Essay “Essay on the topic of the Russian language. How to write an essay about the Russian language: brief recommendations Russian language op.

The Russian language is beautiful and unusual. How many magnificent works have been written in this language. One cannot help but admire the Russian language, because with its help you can convey all the beauty of the surrounding world, as well as the inner world of a person.

Over the centuries, the Russian language has changed, developed, and improved. But as they say, there is no limit to perfection; many more generations will continue to develop the language. The most important thing is to preserve the Russian language, not to let it die, as happens with other languages. Following fashion trends, modern people begin to displace their native language, increasingly giving preference to foreign languages, or artificially created ones.

The Russian language carries within itself the culture and customs of the country where it is spoken. Every self-respecting person should be proud of his language. If the native language is popular and loved, then the same will happen with the people who speak it. Anyone who respects their native language respects themselves, respects people.

The task of the future generation is to preserve the Russian language, not to let it disappear; if the language disappears, then the entire nation will soon cease to exist. The native language is no less valuable than any minerals; it cannot be bought or sold, one can only be proud and admire it.

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    "Please!" – every day we make requests to convey, inform, send something. We speak, as expected, out of politeness. Or maybe we should use words more often? Don’t we notice how joyful our souls become when things improve...

    Sample essay presentation for junior grades. Much has been written about the Russian language as the language of the people. This is one of the most perfect languages ​​of the world, a language that developed over more than a millennium, giving in the nineteenth century the best literature and poetry in the world....


I want to confess my love to you, After all, you have been with me since I have lived. You are in every cell, you are in my blood, You are with me in dreams and in reality. When I'm lonely, you are silent, You joke if I'm in the company of friends, When I'm angry, you shout at everyone, And in the evenings you give songs to my girlfriend. You are the best letter writer. I enjoy reading you, I love sitting with you on the roof and dreaming about my star. All my thoughts are imbued with you, Since childhood I have become accustomed to you, like a father, My path is written with your pen, My great Russian language!

“In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people” (I.S. Turgenev).

The Russian language is rich, great and powerful. More than 145 million people consider him family. It is the state language in Russia and serves as a means of interethnic communication between peoples within the country. In addition, the Russian language was declared one of the world languages ​​by the United Nations. Interstate problems are resolved in Russian, international meetings and conferences are held. Isn't this a reason to be proud of our native language?
The Russian language is beautiful and expressive! Writers and poets of all times and peoples spoke enthusiastically about him.

“Before you is a mass - the Russian language! Deep pleasure calls us, the pleasure of plunging into all its immeasurability and grasping its wonderful laws” (N.V. Gogol).
“I love my native language:
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, has many faces,
Like our power, mighty!” (A. Yashin).

The richness of the Russian language is expressed primarily in its vocabulary or, as philologists say, in the wealth of vocabulary. How many words are there in our language? Fifty thousand? One hundred thousand? Or maybe several hundred thousand? There are more than one hundred thousand words in the large academic dictionary. But these are not all words of the Russian language. His vocabulary is surprisingly polysemantic. It includes synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, figurative words, epithets and many, many other linguistic semantic means.

How many words are borrowed from other languages?! Thus, from the languages ​​of the peoples of the Caucasus, the words “saklya”, “checker”, “narzan” entered the Russian language, from the Japanese language - “kimono”, “judo” and many others. Borrowings enrich the Russian language, making it more figurative, expressive and diverse.

Russian language is one of the most widespread on the globe. Our Russian words have entered many languages ​​of the world: “advice”, “sputnik”, “subbotnik”, “lunokhod”... and in many countries ignorance of the Russian language is considered a sign of illiteracy and lack of culture. “Studying the Russian language is a great benefit for all Caucasians, as it makes it possible to become familiar with the rich Russian literature and feel at home in the vast expanses of their fatherland, which occupies a sixth of the entire earth.” These words belong to a Georgian teacher of the 19th century. Jacob Gogebashvili. The great Kazakh educator Abai Kunanbayev wrote: “Remember that the main thing is to learn Russian science... In order to avoid vices and achieve goodness, you need to know the Russian language and Russian culture.” Many other foreign writers, poets, and thinkers have also spoken about the importance of the Russian language in the life of every person. F. Engels wrote that the Russian language “deserves study in itself, as one of the strongest and richest living languages.”

For centuries, people have been creating this flexible, expressive, melodious and beautiful language. The Russian language is the history of our people. In each word one hears the peculiarity of Russian nature - the babbling of a stream, the rustling of leaves, the blowing of the wind, the singing of a nightingale, and the peculiarity of the national character - each word is colored with its own unique emotional coloring and conveys different moods: joy or irritation, friendliness or hostility, delight or disappointment. Such a huge variety of shades can only be expressed in Russian. “In it is the whole singing Russian soul, the echo of the world and human groans, and the mirror of divine visions” (I. A. Ilyin, 3rd Russian philosopher of the 20th century).

Without knowledge of your native language, without the ability to speak competently and use a rich vocabulary, you cannot be a cultured person, you cannot be a patriot. After all, true love for Russia is impossible without love for the native language, without pride in the immeasurable richness of its shades and sounds. “A man indifferent to his language is a savage. His indifference is explained by complete indifference to the past, present and future of his people” (K. Paustovsky).

Perhaps the most interesting thing about our language is that each specific style of presentation corresponds to a certain selection of linguistic forms. If you use a bookish style, then using colloquial expressions will look awkward, and vice versa. And such an abundance of lexical, morphological, phonetic, grammatical and syntactic forms is not found in any other language in the world.

The Russian language is beautiful, rich, polysemantic and capable of modification. This statement is accepted without objection. But can we consider that its potential is inexhaustible? Unfortunately, the state of the modern Russian language is causing more and more concern every day. The decline in the level of speech culture is obvious. The decline of morality, moral principles in society, the loss of national traits - all this affects our native language. Jargon, slang, and foreign words are increasingly used in modern vocabulary. Where is our national pride? Is our native language worse than others? “Our language is expressive not only for high eloquence. For loud, picturesque poetry, but also for tender simplicity, for the sounds of the heart and sensitivity.” (N. M. Karamzin) Preserving the language, caring for its dissemination and enrichment is a guarantee of preserving the national culture. Love the Russian language and protect it from distortion, remember that this powerful language was given to a great people.

When you need to write an essay about the Russian language, you don’t know where to start. Speaking on this topic, I would like to recall the history of its origins, and the great writers and poets who preserve it for posterity in their works. Probably, in order to illuminate as much as possible how rich and great it is, it is worth touching a little on each area of ​​its application.

From the history of language

Before writing an essay on the topic of the Russian language, you should definitely touch on the history of its origin and development.

Our country saw a lot before its culture was formed, huge cities were built and a great language appeared. Before its current state, the Russian language has gone through many changes. Its history is very rich, but there are starting points and key moments that make it possible to see how it was formed and developed. The Russian language arose a long time ago, even before our era, before the appearance of the Proto-Slavic language. It was divided into three parts: southern, eastern and western. The Russian language, which was then Old Russian, arose from the East Slavic branch. It was he who was the language of Kievan Rus. Later, Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian evolved from the Old Russian language. Old Russian sank into oblivion, and the ancestor of the modern Russian language - the northeastern dialect - began to form. In the 17th century, it was finally formed, writing began to develop, the vocabulary began to expand, and rules arose. It was then that church literature developed. But only in the 19th century the language was divided into ecclesiastical and artistic, and secular literature appeared. Little by little new words, borrowed mainly from the French language, were introduced. Terms appeared with the development of new areas of activity. To avoid excessive contamination of the Russian language with foreign words, Peter I awarded it state status. The beginning of the 20th century, along with the development of science, was marked by a new flow of foreign words, mainly English and German. The Church tried to fight this, but to no avail: borrowings were tightly woven into the vocabulary of the Russian language.

What makes it special?

Even in a small essay about the extraordinary Russian language, it is necessary to emphasize its features.

It is very different from others:

  1. His words have inflections, that is, endings that express grammatical meaning: they indicate the gender, number and case of the word. It turns out that the word has both lexical (the meaning of the word) and grammatical meaning at the same time.
  2. Words have an initial form. For example, for verbs it is the infinitive, and for adjectives it is the nominative case, singular and masculine. Let’s say that for the verb “I run” the initial form will be the word “run”, and for “beautiful” - “beautiful”.
  3. There are many parts of speech in the Russian language, there are also independent ones (they have a lexical meaning and talk about an object or its actions, and auxiliary ones, which help express grammatical meaning and add semantic nuances).
  4. The phonetic (sound) system has forty-three phonemes. Sounds are presented in the form of variants, that is, consonants, if possible, are presented in soft and hard form ([m]-[m`]).
  5. Vowel sounds, especially [a] and [o], can change during speech depending on their position. The strongest, where the sound is clearly audible - under the accent. The further away from the impact sound, the weaker the position.

Essay on the topic of the Russian language in the modern world

We see that a language is constantly changing, but this is how it should be if it is used by a large number of speakers. After all, if a language does not undergo changes, it dies.

In terms of the number of native speakers, Russian occupies an honorable third place, second only to English and Chinese. Every country has Russian-speaking representatives, that is, Russian speech is heard in every corner of the world.

In an essay about the Russian language, mention that it is official in Russia. It is also spoken by the majority of residents of the states that were once part of the CIS. True, after the collapse of the Union, states refused to use the Russian language, prohibited teaching children in it, and gradually the number of people speaking it decreased threefold.

National significance in an essay about the Russian language

What is the official language? The one on which laws and decrees are created, the Constitution is written, important papers are drawn up, and trials are conducted. There is even a “Law on the Russian Language” - an official document that prescribes reference books, dictionaries, reference books that contain the norms of the Russian language. And in 2011, Dmitry Medvedev approved Russian Language Day, which falls on June 6 - the birthday of the world-famous great Russian writer and poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

International significance

The importance of the Russian language in the world community is most significantly evidenced by the fact that it is the official language of the United Nations. It is one of the eight languages ​​in which documents regulating relations between states are created. We can say that the Russian language has long reached the international level in terms of importance and significance. Many conferences and symposiums are held (except English) in Russian.

Russian literature

The Russian language entered other countries with the help of our great writers. Many foreign universities study Russian literature. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Pushkin are especially valued among amateurs.

For a very long time, Russian literature was separated from foreign readers by a language barrier. The translation that went abroad was not of the best quality.

And from the second half of the eighties of the 19th century, books by Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Goncharov were already translated into foreign languages. Critics urged authors to learn from writers from Russia. Although our literature was analyzed very one-sidedly: seeing “human suffering” in the books, social problems and ideological richness were completely ignored by critics.

Problems raised by Russian literature

Even in a mini-essay about the Russian language, it is necessary to mention what it brought to world literature.

Foreign writers who began literary activity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were formed precisely under the influence of Russian literature.

Our literature raised the problems of Russian life and connected them with the history and experience of mankind. She pushed foreigners to think about a person’s personality and his responsibility, about morality, about moral duty to himself and society. It was Russian literature that influenced the development of realism.

Maxim Gorky, who entered world literature, influenced the consciousness of society not only as a writer, but also as a public figure and organizer. His revolutionary spirit was close to many writers. But Vladimir Mayakovsky entered literature as an innovator who brought new forms into culture.

Both Soviet and modern literature are highly valued by foreign readers. This means that we have proven how powerful the Russian word is.

The importance of the Russian language

When working on an essay about the diversity of the Russian language, it should be noted that many have already recognized the Russian language as one of the most poetic, picturesque, flexible and rich languages. Once upon a time he helped great writers and poets, for example, Lermontov, Pushkin, Gogol, Nekrasov, convey their thoughts to readers. Excellent knowledge of the Russian language helped convey knowledge and information about scientific discoveries to humanity. For decades, linguists have been polishing it, creating reference books, rules, dictionaries, and texts.

When a foreigner learns our language, he becomes familiar with the culture and admires its richness and significance.

You need to constantly work on your language, improve it, and maintain purity. The main problem of our time is the contamination with foreign words and abbreviations. Why should we keep it pure? For future generations who should also see its richness and perfection. To be able to use it, you need to read more classical fiction.

Only such a rich language as Russian can so reliably and accurately convey what is going on in a person’s soul, form a personality, and convey important concepts.

In an essay about the richness of the Russian language, it must be said that it creates a connection between generations, which with its help convey information about how to live correctly and how not to make mistakes. Maybe this is the main thing that makes him great.

Do not forget that the title of the essay should be short and succinct.

An essay about the Russian language is the kind of work that every student must write at least once in their life. After all, for the vast majority of residents of our wonderful federation, it is native. And such work is not only a way to once again practice competent construction of the text, but also a reason to reflect and feel pride and patriotism.

What to write about?

An essay about the Russian language is a task that gives the student scope for creativity. There are no restrictions. You can write about how famous writers and the greatest literary figures of ancient times admired the Russian language. And as a “highlight”, use their quotes, which will become a good decoration for your work.

You can also write that the Russian language was glorified not only by its native speakers, but also by foreign figures. And in this case, quotes will not be superfluous. And there are a huge variety of them. Take, for example, the famous phrase of William Thomson, a British physicist. He said: “Living in truth is the Russian way!” If you search in different sources, you can find other, more interesting expressions.

For example, Prosper Merimee, a French writer of the 19th century, said: “The Russian language is the richest of all European dialects. It seems to be created to express the most subtle shades, gifted with conciseness and clarity. One word is enough to convey a thought. While other languages ​​require phrases for this.” Such a quote can successfully complement an essay about the Russian language or even end it. Ending a text with a saying from a great man is a popular technique.


Now we can say a few words about the structure. An essay about the Russian language must have an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. That is, the structure is three-part.

Many students have difficulty writing an introduction. Well, it’s best to start the text by identifying the topic that will be developed further. You can write this: “The Russian language is not just a means of communication. For each of us it is also a spiritual value. We can say with confidence that any Russian is proud of his language. Which is not surprising! After all, we speak a language that is one of the three most difficult in the world. It also has a rich history of development and formation. And only this can be a full-fledged reason for pride.”

To make an argumentative essay about the Russian language interesting, you need to make statements during the writing process and justify them. Then the development of thought will be visible and the author’s personal opinion will be traced. It might look like this: “The Russian language is truly the richest of all existing ones. And that's a fact. Konstantin Paustovsky assured that there are no sounds, images and even colors that cannot be described in Russian words. If you think about it, he's right. After all, no matter what color, aroma or appearance we have to describe, we always find the right words, descriptions, images and comparisons.”

If a mini-essay on the topic “Russian language” is diluted with reasoning of this kind, then it will definitely turn out to be interesting and meaningful.

This introduction will be quite sufficient. The topic has been defined, which means you can move on to the main part.


And finally, about what words you can finish your work with. There are many options. As mentioned at the beginning, the easiest way out is a quote. You just can’t just paste it in at the end. Everything needs to be formatted correctly. It might look like this: “The Russian language is the greatest heritage of our people. And we must take care of it, store it, and make sure that it does not become polluted. After all, as the great writer Alexander Kuprin said, our language is the history of the people and the path of civilization.”

That's all. The most important thing is to finish the essay so that the text looks complete. The reader should not be left with a feeling of unsaidness.

Svetlana Gorbatova
Essay “Russian language”

Russian language is the most important means of communication between people and each other, it is an instrument of thought and culture.

IN Russian language reflects his history, character, artistic creativity. Russian language fosters folk wisdom, dexterity, ingenuity, hard work Russian people.

Russian language- one of the richest and most expressive languages. Language Russian people. Significance Russian language Russian word, we learn all this from childhood.

Our beautiful, rich and powerful Russian language.

Words are different

There are all kinds of words

The words are clear

Hard and soft

Words are bold

Stubborn, harsh,

But it certainly matters

Behind every word.

For each of us Russian language not only rich and powerful, he is affectionate and gentle.

Since childhood, we have heard it from the people closest to us. Everyone remembers how mother and grandmother sang lullabies, read nursery rhymes, and fairy tales that made us smile and be in a good mood.

Since ancient times, when Russians people did not yet know the letters; songs, nursery rhymes, and fairy tales composed by talented people were passed on from mouth to mouth. For centuries, people have selected and preserved these small masterpieces, full of deep wisdom. They have always been interesting, both for their plot and colorful expressive folk tongue.

Like a transparent stream it flows, freely and loudly, both in fairy tales and poems, and in songs, attracting and delighting with its amazing euphony and melody.

Words burn like heat

Or they freeze like stones -


What did you give them?

How to approach them at the right time

Touched by hands

And how much did I give them?

Warmth of soul.

Russian language language, its melodiousness, harmony, purity, we realize the most important truths of human life, the foundations of morality and ethics.

Exactly Russian language

Russian language is a beautiful creation of humanity.

Speech is the most important means of communication between people, it is an instrument of thought and culture. It is the ability to speak, to express one's thoughts in words, that distinguishes people from animals.

Over the course of thousands of years, various languages.

Modern Russian language has been formed over many centuries. History and culture created Russian language, endowed it with its own character and characteristics.

Russian language- one of the richest and most beautiful languages ​​of the world.

Language is of great importance in life Russian people. Significance Russian language, the ability to use its wealth, to treat with care Russian words - we learn all this from childhood.

For each of us Russian language not only rich and powerful, but also affectionate and gentle.

Since childhood, we have heard it from the people closest to us. Everyone remembers how mother and grandmother sang lullabies, read nursery rhymes, fairy tales that make us smile and warm memories.

Since ancient times, when there was no written language yet, songs, nursery rhymes, and fairy tales composed by talented people have been passed down from mouth to mouth. For centuries, people have selected and preserved these small masterpieces, full of deep wisdom. They have always been interesting, both for their plot and colorful expressive tongue.

Like a transparent stream it flows, freely and loudly, both in fairy tales and poems, and in songs, attracting and delighting with its amazing sound and melody.

Words burn like heat

Or they freeze like stones -


What did you give them?

How to approach them at the right time

Touched by hands

And how much did I give them?

Warmth of soul.

Russian language has a special impact on the development of imagination, on our imagination, on creativity. Thanks to language, its melodiousness, harmony, purity, we realize the most important truths of human life, the foundations of morality and ethics.

Exactly dear language instills in people curiosity, interest, and a desire to learn and understand the world around them.

Only in our language there are such a huge number of words. Thanks to diversity Russian language one emotion or phenomenon, feeling or event can be described by many different words. That is why Russian literature is valued all over the world.

Russian language- this is a wonderful creation and a great gift of the Russian people, which we must preserve.

We know what's on the scales now

And what is happening now.

The hour of courage has struck on our watch,

And courage will not leave us.

It's not scary to lie dead under bullets,

It's not bitter to be left homeless, -

And we will save you Russian speech,

Great Russian word.

We will carry you free and clean,

We will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity

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