Derzhavin's confession is spot on. 

    His syllable is as large as that of any of our poets. If you open it with an anatomical knife, you will see that this comes from an extraordinary combination of the highest words with the lowest and simplest, which no one would dare to do except Derzhavin.

N.V. Gogol

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin was born in the Kazan province into a poor noble family in 1743. He studied at the Kazan gymnasium, which, however, failed to graduate. In 1762 he arrived in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, ten years later he was promoted to ensign. I have been writing poetry for a long time. But real poetic work began in St. Petersburg, when in 1777 he was transferred to the civil service.

Derzhavin was appointed ruler first of the Olonets, then of the Tambov province. The determination with which he pursued abuses, his direct and tough disposition often interfered with his career. In 1791, Catherine II made him cabinet secretary, but soon transferred him to senator. Paul I, who ascended the throne in 1798, calls him to serve, appointing him state treasurer, but quickly refuses his services. Alexander I did the same, making Derzhavin Minister of Justice, but a year later he released the poet from this duty.

After retiring, Derzhavin devoted himself entirely to literary works. Derzhavin the citizen saw, and Derzhavin the poet put to shame the corruption of the powers that be, who opened the way to “villainy and untruth,” and called a terrible punishment on their heads:

      Resurrect, God! God of the right!
      And they heeded their prayer:
      Come, judge, punish the evil ones,
      And be one king of the earth!
      ("To Rulers and Judges")

The new content of poetry required new forms of expression. By combining the words “high” and “low” not only within the same work, but also often placing them side by side, while achieving great expressiveness, the poet opened the way for the development of a realistic language. The poet's artistic discoveries enriched Russian poetry and transformed it. That is why his legacy does not leave our lives.

V. I. Fedorov


      I didn't know how to pretend
      Look like a saint
      To inflate yourself with an important dignity
      And take the philosopher's view;
      I loved sincerity
      I thought only they would like it:
      The human mind and heart
      They were my genius.
      If I shone with delight,
      Fire flew from my strings, -
      I didn’t shine with myself, but with God:
      Outside myself, I sang to God.
      If the sounds were dedicated
      My lyres to the kings, -
      Seemed like virtues
      To me they are equal to gods.
      If victories are loud
      I wove crowns for the leaders, -
      I thought about passing it on to descendants
      Their souls and their children.
      If where the powerful nobles
      I dared to blurt out the truth out loud, -
      I thought I had an impartial heart
      They, the king, are a friend to the fatherland.
      Even if I'm fussing
      He himself was seduced by the world, -
      I admit, beauty
      Was captured, sang and wives.
      In a word: I burned love if there was a flame,
      I fell, I got up in my time. -
      Come on, sage! on my coffin there is a stone,
      If you're not human.


Derzhavin's last poems

      The river of times in its rush
      Takes away all people's affairs
      And drowns in the abyss of oblivion
      Nations, kingdoms and kings.
      And if anything remains
      Through the sounds of the lyre and trumpet,
      Then it will be devoured by the mouth of eternity
      And the common fate will not go away.

Questions and tasks

  1. What aspects of Derzhavin’s mastery were reflected in “Recognition”?
  2. What do the poem “The River of Times in its Aspiration...” and the quatrain “To the Bird” make you think about?
  3. Prepare a short report about G. R. Derzhavin and an expressive reading of one of his poems.
  4. What did Derzhavin fight against in life and in poetry?

Develop your gift of words

  1. What words and phrases in Derzhavin’s works would you classify as outdated? Which ones are colloquial, which ones are colloquial? What does their combination achieve?
  2. How do you understand the lines:

      "I loved sincerity,
      I thought only they would like it:
      The human mind and heart
      They were my genius.”;

      “I fell, I rose in my age”?

  3. Prepare a “word of praise for Derzhavin, a poet and citizen” or a dialogue about his life and work.

The beauty of feasting friends,

Fun and joyful girlfriend,

Appear before us, appear quickly,

Big silver mug!

It's high time for us to see you

Pour some beer

Hooray! hooray! hooray!

You are the daughter of the great ladle,

Which our ancestors drank;

Their soul was joyful,

They lived happily in feasts.

And we, like them, are long overdue

Be happy

Hooray! hooray! hooray!

It used to be that old people drank in wine

Everyone drowned their grief,

Fought bravely in the war:

Drunk up the sea up to your knees!

It's time for us to forget all the sadness

Be brave

Hooray! hooray! hooray!

It used to be that a century lasted longer,

When diets were not observed;

The man was healthy and happy,

As soon as we drank and walked.

It's been a long time for us to walk and it's time for us,

Be healthy

Hooray! hooray! hooray!

It happened, dancing, frolic, laughter

Intoxicated, they hug each other;

Now instead of these pleasures

They treat you with affectation and affection.

It's time for us to drive away the affectation,

But just live

Hooray! hooray! hooray!

In the gardens it used to be, in the cool

And the wives are cheering with us,

And now it’s a club and a masquerade

And they are already separating our wives from us;

It's time for us to stop speaking French,

But love Rus'

Hooray! hooray! hooray!

It used to be his friend

Now pockets are visited by:

Where is whist, where is the bank, where is Macau,

They exchange friendship for money there.

It's time for us to give a damn about cards,

And live modestly

Hooray! hooray! hooray!

O sweet union of friendship,

With croutons and penna beer!

Where do you delight our taste,

It's nice there, it's a fun party.

May you always be kind to us,

We will begin to live

Hooray! hooray! hooray!

(if only nice girls)

If only lovely girls

So they could fly like birds,

And they sat on the branches,

I wish I was a bitch

So that thousands of girls

Sit on my branches.

Let them sit and sing,

They built nests and whistled,

Chicks were also hatched;

I would never bend

I always admired them,

He was the happiest of all the bitches.


Thoughtfully, alone, with long strides

I walk and measure the empty space of places;

With gloomy eyes I look before my feet,

Can't you see a human footprint in the sand?

Alas! I help myself between people

I don’t see, I don’t look for how to just leave the light;

Since the fun has passed, sadness possesses us,

Everyone honors the inner seal of evil in their eyes.

And it seems to me that the valleys, rivers, hills are screaming,

What a fire my spirit and feelings are burning

And from the dearest eyes that my gaze hides.

But there are no such deserts, no dark, distant wilds,

Where is my love in my sad dreams

She wouldn't come to talk to me.


Because of the clouds the month is red

He stood up and looked in the river,

Through the fog and terrible darkness

A traveler rides in a shuttle.

The moon shines before him,

He rowed through the waves and darkness;

The thought imagines joy,

He sees the shore.

But the shuttle suddenly sank,

The traveler gloomily drinks the wave;

No matter how hard you try or fight,

He sank like a stone.

Behold the fleeting appearance of life!

No matter how much hope flatters us,

We will all drown in the eternal abyss,

Friendship and love, forgive me!

Various wines

Here is red-rose wine,

Let's drink to the health of your rosy wives.

How sweet it is to the heart

With a kiss to our purple lips!

You are also blush, good,

So kiss me, soul!

Here is black tint wine,

Let's drink to your health, black-browed.

How sweet it is to the heart

With a kiss to our crimson lips!

You are also good, dark skinned woman,

So kiss me, soul!

Here is the golden Cypriot wine,

Let's drink to the health of the fair-haired ones,

How sweet it is to the heart

With a kiss to our beautiful lips!

You too, white girl, are good,

So kiss me, soul!

Here are the tears of angels and wine,

Let's drink to the health of our tender wives.

How sweet it is to the heart

With a kiss to our dear lips!

You are also gentle and good,

So kiss me, soul!


I didn't know how to pretend

Look like a saint

To inflate yourself with an important dignity

And the philosopher takes the form:

I loved sincerity

I thought only they would like me,

The human mind and heart

They were my genius.

If I shone with delight,

Fire flew from my strings.

I didn’t shine with myself, but with God;

Outside myself, I sang to God.

If the sounds were dedicated

My lyres to the kings,

Seemed like virtues

To me they are equal to gods.

If victories are loud

I wove crowns for the leaders,

I thought about passing it on to descendants

Their souls and their children.

If where the powerful nobles

I dared to blurt out the truth out loud,

I thought I had an impartial heart

They, the king, are a friend to the fatherland.

Even if I'm fussing

He himself was seduced by the world,

I admit, beauty

Having been captured, his wives also sang.

In a word, I burned love with a flame,

I fell, I got up in my time.

Come on, sage! on my coffin there is a stone,

If you're not human.

And well, squeeze it with your hand.

You have no number or measure!

Spirits cannot be enlightened,

Born from your light,

Explore your destinies:

Only the thought of ascending to you dares,

Disappears in your greatness,

Like a moment gone by in eternity.

Chaos being before time

From the abyss you called to eternity,

And eternity, born before the age,

In yourself you have founded:

Making up oneself,

Shining from myself,

You are the light where the light came from.

Creating everything with one word,

Stretching out into the new creation,

You were, you are, you will forever be!

You contain a chain of beings within yourself,

You support it and live it;

You match the end with the beginning

And you give life to death.

I didn't know how to pretend
Look like a saint
To inflate yourself with an important dignity
And the philosopher takes the form:
I loved sincerity
I thought only they would like me,
The human mind and heart
They were my genius.
If I shone with delight,
Fire flew from my strings.
I didn’t shine with myself, but with God;
Outside myself, I sang to God.
If the sounds were dedicated
My lyres to the kings, -
Seemed like virtues
To me they are equal to gods.
If victories are loud
I wove crowns for the leaders, -
I thought about passing it on to descendants
Their souls and their children.
If where the powerful nobles
I dared to blurt out the truth out loud, -
I thought I had an impartial heart
They, the king, are a friend to the fatherland.
Even if I'm fussing
He himself was seduced by the world, -
I admit, beauty
Having been captured, his wives also sang.
In a word, I burned love with a flame,
I fell, I got up in my time.
Come on, sage! on my coffin there is a stone,
If you're not human.

Analysis of the poem “Confession” by Derzhavin

In his work, G. R. Derzhavin more than once refers to the description of human individuality; in his later works, the description of his own personality comes to the fore. The autobiographical poem “Confession” was written in 1807. In it, the poet reflects on his literary path, emphasizing his achievements and failures.

The main theme of the work can be called the author summing up the results of his creative activity. Imagining himself as the hero of the poem, Gabriel Romanovich seems to be assessing himself as a poet from the outside. He recalls how his long-term poetic works were formed. He compares himself with the people around him in life. Evaluates personal moral position.

Derzhavin recognizes purity of heart and mind as the most valuable qualities in himself and others. Despises arrogance and pretense. He considers his point of view correct and fair, does not regret how he spent his life, without hiding the fact that he was not always impeccable in his actions. The poet realizes the mistakes he has made: an excessive passion for social life and the female sex, offering to “throw a stone at him” to someone who is not subject to human weaknesses. Derzhavin believes that there are no people without shortcomings, but everyone should strive to live “according to their conscience,” without pretense, so as not to be ashamed later. The hero of the work went through a difficult path, managing to maintain his spirit, rising after every fall, and is sure that there is nothing to reproach him for.

Derzhavin defines himself as a poet, creating for the sake of his fatherland, obliged to perpetuate for posterity the images of worthy rulers. He did not praise their high position in society, but admired the good deeds done for the people. He also dared to denounce some of them, while speaking on behalf of the entire state, expressing the discontent of the masses and giving instructions. As a court poet, Derzhavin managed to make an outstanding political career, unlike many, having the opportunity to say what he thinks without fear.

The genre of the poem is philosophical lyrics, a sincere and sincere conversation between the lyrical hero and readers.

The verse consists of one stanza, including thirty-two lines, the size is two-foot trochee.

Unusual for the usual classicism in the work is the combination of word forms of high and low styles: “blurt out the truth”, “puff up your dignity”, “nobleman”.

  1. Metaphors - “he himself was deceived by the light.”
  2. Epithets – “important”, “powerful”, “loud”, “impartial”.
  3. Personifications - “to puff up with dignity,” “shone with delight,” “fire flew from my strings.”

“Confession” is the poet’s revelation to readers and himself, without invention or pretense. Derzhavin sums up his literary and political activities. Shares personal memories and observations, explains actions and moral position.

Occupying a high government position, Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin did not betray his calling as a poet. The short poem “To the Bird” dates back to the late period of his work, in which a deep and complex topic was raised in just four lines. We offer a brief analysis of “The Bird” according to a plan that will be useful when analyzing the work and preparing for a literature lesson in 7th grade.

Brief Analysis

History of creation– The poem would have been written in 1792-1793, first published in 1827.

Theme of the poem– The central theme of the work is freedom, but freedom not only in creativity, but also in other areas of life.

Composition– The work consists of four lines, which contain a deep philosophical meaning.

Genre- Epigram.

Poetic size– Iambic tetrameter using cross rhyme.

History of creation

The exact date of writing the poem “On the Bird” is unknown (presumably in 1792-1793). It was published much later - in 1827, and then - in the posthumous collections of G. R. Derzhavin.

The following events contributed to the writing of the quatrain. Empress Catherine II was so impressed by Derzhavin’s poetic skill, who dedicated the ode “Felitsa” to her, that she wished to reward the talented poet as generously as possible. In addition to expensive gifts, she brought Gabriel Romanovich closer to the court, appointing him as her court secretary.

The Empress, flattered by the laudatory odes addressed to her, repeatedly hinted to the poet that she would not mind listening to poems dedicated to her again. Pressure from the empress was complicated by the envy of other nobles, frequent conspiracies, intrigues and intrigues.

Derzhavin, who had previously idealized the monarchy and the royal throne, was disappointed. Finding himself in the steel grip of royal favor, he felt like a bird caught in a net. This is how the quatrain “On the Bird”, full of bitter satire, was born.


In a small work, consisting of only four lines, a global theme is raised - the freedom of true creativity. Often, authors are forced to say and write something completely different from what their soul asks for. Forced to work according to orders, writers and poets inevitably waste their talent; their works do not strike a chord, leaving readers indifferent.

This poem is based on an allegory: the image of a bird corresponds to the image of a poet, a man of art, whose creative activity is limited by the framework of power or censorship.

The main idea of ​​the work is to enable a creative person to work freely, without restrictions. After all, only in this case is it possible to create a true masterpiece. Talent does not tolerate even the slightest pressure: once “locked up”, it does not burn with a clear flame, but timidly smolders, and then disappears completely, without having time to accomplish everything that it was capable of.


The work is small and is a quatrain. However, even in these four lines the author managed to invest a deep philosophical meaning. At first, the poem gives the impression of frivolous fun: the children caught a bird to have a little fun.

However, it soon becomes clear how difficult it is for the little bird in captivity, when she is forced to sing as skillfully as she did in freedom. This position of a defenseless creature evokes a feeling of empathy.


The work is written in the genre of epigram - a short satirical poem designed to ridicule someone or something.

The meter of the poem is iambic tetrameter using cross rhyme.

Means of expression

Since Gavriil Romanovich's work is very modest in size, it does not contain an abundance of means of expression. The main artistic device used by the author is allegory. In the captured frightened bird one can discern the image of the poet himself, forced to live and create under the yoke of power.

In the work, Derzhavin’s easily recognizable style immediately catches the eye. The poet uses his favorite short archaic forms of words ( epithet"vocalist")

To enhance the imagery and artistic expressiveness of speech, the author uses alliteration- repetition of identical consonant sounds. In this case, the dull sound “p” occurs so often that it is perceived as a contemptuous “pf”.

Poem test

Rating analysis

Average rating: 4.3. Total ratings received: 16.

We know the writer’s works, which were studied in the 7th grade: “Confession”, “On the Bird”, “The River of Times in Its Aspiration...”.


This poem clearly demonstrated the poet's artistic discovery. Before Derzhavin, poets followed the theory of Lomonosov’s “three calms”. Derzhavin achieved special expressiveness by combining “low” and “high” words in one work, opening the way for the development of a realistic language. Derzhavin puts next to the words “important rank” and “to puff up”, “powerful nobles” and “to blurt out the truth out loud.”

In general, the poem is devoid of heaviness and is easy and understandable to read. “Confession” reflected Derzhavin’s character traits: directness, sincerity, honesty. The lines below could become the poet’s motto:

The human mind and heart were my genius.

"For the bird"

The poem “To the Bird” was written in 1792 or 1793. It can be perceived as an allegory: a free person is forced to sing and show his individuality, but a free person cannot be sincere and inspired in captivity.

“The river of times in its aspiration...”

This philosophical work is the poet’s attempt to express his view on the question of the meaning of life. The poems make you think about what will remain of a person’s actions after his death.

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