The Wonderful Journey of Nils with the Wild Geese of Selma Lagerlöf. The Adventures of My Favorite Hero (based on the work of S.

"Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"- a fairy tale by Selma Lagerlöf.

In one small Swedish village there lived a boy whose name was Nils. In appearance there was nothing special about him. Except that he really loved to play pranks. At school he got bad marks because he yawned in class, destroyed birds' nests in the forest, and in his yard he threw stones at cows and pulled a cat's tail. He also loved to tease and chase geese and chickens. But when he was twelve years old, an incredible adventure happened to him.

Mother and father went to a neighboring village for a fair, and their son was ordered to stay at home and do his homework. But it was not to be, it was March, and the boy was in such a mood that he wanted to scream and run through puddles, and not sit at home on such a wonderful day off. The boy dozed off while reading a textbook, but when he heard some rustling, he woke up.

There was no one in the room, but then he saw that the chest in which mother stores her outfits was open. Nils remembered well that before leaving, his mother checked the lock and it was locked. The boy saw a funny little man crawling along the edge. Nils grabbed the net and caught the gnome in the net.

The gnome asked to let him go in exchange for a gold coin, but Nils decided to play a joke on him and ended up being bewitched by the gnome. He became the same tiny man as the gnome. Nils decided to find him and ask him to break the spell. Nils went out into the yard and saw a sparrow chirping loudly; the boy was surprised to discover that he understood the language of birds and animals. Geese and chickens began to peck at him mercilessly, and although the cat knew where to look for the gnome, he did not tell him anything.

At this time, a flock of geese flew past from the south, they began to persuade poultry to fly with them. One young white goose, named Martin, followed them, Nils hung on his neck to detain him and did not notice how he ended up high in the sky. He crawled onto his back and flew like that, looking at the fields and forests below. They flew all day, and only in the evening Martin began to fall behind. Once he even fell, but found strength in himself, and they continued on their way. Night fell and the flock landed.

The white goose lay exhausted, but Martin dragged him to the water and he was able to drink. This is how their friendship began. The flock was against man, and only when the boy saved one of the wild geese from a fox was he allowed to fly with them to Lapland. Five days of travel passed. The worst thing for Martin was getting food for himself. He did not eat what the geese brought; he had to look for fallen nuts. One day he was severely bitten by ants, and the flock had to stay for three days.

The next stop was a castle surrounded by mountains. No people lived here, it was inhabited by various animals and birds, and everything was fine. But this time the inhabitants of the castle were threatened by an invasion of huge rats. They were going to break into the castle that night with their countless hordes.

The head goose of the flock told Nils that he must save everyone. She told him how best to do it. And when at night a flock of gray rats climbed into the castle and began to greedily absorb the grain, the pipe began to play. The rats ran as if enchanted to her magical sound. Martin, playing, led them to the lake and got into the boat. So all the rats drowned. Later Nils learned that the dwarf gave this pipe.

A holiday began on Mount Kulaberg, where all the birds and animals gathered. Nils, as a hero, was allowed to visit him with everyone. Never before had any person seen such games. True, the holiday was overshadowed by a fox attack on the pack, but he was immediately punished. The geese flew further north.

The magpie told the fox where the flock would stop for the night and he ran after them. He persuaded both the marten and the otter to attack the geese, but they were prevented by a brave little boy. The angry fox promised the main goose to leave them alone if Nils was given to him. Akka refused him. Then he inspired the crows to grab Martin, and they would have succeeded if not for the boy’s natural ingenuity and courage. As a result, the fox paid for his bloodthirstiness with freedom.

Their next stop was the city. The people were already asleep, but Nils wanted to take a walk. He wandered the streets until he saw a bronze statue. Nils teased her a little and went further when he suddenly heard her steps. The boy started running and ran into someone made of wood. He picked it up and put it under his hat. Later, from their conversation, Nils realized that the bronze one was the king, and the wooden one was the boatswain.

The flock continued its flight to Lapland. The boy later saved a family of bears. And just before the final destination, people grabbed Martin to kill him. Nils made his way into the house and, cutting the ropes, saved his friend. Finally the whole flock flew to the northern country. Everyone began to settle down there.

They got themselves families, chicks, and made homes. Nils met many people in the north. But now it's time to fly home. From the eagle, the boy learned a spell that could save him, but to do this, there had to be someone who wanted to trade with him.

They flew for a long time and finally, their native village. Nils saw his parents who were sad about him. Then one young gosling, Yuxie, wanted to become as small as the boy. Nils cast a spell and everything changed. He is big again, and his parents run to him in tears. He says goodbye to the pack and starts going to school. Now he only has good grades in his diary.

In one small Swedish village there lived a boy whose name was Nils. In appearance there was nothing special about him. Except that he really loved to play pranks. At school he got bad marks because he yawned in class, destroyed birds' nests in the forest, and in his yard he threw stones at cows and pulled a cat's tail. He also loved to tease and chase geese and chickens. But when he was twelve years old, an incredible adventure happened to him.

Mother and father went to a neighboring village for a fair, and their son was ordered to stay at home and do his homework. But it was not there,

It was March outside, and the boy was in such a mood that he wanted to scream and run through puddles, rather than sit at home on such a wonderful day off. The boy dozed off while reading a textbook, but when he heard some rustling, he woke up.

There was no one in the room, but then he saw that the chest in which mother stores her outfits was open. Nils remembered well that before leaving, his mother checked the lock and it was locked. The boy saw a funny little man crawling along the edge. Nils grabbed the net and caught the gnome in the net.

The gnome asked to let him go in exchange for a gold coin, but Nils decided to play a joke on him and ended up being bewitched by the gnome. He became the same tiny man as the gnome. Nils decided to find him and ask him to break the spell. Nils went out into the yard and saw a sparrow chirping loudly; the boy was surprised to discover that he understood the language of birds and animals. Geese and chickens began to peck at him mercilessly, and although the cat knew where to look for the gnome, he did not tell him anything.

At this time, a flock of geese flew past from the south, they began to persuade poultry to fly with them. One young white goose, named Martin, followed them, Nils hung on his neck to detain him and did not notice how he ended up high in the sky. He crawled onto his back and flew like that, looking at the fields and forests below. They flew all day, and only in the evening Martin began to fall behind. Once he even fell, but found strength in himself, and they continued on their way. Night fell and the flock landed.

The white goose lay exhausted, but Martin dragged him to the water and he was able to drink. This is how their friendship began. The flock was against man, and only when the boy saved one of the wild geese from a fox was he allowed to fly with them to Lapland. Five days of travel passed. The worst thing for Martin was getting food for himself. He did not eat what the geese brought; he had to look for fallen nuts. One day he was severely bitten by ants, and the flock had to stay for three days.

The next stop was a castle surrounded by mountains. No people lived here, it was inhabited by various animals and birds, and everything was fine. But this time the inhabitants of the castle were threatened by an invasion of huge rats. They were going to break into the castle that night with their countless hordes.

The head goose of the flock told Nils that he must save everyone. She told him how best to do it. And when at night a flock of gray rats climbed into the castle and began to greedily absorb the grain, the pipe began to play. The rats ran as if enchanted to her magical sound. Martin, playing, led them to the lake and got into the boat. So all the rats drowned. Later Nils learned that the dwarf gave this pipe.

A holiday began on Mount Kulaberg, where all the birds and animals gathered. Nils, as a hero, was allowed to visit him with everyone. Never before had any person seen such games. True, the holiday was overshadowed by a fox attack on the pack, but he was immediately punished. The geese flew further north.

The magpie told the fox where the flock would stop for the night and he ran after them. He persuaded both the marten and the otter to attack the geese, but they were prevented by a brave little boy. The angry fox promised the main goose to leave them alone if Nils was given to him. Akka refused him. Then he inspired the crows to grab Martin, and they would have succeeded if not for the boy’s natural ingenuity and courage. As a result, the fox paid for his bloodthirstiness with freedom.

Their next stop was the city. The people were already asleep, but Nils wanted to take a walk. He wandered the streets until he saw a bronze statue. Nils teased her a little and went further when he suddenly heard her steps. The boy started running and ran into someone made of wood. He picked it up and put it under his hat. Later, from their conversation, Nils realized that the bronze one was the king, and the wooden one was the boatswain.

The flock continued its flight to Lapland. The boy later saved a family of bears. And just before the final destination, people grabbed Martin to kill him. Nils made his way into the house and, cutting the ropes, saved his friend. Finally the whole flock flew to the northern country. Everyone began to settle down there.

They got themselves families, chicks, and made homes. Nils met many people in the north. But now it's time to fly home. From the eagle, the boy learned a spell that could save him, but to do this, there had to be someone who wanted to trade with him.

They flew for a long time and finally, their native village. Nils saw his parents who were sad about him. Then one young gosling wanted to become as small as the boy. Nils cast a spell and everything changed. He is big again, and his parents run to him in tears.

Brons king

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Bronze monument to King Charles XI, by teasing whom Nils managed to fulfill the dwarf’s condition.

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Raven Folle-Drumle

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Greedy for silver, his old friend the fox Smirre. He kidnapped Nils so that he would open a jug of silver for him and give him a coin. Helped on the journey.

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The gnome Tibelius (in the book - a brownie), who bewitched Nils for making rude jokes and assigned him educational tasks.

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Orel, adopted son of Akki Knebekaise. For a long time I considered myself a wild goose.

In his entire life, he had never hunted near the Gray Rocks and had not even touched a single wild goose with the tip of his claws.

He told Nils a replacement spell that would help him become a human if someone agreed to become a Lilliputian for him.

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Little squirrel, son of the squirrel Sirle. Tirlez climbed onto his back before falling out of the nest.

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Leader of the rat army at Glimmingen Castle.

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A flexible bird hunter, the fox Smirre persuaded her to hunt geese. She was driven away from the flock by Nils' well-aimed stones.

Fox Smirre

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The bandit who tried to hunt Akki Knebekaise's pack is defeated by Nils.

He was expelled from the fox pack because he killed a little sparrow on Mount Kulaberg on the night of the truce and the holiday of all animals.

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A white goose that ran away from Oosa and Mats' mother's house. Because of her, Martin was almost stabbed to death. Flew with the flock of Akka Knebekaise. Became Martin's bride.

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The Holgerssons' pet goose, which flew away with the wild flock.

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The boy, Oosa's brother, found the wooden shoe Nils had lost.

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Husband of Murlila, father of Murre and Burre, head of the bear family. He wanted to eat Nils because he was a man; he released him when Nils saved his family from hunters.

Har Morella

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The she-bear, the mother of Brumme and Murre, caught Nils and gave him to her children as a toy.

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The bear cub is one of the two sons of Murlila and her bear husband. Played with Nils like a doll.


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An unlucky student from the city of Uppsala. unsociable, unnoticed, trouble followed him and never let him go. He hid from people, and no one was friends with him.

He wrote an amazing manuscript about the history of the city of Uppsala and gave it to Lucky to read.

Nils Holgersson

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A fourteen-year-old hooligan peasant son who played a joke on a brownie (gnome), for which he was reduced by him and left in this state until three conditions were met.

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The girl, Mats's sister, found the wooden shoe Nils had lost.

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The squirrel's son, Sirle, pushed his brother Dirle, and because of this, Tirle fell off Dirle's back and fell out of the nest.


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The wooden figure of bosun Rosenbom helped Nils fulfill one of the gnome's conditions (in the cartoon)

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Belka, the mother of the baby squirrel rescued by Nils, helped find the gnome.

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A chatty magpie, familiar to Sirle the squirrel, led Nils into the thicket, and then decided that he had stolen Sirle’s baby squirrel.

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The restless son of the squirrel Sirle. Fell out of the hollow. Was saved by Nils.

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A lucky student from Uppsala. Luck became such a strong friend of his that it never left him, no matter what he planned, no matter what business he took on. So he was always cheerful, always happy, friendly with everyone. That's why everyone loved him. The examiners did not skimp on giving him A's, his comrades doted on him, and he had an easier life in the world.

I lost Loser’s manuscript, and lied to him for a long time that I didn’t have time to read it, so as not to admit the loss.

I was ready to replace Nils and become tiny, because I felt like the most unhappy person in the world.

Uggla Flimnea

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The intelligent inhabitant of Glimmingen Castle helped decipher the entries in the book and helped Nils on his journey.

Frou Holgersson

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Nils' mother.

Holger Nielsen

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Peasant, father of Nils.

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The capricious eldest son of Martin and Martha. He was lazy and wanted to become tiny like Nils so that he wouldn’t have to fly. In the book, it was Uxie who replaced Nils, and he was able to regain his human size.

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#real #animal_world

Aliens or...?

They often say about Sphynxes that they came from another planet, because the appearance of cats of these breeds is painfully unique: a bald skull and huge eyes. Everything is according to the canons, so to speak, only green skin is missing, but who among you can guarantee that this is not foundation?

Despite their popularity among the civilian population (this was the plan for the capture), no one really knows anything about the sphinxes. Even that there are five breeds of sphinxes themselves. And that sphinxes are not always naked. And that they are not at all the same as in static pictures on the Internet. I'm writing this article because Chicken is holding a knife to my throat and telling me that more people need to know how wonderful and wonderful this breed really is!

So, while the majority is inclined to believe that sphinxes are aliens, I argue that inside our little worm lives and lives at least one, or even two, of the seven great Demons of the Deadly Sins. This is roughly how artists should actually depict Greed and Gluttony:

I close my eyes and see, as if in reality, how a small bald grinning face crawls out from the very depths of Hell to devour people’s hearts and everything that it meets on its way. Otherwise, I cannot explain this cat’s devilish appetites for everything from food to games. Can your cat run after bells for 54 minutes without stopping, and then persistently demand more?

Sphinxes (any kind) are generally for people who are not afraid of difficulties. And for those like us, who naively believed that these were energy-saving animals that hung out on the battery all day. So, they hang out in one place for about 10 minutes at most. And in general, the inhabitants of the depths of hell do not need sleep, they simply pretend so as not to arouse suspicion for the time being. The chicken sleeps about 2-3 hours a day when I'm at home. And especially after I’ve spoiled her with games (an hour and a half). For another 2 hours a day (in 10-minute bursts) she can simply lie with her eyes closed. The rest of the time there is active activity in the house. I’m starting to suspect that a hadron collider is being built in the dressing room, because it’s very suspiciously rustling there quite often.

When purchasing a sphinx, be prepared that it will live on any more or less horizontal or inclined surface in your home. Possessing the grace of a potato in everyday life, the Sphynx manages to balance while hanging from a curtain with one claw, standing with one foot on your TV, etc. If the sphinx is theoretically able to reach your stretch ceiling... congratulations, you don't have a stretch ceiling.

To keep a Sphynx at home, you must be the life of the party. Because you now have the company for life. Would you like some tea? His tail is already in your mug. Have you decided to read a book? You shouldn't have decided that. Locked in the toilet? Or will stand as if someone was killed and grandmothers from all over the yard have come to lament piteously at your door. Did you open the door to the toilet? Now the sphinx importantly inspects the surroundings from your head. Do you think I'm exaggerating?

In general, if you are not a fan of long heart-to-heart conversations, the Sphinx is not for you. They love to talk. A lot, loudly, with feeling, trying in every possible way to explain to you what they want right now. After a week, you begin to distinguish between three types of MRAU. After a month, your vocabulary includes at least ten phrases in cat. After two months, you are able to conduct a constructive dialogue.

They will talk to you for any reason, from “let me eat”, ending with “I’m tired” and “let’s go and show you what”. Sometimes you get the impression that the sphinx does not speak human language solely for physiological reasons, and if not for this, you would learn a lot of new things about yourself.

Sphinxes cannot be denied intelligence at all. Not only are the creatures of hell or aliens poorly acquainted with our reality, and they need to study everything thoroughly, for example, turning over bottles of water and trying to get into the toilet... But they are also very smart. Sphinxes are great at remembering commands, so theoretically you could have a trained demon. The ability to build logical chains and draw conclusions cannot be denied to them either. Do something once, and the Sphynx will remember it for life. Which, by the way, unlike many cats, does not always have negative consequences. For example, various care procedures can be done over time without fixing them in a blanket.

The chicken is able to distinguish between the types of our clothes, can turn on the lights with a remote control (for the fourth day in a row I woke up to the fact that the house was suspiciously light), scroll through the Instagram feed, turn off devices it does not like, stop videos on YouTube, bring toys and calculate the weak points of the human body ( They wake me up with a bite in the nostril).

Oh, by the way! They are erect. Sphynxes love to sit like gophers on their hind legs, but even more they love to stand and walk on their hind legs. If we saw the gopher's stance for the first time in 2 months, then here are examples of upright walking before our eyes every day. Has anyone been looking for a lost branch of evolution? I found.

If all of the above suits you and doesn’t scare you, then here are some really unpleasant facts about sphinxes.

1) Sphynxes need to be bathed. Moreover, unlike other cats, they tolerate this procedure better. Some are even avid swimmers. Sphynxes need to be bathed once every 1-2 months, depending on the degree of skin contamination. And after swimming, be sure to dry it with a towel so as not to catch a cold. Get your shampoo and terry towels ready!

2) Sphynxes need to clean their ears and eyes regularly. How come you've never done this with a regular cat? And now you will do it every 3 days! Due to the lack of hair and eyelashes, Sphynx cats develop a brown coating on their ears and eyes, which must be cleaned off regularly using special cat lotions.

3) You need to monitor the diet of sphinxes. On the one hand, it is better to give them more food than ordinary cats, because they spend a very large amount of energy on developing plans to take over the world by heating their bodies. On the other hand, they are prone to obesity, which, of course, is good for exhibition, but bad for their general condition.

4) Sphynx cats have pimples and blackheads. Due to the fact that the skin sweats and there is no protection from dirt, sphinxes are susceptible to such unpleasant things. The tail is especially often covered with black dots. Acne must be removed strictly by a veterinarian. As you get older, your skin will still get dirty one way or another.

5) Sphynxes are allergic and require a lot of attention to their diet. Food for them should be purchased at least of super-premium quality and carefully monitor how often the animal itches, whether rashes suddenly appear on the skin, etc.

And sphinxes are not bald. And you can even make them hairy yourself.
They are born either naked or hairy. Hollowborns have rubbery skin and are considered the best of the litter. Others go completely bald by age 2. But there are also sphinxes with a velor cover; they remain velvety all their lives. And with a brush cover that looks more like grandma's old blanket.
And if you want to experiment, you can feed your naked demon vitamins with biotin, and it will very soon grow into thin, soft fur.

If all of the above does not scare you away, then it’s time to learn about the types of aliens.

1. Canadian Sphynx

He came to this mortal earth first. He became the key and portal for all other demons to enter.

Being the first, the Canadian Sphynxes have the most pronounced alien appearance. They have a small head, huge, wide-set eyes and low-set ears. They are never completely naked, always covered with barely noticeable fluff, especially on the face. The Canadian Sphynx is easily distinguished by its excessive wrinkling. They are wrinkled literally everywhere, but especially on the head, they look like an old grumpy grandmother.

2. Don Sphynx

The Don Sphynx took into account all the mistakes of its ancestor and chose a less pronounced appearance. And he hasn’t started landing in Canada yet. They are not so wrinkled, there are folds only on the forehead, groin and armpits. Very often they are born naked and with their eyes already open. They often have incredible blue eyes in which you drown and submit to the will of the great mind.

3. Elves

If you've always dreamed of Dobby crawling away, here's your chance.
In general, the elves were called upon to become a strike force that would finally and irrevocably enslave the earthlings by force of arms and unbending will... but upon landing they were crushed by a ship, and what happened was what happened...

Actually, they were called elves for the unusual shape of their ears.

4. Peterbalds

The product of an evil genius who decided that crossing an Oriental and a Sphynx would be a great idea. This is how naked orientals were born: twice as active, sociable and clingy as an ordinary sphinx. An improved model designed to wreak havoc and horror in your one-room apartment. Recommended for use as a weapon of mass destruction.

5. Bambino

Understated Sphinx. He lives a short life and suffers from a lot of illnesses. The product of an evil NEGENIUS who decided it was funny. Highly not recommended for purchase.

All of these breeds are actually variants of the same one, resulting from crossbreeding. They can be knitted with each other, but it is better not to show the results to anyone.

And finally, I'll smash a few into smithereens myths about sphinxes:

1. They are always cold

The cold is not about the Sphinx. Yes, they love to bask in the warmth, yes they love to hang out on the radiator, yes, they need more food to fuel the hellish fire inside... But they don’t need clothes to keep warm. They feel great at room temperature and can even walk outside in winter (but in clothes, of course). Sphinxes are dressed in T-shirts and sweaters in apartments purely for aesthetic reasons.

2. They get everything dirty with sweat.

If your Sphynx is overgrown with scabs because you haven’t bathed him once in a year, then this is no longer his problem. A Sphynx with normal skin secretion, which is washed once every month or two, will not stain anything. Their skin is not oily to the touch, it is no different from the skin of a clean child. And they don't smell like anything other than the actual smell of leather if you bury your face directly into it.

3. Sphynxes don’t itch or play with each other.

They itch and play, and suddenly at home you have a nightstand filled with chlorhexidine.

4. Sphinxes are evil and merciless

Yes, I am often asked this. In fact, Sphynx cats are the kindest and most sociable cats in the world. They get along with both people and other animals. They are extremely human-oriented and simply cannot live without human communication. If the sphinx does not lie on you for at least three hours a day, your life has been in vain. They only look like grumpy grandmothers, but in fact these little demons are the very embodiment of love.

I would never have thought that this book was intended as a geography textbook. Yes Yes! "" Selma Lagerlöf wrote for schoolchildren to teach about the geography and history of Sweden. Written on the basis of folk tales and legends, the book told about very serious things - the historical and cultural traditions of Sweden.

Fairy Tale Selma Lagerlöf« The wonderful journey of Nils with geese"one of the most read and revered books of Scandinavian writers. The book received wide acclaim throughout the world. Written in 1906-1907, it was translated into Russian in Russia and first published in 1908. But she began to gain ardent fans only in 1940, when Z.M. Zadunayskaya and A.I. Lyubarskaya retold it in a more free version, for children. In their treatment of the book Selma Lagerlöf « The Wonderful Journey of Nils Holgersson in Sweden” was significantly shortened, simplifying the storyline and historical details. They turned a Swedish geography textbook into a good, instructive story, a simple fairy tale.

There lived a mischievous and mischievous boy, Nils, in a small Swedish village. He teased geese, shot sparrows with a slingshot, destroyed birds' nests, threw stones at cows, painfully pulled the cat's tail, and got away with all his pranks. But the cruel joke on the forest gnome was not in vain for Nils. The gnome did not allow himself to be offended and bewitched the mischievous man, making him a little man, his sprout from the gnome. Let him feel what it’s like to be so small and defenseless! That’s when Nils got his nuts from both the sparrows and the cat. At this time, a flock of wild geese flew past, with their ridicule they lured the pet gander Martin from the yard with them to Lapland. Nils grabbed the goose and flew away. On the very first night, Nils saved a goose from the flock from a fox. In gratitude, the geese allowed the little man and the domestic goose to fly with them. And so began the wonderful journey of Nils Holgerson from Västmenhög with wild geese. But not just a trip, but real adventures. Nils helped the inhabitants of the ancient castle get rid of the raid of gray rats, saved a family of bears from hunters, and returned to the squirrel a baby squirrel that had fallen from the nest. During the trip I made friends with many animals and birds. Nils also found out how to remove the curse placed on him. Only when he became little did Nils realize how much trouble and insult he caused with his pranks. Together with Martin and his family, Nils returned home to his parents as a real man. Having lifted the gnome's spell from himself, he began to live his former human life, but he never again offended animals and birds, and respected his parents. He also became the best student in the class, because during the trip he learned so much about the history, culture and geography of his homeland. Just think, this book is 105 years old, but today it is more relevant than ever. The value of this fairy-tale story is that Nils, from a mischievous boy, becomes a kind and caring boy who knows how to empathize. This tale is about kindness, mutual assistance and friendship.

A very interesting and educational tale by a famous Scandinavian writer Selma Lagerlöf, Nobel Prize winner, the first woman to be an honorary member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Which, moreover, is considered the pinnacle of her literary work.

In 1955, based on the fairy tale " Nils' Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese» Selma Lagerlöf The cartoon “The Enchanted Boy” was created at the Soyuzmultfilm studio.

Interesting and informative reading for you!

Selma Lagerlöf fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"

  1. Nils, a 12-year-old boy, at the beginning of the story is a mischievous and hooligan whom no one liked. In the end he becomes sympathetic and kind. During his travels he helps birds and animals and everyone loves and praises him.
  2. Goose Martin was a pet, but he flew to Lapland, found a bride, returned home and had goslings
  3. Akka, the leader of the flock of geese. Fair and strict, but kind and sympathetic. When he gets to know Nils better, he tries to help him in everything
  4. Fox Smirre, cunning and cruel, envious, treacherous, vindictive, chained
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"
  1. Caught Gnome
  2. Nils is getting small
  3. Flying with Martin
  4. Fox Smirre
  5. Nils and the little squirrel
  6. Nils and the rats
  7. Holiday
  8. Banishing the Fox
  9. Smirre is chasing geese
  10. Crows and jug
  11. Smirra on a chain
  12. Bronze king and wooden boatswain
  13. Strange city underwater
  14. Nils in the den
  15. Nils saves the bears
  16. shoe
  17. Martin in captivity
  18. Martin met Marta
  19. In Lapland
  20. Gorgo and the Secret of the Owls
  21. The way back
  22. Lucky Man and the Manuscript
  23. Home Sweet Home
  24. Gosling Yuxie
  25. Farewell to Akka

The shortest summary of the fairy tale “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences

  1. Nils catches the gnome and becomes small, he flies away with Martin, the white goose
  2. Nils saves a goose from a fox and is accepted into the flock
  3. Nils helps the squirrel find the baby squirrel. chases away rats, chains a fox and saves bears.
  4. Nils ends up in Lapland, and Martin the goose finds a bride and has goslings.
  5. Nils learns how to become human, but helps Lucky to return the manuscript.
  6. Nils returns home and casts a spell over the capricious gosling Uxie, he becomes a boy and his parents are happy.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"
Life is beautiful and amazing, like the world around us, but it is given for good deeds.

What does the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese" teach us?
This fairy tale teaches you to be kind and honest. Teaches you to sacrifice your interests for the sake of your friends, teaches you not to be afraid of enemies and to find a way out of difficult situations. This fairy tale teaches us responsiveness, courage, and selflessness. Teaches to love nature, teaches that every living creature in the world has the right to happiness.

Review of the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"
This is a very beautiful and interesting fairy tale, in which the boy Nils has many dangerous and exciting adventures. From a mischievous and hooligan, Nils becomes a kind and honest boy, always ready to help a friend. He grows up and understands that the world is beautiful, and a person should take care of and protect it. I really liked this fairy tale and I didn’t regret reading it at all.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"
Life is given for good deeds.
Live for people, people will live for you.
Anyone who has not encountered difficulties in life will not become a real person.
Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese” chapter by chapter
1. Forest gnome.
In a Swedish village there lived a boy, Nils, a great prankster and mischief-maker. When he was 12 years old, his father and mother went to the fair, and Nils was ordered to study his homework.
Nils read a book for a while and fell asleep. And when I woke up I saw an open chest lid and a small gnome. Nils caught the gnome in a net and he began to ask to let him go, promising a gold coin. Nils decided that this was not enough, but suddenly he received a slap on the wrist and dropped the net.
The room suddenly became very large, and he, Nils, became the size of a sparrow.
Nils goes out into the yard and the chickens start nibbling on him. The cat also refused to help him and almost ate him.
At this time, wild geese flew past and invited the domestic geese to come with them to Lapland. Goose Martin was about to fly, Nils clung to him and ended up in the air.
2. Riding a goose.
Nils was afraid of falling, but soon got used to flying on a goose. He began to ask Martin to turn home, but he threatened to throw Nils off.
Soon Martin began to get tired, but Akka, the leader of the swans, did not stop. Martin began to fall and got caught in a willow. On it he rested and with new strength flew after the wild geese. Martin caught up with the pack.
The geese landed by the lake, but Martin was too tired to walk to the water. Nils reached him and Martin, drunk, came to his senses. He brought Nils a crucian carp and thanked him for his help.
Akka questioned Martin and allowed him to fly with the wild geese, she liked the goose’s courage. But she demanded that Nils not be there.
Martin decided to carry Nils secretly.
3. Night thief.
At night, the fox Smirre crept up to the geese and dragged away one goose. Nils rushed after him and grabbed the fox by the tail. Smirre released the goose and wanted to take it out on Nils. Nils climbed a tree and laughed at the fox from there. The geese began to tease the fox, and he, trying to catch them, became completely exhausted. Martin took Nils out of the tree and the geese flew on.
4. New friends and new enemies
Nils flew with the geese. He had to eat nuts, and once he was attacked by ants. The ants bit Nils badly and he fell ill. Martin and Akka looked after him.
One day Martin brought Nils some nuts from the squirrel Sirle, Nils decided to go to the squirrel and thank her. The magpie wanted to show Nils the way, but it led him into a thicket and flew away.
Nils finds a squirrel's nest and learns that one baby squirrel is missing. Nils finds the baby squirrel and returns it to Sirla. Forest birds praise him.
5. Magic pipe
A flock of geese lands near a stream near Glimmengen Castle. The stork Ermenrich comes to visit the geese. The stork talks about the rats that are attacking the castle. Nils agrees to help and flies with the stork and Akka.
The rats surrounded the castle, but Nils played the pipe and led the rats into the water. The magic pipe, which all animals obey, was brought by an owl, to whom a forest gnome gave it.
Nils was known as a fearless rat conqueror.
6. Holiday on Mount Kulaberg
Nils is taken to a festival of birds and animals, which not a single person has attended. Birds flew in whole clouds. Among the animals was the fox Smirre, who wanted to catch the wild goose of their flock, but the sparrow warned the geese. Smirre killed a sparrow and was judged by all the animals and birds. Smirre was expelled from the pack and the tip of his ear was bitten off.
Nils hears the owls talking and learns that there is a way to become human
7. Chase.
Geese fly north in the rain. The fox Smirre follows the geese. One day he persuades the marten to attack the geese, but the geese fly away, and the marten says that a white goose threw a stone at her. Again Smirre catches up with the geese and persuades the otter, but the otter returns with a thorn in its paw.
Smirre demands that Nils be given to him, but Akka refuses, and the fox promises to pursue the pack to the end.
8. Crows from Robber Mountain
Smirre meets old friends - crows who cannot open the jug. Smirre says that there is silver in the jug and invites the crows to kidnap Nils.
The crows kidnap Nils, but Nils manages to shout to the starlings that he was dragged away by the crows.
Nils opens a jug of coins to the crows and the chieftain of the crows, Fumle-Drumle, takes it to the village so that it does not end up with Smirra.
Nils hides from the fox under the feet of the peasants, who kick the fox, mistaking him for a dog. then Nils hides in the doghouse. The dog knocks Smirre down and Nils puts a collar on the fox.
The geese fly in and laugh when they learn that Nils has put the fox on a chain.
9. Bronze and wood.
The geese stopped for the night in the city. Nils wants to look at people. Nils teases the bronze statue and it follows him. Nils runs away from the bronze man and sees a wooden man. Nils gives the wooden man a coin and he hides Nils in his hat.
The bronze one turns out to be the king and tells the wooden boatswain to follow him. They go to the shipyard and salute the old ship by removing their hats. The bronze one sees Nils and breaks the wooden one in rage.
Nils makes a wooden monument and returns to the geese.
10. Underwater city
Geese were flying over the sea. The geese wait out the storm on the waves and almost get caught by the seals.
Nils throws a coin into the sea, but it falls on the sand. Nils runs for the coin and ends up in the city. All residents of the city looked at the tower clock. The merchants bring Nils a variety of goods and ask only for one coin. Nils remembers that the coin was left on the shore, runs to it and the city disappears.
Nils is found by geese. Akka tells the story of a city whose inhabitants were very greedy and sank all the ships so as not to show the way to their city. For this, the sea king was angry with them and flooded the city. Once a century the city floats up for an hour, and if some stranger enters the city and buys something, the curse will subside.
11. In the bear's den
Nils fell from Martin and fell into the bear's den. The cubs are playing with Nils and completely tormenting him. Then they go to bed and Nils also falls asleep. At night a bear comes and wants to eat a man, but the she-bear stands up for Nils.
When the bears fall asleep, Nils runs away. He meets the hunters and finds out that they are going to the den. Nils returns and warns the bears. The bear takes his family away and, having learned that Nils is the one traveling with the geese, decides to help him. He calls the raven Fumle-Drumle, and he takes Nils to the wild geese.
12. Captivity
Nils's shoe falls and he and Martin go down to get it. But the shoe is found by Oosa and Mats, a boy and a girl. They decide to try the shoe on their cat. Martin snatches the shoe, but Mats catches Martin and calls him Marty.
The hostess sees that it is someone else's goose and carries it into the house. Nils enters the house and cuts the ropes. Martin runs away, but the owner grabs him. Nils stabbed the hostess with a knife and she let Martin go in amazement.
13. Goose Country
Martin and Nils stop to rest and Nils meets the goose Martha. Martin and Nils invite Marta to fly with them. They catch up with the flock and find themselves in Lapland. Akka greets Nils, who tells him about the bride for Martin.
More and more geese are flying around, and Nils is building himself a house with the help of swallows.
Martin and Martha give birth to goslings
14. Adopted.
Gorgo the eagle flies to the geese. He says Akki’s friends are his friends. When the eagle flies away Akka tells his story.
When Gorgo was a chick, he lost his parents and Akka fed him. Gorgo grew up with geese and considered himself a goose. But everyone around him was afraid and Akka told Gorgo the truth about his birth. Gorgo remained in Lapland.
15. The secret of owls.
Akka shows Nils Lapland, and he, seeing snow on the mountains, remembers the troll who wanted to build a house on the top of the mountain and froze.
Nils sees the plague and the locals.
Nils tells Akka about the conversation of the owls and she promises to find out the secret of how Nils can become human again.
After three, Akka calls Nils and he sees an eagle next to the goose. It turns out that the eagle flew into the castle and became friends with the owls. The eagle tells Nils how to become human and forces him to learn a spell.
16. Lucky and Loser
Geese say goodbye to Lapland and head south. Raven Fumle-Drumle tells Nils that he has found someone who wants to change places with him. He brings Nils to the young man's house.
Two students lived in Uppsala - Lucky and Loser.
The Loser brought his manuscript to the Lucky Man. the manuscript was so interesting that Lucky forgot about the exam, and when he jumped up, the wind carried away all the sheets. At the exam, Lucky received a bad mark and did not know how to tell Loser about the lost manuscript. Lucky agrees to switch places with Nils so that the birds will carry him.
Nils reads the spell but stops. He and the raven collect the manuscript and return it to Lucky.
17. At home.
Nils returns home and sees his parents sadly wondering where their son is.
Nils says goodbye to Martin. But the little gosling Yuxie does not want to fly and says that he dreams of being like Nils. Then Nils casts a spell and Uxie becomes the size of a sparrow. And Nils becomes a boy again. The parents are happy.
Nils no longer understands the geese, he goes to say goodbye to Akka. Akka hugs the boy and the geese fly away.
Nils started going to school again and now gets straight A's.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"

  1. Magical creature - gnome
  2. Fairytale transformations - Nils becomes small, and then big again.
Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"

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