.

During the military council in Fili, M.I. Platov spoke out against abandonment and in favor of a new battle. The Cossacks, together with their chieftain, were the last to leave the French troops before the entry.

With the beginning of the general retreat of the Great Army from October 1812, M. I. Platov was entrusted with monitoring the movement of the enemy, but he, not limiting himself to the exemplary performance of his task, did not miss a single opportunity during the entire movement of the enemy, so as not to cause the latter possible harm and defeats. During the entire period of pursuit of the enemy from Kovno by the Cossacks, led personally by M.I. Platov, 50-70 thousand prisoners, more than 500 guns, 30 banners and almost all the silver and gold looted by the French in .

The brave and decisive actions of M. I. Platov throughout the campaign of 1812 contributed to the defeat of Napoleonic troops and allowed him to gain great popularity among the troops, in Russian society and abroad. As a result of the campaign in December 1812, he received the title of count.

M. I. Platov took part in the Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army of 1813-1814. In the Battle of Leipzig on October 16-19, 1813, his Cossack regiments were on the right flank of the allied forces. During the campaign of 1814, M.I. Platov distinguished himself during the capture of Nemur and at Arcy-sur-Aube, and was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

In 1814, M. I. Platov accompanied the emperor on a trip to England, where he was awarded many honors, including receiving an honorary doctorate from Oxford University. Upon returning to M.I. Platov took care of the internal well-being of his native land and the Don Army, and was engaged in the improvement of the city.

M. I. Platov died on January 3 (15), 1818 in his estate Elanchinskaya Sloboda (now the village

Cossack military valor

Praise, our whirlwind is the chieftain,
Leader of the unharmed, Platov!
Your enchanted lasso
A thunderstorm for adversaries.
You rustle through the clouds like an eagle,
You prowl the field like a wolf;
You fly with fear behind enemy lines,
You're pouring misfortune into their ears!
They only went to the forest - the forest came to life,
The trees are shooting arrows!
They only reached the bridge - the bridge disappeared!
Only to the villages - the villages are thriving!
V.A. Zhukovsky

Matvey Ivanovich Platov was born in 1753 on August 8 in the village of Pribylyanskaya in the town of Cherkassk (now the village of Starocherkasskaya) and spent his childhood here.

The town of Cherkassk at that time was the capital of the Don Army Region, and all life in it was imbued with a military spirit. All military orders came from here; serving Cossacks gathered here to go on campaigns. The environment, as well as the stories of old warriors about military exploits, had a great influence on young people, imitating the heroes, they spent time in games of a military nature. Horseback riding, catching animals and fish, and shooting exercises were her favorite pastimes. Among these youth, the future leader of the Don Cossack army, Matvey Ivanovich Platov, grew up, who already at that time stood out from the crowd with his sharp mind, agility and dexterity.

His father, Ivan Fedorovich Platov, was a well-known foreman in the Don, but was not distinguished by material wealth and therefore gave his son only the usual education among the Cossacks, teaching him to read and write.
Matvey Ivanovich Platov
Matvey Ivanovich Platov

At the age of thirteen, Matvey Ivanovich was assigned by his father to serve in the military chancellery, where he soon attracted attention and was promoted to the rank of non-commissioned officer.

During the Russian-Turkish War of 1768 - 1774. Platov was in the ranks of the active army under the command of Prince M.V. Dolgorukov, as commander of the Cossack hundred. For military merits during the capture of Perekop and near Kinburn, he was appointed commander of a regiment of Don Cossacks.

In 1774, even before the conclusion of peace with Turkey at Kuchuk-Kainardzhi, Platov was tasked with delivering a convoy of food and equipment to the army located in the Kuban. The regiments of Platov and Larionov, who came out with a convoy from the Yeisk fortification, were attacked on the way by the brother of the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey. Under the green banner of the prophet there were up to 30 thousand Tatars, highlanders, and Nogais. The situation in which the convoy found itself was desperate.

Larionov handed over overall command of the detachment to Platov, not believing that it was possible to resist such a strong force. “Friends,” Platov told the Cossacks, “we face either a glorious death or victory. We will not be Russians and Donets if we are afraid of the enemy. With God's help, repel his evil plans!

By order of Platov, a fortification was quickly built from the convoy. Seven times the Tatars and their allies furiously rushed to attack the relatively weak forces of the Cossacks, and seven times the latter drove them back with great damage. At the same time, Platov found an opportunity to report the hopeless situation of the convoy to his troops, who were not slow to come to the rescue. The Tatars were put to flight, and the convoy was delivered safely to its destination. This incident brought Platov fame not only in the army, but also at court.

Platov further served under the command of Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky and the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov. Service under the leadership of Suvorov was the best school for Matvey Ivanovich.

During the second Turkish war in 1787-1791. Platov takes part in the battles during the siege and assault of Ochakov, during the attack and occupation of the Gassan-Pashinsky castle.

September 13, 1789 Platov with his Cossacks and rangers at Kaushany puts Turkish troops to flight and captures the “three-buncher pasha” Zainal-Gassan. For this feat, he was appointed marching ataman of the Cossack regiments.

In 1790, Platov was in Suvorov’s army near Izmail. On December 9, at the military council, he was one of the first to vote for an immediate assault on the fortress, and on December 11, during the assault itself, he led five thousand Cossacks, who honorably completed the task assigned to them by the great commander Suvorov. Suvorov wrote to Prince Potemkin about Platov and his regiments: “I cannot sufficiently praise the bravery and swift blow of the Don Army before your Lordship.” For his services in the capture of Izmail, Matvey Ivanovich was nominated by Suvorov for the award of the Order of St. George III degree, and at the end of the war he was promoted to the rank of major general.

In the last years of the reign of Catherine II, Platov took part in the Persian War. The affairs of Derbent, Baku, and Elizavetpol wove new laurels into Platov’s wreath. He was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir III degree, and Catherine II awarded him a saber in a velvet sheath and gold frame, with large diamonds and rare emeralds.

Don writer Dmitry Petrov (Biryuk) in the historical novel “Sons of the Don Steppes” writes that “Matvey Ivanovich Platov made a dizzying career in a short time. Without connections, without education, enlisted at the age of 13 to serve in the Cossack troops, Platov at the age of 19 was already commanding a regiment. He participated in all the wars and major campaigns of his time, always standing out, receiving awards, attracting the attention of major commanders and political figures of the royal court.”

Platov becomes one of the most popular people on the Don and a prominent figure in dignitary Petersburg.

Paul I, who ascended the throne after the death of Catherine II, recalled Zubov’s army, in which Platov served, from the borders of Persia. Platov is allowed to return to the Don. But then disaster struck. On the way, Matvey Ivanovich was overtaken by the tsar's courier and taken, by order of the tsar, to Kostroma, into exile. Then he was taken to St. Petersburg and imprisoned in the ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress. This was in 1797.

The reason for Platov's arrest was a false denunciation. It was suggested to Pavel that Platov’s enormous popularity had become dangerous. It must be said that Pavel was generally dissatisfied with the famous Cossack general for his closeness to Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, an opponent of the Prussian drill that Pavel instilled in the Russian army.

At the end of 1800, Paul I released Matvey Ivanovich from custody in order to subsequently use him in the implementation of his absurd and fantastic plan - the conquest of India. Platov understood that the campaign planned by Pavel would require many sacrifices and would not bring any benefit to Russia, but he did not dare refuse the Tsar’s offer.

In a short time, 41 cavalry regiments and two companies of horse artillery were prepared for the campaign, which amounted to 27,500 people and 55,000 horses.

At the beginning of February 1801, the detachment set off.

Heavy trials befell the Cossacks in this ill-fated campaign. And only the sudden death of Paul I stopped their torment. Alexander I, who ascended the throne, ordered the Cossacks to return home. Thus ended the campaign in India, about which only legends and sorrow were preserved on the Don.

In August 1801, in the first year of his reign, Alexander I sent a letter to the Don addressed to Matvey Ivanovich Platov. The letter stated that for long-term and impeccable service he was appointed military ataman of the Don Army. Being a military ataman, Platov also discovered his remarkable talents.

On May 18, 1805, on the initiative of Platov, the capital of the Don Army was moved from Cherkassk to a new location in Novocherkassk. In the same year, Napoleon attacked Austria, which was an ally of Russia. Platov, having formed twelve Cossack regiments and an artillery horse battery, set out on a campaign to the Austrian border. However, he did not have to participate in battles, since soon after Napoleon’s victory at Austerlitz peace was concluded over the allied forces. But the war did not end there. In 1806, Napoleon attacked Prussia. At Jena and Auerstadt he inflicted a severe defeat on the Prussian troops. In a few weeks, Prussia was finished, and Napoleon entered Berlin. The Prussian king fled to Konigsberg.

Platov and his Don regiments had to fight a lot in Prussia against Napoleonic troops. The name of the Don Ataman gained even greater fame not only in Russia, but also abroad.

But the war is over. On June 25 (July 7), 1807, a meeting was scheduled for three monarchs in Tilsit to sign peace: Alexander, Napoleon and the Prussian king Frederick William. Matvey Ivanovich Platov was in Alexander’s retinue at that time.

At this time a characteristic incident occurred. At Napoleon's request, horse riding was carried out. The Cossacks rode horseback while standing on the saddle, chopped down the canes, and shot from under the belly of a racing horse at the target. The riders took coins scattered on the grass from their saddles; galloping, they pierced the effigies with darts; some spun in the saddle at this gallop deftly and so quickly that it was impossible to tell where their hands were and where their legs were...

The Cossacks also did a lot of things that took the breath away of horse riding enthusiasts and experts. Napoleon was delighted and turning to Platov asked: “Do you, general, know how to shoot a bow?” Platov grabbed a bow and arrows from the nearest Bashkir and, accelerating his horse, fired several arrows as he galloped. They all hissed into the straw effigies.

When Platov returned to his place, Napoleon said to him:

Thank you, General. You are not only a wonderful military leader, but also an excellent rider and shooter. You brought me a lot of pleasure. I want you to have a good memory of me. And Napoleon handed Platov a golden snuffbox.

Taking the snuff-box and bowing, Platov said to the translator:

Please convey my Cossack thanks to His Majesty. We, the Don Cossacks, have an ancient custom: to give gifts... Sorry, Your Majesty, I don’t have anything with me that would attract your attention... but I don’t want to remain in debt and I want Your Majesty to she remembered me... Please accept this bow and arrows as a gift from me...

An original gift,” Napoleon smiled, examining the bow. “Okay, my general, your bow will remind me that it’s difficult for even a small bird to protect itself from the arrow of the Don Ataman.” The ataman's well-aimed arrow will overtake her everywhere.

When the translator translated this, Platov said:

Yes, I have a trained, keen eye, a steady hand. Not only small, but also large birds need to be wary of my arrow.

The hint was too obvious. By the big bird, Platov clearly meant Napoleon himself, and a big conflict would not have been avoided if not for the resourceful translator.

By 1812, almost all of Western and Central Europe was subject to Napoleon. He reshaped it as he wanted, created new states, and placed his relatives on the throne in the conquered countries. The Spanish people remained unconquered on the Iberian Peninsula; across the English Channel, England, stubbornly defending its claims to world domination; in eastern Europe – Russia.

Napoleon began to carefully prepare for the campaign against Russia. In June 1812, without declaring war, Napoleon with an army of 420 thousand people with a thousand guns crossed its borders. By August of the same year, another 155 thousand entered Russian territory. By the beginning of the war, Russia could field no more than 180 thousand people against Napoleon. The vast forces of the vast country had not yet been assembled. But the Russian army had a number of advantages. The fighting spirit of the Russian soldiers, selfless patriots of their great homeland was high... The Russian soldier was distinguished by unsurpassed courage and had a keen intelligence. Among the regiments there were many participants in Suvorov’s campaigns, soldiers of the Suvorov school. Quite a few of Suvorov's students numbered among the brilliant ranks of Russian commanders. At the same time, Russia possessed abundant and strong military means - excellent artillery, strong cavalry, and well-armed infantry.

This was the balance of forces at the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812.

From the first days, 14 Cossack regiments, united in a mounted flying corps, took part in the struggle of the Russian people against the Napoleonic hordes. This corps was commanded by Matvey Ivanovich Platov.

During the first period of the war, Platov was in the second army, commanded by Bagration. Bagration's army was heading to join the 1st Army, commanded by Barclay. Platov’s cavalry corps was entrusted with the difficult task of following in the rearguard of the army and in every possible way delaying the advance of enemy troops. As they retreated, the Cossacks constantly attacked the enemy's convoys in small groups, smashing them and instantly disappearing; destroyed enemy vanguards; carried out raids on the rear, leading him astray.

On the day of the Battle of Borodino, according to the plan of M.I. Kutuzov's corps of Platov and General Uvarov swam across the Kolocha River and headed deep into the enemy rear, to the location of his convoys, where they caused a big commotion.

Observing the actions of the corps of Platov and Uvarov, Kutuzov exclaimed with admiration: “Well done!.. Well done!.. How can this valiant service of our army be paid for?.. Glad, very glad!.. Bonaparte was misled by the operation of Platov and Uvarov. Apparently, he thought that a large force of ours had hit him in the rear. And we will take advantage of Bonaparte’s embarrassment.”

The operation of the cavalry corps of Platov and Uvarov forced Napoleon to suspend the offensive for two whole hours. During this time, the Russians managed to bring in reinforcements and deploy reserve artillery.

In the battle of Borodino, the will and art of Kutuzov defeated the will and art of Napoleon. As Napoleon himself put it, the Russians have acquired the right to be invincible.

On September 3, Platov’s Cossacks, exchanging fire with enemy lancers from Murat’s vanguard, were the last to leave Moscow.

Goodbye, Mother! We will be back! - said Platov leaving Moscow. In difficult days for Russia, when Napoleonic’s army was moving further into its territory, Platov appealed to the residents of the Don to defend their Motherland. Don fulfilled this call with honor. Twenty-four cavalry regiments of the people's militia and six cavalry guns were sent to the active army. Fifteen thousand faithful sons of the quiet Don stood up to defend their Motherland... Not only men, but also women joined the ranks of the army.

When Platov came to Kutuzov to report on the arrival of the regiments from the Don, the latter said in a voice trembling with excitement: “Thank you! Thank you, ataman!.. This service will never be forgotten by the fatherland!.. Always, until the hour when God wants to call me to himself, gratitude to the Don Army will remain in my heart for its labors and courage in this difficult time.”

After entering Moscow, the position of the enemy army became increasingly difficult. Cossack regiments and partisan detachments of Denis Davydov, Seslavin, Figner surrounded Moscow on all sides, preventing French foragers from getting food and feed for horses in the surrounding villages, or even getting what little could be found in the depopulated and devastated villages. Napoleon's troops were forced to eat horse meat and carrion. Diseases began. Enemy soldiers died by the thousands. The entire Russian people rose up for the Patriotic War. Napoleon was soon forced to leave the Russian capital. This event was a signal for the general offensive of Kutuzov’s army, which gave a special and honorable place in it to the actions of Platov’s corps.

Matvey Ivanovich Platov.

Ataman M.I. Platov

Matvey Ivanovich Platov, at the head of his corps, pursued the enemy on his heels. “Now, brothers,” he said to the Cossacks, “our time of suffering has come... Just have time to sharpen your sabers and sharpen your darts... Now we’ll wipe off the snot of the braggart Bonaparte. Let’s make some noise, brothers, and let our little Russian know that her sons, the dashing Dons, are still alive...”

And indeed, starting from the Battle of Tarutino, the Cossacks began to make noise. Not a day passed without them distinguishing themselves in some way. Everywhere there was only talk about Cossack exploits. The news that the Cossacks near Maloyaroslavets almost captured Napoleon himself caused a lot of noise throughout the country.

On October 19, in the battle with Marshal Davout’s corps at the Kolotsky Monastery, Platov’s Cossacks again distinguished themselves. They defeated Davout's rearguard and captured huge trophies. A couple of days after this, the Cossacks encountered the corps of the Neapolitan king, defeated this corps, capturing up to three thousand prisoners and fifty cannons. And three days later, Platov with his regiments overtook the corps of the Italian Viceroy near Dukhovshchina and, after a two-day bloody battle, defeated it, again capturing up to three thousand prisoners and up to seventy guns.

These days, Kutuzov’s report to Emperor Alexander about the valor of the Platov Cossacks was published in the capital’s newspapers: “Great is God, most merciful sovereign! Falling at the feet of Your Imperial Majesty, I congratulate you on your new victory. The Cossacks are doing miracles, hitting both artillery and infantry columns!”

During the thousand-mile march from Maloyaroslavets to the borders of Prussia, the Cossacks captured from the French more than 500 guns, a huge number of convoys with things looted in Moscow, more than 50 thousand soldiers and officers prisoners, including 7 generals and 13 colonels.

By the end of December 1812, the last remnants of Napoleon's army were expelled from Russia.

The wonderful exploits of our ancestors in the Patriotic War of 1812 will forever remain in the memory of the people. The people have not and will not forget the glorious deeds of the Don Cossacks, whose services to the fatherland were clearly appreciated by the great Russian commander - M.I. Kutuzov: “My respect for the Don Army and gratitude for their exploits during the campaign of the enemy, who was soon deprived of all cavalry and artillery horses, and therefore guns... will remain in my heart. I bequeath this feeling to my descendants.”

But the war did not end with the expulsion of Napoleon’s army from Russia. On January 1, 1813, Russian troops crossed the Neman and moved west, liberating Europe enslaved by Napoleon. The campaign of 1813-1814 began, in which the Cossacks further increased the glory of Russian weapons.

In February, the Cossacks and hussars raided Berlin, which did not produce immediate military results, but made a huge impression on the Prussians. This accelerated the turn in Russian politics. Prussia broke off its relations with Napoleon and entered into a military alliance with Russia.

Platov's Cossacks, pursuing the enemy, occupied the cities of Elbing, Marienburg, Marienwerder and others.

“The fall of the glorious fortified cities of Elbing, Marienwerder and Dirschau,” Kutuzov wrote to Platov, “I completely attribute to the courage and determination of Your Excellency and the brave army led by you. A pursuit flight cannot be compared with any speed. Eternal glory to the undaunted Don people!”

The decisive battle of the campaign of 1813-1814. The largest battle took place near Leipzig, in which up to 500,000 people took part.

Fighting on the right flank of the Russian army, the Cossacks captured a cavalry brigade, 6 infantry battalions and 28 guns. The Don Cossacks fought through all of Europe.

War of 1812-1814 brought the Don Cossacks worldwide fame. Newspapers and magazines of that time were full of reports about the Donets and their military exploits. The name of the Don Ataman Platov was extremely popular.

After the conclusion of the Peace of Paris, Platov visited London, being part of the retinue of Alexander I. London newspapers devoted entire pages to Platov, listing his real and fictitious exploits and merits. Songs were written about him, his portraits were published. In London, Platov met with the famous English poet Byron and writer Walter Scott.

Later, when Platov returned to the Don, an English officer came to him and presented him with an honorary doctorate from Oxford University and a saber from the citizens of the city of London.

Participation in the War of 1812, military merits and patriotic exploits did not, however, bring the working Cossacks, as well as the entire working Russia, a better life. A working Cossack could rightfully say about himself in the words of Russian soldiers: “We shed blood... We delivered our Motherland from a tyrant (Napoleon), and the gentlemen are tyrannizing us again.”

Platov devoted the rest of his days to administrative affairs, since the economy of the Don Army Region, neglected during the war years, required his attention.
Agarkov L.T.
Speech at a conference, 1955

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