The civilizational world of antiquity. Ancient civilizations

Which of the ancient human civilizations appeared earlier than the others? Scientists have been collecting information about our ancestors literally bit by bit for many years, learning more and more new facts. At different times, our planet was inhabited by various civilizations that ceased to exist many thousands of years ago. Did you know that the most ancient civilization on the planet surpassed the modern one in terms of knowledge and scientific achievements? Find out about this and much more from the ranking of the oldest civilizations in the world.

The most ancient civilizations

Kingdom of the Sun

After the civilization of Lemuria sank under water in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, many islands were formed on which the peoples of Aroe began to live. Thanks to their knowledge, the peoples of Aroe succeeded in building roads, pyramids, unique stone statues and even streets. The Aroe civilization or “Kingdom of the Sun” existed about 13 thousand years ago, making it one of the oldest among advanced civilizations in the world.

Ancient Israel and Ethiopia

The peoples living in Ancient Israel and Ethiopia were famous for their super-technological achievements, which were ahead of all other civilizations of that time. Direct evidence of the high development of the ancient Israelites was the construction of the temple in Jerusalem, which was located on hewn stones, similar to the buildings in Baalbak, as well as the Temple of Solomon, built on the principle of megalithic buildings. Also, according to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was built in Solomon's Temple.

Empire of Rama (India)

The remains of this ancient civilization are now located deep at the bottom of the ocean or overgrown with impenetrable jungle. Some scholars argue that Indian civilization began a little earlier than 500 AD. But literally at the end of the last century, on the territory of Pakistan, in the Indus Valley, the more ancient Indian cities of Harappa and Mozhenjo-Daro were found. Thus, archaeologists have moved the date of the emergence of Indian civilization several thousand years ago. The cities were examples of excellent urban planning, with central government districts and residential areas. The sewage system was much more elaborate than in many Asian countries now.

Ancient Atlantis

After the continent of Mu completely sank to the bottom of the ocean, as a result of the disaster, the boundaries of the modern Pacific Ocean were formed, and therefore the water level in other parts of the planet decreased significantly. An entire continent was formed on the territory of the lands of the Poseidonis Archipelago. Modern historians are accustomed to calling this continent Atlantis, but its original name remains Poseidonis.

For many years, scientists have agreed that Atlantis was superior to modern civilization in almost all areas of development. Many ancient scriptures and books written by early scientists mention the presence of such inventions as water generators, fluorescent lamps, monorails, rifles that shoot electricity, aircraft and even the semblance of modern air conditioners for purifying the air in stuffy and dusty rooms. Scientists believe that Atlantis ceased to exist due to the misuse of power.

Lemuria or Mu

The most ancient civilization on earth existed almost 80 thousand years ago, on a huge continent called Lemuria or Mu. According to ancient sources, civilization existed for about 52 thousand years. Unfortunately, Lemuria was destroyed at the very peak of its development by a powerful earthquake that occurred about 26 thousand years ago.

Lemuria never set itself the goal of overtaking other civilizations in development, and, in many ways, was inferior to them. But the main achievement of civilization was the construction of amazingly strong stone buildings that could withstand the strongest earthquakes.

Scientists also believe that the Mu civilization gave the whole world a unique language of communication and a control scheme. The key to the rapid development of civilization was education, thanks to which every citizen was well versed in the laws of the Universe and the Earth. Already by the age of 21, the citizens of Lemuria were versed in the basic sciences, and at the age of 28, every resident of Lemuria became a full member of the Empire and could count on receiving a place among high-ranking officials.

Scientists are yet to discover the mysteries of many other peoples and civilizations that existed on earth in the future. Will we be able to understand our ancestors and accept the fact that perhaps they were much more developed than us and had such unique technologies that we are not even aware of. We can draw one conclusion for sure - our ancestors were powerful, disciplined and educated peoples who so riskily plunged into dangerous experiments for the sake of the prosperity of mankind.

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Modernity has long stepped forward and is moving on. And many mysteries of the origin of life on earth remain unsolved. Many scientists, historians, archaeologists, and simply history buffs around the world constantly argue about which civilization can be classified as the first? And which of them is considered the most ancient civilization?

Disputes, disputes, but until now this has not been proven for certain by anyone. It's the same as debating which came first - the egg or the chicken. Scientists have even compiled lists of civilizations to determine which one might be the first. It is important for all scientists and, naturally, historians to know what was achieved by each of them, how were they formed? What kind of culture and writing was there in this or that civilization. How ancient people provided for themselves, what god they worshiped.

Time has passed, but this mystery of which civilization is the most ancient has still not been solved.

Some scientists believe that the first civilization was in Australia. It was the aborigines who were independent, they lived and developed freely. They have their own culture, their own way of life. The most interesting thing is that in these tribes everyone was equal. The tribes were small - up to 150 people. What kind of relationship they had there has not been studied exactly. Their culture has received little research. It seemed to everyone earlier that she was unworthy of attention and very primitive. Now in this territory after the British invasion it is unlikely to study anything and return it back. Time has passed.


There are a lot of disputes and assumptions about the Atlantis civilization, which was located close to the Strait of Gibraltar. This civilization flourished a long time ago, about nine thousand years ago, but it is remembered to this day. This culture was located on an island, the land there was not fertile, but the people - the Atlanteans - achieved a lot. There were magnificent architectural buildings, beautiful sculptures and temples. The inhabitants enjoyed a wonderful climate. They developed more and more. There was no one left in the neighboring territories who could contradict them. But Athens stood in their way. As a result of the earthquake, Atlantis completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Plato was the first to remember her. Already in his twilight years, he told everyone about the amazing land he had visited in his youth. Centuries have passed, but what Plato told only lives in myths, fairy tales and legends.

Until now, historians have various disputes, versions and disagreements about this such a distant and mysterious civilization. Although they still write songs and poems about her. But Atlantis was not forgotten, it was revived in the new civilization of the Egyptians with their pyramids. Irrigation systems appeared in America, which were also present in this amazing civilization. According to legend, the gods and Zeus destroyed this civilization of greedy, greedy people who appeared there over a long period of time. They constantly waged wars and demanded further enrichment. The water simply flooded the entire island, leaving no more land. Whether this is true or not is not for us to decide.


Another civilization, which scientists and historians call, which was destroyed due to an earthquake, is Lemuria. She was on earth about 80 thousand years ago. Based on the remaining heritage, scientists and historians have determined that the people of this civilization even mastered the construction of buildings made of stone. This was their main great achievement.

A lot of interesting information has been collected about the most ancient Slavs. Although it is difficult to determine exactly when this civilization arose due to different interpretations and judgments.

But one thing is undeniable, that after climate change, a civilization called Hyperborea had to move to other fertile lands. And it was precisely then that this gave rise to the emergence of new civilizations. If the secret of the origin of life had not been hidden by the priests who carefully guarded it, in our time there would be a lot of knowledge about these civilizations. But it is already known that the ancient Slavs had their own gods: Yarilo, Perun, Veles.

The priests, who were called the guardians of the clan, had many secrets, but did not reveal them to anyone else. At that time, paganism existed there; the people of that time were not completely united in their faith. But already from the 7th to the beginning of the 9th century, pottery, blacksmithing and gunsmithing, weaving and jewelry crafts were well developed there. Already at that time, writing also arose, but some letters were similar to Greek and even Germanic runes.

Historians believe that the first civilization truly was the Sumerian civilization, which existed back in the 4th century BC, and consisted of many cities. These cities were called by the following names: Eridu, Ur, Umma, Akkad, Sippar, Nippur, Lugash. But these are only the largest cities. They were all in Mesopotamia. Historians have found that these peoples from the Sumerian civilization had knowledge of the solar system, intelligent life and knew the score.

But these cities constantly fought among themselves, which naturally led to a decline in the development and culture of the Sumerians. And according to historians, already in 2000 BC. this ancient civilization has completely weakened.

The stories of ancient peoples have survived to this day, allowing us to believe that the very first civilization arose somewhere in the Far North. Where there is cold ice now. The Chinese, Egyptians, Indians and Eskimos came to the same opinion. They claim that human life first originated there and consider the North Pole to be the human cradle.

It was not without reason that various remains of mammoths were found there, indicating that these animals were considered herbivores. This means that once upon a time there was a normal climate there. How many expeditions, already in our time, went in search of truth and returned with some findings. One way or another, our knowledge will improve; not everything has been studied yet. Archaeologists do not give up, they are finding more and more new places for excavations, which means that topics for debate among historians and scientists will constantly be supplemented with new knowledge. And who knows, maybe in the near future, it will become clear which civilization is the most ancient, the very first, which gave birth to all other civilizations.

Approximately 5-7 thousand years ago, in the 7 main centers of agriculture, primitive people moved from a nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary lifestyle, which entailed the formation of ancient civilizations of the world.

Civilizations of Mesopotamia

Mesopotamia - between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It is believed that it was there that the most ancient civilization (4-3 thousand BC) of the Ancient World - the Sumerians - was located. Their origins are still unknown, because in Mesopotamia the Sumerians were alien people from the island of Delmun, who are not on any ancient map. The Sumerians were skilled farmers. Their cities of Uruk, Sippar, Kish and others had extensive irrigation systems. They had their own cuneiform writing system. The peculiarity of this civilization was the ability to smelt metals, deep astronomical knowledge and a high degree of urbanization of the state. The Sumerians' technologies were far ahead of many other peoples who developed in parallel with them.

Rice. 1. Centers of agriculture according to Vavilov.

The main cultural heritage of the Sumerians is the myth of the Anunnaki and the creation of man. According to the modern interpretation, man was created by the Anunnaki through genetic engineering as a slave to perform hard physical work for the “gods.”

In the 3rd millennium BC. The Sumerians were absorbed by the growing power of Babylon.

Rice. 2. Sumerian city.

African civilization

The state of Ancient Egypt arose along the banks of the Nile around the 4th millennium BC. The Egyptians had a unique religion with more than 3 thousand different gods.

The Egyptians left behind a huge number of artifacts, including not only pyramids and sarcophagi, but also a huge amount of hieroglyphs, pottery and papyri.

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The Egyptians report an even more ancient state - Punt. Many expeditions were sent there for the exchange of goods, but there is very little information about it. Punt is believed to be the pre-civilization of Ethiopia.

Mayan civilization

The Indian Mesoamerican civilization arose approximately 4 thousand years ago. The people were represented by many city-states akin to the Sumerians - agriculture was developed in them. In addition, the Mayans achieved great success in jade carving, sculpture and painting. Their astronomical calculations were far ahead of their time and incredibly accurate. The Mayan people built stone pyramids akin to the Egyptian ones (according to another version, they came to ready-made cities abandoned by the previous civilization) and observatories for observing the celestial bodies.

Rice. 3. Mayan pyramids.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the Mayan calendar ending in 2012 became widely known, which created the hypothesis of a mathematically calculated date for the end of the world. However, as studies have shown, the Mayan priests simply calculated the time with a reserve, and by 2012 their descendants should have simply updated the data. The calendar was divided into three parts - religious (260 days), practical (365 days) and chronological (360 days).

Civilizations of India and China

The Chinese civilization arose approximately 5,000 years ago along the Yellow River. The legendary period of the Three Rulers of the Five Emperors marked the beginning of their statehood. Despite the isolation of the Chinese, they will show their achievements, except for porcelain, to the world much later than other civilizations.

The civilization of India arose along the Indus and Ganges rivers. This happened in the 3rd millennium BC. India's fame was brought not only by the complex caste system of relationships, but also by the legends about the “war of the gods” in the area of ​​the city of Mohenjo-Daro. They had their own unique language and writing. Since ancient times, Hindus have been good mathematicians and builders, and medicine has reached a high level in India.

General characteristics of ancient civilizations

While tribal relations existed in Europe, the first states arose in the main “Vavilov” centers of agriculture. The role of ancient civilizations is that, thanks to their scattered location on the planet, humanity begins to form trade relations, foreign policies, and unique linguistic and racial groups. Specialization of production and the first religious polytheistic cults are formed.

What have we learned?

From a 10th grade history report, we learned that the most ancient civilizations began to appear on Earth about 7 thousand years ago. Since then, the development of Humanity has begun not only in the scientific and evolutionary, but also in the socio-political plane.

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Millions of people all over the globe, just like you and me, are fascinated by ancient civilizations. The truth is that a large number of civilizations that have existed on Earth since time immemorial had technologies that are incomprehensible even now. Thousands of years ago, ancient cultures held amazing knowledge - from astronomy and biology to chemistry and engineering.

1. Ancient Egyptian civilization

Ancient Egyptian language is considered one of the oldest on Earth. It has existed for five millennia and is considered a long-lived member of the large language family. According to researchers, this language can be divided into five stages: Old Egyptian, Middle Egyptian, New Egyptian, Demotic and Coptic. The writing system consisted of hieroglyphs and its development can be traced back to 2690 BC.

From a scientific point of view, the ancient Egyptians were ahead of their time: already in 1650 BC. they knew multiplication, division, fractions and prime numbers, linear equations and geometry. They are officially considered the builders of the pyramids. But perhaps the most interesting thing is the fact that they became the first ancient civilization to learn how to measure time. The Egyptians not only invented the calendar, they created a mechanism that kept track of time - water and sundials.

2. Ancient Mayan civilization

Like the ancient Egyptians, the Mayans were also brilliant astronomers and mathematicians. They are credited - although this is a very controversial issue - with the invention of the zero, as well as the amazingly accurate measurement of the length of the solar year.

The ancient Mayans inhabited southern Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. They were one of the most important and advanced ancient civilizations to ever exist on Earth. Particularly famous are the Mayan manuscripts, the only written system of pre-Columbian North and South America. The earliest records subsequently discovered in San Bartolo (Guatemala) were made in the third century BC.

It is curious that this ancient civilization of Mesoamerica perfectly mastered the technology of making rubber products - and this happened three thousand years before people from the Old World learned what rubber was. When the Spanish conquistadors first set foot on the American continent, they were amazed that they had to deal not with a primitive, but with a highly developed culture.

3. Indus Valley Civilization

It is believed that the ancient Indian civilization is the oldest on the planet. It is 8 thousand years old, which is thousands of years older than Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. It is famous for several amazing things, but most of all for its good urban planning. Before constructing cities such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, their designers designed each of the many details. According to researchers, at its peak, the Indus Valley Civilization had more than five million inhabitants. The ancient Hindus were among the first to build houses from baked bricks, equipped with extremely complex sewerage and water supply systems.

They achieved incredible accuracy in measuring mass, length and time, being among the first to create a system of uniform weights and measures.

4. Ancient civilization of Karala

One of the most mysterious and advanced civilizations that ever existed in South America. It was located in the coastal regions of modern Peru. According to historians, this civilization invented cuneiform, one of the earliest forms of written communication.

The Caral are one of the most complex ancient civilizations to ever exist on Earth. Thousands of years ago they created pyramids, circular plazas and intricate staircases. Their pyramidal complex covers a whopping 165 acres and is one of the largest on Earth. These pyramids were built at the same time as the ancient Egyptian ones. The main one occupies an area equal to almost four football fields, and its height is 18 meters.

The most important detail to mention when it comes to Carala is the absence of weapons and mutilated bodies at the excavation sites. Not a single sign of war was found there, which allows us to conclude: Caral was a highly developed diplomatic state, the oldest city in the western hemisphere of the planet.

It turns out that this virtually unknown ancient Peruvian civilization developed advanced techniques in agronomy, medicine, engineering and architecture more than 5 thousand years ago.

Their scientific knowledge has led today's researchers to a dead end. Scientists have been unable to unravel many of the mysteries underlying this largest of South American civilizations. This concerns the use of energy, fluid mechanics. The people of Caral were able to channel wind energy, now known as the Venturi effect, through underground ducts and fires to reach high temperatures.

Researchers were curious to discover that the physicians of Caral used willow as an active chemical component to produce aspirin, which was used to relieve headaches. Ancient engineers were brilliant specialists. They mastered civil engineering and applied earthquake engineering, so their buildings survived for five thousand years.

5. Ancient civilization of Tiahuanaco

Thousands of years ago, on the shores of Lake Titicaca in the Andes, an ancient civilization arose, which very quickly became one of the most developed on Earth. Like many other advanced civilizations, it strangely disappeared five hundred years after its existence. Its representatives created such fabulous cities as Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku, and also became the progenitors of another great civilization - the ancient Incas.

According to scientists, Tiahuanaco appeared "suddenly" sometime around 300 AD, and reached its peak between 500 and 900 AD.

The ancient inhabitants of Tiahuanaco developed sophisticated methods of farming and building water canals that are still in use today. Irrigation systems, modern even by today's standards, provided the required amount of water for crops.

Researchers estimate that in the 700s AD, the Tiahuanaco civilization dominated and ruled over a vast area spanning modern-day Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. The population ranged from three hundred thousand to one and a half million people.

The ancient builders of Tiahuanaco created some of the most impressive ancient monuments on the planet, constructing gigantic structures composed of megalithic stones. The most notable structures built by this ancient civilization are Akapana, Puma Punku and Akapana East, Putuni, Keri Kala and Kalasasaya. One of the most famous structures is the Gate of the Sun.

According to archaeologist Arthur Poznanski, the temples of Tiahuanaco were built from polished stone blocks with several rows of small round holes in them. According to Posnanski, these holes were used in the distant past to attach things to them. These round holes are extremely precise and it is hard to believe that an ancient civilization made them without any advanced technology.

Civilization can be called a certain stage of development of society, which is characterized by its own social classes, writing, crafts and other activities. Historians believe that ancient civilizations contain hidden secrets, many of which have not been revealed.

Ancient civilizations of the world

The first manifestations of civilization, according to research, arose several thousand years ago in Asia, Africa and Europe. Although the ancient civilizations of the earth were formed at different times, the processes of their formation and development have many common features. They became the basis for important discoveries that were the springboard for human progress and cultural development.

Sumerian civilization

Many historians are confident that the Sumerians were the first civilization on earth, which appeared in Mesopotamia more than 6 thousand years ago. Historians have been able to determine the following facts:

  1. The Sumerians were the first civilization on earth to use the ternary system and know Fibonacci numbers.
  2. The legends of this people contain the first descriptions concerning the structure and development of the solar system.
  3. Sumerian manuscripts indicate that modern humans were created through genetic engineering methods approximately 3 thousand years ago.
  4. They had developed statehood, had a court and various governing bodies that were elected by the people
  5. The Sumerians existed for 2 thousand years.

Ancient Mayan civilization

One of the most mysterious peoples, which reminds of itself even in the modern world, such as the famous Mayan calendar, which predicts the end of the world. The secret knowledge of ancient civilizations continues to be studied by scientists, and they were able to determine the following facts:

  1. The Mayans were engaged in the construction of stone cities and huge pyramids, which served as a tomb for the nobility. They grew pumpkins, cotton, various fruits, beans, and so on. These people were engaged in salt mining.
  2. For this people, religion was very important, and the worship of the gods was a cult. The Mayans sacrificed not only animals, but also people.
  3. Ancient civilizations had enormous knowledge in astronomy, for example, the Mayan calendars have survived to this day and their accuracy never ceases to amaze.
  4. The Mayans mysteriously left the earth, and what exactly happened has not yet been established.

Ancient Inca civilization

The largest empire in terms of area and population, which was located in South America. Thanks to historians, a lot of information about this people became known to the public:

  1. Scientists have not been able to find evidence that would tell about the appearance of the Incas, but they are considered the descendants of the early Andean civilization.
  2. The secrets of ancient civilizations indicate that the empire had a clear administrative division and a well-established economy.
  3. It is reliably known that in those days there was no corruption, crimes related to murders and thefts were almost completely absent.
  4. Few ancient civilizations had a postal service, but the Incas had approximately 5-7 thousand postal stations.
  5. This people had their own system of measuring quantities, calendar, architecture and musical culture. The Incan writing system is called the Khipu knot script.

Aztec civilization

The most numerous Indian people living in Mexico are the Aztecs. The history of ancient civilizations is known for the following facts:

  1. The Aztecs were fond of sports and creativity, for example, they are known for their sculptures and pottery.
  2. Education, which children received not only from their parents, but also in schools, was of great importance to these people.
  3. Historians believe that this ancient civilization disappeared not because of numerous wars, but because of smallpox, which claimed the lives of more than 20 million people.
  4. It is worth noting the presence of an advanced system for recording and storing data: tax, historical, religious and other documentation.
  5. The men of this people were allowed polygamy, and poor families sold their children into slavery, and this was not considered something unusual.

Ancient civilization Mesopotamia

Since Mesopotamia territorially occupied a flat area between two rivers: the Euphrates and the Tigris, it was also called Mesopotamia. Some scientists believe that the first inhabitants of the southern territory were the Sumerians, but in fact before that the land was inhabited by other tribes.

  1. Artifacts from ancient civilizations indicate that there were several large settlements on the territory of Mesopotamia.
  2. The local population developed complex religious beliefs and widely used magical rituals.
  3. At that time, Mesopotamia had all the signs of civilization, except writing, but this changed after the Sumerians settled the territory.

Ancient civilization Babylon

In those days, Babylon was the richest and most powerful city, which stood out for its masterpieces of human ingenuity. Not all the secrets of ancient civilizations have been shared, but scientists were able to learn a lot of interesting information:

  1. Trade was of great importance in Babylon, and the products created by these people were extremely popular. This city is considered a “trend setter”.
  2. If a doctor made the wrong diagnosis, his hands were cut off, and prostitution was considered a prestigious profession.
  3. The most famous attraction of that time was the Gardens of Babylon.
  4. The technologies of ancient civilizations made it possible to build incredible buildings, just like the legendary Tower of Babel, which was located in the center of the ancient city.

Mysterious ancient civilizations

There are many unique structures on earth that have a mystical origin, since there is no real way to explain their origin. The secrets of disappeared civilizations continue to baffle many scientists who are trying to get to the bottom of the truth. Psychics and other people who work with energies and have the ability to look into the past claim that ancient civilizations existed.

Hyperborea Civilization

This ancient civilization has another name - Arctida. It is believed that it disappeared, like Atlantis, known to many, due to the Great Flood. The death of ancient civilizations has no real evidence, but a lot of information is known from different peoples, which is largely speculative.

  1. There is a hypothesis that the ancient Hyperboreans were magicians and 20 thousand years ago there was a great battle with the inhabitants of Atlantis, as a result of which the Urals were formed.
  2. The people of Hyperborea were gifted, and they showed themselves creatively in every possible way.
  3. In the encyclopedia, the Hyperboreans are called the fabulous people who lived in a paradise country. People were always forever young, never got sick and enjoyed a happy life.

Civilization Lemuria

If we rely on information from secret sources, then the first ancient civilization was located on a huge continent called Lemuria. Another name is known - Mu. The following is known about this civilization:

  1. It existed for 52 thousand years.
  2. The ancient Lemurians reached 18 m in height and had supernatural abilities.
  3. The reason for the disappearance is a huge earthquake that occurred due to the displacement of the earth's belt.
  4. The legacy of ancient civilizations lies in the science of construction, thanks to which people erected stone buildings.

Hittida Civilization

According to existing legends, in the Indian and Pacific Oceans there was a huge continent - Hittis. It is believed that it was inhabited by the ancestors of modern humanity. Historians have found tablets, the deciphering of which helped to reveal some mysteries of ancient civilizations:

  1. The climate on this land was ideal for human, animal and plant life.
  2. The continent was inhabited by people with yellow, brown, black and white skin. They had supernatural powers and could fly and teleport.
  3. It was important for the people to unite with nature, which gave them strength.
  4. Many ancient civilizations perished due to cataclysms, so Hittis disappeared after the collision of the earth with an asteroid.
  5. According to one version, the continent was inhabited by souls who lived in subtle bodies.

Ancient civilization Pacifida

Some scientists believe that the Pacific Ocean hides many secrets; there is a version that the Pacific continent perished in it. Its existence is spoken of not only by esotericists, but also by researchers who discover traces of ancient civilizations.

  1. It is believed that the earth was inhabited by real giants, whose height reached five meters, or even higher. It is currently impossible to confirm or refute this information.
  2. The giant stone statues of the Moai, which are located on Easter Island, are considered confirmation of the existence of Pacifida. Scientists have not been able to determine what inventions of ancient civilizations made it possible to make such huge statues.
  3. There are several versions explaining the reason for the disappearance of the continent, and according to the most reliable of them, it’s all about the movement of continental plates, which led to the fact that the Pacific Ocean cracked and sank to the bottom of the ocean. It is believed that Easter Island is a part left over from an ancient civilization.

Ancient Civilizations – Atlantis

Since the times of Ancient Greece, the mystery of Atlantis has worried humanity and a huge number of scientists have been trying for 2.5 thousand years to determine its location and history of existence. The first person to write about Atlantis was the philosopher Plato, on whose writings modern researchers rely.

  1. The philosopher points out that the cities of ancient civilization were rich, and he considered the Atlanteans themselves to be the descendants of Poseidon.
  2. The ancient civilizations that disappeared were rich, so the temple of the main deity Poseidon was lined with gold, silver and other metals. On the territory of Atlantis there were many statues of the lord of the sea and his wife, made of gold.
  3. Residents of the mainland entertained themselves by horse racing. The Atlanteans loved to take thermal baths, since there was a source of cold and hot water on the territory.
  4. Atlantis was destroyed due to a huge earthquake and flood.
  5. Many studies were carried out that made it possible to discover temple domes, various buildings and other objects. Crystals were raised from the bottom, which are capable of increasing the energy that is passed through them.

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