Gift of telepathy. Would you like to read minds? Is telepathy a gift or a pain? Telepathy as a human ability

This is the most important information for those young people who are preparing to become parents. Therefore, we will repeat especially for them: for the formation of the foundations of the mind (for loading the OS, if in the language of computer scientists) Nature allocated a person 2 times more time than for all intrauterine development. So far no one has been able to prove this. And not because it is impossible, but simply the philistine mind is too uniform and unanimous. He doesn't need any proof. “There is no telepathy, because it can never exist” - and that’s all. The media have introduced this easy-to-understand idea to citizens, and it is now completely irresistible. Why? Because it sits in people’s minds at a subconscious level, that is, at the level of self-confident, complacent, all-knowing philistine intuition. Logical arguments are usually powerless here. Once upon a time, churchmen hid from the population the fact that the Earth is round and that it rotates. Today something similar is happening with infant telepathy. The question is: how long will they continue to ignore the truth, and is this universal night blindness so good? But enough prefaces, let's get to the heart of the matter.

In his The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection, Charles Darwin proposed that humans evolved from apes. This explained a lot, but not everything. To explain all the mysteries of human psychophysiology, it is necessary to take one more step - to assume that you and I do not have innate mental abilities.

They may ask, what remains then? How does a human differ from a domesticated monkey? A direct question requires the same direct and specific answer - a human cub, unlike a monkey cub and other animals, up to one and a half years old has a unique innate telepathic gift. That is, some natural biological analogue of Wi-Fi, which most modern laptops have and serves to exchange information between them. It works in transmitter mode for the rest of its life, in receiver mode only for the first 18 months. With the help of this biological Wi-Fi, babies independently copy the ability to think from their nannies (mothers, as a rule), as well as from those who are in the same room with them (usually fathers, less often grandparents). Precisely because close relatives are usually next to the child, he mainly copies his mental and spiritual qualities from them. It is on this and only on this It is generally accepted that mental and spiritual qualities are innate, that is, genetically inherited from parents. Although genetics have nothing to do with it at all. And it was like this...

First, a certain ape developed telepathic abilities. They turned out to be very useful in terms of communication between monkeys in a troop. That is why such abilities were fixed at the genetic level, first in the pack, and then in the entire population of monkeys.

Then, in the course of evolution, a certain defective monkey appeared, which lost the ability to telepathy after the first 18 months of life. On the one hand, her communication with other monkeys has become noticeably more complicated. But on the other hand, it made her brain work harder and allowed her brain to develop much better than others. The monkey has become smarter than its relatives and, as criminals say, has become an authority figure. That is, she seized leadership in the pack not through brute physical force, but solely thanks to her intelligence. She left behind more offspring with exactly the same telepathic defect. After several dozen generations, this spread to the entire species. Thus, the monkeys lost telepathy as a means of communication among themselves, but retained it to transmit to their offspring up to one and a half years of everything that is not (and cannot be) transmitted genetically. This, in fact, is where Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens began. Everything that a child copies before the age of one and a half years is of extreme importance for his further mental development, since at this age what in the language of computer scientists is called the Operating System is formed.

Let us repeat, since this is the main thing: the mental and spiritual qualities of a person, the very ability to think, are inherited by children from their parents not genetically, but telepathically in the first 18 months after birth. In other words, the human soul, his mind (or Promethean fire) exists outside the human genome and physiology. Likewise, software is not flashed into chips at the assembly plant, but exists and develops outside the evolution of microprocessors and supporting chips.

They may ask: where did such a seditious hypothesis come from? This is a good question - a substantive question. The fact is that everything did not appear out of nowhere. There are some phenomenal, mysterious phenomena that modern official science is not yet able to explain. It is for this reason that she carefully avoids them with her cowardly, sanctimonious, hypocritical silence. He ignores these facts, like little street children sitting on the asphalt with his hand outstretched.

Academic courtesy is alien to natural scientists, as well as to direct heirs of Darwinian ideas. Direct heirs are not afraid for their scientific authority or career. Even the commission to combat pseudoscience is not afraid of them. When circumstances push them, they boldly knock out a wedge with a wedge, that is, one unstudied phenomenon is explained by another little-studied one.

That is why Wolf Grigorievich Messing came to mind, and the assumption was born that infants have similar telepathic abilities. Wolf Messing is one of the few who was able to preserve this gift, these “baby teeth” for life. The fact that he took people by the hand at his concerts suggests that this facilitated his telepathic contact with them. At the same time, he might not take the person’s hand, but simply come closer to the person.

Obviously, something similar is true for babies, but for obvious reasons they themselves cannot approach anyone. That's why they ask for your hands. That’s why they cry so loudly and bitterly when no one comes up for a long time, no one takes them in their arms. To give you the opportunity to rest a little, I will make a short lyrical (poetic) digression. After a short pause, we’ll talk about phenomena that modern official science cannot yet explain and for this reason carefully avoids. In the meantime:

"The girl sang in the church choir
About all those who are tired in a foreign land,
About all the ships that went to sea,
About all those who have forgotten their joy.
So her voice sang, flying into the dome,
And the beam shone on the white shoulder,
And everyone looked and listened from the darkness,
How the white dress sang in the beam.
And it seemed to everyone that there would be joy,
That all the ships are in the quiet backwater,
And that in a foreign land there are tired people
You have found a bright life for yourself.
And the voice was sweet, and the beam was thin,
And only high, at the Royal Doors,
Involved in secrets, the child cried
That no one will come back."

Firstly, this is, of course, the Mowgli phenomenon. The last such case occurred in 2008 in the city of Chita with one very little girl. Immediately after her birth, her parents divorced, and her father took care of her daughter. The girl spent the first 3 years of her life in a city apartment, in a separate room. The father worked, had almost no free time and came into his daughter’s room only to feed her or change her diapers. The only living creature that was constantly next to her was a dog.

After 3 years, when other children begin to talk and are already walking and running with all their might, this girl began to bark, whine, crawl around the apartment on all fours, playing with the dog, she tried to “wag her tail” like a dog when her father returned from work, and did other equally strange, outlandish things. The father became concerned and turned to doctors for help. Doctors sounded the alarm, informed the guardianship authorities and the media. Guardianship authorities took the girl away from her father and placed her in a rehabilitation center, where she remains to this day. So in 2008, the world learned about another Mowgli child, this time from the “urban jungle”, from Chita. Thus, Nature once again puzzled people in the hope that they would finally solve this difficult mystery of hers.

I certainly tried to explain what happened using genetics. And I realized that this was hardly possible at all. Really, where does the girl have dog genes? Well, they can’t just take it like fleas and jump to her. Although the bad influence from the dog was too obvious to not notice. Just like Kipling's prototype Mowgli, the bad influence of the wild monkeys among whom he spent the first 5 years of his life was all too obvious.

Another, no less mysterious phenomenon is the millions of Ivan the Fools in Russian villages. It is no coincidence that they became characters in many Russian fairy tales; I will remind you of just one of them:

"The father had three sons.
The eldest was a smart kid,
Middle son this way and that,
The younger one was a complete fool."

The essence of the phenomenon was that with completely normal, healthy parents who at that time did not drink at all, the older children turned out to be the smartest, the middle ones - this way and that, but the younger ones often grew up to be fools.

Let's clarify. Only the mother babysat the older children - they were the ones who grew up the smartest.The middle ones (not in cities, but in villages) were nursed partly by the mother, partly by the older 5-6 year olds. The averages turned out this way and that.Mothers in some large families did not babysit the younger ones at all. There was much more housework and housework in the village than in the city. Therefore, the participation of a village woman in the process of nursing the youngest children was often limited to the functions of a wet nurse. Older children helped their parents with housework. Therefore, the youngest ones were babysat by the middle 5-6 year old brothers and sisters, who were good for nothing else. It was from the youngest that boys and girls grew up with the intelligence of 5-6 year olds.

The age of the mother affects the chances of conceiving a child with Down syndrome. If the mother is from 20 to 24 years old, the probability is 1 in 1562; at the age of over 45, the probability is 1 in 19. A similar dependence was obviously observed in the case of village stupidity. But with one very significant caveat - urban women had younger children who turned out to be fools 100 times less often than rural women. If this rural phenomenon of the past cannot be explained by telepathic (or some other) contact between infants and 5-6 year old brothers and sisters, then try to explain it with something else. For example, the abundance of fresh air in the village, the prolonged mooing of cows or the too loud crowing of a rooster.

Moreover, village stupidity had nothing to do with genetic inheritance. If a village idiot married a normal girl, their children grew up absolutely normal.Nobody married the village fool. But if she had a child and if it was nursed by elderly foolish parents, the child would grow up to be an absolutely normal person.

Another curious case that claims to be called a phenomenon. My good friends live in Belarus, two brothers, the age difference is only 2 years. So, the older brother, still unmarried, is a criminal, a repeat offender. The younger family man, law-abiding, God-fearing and generally the complete opposite of his older brother. It turned out that the eldest was babysat by his own mother. But the youngest was nursed from birth to two and a half years by his aunt, his father’s sister, a law-abiding, God-fearing and very sweet woman. The mother was stealing from a store and at that time ended up in places not so distant from her family’s home.

Some personal memories. Twelve years ago I worked in a provincial town, where I rented a room from two women, a mother and daughter. My daughter had recently given birth to a baby girl; she was 6 or 8 months old at that time. A curious thing that I could not explain then was that whenever I entered the kitchen, the baby always greeted me in a good mood. Even if she was upset about something, very soon after my appearance she stopped crying, started smiling and even asked to be held. Her mother and grandmother explained this in a simple way, they say, a man appeared in the house, she was bored with two women. But now I understand that the matter is completely different. The child simply intuitively felt that my head contained something that neither my mother nor my grandmother had (despite all her, in general, good attitude towards them).

But the most interesting from a scientific point of view is, of course, the phenomenon of Mowgli’s antipode. And it was like this. In the early 1970s, a childless couple from Great Britain filmed a documentary about the life of a wild, primitive African tribe. And it so happened that at the same time a young woman from the tribe died during childbirth. Her husband, not too burdened with parental feelings, gives the newborn, a boy, to these spouses. They adopt him, settle the necessary formalities in such cases and take him with them to England.

In the early 1990s, this African boy, already a university student, comes to his homeland for vacation with his adoptive parents. They are filming a sequel to their documentary called "Twenty Years Later." I saw this film on the TV screen, I saw this student next to his family, i.e. genetic father and older brother. And let me tell you, the spectacle is truly impressive. Striking external similarities and even more striking differences. The student has a completely reasonable, meaningful look, features of intelligence on his face, almost like Barack Obama. His own father and brother, on the contrary, have absolutely glassy, ​​cloudy eyes, a characteristic, almost clinical puffiness of their faces and other signs of primitive communal idiocy.

Most academicians, for example, are very easy to distinguish from football players, tractor drivers or miners. Until now, I have always explained these kinds of differences by genetic inheritance. Looking at the faces of these three close relatives (the father and his two sons), I realized that genetics had nothing to do with it. The appearance of the youngest son (adopted by the English) and the refined features of his face were explained only by the quality of the information contained in his head. This student guy managed in just 20 years to jump from the primitive communal state of his genetic parents to the modern world of adopted English parents.

When does the process of raising children begin? Then, obviously, when the child begins to understand his teacher, that is, not earlier than 3 years. The process of his systematic education begins even later, after 7 years. Both upbringing and learning are preceded by a certain third, unconscious, instinctive, but extremely important process, which takes place from the moment the child is born until one and a half years old. The importance of this preceding process is difficult to overestimate, since in its complete absence (the Mowgli phenomenon) two other processes, education and training, turn out to be completely impossible. Moreover, the quality of the nursing process, that is, who exactly is nursing the baby, largely determines its ability to further learn and raise (the sad phenomenon of Ivanushka the Fools). In other words, in the absence of genetic defects, children cannot be born poorly intelligent or difficult to educate. They become like this in infancy (i.e., in the first 18 months) due to bad not genetic, but telepathic heredity.

The obvious advantage of the telepathic hypothesis is that it does not have the typical signs of fraud - it is easily verified in practice, in experiment. You can conduct the experiment in any of the existing Children's Homes. The main objects of the experiment are not the babies themselves, but the adults who babysit them. The bottom line is that instead of semi-literate grandmothers and aunties with incomplete secondary education, use associate professors with candidates of science as nannies. The experiment has only two possible results:

1. If the level of intelligence in children by the age of 5-6 is significantly higher than average, it means that telepathy exists in infants and the hypothesis is correct.
2. If the quality of nannies does not affect the level of intelligence of children in any way, then there is no telepathy in infants, the current axiom is true - “a person’s mental abilities are innate, genetically inherited from their parents.”

It was not possible to agree with officials about an experiment in one of the existing children's homes, as well as about above-limit state funding for the project. In all likelihood, this will never succeed.

Therefore, it makes sense to seriously think about attracting practical, enterprising people to cooperation and creating the country’s first private nurseries. Until now, only private schools, boarding schools and lyceums have been created, since the main importance was (and continues to be) given not to nursing, but only to education and training.

If you look at it more broadly, the problem is not the confrontation between good and evil, West and East. The cause of all problems is the twilight ignorance of the population and, as a consequence, the absence of any prevention of moral (non-congenital) deformities in infants. Fundamental science is always strictly perpendicular to political confrontation, as well as religious or national. Therefore, if you want to change the world for the better, forget about politics, Maidan and Navalny. Do not do the opposite, but perpendicular to what the media and television impose. Reblog or repost this article. By doing this, to the best of your ability, you will reduce the degree of general ignorance, ignorance, lack of awareness.

If you don't agree with what's written, even better. Write your own article or review, but just the opposite and convincing. Try not to allow any political, aesthetic, national or religious deviation in it. A sense of social justice, a sense of beauty, as well as patriotic or religious feelings are good in themselves. The main thing is not to let them be exploited, not to become a slave to your feelings.

The meaning of the word “telepathy” is determined by its translation from the ancient Greek language and consists of two parts: “far, far away” and “feeling”. Today, again, this is a concept that does not have reliable experimental evidence...

What is telepathy

The first thing I would like to note here is the fact that telepathy exists. And is it necessary to prove what is obvious?.. But, as it turns out, this is not obvious to everyone. And so let's look at this human superpower in more detail.

What is meant by this unique phenomenon is nothing more than the ability to exchange thoughts between people at a distance, without using habitual speech or sign language. That is, communication without visible signs of communication. At the level of contact between the mental and the wordless. In this regard, synonyms come to mind: concepts such as hypnosis, suggestion, telepathy. Even the most impenetrable skeptics do not argue with the fact that telepathy exists and is already a completely obvious phenomenon. And this is confirmed by numerous experiments conducted by different people and at different times.

Oddly enough, many scientists, on the contrary, believe that if people previously possessed such an ability, then over time in the course of evolution they lost it. (It is interesting, in this regard, to note: is evolution, after all, a process of development or degradation?..) In our time, however, it is difficult to answer this question unambiguously.

And yet:

Telepathy is the practice of transmitting thoughts, feelings and desires at a distance, without using, as we have already noted, the usual methods of communication.

Telepathic research and experiments

As for specific telepathic cases recorded during various kinds of scientific experiments, many interesting situations can be cited here. Thus, during one of these experiments conducted in 1959 on the Nautilus submarine (not the one that, according to J. Verne, belonged to Captain Nemo, but the one that was a real American nuclear submarine), the fact of telepathic communication was recorded.

The experiment itself was carried out over sixteen days, and the task of the person who was on board deep underwater was to guess the figures that were mentally sent to him by the second participant in the experiment from the shore.

The result surprised everyone, since 70 percent of the guessed figures were no longer a random hit to the “spot”, but a fact of real scientific statistics. This is exactly how this experiment ended, thereby confirming in our era that the phenomenon of telepathy as such exists.

If we talk about earlier times , then examples of telepathic communication have been recorded in a variety of historical eras.

  • For example, it is known that the well-known theologian Thomas Aquinas, who lived in 1226-1274, freely and without any effort read the thoughts of those around him.
  • In 1759, they talked about a strong fire in Stockholm. And at this very time, in the city of Gothenborg, located about fifty miles from Stockholm, the famous naturalist Emanuel von Swedenborg, suddenly turning pale, reported the city burning at that moment to those around him.
  • There is also an equally interesting example of a telepathic connection given by the famous Sigmund Freud, when a woman from the Czech Republic who emigrated to America in 1939 somehow “knew for sure”, feeling a strong and seemingly completely unreasonable feeling of fear and loss, that At that moment, her mother died in her homeland.

Types of telepathy

The art of telepathy (or, let’s say, the unique ability to generate and sense it) involves basically three types:

  1. Facial (essentially, this is reading changes in facial expressions, certain gestures and other physical features that accompany human communication);
  2. Associative-intuitive (here the use of both elementary associations and complex prediction of information or events that a person knew nothing about before is used);
  3. Geomagnetic or instinctive telepathy (reading information about an object from its magnetic and other energy waves).

Looking ahead, we can say that all three of these types of communication can be “curbed” if desired and with proper preparation. Thus, facial changes on the face of a loved one already make everything clear without words. An example for men: you are walking down the street with a girl, you look back at another, pretty one, passing by. Naturally, just by looking at your partner, you will understand what she was thinking and what she wants to say.

Both the first and second methods of telepathy have different levels of complexity, which will depend both on attention and ability to concentrate, and on the breadth of your knowledge in general education and specialized disciplines. The geomagnetic method is not available to everyone, but only to some, one might say, a select few.

Synthetic telepathy

It is known that some time ago the University of California in America received a government grant (a fairly large amount) for scientists to develop a new technology - namely the technology synthetic telepathy. Its essence is that computers must now learn to transmit and receive telepathic signals.

Michael D. Zmur was appointed to head the department of cognitive science, which was called upon to study this topic. In his story about how the new technology should work, the scientist notes that its use is intended for different purposes. And the point is that its use, in principle, will be able to fulfill people’s dream of transmitting thoughts to each other at a distance. This can be done by a special brain computer interface using electroencephalograms. A person will only need to “think” his message - and it will immediately begin to be broadcast directly to a computer, which will be able to receive and decipher the outgoing signals.

At first, the system was designed to process a small number of common, commonly used phrases. Further, if this experiment is successfully completed, scientists will begin to create a more complex language that will resemble human speech.

This technology has a huge and unlimited future: from performing highly specialized military tasks to its widest commercial use.

Is it possible to learn telepathy, and are thoughts transmitted over a distance?

As can be seen even from the facts and examples given, there are no reasons not to believe in telepathic properties. Moreover: telepathy and the practice of its use may soon become available to a wide range of people. And we’re not even talking about their superpowers here.

It is obvious that modern technologies are developing rapidly today and literally before our eyes. And this opens up new opportunities for scientists. It should be noted that, without expecting any confirmation or legitimation, people today strive for the maximum possible development of the amazing qualities and properties inherent in their nature. In this regard, we can talk about such a phenomenon as yet

Emotional telepathy

This branch of the art of reading the thoughts and experiences of other people contains many secrets and mysteries. It is being developed or attempted to be developed independently, regardless of existing advances in technology and science. Such work on oneself involves special training and preparation of consciousness, studying the basics of telepathy as a phenomenon.

We must understand that the opening before empath the world is not that attractive after all. And if you do not know how to protect your consciousness and limit it from the flow and chaos of the thoughts of the people around you that awaits you ahead, all these experiments can end very sadly. But until this happens, let's talk about pleasant things: about transmitting thoughts of love over a distance.

Telepathy between lovers

This is a special type of exchange of thoughts. This phenomenon is called love telepathy, which perfectly reflects the essence of the phenomenon. There are certain channels through which, in fact, both the energy sending and the reception of this information occur. In the case of lovers, we can say that they are in special emotional contact with each other. In order to understand or see this, you don’t even have to be a born telepath or specially learn the practice of clearing consciousness and opening channels. Emotional telepathic contact occurs between lovers at the subconscious level.

Here are a couple of familiar examples:

  1. Your significant other has suffered some kind of physical injury (be it an accident or something like that). Naturally, in this case, she or he will need your help. The result is that you can feel this emotional message even when you are on the other side of the city. And it will manifest itself in the form of intuition signals that will tell you that trouble has happened.
  2. The event does not have to be negative. It can be happiness, a huge and bright feeling. It, as well as a feeling of the opposite nature, can provoke one person to send another an energy message of such strength that he will not be able not to perceive it.

As you can see, there are two simple situations that can be encountered quite often in everyday life. The connection between lovers can also be compared to that established between close relatives. Especially between twins. Everyone knows that twins are extremely sensitive to each other’s moods and more. Any emotional experience of one twin will certainly affect the other. This can apply to literally everything: premonitions, moods, psychological states.

Gift of telepathy

Those who have it do not need to prove anything to anyone. As a rule, this ability is present in the arsenal of many psychokeneticists. ( Psychokenetics- this is the non-contact influence of a person’s mental or psychic energy on other physical bodies).

Researchers believe that the mysterious Atlantis was inhabited by those who mastered psychokenesis. This means that the capabilities of such people were not limited to the transmission of thoughts at a distance. They knew how to influence not only living organisms, but also the objects around them. There are many facts that indicate that this and some past civilizations have a more developed intelligence than ours.

But there are also special techniques successfully used by people of our era to master the skill of mental telepathy. They have been successfully practiced, for example, in India, and have been for thousands of years.

In order to learn telepathy, a person, first of all, must master the skills of self-discipline in order to master not only the theoretical part of the issue, but also the practical part. And, above all, such exercises are aimed at establishing control over one’s own consciousness.

Telepathy is real

And not only that: it is accessible to every diligent person. Although there are, of course, lucky people on earth who have already been awarded this gift by nature itself. While for others the development of telepathic abilities is a very labor-intensive process, for a select few it is an initial skill. However, in reality there are not so many such people. And their appearance, in principle, happens quite rarely among us.

But you shouldn’t rush to envy such unique people. Imagine how a person who simply does not understand where he hears, for example, voices can feel. And doctors rush to explain such phenomena with a diagnosis of “personality disorder” or, even worse, “schizophrenia.”

In fact, such people need a teacher or, dare I say it, a guide who will help bring them up to date and explain what is happening. This is not to mention the fact that it is important to get involved in the study of these complex transcendental phenomena.


Over the past year, my study of the power of thought has advanced greatly.

This happens largely due to the fact that I have the opportunity to communicate with you, my dear readers: through communication during, mental work plans and consultations, find out your desires and watch how you fulfill them.

Most of the desires that I encounter in my work relate to human interaction with other people.

Often we want to attract the attention of another person, attract an abstract personality, or influence the decision of a specific personality.

These can be like love desires, when we want to win over a person of the opposite sex.

So are any other desires where the solution to our situation depends on other people.

And every time, fulfilling such desires, solving such situations, I and my clients are faced with the question: how to influence a person telepathically?

Is telepathy for the privileged few?

I believe that telepathy is something that every person possesses from birth. We all communicate telepathically from the cradle. We just don't know about it.

We don’t know because in our material, limited society it is believed that there is no telepathy, and if there is, then it is absolutely some kind of incredible ability, the lot of the chosen few, people with a subtle perception of the world.

And there is a grain of truth in this, of course... but only a small fraction.

For example, in order to learn to communicate telepathically with another person, you really need to become “subtler”, that is, feel more subtle, trust your intuition, listen to the whisper of your heart.

But each of us can do this if we practice at least a little.

Therefore, dear ones, I have good news for you - you are a telepath from birth, and you can transmit thoughts to other people.

Moreover, keep in mind that telepathic communication is always two-way; you can not only transmit thoughts to another person, but also receive information from him if he wants it.

What do you need to know to influence telepathically?

In this section of the article about telepathy, I will give the basic concepts that you need to understand before starting your telepathic experiments.

And the first concept is a phantom, or the image of a person.

Very important when establishing a telepathic connection is the ability to “summon”, to present an almost living image of the person to whom you want to convey information.

How to summon a phantom person?

I hope the word phantom doesn’t scare you, and if so, I hasten to reassure you. After all, during the day you constantly unconsciously evoke phantoms of different people. Just do it when you think about them and remember what they look like.

The first and most natural way, given to us by nature, is the usual mental representation of the image of a person.

You need to very clearly and colorfully imagine this person in front of you, on your mental screen.

Imagine a person’s face, his eyes looking at you, his smile or other facial expression; a person’s body, his height relative to yours, his characteristic movements or even words.

Second way, which can make your work easier is to take a photograph of this person, and, looking at it, “revive” the phantom.

In both the first and second cases, it is important to achieve the feeling that the image is alive. You must literally see the image move, this could be a slight movement of his eyes, facial expressions, scratching the back of his head, or his characteristic tucking of hair behind his ears... anything that will allow your image to come to life.

If, when you revive the image, you feel a little uneasy because you are no longer alone in the room... and the person you imagine appears there, then you did everything right.

Your intuition, your instinct, will tell you that the image has been summoned. Trust yourself.

The nature of thoughts

An important basis for understanding telepathy is the actual understanding of what thoughts are and their nature.

And below I will indicate basic characteristics of thought, mental energy:

  1. Thought has no physical barriers.
  2. Distance from another person does not matter.
  3. Thoughts spread instantly to any distance.

Altered state of consciousness

Of course, as you might have guessed, in the normal, everyday state of your consciousness, your telepathic influence will be minimal.

It will be, yes, because it is natural, but the transmitted information will not be so clearly and clearly transmitted to the person on the other end of the line.

Therefore, before starting work, you should relax thoroughly and tune in to communication.

You can do this by simply immersing yourself in the alpha level; I have written about ways to relax more than once; look for exercises in the articles:

What message can you send consciously?

Here are just a few examples and ideas of what requests and messages you can send to other people to get the results you want.

To resolve issues in court:

Tell the judge in your case your thoughts on deciding the issue in your favor. Talk to him, proving that you are right (if you are sure of it).

To successfully pass the interview:

Send the employer a message that you are the most suitable specialist for the proposed position.

To search for a missing person:

Ask the person to get in touch, tell him your coordinates or tell him how to find you, through whom or where.

To meet someone you haven't seen for a long time:

Invite the person to come or call you.

To convey your attitude towards a person:

You can send love to a person if you are hesitant to confess it in person. There is no point in sending negative feelings; the person will simply turn away from you, and your negative attitude will come back to you like a boomerang.

For seduction:

To get rid of alcoholism:

You can instill in a person a feeling of joy of liberation from addiction, a feeling of freedom from a harmful potion, or a feeling of disgust for alcohol (here it is important to study the issue well in advance so as not to cause harm).

Instructions for children in studying:

Send your child thoughts that studying well is interesting and worthy, that he himself wants to have only A’s in his diary.

These are just a few examples; here you need to look for your own method for each specific task.

Please note that a telepathic connection is not an attraction or instillation of feelings in a person. This is not about changing reality, which is what my blog is mostly about. When reality changes, we move to other life lines, where these people treat us differently, rather than influencing people on this life line.

By sending telepathic love to a person, you cannot force him to love you. But you can “make” him catch thoughts of you... and win him over to you.

Having received your message, the person on the other end of the line decides whether to follow your request or not. He may think about you, he may remember you, he may rejoice in your love, but he may not indulge these thoughts if he does not want to do so.

Telepathy will be useful in ensuring that a person makes the right decision that you need; but she cannot control the deep will of a person.

How to influence a person telepathically?

In this article I will look at several ways to set up telepathic communication that I learned from different authors. And the first method belongs to Marina Sugrobova, a very interesting woman who deals with the magic of influence.

Telepathic communication through the third eye

You place a photograph of the desired person in front of you.

Look very carefully for 2 minutes, practically without blinking, at the area of ​​his third eye (the hollow between the eyebrows).

Keep a steady, focused gaze.

After 2 minutes you will feel that your third eye is also activated.

There is a certain energy coming from your third eye that goes in a spiral. And with such a “gimlet” it is screwed into the third eye of the person in the photograph.

And you create this kind of energetic connection. When you have created it, established a connection between you through your third eyes, you can begin to work.

How to send feelings?

First you must feel love for the object within yourself, feel it. And how to put your feeling into your third eye and direct it along this spiral into the third eye of the object.

In a similar way, you can send other good feelings: support, care. For example, if your loved one is sick, you can send them words of encouragement. If your child is in an exam, you can send him strength and confidence. You can calm your child if he is in the dentist's chair...

You can mentally hug a person if he is far away and you really miss him.

How to send thoughts?

Make up in advance the attitudes and thoughts that you will convey to the person to solve your problem. Convey in the form of information and phrases.

Telepathy method by Victor Kandyb

The second method of telepathic communication was described by Victor Kandyba in his book “The Secret Possibilities of Man.”

And this is what he writes:

The generally accepted method of transmitting thoughts at a distance is briefly summarized as follows.

In the starting position, lying down, introduce yourself into an altered state of consciousness to the level of “shakti” (immersion in nothingness). This level of brain state requires the complete exclusion of thoughts, that is, the student in this state should not think about anything. Not a single thought, not a single image should flash through the brain. At this time, the telepathist should experience a feeling of an unusual emptiness of the abyss, filled with nothing. This state should be entered as follows.

  1. Lie on your back on a bed without a pillow, close your eyes, stretch your arms along your body. The muscles are relaxed.
  2. Lie like this for several minutes until your whole body calms down. Then begin to breathe rhythmically, wait until the normal rhythm and pulsation of the whole body is established.
  3. If any thoughts still arise, you should calmly, as if from the outside, observe them.

They, like on a film reel, will pass in a continuous stream before your mind's eye. Don't try to forcefully break this endless flow.

Do not use willpower or strain under any circumstances. Don’t force yourself to think, but very calmly, as if from the outside, as if with a condescending smile, look at the thoughts flashing in your brain. Be their outside spectator, that is, throw away all thoughts and images, and you will plunge into “nothingness”, transformed into the state of “shakti”. It takes about 10 minutes after special training, and over time it comes faster.

  1. Perform the Great Psychic Breath of Yogis until the entire body is filled with energy. Remember that telepathy requires a lot of energy and it must be accumulated in yourself in advance using special psychotechnics.
  2. Without wasting the received energy, direct it to your head (in yoga this state is called “shaktiprarsadasana”). When your body is filled with energy with the help of the Great Psychic Breath of Yogis, you should try to pour it from all parts of the body to the head, as if attracting energy to the head. It works like this.

In time with the pulsation (Shakti effect from rhythmic breathing), you need to send an impulse - a clot of energy from the body to the head. The pulsation acts like a piston, sucking energy from the body into the head with its movement. Thus, within a few pulsations, the brain is filled to the limit with powerful energy.

  1. You need to focus on your brain and this powerful energy in it. Get into this state, it will strengthen the state in which you are. Breathing all this time should be rhythmic, the pulsation should be well felt. All thoughts are absent. This state is an altered state of consciousness specifically for telepathy (or a state similar to shakti-prarsadasana).
  2. In this state, you are ready for telepathy.

Now, against the background of mental emptiness, reproduce the image of the person you want to influence. This image must be very clear and completely real.(You may think this is difficult to do, but in the state you are in, it is easy to do).

You were in a transformed state of consciousness, and such reconstruction of the image was a simple self-suggestion, but the establishment and establishment of communication in an unknown field that has not yet been studied by science, apparently the psychic field of the planet.

Very often in this state, when a connection is established, the phenomenon of “clairvoyance” appears. You can “lose yourself” and find yourself, as it were, next to the person you are representing. You will see what he does and what he does.

  1. The connection is established, you physically feel it.

Breathing is rhythmic all the time. As you look at the image, focus on the thought you want to convey to it. Then, saturating it with energy, direct this thought into the image in time with the pulsation. Here, rhythmic breathing acts like a bowstring, throwing an arrow-thought into the target space.

So, thoughts are “thrown out” to the beat of the pulsation. You will feel that a connection has been made. That's all, actually.

How will a person receive your message?

A person will receive your message in the form of thoughts or feelings that come to his mind. The person will think that these thoughts belong to himself, so he will accept them as his own.

It is a rare person who is able to discern a “strange” thought and distance himself from your suggestion. You yourself receive hundreds of other people’s thoughts every day and in 99% of cases you don’t realize that they are not yours at all.

Once again, I repeat that a person will not necessarily follow your suggestions.

Let me give you an example to understand why this is so.

For example, more and more often at work you catch the eye of your colleague of the opposite sex. Then suddenly, in the middle of the day, you start thinking about him, sex scenes with him and you appear in your mind.

If you are very careful and realize that you never liked this colleague, you will understand that you simply “caught” his thoughts.

Most likely, this person set up a telepathic connection unconsciously. He just wants you and dreams about you, vividly imagining your body during the afternoon break...

And if you are an observer and track your thoughts, you will understand that these thoughts are “alien”, not yours. It is your will to succumb to his suggestions or not.

If you love another person, then you will be able to resist telepathic seduction. But if you want to give in, then do it... In any case, the choice is yours.

By the way, the example described above is so common that I have seen this very, very often. Moreover, in all cases, the “victim” of suggestion was sure that these sexual thoughts were her own and arose spontaneously... it seemed to her that she was thinking them herself and, probably, this is because that person is very attractive and she likes... Ha , as if not so!

If you dream of returning to your relationship with your loved one, but don’t know how, come to my free master class.

This is how you can influence people telepathically. Use this knowledge for good purposes ;-). Good luck!

A person has an instinctive need to have abilities that set him apart from the crowd. People in general show an enviable persistence in their interest in the world beyond. And these are no longer the ancient prejudices of the modern soul.
At first glance, wanting to use people with the ability to transmit information by the power of thought, rationalists pursue purely practical goals, political, for example. But on a deeper level, this desire is a manifestation of the survival instinct.
The value of mastering telepathy, clairvoyance, and breath-holding methods is determined by the answer to the question about the limitations or infinity of a person’s capabilities: “Can I?”
If telepathy for a person comes down to the desire to “inspire love in someone” and “convey a feeling of inexplicable fear to someone”, this is primitive. It will inevitably lead to an ethical drama.

Territory of the mysterious
The average person, normal, as they say, completely sane, will frantically search for a master who knows that telepathy exists, in order not to use it constructively. “I will prove that I’m right!” - and let the relationship collapse. “I will return him, no matter what it takes” - and he already has another family. Telepathy becomes a fixed idea, unshakable, cut off from reality, which its owner lacks neither the strength nor the desire to revise. An obsession of sorts. This state cannot be called goal-oriented. An artist can be obsessed at the moment of inspiration. But his activity at this moment is creative.
Telepathic abilities must solve specific problems, transmit emotions and thoughts at a distance, whatever it may be, and receive them wirelessly. Telepathy is not a superstition, it is a way of understanding the world and others in it. The basis of this ability is perhaps observation, subtle comprehension, intuition and logical analysis combined.
On the other hand, if the sphere of mind reading, foresight and other psi abilities is the territory of the mysterious, then it is not safe to touch it. Because it arises on the border of enlightenment, a gift that only a chosen one is worthy of bearing without harm.

Secrets of the Dead

Having mastered the primary skills of telepathy, you will be able to mentally communicate not only with living, but also with dead people. Let us explain with a specific example: imagine that a certain person you know died under mysterious circumstances. What was it - an accident or an insidious murder?

Is the investigation completed? For government agencies maybe, but not for a telepath! If desired, a psychic can perceive necrobiotic signals - the deceased person himself will tell him about his fate.

Our planet has an energy-information field that stores all significant events for a very long time. It can be compared to a computer hard drive of unlimited capacity. If desired, an experienced telepath can “tune in” to the energy field and perceive events from the past. For example, he will be able to look at the construction of the Egyptian pyramids or look from the outside at the Battle of Waterloo. Of course, such “miracles” are only possible for very strong psychics. We will consider a simpler technique called “perception of necrobiotic (pre-mortem) information.” This technique is much easier to master.
Necrobiotic information is the memories of a person who died in a violent manner. Strong emotions, such as horror, anger or fear, remain in the bioenergetic field for a long time. But enough theory, it's time to move on to practical exercises!

Setting up to receive information

Important! This exercise can only be performed during daylight hours, being in good health and in a good mood. Otherwise, you may cause yourself mental or physical harm.

Lie on your back and close your eyes. Imagine a clean, clear sky above your head. Peer at it for a few minutes. Telepathy will help you contact the other world, but it is dangerous! Then focus on the information you want to receive. For example, if you are trying to unravel the circumstances of the death of a mysteriously deceased person, then try to imagine his face as accurately as possible.

After a while, vague images will begin to appear in your mind. These visions need to be remembered, but do not try to analyze them! The telepathic session will begin as soon as you engage in an active thought process.

It must be borne in mind that it is very difficult to perceive information of a necrobiotic nature. Some psychics are able to feel echoes of the negative emotions of dead or murdered people. Therefore, you can use this technique no more than twice a week. If you feel that your emotional background has dropped sharply (you feel melancholy, hopelessness), then telepathic sessions must be stopped until your mental balance is restored.

To interrupt telepathic contact, you need to again imagine a clear, cloudless sky above your head. Throw away all extraneous thoughts, clear your mind. In 5-7 minutes you can return to normal life. Some psychics fall asleep after a session - this helps them replenish lost energy.

As we see, telepathy is not a fairy tale, but a completely objective phenomenon, moreover, it is studied and finds practical application.

Telepathy is understood as reading the thoughts of another person, and those who have such abilities (both transmitting and receiving signals) are usually called telepaths. In most cases, a person capable of telepathy at a distance can both transmit signals to the recipient and receive signals from the donor. But in a number of cases, people with the gift of telepathy are able to either “receive” or “transmit” information.

Does telepathy exist between people and how does it manifest itself?

Whether telepathy exists between people can be judged from a series of experiments conducted in 1959 on board the American nuclear submarine Nautilus. One of the participants in the experiment, twice a day from the shore, mentally suggested to another participant, who was on the submarine, one of five possible shapes (circle, square, cross, star, wavy lines). A special device automatically ejected a card with an image of one of the figures, which was then mentally transmitted. At the same time, the participant in the experiment, who was in the hermetically sealed hull of the submarine, received signals and recorded them. These experiments lasted 16 days with perfect control of the participants and resulted in 70% correct answers. According to probability theory, one would expect about 20% correct answers.

It is believed that telepathic communication involves at least two persons. The first is the supplying agent, instructor, or donor, of telepathic information. The second person taking part in telepathic contact is the receiver (recipient), or perceptive. Telepathic communication between people can be either one-way or two-way.

How does telepathy manifest itself and how is telepathic information transmitted? This happens on several levels. On the first, it represents a concern of a vague nature, not directed at a specific object. The second level of telepathic signals is an emotional impulse directed at a specific person, accompanied by a feeling, a premonition like “something is about to happen.” At the third level, information is provided about events relating to a particular person. These events are most often symbolic in nature. The next, fourth level is characterized by the perception of larger or smaller quantities of events, images and actions. Sometimes the perceived image gradually emerges in the recipient’s imagination.

It is argued that the implementation of a transfer from an inductor (transmitting) cannot proceed normally if the recipient is emotionally indifferent to him. The best inducers are men who are the most strong-willed and active in character. And vice versa, women are good recipients.

Deaf and mute people with the gift of telepathy

A very interesting fact is telepathic communication between people at close range, which M.A. Cooney talks about:

“If we imagine that a person can feel the gaze of another person fixed on him, then the most suitable people for conducting experiments seem to me to be people deprived of hearing and speech, deaf-mutes. For better observation, I went to Gelendzhik, where there is a sanatorium for the deaf and dumb. When flying there from Sochi, there were three deaf and mute people in the helicopter with me. Two men sat in front, and a woman sat next to me, at the back of the helicopter. As soon as one of the men sitting in front turned in our direction, the woman (she was reading a book) immediately raised her head. And vice versa: as soon as the woman looked up from her book with the clear intention of saying something, those sitting in front, first one, then the other, turned to her.

Observations carried out in Gelendzhik also give reason to assume that the deaf and mute (and therefore all people, only to a lesser extent) have the ability to sense the gaze, or more precisely, the signal of another person.”

Of course, all this can be attributed to coincidences. But aren't there a lot of coincidences? If we talk about such everyday manifestations of telepathy, then there are millions and millions of them. And there are quite a few others, when a telepathic connection manifests itself at a distance. The famous French scientist and talented popularizer of science K. Flammarion, becoming interested in the phenomena of telepathic communication, recorded more than a thousand testimonial stories about such phenomena. Is it possible to dismiss all these stories as “the inventions of idle people”?

Is telepathy and telepathic communication between people possible?

American writer Upton Sinclair in his youth wrote novels showing the situation of workers in the USA: “The Jungle”, “The Coal King”, “Jimmy Higgins”. But few people know that in 1930 the same writer published a book about whether telepathy is possible, in which he talked about his experiences (these facts were later checked by psychologist Prince).

One evening the writer and his wife were sitting at home. The husband was reading a book, and his wife Mary, lost in thought, almost mechanically ran her pencil over the paper. Looking closer, she saw that she had drawn flowers. She immediately asked her husband: “What were you reading about just now?” “About flowers,” he answered.

This coincidence interested the Sinclairs so much that they decided to conduct a series of special experiments on the mental suggestion of drawings at a distance. Several people took part in the experiments. “Thoughts,” or rather mental images, were transmitted from one room to another, as well as over a distance of 30 miles. She accepted Mary's suggestion. At the same predetermined time, one of the participants drew some simple drawing: a chair, scissors, a star, etc., and then thought about the drawing. Mary tried to catch these thoughts and drew what came to her mind.

What happened? Telepathy between people at a distance has proven successful in several cases (not all). Mary drew, for example, as suggested, a chair and a star. According to her, before conducting the experiments, she put herself in a state “on the verge of sleep.” The suggested drawing appeared in her mind in the form of a visual image.

And here’s what else it turned out: her ability to “guess” drawings at a distance soon began to weaken, and then completely disappeared.

Here is one example. The instructor takes a glass of hot tea in his hand, and the sleepers, when asked what they feel, to a greater or lesser extent, state in one way or another - warmth. But as soon as the instructor burns his finger with a match or pricks himself with a pin, thereby receiving a strong painful sensation, almost all of the sleeping people (15-20 people) at the same time, without waiting for a question, screamed out as if in pain.

Quite a lot of similar experiments on communication by telepathy have been carried out, as a result of which we can conclude that one person can receive from another (under certain favorable circumstances) fairly clear information by transmitting thoughts or emotions at a distance.”

Telepathy as a superpower: telepathic signals and contacts

Here is another fact from history, indicating that telepathy is a superpower, and it is inherent in people of different ages. The English physicist Barrett, a student of Faraday, conducted such experiments. The girl was blindfolded. Barrett stood behind her so that she could not see him. Then he put various substances in his mouth and mentally instilled his feelings into the girl, that is, he sent telepathic signals. When he put in a few grains of salt, the girl spat out saliva. The hypnotist ate sugar, mentally suggested it to the girl, and she said that she was eating sugar.

But the most striking thing in studying human telepathic abilities was the experience with a candle. Still invisible to the patient, Barrett lit a candle and touched the flame. The girl screamed: “It burns!”

American Douglas Dean from New York College tracked the effect of different names spoken out loud on changes in blood pressure. Then he pronounced these names mixed with others (but mentally) to the same person. It turned out that they affect blood pressure in the same way as when spoken out loud!

These experiments on telepathic contacts convincingly show that mental suggestion exists.

Telepathy can be performed without special mental suggestion. The power of telepathy is so high that a person simply thinks, and it is transmitted. The author of the article “Telepathy and Mental Defectivity,” philosophy professor de Ti, describes in detail his observations of the mentally defective brother Robert. At the age of 47, he had the mental development of an 18-month-old child, was incapable of coherent speech and was tongue-tied in pronouncing only a very few words. However, with amazing speed and accuracy (without any distortion) he pronounced words and scientific terms completely unknown to him at the moment when, for some reason, they arose in the mind of one of those present. One day, while walking around Paris with Robert, de Ti entered a narrow street unknown to her, which then led her to a large square. She saw a van standing in the square, on which was written: “Galleries Lafayette.” De Ti barely had time to read this inscription to herself when Robert, who could not read, exclaimed: “Lafayette Gallery!”

It should be added that Robert always walked with a guide - his father or sister. De Ti notes that this incident could not have been accidental for the reason that the vocabulary that Robert could pronounce was very limited and was known to family members. Robert had never uttered the words “gallery,” much less “Lafayette,” and could not have known them.

Telepathic influence at a distance and photo telepathy

For decades now, experiments have been and are being carried out in different countries on the telepathic transmission of thoughts and images. In order to find out whether telepathy exists, scientists involve a variety of people - with healthy and mentally ill people - testing their telepathic abilities. The researcher mentally suggests to the recipient - the human “receiver” - to perform this or that simple action, recognize the suggested thing, etc. The success of the experiment is determined by the percentage of guessing: the higher it is, the more convincing the evidence of the existence of a telepathic connection.

Many researchers used Zener cards to study telepathic effects, which depict one of five figures: a square, a circle, a cross, a star, and three wavy lines. The experiment is carried out like this. The suggestor looks at one of the cards and tries to mentally suggest to the recipient which figure he is currently looking at. The “receiver” person is in a different place (in another room) and at a certain time - it is set in advance - say, every three minutes from the moment the experiment begins, he strives to think only about the cards until it appears before his mental gaze, like a ghost during hallucinations, the card that the “transmitter” is now thinking about. The guessing results are immediately recorded in the presence of witnesses.

When Zener cards are used, the probability of guessing with a large number of trials is 1/5, since there are five different figures, i.e. 20%. This conclusion follows from the mathematical theory of probability. What do the experiments show? It turned out that some researchers from different countries received such a high guessing result that there was no doubt about the existence of a telepathic connection. Several times the subjects correctly guessed all 25 cards in the series (although with a large number of trials).

But for other researchers, the same experiments on studying telepathic abilities most often yielded negative results. And even the same recipient could show his ability to accept mental images today, and the next day the experiments would give completely negative results. It was as if they had replaced a person!

This feature, which is extremely important for studying telepathic influence at a distance, must be taken into account when achieving a particularly favorable environment during the experiment. “In experimental telepathy,” notes Doctor of Medical Sciences L. Sukharevsky on this occasion, “there are no such mobilizing mechanisms as danger and the need to provide urgent, immediate assistance. The emotional sphere of the subjects during the experiment is not subjected to the proper intensity. That is why it is difficult for the inducer to direct a telepathy of such strength as in self-arising telepathy, and it is difficult for the recipient to accept it.”

Almost everyone who has had their telepathic abilities tested states that success depends on one's inner attitude, self-confidence, and how well one prepares for the experience.

And one more thing: a telepathic connection between the “transmitter” and the “receiver” is easier to establish if the transmitted image is emotionally colored, if both of them are not indifferent to it. Wolf Messing wrote that before each of his performances he thought only about him, secluded for several hours.

Some scientists explain telepathic connections by the fact that we are faced with a person’s atavistic ability to perceive some important signal at a distance. In the process of the formation of human society, ape-people really needed this kind of signals - they not only replaced speech in a number of cases, but also helped out individual members of the clan in moments of danger. Moving away from their fellow tribesmen, they could mentally call for help or even perceive telepathy (telepathic signal) about imminent danger.

With the development of speech and the improvement of tools and protection, telepathic communication between people no longer became as necessary as before. She went into the body's reserve. Therefore, only under special, emergency circumstances, a person’s telepathic abilities manifest themselves, but in normal times they do not exist.

This hypothesis is in good agreement with the fact that the ability to telepathy is usually more clearly manifested in people with a disturbed, traumatized psyche, with some of its diseases. It is in these cases that a person often reveals long-forgotten characteristics and properties.

Looking at these photos, telepathy can be represented graphically:

The gift of telepathy in animals

Many facts have been recorded when, due to mental trauma, a person discovers unusual abilities, he remembers long-forgotten things, etc. And if the mechanism of telepathy in humans is more or less clear, the phenomenon of telepathy in animals is not completely clear. It is well known that in large herds of herbivores, living under the constant threat of attack by predators, the sense of “danger perception” is very developed. It is transmitted instantly to all animals in the herd as soon as their leader expresses the slightest alarm. This is observed, for example, in antelopes.

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